Adley & Niko KiDS VACATiON!! Water Slides and Swimming all day! Playing in the new Disney Kid Club!

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- Okay, vlog, you're coming with me. (squealing) (upbeat music) (laughing) - Okay, Niko, I'm gonna go first. - Whoa, Niko, niko! He went first! (water gurgling) Let's do it again! - Yes, and again, again, again, again, again! Forever. - Dad, watch my cool trick. - [Shaun] Wow! You get a five. - You get a four. - What, I did, no (laughs)! - Yeah! - [Niko] Look at this. - Hey, little cuckoo. (screeches) - He has eggs! (upbeat music) (whirring) - Dad, it's my birthday party with Hulk smash! - [Shaun] Hulk smash! - Look, it's the lizard. - [Shaun] Pascal, what are you doing up there? - Hey, Pascal. (laughs) - Whoo! - Niko! (water gurgling) (crashes) All right, you're looking good. - Yeah. - Dad, come on! They blew the whistle! - They whistled? - Let's go! - It's open! - We're the first ones here, and we're at Disney, and we're gonna take you on the water slide. - [Niko] You know there's a shortcut. - You need the water plug! - Water plug, I almost forgot the water plug! Ah, my hat! - Oh yeah! - Oh yeah, now, let's hear it! Oh yeah! Okay, Niko, I'm gonna go first. - [Shaun] Whoa, Niko! Niko! He went first! Niko (laughs)! - [Jenny] Whoo, good job, buddy! - Look at me, A for Adley! Here I go, see! (screaming) (indistinct) (water gurgling) (laughs) - Niko! - Dad, watch my cool trick! - [Shaun] Whoa! - [Adley] Watch my cool! - [Niko] Are you watching my cool trick? Are you watching my cool trick? - (laughing) That was awesome! - Dad, this is my cool trick. - [Shaun] Oh yeah, let's see your coolest tricks! - Backwards! - Uh-oh, goodbye! Bye, Niko! (upbeat music) (laughing) - I'm going with the water vlog, hi! Oh yeah, I'm going down the slide. Hi, Adley. - [Adley] Hi, Niko, bye! - Okay, vlog, you're coming with me. (squealing and laughing) Vlog, this is (indistinct). (water gurgling) - [Shaun] How'd the slide go? - Okay, vlog, you're coming with me this time. (laughs) (indistinct) - All right. - Okay, Dad, you ready? Ready. - Three, two, one! (screaming) I fell after Adley. (laughs) All right, you're going with Dad now. - That was a awesome slide. - That was a awesome slide! Let's do it again! - Yes, and again, again, again, again, again! Forever. - (laughs) Forever and ever. - Do you wanna see my trick? - [Shaun] Yeah, I wanna see your trick. - Okay. (squeals) - Niko (laughs)! No running on water slides! That's not a good trick! Go, Niko! All right, vlog, you wanna see my trick? (screaming) (water gurgling) - Come on, vlog, lets go! (squeaks) (crashes) Vlog, are you okay? Let's do this. Let's do this. (indistinct) (water gurgling) - Where's the water vlog? - I dropped it. - She dropped the water vlog! We gotta go find it now! (water gurgling) (upbeat music continues) Get it? Yeah! - I shouldn't have dropped you, I'm sorry. (laughs) - Vlog, are you okay? Adley dropped you. - Dad, I got an idea. I got an idea. - What? - Dad, you have to throw the vlog over there, and I have to find it. - Okay, goodbye vlog, good luck. (crashes) (water gurgling) - Hi, vloggy. (laughs) Found vloggy. - Okay, harder one, you're going farther this time. (crashes) (water gurgling) Oh, good luck. (water gurgling) - I got it! (upbeat music) (laughs) - Dad, don't look, I'm gonna do the splits underwater. - Okay. - Okay? What! Wait for a green, it's green, dive! (splashes) (screams) (indistinct) - What if me and Dad do a competition where who does the biggest splash? - Ooh. All right, biggest splash, let us know. - 'Kay, I'll go first then. - [Shaun] Okay. (splashes) Pretty big splash. - 'Kay, Dad, it's your turn to do a splash. (splashes) (laughs) - [Shaun] You get a five. - 'Kay, you get a four. - What, no, I won that! What do you guys think, five or four? - Do you agree with five? (squeaks) Do you agree with four? (squeaks) - What, I did, no (laughs)! - One, two, three, four, five, blast off! (screaming and laughing) (water gurgling) - We have a secret mission. - I'm gonna climb on that and jump off. - Adley's gonna climb on that and jump off. It's kinda crazy. (squeaks) (laughs) Almost, try again. Yeah! (boings) (laughing) All right, that was cool. She did it, that was pretty cool. (shouts) (laughs) - We been having so much fun at Disneyland, right, Niko? (screams) Niko, we are not going back in there. - Magic! (slams) - [Shaun] Ooh, magic powers! - We've been having so much fun at Disneyland, right, Niko? - Yeah! - So why don't you guys flashback to when we the (indistinct) and the animal kingdom and us having so much fun? 'Cause that was so much fun, and we wanna show all our memories. We've been having so much fun. While we take a drink, you guys do that, 'kay? - [Shaun] Deal, deal. - Flashback, pop, pop, pop! (popping) - Pop, pop, pop! (popping) - [Shaun] Wow! - Dad, this is the club I wanted to go to. - Oceaneer's Club. - This is it? - Dad, come on, let's go! - [Shaun] Okay. - Dad, look (indistinct). - Whoa, those are like the storyboards when we first do our storyboards for animations, but they're not done yet. These were Disney storyboards. - That's so cool. - Sometimes that's how cartoons start is you just gotta draw it out first and kind of see what it's gonna look like. Then, you make it. - [Adley] Oh, look, Mom, there's Anna. - Anna's storyboard. - And then, look, this is the horse from "Rapunzel". - Maximus. - Yeah. Remember when we were storyboards? - Uh-huh. - We used to be storyboards. Just drawings to see what we'd look like. That's kinda cool. (swishing) Whoa, it's like you're driving a real boat! This is awesome! (indistinct) - Spin the thingy. Pull the lever! - [Shaun] Are you the captain? - Yep! Push the seal! (screams) We're crashing the ship! Dive for deep end! (laughs) - [Shaun] Hurry, float to safety! (panting) You guys crashed the ship! (squeals) - [Minnie] Oh (laughs), it's me, Minnie Mouse. - Hi, Minnie! - [Minnie] I'm very pleased to meet you. - [Adley] I'm very pleased to meet you, too. (laughing) - She's talking to Minnie. - [Minnie] It's me, Minnie Mouse. (screams) (indistinct) - What is that? - Bubbles! - [Shaun] They're under water! - Get our work done- - Whoa! - [Niko] It's a dolly. - This is like a play place for Navey. - How do you play with the dolls? - [Shaun] Navey, I bet you're gonna love this place. - [Jenny] Look, cute little dolls. - Mom, this is like a play place for Navey, 'cause there's like baby (indistinct) cribs. (swishing) (chattering in the background) (whistles) - [Shaun] Oh, boy. - Dad, come on, let's eat! Bon appetit! I'm getting this. (indistinct) - [Shaun] Here's your mission: you guys have to use teamwork and build the biggest cake ever. - Okay, Niko, let's start stacking. (squeaking) - [Niko And Adley] Tada! - [Shaun] Whoo! - You need your own, play with Donald Duck and Goofy. - [Niko] Dun, dun, dun, dun, Dad, look at my cake! - [Shaun] Whoa, that looks so good, bud! - Dad, there are two cakes. - [Shaun] Oh, can I eat 'em? - Yeah. (mimics munching) - Thank you for sharing, thank you for sharing. - [Shaun] Aw, thank you for sharing. - My turn to make a cake. (chattering in the background) - Tada! - [Shaun] Whoa, I love that! - Dad, look, this is Rapunzel's art room. - [Shaun] Whoa! ♪ 7:00 a.m. the usual morning wake up ♪ - Dad, look, it's the closet that Rapunzel trapped her in. - [Shaun] Oh, boy. (grunting) - Oh, look, the pet lizard. Look, a lizard. - [Shaun] Pascal, what are you doing up there? - Hi, Pascal. Dad, look, it's the closet that they trapped Eugene in. (laughing) Trap me. - [Shaun] Bye. - Eugene, where's Eugene? Wait, so babe, is this where the kids can play, and we can just go? - Yeah. - Hoo! This is the place where you drop off your kids so you can cruise on the cruise, you know what I'm saying? And you don't even feel bad, 'cause they're gonna have more fun than you. Look at this, Adley's already doing cartwheels. Ooh, this looks like a cozy room. - Let's explore. - [Shaun] Let's explore. - (indistinct) By the fireplace. - What did you find? - There's nothing in there. - You wanna hear something? - [Shaun] Ooh! - Did you hear it? - [Shaun] Yeah, Adley, you can hear the fire. (hissing) - Dad, look! - [Shaun] Can I get a picture of dad, please? - Yes. Tada, it's dad! - Ooh, I like it, thumbs up. - Hi, Chewy. - [Shaun] Whoa, Chewy, you're ginormous! - Navey, it's Chewy. - That's your Chewy baby. She has a Chewy baby, and she sleeps with her baby Chewy every night and loves it. But you're a lot bigger than her Chewy baby. (laughing) All right, you wanna get a picture? - Yeah. - Okay, you gotta ask him. - Can I have a picture? (indistinct) - [Shaun] Hop in there. Oh, yeah (laughs)! (clicks) Good job! Oh, that's a good picture. - Ah, Dad! - (screams) What is that? - [Niko] You know what that is? (groans) - No. Dad, I saw something over here, look. - [Shaun] What? - Chewy's controlling the ship. - [Shaun] What? He's flying the ship? - [Jenny] Yes, yes (indistinct). (laughs) - [Shaun] I think you guys are doing pretty good. - [Niko] Oh, look at this! - Dad. - Is that your pet? (laughs) No, not Chewy's pet. What's this one? - [Niko] What is that? - [Shaun] What is that? - I don't know, like a owl fox or something. - An owl fox? (purring) It does kinda look like an owl fox. - It looks like a cheetah. Look at this! - Hi, little cuckoo. - He has eggs! - He has eggs. - (gasps) Little baby eggs. - Dad. I'm finding so many animals. - [Navey] Wow! - Wow, you wanna see that? - Mommy, mommy, look! - Say hi. - Hoo-hoo, hi. - Hi. (squealing) She's like him, hoo-hoo. - [Adley] It's like a guinea pig owl I think. - [Shaun] What is it? - A guinea pig owl. (laughs) - In that cave. Look in what's in that cave. - [Shaun] Should we look? - Yeah. (grunts) Hold me up. - [Shaun] What's in there? - Nothing. I don't see anything. - Dad, hold me up. There's Sadness, there's Joy, and there's Woody, there's Buzz. There's the Monsters, Inc. There's (indistinct) and there's (indistinct). There's the dog, there's the brother, and there's the minion. - [Shaun] What one do you think? - [Niko] Buzz. Buzz? All right, potty break. (beeps) (whirring) Whoa, Niko, you got clean hands, bud. - Where's the dryer at? - There's a towel. - I did mine two times. This is my third time. This is my fourth time washing my hands. - We're not even gonna play. We're just gonna wash our hands all day. (bubbling) - This is where they took the superheroes I think. - [Shaun] Superheroes? All the superheroes. - Niko, let's take a picture! - [Shaun] Do you want a picture by the superheroes? All right, vlog, get a picture. (clicks) - [Adley] Niko, look, there's Groot. - [Shaun] There's Groot! You want a picture by Groot? All right, picture, one, two, three. (clicks) - Groot! - [Jenny] I am Groot. - [Shaun] Should we keep looking? - Oh, there's (indistinct). Look, Ant Man! Dad, it's my birthday party with Hulk smash! - [Shaun] Hulk smash! - Niko, this is what Black Panther's suit was made out of! (upbeat music) And Niko, look, there's the necklace to Black Panther. - [Shaun] That's what Black Panther's suit's made out of. (indistinct) - Oh, his real necklace, Niko. - Here's his (indistinct). Look, his claws. - [Shaun] Oh, those are his claws? - Niko, look, you could do so much fun stuff if you had that wristband. - [Shaun] Should we get you guys wristbands? - Yeah, let's go! - [Shaun] I think you guys need wristbands so you can scan this and play. - Dad, I also like that guy. Who's that? - Oh, the arrows? Is that Hawkeye? - Hawkeye. - Oh, yeah. - He's cool, huh? - This is Dr. Strange. - One time I was on Wi-Fi and I saw this guy. - [Jenny] Yeah, that's Dr. Strange. - I saw Dr. Strange. - Is that pretty cool? Black Panther! - [Shaun] Black Panther, where? Whoa! Was that your favorite room? - Yeah, that's my favorite room we've gone to. (drowned out by music) (upbeat music) (laughs) - [Jenny] Give her a hug, Navey. No (laughs). You wanna give her a hug? You wanna give her a hug, Niko? (laughs) (whines) - [Shaun] All right, yeah. (clicks) (smacks) (laughs) Yeah! - Navey was scared of Joy. - Let me see the picture. - [Shaun] You wanna see the picture? - Yeah. - Okay, pop it up. (pops) - I wanna see. - [Shaun] Okay, pop it up again. (pops) Pretty cool? - I can't see it. (whirring) - [Shaun] Okay, which one? (water gurgling) Oh yeah, let's go, little buddy. (laughs) Girls, you ready? (shouts) Buckle check. Hey, we're buckled together. Oh yeah, buckle buddies. (mimics explosion) Whoa! (upbeat music) (shouting) - Whoa, Niko, go up! We're on top of the world! - (indistinct) I see the sky. (laughs) - [Shaun] Hello down there. Oh, no, he's taking us up! We're on the very top, Niko! Good flying, buddy. How was it, girls? - So good. - Was that so fun? - [Jenny] Yeah! - [Shaun] All right, what's the next ride? - Thunder Mountain roller coaster. - [Shaun] Wait, are you big enough to go on roller coasters? - Yeah. - His first big roller coaster. - [Shaun] You got this? Oh, he's turning the hat backwards. - Oh, yeah. Are you gonna put your hands up the whole time? - Yeah. - Yeah? - [Shaun] Niko, Adley's got some advice for you. - Niko, be brave and don't yell. - No, you can scream as loud as you want. - Mom. - What? - Be brave and scream. I don't wanna scream. - You don't wanna scream, okay. - It's here. - Here it is. - [Shaun] That's ours. Oh, yeah. (speaking in Spanish) All right. - [Intercom] Howdy, partners! - [Shaun] Good job, all right, pull back. Are you guys ready? - Yes! - Ready! (whirring) (shouting) - Whoo, I got you, Niko, whoo! (screaming) I got you, Niko (screams)! (laughing and screaming) Niko, I saw a dinosaur! - Whoa, me, too. - Oh, was that fun? - Yeah. - Whoo! You guys all right? - We had our hands up the whole time. - Nice. Whoo, that was a wild ride. (jingling) - This one's yours. - [Shaun] All right, what ride's next? - Buzz Lightyear. - [Shaun] Buzz Lightyear. You excited, Niko? - Yeah. Are you ready for this? (indistinct) (laughs) (upbeat music) (screams) (indistinct) - [Shaun] Get him, get Adley! - [Jenny] Adley, you're gonna make me sick. (indistinct) - [Jenny] I got 28, you got 11. What did you get? - 4,000. - Yeah! You beat Dad! Only 4,000? - My lasers were all. (squealing) - [Jenny] Was that fun? Yeah! - We need to think about what to do when he takes our picture. - Oh, when we're going down the wall. - What kind picture are we gonna take? - What should we do in the picture, Niko? - [Adley And Niko] Silly faces! - [Jenny And Shaun] Silly faces? - Vloggy, we're doing silly faces. What's up, riding partner? Secret handshake. (smacking) 'Kay, go, go, go! - Oh, no! - Oh, boy! I have a feeling we're about to get really wet. You guys good? - We're good. - [Shaun] You ready to get wet? - Yeah. - [Shaun] Okay. (laughing) - At least I won't get that wet, 'cause I have this covering me. (indistinct) Like this is my, I'll get on it like this. - Oh! (laughing) Oh, it's just a little one. Oh! Did you get wet? - No, did you? - I got a little wet. - [Shaun] This is what we're about to drop down next. (screaming) Are you ready for that? (drowned out by upbeat music) (screams) I just got soaked! Niko, did you get wet? - Niko got wet. (screaming) - [Shaun] Nice and relaxing. (laughing) Are you ready? Oh, no (screams)! (laughing) (screaming) (indistinct) Dun, dun, dun! Oh, no! Ah! Are you ready for this? - No. - Tongues out the whole ride, guys. (screaming) (laughs) - I didn't get wet! (laughing) - Mom's face is soaked! Niko (indistinct). - Best day ever at Disney World. - [Jenny] Can you see, Niko? - Yeah, right there. (laughs) - [Shaun] Good job, we all had tongues out (laughing). - [Adley] The mama duck's like, "You can do it!" - [Niko] Duck out there swimming around. - He's like- - I bet that duck is like, "How do I get back up there with my sisters?" What do duckies say? - Quack, quack, quack. (drowned out) - Go, go, go, you got it. - You got it. - Go get it. Where are they going? (squealing) - Just a family of humans watching a family of ducks. She's gonna teach 'em how. - [Niko] Jump! You can do it, duckie! - [Shaun] Whoa, she's like it's that easy. Go for it, duckies! You got it! (cheering) (children quacking) Whoo! (cheering) Good job, duckies. - Quack, duck. This is cool! - [Jenny] What do you see? - [Navey] Quack, quack. - [Shaun] What is it, Naves? Quack. - [Shaun] Quack, quack. Yeah, toes. (laughing) (squealing) - Ooh, the castle, Naves, look, castle there. - [Jenny] Navey, what do you see? - Quack, quack. (upbeat music) - Hey, you gotta hold my hand. Hey, you gotta hold my hand. (laughing) Hey, you gotta hold my hand! (laughing) Quack, quack. (squeals) - Here, duck! (indistinct) - [Jenny] (gasps) There's baby ducks! They're getting a drink. - [Adley] I hope they don't peck me (indistinct). Ooh, the beak (laughs). - Duckie! Duckies, duckies! (laughing) - [Jenny] Whoa! (laughing) (cheering) - Never play a duck before. - [Jenny] Oh. (screams) (screams) (laughing) - [Jenny] Quack, quack. - Quack, quack. - [Jenny] Yeah, hi, duckie. - Hi, duck. - [Jenny] Here's water from my hands (laughing). (wailing) - Bye-bye. - Bye-bye. - Bye-bye. - Bye-bye. - Bye-bye. - Bye-bye. He said if we wanna talk to Goofy. - [Shaun] No. - [Jenny] Wait, what? - Goofy's on his way to talk to us. - [Jenny] No way. - [Goofy] I'm glad I got through to you. I was afraid you mighta left already. (drowned out by laughing) Place to swim. You can see lots of movie stars here. (laughing) - [Shaun] Niko, Goofy's on the phone, listen. - [Goofy] The biggest stars I know, Micky and Minnie, stopped by the restaurant just yesterday. So keep your eyes open. You never know who'll drop in. Hope you have a swell time. Bye now, and enjoy your meal. - Bye. - [Shaun] Bye. (laughing) That is nuts (laughs)! I can't believe you just had a phone call with Goofy. - [Niko] To Animal Land. - To Animal Land. - [Niko] Groot! - [Shaun] A giant tree? - That's Groot! - [Jenny] A Groot tree? - [Shaun] A giant Groot tree! - We are Groot. - That's the biggest Groot I ever seen. Wait, what are these books for? - I'm gonna be a wilderness explorer! - The wilderness must be explored! - And you get a special sticker. - [Shaun] Thank you. (drowned out) Okay? - Ooh. - Here you go. - Thank you. - You're welcome. - Thank you. - Where should we explore first, any recommendations? - The flamingos is probably the closest. I like going there and seeing the new, baby flamingo. - [Shaun] A baby flamingo, should we check it out? - Yeah. - We got some wilderness explorers. We got some wilderness. Should we go explore, Mama? - Yes, I'm so excited for this day. - This is my favorite part of Disney. I like the rides, but they're a little busy and crazy. The animals and giant trees, that's Dad's Disney. Bambi and a lizard. Do you see the lizard? - [Niko] Check. - Is that fake? - [Shaun] I think it's real, grab it, watch. - [Adley] No! - [Shaun] Whoa, whoa, whoa, that was a crazy lizard! - We need to find the flamingos and read the numbers- - [Shaun] Here they are. - We need to find a turtle. - Ooh, a turtle. I like turtles. - I like turtles. Ooh, so 53. - [Shaun] I didn't see that, yep. - 53. - [Jenny] Mama's sitting in the middle rock, and then there's a baby flamingo right by her neck on the bottom. His head's down. (dings) Did you see it? (upbeat music) - Eight. (chattering) - [Shaun] Thank you. Is that your flamingo badge? Right there. - I'm gonna touch the flamingo egg. It can't move. - [Jenny] It's a fake one maybe. - That's what a flamingo egg looks like. And that's what a Flamingo skull looks like. Oh, no, she's transforming into ghost Adley. - Again. ♪ Da na-na na-na na-na na-na ♪ ♪ Ghost Adley ♪ - (indistinct) in South America. We'll see if she wants to join us in just a moment. There you go, Holly. And show you one of her favorite trees, as well. (applauding) - Dad, look! I circled it. - [Shaun] Oh, you got your parrots circled, your macaws. - [Woman] (indistinct) For many generations (indistinct). Thank you, everybody, for joining us here today at (drowned out by cheering) If you want to see another- (cawing) - Oh, no. On the arms! I've got a arm for ya. (cawing) (screams) Whoo! They're outta here. We got bubble wands. (screaming) - I got Ariel. - [Shaun] All right, you got Ariel. - I got Buzz. - [Shaun] And buzz, Nave, what'd you get? - Navey has a mouse. - [Shaun] Nave's got the mouse. - Whoa, yours shoots out the back like a rocket ship. - [Shaun] Whoa! - And comes from this tiny hole. - [Shaun] Oh, hey, whoa, whoa, whoa! No attacking the wall! Vlog, you're kinda bubbly. (screaming) (gasps) It's a bubble hive. - Wait, it's a beehive. - [Shaun] Oh, yeah. - Mmkay, I'm gonna grab it. - Ah, bubble hands! I have bubble hands. (laughs) - [Shaun] Hey, don't wipe your bubble hands on me, bubble boy! - Baba, baba! - [Shaun] Your baba has bubbles in it. - Look, my book comes with its own map. - [Shaun] Ooh, where are we going next, map girl? - Safari! - Yes. - Safari? We're going to the safari. - Let's go. - So huge bubble. - Oh boy, we're making bubble hives. Here's (indistinct). - [Adley] Otters! - [Shaun] Oh, they're underneath, they're swimming. - [Adley] Hi, otter! - [Niko] Bubble! - [Jenny] Okay, Niko, let's not do that. They do like the bubbles, though. (laughing) - [Shaun] Big bubbles. - They love the bubbles. (laughing) - Dad, look, I checked off my otters. - Good job. - Adley, Navey is bubbling you. (screams) (laughing) - [Niko] Bubble! (squeals) Bubble Adley, bubble Adley! - [Shaun] What'd you find? - A baby monkey. Is that the monkey that's a baby? - [Shaun] Oh, yeah, that's it, that's perfect. Did you see it, Niko? - Yeah. - [Adley] Look, he's moving. - [Jenny] Can you hear me talk? Hi, hello. Hi, you're so cute. - [Adley] Niko got his monkey. Good job, bud. - Adley, here's your pencil. - Look, there's the monkey. - This is Adley's pencil. - Yeah, he borrowed it. - [Shaun] What have we got in here? - Turtles! - [Shaun] Turtle! Is that a turtle? - He's coming over to say hi. - Hi, turtle. - Oh, look! - I'm on my way. What? - [Jenny] There's a turtle right here. - [Shaun] He was right under us the whole time. - [Adley] I thought that was a rock. - [Shaun] What? Hello, look, this guy's coming over. They're all coming, they're stampeding us. It's a turtle stampede. - We might be here a while, though (laughs). - There's a turtle all the way over there. - [Shaun] That's so fun. - It's a turtle. - [Shaun] She's like it's coming for me. - [Niko] Dad, Dad, oh, a lizard, lizard! - [Shaun] Where? - [Niko] Right there on the log. - [Shaun] Oh, it's the lizard. And I saw an ant. Niko, I saw ant for you to check off. - Got the ants. - You got the ant? - Oh, Dad, look, these are all stuff that can break into your house, all the bug. - All the bugs that can break into your house? - Oh, I'm gonna circle this, 'cause we just saw this, too. - Perfect. - And dad. - What? - Let me tell you something. Turtles don't have bones. - They don't have bones? - Yeah, their shells are their bones. - Is that true, turtles don't have bones? - Yeah, their shells are their bones. - [Shaun] Mom, do turtles have bones? - I have no idea. - [Shaun] Our smart daughter says they don't have bones. - They don't have bones, but their shells. - It's an exoskeleton instead of an inside skeleton. Exoskeleton. - We could go on the other side. - [Shaun] Family. Whoa, whoa, you scared me! - Dad, look what I found. - Shells? Hi, Naves. - [Jenny] Guys, look, it's Pocahontas! - [Shaun] What? - Hi, Pocahontas. - [Jenny] Guess what his name is. Niko. - [Niko] Whose name is Niko? - [Jenny] The raccoon. - [Shaun] His name's Niko! - [Adley] Niko, guess what, my brothers name is Niko! - [Jenny] Did you see Pocahontas? - That was cool! - Ooh, there's frogs in that pond. - Yeah, whoa. This place is actually so magical. I love it. Look, that looks like a lizard. Hold on. - Oh, I think it's a lizard actually, but yeah. - Crocodile. - Okay, well, crocodile or lizard. Do crocodiles hang on trees upside down and grab the branches? Guy, Adley, Mom! Bye. - [Adley] There must be more floats coming then! - Awesome. It's definitely a lizard. I'm gonna win in the comments. Adley, quick question for what is that? - A lizard or a crocodile? - It's a lizard. - Yes, what do you think, Niko? - I think it's a lizard. - [Shaun] Oh, boy. Mom, did you hear that? Mom, Mom. Mom, did you hear that? It's a lizard. - Quack, quack. (squealing) (laughs) Hop. - We got a bunch of little frogs back here hopping. Come on, little froggies. We made it to Africa. - Navey was holding my finger, and when she hops, she's kinda pulling it. (laughs) (upbeat music) (speaking in foreign language) - [Shaun] That's our ride. - Whoa, Daddy, look! - [Shaun] These are all the animals we got, oh, do you guys have your books? - Yep, right here. - [Shaun] Okay, do we know what animals we're looking for? - Yep, I have all these animals. - [Jenny] (indistinct) And then up ahead on the. - [Shaun] I see 'em. - [Woman] Conservation efforts for these rhinos is essential. (drowned out by music) - [Shaun] Got the crocodiles. Oh, that's a big circle. - That was big. - There's so many cool animals. Those live by our house. - Whoa. (drowned out by music) - [Jenny] What's that? - It's a zebra! - Zebras, Dad. - (indistinct) Mountain zebra is a unique species of zebra, because of the dewlap that they have on their neck. On either side of the truck, you may notice these termite mounds. - [Shaun] You see a giraffe, where? - [Adley] Hey, giraffe! - [Guide] See if we can find some more giraffes up ahead, as well. - [Shaun] Good eyes, guys, you're finding lots of animals. What is it? - It's a monkey. A monkey! (drowned out by music) - That is awesome. More elephants, look. - [Adley] Hey, elephant. - [Shaun] Is that an elephant? (squeals) - [Jenny] Goodbye. - [Shaun] Goodbye. (drowned out by music) (squeals) - There's too many duckies to count. There's too many duckies to quack. (laughs) - [Shaun] What'd you see? (indistinct) - You guys see any more animals? - No, we only have a couple animals left. - Ooh, we need to find a tiger, porcupine, ostrich. - A naked mole rat? - A naked mole rat. We gotta find a naked mole rat. Tell me if you see a mole rat, the last is close. Guys, lions. - [Guide] Keep your eyes peeled. - [Shaun] Cheetahs up on this hill. - See under the tree. - [Shaun] Under the tree. - [Adley] Wow. A mama and its baby. - [Shaun] Wait, what's in front of us. - A ostrich. - There's a ostrich in front of us. Hey, get out the way. - [Shaun And Adley] Bye, ostrich. - [Shaun] There's ostrich eggs! What do we have left on our animals? - I have tiger, naked mole rat- - I have a hedgehog. - [Shaun] Oh, a hedgehog. - Tarantula spider, a bat, a goat, and think that's it. - Navey said goats, and I was like there's no goats here. - [Guide] Quality dairy products. - [Adley] Tell them I got my goat. - [Guide] That means that the farmers (drowned out) in your area. The one thing you can do is- - It's a bumpy ride back here. Whoa. - Look over there, wave there, hi. - Hi. - [Jenny] He's so close. - Those are wildebeests. You gotta watch out for those when you're in gorges. (screaming) - Thank you, we had so much fun. - Oh, I'm glad. - Holding hands. - [Shaun] Yeah, Niko, what was your favorite animal you saw? - The crocodile was sleeping. - [Shaun] The crocodile. - I think mine was Simba. - [Shaun] Simba. (screaming) - Have you ever heard the full name for a giraffe? It's longer than a giraffe is tall. Giraffa camelopardalis. - Wow, did you know that's it's real name? - No. - Camelopardalis means camel wearing a leopard jacket. People have fun naming animals. - There you go. - Thank you. - I didn't see a hedgehog. - [Shaun] Oh, we gotta find a a hedgehog still. - Whoa. - [Jenny] You see the monkey up there, Niko? - [Shaun] He's just hanging out upside down. That's like a Adley monkey, it's upside down. (laughs) - Naked mole rats. - [Shaun] You got your naked mole rat. - Hey, naked mole rats, you need to put your clothes on. - Yeah, put your clothes on. - Yeah, you guys gotta put your clothes on. - Naves. - Naves, come on. You can't go under the rope. - [Adley] Yeah, you can't. - Navey loves naked mole rats. - Turtles. - [Shaun] Turtles. - They're desert turtles. - He's eating that food. - [Jenny] They live in Kenya and Tanzania. - [Shaun] Whoa. - [Jenny] Niko, speak Slytherin to him. (indistinct) - Mommy, there's a froggy! - [Shaun] There's a frog. - Ooh, frogs. - Whoa, Adley, the bugs. - Fish like me, so many fish are coming by me. Oh, like this little guy. This guy loves me. This guy loves me. - Fishy! - [Shaun] Hey, so you see. - Fishy, fishy. - The fishy love lettuce. - [Shaun] Oh, I didn't know the fish eat lettuce. That's kind of cool. Whoa! - [Adley] I just wanna feel its teeth. - [Shaun] So cool,. Guys, look at this one. Yeah, oh, there's a baby fish. Look, there the hippo, you see that? - Hippos are so giant. - Hippos are ginormous. We just saw one. - You see him wiggle his ears? - [Niko] Yeah. - He's wiggling his ears. (screams) - [Shaun] What's that? - Bet you never seen a hippo butt before. (laughs) - He's changing his bum. (laughs) - [Woman] What is tracking? - Like we're trying to follow him or find it. - Yeah, so what do we use to help us find an animal? I found this paw print. Can you guys help me figure out what animal it's gonna be? - [Shaun] What animal? - So we think this is a big animal or a small animal? - A big animal! - A big animal! - Big claws, but if we're looking at this paw print, do you see any claws? - No. - No, right? So we know it's gonna be an animal who can take their claws away. Do you know any animals in your house or your friends house that can, an animal that can take their claws away when they're not using them. - A kitty. - A kitty! - Yes, you are exactly right. - A lion. - [Woman] A lion, can you all give me your best lion roar? (roaring) - [Woman] Oh, my god, you're such scary lions. All right, my friends, and I hope you have a great rest of your day exploring. There you go. (laughs) - [Shaun] You got all your badges. Not all. - [Shaun] You almost got all of 'em. Good job, guys. And we get to circle the gorilla now. We saw the gorilla. - Plant your own butterfly habitat. Whoa! - [Shaun] Isn't that cool? - Yeah, I see one hatching right now. Aw. I just wanna feel what it's like to hold a butterfly. Can I hold you please? Come on. - [Child] That yellow butterfly. - Come on. (screams) Aw, he flew away. I wanna hold it. It came to me, aw. - [Jenny] There you go, bud. Hold him straight, hold him straight. - [Shaun] Good job, Niko. - I feel like he's like, "Is this food? This is yucky food." - [Shaun] That was awesome. - I wanna hold it. (indistinct) (upbeat music) Hi, little butterfly. Butterfly. - [Jenny] Look, Niko, look, look. (laughing) (drowned out by music) - [Adley] Run free butterflies, run free! - [Jenny] Careful. - Quack. - [Jenny] Quack. - [Shaun] What is it? - Quack. - [Shaun] Quack, quack? (squealing and laughing) - [Shaun And Jenny] Don't let no gators get ya. Oh (indistinct). - [Shaun] Guys, look behind you. A giant bird. - [Jenny] A big bird. - [Shaun] Stop, his name's Big Bird. - [Niko] I'm going in the sand. - [Jenny] Whoa! - [Niko] You dig, dig, dig. - Whoa! - It's like time powder. - Time powder? I think she means like the sand in an hour glass time powder. (laughs) That's Jenny's real laugh, the rattlesnake laugh. That's how you know it's sincere. (laughs) - [Jenny] Look at the bird, Niko, he's getting ready to fly. ♪ Fly like an eagle ♪ He looks like a pterodactyl. - [Shaun] That's cool. - [Adley] Fly, you bird! - Dad. - What? Come look at this sign, it says snakes and alligators. - [Shaun] Should we look for some? Ooh, look in there under that rock, there's a little snake. Do you see it down there? - [Adley] Oh, yeah. Do you see it, Naves? - Yeah. - [Shaun] Whoa. - It's going to the fence. - Welcome to best day ever, day three. Kind of been rest day. We had to move to a different hotel room, 'cause there wasn't any more room, and this place turned out beautiful. I think that's our old place, new place. - Dad, me and you have to do a competition. Who can spell the better name? You have to think of any name and spell it. - [Shaun] The better name? I'm gonna spell Navey. (screaming) (boat horn wailing) Yeah! Wow! Okay, hello, we're having the best day ever. - [Children] Yeah! - [Shaun] Have the best day ever! (boat horn honks) (laughs) - I see a real shell, a clam shell maybe on that rock. - [Shaun] Ooh, it's a clam shell. I bet there's an otter around there that ate it. - [Jenny] I bet there's a pearl. - Dad. - What? - Come over here, a dinosaur footprint. - That's a hand. - No, that looks like a dinosaur. - [Adley] No, look. - [Shaun] There's two dinosaurs! - No, it's my hand, look. (laughing) - [Jenny] Guys, look at this footprint right here. What is that? - [Adley] It's an animal trap. - [Shaun] Ooh, that is an animal trap. - Oh, it's mom! - [Shaun] It's mom! Look. - [Adley] Dad, guess what? - What? - This girl named Elena, she can slow down time by just blowing stand. Let's see if it's real. (blows) - [Shaun] Whoa! (indistinct) - She can unslow time by blowing sand, look. (blows) ♪ La da-da da-da-da ♪ - [Shaun] Oh, that's cool. (upbeat music) Ooh, fierce. Oh, that, look, wait, is that real? - Oh, that's a leaf. That looks like a crab cloth for reals. (upbeat music) (squealing) - G-U-S-E-T-E-G-R-S. Tigers are the best. Tigers are the best. - [Jenny] And I said have the; I ran out of time. - Fill in the blank, leave a comment. Have the? (upbeat music) (squealing) - [Navey] Quack. - [Adley] Is it quack? - Dad, should I open the door? - [Shaun] Yeah, let it in for reals. - 'Kay, quack, come on in. We'll just leave the door open. Mommy, I'm letting the duck in. - (gasps) There's a duck outside. Quack, quack. - It will be our friend. - I wanna pet him. - [Jenny] Give him a cracker. (quacking) (drowned each other out) - [Adley] Give me another one. (laughing) - [Jenny] Throw it. - Dad! Dad! (quacking) - Mummy, mummy, mummy, mummy! (imitating duck) (indistinct) - Don't fall. Go throw it to him. - That's a (indistinct) piece. - [Adley] Don't give it to him. - [Jenny] Good job. Good job. (laughs) - [Shaun] Give him another one. - [Child] He's like too much food now. - [Jenny] Ah, Daddy, can we keep him? - [Shaun] Yes. (laughing) - He'll poop in our house. - [Shaun] Yeah, we can't keep him. This is his home. - Remember to return to our house. - [Navey] Duckie! - [Adley] Bye duckie! - [Shaun] Be back home by midnight. - [Adley] Yeah, be back home by midnight. Bye, duckie. - [Niko] Hey, go get that cracker. (laughing) Bubbles, bubbles! Ducks love bubbles. Bubbles are made of water, So ducks love bubbles. - [Shaun] Yep, I think you're right. Did you know that, Naves? - Yeah. - Oh, good. - It's raining bubbles. ♪ It's raining bubbles ♪ - [Shaun] Naves is like I'll hold it. - It's my Groot bubbles. - (squeals) Bubbles, bubbles! - I'm going back inside. - [Navey] Bubbles. - Nave, look, get the vlog. - [Shaun] Hey, don't get the vlog, get the Niko. (screams) Good job. Oh, no, now's she's getting the vlog. Don't get Dad, no, don't get Dad. Oh, I am covered in bubbles. - I'm gonna put some bubbles inside. - [Shaun] Oh, that'd be tricky. - Bubbles inside. (slams) Bubbles inside! Bubbles inside! - There's bubbles on the bed! Oh, boy, look at that bubble window. Nave. - [Niko] Washy, washy, wash. We're washing them. - Okay, at least you're washing them. - Bubbles! Pop, pop, pop. - No more bubbles in the house. Get your bubble butt out here. - [Shaun] Oh, boy, Buzz bubble's in the house. - [Jenny] Buzz, get out. - Dad, which one is Groot bubbles, and which one is Buzz Lightyear bubbles? - [Shaun] I have no idea, they're all mixing up. Vlog, which bubbles are which? I can't tell 'em apart. - Get the vlog! - (screams) No, don't get me. Whoa, that looks kind of cool actually. - I'm gonna do a back massage. - Oh, a back massage, oh, thank you. Oh, that feels so good. Nice bubble back- - A bubble back massage. - Yeah, that feels great. This is best day ever stuff. I love moments like these. I love sharing them with you guys. - This is fun! - This is what being - This is a bubble party - a family's all about. - out here! - It is a bubble party out here. - I've never been on this ride. It's the group ride. - I think we're getting Niko on the group ride. Just kind of pushed him through. - You know what I'm gonna do, I'm gonna do. - Oh, to be really tall? The group ride is Guardians of the Galaxy, And it's pretty good. We road it earlier. - I wanna see Groot! Groot! - Dinosaurs. - That's really cool. We got Niko on the ride. - I'm ready. - You're ready? This one's really fun, but it's in the dark. Are you scared of the dark? - No! - Good. - I am scared brave. - Scared brave? We're a little scared brave. You see Groot, he's up there. (indistinct) We got this. - We're all toast. - I think he's asleep. (laughing) Super Navey (laughing). ♪ Grapes are jumping off the bed ♪ ♪ And one fell off the bed ♪ ♪ And the doctor said no more grapes jumping on the bed ♪ - No more grapes jumping on the bed. One fell off in daddy's mouth (munching). Baby Bloom over there. Oh, she's getting a bite. Good job, Bloom (munching). She's been doing good. - She's been such a good eater. - I'm gonna put a grape. Ew, grape guts. - [Shaun And Jenny] Grape guts! - Just a quick little breakfast before we figure out how to get on this ginormous ship. I don't know what happens next, but I hope next time you see us we're on a giant ship. - It's a clam, Dad. - They have really rare grapes in Florida. (upbeat music) It's yummy, wait. That's just like grape. - 'Cause it's grapes. - [Shaun] It's pretty yummy, huh? - It taste like orange juice. - Can I get a grape in my apple juice? A cut grape. - Ooh, a cut grape. - Delicious. - Adley, you want a grape in your water? - [Shaun] Look at these fancy drinks. There's Niko's. There's Dad's. - I had four. - Yuck! (laughing) Is this it? Arendelle for dinner. There's Olaf. Kristoff, he's my favorite. It's Adley and Naves. Can you say hi? Hi. Oh, that's pretty cool. Whoa, is that where you're sleeping tonight? - Yeah. (applauding) - [Shaun] Oh, thank you. (laughing) Dad, do you think we're gonna see Anna and Elsa? - Yeah, this is fancy. Look how beautiful. Wow. Everyone looks all fancy, and then me an Niko, we're just in our skate T-shirts and shorts. I think we were supposed to dress up more. - We are dressed up! - (laughs) We are dressed up, it's cool. - [Adley] Niko, here. - [Shaun] Whoa, what is it, lemme see? - It's a flag menu! - [Shaun] Ooh. - They're kissing. - [Shaun] Ew, gross! Kissing's disgusting. Wow, getting all fancy on us? - Hoo-hoo. - [Jenny] Hoo-hoo. - Am I getting a hoo-hoo out there? - [Crowd] Hoo-hoo. Hoo-hoo. (chattering) (drowned out by music) (clapping) (cheering) (cheering) - [Adley] Hello. - Wow, you look just like me! - You look just like! - Really (laughs)? - [Shaun] I'm confused. - Hope you all enjoy your meals. So good to see you all. (laughing) - [Shaun] Elsa, hi, Elsa. - It's so great to see you all celebrating with us. - Could she get a picture with you? - [Elsa] Of course. Great, thank you for inviting- - Adorable. - me to a wonderful memory. - Thank you. - Bye. - Thank you very much. - How cool was that? (indistinct) - Seriously, the real one (laughs). That's pretty cool. Is it good? - So good, pop it up. - Pop it up, it's so good. - [Shaun] Oh. - (sighs and laughs) - What's so funny, musical snowman? - I was just thinking about summer and sun and all things hot. Don't you all just feel warm and fuzzy when you think about summer? - Ooh, family, what's the first thing that comes to mind when you think of summer? All together. - Snowmen! - Snowmen? - Are you nervous? It's Olaf. (indistinct singing) - You have a love singing voice, you know? - Why thank you. Summer brings it out in me. - Come on, musical snowman. Let's go sing some (indistinct). - Oh, that sounds fun. Bye for now. - Bye, Olaf. - Bye-bye. Bye. (upbeat music) (clapping) - [Shaun] That was nuts, you went right by him (laughs). (squealing) Hi, Naves. You want some dessert? (drowned out by music) (laughing) - [Niko] Are those marshmallows? Are those marshmallows? (upbeat music) - [Shaun] Whoa. Niko enters the chat (laughs). (laughs) - There's (indistinct). (wind blowing) - Guys, we're by the ocean! - [Niko] We're in the middle of the ocean! - Yeah. - Dad, do not drop mom's phone. - Do not drop my phone, Dad. (laughing) - [Shaun] Whoo, that was good. (indistinct) - [Worker] You wanted vanilla? - [Jenny] Vanilla. - [Worker] And you wanted a swirl. - [Jenny] Ooh, is it good? Nice. Niko, do you like it? Oh, yeah. - Small swirl. - Thank you. - [Jenny] Thank you, is it good? - Taste first? Is it pretty good? - [Worker] You like it? - [Jenny] Yeah. Thank you (laughs). Yummy, thanks, guys. - I got chocolate! - Cheers. - [Shaun] Oh, that's a cute picture. Come on, get the picture right there. One, two, three, cheese. (upbeat music) - And again, again, again, again, again, again, again, again, again, again, again, again, again! Forever.
Channel: A for Adley - Learning & Fun
Views: 24,864,572
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adley, shonduras, best day ever, water park, private water park, incredible water parks, diy, custom, backyard, backyard ideas, adley mcbride, a for adley, update, bakyard tour, toys, kids toys, water toys, water balloons, kids activities, family fun, kids water toys, water slides, pool toys, water slide, pretend play, new board game, pro, future surf pro, backyard water park, vacation, hawaii, indoor waterpark, wave pool, Disney Aulani, Mikey Mouse, Goofy, Max, first water slide
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 45sec (4365 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 25 2022
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