LEGO VS The Most Secure Minecraft House!

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uh Rainey this house we built looks so nice you're right this looks awesome uh wait rainy did you hear that noise yeah what was that and uh wait what is that wait that looks like a big Lego brick Oh wait rainy we should go check it out oh yeah true quick let's go and wait a second test what is that noise in there I don't know but wait really I think this is a door let's try opening it and whoa it was let's go inside wait Josh these look like little Legos and wait yeah they look like little Lego characters what why are there LEGO characters outside of our house I don't know but wait Randy they're super small do you know what that means what does that mean Dash that means they're gonna grow and they're probably gonna start attacking our house oh no that means we gotta get that quick it makes some defenses yeah true let's run back over to our house and build some defenses quick well Dash we have to make our base a lot more secure but what are we even gonna add wait rainy I think I have a perfect idea of what we can add first what about a lava mode a lava mode what in the world is that oh well basically if we just go ahead and grab a little bit of lava we can go ahead and start digging a little hole all the way around our house and then fill it up with a bunch of lava wait that's so smart okay I'm gonna go ahead and do the other side Dash all right and this is gonna be perfect because all those Lego characters are made out of plastic so they're just gonna melt in the lava and come on dash I'm already almost all the way around the house you have to hurry up how are you placing this lava so much faster than I am I'm trying to catch up oh wait Dash I haven't placed the lava yet I actually have a great idea for that uh wait okay what are we gonna do okay so look instead of placing lava bug because we can do this a lot faster uh okay and how are we gonna do that so if I go ahead and get this lava dynamite and I throw it down here I don't really that's a horrible idea wait that was way too much I think I watched that and wait no Randy he's gonna spreading our house clean house oh no this isn't good quick hurry hurry but I mean at least it added a bunch of lava right yeah I mean I guess we can keep this here but wait what were you thinking throwing a lava Dynamite at our house let's go that means I can throw in another one wait I'll throw another one what are you doing oh gosh it's above the servers okay I definitely messed up this time I'm sorry Dad okay no we have to clear all of this out we're gonna run out of time those Lego guys are gonna grow quick hurry hurry help me help me and perfect everything is drained now let's just go ahead and fill it up with some lava buckets this time yeah I'm sorry about that Dash I really got carried away and perfect ready this lava mode looks super good yeah this thing is awesome there's no way they can get through now right dash yeah there's no chance but wait Randy I think I have a perfect idea for what we can build next what's the idea Dash well let me just go ahead and grab some of these things called centuries and what if we surround our entire house with these centuries wait what in the world whoa that looks so scary yep and basically what they do is whenever a mob gets close to them it's just gonna start shooting at them like look at that and what your studio Lego person Dash they're gonna get mad at us oh wait no ready you're right they're gonna get mad oh no we need to block this guy off and wait he died oh my gosh Dash what are you doing oh no I didn't mean to spawn in a Lego zombie oh gosh well quickly we gotta put up all these centuries everywhere all right quick let's just go ahead and Surround our entire house with these hurry Dash hurry and perfect this looks super good our house is so defended it is but we should definitely test it out just to make sure everything works properly oh yeah you're right we should definitely test it out but instead of testing it on another Lego zombie we don't really want to make them mad so what about one of these Zombie Pigmen oh that's a perfect idea okay go ahead and spot a few of them in dash all right here we go and oh my gosh we need the sentries are destroying them let's go this is the perfect defense yeah they're not gonna be able to get anywhere near our house and perfect they all got taken out whoa that was so awesome but wait Brittany I think the next thing we should upgrade is our house oh okay what should we upgrade our house with well I think we should definitely start by upgrading all of the wall yeah maybe we should just like super straw like obsidian oh yeah obsidian that's such a good idea then there's no way they're gonna be able to break in hey Jess I bet I can beat you around the house before you get there what no I'm a way faster obsidian Placer than you I'm definitely gonna Place faster no way watch this I'm going so fast already you're definitely gonna lose no way here we go come on come on come on I'm already in the back of the house this is perfect and wait what you're already at the back oh no I ought to catch up let's go and I did my side oh wait I forgot about the roof oh come on come on this is my chance to win come on I can catch up don't worry don't worry there's no way I'm winning this and done ready I win nope I finished before you dash no ready I saw that you forgot this block right over here wait what are you talking about you have a missing block right there what are you doing on our house oh gosh that was way too close wait Randy we both forgot to do the floor quick quick quick oh gosh hurry Dash hurry come on come on who will place faster perfect I just beat you dash you finish so quick because I'm super super fast you suck okay whatever well anyways Brittany I think the next thing we should upgrade are these doors actually oh sure what should we use for that wait Dash we completely forgot about our porch oh yeah true we did I guess let's change that next go go go quick hurry come on come on I can definitely win this I beat you again oh okay whatever well ggs wait Dash you broke my mats how tall was I supposed to put up city in there here I'll put it back again what in the world yeah perfect thanks Dash no problem well anyways now to upgrade these doors that I was talking about earlier yeah what should we do with them these are so weak yeah anyone can just break through those wooden doors but rainy I think next we should upgrade them with some scanner doors scanner doors what is that thing well basically let me just go ahead and put one over here on my side and basically it'll only open up when I look at it wait but then I can't get through Dash oh well here we go you have to place one on your side and then it'll open up for you oh wait a second that's so perfect yep and there's no way those Lego figures can get inside now but Dash our walls are still super weak I mean look at these wooden pillars oh yeah true we should definitely upgrade these and what should we even use oh wait rainy what about some polished basalts this is gonna look super cool oh wait that's perfect okay I'm gonna go ahead and do my side I'm gonna beat you around what no okay I have to win this one no shot what's this I'm going so fast come on come on I gotta place all of mine and I win oh in the front and come on on come on I'm almost done placing all of mine yes I'm already done okay whatever well I guess you're just the faster Basalt Placer but that doesn't even mean anything there you go Dash I built something for you wait is that a big L well actually rainy you built that on your own side wait what okay I'll do it the other way and rainy that is no longer an L yes it is when you look on this side okay whatever well anyways we can't keep wasting time because we have to keep building oh gosh I almost forgot okay Dash that we have all this upgraded but you better come up with a lot of good ideas what else do you have honestly those were my only ideas all the ideas that's it but Britney do you have any ideas uh let me think well we still do have a lot of space what have we built like some guard towers oh wait guard towers those are perfect we should definitely do those and we can just put all them in the four corners this should be perfect yep I'll start building some over here on my side with some purple concrete oh well if you're gonna use purple concrete I'm gonna go ahead and use pink concrete because it's obviously way better okay whatever well purple is obviously nicer but let's just leave it to the comments comment below which color you think is better and now let's just go ahead and build a platform on top of each one of our guard towers where we can put a guard yep it already made mine out of pink fences because it looks so much better either using normal fences and wait pink fence wait is there any purple fence uh I don't know Dash why don't you look and whoa there is okay I'm definitely gonna use this purple fence and wait a second Dash what Bob should we put in there I was thinking something like this little pig and uh what rainy what is this pig even gonna do to defend us this guy can't even do any damage uh yeah I kind of just had faith in them because he's pink okay whatever well Randy why don't we choose a nice purple mob such as this Ender larger who can actually do damage whoa this guy is huge what yeah this guy is super awesome and Loki's even purple maybe he has some pink in them too so I guess I'll let it slide and already we should give them names I'm gonna name mine over here Bob oh I have the perfect idea for mine okay what are you gonna name yours I'm gonna name my Steve Steve uh okay that's a pretty cool name but Bob is definitely better yeah I don't think so but whatever okay well comment below which name you think is better Steve or Bob well anyways ready what do you think we should build for the next defense and uh wait wait was that lightning that looked like lightning destiny darker oh no wait what that wait rainy I think it may have been the Lego guys wait that means we definitely have to go check up on them hurry quick go and wait Josh it says that they got a lot bigger do you hear that oh no the noises are a lot louder let's just quickly go and and wait no rainy they grew oh no dad this isn't good we must be running out of time yeah this isn't good oh no rainy we gotta go build some stronger traps since they're much bigger now let's go back to the house wait a second dad did you see these signs and uh wait there's signs wait what signs are you talking about and wait what are these it says you have 10 minutes before we escape the lane figures wait what we only have 10 minutes left oh no already we have to build some stronger defenses quick Dash road back hurry hurry that's we only have 10 minutes left what are we gonna do well rainy I think I actually have a great idea for what we can build next what about some Fireball cannons some Fireball cannons wait that's a great idea yeah and I think we should build them on the roof of our house so let's just go inside over here and grab some ladders oh perfect I'm gonna put some over my bed all right and I'll put some over here on my bed so that we can get on the roof and now rainy right over here on our roof we can go ahead and put down a bunch of dispensers which we can use to shoot Fireballs from here you go oh perfect this is gonna be so great yep and let's actually build two rows of them for double the Firepower and wait a second I wonder where we show you something that's not Fireballs like something super cool wait a minute Rin you what about dynamite oh we should definitely use some type of dynamite yep so we can have some dynamite in the bottom dispensers and then some fireballs and the top ones let's go this is gonna be so strong but before we start putting everything in the dispensers let's go ahead and connect them them all with some Redstone ooh red so that's so fancy yep so first thing we have to do is put some blocks over here just like this and then we can connect them all with some Redstone whoa this is gonna be so overpowered yep and then we can also go ahead and put two buttons over here and whenever we hit one of the buttons it'll fire all of the dispensers and wait a second Dash I actually have a great idea okay what are you thinking what I'm gonna do is go ahead and make both the buttons big just so they look nice uh Randy that is a horrible idea of course we need to go ahead and use purple buttons on these wait are there even purple buttons in this Dash yeah of course and don't you know if we use purple buttons then the dispensers are gonna shoot further that's not true how about you just take that purple on your side I'll use pink on mine okay whatever well you'll see mine are gonna shoot way farther when it's time to fight we'll see about that well anyways now let's go ahead and grab some fireballs and which Dynamite should we put in the bottom ones and wait a second Dash what do we use this thing called an arrow Dynamite wait aerodynamic what does that do look quick come over here and I'll show you okay so over here every spot a bunch of pigments just like this and then we throw in the arrow tiny by they'll all get hit by arrows whoa that is actually so useful it shot so many arrows out yes this thing is awesome and it's definitely gonna do a bunch of damage where the time is right yeah and then we can fill up the top round with fireballs and they'll be super awesome but let's go ahead and do that now and perfect now that all of the dispensers are filled up why don't we go ahead and take it for a little test bin oh true this is gonna be awesome all right let's hit the buttons at the same time here we go three two one fire whoa look at all those arrows and oh my gosh many thousand see look at all these arrows look how far they went there everywhere yeah look they even hit some of these trees over here and oh my gosh those ones insanely far that is so cool and it's definitely gonna help protect us oh wait Randy did you see any Fireballs go off there oh actually I didn't no oh well I think we actually have to fix that I'm pretty sure we can just put some Redstone over here and it should fix it ah Perfect all right and now that there's redstone on top of the dispensers let's do another test Tire let's hit the buttons in three two one fire and one oh look at that guys that was so perfect and oh wait rainy there's fire on the Lego bricks I think we may have angered the Lego characters oh who cares we want the challenge of defeating them oh yeah true but they're probably gonna be super angry now so we need to build some more defenses and wait a second test speaking of the Lego characters I actually have a perfect idea to help stop them okay what is it we're gonna place these things called mines all the way around the field oh that is so cool but wait a minute what do these things do and wait wait it just exploded I just told you it was a mine why would you walk into it oh well I was trying to mine it I thought it was gonna give me diamonds you know because like mine mining diamonds oh my gosh you are so dumb Dash help me clean this up okay whatever well hopefully the Lego characters didn't hear that but yeah we should definitely put a bunch of those around here and perfect rainy these mines look super good let's go I really doubt they're gonna be able to get to our house Dash yeah there's no way okay Dash now we have all of this I actually have another great idea okay what is it so what we could do is go ahead and place down some redstone blocks like this and put lasers on top and oh yeah ready that is such a good idea there's no way the Lego guys can get through these lasers yep it'll make them even stronger I'm gonna throw in this mode upgrade here and make these things called beams whoa what the heck this laser looks much stronger than the other one so Dash let's go ahead and place all these all the way around our build all right but wait Randy we shouldn't put some over here because we need a way to actually get across oh wait try to even think about that yeah so let's just leave this area open and then we can put lasers everywhere else perfect and perfect these lasers are looking super good there's no way the Lego guys are getting across but what did they do Dash that'd be really bad oh yeah true that would be bad but wait rainy we should build an Armory room wait that's a great idea and we already have the top of our house where we can start building it oh yeah we can build it up here and I'm gonna go ahead and cover buy-sided with pink but it's just so we know it's my side all right and I'll make my side out of purple awesome and now what we can do is add in a few different dispenses where all of our gear is gonna be along with an armor stand oh perfect all right I'll put some dispensers on this side and I'll go ahead and throw in some armor stick is just like that and that's perfect but wait Randy which armor are you gonna go for I think I'm gonna go with this queen scale Aubry because it has some pink in it okay I think I'm gonna go with this amethyst armor because it has a lot of purple whoa let me see I bet that sounds so cool whoa that's awesome Yep those Lego guys are going down but now we need stuff for our dispensers Dash what should we get well what about in this first one we can put a weapon and then in the second one we can put some golden apples and then in the third one we can put a shield oh wait that's a great idea okay I'm gonna grab all of my stuff all right I'll do the same okay Dad I filled up all of my dispensers what type of weapon did you get already I got this dark matter ray gun and look at how cool this thing is whoa that's so cool yeah this thing is insane but wait what type of weapon did you get I got a laser rifle and just look at this thing with your laser rifle and my dark matter gun there is no way we're losing this and now let's just go ahead and put these in each one of our dispensers and then we can connect pressure plates to them perfect and uh wait rainy did you see that and wait why isn't so dark oh no Destinies they're gonna come out soon wait what it's already been 10 minutes oh no wait we should go check on them again okay quick hurry jump okay Jasper make sure to be super careful because we do have a Minefield over here oh yeah we don't want to accidentally step on any of the mines and uh wait rainy do you hear that I think it got louder what in the world do I ever want to open the door yeah we have to check it out let's go and oh my gosh Dash they're huge the world wait they're literally taller than us even the baby zombie over there your time is up we're coming you in 60 seconds and oh wait rainy did they just talk what wait they said six things quick we have to run back and make something go go go okay ready wait we should all we should all build some type of escape room just in case we can overrun oh yeah Randy that is a perfect idea okay let's build this up a little bit and then I'll grab some ladders just to make sure we can make it up there all right I'll start building the runway quick hurry we only had like 60 seconds so they might come out at any second quick we gotta go really fast and wait rainy the planes can only fit one person so let's build two runways okay I'm gonna go ahead and grab the planes while you do that all right come on come on quick and perfect there we go the runway is now done okay I'm gonna go ahead and throw the plays just like that and uh wait Randy you don't put the planes at the end of the runway we need sometimes he gets speed let's quickly go ahead and move them at the beginning oh God quick pick them up pick them up and throw them and wait rainy if we're actually gonna be using these planes to escape then we should have some sort of self-destruct button for the house oh that's true okay we should go ahead and put that at the front just so we can hit it on the way out oh yeah great idea and perfect I'll go ahead and put these command blocks on each side which are gonna blow up the house and whoever Leaves last can hit the panic button on top of them perfect this is gonna be so clutch actually the Lego started to break apart oh no really I think they're freaking out quick let's activate the fireball Cannon quick go ahead and shoot it three two one fire and Perfect Look the arrows are doing good but wait Brittany I don't think any of them died oh gosh they hit the mines though oh no that's something good quick I'm gonna start firing at them with my black matter gun oh my gosh that's look how many there are oh no this isn't good quick let's just keep firing the kittens oh gosh this isn't good come on come on and whoa there's so many arrows oh my God and wait pretty I don't think it's helping look at how many there are and wait are they keep spawning in more of themselves wait they're just running across the lava now what is this oh no good quick let's go inside oh Dash they're breaching the front gate and oh no rainy they're right in front of our house how did they get here I have no idea Jess this isn't good what are we gonna do oh no really I'm not sure and there's so big oh no quick get back up here Dad oh no quick wait and wait rainy baby I can lure them into the lava come on if I just go over here hopefully they'll follow me in hey oh no I fell down too and oh no pretty I think it actually worked a lot of them are gone but now let's quickly get back up on the roof and wait ready look I got one of the skeletons bows I'm gonna start using this against them let's go but wait they're breaking through our gate stash oh no not again come on come on here we go here we go he's gotta start shooting at all of them and let's go we're actually doing some damage and oh no rainy look they took out all of our guards oh no this is really bad wait there's so many at the gates Ash what are we gonna do I don't even know how much longer we can hold this ready we might have to escape I think so too they already took out all of our guards and we can definitely not hold these guys oh they're doing so much damage I'm just gonna eat it and it's just it's super Golden Apple really quick cash I'm running to the plane I don't want to bite them anymore yeah same I'm coming up okay I'm hopping in my plane and dash I'm taking off you can hit the button all right I'm just gonna hit it and quickly hop into the plane and uh wait wait what's that noise I have no idea what is that noise Dash I don't know but wait he has against the TNT oh no and wait I think it's coming from the sky and oh my gosh Rainey look at all of this damage that has been my game is lagging so hard oh no I think that people took out all the Legos Dash oh yeah it does look there's no more Lego characters anymore let's go but I think we're definitely gonna have to move a house is everything got destroyed yeah our house kind of got deleted if you enjoyed that video make sure to hit like And subscribe and click on one of the videos on the screen if you want to watch more
Channel: Dash
Views: 72,480
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dash, rainey, dash and rainey, rainey and dash, dash minecraft, dash and rainey minecraft, minecraft, minecraft build challenge, family friendly, no cursing, no cussing, no bad words, cash, nico, cash and nico, minecraft mods, minecraft funny, maizen, sunny, sunny and melon, jamesy, jamesy minecraft, omz, LEGO VS The Most Secure Minecraft House!
Id: 5FWizH5vZ7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 57sec (1137 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 13 2023
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