#1 Player on Faceit got Banned

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for his YouTube channel sto dug around looking for less known talents within the Counter-Strike community and he made a video about a player called wonderful e wonderful lie anyway he was ranked number one on faet sto said that he's on the breaking point of becoming Pro the very next day wonderful was banned for cheating not to be mistaken for the na'vi player wonderful who doesn't have a why on the end of his name and I noticed a lot of people have taken steps to make it clear that he's not involved in this incident at all and it seems like I'm not helping mat because having just finished this video I realize I've been referring to wonderful e as simply being wonderful throughout this video I did this because I didn't want to risk distractingly mispronouncing a y every 5 seconds but with hindsight may be a bad idea you have been warned I'm not talking about navi's wonderful aart from at one point so wonderful the one who cheated what gave his cheating away not a lot it seems sto an actual Pro player who reviewed his matches had no idea he was cheating praising him for his game sense and performance and how he wasn't overly aggressive and unlike other fa of players wasn't just looking for kills so in short there was no clear sign he was cheating and yet he's been banned but was he really cheating wonderful tweeted to say that it was probably his use of the SV cheats exploit that apparently he used for two rounds in face it before he stopped using it again so maybe just maybe it was this use of an exploit rather than actual cheating but then faet responded saying it wasn't that that caused the ban but thanks to what wonderful has said at least now we know he was using using the exploit as well as whatever else it was that actually got him banned it was interesting to see the comments on sto's video before and after the cheating Revelation came out afterwards sto's video comment section was full of people pointing out smoking gun timestamps that indicated something suspicious was going on I suppose once there's proof that somebody's been cheating it gets a lot easier to be confident about making such accusations with hindsight sto however contined to ER on the side of caution saying he's not sure if wonderful cheated in the games that he reviewed which I commend I wouldn't trust myself to be able to condemn a player based on the footage provided so I'm kind of pleased to see the same hesitation from a pro player who I assume understands a lot better than I do about how a good player would be seen to aim and to move and to think but the comments made before the cheating Revelation was revealed are in my opinion a lot more interesting koba's comment praised his game sense for being on a different level and following the ban his comment received a bunch of well humid responses which I thought was oddly wholesome there were also a few comments remarking on his history saying he's played on some dodgy teams in the past 2 years presumably referring to a past team he played for called the prodigies in which his teammate K was banned following demo review another early comment on sto's video accused wonderful of having match fixed in the past where he purposely loses money on games he's bet on I couldn't find any evidence of this but there was an investigation into the other wonderful at one point so maybe he's just confusing one wonderful for the other and the last interesting comment I saw was this this one where lkb accused wonderful of cheating and remember this comment was made before the cheating accusations came out so he wasn't sure if he had been cheating or face it but on a competitive level for sure wonderful actually responded to this comment and then postan lkb responded again apologizing for accusing him of only cheating in competitive level now that he knows he was cheating on face hit as well after his ban he changed his steam account name his profile picture and any evidence that he had ever played Counter Strike on it this isn't just about wonderful here this is about the state of cheating and counter strike and sure face it did ban him but what for was it the anti-che segment of it or for a manual review of some sort perhaps following a surge of interest in the player from sto's video about him and if he really was cheating then how many of his 10,000 matches on face it had he also cheated in and how many cheaters are still on face it who remain undetected I recently covered anti-cheating Counter Strike and how when cheaters cheat so blatantly without being banned it damages the game's reputation in profound and long-lasting ways and it makes people question why they bother investing time in into a game when there only going to be entertainment for a cheater somewhere else so blatant cheats are bad but I'd argue this kind of subtle undetectable cheating if indeed he has been cheating is even worse because it just makes people lose faith in anyone who's good at the game if you're beaten you want it to be because they were better than you not because they cheated in subtle ways just to gain the slight advantage over you and all your thousands of non-cheating hours of Planned experience so what can we do about clever and subtle cheaters not a lot counter- strike's OverWatch feature where you review suspected cases and determine whether or not they're cheating is not for this kind of cheating despite what people may think no OverWatch is intended for the really obvious cases where you're sure Beyond reasonable doubt that they are cheating stuff like spinbot aim lock or obvious careless and repeated wool hack abuse not for stuff like this despite how obvious it may seem to the YouTube comment section post ban so when a cheater is doing it cleverly and subtly then our hopes of them getting banned lie solely with systems like vac which are there to detect the cheating programs on their PCS vac by its very nature is always trailing behind the cheats it's trying to detect but while a player not having a vac ban isn't proof they aren't cheating getting a vac ban almost guarantees that they were cheating in some way but wonderful wasn't detected by vac he was banned by face its's own anti-che system this is a much deeper level more intrusive form of antiche than vac is Kernel level stuff such as this is what many considered to be a powerful weapon against cheaters in the scene and it Banning a player like wonderful before V did is only going to reinforce that notion so here's hoping face its antiche banned him the moment he started cheating and not 10 100 or 10,000 games later wonderful had another faed account that was banned for smurfing this account was removed somewhere between me first seeing it and me going to take a screenshot of it but I can definitely say it was banned for smurfing and according to this comment all this took place after his main account had got banned I came across an older recording from last year accusing his team of cheat meeting some of the earlier Clips in this video focus on wonderful but the rest then move on to other players from his team and the uploader of this clip left a smiley face in response to someone informing him that wonderful had been banned which I guess for him validated the existence of this video but how damaging this is for counter strike's reputation wonderful had 14,000 hours in Counter Strike and signs of matches dating as far back as 2016 eight possible years where people thought they had been beaten by wonderful fair and square and maybe they had been maybe you only started cheating last week but now now that he's known as a cheater it calls him to question anything he's ever done and been involved in valve please f
Channel: 3kliksphilip
Views: 372,989
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3kliksphilip, cs2, counter strike, source 2, csgo, counter-strike
Id: 2bgyzkBFDaI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 35sec (395 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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