AMAZING Cube Slimes - Modded Slime Rancher Gameplay

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hey everybody I'm blitz welcome back to slime rancher check it out found a really really cool mod and I wanted to try it out with you guys today you can see in the background what it is probably from the thumbnail as well this is the cube slime mod now there is a flavor text somewhere in the game if you've ever seen it that says something like durpa durpa durpa and what would happen if scientists make you BOTS so somebody found files in the game and has modded it to play with Cupid's arrow Cupid slime so I thought it would be fun to try it out so we're gonna go through we're gonna do a brand new game and we're gonna do cube slimes and I did try to test this out before there isn't any icons in here it's just kind of a flavor thing in the game let's do the puddle one and we can do casual or rush should we do let's do just an adventure so we could take it nice and calm the rush mode is brand new in this update race against the clock and then I think so there's something something new about it we'll try this out oh right thousand light years away from Earth on a planet known as the far far range beatrix LeBeau begins her first day as a slime rancher it is let's get moving okay so we got the tutorial could I turn that off options other okay can't seem to find it okay so it's a little icon showing up right here that it's still a pink slime but check it out it's so cool okay so man I forgot like nothing is unlocked i cocaine crashed into the wall ah I use your backpack to pick things up and store them let's make our first money money as we can so we can sell off this one port yeah we made a dollar reduce but we will well I did save my other save file so if you're wondering about that I did say my other save file so Oh we're not gonna lose anything by doing this I just wanted to test it out and see what we can do so if you are looking at any of these up you tell me in the comments section which slime you'd want to see the most which one of these I'm thinking the gold slime like being able to see a gold slime would be really cool so let's see okay we found different areas oh there's more yeah I forgot do they come on here oh don't you know those bikers just my kids I'm gonna make a little farm pay you and all of you guys tasted food acquired and now let's go see now I believe we got more maybe we'll make a giant puddle of them okay I can only hold 20 that's right I forgot about early game being boring I should have bonded that too so we could have a big stockpile now we can't make the giant ball pit with these guys because they'll probably bounce out but we can't put a bunch in here okay so they're gonna poop out food I'm gonna sell up these ports and then we're gonna go on an adventure I'd like to make that just a little bit taller okay 200 300 okay I know I vacuumed this Thank You tutorial man okay I want to activate this I want high walls 350 all right 378 let's get them high walls up here so they don't jump out yay okay oh there's another one let's go on into adventure let's go see what we can find I'm gonna have to unlock some more things to see this but we'll try it out so the first step there are some down here right I don't want to fall all the way down why I was walking on the wall didn't look like him so I think the rocks and the cats are up here okay male the Rockies and the kitty should be Oh blue squares oh they still have a little words on them hey hey oh you think can they make money can they make we don't need any more these guys can they make largos is that in can we make larger there we go I'll turn you into a large eat this buddy oh I want to see these I want to see what they look like get out of the snow grass stuff where this one's go where'd they go there was supposed to be some cats there or oxen here kitty cat here turn into a basis quick come here hey buddy all right and bigger wait what's he doing how's he jumping he's jumping he's jumping oh let's get a box maybe there's a gold slime oh I'd be cool if the chickens were school okay so what do we get next I want to go put these rock slides back at home try to collect these little ports in here they keep flying up this guy oh that's good hey how did you get out wait hold on I got to sell these the blorch market I know about that I know about that game okay we got that okay let's come back and you know what I should do I should make these hahaha you can't escape I should make these guys I should make up largos right would that be a better idea let's see how much does a new pen cost new pen new grill let's just make these guys combined if I do well can't have too many cuz that messed things up big time so if I feed oh that's cool they still rolling a ball but it turns into it okay eat that one so I've got three four five six 7h would that be good here you eat that and then you eat that another one yes now you eat what's eat the poop on that guy's head okay I gotta get rid of some of these we don't need too many of them let's let him out in the real oh here you go back in there and then you hey more money Hail Mary shot Oh double shot okay we're good forget where'd that guy go trying to escape no you're not allowed yeah I totally don't need all these square pink slimes so I'll just throw them out there and I'll run back in and grab these and then we're gonna go look for some more so I took a little bit of time I farmed up some stuff and I made a carrot farm here so I can feed my little dudes there's also some chickens rolling around it should be close enough to nighttime now where the phosphorus limes should spawn oh look at a ball is there all the guys that let out free yay Oh what are they doing over there like a giant festival to get up what are they trying to get hey buddy what are you doing I want to see one that's actually moving in the world hey hey hey big old squared jumping her up that's awesome we got it more here now what I want to do next is hopefully grab enough ports and extra food that I can make a cat ranch Katie ranch Katie ranch Oh No look at the tar I don't want the queue bury all the tar though oh that is crazy he looks meat I pooped out another one hello tar hey Arlo he's gonna baby get out of here get out of your cake everybody back what's this is this mat oh I unlocked a map piece nice oh you know what occasionally oh there's the big big guy out there let's go see I'm gonna go see what's down here I think there's there's the Gordo over there there's another one down over here probably I gotta be careful got to be careful when I'm jumping okay I made it I made it across I feel like naked without all my upgrades we'll come around the corner and into the tunnel okay there's water there's heart oh we got this thing okay that doesn't oh I don't have I don't have that update yet okay that looks good it looks fine we'll go back and we'll see what that Gordo up top this is why I couldn't fly I don't have the jet pack yet ah I gotta sell more food and I didn't I kind of did die I was trying to fly out to that Gordo my carrots done yet carrots are right next to my that jet pack 350 just so I can flutter a little bit there we go whoo they use the past on another adventure so this zone is locked right think so oh lucky slime where Oh all those guys are cool looking I did not see the luckiest time huh well it might have to go back and find that one yeah this one's locked by a slime key so we'll have to get that I want to go see what the honey ones look like I think the honey's will be the coolest I'm hoping I can find a chicken too if I can find a chicken out here and then there's that lucky slime where is it it had to respond right gotta stay away from it the best we can whoa I've no no juice in this thing okay I got a chicken now where is that lucky slime we're gonna treat him a lesson I'm gonna come back and get all those ports a I'm gonna come through here come on lucky slime come on Lucky's time or a gold slime that'd be cool too where are they are you in here come on I don't hear any okay there's the kitty cats yay kitties hey I think I would any others no I'm gonna grab the cats you can't eat those cute berries what are you doing and I'm gonna mix the cats with the rocks now hey nothing fit me oh there is another Gordo right around the corner that likes chickens yep so the Gordo's don't go square and if I run up over on this side of the world I think this thing is locked too yeah that's got a key so I have the two keys and I can unlock those if I have enough carats of stuff I think they take 20 okay we'll shoot the chickens in their mouth and then we'll collect more chickens I'm gonna grab these boards too all right how are we doing I'm being able to build up in another room Corral 250 I think the high walls are no come on anyone carrots please nobody wants here let's put these guys in here well we have one chicken remaining here eat up okay whoa you jump over a little monster come here chicken I wish the chickens would be squared to their oh can you imagine a new biome that's all both square things come on yeah chicken basketball and chicken sketball we ready go check it check it oh did he get it no way to get it I got it yes I need to sell this oh shoot that over there then I'll grab this one hey whoa you little monster get back in your house there you go now weird that pork dope where'd it go all right I barely made 350 money now we can do this one good high walls purchase excellent now these guys they eat carrots can you jump over I think I think this will work you eat carrots you need carrots Beauty carrots yeah you read carrots now I want to see what these guys look like they got the stripes plus the hoards don't jump over I need to put a roof on here for you nerds they're gonna jump up this is not gonna be good now I need to get enough carrots to pop the the the cat or the the pink one out there so I can go into the the singles zone I think I'm gonna leave these guys for just a little bit I'll come back - all righty here it is the pink Bordeaux let's wake him up with some carrots in his mouth I think he takes 50 pieces of food so we'll be halfway there after these that's 20 20 some oh those are mushrooms they don't work all right let's see if this is enough three heartbeats oh that was enough I mean carrots ha ha hello pink slimes I don't like you no foxes if you like boxes with and we'll give you a new home somewhere else I just don't want you to mess things up my box so P quartz chicken can go away I want to check this out we might get a golden slime one of these it's rare nope that wasn't it it's really rare sometimes it does happen man that wasn't as exciting as I come here chickens I'll go feed you back to the other slimes it looks like those guys just ate there's so many of them okay so let's sell these up maybe I'll get enough for the poor poor collector excellent 600 man these things are so low priced and now I could just put a poor collector Lord collector got a purchase fire the final thing I want to do is run all the way through the map no we do have that that gray tabby Gordo still left Duke to go we could take him in we could pop him but I'm not gonna do that today I want to unlock the nexus zone which is where the honey slimes are and if I remember right the rad slimes are in the end of it after you upgrade your Gentile think check it out but that is right through here across the bridge and up to the slime game so I can put in our single slime key that we got from that pink board oh we can check it out yes Open Sesame okay oh the moss blanket perfect so let's go up I am so excited to see I think there's the water slimes too I think the water slams are in here let's see oh here we go got cats out of the exploding ones cool is there a water one hell or is it looks like a little ice cube okay there's the cat so we have a boom and there should be the honey's right in this zone oh that's pretty oh okay see some things down here what is this thing is this is that a yarn ball in the wild I didn't know those were wild I think these guys like playing with a yarn ball okay so up and around the corner is I think yeah right down here is what is that I'll just run right down here is where we get attacked right oh yes those things look cool I like that the eye placement might be a little bit far out but I'm not sure oh I guess the honey's they look so cool the honeys hey don't don't don't everyone go into any mode that's a little bit sad listen they're crowning now I wonder if I put two together was that oh I don't know those guys buried here a hunter slimes in here nice I had no idea those maybe that's a recent thing or I just don't remember seeing them there's another exploding let's explode the box keep one in column not phosphor but what a game is that there's a game Viva Pinata that's the game they remind me of one of the units in there what that one is phosphor tabby nope remember what that was fun story okay well that wraps it up for this zone we got some good slimes here and I wanna bring these back I wanted to look at the boom mixed with the other guys let's try to make a house for them our carrots are ready to go let's sell these puddles 47 each that's awesome our carrots let's get our Oliver carrots going now if I remember right the booms require meat boom slime yep requires meat and the honey is fruit so I'd have to get a mango tree in here because the rocks are like heartbeat yeah I could have made the heartbeat those are easy to get I could get rid of these guys that might be a good idea these guys are hungry I do I have enough money I'm gonna build one more Corral here and we're to put this hunter in it cuz he's rare that's a good one that's meat I can put the honeys with him let me be a good idea oh he disappears that'd be a good moneymaker don't you dare joke over did he escape oh no he's in the corner okay let's put the high walls on here purchase those up and I'm gonna store the honey here man all nine of them I don't know if that's a good idea to make nine but there was one chicken floating around so I wanted to see what this combo looked like oh no oh no no chicken and eat and eat no cat where'd you go eat that yeah kitty eat he's not hungry why is he so happy why does he have to be happy you're supposed to eat all right are you hungry yet buddy are you hungry always hungry everyone's hungry in here everyone's hungry Hey okay so he's gonna poop and he's gonna make it a food somebody else eat that one oh that looks cool Oni disappears too oh I can jump out okay when you do we need to feed those oh great I forgot to get them their favorite food they don't require great food let's see so he's gonna make up more someone's gonna eat his poop and we'll make like in worlds oh there it is no you eat that's complete that one you eat you eat that thing there we go we're just gonna make oh whoa no no no no no jump out of there going so mad there go eat that one no no I'm out of meat yay they're eating them oh that's gonna be it's gonna be worth so much money can I put in top on this internet for 25 no any more money now baby I knew it I knew they'd get out hey mister mister get back inside you feral slime or to put a top on you for that air net on you can't escape now now I need to give them the music box to you how much the music box cost music box 350 oh we're in trouble hey you guys wait give me more man I need like 30 of those Lords hey mango oh no no no okay you can't eat that put that back ha ha Mitch mango cool so that was out of a crate wanted to come in rulers target there's the tower I want to look at the target all he jumped in the water no tart oh hey look at that balls he's so scared oh that's awesome okay let's uh let's go all the way home so we can plant this thing in another one I guess we can feed them we need to feed those guys anyway I do have the Pogo fruits so this would be good yeah eat up you guys are gonna be worth a fortune in the future that's good now I don't have any I don't have any money to buy anything that's not good what I do have is another carrot harvest that will kill off like so little monster little monster okay then I'm going to take care of this we're a demolish the crops ten monies that we're gonna put in the event may go in here no bad kitty okay eat that tree anyway guys that'll wrap it up for today's video is there anything specific that you would like to see any specific slime besides like the gold or anything like that all these guys are getting out like crazy but yes I'm gonna go take care of some things and I hope you've enjoyed this video very cool plane with Cuba limes so if we did like it let me know and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 669,352
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blitz, Blitzkriegsler, Slime Rancher, Slime Rancher Update, Slime Rancher Update Gameplay, new slime rancher, slime, rancher, gameplay, slime rancher gameplay, slimeS03, Mar2018, 2018, slime rancher new update, slime rancher blitz, no cursing, no swearing, family friendly, quantum slime, mochi's megabucks, mochi's megabucks update, mochi megabucks
Id: Jl0wQNJ4x7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 25sec (1345 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 25 2018
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