Rainbow Friends Chapter 2 In Real Life

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foreign what are you guys doing out here never mind you guys can go into odd World okay here's what I need I need your help finding an SOS life I can't find it it's right there don't be a fool well there it is okay that's it you gotta find the light bulbs for that thing let's go let's go [Music] hello world we gotta go Lexie there's a water balloon on the floor I'm gonna Chuck it out ah there's so many we have to find every light bulb s oh one right here one right there there's one everywhere oh there's another one Logan hurry up wait how do we escape that ugly thing is there the old man said we had to touch all the light bulbs and then we're done let's go okay well we have to make a run let's see how many at least we have I don't know [Music] Logan you can't move my green he's blind but he can hear you [Music] you're getting wet son oh no we lost the light pole all right look this one right there I found another okay Logan hey blue let's have a duel give me one of your guns [Music] Logan catch where how many more do we need I don't know how they didn't break okay okay let's go to the zipline okay the girls are being attacked oh my God wait can you go over that side and push the thing over [ __ ] push it over I'm getting away how many light bulbs have you found oh we need four more I don't know how many I found the light bow dude Squad hey full look it's stuck right here got another one take this ugly right Logan got one of Green's arms oh my God is that even possible what a Green's arms fell off I got him Lexi hit green with his own arm or blue [Music] throw it in [Music] Batman oh no that's the SOS light how could I forget I know we're here at the super fun awesome Megaplex with go-karts and roller skates and dodgeball and I don't know laser tag I think they're I saw flag football earlier um I'm confident that there was a slip and slide quite a nice place anyways I just saw blue we need to find a way out of here fast maybe this heavy machinery over here will help us open a door but it needs gas so you guys are gonna have to go get gas okay you get it you guys gonna do it yeah okay because I don't have much time left in life so hurry please don't be rude you little brat that kid's the worst she's never gonna make anything of herself in life she just seems like a snooty little brat probably a lot like her mom I bet her dad's an angel probably a quality individual that sacrifices everything he does in like her mother I bet I bet I have a cheese Awards but I bet she has purple hair she's probably okay guys so it looks like for hour two all we have to do is collect the gas canisters this is gonna be really easy uh leave a comment below who you think's gonna get knocked off the most so let's go into battle I don't see any monsters so we should be good let's go the same way as the spinner it'll be easier seems pretty simple kids you just gotta jump and get through the gas pretty simple you gotta deliver the gas over here to the machine look we've already collected like two this is easy oh no there's trouble guys watch out hurry it's okay pick it up oh [Music] try with two hands maybe grab two [Music] good job lover it feels like Christmas all over again I don't know why it's going so fast this is weird Okay maybe I'll just stay on the side and be there cheerleader right when you got this Logan did we get them all I don't know we're so close okay I've seen that orange monster before but I've never seen the yellow one comment down below if you know what it is we don't have time to lay down wrong way Logan [Music] you got it that's good keep up your spirit that's good [Music] I have no idea why it's going so fast [Music] leave a comment right now if you think we should leave Logan behind you've done it yeah that's really hard did the old man say what we were supposed to do with this let's take it over to him come on oh I work out here often yeah you know my juggling I bring my own balls when I Joe I dropped them a little look at me go boy I love your purple hair oh you're so strong what are you doing oh this is one of those dancing dates my legs too okay that's great hello sir ma'am ma'am the green monster tricked me we have 10 minutes to collect all the lookies or something bad it's gonna happen oh looky is what you spent but a lucky is one of those I'll stay here okay guys for hour three this is hungry hungry lookies whatever that means we have 10 minutes to collect all the lookies around us and the monsters are also trying to hit us and knock us down with other lookies everyone touch your base leave a comment right now with who you think's gonna collect the most lookies what do we do with these [Music] look who drew this looking at me what's up because the old man can die wait are you guys serious you didn't know I guess I did need a bath and that's what we feel about our three you don't have to be rude about it does anybody have soap I don't have soap you stinky lard [Music] I'll just go back to floating oh glad you guys are so concerned about my health and safety after you've knocked me off in that pit of death anyways I'm quite hungry after having to swim for a while so I need sugar I need 10 bags of sugar yeah okay guys it looks like for hour four all we have to do is find 10 bags of sugar let's see who can find the most let's go let's go how are we gonna find this guy 10 bags of sugar that's like a whole heart attack I'm shivering my Timbers are you ready for this Logan no there's like ow water oh I found bag of sugar should I have taken my socks off wait why because there might be a little water why is it wet really tight corridor I have one bag of sugar right now but this does not look like Logan marshmallows are we supposed to collect marshmallows or sugar we need sugar or is it the same thing guys it is wet everywhere guys look oh my God I found another bag of sugar okay I have three look at the sugar I think purple's in the water guys leave a comment if you think I'm right it's purple in the water it's purple in the water purple in the body I'm a little nervous Nerf I think that sugar down I found another thing there it goes come on oh my gosh I'm soaked but I got my bag of sugar I got my bags of sugar there's one at the top oh Logan oh all right guys we are here stuck in hour four we only need 10 packs of sugar we need Robux we need Robux to get through this level sir I got your sugar thank you for the sugar thank you I'm gonna go down the slide again I'm going in record time I'll go wait am I supposed to come too we're back to Sugar away you ready come on oh yeah there's no sugar Left Behind come on got one I got one I don't think Logan helped at all I have your bags of sugar that is so very nice of you thank you so much how's that for your blood sugar I feel better that was kind of fun yeah wait why are you guys cheering because we found all the sugar like you said there's an 11th bag I forgot to tell you it's over in Blue's Castle beat him up beat him up beat him up yeah uh who's gonna fight blue first okay guys Logan is gonna fight for the sugar let's go we want the sugar sugar go get the sugar sugar give him the sugar thank you thank you for the sugar now I can make my pot there's a pie in here oh good Grandpa yeah it's a very delicious pie Harry okay okay we get out of here right there's a roller coaster over there excuse me there's a roller coaster over there just take it and get out of here thank you all right let's go let's go this is it but you have to be here I'll succeed but it says six feet it's right here you're not tall enough I don't care move it follow me [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: NOOB Family
Views: 1,292,242
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rainbow friends, roblox rainbow friends, rainbow friends 2 in real life, rainbow friends 2, in real life, blue, rainbow friends roblox, green, yellow, orange, piggy, rainbow friends chapter 2, cyan, odd world, Theme park, rainbow friends chapter 3, project playtime, Poppy playtime
Id: v3CTyH3MS90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 23sec (983 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2023
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