BLUEY FAMiLY in real life!! Adley & Niko trick or treat at our Spacestation party in their costume!

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- This is what I'm gonna say at the door. I'm gonna say, "A trick, or a treat. Trick or treat to you!" - I will say, "Trick or treat. I like dinosaurs." (Shaun laughs) - My tail keeps chasing me. - [Shaun] Your tail is chasing you? - [Jenny] Navey, that's for the dogs. Navey! - [Shaun] Bluey just now did the splits. - Oh Scoob, look who's here! [Scooby] - Hello! - Trick or treat. - Thank you. - [Shaun] Oh, you're looking spooky, Sabrina. - Adley, I am your father. - Hey! I'm Adley's father! - Trick or treat. - [Shaun] All the Space Station crew turned into skeletons. (Shaun screams) (Adley screams) Ah, I tricked you! - Dad, stop it. - Regular guy with super powers. Whoa! - Bird. - Bird. What?! - [Shaun] A mailbox?! What's in that mailbox? - Chicken. - [Shaun] Is that a Tall Chicken? - [Niko and Navey] Trick or treat. - [Shaun] Adley, have you ever seen the wizard frog? - No. - [Shaun] All right. What is this? It's scary. (Adley screams) - [Holladay] Look up. (Shaun laughs) - Trick or treat. - [Shaun] Whoa! Woo! It's a Bingo Niko. We found more. Oh, these are - ooh, cereal! Okay, this is a good one. - [Jenny] Ooh, baby can eat this one. - Let's go. - [Shaun] Oh, that's tricky. (group shouts) Edgar! - Oh, I thought I was out right there. Yeah! - [Shaun] One more? Oh yeah. - [Jenny] Yay! - [Shaun] Good job, Naves! - [Jenny] Yay! - Hello! Welcome to our best day ever! - Best day ever! - [Shaun] Get me up. - No. - [Shaun] Let me up. - Down. - Dog pile on dad! Dog pile! - Okay, why is today a special day? - We got our costumes today. - [Shaun] Our Halloween costumes. Navey? What is she doing? - Trying to get into the baby high chair. - That's not your high chair. What do you guys think we're gonna be for Halloween? Cause it's here. Our costumes are in- - It starts with a B. - the house. What are we gonna be? Do you guys wanna see our costumes? Yes, should we get them on? - They did not have Navey's costume, so I had to make hers. - And it's so cute! All right. Adley, get a chair to put the vlog on. That's your mission. - Okay. - Navey, that's for the dogs. Navey! - All right. Perfect. Vlog, you're gonna sit right here, and we are going to turn into a Halloween family. Are you ready? Navey! Don't zip her in! Get over here. Let's roll. - Welcome to our Bluey family. (Bluey theme song) - Mum. (Bluey theme song) Dad. (Bluey theme song) Bingo. (Bluey theme song) Bluey. - Good job! We're a Bluey family for Halloween. - [Jenny] And, Chatterbox. - And a mini Chatterbox. Jenny made that costume. That's the Bluey little toy. Is it a toy, or a pet? - It's a toy, yeah. It's a toy, and if you've seen Bluey, then you know. (Navey makes a noise) Did she just say, "Bluey?" - [Shaun] Hello, little Chatterbox. Where you headed? - [Adley] To the vlog. - [Shaun] To the vlog? Wait, I know where we should go. Who wants to go trick or treating? - Me! - [Shaun] At the Space Station. - Woot, woot! Oh yeah, oh yeah! - I was just standing here like this, and Navey went... (Adley imitates a high five) - Navey gave you a high five? Can I get a high five? - [Jenny] Yay! - One more? Oh yeah! Good job, Naves! - [Jenny] Yay! So, we're having a party at the Space Station tonight where all the Space Station crew is bringing their families. We're gonna trick or treat and have fun. But first, we gotta go test out the trick or treating dog. Whoa, Bluey just now did the splits! That's crazy. - My tail's chasing me! - [Shaun] Your tail is chasing you? You guys ready to roll? Chatterbox! Chatterbox is eating dog food. No, no, no, Chatterbox. - Ooh, look at my painting. - [Shaun] Ooh, look at this. That is adorable. It looks just like you, girl. - And, I forgot to do something on this one. - [Shaun] I like that. Oh, you gotta sign your name. Good job, Bluey. I mean Adley. I keep thinking you're really Bluey. - This is what mom did. - [Shaun] Mom, you colored? - I love to color. I love that Adley's into it now. So, we do it together. - [Shaun] I know. - Mom colored these two. I colored this. - [Shaun] Good job. - I need shorts underneath this. I'm so hot. - [Shaun] Ah, Chatterbox is escaping! Where you going, Miss? Can you keep an eye on her? - Mm-hmm. - Okay. All right, vlog. We'll see you at the Space Station for some trick or treating. Whoa, we're here. - This is what I'm gonna say at the door. I'm gonna say, "A trick, or a treat. Trick or treat to you!" - [Shaun] All right. That works. What are you gonna say, Niko? - I'm gonna say, "Trick or treat. I'm like dinosaurs." - [Shaun] All right. That's a good one. Can we get someone's thumb to open this? Good job. Let's go get that candy. Sniff it out, dogs. These dogs know the smell of candy. In there? No? - Over there. - Oh, Scoob. Who's here? - [Scooby] Hello! - Trick or treat. - Trick or treat. Our candy is over here. - [Shaun] Oh yeah. Ooh, a spooky skeleton. Ooh, thank you. There we go. All right. Should we go find our next table? - Whoa, over here. - What do we got here? - [Shaun] Look at this dead cowboy. Looking good. - Trick or treat. - What do you say after trick or treat? Here you go. (adults laugh) - [Jenny] What is that? - Those are glow sticks. Then, you can put them around your neck. - [Shaun] Ooh, glow sticks. Did you guys get glow sticks? - Yeah. - [Shaun] Oh, yeah. - [Shaun] Happy Halloween, crew. - Oh, there's a guard? Oh, it's looking spooky over here. Guys, there's a guard. You're gonna have to say, "Trick or treat," to get past. - Trick or treat, pirate. - [Shaun] Trick or treat. ARRRRe you having a good Halloween? - VeRRRRy good. - Trick or treat. - [Pirate] Trick or treat. Trick or treat? Trick or treat to you." - [Shaun] Wow, that was a good trick. How do we get past this guard? Good distraction! Let's go, let's go, let's go. Sniff out that next candy. - Trick or treat. - Trick or treat. - Thank you. - [Shaun] Oh, you're looking spooky, Sabrina. I like that. And then, I'm gonna steal one of these as well. Thank you, thank you. Where next? - [Adley] Up the stairs. - [Shaun] Up the stairs. (Shaun sniffs) You smell that candy? I smell candy. - I see. I see. - [Shaun] It's a bunch of skeletons. Oh no. - Adley, I am your father. - Hey! I'm Adley's father! - [Aika] Oh shoot. - [Shaun] Do you know who that is? - Aika. - [Shaun] It's Aika! That is an awesome costume. - Do you wanna try my lightsaber? - There's a dog on the stairs. We just have dogs at the Space Station now. It's kinda fun. - I'm so strong. - [Jenny] You are strong. - [Shaun] Yeah. You're kind of like a Jedi. - There's Play-Doh in there, Dad. - [Shaun] What? - Dad, there's Play-Doh in there. - [Shaun] Play-Doh? Should we go trick or treat, and see if we can get some? - [Jenny] Let's go see what's in my bag. - Trick or treat. - [Shaun] All the Space Station crew turned into skeletons. Whaaaaa?! Good luck getting that candy. Be careful. - [Jenny] Think you can get any, Niko? - [Niko] Yeah, okay. - [Shaun] You gotta go fast. Here, I'll hold you up. Get it fast. Whoa! Good job. - [Jenny] Guys, these are creepy crawlies. - [Shaun] You wanna get something off the table? - We're getting a double (mumbles) - [Shaun] Ew! That's crazy. All right. Niko, did you get something off the table? - Just Play-Doh. - [Shaun] Ooh, you got Play-Doh. Hey, you taking more? That's what you get for sneaking more. - Navey's like, "What's going on?" - [Shaun] Do you want some, Navey? - Doesn't even faze her. - [Shaun] All right. Where's our next stop? - Yep. I mean, the more, the merrier. - [Shaun] It's a golfer on a phone call. That's a good costume. - Trick or treat. - Trick or treat?! Okay, I gotta go. Love you, bye. Trick or treat?! Well, I have candy for you, but... No! (Shaun laughs) - [Shaun] It's like a piñata! - [Golfer] No one saw that coming. - I like this. - [Shaun] I want a Twix, bye. - Dad I like these kind cause I grabbed it. - [Shaun] Yeah, those ones are delicious. All right. Thanks, bye. Good luck, golfer. - I like candy. Next office. - [Shaun] I don't know. These ones look spooky. Are you sure you wanna go in these ones? This is a spooky office. - Hey, guys. (Shaun laughs) - [Shaun] This is creepy. - Was this the right vibe for kids, right? - [Shaun] Yeah. This is the perfect vibe. A little more creepy, please. - Is this Shaun? - [Coworker] Yeah, that's Shaun's top half. - [Shaun] I think you need to say, "Trick or treat," to the zombie, and then you'll get something. - Trick or treat, zombie. - Trick or treat. - There's key chains, and then, there's candy over there. (Shaun screams) (Adley screams) - [Shaun] Aww, I tricked you! - Dad, stop it. - [Shaun] You gotta say, "Trick or treat," again if you want more. - Trick or treat. - Ooh, these are big candies. - [Shaun] Oh, yeah. Perfect. - Dad, I got your candy. - [Shaun] Guess what? I got your candy. Should we share? - Yep. - [Shaun] Okay, here. - [Jenny] Thanks, guys. - [Shaun] Thanks! SSG room. Doobie looking spooky also. That's rad. Trick or treat. Thank you. Guys, maybe more blood and creepy stuff next year? Thanks. (Adley knocks) - Trick or treat. (Niko knocks) - Trick or treat. - Just a regular guy with super powers. Whoa! You wanna see a trick? Niko, can you say, "Bird?" Say, "Bird," really loud. - Bird. - Bird. What?! Whoa! - [Shaun] Okay, that's rad. - Can you say, "Fish," Adley? - Fish. - Fish? Let's see if we got fish on here. What? It's a fish! - [Shaun] That is so cool. - How about I trick or treat. You guys grab whatever you want. - Trick or treat. - Yes. Look at this girl. Hey, boo. - Thank you. - See ya, friends. - [Shaun] Thank you. - Bye. - [Shaun] Uh... hello? - [Adley] Trick or treat. - Trick or treat. - [Shaun] Trick or treat. You have any white paste for us or anything? - I do. I have a whole can. - [Shaun] Did you want any of that? - No. (Shaun laughs) Let's get out of here. - That was a trick, not a treat. - [Shaun] Yeah, that was more of a trick. Hey, more treats next year. Less tricks. - I'm sorry. (Jenny laughs) - That's Luke. He's building our cool Space Station stuff. What?! A mailbox?! What's in that mailbox? - [Adley] Chicken. - [Shaun] Is that a Tall Chicken? - It is. - Aww, we've been missing Chicken. Look at this guy. - I'm the mailman. - Walton Stockton. An inside joke. John Stockton. You get it if you live in Utah. - [Chicken] Get in there. - [Shaun] Ooh, what'd you get? - I got two M&M. - [Shaun] You got two? - [Jenny] Does this close? No mail today, guys. - There's no door. I made it like three hours. Give me a break. - [Shaun] You did all that in only three hours? Oh, the talent. All right. See you later. - Bye. - [Jenny] Bye, Chicken. - [Shaun] Happy Halloween. - How are you gonna take that off? - [Chicken] I dunno. - [Shaun] It's on his head forever now. (Adley laughs) All right. Where to? Sniff out the next candy. - [Adley] I wanna go in here. (Adley and Niko knock) - Happy Halloween. - [Adley] Trick or treat. - [Shaun] Adley, have you ever seen a wizard frog? - No. - [Shaun] This is the first wizard frog. Okay. We got... Oh, you're like my cousin. Adley, that's like Bluey's cousin, Stitch. More frogs back here. A dark fairy. Adley, did you ever see a dark fairy? - No. - [Shaun] I dare you to touch it. - No. - [Shaun] Do you dare to touch the dark fairy? - No. - [Shaun] Navey, do you dare? She's like, "Not me." All right. Bye, dark fairy. Thank you, wizard frog. - [Man] You're welcome. - [Woman] Do you want a candy? - [Shaun] Thank you. All right. What is this? I found something. What is this? - A giant spider. - [Shaun] A giant spider. Niko, look. That is scary. (Adley screams) - [Shaun] Hey! Don't kick that spider. - Adley, I see your face over there. - [Shaun] Where? Ah! You guys can't see that. It's Adley's cartoon. Oh, it's so exciting. - This is the way. (Shaun knocks on helmet) - [Shaun] I think it's real. (Adley laughs unimpressed) I dare you to touch it. - No. - [Shaun] I dare you to touch it. - Okay. - [Shaun] Wow, you touched it! You're crazy. - Dad. - [Shaun] What? - I can see it cause I'm not in it. - Yeah, whatever he said. I agree. Does anyone else have more candy? - There's a ghost over there. - [Shaun] A ghost? Should we go see if that ghost has candy? - Yeah. - [Adley] Trick or treat. - [Niko] Ironman. - Trick or treat. - [Niko] Ironman. - All right. Here's some candy. - [Shaun] Niko, are you excited? Whoa, how'd you make this? This is cool. Is this homemade? - Yeah, man. Fully 3D printed. - [Shaun] Wow. I like that. What's this? - I'm a butterfly. - [Shaun] Oh, can I get a whole wing spread please? Adley, Look at this butterfly. - Rumor has it I look like one of the NFTs. (Jenny laughs) - [Shaun] What do you think? Is that beautiful? - Yes. - [Shaun] All right. Let's check out this ghost. You better have candy. - [Adley] Trick or treat. - Boo! Look what I have. - [Adley] Thank you. - [Shaun] Is this real? Can I have this? - [Ghost] Sure. - All right. Trick or treat to me. Thank you, ghost. - No problem. - Thank you, ghost. - Trick or treat to you too. - [Ghost] Happy Halloween. - [Shaun] Happy Halloween. - Bye, bye. (Adley and Niko knock) - Trick or treat. - Trick or treat, Holladay. - [Niko] Holladay not here. - [Shaun] Where is he? I see his hand. - [Niko] Where? - [Shaun] Right there. No, that's not his hand. - The door. - [Shaun] Is he in the zen garden? Holladay? - [Holladay] Look up. - That got me so good. How did you even get up there? Oh, and they're Fun Dips. These are good ones. Get lots of them. This is where we need to just sit and chat. - It's actually been peaceful up here. This is Holladay's office. This is my office. And then, we'll meet in this middle area, and just chat and make decisions. But normally, we do it on the floor. I think that this is... - Yeah, I call topsies. Look at it. It's a nice, little, comfy seat. - [Shaun] Wow. - [Holladay] It's the best hiding spot I could find. - [Shaun] Well, trick or treat. Let's take you a couple more of these cause they're delicious. - [Holladay] Let's see if I can land one in. Here we go, Niko. Ready? (Holladay and Shaun groan) (Holladay, Shaun, and Jenny cheer) - [Holladay] Yeah, I got it! - [Shaun] All right. Guess what? Dad has some candy in his office. Let's go check it out. Whoa, whoa, whoa. You gotta say trick or treat. - Trick or treat. - [Shaun] Okay. Now, you can have one. And, this is my little skeleton bird. He keeps me company. - Trick or treat. - Why is there this in here? - [Shaun] I have no idea. Get rid of that. Okay. - Ooh, I want this. - [Adley] Thank you. - [Jenny] Thanks, dad. - [Shaun] Thanks, birdie. That bird's being my trick or treat guy. What's up, Scott? - How we doing, guys? - [Shaun] Just a family of blue and orange dogs over here. Nothing to see. (Adley and Niko knock) - [Jenny] Trick or treat. - [Shaun] Trick or treat. - [Adley] Trick or treat. - Oh, wow. Who are you guys? - Oh, my goodness. - Oh, you guys are dogs. - No, Bluey. - All I have is chocolate. (Shaun gasps) - [Shaun] Dogs can't eat chocolate. - No. - [Shaun] Sorry, guys. Wait, I know who that is. Who is that? - Nick. - [Shaun] That's Nick. Wait, who's that back there? - Colby. - [Shaun] Colby. - [Nick] Do you guys wanna see something really cool? - [Adley] Yeah. - [Nick] Look what's on there. - [Shaun] Oh, my goodness. Adley's new place. You got it working on the tables. - [Nick] Yeah. Well, I didn't, Ethan did. - [Shaun] Good job, Ethan. I mean, Luigi. Well done, Luigi. Well, that's a wrap. (drum bangs and cymbal clangs) Mummy joke. (Shaun and Adley sing theme song) (Navey cries) Oh, it's not real, Naves. - She does not like the dinosaur. - [Shaun] She does not like the dinosaur. - [Niko] Dad, hold my candy. - You're gonna go fast. All right, hold on. I'm going down to catch Mom and Naves. They're gonna go flying off the slide. All right. Whoo! Good job, girls. The dog was here to protect you. It's a Bingo Niko! Here's your candy. Hey, your candy. Hey. Yeah! - [Adley and Niko] Trick or treat. - [Shaun] Where's Nana? Wait, where is she? I don't even see her. (Jenny laughs) Where's Waldo joke. Where's Waldo. - Give me a hug, little baby. - Trick or treat. - [Woman] Which one do you like, Niko? - I like this one. - [Woman] That's a good one. - [Shaun] Thank you, Space Station mamas. (Shaun sings theme song) - Trick or treat. - Hey. Look at you guys. (Jenny laugh) You want some candy? - Yeah. Trick or treat. - Watch out for the old man right there though. You're gonna have to grab it from the old man, Niko. Be brave. - [Shaun] Who dares? Adley, careful. Niko, careful. Oh, whoa. - Good job. - [Shaun] Good job. - You get an M&M for being brave. - [Shaun] Happy Halloween. - Happy Halloween. - Wait. - [Shaun] You found more? These are... ooh, cereal?! Okay. This is a good one. You definitely want this. - [Jenny] Ooh, Navey can eat this one. - [Shaun] Yeah. - Okay, guys. I think we have one more. - [Adley] Trick or treat. - Welcome. Actually we have some- - [Jenny] Teethers? - Teethers. Baby teethers. - [Jenny] Oh, my gosh. That is so cute. Game on, baby. - Game on, baby. - [Shaun] Hey, this is the best stop so far today. - A bunch. - [Shaun] That's awesome. They're baby teethers. Here, Naves. - So cute. - [Shaun] That's all you, girl. You're not teething, but you can chew on it if you want to. There you go. Thank ya. Merry Halloween, everyone. - Merry Halloween. - You want some Gushers? Okay. (adults laugh) - [Shaun] See ya. I think we did it. Should we go get the party set up? - Number two! - [Shaun] Did we go to number two? - No. - Guys, my friend is there. - [Shaun] Where? - At this one. (Shaun knocks) - [Adley] There's candy. - [Shaun] They're not here. Should we just take the candy? Oh, yeah. We don't even have to say, "Trick or treat." Score. Oh, yeah. All right. Did we get it all? - Is this our number two? - [Shaun] Yeah. This is number two. And, this is number three. - Number six. - [Shaun] Number six isn't done yet. (Adley groans) I know. Is there anything in here? I think that's everything. Do you want me to see what we got set up for the party? - Yeah. - So, the whole Space Station crew and their families are coming here for a party. We're gonna have games, and we're gonna have a four pong, like four player ping pong tournament. It's gonna be a good time. Do you wanna do the art booth? - Yeah, art booth. - [Shaun] Cause there's a drawing booth. We can draw stuff. - I love to draw! - [Shaun] Perfect. - We can color art over here. - [Shaun] Yeah. We got some crayons. Ooh, look. There's some stuff to color over here. Do you wanna pick one? There's a little cat. - I wanna color a pumpkin. - [Shaun] Okay. - Real quick. - All right. I'm gonna get this Space Station party set up, and then back to best day ever stuff. Dill? The final randomization. And then, the first stop will be the first two on the top. - [Group] Randomize, randomize, randomize, randomize! - Stop! (group cheers) - Top left, top right. Report to the tables! For pong! We got Tall Chicken to hook up a live stream here because any Space Station crew that's not here can sponsor players and win money based on who wins the four pong. So, it's a all-out four pong tournament. By the time you see this, it's over, but it was a (mumbles) - Here we go. One, two, three, pong! - Oh, this is real. These guys just started. Oh, my! - [Man] You're gonna get it. - [Shaun] He's sweating! (group cheers) - Whoa, whoa, wait. I gotta catch up with this guy. How'd you do it? - Well, you know- Sorry. It got rough there in the second game. But, pulled through with the clean sweep. Two crowns, baby. - [Shaun] Proud of you. Are these your sponsors? - These are my sponsors. - [Shaun] Okay, yep. Good sponsors. Congrats. - Okay. Woo! - Frog versus butterfly. Who's the stronger predator? He's lit, he's lit. He's ready. (crowd cheers) The magic frog lives on! This is amazing. Thank you. So, we've got the bracket up here. Oh, mom's up? You got this, mom. I believe in you. - I'm glad someone does. No. - [Shaun] You just gotta let someone take the wheel. See that wheel? Let someone take it. Oh, we got some feet and toes. I like that. Colby, what you got? - A purple house so far. - [Shaun] Are you up? Let's go, Jen. I believe in you. - Go mommy, go mommy, go mommy! (Shaun laughs) - [Shaun] We got Holladay up here. Trust your instincts. Trust them. - [Group] Oh, oh! - [Man] Come on, Nate. Come on! - [Shaun] Ah! Trust your instincts! - [Cowboy] I love that his saber's on. He's ready for business. - [Shaun] He's ready at any moment's notice to slice. (group cheers) - Brandon, cut that out. We gotta save his personal profile. - [Robot] Oops. Who's that for? - Colby. - [Shaun] Aww. - Colby! - What? Oh, this is for me?! - Yeah, look. To Colby. - Oh, my gosh. I love it! Thank you. It's even got my name. - Pumpkin! - Good job. (Holladay cheers) - [Shaun] Tried to track it. - [Man] I believe. Wait, I'm alive! (group cheers) (group cheers) - [Shaun] Farmer Nick! Oh, that was a good hit. - Oh, my. - Aww! - We're gonna go scare somebody. Nana, would you like some candy? - Oh, I'd love some. (Nana screams) - Do you want some candy? - Ooh, yeah. I'll take- What the?! (man gasps) - Would you like some candy? (wizard frog screams) (Aika screams) - I scared a lot of people. - You scared me! (group groans) - [Shaun] He's moving on! Nick's little avocado. - Grew it myself. - That's Nick's baby avocado, and Nick's an avocado farmer. Perfect costume. I love it. Got a crew in here drawing, I think. Welcome to the Space Station, guys. Are you gonna go trick or treating? You look so cute. Hello! Oh, yeah. You look cool. Can I get a high five? Ooh, good one. - You're gonna go under my name, I need to concentrate. - Oh, my gosh! You guys, I'm so bad. - [Shaun] Oh, that was tricky. (group shouts) - [Shaun] Edgar! (group cheers) - [Shaun] No. Wait, did you just win? Who won? - I don't know. It just went off. - Oh, you won! Oh, this is scary. Okay. ♪Let's get down to business ♪ (Shaun screams) Oh, that's just instincts. Pong instincts. All right. Okay. (group shouts) - [Jenny] Can you get any closer to that table? - Yes! Closeness helps. - [Man] Shaun's got four lives, people. - [Man] Yeah, yeah. Why are we, why-? - [Jenny] Really? - I need to get closer. - [Jenny] If you win this one, you win. - I go to the semi-finals. - [Jenny] Okay, really? - Oh no! - [Man] He gave his own pong back to him. - He did. I believe in you, Spence. Teach me a lesson. (Shaun shouts) - That's another crown. We're gonna to the semi-finals. - No way, come on! - So good. Oh! (group shouts) - [Jenny] What'd you make? That looks so good. - Happiness is so important. I have to win. I'm good, I'm good. Just gotta take care of it. I can't let the ball get past me. Holy! How did I even do that?! Oh, I thought I was out right there. Yes! Thank you. One more. Thank you. - Okay, everybody. We have the finals. - [Shaun] Pong finals. (guys clapping) - Right here, Levi. (group cheers) - Woo! - [Shaun] You can watch there, or there. - [Group] Three, two, one. Pong! (group cheers) (group cheers) - That's a crown. That's one. - [Shaun] That's a crown, Naves. We need one more. - [Group] Three, two, one. Pong! - Gotta come down at an angle like this. (group shouts) - We have one crown here, one crown here. - All right. So, if either of those people win again, it's over. - [Group] Pong! - [Paxton] Oh, my God. - [Shaun] Come on, Pax. It's all you, man. Come on, Pax. (group shouts) - [Group] Two, one. Pong! - Good job. Congratulations. - Pong champion. - He really is. - I just put 10 bucks on him. - [Shaun] You did? - I did. I put 10 on him and 10 on you. - [Shaun] Well, you chose wisely cause you just won. - But, there was a big bet placed on Paxton for $40. Paxton bet on himself. (Shaun laughs) - [Shaun] Wow. Yo, yo. Get this. Paxton bet on himself and just made extra money. (group cheers) That is the way. Bet on yourself. That's the moral of ping pong. Wow. (upbeat music) ♪This time did it feel like thunder baby ♪ ♪ Whose bed have your boots been under ♪ - [Jenny] Wow, you know all the lyrics. - Yeah, I'm going all in on this. That's Shania Twain. That's my girl... After you. - [Robot] Oops.
Channel: Shonduras
Views: 27,514,254
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Keywords: Shonduras, Best Day Ever, BLUEY FAMiLY in real life!! Adley & Niko trick or treat at our Spacestation party in their costume!, Adley, A for Adley, Niko Bear, Baby navey, costume, bluey, bluey real vs fake, family costume show, halloween, halloween party, family fun, family halloween routine, new game, trick or treat, pretend play, aladdin in real life, KiDS COSTUME RUNWAY SHOW!! Adley plays a Disney Princess Pirate Fairy and Baby Shark with Niko!, pong, pirate, zombie, Darth vader
Id: 6T95b0CTdtw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 17sec (1937 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 02 2021
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