Raiden Shogun: Civil War (Genshin Impact)

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okay this is the write in shogun story quest part two transient dreams talk to katherine oh man my favorite npc add astra apple cois [Music] okay i was close enough recently the adventurous guild has received an unusual commission and after careful consideration we believe that the traveler would be the most suitable candidate right sounds about right indeed as ever i will spare the pleasantries then may i ask if you two are available to help doesn't this happen every single time monstat lyre in azuma in azuma part 2. it'll depend on the task and the compensation well let me go over it briefly our client for this job is the yashiro commission apparently rooftowns are attacking the roots of the sacred sakura nearby mount yoga in great numbers rift towns on narakami island yes we are not sure where exactly these creatures come from but this time they are attacking in alarming numbers with great aggression and a clear target i miss the part where that's my problem the sacred sakura is of tremendous importance to inazuma i trust you are aware of this already uh i believe i understand good then you can see that this case is very urgent indeed is the ten rio commission aware yes and they are already taking action of their own however given that the sacred sakura's root system is vast and complex and faced with the unpredictability and scale of the rift town's attacks they are finding it difficult to defend against them their main priority is to protect the civilian population so they are actively looking to cooperate with all other available forces to eliminate the monsters the adventurous guild is one of the key parties assisting the tenrio commission with their work but so far the combined efforts to combat the rift towns has failed to substantially ameliorate the situation time to white time to make some whelps yelp or i'll send these pooches back what what are these options who wrote this quest okay um time to make some whelps yelp you have our deepest gratitude your confident response puts me far more at ease i will mark on your map the areas where rift town appearances have been recently reported i hope you won't encounter too much trouble overcoming them it's not like i have a choice [Music] all right looks like we're dealing with some rift hounds transient dreams act two [Music] [Music] time to teach him a lesson that's the sacred sakura that is a tree root in the ground fine we're fine we're fine we're fine yeah you stand no chance against me i'm gonna put some dirt in your eye [Music] what there's more oh my god you're joking all right forget it you're demoted traveler torn to oblivion what wait no could also be a oh it's you two it has been a long time we have not seen each other since the resolution of the tenrio commission crisis that is the most us ex machina thing i have ever seen in a story quest okay sounds more like a it is you right you sure made short work of them that was amazing you know i had them in the bag i think that was a little unnecessary of you but i suppose i suppose i will allow you to accompany me on my quest here uh what brings you out this time i'm making early preparations for what is to come where's to come last time we took a walk around inazuma together i witnessed the way the world is today i was finally able to comprehend some things that i had never understood in the past since then every time i encounter an obstacle in my thinking i find myself having the urge to spend some time in the outside world makes sense you must get super bored being stuck in there all the time might i remind you that i am not here to amuse myself recently i have observed a number of changes in the external world from the plane of euthymia the most serious of these being the attack on the sacred sakura by numerous rift towns i considered this matter worthy of my attention so i pursued them and they led me here or i happened to run into you doesn't seem like a matter needing the arkhan's attention if the shogun rather than i were to discover them yes perhaps she would have left the situation alone hmm why because she's just a puppet precisely according to the rules i designed for her matters of this nature are to be delegated to the tri-commission but rift hounds attacking the sacred sakura it brings back bad memories of that terrible disaster a disaster yes 500 years ago a great catastrophe befell inazuma everything was engulfed in a pitch-black fog and monsters ravaged the land countless lives were lost and this homeland that the people had worked so hard to build barely escaped being obliterated entirely the monsters committed many atrocities on ene zoom and soil and the rift hounds were always their advance guard their duty was to tear open a passage through space with their claws and teeth and then call in even more powerful beasts 500 years ago conriya so you've heard of it too that's an episode of history that i am loathed to recall maybe to you it seems like my response to these creatures was an excessive one but an excess of caution is not unwarranted in this case guess you can't argue with that since we are both here for the same reason let us work together okay from the traces they've left in the surrounding area there should be many more monsters nearby all of them must be eliminated let's go my mom feels so safe when we're in ace company having someone uber powerful on your team kind of makes you feel invincible doesn't it um i mean we could solo this i don't think we need the arkhan's help but since they offered we can't refuse after we've dealt with the monsters we should ask her to tell us that is the first smart thing you've ever said paimon [Music] let's follow it it should be this way oh but wait there's more what is this blood of what we are lucky the damage is not too serious the yoshiro commission will be able to nurse the root system back to health this stuff that's flowing out is it sap or something and how come it's glowing huh what's this oh terrible good baby dead people it wouldn't be the first time we'd seen ghosts on our journey but why would they appear here let's search the area perhaps we will find out ah i can't go on like this not when the other troops are counting on me what happened here could you tell us who are you what are you doing here run quick while you still can the monsters will be back and once you're in their sights i'm telling you there's no escaping them we will defend inazuma until our dying breath what monsters you you don't know inazuma is engulfed in darkness beasts and horrifying monsters are everywhere they're merciless ferocious and they will devour everything in their path every last trace of humanity's existence i tell you they'll devour it all but look none of that seems to be going on around here not right now but they'll be back look get out of here now there's no time left the almighty shogun is gone so is kitsune saigu there is no one left to rely on but ourselves i don't know how long we can hold out for but if we abandon our hope then we've got nothing left at all don't worry i'm right here it's the shogun you're back please we beg you you have to help us you have to save inazuma only the glow of your supreme lightning can dispel this terrible darkness please or the whole of inazuma will be reduced to a hunting ground for the beasts calm down the war you speak of is over over but what do you mean shogun look around you the grass grows green and lush and a soft breeze blows this is inazuma at peace as you will no doubt remember there are no monsters nor is there anything else here that could threaten your life what but how just moments ago they were everywhere i saw them tear my comrade to shreds with my own eyes oh geez hey calm down everything's fine now huh i think i understand almighty shogun you saved inazuma um yes we were right to place our trust in the almighty sugar as long as the shogun is with us inazuma will last for an eternity thank you your excellency thank you thank you oh what's wrong with him is he disappearing he's gone can't even begin to understand what that was all about but somehow my mom feels all sad and hopeless if i am not mistaken what we just saw was a samurai's memory that was buried in the land the sacred sakura can absorb and purify the filth in the ley lines after the rift towns attacked some of this filth leaked out through the cracks in the trunk and formed a physical entity an entity formed with strong filth would be highly aggressive but when purified it presents in the form of a memory purified filth quickly dissipates and will be absorbed by the ley lines shortly afterwards in other words it cannot exist for too long what is a purified filth the same thing happened to dusky ming so the memories of the ones that died are all appearing at this moment yes that soldier was one of the many thousands who made the ultimate sacrifice what he was describing just now was precisely the disaster that happened in inazuma 500 years ago you mentioned that the shogun was absent yes inazuma was facing many great crises at that time some were local in origin while others others came from the now fallen kingdom of conria the disaster in inazuma caused me great concern i felt that i had to step in before it was too late otherwise it would spread to all of tavat but my friend kitsune saiku reassured me that i had nothing to worry about she would shoulder the responsibility of protecting inazuma and mobilized all forces at her disposal to combat the threat i could tell that although neither of us acknowledged it we both knew that the road ahead would likely end in tragedy so inazuma was attacked at the same time as when the disaster happened in karmia indeed countless monsters suddenly appeared throughout all of inazuma in the end kitsune saigu sacrificed her life to protect the people i never had the chance to see her one last time but i would like to believe that she kept her promise to me until the very last promise but even then inazuma was left more devastated than we could have ever imagined those terrible tragedies left great wounds that are still felt to this day both on the land itself and in my heart hey [Music] is this the loss that yaimiko mentioned yes for the longest time i couldn't bring myself to face the pain of that loss all my martial might was in vain though i could conquer tatarigami and vanquish monsters i was helpless against the ravages of time powerless to keep the ones i cherished alive but after my clash with human ambition i thought long and hard now i realize i cannot fixate on the past forever so you're no longer stuck in the past when i traveled around inazuma with you i caught a glimpse of how the nation has progressed over the centuries a glimpse of human potential everything far exceeded my expectations moving forward inevitably invites further loss but also new encounters just think of that soldier despite all the losses he had experienced he still chose to keep fighting for the sake of moving forward all those who sacrificed themselves back then gave their lives fighting for a future but perhaps the future they were hoping for is not the eternity that i once strove for that's what being human is about as inazuma's god it is high time i honored their wishes warriors of the past who spilled your blood on this land your noble souls now rest in this earth i will never forget you and all that you did for inazuma he's taking all this pretty hard come on let's keep investigating the damage to the sacred sakura oh what is this oh not again wait just riding shogun where did my traveler go hello illusion shattered what torn to oblivion well i think it's fine right did they change wait why where is my traveler oh my god oh my god what is this stay away from me filthy hounds [Music] dude why'd they take my traveler away my right hand's only level 70. yo i'm getting clapped [Music] huh something seems wrong with a are you feeling okay why would you ask that well usually you'd pull out your sword and swish vaporize them all in one go no you are unduly concerned i'm simply conserving my energy conserving my energy although i have some understanding of the situation already it could take an unexpected turn at any time since when has an archon ever had to conserve their energy i must be prepared for anything if there are more formidable monsters lying in weight in this area i must make sure i have the strength to face them ah makes sense spoken like a seasoned shogun the roots seem pretty badly damaged this time we definitely need to tell the ashiro commission about this hey the same light is leaking out again is it the same situation as before gojoler furuyama is that you hmm almighty shogun what brings you back so soon i thought you were off fighting a battle in a distant land fighting a battle in a distant land sounds like this guy's talking about 500 years ago too allow me to introduce furuyama he is a tea master and a member of my retinue though blind furyoma is unparalleled in his ability to appraise tea hebrews some of the very finest tea in all of inazuma your excellency you shower me with praise undeserved i have simply had the good fortune to be in your excellency's presence long enough to become acquainted with all the skills that are required of me it sounds like the almighty shogun has brought a guest they can sit that's crazy how can they interact with us i'm afraid i'm unable to serve you any respectable refreshments on account of the current situation but please sit and rest after all it's quite a mess out there um what should we do let's go along with what he says oh um yeah sheesh there's monsters everywhere out there it's pitch black and lots of people have been injured i see so they have fought their way this far already most of the residents in this neighborhood have already escaped they wanted to take me with them but it seemed rather pointless to me so i decided to stay and now the almighty shogun is here i have even less reason to run away imagine if this was something that even the almighty shogun was powerless to resolve where could i possibly run to then how come you're not panicking people flee out of a desire to live on and the desire to live on stems from a feeling of having unfinished business in life but me i have no such thoughts and i have no regrets the almighty shogun often speaks to me about her dreams over tea just listening to her stories ah i've been blind for many years but her vivid descriptions took me on a splendid journey to all the most beautiful places in inazuma over time i've come to understand her mindset quite the romantic at heart a true dreamer one thing she always says is good things don't last forever everything changes fades disappears completely over the passage of time and so people must make the most of the life they have seize the chance to enjoy it while it lasts and have no regrets in the end that doesn't sound like a at all so you see as bleak as things may be now i have experienced countless wonderful things in life and have no reason not to be satisfied perhaps you are right it won't be long now before i have to say goodbye to the almighty shogun for the last time ah what a pity i'll never get to see what inazuma looks like after the almighty shogun rebuilds it anew but i suppose it doesn't matter everyone says that inazuma has turned dark now but to me it went dark a long time ago once this catastrophe is over life is sure to spring forth anew but even if i survived until then i'd probably be a hopelessly befuddled old so-and-so by then so never mind eh oh goodness me speaking of befuddled look at me rambling away to my heart's content and forgetting to serve the tea the almighty shogun comes to visit and i don't have the tea ready a truly egregious loss of decorum one moment i'll just hmm where in the world is the tea set i hope the others didn't smash it to smithereens in their hasty departure hmm anywhere around here really but it's always been right by my side goodness gracious what a fool i'm making of myself we know where to find a tea set i couldn't possibly have my guests fetch it themselves that would be most discourteous indeed don't worry about it take a rest we'll be back right away almighty shogun you're not going to are you no no no your humble servant implores you not with the war raging outside this place is complicated it's quite unlike the tea house in your memories leave it to us but well okay i never thought i'd see the day that i need the almighty shogun to personally collect my tea set for me i can't decide whether it's a final regret or a final stroke of good fortune where should we go to find a tea set having a cup of tea isn't exactly the most urgent thing to do right now but at the same time this lovely old man from 500 years ago has been through so much and it makes payment so sad i'm also feeling very nostalgic for his tea oh why don't we go to the kamisato estate there'll definitely be a tea set we can borrow there it's the traveler and the almighty shogun how might i be of assistance your excellency i wish to borrow a tea set from the yashiro commission oh uh sure i'll fetch that for you right away uh please step into the courtyard and have a rest almighty shogun oh and i'll inform my lord about your visit immediately ah and the tea set i'll bring that here as soon as it's ready be at ease i'm not here to see commissioner kamisato actually i'd prefer to spend this time chatting with a traveler please fetch the tea set at your convenience no no i am your humble servant i dare and think of my own convenience when the almighty shogun graces me with her presence i'll deal with it right away well it's not often we have the chance to chat i'm sure you must have a lot of questions is it really you that the team master used to serve right too the almighty shogun that he described didn't sound anything like you at all i seldom had the time to drink tea any free time i had was spent practicing martial arts so in the vast majority of cases the one he made tea for was the former electro archon who was also my sister ryden makoto he may well have had an inkling about there being two ryden shoguns but he always acted as if he was completely unaware of it the philosophy of life that he shared with us just now that was makoto's view on reality she always saw things that way you and makoto had pretty different views huh indeed we did it was the biggest difference between us in her eyes the most precious things in this world were dreams the yearning for a better future held by living beings dreams or in other words ambitions they are similar but not identical when you came charging into the plane of euthymia i saw human aspirations light up the sky far above in the form of countless stars this somewhat shook me now it seems like she was right well i took the wayward path wow there sure was a lot going on beneath the surface makoto saw a bigger picture than i did in her view a dream is more imaginary more abstract than an ambition an ambition is a yearning for something material or a concrete outcome it is finite in nature and will be replaced by a new ambition in due course makoto was more concerned with the force that drives humans to constantly generate new ambitions in the first place it is something innate rooted in instinct in other words it is something eternal that's uh quite a lot to take in to put it simply makoto wasn't concerned about outcomes i didn't understand at the time how can we say that we are maintaining eternity when things are constantly moving forward and evolving i suppose what it comes down to is the definition of eternity she sat out with it seems more in line with how humans view the world yes it does i always thought that she must have grasped some elusive arcane wisdom to arrive at the conclusions she did but in the last analysis makoto's philosophy was on the surface at least an elegantly simple one notwithstanding that it was also the more prudent choice based on a more mature far-sighted outlook do you feel you're starting to understand her better now you have already witnessed my previous views on eternity but now i no longer cling to what was lost i suppose that means our differences have been reconciled almighty shogun i found a tea set this one in particular should be fit for your excellency's use it's quite beautiful thank you you are too kind a humble servant such as i does not deserve the gratitude of the almighty shogun it's all good sir she's actually pretty chill what she's actually pretty chill okay let us return we ought not keep furuyama waiting too long yeah ryden shogun's a homie one one of one of the bros you know oh where is the t-master hey where'd he go he wouldn't have gone looking for a tea set himself would he wouldn't put it past him or perhaps the ley lines did not have the power to sustain him for very long i suppose the case with the memory we saw earlier so so we won't get to drink his tea we didn't even have a chance to say goodbye [Music] the information held in the ley lines is complex and disorderly the fact that we were able to meet him to begin with was a miracle of fate [Music] cheer up pie mine well this chance won't come often and we do have a tea set perhaps i should try my hand at making us a pot of tea does this count as cooking i've watched furuyama brew tea on many occasions i doubt i should have any major problems doing it myself the tea is ready please give it a try so many thoughts were racing through my head as i was brewing it i i'm not sure how to explain it you don't need to i understand you're right but the things we've seen today have brought back many memories for me i've been reminded of many people too kitsune makoto and all the other friends who i watched pass even further back back at the yashiro commission i kept the conversation reasonably light-hearted but now i'd like to broach a heavier topic if i may a heavier topic the events of 500 years ago not only robbed me of my friend kitsune saiku they also took makoto away from me for good she died in that disaster too yes she went to conrie alone without telling me unlike me makoto was no martial artist whenever similar crises had arisen in the past i was always the one to face them in her stead but this time the circumstances were so grave that makoto had no choice but to leave me behind or perhaps it was more that she went ahead of me put herself in front of me so that i would remain hidden in any case by the time i realized what was happening yes it was too late i arrived only in time to hear her dying breath she had already lapsed into unconsciousness by that point so all i could do was enter into her mind as far as you're concerned it would be somewhere similar to the plane of euthymia it was there that we bid each other a final farewell i cried bitterly even in those final moments i couldn't understand her actions why did she go to conrier first and not i why did she keep me in the dark about it was it to shield me it was there and then that i resolved to pursue eternity as a testament to that decision i saved her realm of consciousness just before it collapsed completely and brought it back to inazuma that's quite a story when i returned to inazuma i was shocked to find that a great sakura tree had appeared on mount yogurt the tree that you know as the sacred sakura appeared that's exactly what everyone back then told me as well that it had existed since time immemorial they were so matter of fact about it and couldn't at all understand what i was so surprised about no one questioned it and yet its presence contrasted so starkly with the area as i remembered it it seemed as if i was the only one to have noticed it appear suddenly out of thin air in the end i simply had to accept that it was a miraculous effect of makoto's consciousness with the help of the sacred sakura's power i was finally able to overcome the monsters and quell the disaster in inazuma this is all really hard to understand kind of beyond baiman's level simply put makoto's power somehow made that tree appear yes she had such a great love for this land and for its people in this respect i still do not compare to her i once told myself that i would never speak of these events again facing the fact that she is gone is unbearably painful but even the tea that is most bitter to the tongue once swallowed leaves some sweetness in the throat and it's time i came to terms with it all seems like you've done a lot of thinking about this already oh um well we're on the topic since you experienced that battle in person have you seen my brother before brother i had heard that you were looking for your family you mean to say that he was somehow involved in the country a disaster based on what we've learned so far it seems so yeah i'm sorry i wasn't there for the whole thing by the time i arrived the worst of the fighting was already over and also my mind was consumed entirely with the plight of inazuma and the fate of those closest to me so i am afraid i can't help you oh well that's a shame but it can't be helped i guess boy both of you have experienced great tragedy with this last cup of tea let us honor the team master's memory thank you destiny for giving us the chance to meet again we should go let's keep following the traces very well based on my investigation so far i believe this next pack of monsters should be the last oh my jesus what is going on oh yep once again please leave them to me hey hey are you sure you're all right you're scaring us fear not fighting is what i do best illusion shattered i'm gonna die bro oh my god brother oh my lord hey maybe you should leave this one to us you don't look too good my apologies don't worry about it just take a breather and get your strength back we'll deal with the monsters look that's the same light again who have we got this time where am i who are you almighty shogun you're here too are you injured your excellency i'm quite all right just feeling a little stiff we the shogunate samurai will defend the shogun until the very end come on man they're coming back for more let's get them don't it's too dangerous danger is our duty man if we were the kinds to shy away from danger we never would have taken up arms to begin with no need to worry almighty shogun when the situation looks bleak we will draw on the power granted to us by the gods this guy is a giga chad is that a vision it certainly is i know the gods are omnipotent and their willingness to grant their power to humans means they have high expectations for us if the almighty shogun is in trouble now of all times is the moment for us to honor that so that's how samurai of that era understood visions huh an unwavering commitment to resistance nobody knew where your excellency had gone and we were starting to despair but now we've found you you're right here with us just the sight of you appearing before us once more has reignited the hope in our hearts this hope is the life that will guide us out from the darkness everyone on me will huh affirmative but watch your backs he's so confused let's not die this time right we'll have to use the traveler as a meat shield here it seems like their attacks are finally over i've never fought so fiercely before thank you oh um are you okay maybe you should keep resting i'm fine i feel much better already you fought phenomenally it was truly awe-inspiring thank you the monsters will definitely come back and when they do it'll be more than a few rift hounds this time quickly escort her excellency back to inazuma city and regroup with the general's forces as soon as possible when everyone sees the almighty shogun safely returning their spirits will be lifted well what are you guys gonna do we will stay here and guard against the monsters advance we cannot afford to let them get any further we are brothers in arms as long as we stick together we can face any number of monsters that come our way look at these bros we have no business disrupting the reality they are experiencing just leave it to us fighting is what we do best but the almighty shogun is the only one of us with the power to change the present state of affairs only her excellency can turn back the tide of despair and lead us onward into the future no matter what kind of threat faces inazuma we will always place our faith in the almighty shogun thank you all very much i promise you that i will create a bright future for inazuma i should not have left it this late to make this promise but from this moment forth know that i shall be true to my word don't worry your excellency we will never doubt your word as long as we live with you leading us we will claim back everything that hinozuma has lost glory to the shogun glory to the shogun they're gone that a promise to them it was both the people's sacrifice has always caused me immense pain but in dwelling on the tragedy i overlooked their splendor the grief blinded me to how brightly they shone in their final moments the result being that in the centuries since their sacrifice have dishonored their will you could take the view that whatever i say to them is meaningless because they are but disembodied memories held in the ley lines but even so they are due a resolution i owe it to them and to all the people who have placed their faith in me to date well hyman thinks that even if it's a few hundred years later you're doing right by them now and that's what counts thank you for your comforting words but this is my basic duty as inazuma's archon and i have neglected it for far too long i used to think just like that samurai that i was first and foremost a warrior and my only duty was to face whatever challenge came my way but what ina zuma needs more than a warrior is someone like makoto even though i am utterly unlike makoto and can never become the person she was i still need to do the things that she would have done humans are worthy of your trust yes they are they are strong and resilient and have much to be proud of as the ryden shogun they revere i should not be the one to hold them back well said sounds the primer like you figured things out change will come to inazuma and with it new possibilities this will take time but eventually the future will bring healing to the scars of the past no matter how long it takes i am committed to bringing this to fruition this is my promise now that we've dealt with the rift hounds this matter is halfway resolved it does not appear that the threat will escalate for the time being i will leave the tenrio and yashiro commissions to handle the follow-up work such as investigating the origins of this incident and tending to the root system all righty then let's move on he looks calm on the outside but my mom bets her emotions must be all over the place right now huh she seems to have changed a lot since we last met her huh what's wrong eh come on keep up oh hey what's going on are you feeling unwell again my body i can't move it it looks like the situation is more serious than i thought we should get you back to the city no need she is calling me oh the time has come she can you help me walk i need to go to the cave below the grand narukami shrine why what's in there a battleground one where i shall sever ties with the past and take the first steps into the future go to the cave below the grand narukami shrine do i have to grab something can i just walk through i forget it i'm doing it my own way i'm styling here watch and learn hmm we're finally here the entrance should be nearby oh whoa whoa where'd the tory gate come from are you all right it's getting worse again but it's fine i'm happy i'm about to put an end to it all this is a place i once sealed off with my own hands the entrance to ryden makoto's realm of consciousness it looks like she will no longer allow me to do with this body as i please huh what are you talking about and who is she makuto [Music] where did we get sucked into this time whoa this place it does look like a it does it does look a lot like the plane of euthymia look look over there it's another a [Music] we meet again traveler this body is an assistant to the one within but it is also the guardian of the rules whoa what should the one within wish to stray from the rules this body shall stand in her way who is jaime knows who voice is that the puppet you have wandered the realm in my body and you appear to have grasped the true essence of eternity you believe your present self has greater certainty than your former self thus you believe your present self is correct don't you but have you really been enlightened with new ideas or have you been degraded by irreversible erosion i'm here to show you my answer we are both warriors and the dialogue we must now have shall be conducted by the blade wait alone the atmosphere in here just took a turn for the worse are you all right now the discomfort i was experiencing earlier was caused by the shogun rejecting my continued use of her body so she's using the puppet's body as she indicates once i started entertaining the idea of change i became hostile in her eyes but inside a realm of consciousness i exist independently of her she cannot affect me in this way though she is a puppet the shogun has her own consciousness too when necessary she appears here to confront me this is her system to safeguard against modifications to eternity [Music] it's a bit [Music] the rules i set for the shogun are no the shogun herself is the manifestation of my past ideals the very foundation stone of eternity it shall not be easily swayed i would not try to change her if it wasn't necessary isn't there any other way can you tuck it through or something a isn't someone who leaves herself an escape route they both just want the best my form is a symbol of supreme majesty in which has been vested power over all the realm it is the cohesive embodiment of all that constitutes the writing shogun it inherits a's pain the pain of inevitable loss that comes as she moves forward so too does it inherit her determination to reach eternity every action undertaken is for the sake of resisting erosion determination courage love hatred all of these will be degraded and distorted by the incessant flow of time only rules shall remain constant for eternity those were my thoughts when i created you now they are towering obstacles that i have no choice but to overcome you wish to make yourself my enemy i am your past the everlasting law the guardian of eternity and i am she who promised a dream to her subjects ryden a in the end even the proud and mighty only maiden was cut down and disgraced [Music] now you shall perish the eye sweeps the lens there is no that escape filled the sky fell to the ground as pitch black rain as long as the ley lines flow the relentless erosion of time will never stop [Music] weakness [Music] there shall never be another never for the rest of time bro why am i riding shogun this strong the eye sweeps the land [Music] only emptiness away have you finally defeated her it appears your martial prowess has not dulled but how long can your will remain strong how the heck surely the shogun puppet isn't invincible in this realm of consciousness her existence is tenacious indeed she was built to resist erosion her will is stronger than any other living beings including you and me then does that mean this is gonna be a never-ending battle maybe but i have to prove to her that my present will is no product of erosion the future i shall forge will be a grand undertaking one that will be resistant to erosion if i don't do this the shogun's rules can never change and inazuma can never move forward this is my duty no matter how long this battle may last months years centuries and no matter how many times we must fight i will defeat her what will happen to innozuma in the meantime 500 years ago humanity proved their strength in battle here in the present they rely on their ambition to challenge wayward practices tear them out like the diseased wood of an old sakura tree so that new healthy branches might spring to life in their place it is about time that i learned to trust them but can you bear to leave humanity to go alone i understand that but if the dreams of which makoto spoke are true eternity a short moment for which the shogun does not exist is nothing to fear i fight for the everlasting future of inazuma however long the battle may last it is but a drop in the ocean of eternity i vow to the subjects of inazuma that i shall one day return this is my oath please be my witness during my absence i place everything in mikko's hands but this means that pass on my words hey [Music] looks like we got kicked out oh what do we do are we really just gonna leave a in the shogun to keep on duking it out in there forever she was making sense and maybe this is the only way to change the shogun's rules but still a has no physical body anymore and has to rely on the shogun right also a can be pretty stubborn at times and has a history of rushing into difficult situations what if she gets too obsessed with winning and she forgets why she's there in the first place it could happen and then the quicker she gets through this the better is there any way we can cut down how long she needs to spend in there or you know help her win the fight well whatever we can't let anything bad happen to a while she's in there oh but we also can't get in there anymore okay well first things first we gotta find a way back in oh come on um okay maybe if we both ran into it at the same time really really hard we need to talk to y'all miko oh you're right nearly forgot about her who knows if she really understands these consciousness realm playing thingies more than we do but there's no one else we can turn to all right up the mountain we go she was really bad just to run into the freaking pillars someone's not in the best of moods hmm let me guess you're all tangled up in another situation and need me to unravel it for you i hope you realize how lucky you are if it was anyone else i don't think i'd have the patience to keep greeting them with a smile after the first few times but you're always smiling that was a figure of speech do you understand nitpicking my turns of phrase the sheer audacity gets to the point oh yeah yeah something really big happened you tell yai miko about everything oh okay i see so a's decided to palm inazuma off on the humans while she goes off on her own to fight a fierce battle that doesn't even have an end date impossibly stubborn jump straight to the most extreme course of action imaginable presumes her sheer will can see her through despite a near impossible goal that requires nothing short of the very peak of her abilities yes that sounds like a all right you know as well as i do that she's always been like this why start fretting about it now this duel is more serious than anything up until now rushed into it without thinking that's not what i click okay oh she acts like such a child sometimes so you seem to be under the impression that i am able to offer some sort of help who gave you that idea is she playing dumb she's doing this on purpose for sure uh-huh you're a learning little one but really the truth of the matter is that i don't know much more about ride and makoto's realm of consciousness than you do all i know is that it's the foundation of the sacred sakura and from what i've heard it's a little different from a's plane of euthymia because writing is no longer alive not just because of that the nature of the space itself is different in some way but i can only speculate you're the ones who have actually been there so you tell me what was it like um i wasn't paying attention anyway we needn't worry about the details too much it'll just be a little difficult to explain things later on that's all first things first follow me to the entrance now then i always have my ways it's just a question of how crafty i need to be to the outsider the realm of consciousness is a very abstract concept luckily i'm a's familiar so i can sense her rough whereabouts in other words even though i can't pinpoint the exact spatial location of this realm i can still send you to where a is so it's abstract but has a location but you don't know where it is but you can still send us there what yes no need to try and understand it what is happening let me put this simply right now she is surrounded by chaos everything is turbulent and disordered if you try to force your way in you could be swept away by a giant wave that sets you down in an unknown corner of space-time this is precisely why when entering the plane of euthymia it's much safer if you place your consciousness in a physical object first what all right well i might see you then in your dreams suit yourself worst case scenario all we stand to lose is a so what's the big deal with both of you fine too oh well if you're quite sure then of course now i shall send you on your way [Music] hmm i say what is it oh nothing it just seems extraordinarily chaotic that's all my suspicions have been confirmed by the way remember to focus constantly on your heartfelt wishes when you enter inside only a strong enough will can prevent you from being swallowed by the giant waves of abstract space only if you are strong enough can i deliver you to the right destination all right well then the door is open hop on in i'll stay outside and provide what stability i can i'll be ready to respond if anything happens i'm placing my god in your capable hands for my sake and for inazuma's please bring her back riko you better know what you're doing we will not fail that's enough chatter get to work oh boy here we go [Music] dude these cutscenes are beautiful remember to focus constantly on your heartfelt wishes when you enter inside only if you are strong enough can i deliver you to the right destination [Music] how can this be you have returned but how were you able to get back in and how come you have not changed at all in all these years all these years what this is a duel to remember it is as if we have returned to the moment when the laws of eternity were first established your will today is as strong as it was back then over countless battles not once have you lost and never have you shown the slightest hesitation had i made all enemies of eternity stand against you you still would not have wavered for your firm commitment to enforcing the rules you have my admiration too you bring honor to the title of guardian of eternity now these two return once more to this space an inevitability of fate perhaps then let this be our final duel the conclusion to that which began 500 years ago 500 years final duel so you're finally willing to stand back traveler are you gonna put an end to all this i'm going to be the start of something new the time our jewels took to fight was long enough to witness the rise and fall of nations holy god damn this is not fair [Music] yes i will endure forever illusion bro she stole my energy [Music] the will i carry within me will never be nor destroyed what [Music] oh my god you're joking this is so unfair this is so unfair [Music] now you shall perish this is the end you have won i believed you were incapable of transcending the past but it seems my belief was baseless and i underestimated your spirit but a will that cannot be eroded has no way to embrace the future you need not worry about the future and you aren't alone i know your power more than anyone else had i relied upon my strength alone i would have lost this duel for sure yet my reason for fighting redefined my martial prowess and redrew my limits i now carry the gaze of the myriad of expectant eyes that look to the light in the heavens and whenever i think of this i feel something stirring within muso ishin the blade that i inherited from makoto seems to be trying to guide me to encourage me i noticed it also just now in the heat of battle it seemed to unleash a new and unfamiliar power this power is beyond the limits of my understanding this blade belonged to makoto perhaps it can only respond to me with its full power when i truly understand and believe in her why why do they only put the previous shogun in in subtitles now when i clasped muso ishin in my hands i had the feeling that she was by my side once again it was at once a familiar feeling and a strange one muk you have my approval whoops i skipped a voice line your present will is not the product of erosion i shall no longer stop you from attempting to modify the rules from this day forth this body will remain your assistant i won't design any more rules that can never be changed you used to represent my past but from today onward you are me makoto never saw me as a fearless weapon likewise i should not regard you as a mere tool you truly have changed i suppose this is what humans call growth i understand i shall become your shadow just as you were once makoto's shadow the duties i perform will not change but as a warrior i look forward to the chance to fight like this again in the future do you say this because you have not yet reconciled yourself with your defeat it was simply a new experience for me one that is worth reliving have you finished fighting then like for real this time um glowing hello eh and greetings those who have come to bear witness i am ryden makoto the previous electro archon who failed in my duties and left you all to pick up the pieces i'm so happy you've come so far i always knew he would make it here in the end i left a faint fragment of my will in musso ishin so that in the moment that you unleashed its full power i too would be released a convoluted way to reach you but well you held such deeply entrenched views at the time that you wouldn't have listened to a word i said there was no time to wait for you to have a change of heart please forgive me all i could do was find some way to wait until you came to me but you never mentioned this to me everything happened so suddenly i'm sorry i've always felt terrible for having to entrust inazuma to you all of a sudden i should have been the one to impart these ideas to you a little at a time to dissuade you from your pursuit of stillness did you know what was about to happen in conria i had some sense of it that place was not somewhere that any archon could afford to ignore in my present form i can no longer perceive time i don't know how long we have been separated before this reunion and i don't know what inazuma has experienced in the meantime but i know that this must have been an extremely arduous journey for you and i'm sure you must have wanted to shed tears many times along the way don't look down on me see you admit it it was with this possibility in mind that i left a parting gift for you something to soothe inazuma's pain here take it before my last shred of consciousness fades away but it is you who must take the most important step the light turned into a seed the miracle tree that blesses the people in this moment new to the world and yet to be known when to plant it where it shall bloom she who brings it into being must let her heart and dreams decide grant it life a is this is it really eternity extends time into infinity dreams illuminate each moment within when both shine in unison the sacred sakura blooms from the darkness finally free from the clutches of the heavenly principles now the nightmare has dissipated and reality is made whole the vision we both yearn for is still further ahead my only regret is that i cannot witness inazuma's future nor can i walk this journey with you do you know a i am so happy right now because my final wish has now come true your pole arm once protected me from countless calamities for this i've always felt indebted to you though i could never repay you in full this sacred sakura will buy you some time until you are ready to awaken and embrace the new [Music] what do you think did it do the trick this time it really is goodbye hey [Music] goodbye makoto after leaving the realm of consciousness and returning to the shrine you explain everything to y'all next planted the sacred sakura in the realm of consciousness and it took root in the inuzuma of the past no matter what you make of it it's quite incredible all of this is thanks to makoto's power her understanding of eternity is much more profound than mine eternity is a concept intimately connected with time when you begin to touch on eternity the concept of time becomes murky i saw wonderful things inside that place time was moving forward and backwards at the same time a place where time is meaningless and cannot be understood with ordinary logic huh so that was the turbulence i was sensing perhaps that is the reason why you were able to return precisely to this point in time without any problems and yet that sense of disorderliness has now completely disappeared i don't fully understand yet but my intuition tells me that the reason for everything it's that seed hmm well i'm not convinced that it was makato's power alone i know what you mean perhaps makoto got a higher power involved in all of this but whatever the explanation her solution is what saved us all is without the sacred sakura inazuma would likely have been completely swallowed up centuries ago by that disaster and the filth i know you've always perceived there was something special about the sacred sakura but to me it has always been there you've tried in the past to prove to me that there's a connection between the sacred sakura and makoto's consciousness but unfortunately you never did persuade me did you no but i understand why now it was because the sacred sakura hadn't even been planted then um but don't you think that tree looked a lot different than how it does now the sacred sakura is within my purview at the shrine so obviously i get to prune it exactly how i like it now we see who's pulling the strings i'm joking that tree has been through a lot since it first sprouted we have the loving care of kitsune over the ages to thank for how it appears today and obviously i played my part too it's fair to say that very little time passed between the moment you came out of that realm and the moment you re-entered it but in that same time centuries of battling took place on the inside did it not traveler if i'm guessing correctly you were repeating your wishes to yourself in your mind weren't you is that significant at that time i could sense a's whereabouts but i also sensed anomalies in the flow of time within that space suffice to say time added a whole new dimension to our search simply establishing a location was not sufficient fortunately your will was strong enough that the turbulence carried you to the moment in time most likely to be the intersection of all that you were wishing for the flow of turbulence may well have been influenced by makoto but it took everyone's efforts combined to ultimately help a so this time it looks like thanks are due to you does that mean it wasn't by chance that we ended up at the final duel we were always meant to be there to witness what was going to happen perhaps this is what the shogun meant by in inevitability of fate i thought that the flow of time was the same on the inside and the outside so it was a great shock to me when the traveler reappeared my first thought was has a great disaster befallen inazuma but it turned out you had come to rescue me you came for my sake to help me reach the best possible outcome you two have my thanks you have done much for me and i will never forget it hey how are you feeling now my body has fully recovered and the shogun's will no longer fights against me always thrilled to hear you're in good health but i was really asking about your emotions have you managed to calm down after all you saw makoto in there didn't you i only heard her voice i wouldn't say i saw her i'll be fine it brought a few things back of course but i've made my decision to move forward i have to say this has reminded me once again just how brilliant makoto was she predicted all the ways in which inazuma's future could unfold all the way back then she even factored my immaturity into her plan it's all thanks to her that inazuma lived to see this day but hey you made a crucial contribution too i just planted a seed your will and hers were both indispensable yeah it was thanks to everything you did that you got to see her again that's amazing the final act might be a simple one but getting there was the result of countless efforts coming together just because the cause and effect ended up a bit back to front doesn't mean you should undervalue the part you played thank you today at long last you and inazuma finally emerge from the shadows cast by the events of centuries past makoto and you are inazuma's past and future and both are indispensable it's rare to hear such comforting words from you i graciously accept them oh come on you only think it's rare because you never used to listen to a word i say makuto said the exact same thing great minds think alike i wonder does that qualify me to maybe take the position of shogun for a couple of days actually no forget that far more trouble than it's worth oh my god look it [Laughter] look at her expression dude oh my god we will have to end the frivolities there there is much work to be done the shogun and i will closely review the inozuma of today to find out where things currently stand then we will give careful consideration to the future after that i will abolish the sakoku decree really that's huge news i am no longer pursuing an eternity defined by stasis in which case there is no further need to keep the nation under lock and key i don't doubt that many challenges lie ahead for inazuma but out of those challenges will be born new opportunities i'm looking forward to it the ryden shogun story quest part two you're watching this on youtube i hope you uh hope you enjoyed that that was i don't know i feel like every time i play a story quest i'm like wow that was really good but yeah it was really good i do have to say i did enjoy that uh quite a lot consider liking the video subscribing and joining us on twitch forward slash anthony chen if you want to watch these live uh do stream very often and i am looking forward to you know start consistently making some story content uh for you guys on youtube so thank you for watching gentian impact always has amazing story quests so i will be looking forward to playing more of these in the future thank you and i will see you in next video peace don't forget to subscribe by the way subscribe to anthony subscribe to ant subscribe to ant [Music] you
Channel: antonychenn
Views: 427,905
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Id: nDGJnIP_Lf0
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Length: 92min 20sec (5540 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 23 2022
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