2 Michelin star chef Rolf Fliegauf creates lamb from Romandie with peppers and aubergine

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so my name is Rodrigo I'm 37 years old and I'm the founder and executed chef for the echo Astros in Switzerland the dish will be lamp from the Roma deal with eggplant bell pepper and diesel of course the first thing is we need to to take out the lamb saddle the fillet then we cut in the fat on top we pan-fried in brown butter and then we put it in the oven till we get the temperature inside of 48 49 degrees and after we fry it again with fresh butter that it's really nice and golden and after we leave it again for one minute then we add pesto of dried bell pepper skin fresh lemon zest and salt and pepper it and then we can cut then we used to do a compote Ecklund and me so we cut in the whole eggplant put it in the oven for 100 degrees we take out the meat cut it and yeah we have shallots we have the meats put in a pan reduce it and add some ezel and a little bit of Shu one thing is a roll of eggplant we need a whole eggplant we peel it cut it in small slices and pan-fry it with a little bit of thyme and garlic so now we put the slices on on a film plastic film fill it in the middle with the eggplant cut part and roll it and then we can cut it in pieces of 5 centimeters so the confited bell pepper first of all we need the whole bell peppers and we peel it and after we step out with the ring and then we do a oil with olive oil with a lot of rosemary in of garlic thyme and lemon zest and we put in the the bell pepper and confident about pepper inside here yeah we start plating first of all we put in the middle of the blade the role of the of the Claire then we have two dots of the of the Puri we put the confited paprika the miso my own is we have the marinated Pak Choi in the end we have the mati cress and put a little bit of the pesto then the lamb put it in the middle we have a little bit of green oil and that's it so there we have our lamb from the Roman d with eggplant bell pepper and me so - you
Channel: The Staff Canteen
Views: 359,835
Rating: 4.9085593 out of 5
Keywords: Rolf Fliegauf, lamb from Romandie, Switzerland’s Ecco Ascona, how to cook lamb, Michelin star chefs. Michelin star recipes. Lamb recipes.
Id: 1UzXrBwESmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 43sec (163 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 26 2018
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