RAFT How to Catch Animals SeeShellGaming

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hey guys it's Michelle and on this video of Raft I'm going to be showing you how to catch and tame your own animals alright so the first thing that you need to do when you want to go and tame your own animals is you need to find the large island and I can actually see it in the distance now you can get to the large island by using the receiver if you're starting off brand new then you're gonna have to use the receiver to help you get to the island at first but because I've already been to this island I can actually go and visit it anytime that I want but if you're playing this for the first time you won't actually be able to see the island so we're gonna go ahead and get into distance and we're gonna land the ship and then I will show you how to catch your own animal now as you guys swim around in the ocean you need to make sure that you kill the shark immediately I've gone ahead and killed the shark now when you swim around the island you're going to notice these little things here and it might take you a second to actually see it at first but these pufferfish are very dangerous and they can explode so what I like to do is I use the method where I pull out my spear and I stab and back up and you need to hit it three times three or four times and then back up a minute and it's going to turn upside down then you get to go up to it and hold eetu pick up and sometimes if you're lucky you get two explosive goo and the explosive goo is what you need to turn into explosive powder let's see if there's any more around don't see any again you just need to swim around the island and get as many of these as possible I'm gonna go ahead and show you what one looks like so it's in my inventory as you guys can see as well as the puffer fish head and you always want to keep all of your resources even the puffer fish so I'm gonna go over to one of my forges and what you need to do in order to turn it into explosive powder is you need to put the explosive goo while it's activated on your hotbar into a smithy into a forge and if you give it a minute this will smelt down and it will turn into explosive powder and that is part of the ammo that you need for the net launcher all right so if you go up to it now it says pick up explosive powder because it's finished cooking and in my inventory now I have explosive powder so to make the ammo for the net launcher the canisters let's go into our inventory and let's go to net launch or canister alright so one explosive powder four stones and four rope which I have all those ingredients so let's go ahead and grab the rope I've also saved up and I farmed a bit of the explosive powder I've been to these islands several times just to get some explosive powder so for this I'm going to make five then I'm going to go over here grab a few more and grab some rocks as well and we're going to go ahead and craft those up and if you look in my inventory I have five net canisters that are ready to go so we're gonna wait until day time and then we're going to catch an animal right so now it's time to actually catch our first animal the first thing that we need to do though before we venture out is we need to equip the net launcher onto our hot bar you don't actually have to equip the net canisters because it will just pull it from our inventory so let's go ahead and switch to our net launcher and I'm going to be going after that llama right there before we go though I just want to mention that there are many things on this island there are two creatures in particular that will try to kill you there is the boar and there is also the flying bird and I call it the Condor or the albatross so what we need to do is we need to go to the llama there are no pigs out around us right now I actually went ahead and killed it and there's the llama right there now before I actually go up to this llama it will try to run away and the net launcher does have a drop on it and if you guys look the llamas actually stuck which is kind of cheating if you've let your animal get stuck as well that's a good thing but I will say this this the mo for this is very very expensive especially if you're starting off and you don't have a lot of puffer fish that you've killed so you need to time your shot just right so I'm going to creep up on it it's now unstuck and it's going to run round like this and it's going to do its little thing but eventually it will get to a point where it jump it'll it'll walk back towards you so what I'm going to do is I'm going to follow it and here it comes it's getting closer I'm going to go for a shot just going to go up the ramp that's perfect and fire just like that and you see that he is captured by the actual net right now so we can actually go ahead and bring him back to the bow poor little guy so what we're gonna do now is we're going to go ahead pick him up so you press E to carry and you do not want to stop carrying him we can change the animal name as well which I will be doing that in a second and once you change the name once you actually name your animal you cannot rename him and let me go ahead and show you where I've been keeping my animals up here now let's go ahead and rename it first I'll name it after me and there's our llama this is the first creature we've caught now there are many reasons why you want to tame all of the animals in this game that you can so as of right now there is a goat there is a llama and there is a little bird that you can tame too and I already have the bird here I did have a goat and I did have a llama before but they both died and this is what I want to mention to you for those of you who are watching this and you're wondering about the grass and how the animals actually eat well they need grass to eat and they need in an enclosed space so you can see that my raft has little barriers all around and this is to stop the creatures from actually walking off so here's the thing the animals have to eat something and you need to keep them fed so you have to plant grass but here's the problem when you go into your inventory and look grass-plot add water get grass feed animals this is how you feed your animals the animals eat a lot and they're very easily prone to dying if you're not careful with watering your grass plots or having enough because they eat a lot now you need two dirt planks of wood and plastic the hardest thing for you guys to come across is going to be the dirt now obviously I've been playing this for a while I've been to many of these animal islands and I've got a lot of dirt that I could craft into ant into grass plots I'm going to show you where to get the actual dirt from so that you can have your creatures fed as well now in order for you to get dirt so that you could feed your animals you need to still be on the animal island so I've not left yet now when you look in your inventory and go over to shovel you will need to craft a shovel which is one metal ingot one Bowl and six planks of wood so I've already got my shovel crafted and this is what you guys need to look for in order to find dirt dirt is a resource that is very rare as well and there's only two places you can get it as of right now from the animal islands as well as from what I call the help island but that island in my opinion is very difficult to come by what you need to look for as a small little cave system like this and it's going to have vines growing down and there's actually two entrances to get into the cave that's on the animal island there is an entry on land and there's an entry in the water and if you look you can actually see there are two dirt plots right here and if we continue through the cave we don't see any more but here is the water entrance and it goes outside that's clay right there by the way that's not dirt so when you come back in here you're gonna notice that there were two dirt piles but there's actually more so again I'm going to show you guys you need quite a bit of dirt just to make the grass-plot you actually need two so what I would do is make sure you have enough grass plots first for your animals before you actually tame them so I'm gonna go ahead and dig these up you hold left mouse button with the shovel and there we go on the right-hand side I have dirt now when you're in the cave on an animal island you can find dirt in the cave and you can also find mushrooms and this is where you also get your your mushrooms that you use with cooking more dirt I'm looking around carefully making sure I'm not missing anything there should be a few more hopefully yep here's one I think that's it so we got what is it five from that now that's just enough to make us two plots let's go back to the boat and I will show you exactly how making the grass-plot works and again what I would recommend for you guys is make sure that you have enough grass plots first before you tain your animals you don't want your animals to die because again all of your animals that you tame are used for something so we need to grab some wood for the grass plots we also need plastic and we're gonna go ahead and craft as many as we can which is only to put everything back there we go and we can go ahead and put down our grass plots and again keep them in an area of where they're enclosed that animals don't escape let's put one down and then two now when you put them down grass will not be growing out of them and this is where you are going to need a lot of water purifiers like this I put two up here but really I should have at least three or four to help maintain the actual plots and if you hover over it it says needs fresh water unlike the vegetables the seagulls that fly around will not come and attack these they do not attack the plots which is very nice if the seagulls were to attack these it would be very difficult to maintain animals so what you do is you go up grab some fresh water like this fill it in your water bottle and you go up and press E to water to the crops and it takes a little while for them to actually grow you can get a sprinkler system but I've not had any luck with the sprinkler system plus it uses a lot of resources like batteries and then you have to farm extra for the copper and again all the animals have different purposes and different functions let's see if I can go back out and I'll catch another animal right so there were no more other different kinds of animals at this island besides a llama and I went ahead and killed the bird I went ahead and killed the pig and there are no other tamable creatures besides the llama and this one has a really pretty pattern so I'm going to go ahead and put this with my collection and we got them so let's go ahead and carry this little guy back to the base and I still want to show you the other creatures because again all three of the different creatures that you can tame provide something for you so let's go ahead and put this llama back and then we can continue with our mission on getting the other animals there we go drop the llama and we're going to go ahead and reap renamed as well if we can and I think it looks like a zebra so we'll go ahead and name it zebra it's really pretty llama all right let's see if we can actually carry or continue with catching some any other animals right guys so I'm at another new animal island and I want to go ahead and tame the last creature that I do not have which is a goat and I know that the goats are exactly at the top of the mountain on this because I already went to the top just to see if it was here and I'm gonna show you again what the process is like with catching another animal now all the animals actually move a bit differently like the llama hops and so does the goat but the chicken runs very fast and it's very small and unfortunately I don't see a chicken on this island so I cannot show you what it's like to tame one of those but the process is the exact same so I'm just making my way up to the top where I saw the goat and again it's a very good idea if you tame all three of the different kinds of creatures now you cannot tame a pig and you cannot tame the big bird you cannot tame the bear either because those animals are hostile and as you guys can see I'm making my way up to the top it's getting a little bit dark out there's a llama but I am looking for the goat I already have two llamas and there's the goat so you can see how he moves a little bit differently I'm gonna wait till it comes to me and there's the go all right so I'm gonna pick him up and I'm going to carry him all the way back down to the raft so we're gonna go down to the raft quickly try not to take any damage hug the wall if you're trying to go down a steep cliff it's making cute little noises there we go no damage taken if I would have fallen straight down I would have taken damage all right hop over and we made it on top we're gonna take him to the very top where the other animals are we're gonna put him down stop carrying where'd he go there he is and we need to rename him so pick them up to rename and we're gonna call this one new blitz because if you guys look over here the chicken is actually Mizpah just like that and that is how you capture and tame your three different kinds of animals now there's one last one last little thing that I'm going to show you guys before we end this and we just wait until morning so it's a little bit better in the lighting so you tame the chicken so that you can get eggs and if you guys look I now have two eggs because the chicken actually lays eggs and those are useful for recipes as well as the healing self that you can use to actually heal yourself when you're in battle with the bear the shark or the pig any kind of creature that is hostile so that's why you have the little chicken right so I have shears on me and let me show you real quick in my inventory if you go to tools to shears right here and it says cuts wool extremely well it's made with one metal ingot one hinge and to scrap and what you do with this is you go up to the llamas and hold left mouse button and if you look I had one wool added and it's on my hotbar right now if I go up to the other llama which is a different color doesn't matter see this one looks skinnier now and this one looks fluffier and a little bit fatter but watch this watch its body one wool added and the wool is a recipe that is added into your equipment and like leather helmet leather body armor leather Greaves as well as your backpack so that's why we tame the llamas the last creature that we need to talk about for their use is the goat over here and if you look the goat actually has utters there's it eating right there puts its head down and then it eats the goat actually has utters so you can milk it but what you need to do in order to milk it is you need to make a bucket for milking so go into your inventory and the bucket is over here in the food and water section right here's bucket and it takes three planks of wood one scrap and one rope so you go ahead and craft it it's now on my hotbar and you go up to it and you hold left mouse button down and the reason why you have the bucket for milk is for recipes so you can see I just milked the actual goat and if I drink the milk myself there is a timer on it you cannot milk the goat immediately after just like you cannot take shears to the llama immediately after you share it you have to wait a day in game alright guys and that's gonna do it for all of the animals in raft as far as it goes with Taming thank you very much for watching and I shall see you next time you
Channel: SeeShell Gaming
Views: 235,808
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Keywords: Raft how to get dirt, raft how to get animals, raft how to get eggs, raft how to get milk, raft how to get the llama, raft how to get the goat, raft how to get wool, raft how to find animals, raft how to get to big islands, raft where to find animals, raft how to tame animals, raft what are the animals used for, raft wool, raft eggs, raft milk, raft net launcher ammo, raft net launcher canister, raft how to get explosive powder, raft how to get explosive goo, seeshellgaming
Id: raHf8Nsy3m0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 55sec (1315 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 27 2019
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