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oh gosh hey pretty girl my wife said you spray ugly version no let's see oh I don't know beauty when she sees a girl turn around let me see your face [Laughter] [Music] voices stop now yeah what up yeah we got a little baby I got the Hat on she's got a little crown and we bought the place Super Nintendo bros mario smash bros super galaxy dr. mario paper oh yeah yeah yeah that's right you're right start we're just kidding guys this is super mario odyssey I don't intend to suite your bouncers looking spiffy oh maybe it's that wedding day maybe him in peace finally getting daytime did not hey you better go do I like liars knows this sister oh mario just got knocked up I love you too big buzzer oh hey squash your hat jealous broke cuz you forcing her to marry you no I'm saying she'll wanna marry oh snap Mario's hat Oh shred is head yo Oh scary what Oh what my crown came off so might rescue the Hat though is that a ghost yo lady's hat is that Bowser huh look around ah okay we use the AR to look around Oh No Oh Mario Mario he's sniffing the ground Missa ground it smells of grape for tomatoes from a pizza sauce look at that airship uh-oh the fog is wrong look that's a hat yeah very observant I'll be to jump oh all right so Oh oh my goodness is your speed to jump L to run this is so cute the guy runs come on any little guy that runs like that's like oh no my pants isn't ready all right so this looks like a tutorial with y'all going through the fog whoa-oh-oh the Kissin maybe I'll turn to a princess you'll frogs are money basket it's a party if the party is oh you think you can escape the Mario Party it's a party if the party is the party I don't think stuff but you only get one coin that's what I'm saying what's she if I if I take all the effort out of my day just stop on the frogs head I better get at least two coins I say at least three greedy you don't be afraid I see you got my hat right there oh it's insurance huh you landed at cat Kingdom we've been under attack by Bowser and he stole my sister too Wow I hope to give chase to that monster yo you can't be giving my son chase to no monster house chasing the game I don't know but I'm glad that Bowser took your sister anybody that gives little boys to monsters should have their sisters stolen yeah what he said that's why she messed up to his sister though unfortunately all of our airships have been wrecked in the attack this should be a shipping that next Kingdom over though and I can get us there if I get to the top of the hot tower which pig guarded by Bowser century you know how did my voice for this guy change all right so we're trying to help out this man's sister in my Princess Peach Oh what am I gonna do it out of my hat spot it's a baby you can wear me oh I suppose this is gonna look nice but it's not red how about this now you sound like Matt from Dora yes I'm saying my voice is very consistent Oh boom now he's looking friends know what we could he's got a hat Arang Kathy is that Campania peas my campaign yo try throwing me with why whoa why throw Kate you could also shake it oh you can shake it and throw it with Y nice how do we get the two players thing oh look at this oh oh oh [Music] also we just use caffeine look at that pile of coins where's the to play is that way let's see menu Oh two players [Music] two people take a drink on each decide who will be Mario and Kathy Oh two players is a cat say what to go close I would be the Hat all right let's shine us down shake wash the bodies the Hat you can make me jump too I could spin press that what is that if you're doing your the Hat wait what is nice is that a fart yo put our hands about to be a roller coaster you ready on your mark get set go oh that's so lame they totally miss the cool opportunity to make this into a before you make it to an airplane lucky what odd little fellows they seem to know you and not like you but is it from a better slide doesn't that remind you of like a like a crazy dog it does go get the coins that's you that's your job how do I get it oh [Music] forget it I get it yeah look at that Bowser and Peach it's kind of hard to control that hat I know what is this Oh Oh get this that's you nice so I can't do anything I can't even like punch can I jump in that water so cool what's this little circle thing for it oh I didn't get that Oh Mary Jo bounce me I bounce me up yo that's me up I'm not lying well we got to do some teamwork can't stand right in the middle and go go go go nice keep going [Music] oh look at little rabbits you do that I think so I don't know oh no gravity rabbit skin of a one ear for your frog eyes how do they new frogs can see black and white Wow because frogs live in the 1950s doc oh oh snap he's got frog bit yo so we are gonna play the frog you captured a frog stoplight oh wait what how did I jump from frog the frog body I could jump high I don't even need you anymore Kathy okay seriously though maybe you got to hurry up or like the frogs disappear yo this is Joe go up you wanna try to get it oh that's it that's so much easier getting the Rings this way you're those goombas sweet turn into goo boy can we like get closer okay we jump wait how do we get yo this frog is not a good jumper yo you get a closer view I don't know that's what I'm trying to because it's like a jump scare I got spear we that's all you Cathy go do you want to try being a frog is this a free note why is this so dope because you're a Mario it's like a guard Oh plus a frog so the last game you we could be way now that was in the last game but the other remember the game where you could be cast Super Mario now you can be pro well what's the almost hats well you'll beat him up beat him up cuz I get Bert oh no you don't get burnt I want to know you do get burned you got burned you gotta put out that fire form because it just burnt my booty press SL to return to normal oh how do you go back to frog oh no I'm trying you just messed it up let's try it it's just party I farted away the Frog wait let's get that chest okay here okay let's get that chest it's all of my flies that it came out when I ate as a problem oh you got your hearts back hey starting to feel a little green cheap all right how do we get in here though that's how that's a real question oh I like when he walks like that it's the body if the body is the body in the body do it here this is spooky yo look at the little flag that's so don't you know that monster has ruined everything so these ghosts aren't our friends wait I wanna get this one be a frog are you telling me I could have been a frog in here maybe not because they predict like basically made you switch they did right yeah people think they know right we want to be a frog let us be a frog is anything back here whoa what is that something's that fire oh can we climb up the wall wait what all the claims go I don't know I want to know like where's all the bad guys bad boys bad guy I'm healed I'm here bad guy rabbits well I didn't know where the REO riders kingdom trying to make some rabbit soup man that man who's Hungary hey the balls hey the boss he warned me there be a feather with a moustache coming along to ruin my party bash guess we ought introduce ourselves we're the wedding planners for that couple yo [ __ ] the brutal ax the brutal brutal the brutal I was thinking a brute cow we got that low sister treasure we need us to win gots no more business in these packs of course roughing up you goody two-shoes was in the contract I guess we still got low what do so here's the same voice it goes you are these browsers kids though just dressed up as bunnies or what oh snap oh snap oh snap oh snap I gotta get this guy with a hat this summer that beat oh snap I gotta jump on his head oh that boy dad Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall Humpty Dumpty boom-shaka-laka hope they don't ccall that any word sorry wrap it you call that ran I'm doing this oh no he's running around I'm changing camera angles you know which one it is to change a camera angle congratulations Cathy you're the one with all the cool moves all Mario does is this oh it's a laser whoa what the what what what what what move you could also shake it off oh it's going to another island that was a softcore Super Mario I thought it was super smash bros I was wondering why it's so different this looks Purdy cascade Kingdom what do you think the game goes so far that's good cool I'm looking at lectured ball Wario energy yo this looks like we're applying now it's in Hawaii Mexico Hawaii barfle yeah the water fell so bad for that water Wow [Applause] oh you can't eat the dirt Oh Mario cuz God made dirt but dirt still hurts because man polluted it in the first place full thing I'm going race yo this is like Temple Run oh yeah kind of done right whoa look at the dinosaur bone the audience ship must be right here somewhere let's see we could find it you got a Probie on a book go butchered what about the ass basin passive basin whatever that's not my name wait dude should we get the hell yeah what do we do with that hat yeah the graphics on this are so I want to become a frog again oh look at these guys get him get him Kathy I want to just get one thing straight there just because you're Kathy you will not be my captain chopper Bopper oh it's shaky oh my goodness on my head a wide release descent flying [Laughter] yo I could have been in it yeah this guy like this game now your stop barking every dog right well what's this know oh I got it here yeah here we go thank power moon sweet I'm a sailor sailor man that was dad refused to watch Sailor Moon no I didn't like that I don't need either whatever filling you liked it who's actually of darle head girl going oh watch watch your face and be uh glue and turns around watch no we wouldn't I don't look at you break I didn't even read what it is saying I don't know all I read is what a lucky I don't write reading it's reading is great read your books I don't like to read video games I like to play damn that's why usually don't know what to do oh no I'm sorry it can still fly it's an older model but it's still fine let's give it a shot shall we just throw me on that go got it throw it throw yourself there we go oh so this is a ship what is that is it it Oh what that was kind of anticlimactic [Music] but it's in it uh-huh nothing's happening that Power Move must have not given a ship enough energy we've got to find more moons more bones HGTV Muniz where are you hey get out of the fog likes me that's what this way that's why yeah I wonder if I could have been a frog or if it really would have taken me get over it you're not the Frog anymore could I be a bird I wanna fly James wants to be a bird I was just about to tell him that Chase is actually very upset that he was born a human and say he hopes he can be reincarnated as a bird because birds are awesome they get to fly and they don't have to see everything and they don't have any rules they could just do whatever they want chase is a rebel hashtag hashtag hashtag I can't get it finally get closer for you yeah aha can I at least get a box one of these times all right go up there no you have to go up there I find you always skill wait do you unsure about try me Mario no cuz we didn't really get it I like being that fine just cuz you really want to be the Hat I'm not even that happy about being a hat change the view there you go baby okay wind up yeah no one's attacking mommy you gotta go back and you just let go okay break that wall you're doing cool no no got aim no you got aim hey my dear no wait deal yeah what hey hey whoa why didn't let go of me that's bad play at this why did I let go of me you know what maybe I should be Mario girl what's up here anything let's see I died are you okay oh it's alright it's cold blinking I'll help you die no when dinosaurs are cold I do this oh it's him up in my gaza wait how come there's a dino there I know this is so weird with this Jurassic world you know this is a beautifully made game it's like Niagara Falls it's like I've been here before yeah butshe no movie that's from I get a Yoshi hmm yo maybe that is Yoshi an update from the future all my gosh are you kidding me we we missed it no this is an update I can't believe we missed this but how did we miss this watch wave is when I shake this oh my god are you kidding me don't bananas sacred I know just to give you a heads up this is like 10 hours after we recorded this it's almost bedtime weirds always a show and chase the game and by mistake I became a dinosaur oh my gosh we got to record this and I died and I had to restart bro you just killed us yeah look at the handsome dinosaur weren't you just look at him he's so handsome Oh Gasper kind of hold onto it any longer well anyways guys this one update you now back to a video from 10 hours ago she's very awkward one time we met one of our fans in a mall and he told me to do a Yoshi impression out of nowhere and it was kind of awkward because the kid looked at me like I was a weirdo no the kids favorite character is Yoshi but you put me on the spot you were standing in the wrong place how do we do that yo go for the hat no but you have to jump cool hit that use your hat to get it see you have to jump on those hat I know where should we though yeah let's see what's down there first oh gosh oh it's just death Oh go I thought it was something all right put your money where your mouth is bye watch this watch the master work hi let's see don't jump don't see you can't jump through it doof nug you have to go somewhere else alright this is you attack these goombas yeah guys listen I'm gonna sign it [Music] that was creepy I temple run temple run where art thou oh wait maybe those guys wait go Rohan this guy there we go I now wanna eat these guys here oh my god 2d are you kidding me oh this reminds me of back in the day god I love the game can we please play this more than once can we play the old Mario you're so old I'm actually younger than you bucko what are you doing why don't you go the other way we discussed me when you get 50 of those that's what I'm saying come on now alright right now I just want you to tell me you're joking don't tell come on [Laughter] it's ludicrous oh my goodness no don't jump there don't break it wait what what wait what what wait you can't jump I have to jump oh gosh oh gosh these companies companies companies government hey Goomba okay that was scary oh wait there's three more oh yeah wait wha come on I'm here all day oh wait what about those coins doh yeah you jump you jump go yes see you have like a special fairy dust jump I am important in this game so now you have to do regular jump go oh goodness look there's my granny num-nums all right wait now you have to bomb the site to get the little purple yeah okay we're right here yeah how about I just send you down there Cathy wow wow wow wow I just forget should we just forget the little blue things okay they're not blue they're purple oh I said blue pearl bad boy this is definitely Mario meets temple-run yo hey hey pretty girl my wife said you spray ugly but she'll know let's see oh I don't know beauty when she sees a girl turn around let me see your cute little face put your hide behind them locked [Music] I'm scared okay sister u.s. ramps are the thing that Princess Peach what this you say my face is busted like some silly old airship wait where's my room I need my room Oh where is it where'd you move sorry I freaked I swallowed it in the commotion yeah why could never part with day my precious power moon sounds me like you want a snack for my adorable Keeney somebody so what do we do yo can you actually do some work here ya killed us I guess it is overload when the fat lady sings wait what what's up there where wow that's halts my neck it halts well it's my neck right there oh it's something we can we climb that oh stop playing wait what oh you gotta help me bounce up what is that good good eyes face the polar tree and press that to grab on oh this is a good for my age yo yeah thank you mommy you're actually useful once wild you got a boogie here's the dealio we gotta make the little chomp bikini hit her but we can't stay too close because she gets a pole see like that oh wait oh why did you do that earlier oh no maybe because yo her face was just beautiful right quick did you see that you're gonna get them get them okay now we're to get that hat Wow okay now go hey no it's because I can't see if you could help me control the camera and be better oh yeah y'all making her face beautiful she's not even giving me props for that don't you I definitely don't like kill oh I wonder for apples retro look I got three moons oh that's a lot of butt cheeks [Music] don't mop taste so good bring that drop to my home okay we've done it we got a multi no it's a mode it's not three months at multi month it's as strong as three para moons can boy it should get this ship moving in no time blows nest didn't know this game could run throw me onto this globe so I can have a good time yes behold of night moon smack you out of here boom Oh does it just this one group one more play joking I'll strip really Oh seriously I was having fun until it said I was bad no that's call the coin yo hit the bird hit the bird All That Bird shines tell me something what was that birdie how you doing treasure of the waterfall Basin sniper B I give it a three of five all right basically he said there's a moon hidden in the waterfowl waterfowl oh it's right there where it's right there right there right there right there I don't think I'll wait what this has been here the whole time Wow coins do it in there what did idea I can't do it in Ottawa are we gonna get it though mom said Allah I got I got a moon on top of the rocket look right there oh [ __ ] oh your butt Moony state I got you man Hales your moon that you wanted I love this game though I can't wait I more of these thumbs up if we should or should not play more of this Odyssey is the star skin so dope or we're going to a new land called we've enough fuel to reach San Kingdom why don't you take the helmet just select bicycle and press foot pedals and we'll be off on our way yay okay guys that's it for the video thanks don't move or watch the tech guy way with you lay a guy feet down put a little pop a little bot Bebo decided maybe we should just play hello neighbor okay just just go straight just let's just go into the neighbor's house because this is so much better wait what what is happening here something's definitely wrong
Channel: FGTeeV
Views: 29,742,658
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games for kids, youtube kids, kid friendly videos, fgteev, minecraft gameplay, fgteev minecraft, skylander boy and girl minecraft, Family Gaming, gameplay skit, funny videos, family friendly videos, kids gaming, super mario odyssey fgteev, madame broode boss battle, fgteev mario
Id: 2-h83gUIhM0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 9sec (1629 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 31 2017
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