I bet $100 they couldn't answer this Genshin Quiz

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...if you want more of these types of videos with our... I don't know. Dish: No way... Ant: Uhhh... Atsu: What? Atsu: "Pro Gameplay". Ant: Magical Creatures for 500. Jake: Okay, so... Jake: 100 dollars! Dish: Wow. Jake: Alright, first question. Ant chose "Magical Creatures" for 500. Jake: The customary Hilichurl greeting. Atsu: Oh my- Ant: Oh no... Atsu: Oh my... Jake: Dish has buzzed in. Dish, you have 30 seconds to answer. Dish: Umm, what is "Mi meho ye?" Jake: I should mention also mention if you do get it wrong you also lose the points. Dish: Yeah, I knew that. Jake: Okay-Oh Dish knew. Alright. Jake: That is-That is incorrect. Dish: No... Atsu: Uh-oh. (2x) Atsu: Ant's just gonna win on non-participation! Ant: Heck yeah! Atsu: Nah, I don't want-Get me outta here! Ant: Let's go! Jake: Any buzzers? Once you buzz in you cant buzz again. Atsu: Let me try. (2x) Ant: What do you even answer here? Atsu: I buzzed in. Dish: Atsu buzzed in. Jake: Are you answering as well? Atsu: What is "Ya yika"? Jake: That is also wrong. Atsu: Argh! Ant: Heck yeah! Ant: So what if no one answers the question? Jake: If no one answers the question, no one gets the points... Atsu: No one gets the points. Jake: ...and the question is gone, and cannot be chosen again. Jake: Makes sense? Ant: Alright, this is a net positive 500 points for me. Jake: And I also reveal the answer. Jake: It is "Olah!". What is "Olah"? Dish: I would've never... Atsu: I can't believe I forgot that! Ant: Yeah, nope. Ain't no way. Dish: They just ripped it from Spanish? Atsu: Yeah, yeah. They did, yeah. Atsu: I can't believe I forgot that! Dish: Olah! (2x) Dish: I feel like I've never heard that before... Atsu: I'm so sad! (2x) Jake: It's okay. Jake: So no one got it right. Ant, it's still your board. Ant: Oh heck yeah! Let's go "Pro Gameplay 500"! Jake: Okay, Ant's going all in! Jake: Dish? Dish: What is "Shatter"? Jake: That is correct! Dish: Yes! Ant: Dang. Atsu: I'm fuming. Jake: Dang! Atsu: I buzzed but it did not react! Jake: It is Shatter. Dish: "What is Shatter?" Jake: Hydro, Cryo, and then a Claymore. Nice job! Jake: Alright, so Dish is in the lead- Jake: Why is Ant's points "lmao"? Ant: Wait, what do you mean? I thought Dish and I were tied? Dish: We should-We're tied, again Ant: We're tied for first. Excuse me? Jake: Atsu's in negative, unfortunately. Jake: Dish, you got it correct. It's your board. Dish: Ummm, okay. What is- Dish: Oh wait, no. I don't have to answer like that. Dish: Let's go "Character" for 500! Jake: We're going all the 500 one's. Okay! Dish: Yeah! Atsu: Oh heck no. Dish: Oh gosh... Ant: Uhhh... Jake: Any buzzers? Ant: Ummm... Atsu: I'm negative, guys. Go on! Jake: Go on, you can-What's negative a thousand? There's nothing to- Ant: Go for it! Atsu: Heck no! Ant: It's all you! Dish: I'm useless with numbers, so I got nothing. Atsu: Does it have to be the exact number? Ant: Can it be withing five? Jake: It has to be the exact number. Ant: Dang. Atsu: What about plus-or-minus ten? Jake: It should be the exact number. Dish: I don't know... Ant: Alright, man. Atsu. Atsu: What about plus-or-minus ten? Jake: It should- Atsu: I will buzz in if it's plus-or-minus ten! Ant: Alright, guys. We can think about this. She can only be so many years old, right? Atsu: Knowing Genshin, she can be very old. Dish: That's true... Ant: Uhhh... Dish: But that doesn't mean it's- Like, it can be before her too. Jake: I'm gonna give you guys fifteen more seconds. Atsu: I don't know. Dish: I don't know either. Ant: "Lisa is Sumeru's most distinguished graduate in this many years." Atsu: I'm not-I'm not taking a minus one for this. Ant: Yeah, I give up. Jake: Alright. (3x) Atsu: I don't know this! Jake: The answer is "What is 200?" Ant: 200 years? Dang! Atsu: Ohhhh... Ant: Yo, that was kinda close! Atsu: I would not have guessed that. Dish: That's cracked. Ant: I was gonna say 20. Atsu: Okay. (2x) Dish: So close. Dish: Should've went-Should've guessed. Jake: Alright, everyone's chilling right now. But Dish, it's still your board. Dish: Oh, well what's up here? Dish: Let's go "Regions" 500. Jake: Why are we doing all the 500's? Jake: Okay! Ant: Uhhh... Dish: Like one in particular? Jake: It is *the* technological advancement. Atsu: Technological, as in...? Jake: Tech-Technological. Jake: Technology. Atsu: But this-The thing I have in mind can be argued to be technology. Jake: Okay, machine. Ant: Argued? (2x) Jake: I'll give you a hint. It's a machine. Atsu: What is a Delu- Atsu: Oh, a machine? Jake: Yeah. It's okay, I won't count it. Jake: Who's NT? Oh, it's Ant. Ant buzzed in. Atsu: I have the answer! Jake: Ant, yes? Ant: Wait- Ant: A machine, you said? Jake: Yes. Atsu: Hey, count this guy down! Count him down! Jake: You have twenty seconds. You have twenty now. Dish: He has thirty seconds-He has time. Ant: What is Katheryne? Jake: That is not the answer I'm looking for. Ant: What? I thought she was a machine! Jake: Atsu? Atsu: Oh. Oh no. Atsu: What is... Atsu: ...A Delusion? Jake: That is not the answer I'm looking for. Atsu & Dish: What!? Ant: That's not a machine. (2x) Dish: You could argue that all magical elements are just science that hasn't been discovered yet, actually. Atsu: "Akshually". (2x) Dish: "Actually". Dish: Ummm... Jake: I'm gonna assume Dish isn't gonna buzz in. Dish: Isn't it Katheryne? Atsu: I'm buzzing in again! Jake: You cannot buzz in again. Ant: Dude is taking the negative 1500 here! Atsu: Atsu, you are at negative 1000 points here. Ant: Nothing to lose, bro. Nothing to lose! Atsu: Huh!? Jake: Alright, you know what? for fun. For fun answers. Ant: Let's go. Let him buzz in. Atsu: For fun answers? This isn't going to count, yeah? Jake: For fun, go ahead. It won't count, just throw it out. Jake: I just wanna see if you guys are close. Atsu: What is a human doll? Ant: What is a fire? Jake: A fire!? Ant: I don't know, it's cold there right? Jake: Alright Dish, you buzzed in. This is for real then, right? Dish: It's for fun, right? Jake: Well, you just buzzed in- Dish: No-No! Dish: Yeah, I buzzed in the "for fun" round! Jake: Just say your answer. Dish: What is... Jake: This is so scuffed... Dish: ...Robots? Jake: That's the closest answer. Jake: The correct answer I'm looking for is- Atsu: Human doll? Jake: Perpetual Motion Machines. Atsu: It should be a Delusion! Jake: Alright, don't answer with the host! I don't wanna hear it! (2x) Jake: Dish, it's still your board! Ant: Host, I would like to... Atsu: Hey, everyone at home, I was robbed! Ant: ..to respectfully disagree! Atsu: Delusion is a correct answer! Jake: Shut up. (5x) Ant: It's definitely Katheryne! Jake: Dish-Dish. Next-next-next- Jake: Next question please. Next question. (2x) Dish: Next question! Dish: Alright, let's get through the worst of it, guys. Atsu: Unbuzz us. Dish: "Fatui and the Abyss" 500. Atsu: Unbuzz us! Jake: I will unbuzz you after I finish reading the answer-or the question Dish: We've got some agitator participants. Jake: Jeez... Atsu: 'Cos we were robbed! Jake: Dish, what did you just- Ant: Can you deduct points for this unruly behavior? Dish: Shut up, Ant! Dish: I said "Fatui and the Abyss" 500. Jake: Alright, knocking all the 500's today. Love it, love it. Atsu: Aww, I know this one! Ant: Alright Dish, go on. Dish: I don't know. Atsu: I know this one. (2x) Dish: It's an alcoholic drink? I guess you can't answer that. Jake: I just work here. Dish: What? Ant: Alright Atsu, this one's all you. Jake: Atsu's at -1000. If anyone should guess, it's Dish. Ant: This is for -1500. Dish: I'm thinking. (2x) Atsu: I think I know... Jake: Atsu's buzzed in. Yes? Atsu: Can I say half the answer and you can egg me on if it's like... Ant: Huh!? Homie, that's not how this works! Jake: I cannot do that. Ant: That is against the rules! Jake: I cannot do that. Atsu: Dang, if only Jake had his webcam on, then I can see if I'm leaning to the answer- Atsu: I'm going to go with "What is Fire Water?" Jake: That is correct! Jake: Wait, Albert-Albert Dish: Oh my gosh. Atsu: Yes! Yes! Ant: What is Fire Water? Atsu: Yes! Jake: Production? Produc- Atsu: That's a bad name. Dish: Where did we learn about that? Jake: Production pre-gave -1500. Ant: We? There is no we. Jake: He pre-gave you- Atsu: Fire Water. Jake: It's Fire Water, also known as vodka. Atsu: I got my Fire Water. Jake: So there's the relation there, if it makes sense, right? Ant: I just turned 21, I would like to argue that this is an unfair question. Jake: Okay. Jake: Alright Atsu, it's your board now. Jake: You're tied with Ant. Dish: How did you know that? Atsu: Pro Gameplay 400. Jake: Pro Gameplay for 400. Jake: Atsu? Atsu: "What is Fall damage?" Jake: That is not the answer I'm looking for. Ant: Oh, that was what I was gonna say, thank goodness. Jake: Dish? Dish: "What is Knockback?" Jake: That is not the answer I'm looking for. Dish: No! Ant: "Enemy or object collides with environment"? Ant: Yeah, I thought it was fall damage. Dish: It sounds like the definition of Fall damage... Jake: There's a certain term for it. Atsu: Oh wait, no. It says exclusively affects enemies. Atsu: I inted. Alright, I'll buzz back in. Dish: Alright Ant, your turn. Jake: You cannot buzz back in. Ant: Hey, man. I'm-Umm... Ant: I'm only 100 points behind first place, I ain't gonna do anything... Jake: Alright, for fun. If no one's gonna guess. For fun. Go on. Jake: No harm here. No harm. Ant: Alright. Gravity. Dish: Overload? What is Overload? Jake: Nope. Ant: It's not any of these... Jake: You can be affected by Overload. Dish: That's true.. (2x) Atsu: A type of environmental damage that exclusively affects enemies... Atsu: ..and certain objects... Ant: It exclusively affects enemies? Jake: Alright, 10 more seconds. Dish: It doesn't affect us... Jake: 3, 2, 1. Give up? Ant, Atsu, Dish: Yeah. Jake: It is called Collision Damage. Jake: Fall damage is the closest because you can throw an enemy into the air... Jake: But, if you push them against a wall through knockback in the air, they also take Collision Damage. Jake: This only scales-This scales exp-like, much higher in like the Abyss and domains and stuff, too. Dish: Oh, apparently so. Ant: Against a wall? Jake: Yeah, if you ever Jean E someone into a wall, they take Collision damage. Dish: Aww, this is a Jean-Jean buff answer- Only Jean mains would know that! Jake: Charge attack works too, okay? Ant: Yeah, I would not have known that. Jake: Alright, that's alright. Dish: Okay... Jake: Dish, still your board. Jake: Or is it not Dish's board? Dish: I don't think it is. Atsu: Is it not my board? It's my board! Jake: Is it Atsu's board? Ant: We should rotate the next person if no one gets it. Jake: Alright, it's Atsu's board. Production says Atsu. Atsu: "Pro Gameplay" 300. Jake: Alright! Ant: Oh lord... Atsu: Let me in! Ant: It's me! Dish: Wait, I buzzed but it's- Atsu: It is me. Ant: Wait what!? What!? Atsu: "What is the Aquila Favonia?" Jake: That is correct. Dish: That's not fair, I buzzed! Ant: I literally buzzed-What!? Atsu: Heck yeah! Ant: No, no, that's not fair! You know why? 'Cos he was spamming the button! Ant: Before you even did it! Dish: Yeah, I hit the button while I was red! Ant: I had to wait! Dish: Madge! Atsu: You should've listened to the prompt! Atsu: He said he's gonna unleash it the moment the question is finished- Jake: I gave you all the context you need! Ant: It's 'cos he can spam it and I can't because I have to wait for the full thing! Ant: You get a pre-jump on the button- Jake: Okay, okay! I will reset the buzzer before the question then! Ant: Unfair! Ant: Unfair! Jake: Oh gosh-Anyway it is Aquila Favonius. You got it right Atsu. Atsu: I'm so far behind! Give me-Give me-Throw me a bone, eh? Atsu: I gave you so many points last competition! Ant: Ain't no way! Jake: Alright, points right here. Atsu's at what? Jake: -600. Still at last. Ant: I need every point! Atsu: "Characters" 400. Jake: Dish is still-Dish is still at number one, you know? Jake: Alright, what was that? "Characters" 400? Atsu: Oh heck no. Ant: Alright Atsu, this one's all you! Atsu: No, you wanna buzz? (3x) Ant: I will-I will let you take this one here. Ant: This one's all you. Jake: Diluc's not that old so, you know. Jake: It can't be a hundred, you know? Atsu: Yeah, it's going to be 20, Ant. It's going to be 20. Jake: It can't be some crazy amount of years. Ant: Bro would be dead if he used it for 20 years. Jake: Alright then. Atsu: I'm-I feel like this is a trick question. JAke: Anybody going to, you know, buzz in? Jake: Alright, Dish? Dish: Ummm..."What is three years?" Jake: That is actually correct. He used his Delusion for three years. Jake: You gotta-You gotta read his lore! Dish: I almost said two! Jake: Well done. Atsu: I did not know he used a Delusion. Dish: Was that before or after ___ died? Jake: After. Dish: After, right. Ant: Woah, spoilers! Atsu: Woah! Jake: Dish, it's still your board. Dish: Wow. Atsu: How many points does she have? Jake: She has 300. Jake: So Ant, you're at -500. Atsu's at -600. Dish is at 300 points. Dish: Wow. Atsu: Haiya... Jake: here I'll show the-I'll share the score with you guys. Ant: Wait, Dish. You got minus 500, plus 500, minus 400, right? Ant: And then pluss 400, 'cos you just got that one? Dish: Yes, I think? Plus 400. Ant: That should be 0? Jake: That should be-That should be-Wait. Atsu: Editor, cut this out. Ant: Yoooo! What is this-What is this, rigged? Atsu: Rigged! Jake: Production says there is no mistake- Oh wait, what? Jake: Alright, Production. Ant was actually correct, Dish is at zero. So she did- Ant: Bro! what is this gaslighting, dude? I knew it! Jake: In the collision damage, she answered before the fun round. Ant: I knew everyone was at negative! Jake: Thank you Albert. Thank you Albert Production. Thanks-Shoutout to Albert's fact checking. Atsu: V.A.R.! Dish: Thanks Albert! Jake: I linked you guys the scoreboard, so you can see the scores. Atsu: Where? Dish: Oh thank you. Ant: This scoreboard ain't accurate! Jake: In Discord. Jake: Alright. Anyways, what were we doing? Jake: Dish just got this recent one correct- Atsu: What is that picture!? Ant: Oh, you let us edit the scoreboard? That's crazy. Atsu: Where is this picture!? Jake: Do not edit the score! Albert, do not let them edit the scoreboard! Albert: Oh my gosh! Jake: Hey, stop messing with the scoreboard! Jake: Stop touching the score! Jake: Alright, you guys done messing around? Alright, here we go. Dish: "Magical Creatures" 100. Jake: Alright, we're back in. Jake: Atsu? Atsu: "What is Anemo?" Atsu: Well, this is- Atsu: Yeah, "What is Anemo?" Jake: That is correct. (2x) Jake: Dendro would also work currently. Dish: Anemo? Atsu: And Geo? Jake: As well as Geo. Atsu: Heck yeah! Jake: Atsu it's your board! Your board, Atsu. Ant: Reaction time-Reaction time diff. Atsu: "Magical Creatures" 400. 400. Ant: Oh my gosh. Ant: Yeah man, I don't fight this thing. This is all you. Atsu: It's Hebrew. (2x) Atsu: I think it's Hebrew. Ant: Buzz it in then. Atsu: No, no. I'm saying the language. Atsu: Not the "name" name. Dish: Yeah, it's mostly Hebrew names. Jake: Ten more seconds. Ant: Just go for it, you've got nothing to lose Atsu. Jake: It's 400. It is 400. Atsu: I have a "for fun" answer, because I can't remember if this is the Pyro cube or the Dendro cube... Atsu: But I know there is one that is a meme. Jake: Alright, for fun. For fun. Ant: I think the meme is the Hydro cube, right? Atsu: "Who is-" Atsu: "Who is Zayin?" Jake: That's correct, but it's for fun so no one gets the points. Dish: Nice one, Atsu. Atsu: No! It's because the "One Direction" meme! Atsu: Ugh, I thought it was... Dang it... Jake: Atsu, it's still your board. Atsu: "Regions" 400. Ant: Oh no! Jake: Dish? Dish: "What is Aaru Village?" Jake: That is correct! Dish: Cyno's hometown. Jake: Dish now has 400. Ant: Dang. Atsu: Okay, now she's our rival- Dish: Okay, now I'm at 400. Jake: Now Dish is in the lead! Alright, that's 400. Jake: Dish, it's your board now. Dish: Ummm...Uhhh, "Regions" 300. Atsu: Go on Ant. You haven't buzzed in first a single time, you coward. Ant: I... Jake: Let him wake up, man. Ant: Yeah, dude! I ain't even- What the- Jake: Alright, we have ten more-Oh, Atsu? Dish: We're not changing the rules like last time. Atsu: "What is-"... Jake: You have five seconds. 5- Atsu: Wait, wait, wait. What points am I on? Jake: 4. This is 300. 3, 2- Atsu: "What is Glaze Lily?" Jake: That is correct. Atsu: Yes! (2x) Ant: Is it Glaze Lillies? Dish: I-I was-I... Ant: Ain't wo way it is! Dish: Suddenly it came to me. Atsu: Well it's one of the oens you have to collect. Dish: Zhongli holding a Glaze Lily. Jake: Nice job! 300 points to Atsu, at -200 now. Jake: Atsu, your board still, once again. Atsu: Ummm, "Characters" 200. Ant: Hey, woah, he didn't even-Wait- Atsu: Oh, I buzzed. Sorry. Jake: Atsu, I can't let you do that. I will-I'll have to countdown this time, since you are pre-buzzing- Jake: Stop buzzing. Atsu: You finished reading the question and I buzzed in first! Ant: He's pre-buzzing! Jake: You buzzed in before I finished, what do you mean!? Ant: No you didnt! Atsu: And then you unbuzzed me and the question has already been read- Jake: I said I was gonna count down! I'm counting down! Atsu: Okay, okay... Jake: Okay, on one. One one. I'll count from three. Jake: Three, two, one. Ant: Yes! Atsu: This is B.S.! (2x) Jake: Ant? Ant: "What is-"... Ant: ...Bodacious Bosacius. Jake: That is incorrect. Atsu? Ant: Is it not- Ant: No! I don't remember anyone else... Atsu: Can I-Oh. Can I buzz in? Oh, I'm already buzzed in- Atsu: "Who is Bosacius?" Jake: I was looking for "Who is Bosacius". Atsu: "Who is Bosacius", yes! Dish: Ant got points taken for messing around. Ant: What!? No way! Atsu: That's how you play Jeopardy. (2x) Jake: So if it's a person it's who, if it's a place or thing it's what. Jake: Do they say "where" in Jeopardy? Do they do that? Atsu: Yeah. Dish: I don't know. Ant: Wait, what? Dish: I mean, you technically did say Bodacious Bosacius which is not correct. Jake: You did say Bodacious. Atsu: Yeah, he tried to be cheeky! Ant: You're joking, bro! Dish: You tried to be cheeky. Jake: It's gotta be-It's gotta be word for word here. Jake: Hey, it's alright. (2x) Ant: He's no fun! (2x) Jake: What, you want-What, you want- Atsu: You got my points last time I said Bodacious! Jake: Yeah! Last trivia game he gave you so many freakin' points bro! Ant: It's a different trivia game! Jake: What, you want 100 honorary points? You want- Ant: No. Atsu: Heck no! Ant: I shouldn't have points taken away from that! Jake: You answered wrong though! You said- Atsu: Heck yeah you should! Atsu: An "L" is an "L"! Jake: Alright. (5x) Atsu, your board still. Atsu: "Characters" for 300. Ant: This game is rigged! Jake: dish? Dish: "What is the Bishop?" Jake: That is incorrect. Dish: Aww! Atsu: That would've been my first guess... Atsu: "What is the Rook?" Jake: That is correct. Atsu: Yes! (2x) Dish: Oh, wow. Jake: It is the Rook. Well done, Atsu. Wow, Atsu's on a roll here. Jake: I kinda feel bad for Ant, to be honest. Jake: Maybe we should give him half points, you know? Ant: Yeah- Ant: What the? You should give me full points! Atsu: Well we'll-we'll see. Jake: What do you mean-I'm not giving you full points! Dish: I'm so mad- Dish: I'm so mad because I looked at the Bishop, I looked at the Rook, and the Rook was what I picturing... Dish: ...But I thought it was the Bisop. Dish: And now I'm embarassed. Atsu: Bishop is a high ranking piece though. Atsu: That would've been my guess. (2x) Dish: I saw the Rook in my head! Jake: Alright, Atsu. Your board still. Atsu: "Characters" 100. Jake: We're knocking out "Characters". Last one for 100, alright. Jake: dish. Atsu: Oh my- (2x) Dish: "Who is Raiden Ei?" Jake: We'll count that. (2x) Atsu: Gosh dang it. Jake: Raiden Shogun, yes that is correct. Ant: Huh!? You're gonna count that!? Jake: For-Okay, for one- Atsu: It's correct though! Dish: Raiden Ei is a fusion of two. Jake: For one, you-For one, you got the name wrong and then you also phrased it incorrectly. Ant: Dang, I see how it is! Jake: If you just-If you just- Dish: She calls herself Raiden Ei, doesn't she? Jake: If you just changed like- Dish: Like, to describe herself fully? Atsu: Yeah. Ant: I see how it is. Jake: Who knows, man? Who knows? Dish... Dish: I get what you're-I get what you're upset about, Ant. Jake: Now it's your board. Dish: Let's go, ummm... Dish: Let's go "Magical Creatures" 200. Jake: "Magical Creatures" for 200. Jake: Ant? Ant: "What is the Adeptus Temptation?" Atsu: Oh. (2x) Dish: Logical guess. Dish: Hello? Jake: One second- Ant: Hello, Production? Atsu: They're looking it up! Jake: Honestly I forgot the answer! Atsu: They're looking it up! (2x) Jake: I think for Ant, uhhh minus 200. You're now at -900. Atsu: No way- Ant: Alright. A little unfair, but okay. Dish: IDK. Atsu: I also don't know. Jake: There are actually-Alright, well, there are actually multiple answers here. Jake: Three. Specifically, three. Jake: It was either Mora Meat, Jewelry Soup, or Matsutake Meat Rolls. Atsu: Oh. Dish: Oh wow. Atsu: My guess would have been Jade Parcels, thank God. Ant: It was? Ant: Have we given this three times? Atsu: We have. (3x) Ant: Dang... Jake: Alright, board's looking almost done. Jake: It's still your board, Dish. Right? Dish: Oh right, yes. Umm... Dish: "Pro Gameplay" 200. Jake: "Pro Gameplay" for 200. Jake: Dish? Ant, Atsu: Oh my gosh! Dish: Sunfire? "What is Sunfire?" Ant: That is unfair. Jake: Yes, it is Sunfire. Atsu: She said it wrong first! Ant: Unfair. Dish: That's true. I didn't say "What is". Jake: That's true, she did... Atsu: Nah, it's alright. Just give it to her. Jake: Yeah, you can have it. That's fine, you can have it. Jake: Alright, Dish. Still your board. Ant: Wouldn't let me say Bodacious... Jake: You also said-Okay- Jake: Alright, Ant, you know what? Next mistake you get-Next mistake we'll write it off. Dish: Oh no... Ant: Uhuh. Jake: Hey, we have't really touched the "Fatui and the Abyss", you know? It's looking kinda lonely. Atsu: We don't know anything about them. Dish: Alright, fine. I'll bite. Dish: "Fatui and the Abyss" 300. Jake: Alright. Jake: Atsu: You have three seconds. Jake: Just kidding, you have 30. Atsu: Oh, frick me... Atsu: I feel like this is such an obvious answer! Jake: You have 24 now. Atsu: "Who is Venti?" Jake: That is correct. Atsu: Oh, okay. Dish: Nice. Atsu: I was worried 'cos no one else buzzed! Jake: That's why you see him at the statue healing, in his cutscene. I'm pretty sure. Dish: Ohhhh, I forgot about that! Jake: Atsu, your board. Atsu: "Fatui and the Abyss" 400! Jake: 400! Atsu: Okay- Atsu: "Caecilius est in horto". Jake: What? Atsu: That's- Ant: Huh!? Atsu: That says Caecilius is at home. Jake: What are you saying? Atsu: That's Latin! Atsu: "Caecilius est in horto"! Everyone that's studied Latin knows this! Jake: That is not the answer, though... Atsu: I know, that's why I'm buzzed. I'm just making noises. Jake: Alright. Atsu: Oh, wait- Wait. Atsu: Fatui is the Latin word. Dish: Yes. Jake: Atsu? Atsu: Wait, am I meant to say "who" or "what" here? 'Cos it's a word but its... Atsu: ...people. Yeah, what- Dish: The translation is, that word is not... Atsu: What is-or "What are the Fools?" Dish: Yeah, "what". Jake: What? Atsu: "What are the Fools?" F-O-O-L-S. Jake: Alright, yeah, sure. Jake: You could've just said "What is Fool" or "What is a Fool". Jake: That that's okay. It is Fool Dish: Oh, that's fair. Jake: Good job, Atsu. Atsu: I was like, "Fatui is not an English word." Jake: You're right, it isn't. Atsu: What is a Latin version of "Fatui"? Jake: Alright Atsu, your board. Jake: We've only got six more questions left. Atsu: Pro Game- Atsu: Wait actually, no. I buzz the slowest. Atsu: "Magical Creatures" 300. Atsu: Let me buzz! (3x) Ant: What!? Atsu: Let me buzz! Dish: Man, again? Jake: I should count that again. (2x) Ant: Bro... Atsu: Heck no! Ant: I buzzed and you unbuzzed me! Jake: Alright. On one, on one! Jake: Three, two, one! Atsu: Beidou! "Who is Beidou?"! Ant: You didn't even wait for one! Dish: Not fair! Ant: He didn't even wait for one! Atsu: What do you mean!? Atsu: We all buzzed in basically 0.01 seconds of each other. Ant: Oh my gosh. Jake: It is Beidou. Ant: It was that one. Jake: I said at one. It is on one. (2x) Atsu: I meant to buzz on one. Jake: Alright, Atsu. That was for 200 wasn't it? Atsu: Yes. Jake: No, it's 100. That was 100. Atsu: No, it's 300. It's 300. Ant: Wait, I thought it was 300? That was 300. Jake: It was 300? Oh, it's 300. Jake: Anyways. Atsu, still your board! Ant: Bro. Production? Ref? Atsu: Wait, what are the points now? Jake: The scoreboard is looking- Ant is at -900, Atsu at -700- Jake: Oh sorry, 700 positive! Sorry, sorry, sorry! Ant: He's at positive 700. Jake: Dish is at 400. Alright, here we go. Atsu: "Fatui and the Abyss" 100. Jake: Atsu? Atsu: "What are the Hilichurls?" Jake: Yeah, we'll count it. They are Hilichurls. Dish: Nice. Jake: This is a true, true thing. Atsu: What do you mean "it will count"? Jake: Well, usually it's like "What is Hilichurl". Atsu: It's the right answer! Jake: Or like "What-"... Atsu: Oh, it's meant to-Oh... Jake: It doesn't like-You just gotta say "what" or "who". Atsu: It doesn't have to make-Like vocabulary, it doesnt have to make sense. Jake: You know what? It doesn't matter. Jake: Some of you guys have not even seen the show. Dish: Skilled in the language of these enemies... Jake: So at this point, I'm like letting go at this point. Jake: Alright. Atsu: I see. Atsu: "Fatui and the Abyss" for 200! This is where all my points are coming from. Jake: Dang, you guys are like- Atsu: My bretheren! Jake: Alright, here we go. Atsu: "Fatui and the Abyss" for 200. Atsu: Uhhhh... Dish: Don't know. Jake: I'm not giving like, leaks or rumors here. They are answers. Theyre real answers. Atsu: "Who is La Signora?" Jake: That is correct. Atsu: Why'd you-Why'd you go so quiet!? Jake: I had to double-check for a sec. I'm- Dish: I'm pretty sure it's... Jake: Yeah, I'm pretty sure its Signora. Dish: Who "was" La Signora. Ant: Who "was". Dang. Atsu: Oh dang! (2x) Jake: Who "was". Oh my gosh. Ant: That's harsh. Jake: Alright, here we go. Atsu your board still! Atsu: Alright, Ant, I need you to win this next one. Atsu: Alright? 'Cos if you win this next one Dish cannot- It's not possible for her to catch up. Jake: There is a second board, by the way. Atsu: Huh!? Wait, there's a second board? Jake: Sorry, there is a second board. We take a five minute break after this, and then theres a second board. Jake: And then the finale. Ant: What!? Jake: Yep. Sorry, forgot to tell you! Atsu: "Regions" for 200! Jake: Don't worry, don't worry. You guys still got a chance! Ant: What the!? I already gave up! What the- Jake: Ant, why would you give up!? Stop giving up! Ant: Dude, there's no way I could've won! Jake: Bro, why would you ever give up? No honor! Ant: Becuase it was mathematically impossible! Jake: You have no honor! No honor! Ant: My gosh... Jake: Atsu, what was it? Atsu: I was playing the board as well! Jake: Oh my gosh, jeez... Jake: Alright, alright. That's my fault. Dish: Is the next board the same size as the first board? Jake: Same size, double the points, & different categories. Ant: Production! Jake: This is the best production on Twitch! Atsu: Unbuzz! (2X) Ant: I would like to file a complaint. Jake: At-Atsu- Atsu: "Regions" 200! Jake: "Regions" 200. Jake: Dish? Dish: "What is Weinlesefest?" Ant: Huh? What? Atsu: Huh? Dish: What do you mean "what"? Dish: You don't know what Weinlesefest is? Atsu: It's correct, I think... Dish: Weinlesefest. Atsu: I think it's correct, yeah. Dish: I'm certain it's Weinlesefest. Ant: Bro, I ain't even heard of that! Jake: What was your answer again? It was... Dish: Weinlesefest. Jake: Alright, that's incorrect. Atsu: But if- Jake: Sorry, Dish. Dish: What!? Jake: Alright, Atsu? Dish: What? Atsu: "What is Windblume?" Jake: That is also incorrect. Atsu: Huh!? Ant: Oh. Jake: Alright, Ant. Let's go buddy! It's all you now. Ant: Hey man, this is a plus 200 for me. Everyone down 200 is the same as me getting 200. Dish: Okay... Atsu: There's only one festival left here, Ant. Jake: There's only one left. Ant: There is? Dish: But that can't be it... Ant: There is? Jake: It is it. Dish: What? Ant: I don't remember ma. Jake: Alright, give up? Alright. Ant: I thought it was Windblume. Jake: No, it's the Ludi Harpastum. Jake: Chat, I know you're saying Dish is correct, but look it up though! Look it up, I kid you not. Ant: That little-That little gadget thing. Dish: Yeah, no. It is Ludi Harpastum. Jake: It is Ludi Harpastum. Dish: Didn't we- Ant: I do remember. Dish: I never thought of it 'cos didn't we do like, a bunch of beach festivals-beach games in Ludi Harpastum? Like? Atsu: Well, that is living freely. Dish: Yeah, that's true. Dish: Well... Dish: I was confident. I was sure. Ant: All the Mondstadt festivals just blur together. Jake: Alright. Dish: Weinlesefest... Jake: Alright, Atsu. Atsu: "Regions" 100. Jake: You chose- Ant: Where's that double board? Jake: You chose- Jake: You chose the lucky question. Jake: Only you can answer this, and you can wager as many points as you want. Jake: But you need to wager first. Ant: Bro, what? Dish: Wager before seeing it? Jake: Don't look at the board. (2x) Don't look at the question. (2x) Atsu: I would like to wager all my points! Ant: He saw the question, bro! Dish: He saw the question! Jake: Okay, I'll switch it! I'll switch- Ant: Production! Ant: I have a complaint about this host! Atsu: I would like to wager all my points! Jake: Okay, I have to take it back because you saw it. Atsu: You don't know if I saw it! Jake: I know you saw it! (2x) Jake: Give me the other one. Jake: Alright. I'll read it, whoever buzzes in can get it. It'll be a normal round. Atsu: Oh heck no. Jake: Ant? Atsu: Oh my gosh... Ant: Oh, is this a "what" or a "who"? Jake: I don't even care anymore, just answer it. Atsu: It doesn't matter. (2x) Jake: I won't answer that. Ant: "What are the Adepti?" Jake: That is correct. Ant: Yay. Dish: Yeah. Jake: Ant, it's your board. Atsu: What do you mean? Don't I get my lucky question? Jake: No, no, no. You do not. Atsu: Wha- Atsu: What!? Ant: This is a failure on the side of the host. Atsu: This is-Oh my gosh, so rigged! Jake: Listen, man. I stayed up until 5 AM writing this! Just choose "Pro Gameplay" 100. Atsu: Can we not make "Pro Gameplay" the lucky question? Jake: It is the lucky question! Ant: Oh, I get to answer the lucky question? Ant: I wager all my negative points! Atsu: Wait, why does Ant get that!? Dish: He can't wager, he doesn't have any points. Atsu: You can't even wager negative points! Jake: Yeah, so it doesn't matter! Atsu: I'll wager everything on this! Ant: Alright, "Pro Gameplay" 100. Atsu: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Give this to me as the wager, and I'll wager everything Atsu: I'll wager everything! Atsu: I got robbed of my lucky question! Ant: Alright Atsu, let's make a deal here. Ant: I'll let you take this as your wager, but you have to give me half of those points. Dish: This is ridiculous. Atsu: Okay. Atsu: That means if I get it wrong he also loses the same. Dish: Get it wrong. Dish: Push him further to the bottom! Ant: I believe in you. Atsu: Yeah, I'll take it. I'll take it. Ant: Alright, give this one to Atsu. He can use it as a wager. Jake: Are you guys serious!? Atsu: I wager all my points on this! Jake: Alright, whatever. Fine. Alright Atsu, here it is. Dish: Oh my gosh... Ant: Go on, Atsu. Dish: Get it wrong! (2x) Atsu: Wait, how many points am I on right now? Ant: You're on 800. Dish: Get it wrong! Push Ant down! Jake: You already said you were wagering all your points. Atsu: Yeah, but I want to know how much I can drag down Ant if I get this wrong. Jake: Well- Ant: You're going to go down to second. You're gonna lose to Dish. Dish: Up to you. Jake: You don't have to buzz in, it's your question. It's only yours now. Atsu: "Who is Stormterror?" Dish: Dang it... Jake: We'll count it. It is Dvalin. Jake: Wait, so you wanna split your points with Ant? Atsu: He's gonna fall behind anyway. (2x) He has no chance. Ant: Yeah, so he gets 400 and you give me 400. Atsu: This guy has no chance. Atsu: He's gonna come last again, 100%. Ant: Gimme the 400 here. Jake: Alright, give him 400. Ant: Heck yeah! Jake: That was a great test run, guys. Am I right? That was great. Jake: Alright, we're tired- Ant: We in this! Jake: Jeez... Atsu: Now it's starting for real? Jake: Uhhh, shot-No we're taking five, hold on. Jake: We're taking five. Jake: I'll be right back. Jake, Ant: Oh my gosh... Jake: Alright, this is the second board! Jake: It's a little more fun. I'll explain the categories though, since it may look a little different. Jake: First category is "Equipment", pretty straightforward. Jake: "Streamers", related to Genshin streamers or anyone that has streamed genshin. Jake: The middle one, personally, my favorite. "Real Eyes Realize Real Lies" are actually all images of characters... Jake: ...Either zoomed in or part of the character art banner, and you have to guess what character it is. Atsu: Mhm... Dish: Well, that's fun. Jake: 4th category, "Kaching!", related to Hoyoverse 'cos they love money and also money related questions... Jake: ...And also Kequing, the character. Jake: Last category, "Plants". That's it, it's just plants related- Atsu: Ain't no one touching that category. Dish: Let's go! Jake: Alright. Albert, pick a number between one and three. Atsu: Two! Jake: He picked three, which was Dish in my head. Alright, Dish? Dish: Let's go. Jake: You are first. Dish: In your head. Jake: Remember, these are all double the points! Jake: 200, 400, 600, 800, 1000. Dish: Ooooh, okay, okay, okay, okay. Dish: Ummm, I'm going to go right in the middle. "Real Eyes Realize Real Lies" 600. Jake: Alright, now you will see either part of a character or part of the art they're in. Jake: You have to guess within 30 seconds what character it is. Atsu: When do we get to buzz in? Ant: Dang, part of the art? Jake: I'll count to one, because I'm not reading a question here. Jake: Ready? Three, two, one. Jake: Atsu- Atsu: "Who is Tartaglia?" Jake: that is correct. Atsu: Heck yeah. Dish: Nice. It's so tiny. Jake: Alright, it's your board now Atsu. Atsu: "Real Eyes Realize Real Lies" for 1000! Jake: Oh my gosh-Alright, good ol' count down. Ready? Jake: Three, two, one. Dish: Is that supposed to be a character? Jake: It is a character. Ant: Someone's birthday art or something... Dish: Hmmmm... Dish: Bunny... Atsu: I have an answer, but I- Jake: Go on. Go on. Bet! Atsu: And this is one single character? Jake: Yeah, it's one character. Go on. Atsu: Nah, I'm not saying anything! I'm in the lead! Atsu: If one of you guys wants to get it wrong- Jake: Go ahead, man! Atsu: Nah! (8x) Jake: Go ahead, man! Go ahead! Dish: I don't know... Ant: Who's wearing a flower with streamers? Dish: It looks like a birthday art or something... Dish: Ugh, man... Atsu: No, no, I literally don't know. No. Dish: This is really hard. Atsu: I'm skipping. I'm passing! Jake: Oh, come on Atsu. Come on! Ant: Hey, you got nothing to lose bro! Atsu: No! Ant: You lose this, you're still first! Atsu: I've got 1000 points to lose! Atsu: No! I've got 1000 points to lose! Ant: Gotta give up a 1000 points to gain- Atsu: So do you, Ant. Atsu: Come on, Ant. I'm giving you the opportunity. Ant: Nah, I'm good bro. Atsu: No, no, no. Come on, Ant. Ant: I'm just waiting for Dish to slip up on a 600 and it's even. Jake: Alright, for fun? For fun? Everyone? For fun? Dish: Alright, that's cool. Ant: Alright, for fun. Amber"? Jake: It is Amber. Dish: What!? No way! Atsu: I would've never gotten that- Jake: That could've been you, Ant! That could've been you, bro! Ant: It could've been me... Jake: It could've-It should've been you! Atsu: Amber! What artwork is this? Dish: Yeah, what artwork is this? Jake: It's her birthday art I'm pretty sure, right? Ant: I'm pretty sure it's a birthday, 'cos otherwise there wouldn't be streamers, right? Jake: Alright. Ant: Dang... Jake: Atsu, it is your board though. You still got the last correct- Atsu: "Real Eyes Realize Real-" Atsu: Just kidding. "Plants" 1000. Jake: "Plants" for 1000!? Atsu: Yeah, yeah. Let's get this out of the way while people are still not willing to take risks. Jake: Okay. Remember, after I finish. Dish: That's a good question, honestly. Atsu: Wait, this is plants? Jake: Flour. Atsu: Ha. (11x) So funny. Atsu: So funny. So funny, huh? Jake: Shut-Alright. Jake: Alright Ant. Yup, let's hear it! Ant: I'll go for it. Ant: "Who is Paimon?" Jake: Are you sure? Ant: I mean, who else would say this? It sounds like Paimon. Jake: That is incorrect. Dish? Dish: Okay. "Who is Xiangling?" Jake: That is incorrect. Atsu: This-This is such a jebait question! Dish: No character asked this question... Jake: You wanna buzz in, Atsu? Atsu: "This character asked if enough flourwas put into hydro slimes, would they turn into dough slimes"- Atsu: So, someone stupid? Dish: I think they would. Ant: Host, can I-can I- Jake: What? Ant: Can I take a bathroom break? You can keep going. Atsu: Oh, he's gone. Jake: Yeah, man. Atsu: He's-Oh, he's gone. Oh no. Dish: Atsu, come on. You wanna guess? Atsu: I-I-Nah, I don't know. I don't know. Jake: Come on, Atsu. Come on. Jake: Alright, well, if no one guessed. You ready? Atsu: Yeah. Jake: It is Lisa. Atsu: Oh... Dish: What!? Atsu: I would've never have gotten that! Jake: You guys are choosing the 1000 ones, like- Jake: It's Lisa. Atsu: If i were to guess, I would've gone with Klee. Jake: She said it I think at the Akademiya when she first arrived to study, right? Yeah, that was it. Jake: Yep. Atus: Ohhh. Jake: Alright, I guess we wait for Ant. Dude, what is he doing? Atsu: Alright, "Equipment" 1000! Jake: We really doing this without Ant? Dish: Maybe we can wait a little bit longer? Jake: Lemme-Lemme knock. I'll be right back. Jake: Hey, he's back! Everybody, he's back! Jake: He's back! Atsu: Yeah. Atsu: Dang, I didn't even know it was possible to wipe that fast. Ant: What the- Jake: Anyways. Atsu, your board. Atsu: "Equipment" 1000. Jake: "Equipment" 1000! Ant: Dang. Ant: Dang. We've all had this before. Atsu: Yeah... Jake: We've all had it. Atsu: It's between one of two. Dish: Okay, I'm gonna guess. Jake: Dish? Dish: "What is Adventurer's Set?" Jake: Uhhh, that is-that is incorrect. Dish: I meant to say Adventurer's-What is Adventurer's- Dish: No! Ant: That's a 3-star set, I think? Dish: I thought it was a 1-star set... Jake: Atsu. You buzzed in? Atsu: "What is..." Atsu: It's between one of two answers here... Atsu: I'm pretty sure this one has a green variant... Atsu: "What is Travelling Doctor?" Jake: That is incorrect. Dish: I forgot about that one. Atsu: Oh no, it's not the one... Ant: No, it's not "Travelling Doctor" 'cos that's the first upgrade I remember getting in Genshin Impact. Jake: Oh, okay. Dish: I remember the blue. Ant: Yeah. Ant: I don't remember what the 1-star is though. Atsu: Yeah, I feel like that was-Yeah... Atsu: I'm sure the other one I was thinking of has a 2-star version, though... Ant: What is the other one you're thinking of? Atsu: It begins with an "L". Dish: Wha-Atsu... Dish: Please... Atsu: I'm pretty sure that has a 2-star variant. Ant: You think? Atsu: I'm really confident. Ant: I think I know what you're thinking about. Atsu: I'm REALLY confident that has a 2-star variant. Ant: Alright, nothing to lose! Ant: "What is the Lucky Dog?" Atsu: Can we add 1000 points to this? Jake: That is incorrect. Ant: Umm... Atsu: I knew it! Ant: We all inted... Jake: It's called "Initiate". Ant: I ain't never heard of that, bro. What the- Dish: I've never heard of that in my life! Atsu: Is this like a PlayStation exclusive? Jake It is not a PlayStation exclusive! It is not! Ant: PlayStation exclusive!? Jake: I would-It is-It is not! Atsu: I've never heard of this! Ant: "Genshin 1-star artifact"... Jake: They're like-They're like white? It's like a white flower? I think there's only a flower and feather. Ant: Oh yeah. I've definitely foddered this before, I just never... Jake: Yeah, yeah. Atsu, still your board. Jake: You're still in the lead as well. Atsu: "Equipment" 800. Ant: Imagine crafting gadgets. Atsu: "What is the Portable Teleporter?" Jake: Yes. Atsu: Ummm- Atsu: YES! Dish: Wow. Jake: It is the "Portable Waypoint". Ant: What is a "Dead Leyline Leaf"? Dish: Nice work. "Portlable". Ant: "Dead Leyline Leaf"... Atsu: That's the Abyss Mage drop. Ant: Ohhhh! Jake: Yep. Dish: I was gonna guess the treasure-treasure compass. Atsu: Well I have to make these teleports all the time when I throw characters off a certain high place in the map, so... Jake: Oh. Ant: Mhm... Jake: Atsu, your board. Atsu: Uhhh, "Equipment" 600. Atsu: Paimon. Dish: Dang. Atsu: It's an item... Ant: Uhhh... Dish: A singular item? Hmmm... Atsu: You know what? Atsu: Let's just take a guess. Jake: Atsu? Atsu: "What is Windglider?" Jake: That is correct. Jake: Hey, this guy is- Atsu: I can afford to still gamble now. Jake: What the-Jeez, alright. Jake: It's not a Vision, because the Traveller doesn't have one. Jake: For the people in chat thinking that. Jake: Alright. Atsu: Are the pets in the Archives? That would've been my second guess. Jake: Next question. Atsu? Atsu: Okay. Jake: Once again. Atsu: Donowalled! (2x) Jake: Still your board. Atsu: "Equipment" 400! Jake: Alright, we're knocking out "Equipment". Ant: Asencion mat-Like, all of them? Jake: Uhhh, crystal name. Sorry, clarification. Dish: I can see it, but I can't name it. Ant: Yeah, it's that yellow one, right? Atsu: Yeah. Ant: But... Atsu: I thought you meant like the flowers. Jake: Yeah, sorry. I clarified. Jake: I forgot to write crystals. Yeah. Atsu: You meant the crystals. Jake: Come on. You know, its like a little chunk? Ant: Yeah, it's that gold one. Atsu: Yeah. I don't know either... Jake: Dish? Dish: Oh. (2x) Dish: Ummm, what is-"What is Brilliant Chunk?" Dish: Brilliant...something? Dish: Diamond? Jade? "What is Brilliant Chunk?" Brilliant Diamond? Jake: Yeah, Brilliant Diamond! You get it, Dish. Dish: Chunk was wrong! Oh, but it is brilliant, though! Jake: You got Brilliant Chunks. Chunk is the ascencion, but it is a diamond, though. Jake: Yeah okay. Screw it. Dish: It's okay if you don't wanna count it. Dish: Or you can give me half points or something. Atsu: Just give it, no one else was close. Jake: It's okay, Dish. It's okay. Jake: Ant can comeback if he get's every single question right here. Jake: Dish, it's your board though. It's your board. Ant: Alright. Ant: We'll need to answer, guys. Dish: It's okay. (2x) Dish: We'll end this category. Atsu: Okay. (2x) Dish: Let's end this category. Jake: You wanna finish "Equipment"? Dish: "Equipment" 200. Jake: Alright, "Equipment" 200. Dish: Yes. (2x) Dish: PeepoAgainstEquipment. Jake: Atsu? Atsu: "What is Instructor's?" Dish: Nice. Jake: I actually don't remember. Dish: No? Jake: Instructor! Yes, that's correct! Atsu: Why were you hesitating? Jake: Because I forgot, dude! Jake: Alright, Atsu with an outsanding 2700 points. Atsu: I wanna see this category! "Streamers" 1000! Atsu: And unbuzz. Jake: Yes. Jake: "Streamers" 1000? Jake: We're knocking down the "Streamers" now. Here we go! Ant: Huh. Dish: Ooooh, I watched this... Atsu: I also watched this as well. (2x) Dish: I totally watched this. Atsu: I wanna say the obvious answer... Jake: A lot of characters here. A lot of characters. Ant: What's the obvious answer? Atsu: Someone who's hot. Dish: Oh man... Dish: I feel like I should just go with my gut. Ant: That's a- Dish: I should just go with my gut. Ant: Alright, go with it. Dish: Okay, umm... Dish: But what if it's wrong? Dish: You know what-What's my points? How many points do I have? Jake: You're at -1400. Ant: You'll be tied with me! Dish: -1400? Alright, well. I'm already low, so. Jake: -1400. Dish: "Who is Childe?" Jake: That is incorrect. Dish: Dang it. Ant: Eyyy! Welcome, Dish. Welcome. Dish: Really? Ant: Glad to have you here. Atsu: Go on, Ant. (2x) Ant: Me? Jake: Yeah, if anyone should guess it's definitely Atsu. Atsu: Alright, I'll guess. Atsu: "Who is Zhongli?" Jake: That is incorrect. Atsu: Dang it! Dish: I'm looking at my tweets 'cos I definitely tweeted about it. Ant: What the-We can use resources? Dish: No, no, no, I'm done. Ant: Oh. Dish: I mean, I already made my guess. Jake: Alright, are we giving up here? Dish: Oh, I didn't even say who it was. Ant: Yeah. Atsu: Oh my gosh- Jake: It is Itto. Dish: Ohhh... Atsu: I would've never have gotten that. Jake: Yep. (2x) Atsu: Virtually impossible. Jake: Dish, still your board. Jake: Got a lot of fun categories left still. Atsu: Isn't it my board? Jake: You didn't get it right. Dish: Alright. Atsu: Yeah, I picked "Streamers" for 1000. Ant: Wait, yeah. He did. Jake: Oh, you did? Oh, sorry-Yeah, sorry. Ant: Yeah, it's Atsu. Atsu: "Streamers" 800! Jake: I keep thinking Dish did it... Jake: Alright, "Streamers" 800. Dish: Ohhhh, I remember this. Atsu: Oh my gosh, I forgot their name! Jake: They were legendary. Ant: Bro, this before my time! Jake: They were legendary! (2x) Atsu: Oh my gosh I forgot their name! Ant: This was before my time! Atsu: There were so many though! Jake: They were legendary! Atsu: There were so many! Ant: This is before my time. Unfair! Dish: Yeah, I don't remember. Wonder what happened to them? Atsu: I remember they emailed me and we had a conversation. Atsu: Oh my gosh-Oh, it's literally on the tip of my tongue! It's on the tip of my tongue! Ant: Take a guess. (2x) Nothing to lose here. Atsu: What do you mean take a guess? It's a person's name! Atsu: It's not like I can guess, there's a specific name to it! Ant: Yeah, but... Atsu: It was like a Genshin character as well. I'm pretty sure it was tied to a Genshin character. Ant: Xiao profile picture. Jake: Alright. Give up? It's a hard one. Jake: Give up? Atsu: I can't remember-Wait. No... Jake: You have five seconds. Five seconds to buzz in or not. Atsu: I can't remember the name... Atsu: I feel like it begins with... Atsu: No. No, I can't remember. Jake: Alright. We give up. We're giving up. Atsu: I think I can-Okay. Atsu: Can I take a fun guess? Ant: Uhhh... Jake: Yeah, for fun. For fun. Ant: My camera just went blue? Atsu: Does the name begin with a "K"? Jake: Just turn it on and off, Ant. It is with a "K". Atsu: I don't remember the rest of the name. Jake: Alright. It's "Kaero". Atsu: Ohhhhh, yeah! It's 'cos I used to think it was related to Kaeya! Jake: Yeah, this was one of the OG YouTubers when Genshin first came out. Jake: And they'd make highlight reels of other streamers on Twitch. Jake: This was a long time ago. Atsu: They disappeared, though. Yeah... Jake: Yeah, now they're gone. They just disappeared, bro. Ant: I know we talked about this like a year and a half ago. Jake: They are gone! Jake: Atsu, your board still- Atsu: 600 "Streamers". Jake: 600 "Streamers"! Ant: Dang it. Atsu: There's so many people in this community! Jake: No, there is only one. There's only one. Ant: Who's gonna-Who's gonna try to get it? Jake: Atsu? Atsu: I apologize in advance if someone catches a stray here! Atsu: "Who is Saki?" Jake: Oh my gosh! No, that is incorrect! Atsu: No! What!? Atsu: Ain't no way! Jake: Any buzzers? (2x) Jake: Any buzzers? Atsu: Koala-Ain't no way! Ant: That's a vendetta, bro! Atsu: Oh my gosh- Atsu: Right. Editor, cut that out! Cut that out! (2x) Atsu: That's not Saki! (2x) No! (3x) Atsu: I thought Jake was flaming you! No! (10x) Atsu: That is messed up! That is twisted! That is sick and twisted! Jake: I'm not the one who said it! Atsu: Nah, you guys both know- Atsu: You guys gotta throw some-You guys gotta- Dish: Alright, alright, I'll go. Ant: Nah, I didn't say anything! Dish: Who is... Atsu: Nah, you guys gotta make some enemies! Dish: I got it! (2x) Dish: "Who is LilyPichu?" Jake: No! That's incorrect! Dish: What? Ant: Dang! Jake: I'm ending it! (2x) We're done! (2x) Atsu: Everyone's-Ant, take a shot at someone! Dish: I don't know what koala brain means! Jake: It's Code! (2x) Ant: Huh!? Jake: His Twitch-His Twitch bio literally says "Koala Brain Vtuber"! Ant: It does? No it says your favorite second monitor streamer! Jake: Nah, look at his-Look at his Twitch. Dish: Love you, Lily. Sorry! Ant: I thought it was "your favorite second monitor streamer!" Jake: Alright, Atsu. Your board still. Dish: Sorry, Lily! Atsu: What are the points? (2x) Jake: So. Ant, -2400. Jake: Atsu's at 1100, and Dish is at -3000. Dish: Woooo! Ant: We're catching up! (2x) Dish: What happened to me? I just took too many guesses... Atsu: Uhhh, "Kaching" 1000. Jake: "Kaching" for 1000! Ant: "Kaching" 1000. Atsu: Oh, "this" Fatui? Ant: This ain't about Kequing! What the- Jake: It's about-I said money, Hoyoverse, and Kequing. Ant: Dang. Scam! Atsu: "Who is Pantalone?" Jake: That is surpisingly correct and I don't know how you know that. Atsu: What do you mean? He's the richest-He's the richest! Dish: That's so obscure. Jake: I mean, you could say Childe, you know? You could say... Atsu: When was he in Mondstadt!? Jake: I don't know. He's rich though. Ant: Pantalone? Atsu: Pantalone is the one with the glasses that looks like OkCode! Atsu: That one was so easy! Ant: Is he even-Is he in the game? Jake: Alright... Atsu: No, but... Atsu: He's the bank-He's the banker. Jake: your board, Atsu. Atsu: He's the one in charge of the hotel in Liyue as well. Ant: I didn't know that... Atsu: "Kaching" 800. Ant: That's crazy. Jake: Dang. "Kaching" 800. Atsu: I'm here to crush my enemies. Dish: What triangle? Atsu: The Illuminati. The Illuminati, guys. Dish: What do you mean triangle? Atsu: The Illuminati! Dish: It has a name? Jake: It does have a name. Atsu: Is-Is this like a Genshin specific name, or is this like a generic name of like an actual certain triangular symbol? Ant: It's gotta be about Genshin, right? Atsu: I feel like that's-No, because it could be like- Atsu: I don't wanna say the word. But it has like an official name, I'm pretty sure. Certain triangular symbols. Atsu: But if it's a Genshin term, then... Jake: It is-It is actually a concept IRL. Dish: Oh... Atsu: Oh, is it? Atsu: It's not actually-It's not actually the Illuminati. Jake: Go on, Atsu. Buzz in. Say it. Go on. Ant: Go on. Say it. Atsu: Nah, Ant. You can go first. Jake: Don't make him go! Listen- Ant: My first guess is a Dorito, I'm okay. Jake: Ant and Dish, you guys should be pressuring Atsu to go. Just saying. Ant: Yeah. Go Atsu. Ant: I tried. Dish: Atsu... Jake: 10 seconds. Dish: Come on... Atsu: "What is a Trifecta?" Jake: That is incorrect. Atsu: Frick... Dish: Oh no... Ant: I don't know, man. Jake: No guesses? Dish: No. Jake: Alright, for fun. For fun! Ant: "What is a triangle"... Dish: Plus 800 points! Ant: Triangle! Ant: I don't know, man! Jake: Make a-Make a good guess. Dish: I don't know... Jake: It is-It is "triquetra". Jake: That was very close. Dish: What is a triquetra? Jake: It is a-I don't know. The triangle in the middle of it? Dish: Where would we have learned this? Jake: I don't know. Math or something? Or geometry? Dish: Ohhhh, I see. It's with the circle. Atsu: In like school terms, yeah. Ant: Triquetra? Jake: Heh, Doritos. Dish: Never got that. Ant: I should get half points for that- Jake: No, you're not. Jake: Atsu, your board still. Atsu: "Streamers" 400. Jake: Atsu? Atsu: "Who is Felix?" Jake: Wow. It is Felix. Atsu: What do you mean "wow"!? Atsu: I'm the one that mainstreamed people knowing that Felix plays Genshin! Atsu: He's my boy! Jake: How do you know that? Ant: You sound a little obsessive, bro! Atsu: Heck yeah! I love Felix! Atsu: Felix gigachad. Jake: Anyways. Still your board, Atsu. Atsu: Uhhh, "Streamers" 200. Jake: Alright, knocking down "Streamers". Dish: Is this a trick question? Atsu: There's so many people this could be. (2x) Ant: I could just make someone up and you'd never know. Jake: Their first 5-star. Atsu: That is literally-This could be me! Jake: Their first 5-star from wishing. Ant: This could be me! Atsu: This could be me. Ant: This could be me! Dish: "Who is Tuonto?" Atsu: No. Ant: No! Jake: That is incorrect. Ant: His first 5-star is Qiqi, bro! Dish: Oh, was it really Qiqi? Atsu: Jebaited. Jake: My first 5-star was, in fact, Qiqi. Dish: Oh, I thought you said in video. Dish: Oh my gosh, wow. Jake: Unfortunately. Dish: I thought it was fated, but turns out it's not. Atsu: He's fated with Qiqi. Jake: Alright, Atsu. Atsu: There's so many people this could be! Ant: Yeah, we could make someone up, and you would never know! Dish: Take a guess! (2x) Dish: I'm never gonna catch up, so... Atsu: If I have to guess a specific person Jake's put down... Atsu: Even though there's more than one answer to this. Ant: Then we can argue. You see, that's the fun part. Atsu: Alright, go on Ant. Go on then. Ant: No. Atsu: Go on then. Dish: I feel like there's like 15... Dish: 10, 15 people that you could potentially guess from. Ant: Yeah, I could say myself. Atsu: "Who is Enviosity?" Jake: That is correct. Dish: Oh yeah! Atsu: Yeah, his first 5-star was Jean. Dish: Right, I remember now! Atsu: I was trying to think-He's probably going with the biggest... Jake: Alright, "Streamers" are done! First two categories are done! Jake: Your board, Atsu. Atsu: "Plants" 200. Jake: Yes! "Plants" time! Okay, here we go! Jake: Dish? Dish: "What is Mailed Flowers?" Jake: That's correct. Dish: Yeah! Atsu: Ooooh, what weapon is that? Ant: I ain't ever heard of that! Jake: It's the newest weapon. Jake: The newest claymore, from the event. Dish: The newest claymore, right? Atsu: I would've never have gotten than. Dish: I got points. Jake: Now, it is Dish's board. Dish: Wow! Uhhh, "Plants" 400. Ant: Oh boy... Jake: What? Wait, what? Sorry- Jake: Sorry, waht'd you say? Dish: "Plants" 400. Jake: Okay. Jake: Dish? Dish: "What is Glaze Lily?" Jake: That is correct. Atsu: Ohhhh? Ant: It is? Jake: It is the Glaze Lily. Dish: Wow, good Glaze Lily answers. Ant: It blooms at night? Ant: I thought it was the Wolf-Wolfhook... Dish: Yeah, it glows blue. Atsu: I thought as well, Ant. Dish: No, I think you're thinking of Lamp Grass. Dish: Which, I think, is also true? Dish: Yeah, Lamp Grass could've been the right answer, too. Jake: True. But we're not in that reality. Dish, still your board. Dish: Ummm, "Real Eyes Realize Real Lies" 200. Jake: Alright, again. You'll see part of a character, you gotta guess it. Now I'll count to one. On one. Jake: Three, two, one. Jake: Dish? Dish: "Who is Beidou?" Jake: That is correct. Jake: It is Beidou! Atsu: I knew it, I should've gone with my gut. Dang it! Dish: Finally, I got a Beidou answer. I feel redeemed. Ant: You've got nothing to lose, Atsu! Jake: Dish, you are tied -2400 with Ant. Atsu's still in the lead with 1900 points. Atsu: I could still lose this. Every point matters here. Ant: Could we combine our points once again? Atsu: Heck no! there's so many big pointers here still! Ant: For -4800? Jake: Dish, your board! Dish: "Plants" 600. Jake: "Plants" for 600. Atsu: Shame on you, Ant. Shame on you! Jake: Atsu? Atsu: Oh no, I'm an idiot. Dish: I kinda have a guess, though. Jake: You have 25 seconds. Atsu: Oh no, I'm an idiot! I'm an idiot! No! Jake: Oh no, Atsu's villain arc. Atsu: I got it wrong! (2x) Ant: Shame on me? Jake: Yeah. Why'd you say shame on Ant? Ant: You trying to gaslight me? Jake: He's trying to gaslight you into- Ant: Dang. Jake: Ten, nine, eight, seven, six... Ant: I should know this though, I've heard it before. Dish: Make a guess or you automatically get it wrong. Jake: He gets it wrong either way if he doesn't give a guess. That too. Dish: Guess Atsu! Jake: Time's up. Atsu: No I'm gonna pass because I think Ant should be able to get this... Atsu: But I think he might guess the same thing I initially guessed. Jake: Atsu, you've lost 600. Atsu: Yeah, no, that's fine. Jake: Any buzzers? (3x) Atsu: Ant, you should be able to get this. Ant: Oh wait... Jake: What? Dish: I don't know. Atsu: Ant, you should be able to get this. Ant: Dude, I should. I know I heard it before. Dish: I don't know. Ant: I can't think of the characters, though. Jake: Oh I know why you're saying it! No, no, that's not the reason. Jake: Alright, we done? Dish: You gonna throw out a guess, Ant? Ant: Uhhh... Jake: Alright, time's up. Time's up. Dish: I'm not gonna guess. Jake: It's Nilou. Dish: Ohhh, interesting. Ant: Ohhhh! Jake: I think it's in Persian, her name? Atsu: Yeah, I like instalocked in. I was like "It's Ganyu"! Atsu: Then I realized "Wait no, that's not what that-". Ant: No, that's "sweet rain"! Atsu: Yeah, yeah. That's "rain", yeah? I was like- Ant: That's "sweet rain"! Atsu: Yeah, I was like that's "rain". Oh... Jake: Alright. So, points... Atsu: What are the points now? Oh, I messed up. I inted. Jake: Ant and Dish still tied at -2400. Atsu is at 1300. Atsu: Oh, I have to be careful! Dish: It's still my board, right? Jake: It is still your board. Atsu: Yeah. It's your board. (2x) Dish: Ummm, "Real Eyes Realize Real Lies" 800. Jake: Again, you'll see an image. A character may or may not be included in it, but it is their art. Jake: You have three seconds. On one. Three, two, one. Ant: Who the heck? Ant: What am I looking at? Jake: Dish? Dish: "Who is Hu Tao?" Jake: That is incorrect. Dish: No! Atsu: Yes! My competition is gone! Dish: I believed it. (2x) Atsu: Ant is no threat. Ant: What do you mean, I'm still here! Atsu: You are no threat, Ant! You're literally- Jake: No threat? Woah! Ant: Gimme a hint! (2x) Jake: I'm not giving you a hint! Dish: Man, the colors... Atsu: You are no threat to me, Anthony Chung, in this competition. Ant: Her hair doesn't go that way. But, who's does? Atsu: Just say Beidou. Dish: I mean, it kinda does. Atsu: That's what Beidou's robes look like. Ant: What if this is a flipped image? What if it's like, sideways? Atsu: Exactly. Dish: Is that-Is that possible? Jake: It's not. It's not upside down, it's not sideways. Ant: Okay. Atsu: You should've have said that Jake. Atsu: I could've gaslit him into saying Beidou- Jake: Stop gaslighting Ant, bro! You literally claimed him as the least threatening, let him be! Atsu: That's why it's comedy entertainment! Jake: That's so-That's so brutal, bro! Ant: What is this? Alright, you take a guess then! Atsu: Alright, I'll guess. Dish: I don't know... Dish: It has to be a brunette, right? Ant: Could be dark hair... Dish: Oh it could be-I guess it could be black, depending on the lighting. Jake: I'll give ten seconds. Ten seconds. Dish: It looks brown... Ant: What if that's not hair? Dish: What if-That's true. What if it's not hair? Atsu: I actually can't think of any female characters with that hair color, other than Beidou. Jake: Ding! (4x) Time is up! Jake: It is Mona. Atsu: Oh, the hat-Oh, it's the hat! Jake: That's her hat. Jake: And that's her hair. Ant: I see it now. Dish: I thought it was some banner behind her. Atsu: Ohhh, Mona dose have that hair color. Ant: I thought her hair was like, purple? Jake: Dish, your board. Dish: Oh. Oh no. Umm... Dish: uhhh, "Plants" 800. Jake: Last of the "Plants". Ant: I thought her hair was purple... Jake: Need to look it up again 'cos I actually don't remember it by heart. Atsu: Ugh, I should know this! Atsu: We made Jade Parcels! Ant: Yeah, I made it with cabbage. But I don't know if... Jake: Oh, I'll give a clarifying hint, it's- Jake: It isn't-Wait... Dish: Kinda wanna take a guess but-I mean I guess there's no harm in it. I'm still counted at the bottom. Dish: Alright, I'm just gonna guess. Dish: "What is a Calla Lily?" Dish: I think that's wrong, but... Atsu: Ooooh... Dish: It's in my brain right now. Atsu: I think that's in Mondstadt only? Dish: I guessed-I guessed Calla Lily. Dish: Oh, is it only in Mondstadt? Atsu: It's Mondstadt only. Jade Parcels is Liyue. Atsu: Jake, I know half the name. Jake: Uhhh, Dish, what was your-what was your buzz? Dish: I guessed Calla Lily. Jake: That is-That is incorrect. Dish: Yeah, okay... Atsu: Will you penalize me if I only get half of it? Jake: Uhhh, yeah. Go head. Atsu: Ah, you know what? I'll just say it anyway. Jake: Take down the-Take down the rich. Atsu: What... Atsu: Oh, but then Ant's gonna buzz in and get this... Ant: Go on. Atsu: Alright, let me think. Atsu: What is-What is Lotus... Ant: Dude, that's all I know too! Atsu: There's-There's a second part of this. Ant: Yeah, I think there is. Ant: Say flower. Atsu: No, it's definitely not Lotus Flower! Atsu: What is Lotus... Jake: You have ten seconds. Atsu: What is-What is a top of a flower called? Lotus... Jake: Alright, time's up. It's over. Ant: Okay, wait. Jake: Okay, Ant? Ant: Oh shoot, is it not... Atsu: Oh. I know it. (4x) Jake: Twenty seconds, Ant. Atsu: No! Atsu: Come on, Ant! Use your head! Ant: I think it's... Ant: Dude, I have a thing in mind, but it might be from- Atsu: Use your head, Anthony Chung! Use your- Jake: You have ten seconds. Atsu: Wrack that head of yours, Ant! Jake: You have ten seconds! Ant: This might be for like, the real Jade Parcels. Ant: "What is Lotus Root?" Ant: That's the real Jade Parcels. Atsu: Ain't no way... Atsu: Hey. Pop the answer up, Jake. Do it. Jake: Alright. Jake: That is wrong, it's Lotus Head. Atsu: No! Jake: I forgot to write head! (3x) Jake: It's supposed to be head! (4x) Atsu: Rigged! (3x) Ant: Oh no. Atsu: Ant, you didn't get my clue! Ant: You should've just said it bro. Atsu: I did! Atsu: I said "Use your head"! "Wrack that head of yours"! Ant: I thought you were making fun of me! Atsu: I was trying to communicate with you... Jake: Alright... Ant: I do not speak monkey. Jake: I don't remember who's board it is still- Ant: I do not speak ape. Dish: I think it's still mine. Atsu: I think it's Dish's. Jake: It's still Dish's. Dish: Uhhh, "Kaching" 200. Jake: "Kaching" 200! Dish: Some of the simple ones. Atsu: I bet they've got the wrong answer for this. Jake: Ant? Dish: Aww man... Ant: "What is Mihoyo?" Jake: That is correct. Jake: Their first collaboration was for-It was Honkai. Ant: It's the Honkai one, right? The collab with themselves? Jake: They literally collabed with themselves. Atsu: Wait, are you sure that came first? Jake: It was-It was-Okay, it was June. Ant: Which one are you thinking? Jake: I'm pretty sure it was summer, and then-and then it was Aloy. Jake: Aloy's after, yeah. Aloy's after. Dish: Oh yeah... Atsu: What about the KFC wings? Dish: I woudl've guessed some... Ant: KFC was afterwards, too. KFC was November. Dish: Interesting. Sneaky. Jake: Yep. Dish: Sneaky question for 200. Ant: Alright. Ant: "Real Eyes Realize Real Lies" 400. Jake: This is the magical. The special. The special! Jake: Ant, this is only your question. Okay? In this case, you're guessing what the character is. Jake: You'll see part of the character and you have to guess what they are. Jake: And you can wager as many points- Ant: Can I wager points? Ant: Alright, I'd like to wager. Jake: How did-Can they wager points if they're negative? Dish: I don't think so... Jake: Alright, you can't wager 'cos you're negative. You just get the points. Ant: What the-Okay. Can I get like, double or something? Ant: Double or nothing! Atsu: It's fine! It's best to get every little bit! Ant: Okay, how about this? Can I take Atsu's points? Can I take him to zero? Atsu: What the frick!? Dish: I respect the game, but... Ant: You can give me 400, but take 500 from him! Atsu: Why!? Wait, what-500!? Jake: What? Atsu: What is this!? Jake: Ant-Yeah, just answer. here you go. Ant: What the heck is that? Atsu: Come on, Ant. (2x) Dish: Oh, I know that. Ant: "Who is Venti?" Jake: That is correct. Atsu: Dang. Atsu: He actually got it. Ant: Alright, Atsu. Send him to zero! Dish: Oh, the sleeves. Atsu: What- Ant: I should be able to wager negative points! Ant: Alright, "Kaching" 600. Jake: Alright, here we go. Jake: Ant? Dish: LMAO. Ant: "What is the Lion's Roar?" Jake: That is correct. Atsu: Oh... Ant: Thanks. Ant: Wow, an actual Kequing question. Easy. Jake: Alright. Jake: Last question? Ant: Uhhh, let me think here. Atsu: Hey, Ant. Atsu: You wanna combine your points with Dish? Ant: Yeah, for -6000? Jake: You don't have points! You don't- Dish: No way, please. I for-I can't. Jake: Alright, here we go. The last one. Ant: The last one here. Atsu: Oh, so both banners were rerun banners? Dish: I'm gonna guess! (2X) Dish: "Who is Zhongli and Ganyu?" Dish: Wait, I think that's wrong... Ant: No, that was my guess too. That was my guess. Jake: That is incorrect. Atsu: I was gonna say Zhongli and someone as well, but... Jake: Ant? Atsu: Go on, Ant. Go on! Atsu: Chop chop! Ant: Alright, ummm... Ant: "Who is Eula and Albedo?" Jake: That is correct. Dish: Oh yeah... Ant: Yeah! Jake: Well done! (2x) Ant: That was my second guess. Thank you, Dish. Dish: Good job. Jake: Alright... Ant: Last round. Jake: This is the final round. Dish: Final round. Jake: In this round... Atsu: Wait, there's another board!? Jake: No, it's not a board. This is the final round. Ant: No, it's one question. Jake: There's one question. Jake: I can't tell you the question. You have to wager- Ant: How does that work? Jake: You can wager-You can wager... Atsu: They're at negative points! Jake: As many points as you want. Atsu: I see. Ant: Alright. Dish: I would like to wager my negative however many points I have. Jake: You can-No! You can- Ant: I would like to wager one million points! Jake: You can wager positive points here! Even if you're negative, as many as you want. Jake: But, DM me your wager in 30 seconds. Ant: Oh, okay. Dish: Wait, is there any "any" amount? Jake: Any amount. It could screw you over though, to be honest. Dish: That's true. Atsu: No it won't! They have to wager like infinity points! Dish: We have to Atsu 2. Jake: Your limit is 10,000! (2x) Ant: Aww, what? Dish: This is relative! This is like, a psychology game now. Dish: This is relative to how much you think your opponents are gonna wager! Jake: Exactly! Max is 10,000. The answer-Or the question is revealed after everyone finishes their wagers. Jake: Okay, the bets are in. The final question... Ant: I'm ready. Jake: The closest answer will win. DM me the number. Dish: Just the Talent number? Jake: No, no. All the way, one to ten, every talent. Ant: Like, all three talents or just one talent? Jake: All three. It's triple-crown. Jake: So triple-crowning, one to ten. Dish: So doesn't it count- Atsu: Triple-crowned? Dish: It doesn't count like, character ascencion cost. Just the talents? Jake: Just talents. Dish: Just talents. Okay... Atsu: Triple-crowned... Dish: I need to do math. (2x) Ant: Dang, I just crowned Qiqi yesterday. Uhhh... Dish: Alright... Jake: Under 30 seconds. Atsu: Okay, sending my answer. Ant: Alright, me too. Dish: Same. Jake: We locked in? Dish: Yes. Jake: Alright. I will start from the lowest to whoever is in the lead, which is-which is Atsu. Jake: Dish! You wagered 4401 points. You guessed 2.8 million mora. Atsu: Oh you're finished. You're done. You're done out here! Jake: That is incorrect. Dish: Mhm... Jake: Ant. Ant, you wagered- Jake: Well, you attempted to wager a number that I can't read and then, 10,000. Jake: You guessed 8 million mora. Atsu: Yes! Ant: And? Jake: That is incorrect. You're not the closest. Jake: Atsu wagered 10,000 as well and guessed 4.89 million mora. Jake: I don't know how he got that number. At this point I think he's cheating. Jake: But the correct answer is 4.89 million mora. Atsu: 1.6 million mora to crown a talent! Jake: It's 4,957,500 mora to triple-crown from one to ten. Atsu: Let's go! Dish: Congrats Atsu. Jake: This guy's won another trivia game, once again. Dish: And these 100 dollars! Jake: 100 USD. Dish: What are you gonna spend it on? Jake: What the... Atsu: I was going off of 1.63. Jake: What the heck, man. Dish: Congrats, Atsu! Jake: Atsu has shown quite the knowledge for these types of trivia games. Jake: Well don, Atsu. Well done. Well done, guys! Thank you for waking up! Dish: Thank you. Mhm. Atsu: Yeah. Jake: Appreciate it. Atsu: Alright, for 100 dollars you can send a 1 dollar Genesis Crystal pack to 100 of your viewers. Jake: Huh? What? Atsu: 100 dollars, Jake. Atsu: I would like you to spend it by sending a 1 dollar Genesis Crystal pack to 100 of your viewers. Jake: There is not a 1 dollar option! Dish: Awww, that's nice. Atsu: There is! Dish: And so mean at the same time. Atsu: There's a one dollar pack! Jake: It's two dollars! Ant: Then send it to 50 viewers. Go on! Jake: No, I can't do that. That is... Jake: That is a lot of work. Ant: Woah. Chat, you hear that? He doesn't love you! Ant: That's what you just said. (2x) Jake: If you're watching on YouTube, lemme know if you wanna see more of these challenges. Jake: Hopefully Atsu won't win next time, 'cos at this point he might get a hat trick. A triple win. 3 back-to-back wins. Jake: If you wanna know when I go live and do these sorts of things, join my Discord. I leave my livestream there. Jake: And my schedule, for people who wanna know. Jake: I'm gonna wrap it up here, though. This is-It's been a tiring one. It's been a tiring one. Jake: Thank you for hanging out with my scuffed production. Jake: Shoutout to Albert, thank you for keeping track of the score. Jake: Would not be able to do without him. We're a two man team. Jake: I think it went... Jake: Entertaining, to say the least. Jake: Alright. Bye-bye!
Channel: Tuonto
Views: 1,134,863
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jake, jacob, jake tuonto, jacob tuonto, tuonto, tuonto stream, tuonto twitch, tuonto youtube, tuonto gaming, genshin, genshin impact, antonychenn, asianguystream, atsu, dish, companiondish, genshin trivia, genshin quiz, genshin jeopardy, jeopardy
Id: 23uxQXyJGtg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 1sec (4201 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 26 2023
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