Rack of Welsh Lamb by Francesco Mazzei

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my name is Francesca Matt say and I'm the chef patron of this beautiful restaurant l'anima today I'm gonna go and show you how to make one our signature dish which is a pot roast Welsh lamp lit up but it's beautiful to rack of lamb used to be a best end saddle got all these amounts of fats we're just going to add this to the sauce of the Lamb we're cleaning the bones like this you see the bones comes out and with your beautiful kitchen cloth so it's very important to do this that your bones are really really really clean so let's say it's three portion here first thing now you're gonna roast the bones okay so I'm going to put this one in the wood fire oven roasted color and it smell I've got this beautiful beige here so the carrots celery again big chunk of garlic and thyme extra virgin olive oil so we butcher the beautiful rack of lamb beer we got the bones in the oven I've got the mirepoix veg savory carrots onion with garlic inside roasting in the pan I'm going to cook this peelable sweetbreads now so I've got some milk couple of leaves of sage with sweetbreads here pinch of salt and I'm going to bring them to boil got because butter here couple of garlic skin on so we're gonna melt the butter with the garlic a little bit of rosemary potatoes okay and I'm gonna cook them slowly slowly I've got the balls roasted from the oven the sweetbreads just got this one out leave them to rest so it's about to stick what we preach is highs okay and water and more rice so that gives the chance to the bones to the veg to release as much flavor as they can beautiful carrots here baby carrots your huh like mama does let me cut this in half with some beautiful fresh cocoa beans because I'm boiling water blanch our veg let's check our potatoes this beautiful sets mushroom here if you're gonna gentle clean porcini best in season now and now with the same water we will cook those okay as I said it would be two together with the veg the basin become all powerful all pinki Hanley knee beans so cocoa beans root of time or just on the edge here so you can cook slowly slowly bit of veg stock they will keep cooking I've got the roast potato here I got the sweetbread and then put the kidney salt kidney then sweetbreads olive oil we start to pump fry just Mary and garlic just give it a flavor for the sweetbreads already because they already precooked the sweetbreads and the kidney we live on the salamander for the lamb I'm gonna put this one in the oven for about four and a half minutes okay I want this lovely this lovely smoky flavor at the food to feed manage could be beautiful it will leave it rest or I will say four minutes you going to go on assemble dish now our but what we do a line in my is this because we follow the seasoning pretty well specially in UK with some Italian produced some of the British produce we change some of the vegetables but the quality is always sports on and of course the quality of the meat is always the best where's lamp ever is a beautiful pot roast wash lamb l'anima style enjoy
Channel: Great British Chefs
Views: 118,952
Rating: 4.9372711 out of 5
Keywords: Welsh Cuisine (Cuisine), Cooking (Interest), Welsh Lamb, lamb recipe, Francesco Mazzei, L'Anima, Restaurant, Kitchen, Great British Chefs, lamb roast, Lamb And Mutton (Food), Chef (Profession), Roasting (Culinary Technique)
Id: ejOaRspTesw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 22sec (262 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 05 2014
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