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today in Roblox we unlocked Spider-Man's super powers to escape from the police girl prison run Obby we have the ability to sling webs and the ability to transform into spiders comment what superhero you would become in Roblox let's get coded my precious prisoners oh Sonny why is she a Grimace bro that is so weird it looks like she's wearing a Halloween mask that is creepy yeah dude I don't like that let's get out of here eat the cake grab the spoon and dig I'm right behind you get into the volcano also melon today we have super powers we have the ability to turn into a spider and Spiderman yo check this out Spiderman skip yo I just skipped like the next four levels wait are you kidding me no way yep and then I'll press this button eject these pipes and land it that's not working so good great for me I almost died that was dangerous oh no I think you can't really skip levels in this hobby really melon you're telling me you can't cheese it like you always do with cheat no you can and I am gonna cheese it dang you melon slow down I'm trying to keep up bro why is she staring at photos of me that's so creepy no those are photos of me bro she's into me oh dude I hope so I'd rather her be into you but not me ah it's Grimace oh no Grimace is trying to shake us she got me she got me oh Sonny I'm crawling my way out of here yeah oh I missed it I missed it that was a mistake uh Spider-Man did you open the vent already yeah bro okay dude slow down you're too goaded and then I do this and then I line up the spider jump wait why'd it go down so fast no oh that was rigged and you there it's okay you know what else is rigged uh uh using the spider Blaster oh yeah it is I would thought you were gonna say pressing that subscribe button it's pretty open oh I got caught yeah if you guys don't want to get caught by police girl or any of these Obby characters just press the Subscribe button to our Channel we're pretty much the Obby goats well at least I am so you'll learn all the secret tricks here yo she is just chilling on this level Sunny using my detective skills that I can piece together that we need to get into this vent the only way we could do that is by placing obstacles I think I have another way in it's not working very well please stop destroying my chair it worked it worked just fine for me put the plank pick it back up oh melon that was so easy come on now oh my gosh I'm going crazy oh watch out don't jump on the laser beam you gotta open these up carefully you gotta open this one up Shawnee ah bro you you snow why is she the man's bathroom it's not the man's bathroom it's just the normal bathroom that everyone can go in the bathroom ah Sonny you killed me again nope you did it to yourself one day you'll be as goaded as me not today though if I beat Mel in there press the like button I pretty much won I'm literally here before you here no no no no no I won press the like button you guys should press the like button regardless but I definitely won yo did you just spider between each prison cell maybe maybe not that looks so goofy whoa I have no arms melon look at this I'm a two-armed spider on my screen you have all eight of your arms bro I'm just crawling like a weirdo on my screen open sesame give me the key melon I'll wait for you so we can take the train ride together hold on hold on and I'm here let's do it zoom in big Zoom wait spider Zoom what did you do Sonny I tried to cheese but it didn't work thankfully oh well you see this drawing of police girl she's creepy bro yeah she's got so many allies like look at this one with the little go-kart yeah I don't like her I need to crawl out of here Sonny what are you doing move and you got me killed thanks a lot bro that was on you come on how was that my fault that you don't move and you're so fat bro I was just waiting for you and then you crashed into me whatever Sonny I don't feel like having this argument right now I'm zooming bro are you really filming right now oh I am absolutely zooming can't keep up with this type of hate bruh anime run oh if you spider in here you go flying so fast yo you're right I'm zooming now uh this is bad not this lady not this lady feeder please get fat and destroy yourself oh that was close oh no no no no please get fat no yeah she's actually so strong she is pretty quick no matter how thick she gets although I fed her so much that she popped die die please die please your melon will help Sunny stop stop stop stop stop stop come on come on she's so low yes you did it now hurry up and get over here I got the green key with the green peas shooting that PP police dude you're chill that was us chill chill sorry sorry sorry I'm out oh that was oh that was a skirt and then I need to boost this one so I don't die yep there we go and hit it hit it with the girls all right melon I've left you in the dust officially ear Noob yeah I'm very far behind I died on the first thing like eight times what how I don't want to talk about it all right zoom in oh I overshot okay I need to be a little more precise here with my skills my driving skills like this Zoom it yes yes now I'm going crazy now I'm going real crazy I've made it melon to the promised land oh wait you were ahead of me that whole time yes and I caught up I went crazy at the end oh well I just went super crazy yo why are you gonna cheat anything Johnny I didn't choose it I'm just more skilled and tactical than you because it's Spider-Man gameplay bro you gotta use your spider web Sonny have you finally figured out how to drop the bucket you don't press X you click with the bucket I don't like this one do it destroyed it Sonny I don't understand how we played this hobby like eight times and seven of the eight times you've messed it up I don't get it melon it's not easy look you could have been trapped in here like Flamingo and Cletus and all these other boys but instead we're the ghosts yep instead we made it out hear me knock you off for this really quick let me uh not do that and splash hey melon do you have an extra Green Key no what you're a scrub then why would you have that it's so silly green key for Life bro the key to success is to go fast wait I didn't get any oh no I didn't get the Boost oh I'm going super fast I combined my spider speed with the speed boost and I'm going Mark eight I hope I don't need ah yo I just bounced off the ceiling yeah I'm going actually crazy right now this is insane no style whoa oh I just dodged it all with the Spider-Man hand that was actually nuts place this and jump up and then suddenly we need to gather a cannonball in order to defeat this next bus yes indeed I have a quiet said Cannonball I would break in the vents and I will load the cannon yeah I don't even see her what the heck she's not on my screen and she's gone and guys there's an Easter egg back here in case you didn't know you can walk back and there's a zombie police girl ow wait don't touch her I'm dead that's okay now I'm gonna zoom on out of here it's amazing bro but I'm leaving you behind today ooh female that one's funny oh we won't see about it melon because I'm already swimming I literally jumped off your Dome oh we're all the way back here wait why is your checkpoint system failing I don't understand melon that might be very bad news for us no we just had to collect the checkpoint like we just missed it somehow and note it's random girls rule Burrows boys drool yeah let's go boy Power and I'm dead all right girls win and I'm also dead I meant Boys Rule Girls Drool girls go to Venus because they're the sweetest boys go to Jupiter to get more stupider no girls go to Venus because they don't have a hey oh french fry a wenis a wenis like on the elbows yeah yeah yeah exactly girls don't have that that's actually true shortcut oh you're so right that's a good shortcut why am I in a death Loop what is this oh thank you oh hey you idiot I was stuck in a death Loop yeah yes I'm in oh no big buff boy I gotta scram out of here me too that was too close we're on level 38 bro we're making huge progress speaking of huge that's a huge police woman oh wait you're right whoa she crushed us and now I speedrun oh I don't like this lady scram scream oh I got stuck but she's coming up the stairs oh that was close I actually got stuck that was embarrassing and give me this key blue key put the blue key in and soon I will be escaping this entire prison yeah same here open this chest I must acquire it this is the most satisfying room to skip check this out boom what did you do oh yeah that was insane you're right melon we're t-posing on this yeah brother can I spider blast through it no well I'll go crazy yeah I don't know why they never fixed this train track it is wild dude we could skip the dogs the Spiderman oh that entire thing just caved in on itself now Sonny we gotta go quick wait I actually can't skip the dogs my web blaster doesn't work here no son you gotta aim straight at the sky like this it's not working you lied okay sorry you gotta you gotta actually just use your spider powers and Dodge bugs I got eaten up bro this is hard what the heck this is so hard why can't I jump properly bruh that's it I'm not using any powers they're bad they're cursed they're actually cursed I'll use it for a speed boost only oh speed boost I'm using it to Super Man dive this is awesome no it's not awesome yeah dude I can't die in this level again I will lose my mind and soul this level is cursed this level is actually cursed no the last yep I'm feeling the pain I can't get through the first dog what the heck this time for sure why can't I jump I get on the fence an account yes yes I made it through all right Sonny I'm out of here I hate myself deeply Sunny just use the spiderweb Blaster it's op out here no it's not we both know you're lying to me dude I did it ah my brain my brain cannot compute yo final level I'll utilize all of my spider powers to defeat her I want to quit let's do this can I quit what the heck what am I doing yo I'm going crazy with the spider Blaster I literally just go what is going on I'm going past the whole map in light speed yeah I'm happy for you melon I I bought myself a Grimace milkshake and now I can go real quick with it finally a real super power and I still failed oh my oh okay I should give up I think I should quit oh no sonny I might die I'm gonna oh come back this is insane this is crazy oh come on just one more dog I did it I got out of the dogs I just went straight through the mouth what okay with this lineup I can land and be successful later why am I not coming down much much later why am I still going up you are garbage what are you doing I I'm lost I'm lost in outer space right now I'm boosting Big Boost and then I will crash police girl you're nothing to a Grimace wait I'm coming back down I could I could melon did you defeat her oh oh holy crap yo yo I went through the map are you kidding me I'm dead did you defeat the boss or not no you didn't I did it sunny I'll defeat her now brawler ouch hit me I'm completely glitched Sonny it's up to me now I got her at half all right yep Sonny beating this is up to you I I don't know what's happened I have her at half Health this is kind of tricky though it's really awkward this fight I find I don't like it wait maybe I can use this the bacon Blaster no you're gonna kill me put it away put it away I'm just bacon blasting Sonny don't make a big deal I'm making it a big deal because you might kill me with it and then none of us can win I need something more powerful yes like the Grimace milkshake it's very good two more hits one two yes I've done it and now I can become the real Spider-Man I'm gonna Spider-Man over this wall and do and and I glitched the game again I won I successfully made it to the Hela Chopper which will take me to the victory area I am the champion and you uh nothing but a juicy watermelon and I'll turn you into a smoothie Sonny I triple dog dare you to use your web blaster on this guy okay let's go whoa oh I pointed at the ground I should be fine no uh oh my God I'm fine I'm actually I'm actually the goat I'm actually fine how did you survive hold on maybe I can do it maybe I could no I went to the map I'm dead whatever like And subscribe
Channel: Sunny and Melon
Views: 145,004
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8fPPjPMbgRU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 22sec (802 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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