R34 Nissan Skyline GT-R V-Spec II Review // The Holy Grail Of JDM

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I love the R34 GTR, but this is the second review of the R34 recently where the reviewers have proclaimed that this is such an analog feeling car. Which is honestly bizarre to be hearing in a review because when the R34 GTR first came out people mostly criticized the ATTESA-ETS AWD system for doing too much of the work for you and the car for being excessively computerized. Just really weird to have everyone saying how analog it feels now. Maybe we've really come that far that every car has a billion sensors and computers adjusting everything now, but I still think the R34 GTR was really a car showing how smart use of electronics could let you take a car to the next level.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 72 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/tekdemon πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 23 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I’m a simple man. I see an R34 GTR, I upvote.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 26 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/gaiakai πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 23 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Love the Paul Walker tribute. Fantastic video all around, and one hell of a one-year tribute!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 28 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/fireinthesky7 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 23 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is the mecca of automobiles

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/aenild πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 23 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Honestly what's the point of even reviewing the R34 GTR now? It's essentially a $150000 car. I don't wanna be all like "Do you know what you can get for $150000?", but do you know what you can get for $150000!?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/UltraSurvivalist πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 24 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ive been looking forward to this! Clicked the video as soon as i saw it on my youtube feed. Great review!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Needmeawhip πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 23 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

First Straight Pipes, now Throttlehouse? What's up with all the Canadians getting to review the R34!!? *Jealousy ensues\*

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mr_duong567 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 23 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I grew up loving this car and I still really really want this car. can't wait to start seeing them on the road.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Occhrome πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 24 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
normally on throttle house we start with a unique intro of some kind but today is different because this marks the one-year point that James and I have been doing throttle house together so we wanted to make use of this moment to feature something a little bit special there aren't many cars out there that get to be called a living legend the r34 GTR is one of them and it comes in the form of an all-wheel drive racing bred turbocharged savage ask a cloaked man on any street corner about it and he'll regale you with tales of tuning and modification of supercar annihilation and a legion of racing wins the one we have today is a stock motor GTR in respect to form which we'll talk about in a minute and if Thomas placed the order correctly we might see in our 35 that's been overnighted from Japan later in the video but back to this because perhaps the most significant part of GTR history is that it was a favorite of the late Paul Walker he contributed to the cars fame like no one else could his contributions however didn't end there and off-screen Paul was a dedicated humanitarian he started an organization called reach out worldwide after he went to provide aid to the victims of the earthquake in Haiti since then it's grown into a hugely successful humanitarian effort with Paul's brother Cody at the helm who when he found out we were featuring RO in this video was kind enough to send us this message yo what's up you guys hey first and foremost James and Thomas I just gotta admit I've been a longtime viewer of your channel and it's just been so awesome to see you guys grow so fast in such little time you guys are cranking it out and it's top-notch stuff and I loved every second of it I just want to thank you guys so very much for featuring reach out worldwide today on your channel Paul founded almost 10 years ago to help communities stricken by natural disasters around the world and they continue to do so and they're able to do so because of the wonderful supporters and the supporters in the kart community like you guys so if anyone wants to learn more about the charity that Paul founded it's called reach out worldwide there's a link in the description below if you choose the support that would be wonderful otherwise I hope you guys enjoy the episode and Thomas James keep killing boys Wow all 34 leads the offbeat thing too this has the perfect amount of power and I'm saying on the right side of the car the correct side of the car immediately this is just such a special place to be everything's canted towards the driver and I've got lots of information on my screen right there which looks like it's from the error that it is now this has a twin-turbo inline six with independent throttle bodies that means the throttle response is very good and there's hardly any turbo lag I mean we say that for modern cars and it's getting tired but for a car from this era that's so so impressive it really is it runs to 8,000 rpm through its twin-turbo six cylinders I love the way the boost just rolls in the power the gears are so tall you're in the gears forever I think this is the first turbocharged car I've ever driven that revs as high as 8,000 rpm tons of power in second gear and third and this is smoke power it didn't take us very long to realize that in a world of electric and over assisted cars vehicles like the r34 start to feel really necessary immediately the car feels so analog I saw James rippin down here just no fear and you want to know why it's because the steering is so good honestly it's the steering just off-center it's immediate feel of the front wheels and when you get it in the middle of the corner I'm feeling every bump and undulation it gives you so much confidence and oh my god if I missed good steering like this I'm shocked at how well sorted this fills in the corners its confident it's tight I don't normally expect to feel this from a car from 2001 and these seats are unbelievable I'm bolstered in beautiful on the corners and yet still so comfortable this r34 in particular has been upgraded with ohlins dampers inspired by Nismo zone Clubman race spec and it's pretty much perfect but it just for the confidence here in the corners it's really really well sorted that you can point the front end like those lean and there's there's indications that the car is from the era that it is but honestly I take this type of experience over what we're getting nowadays because this just feels really special I'm shocked at how much the horsepower and this feels completely adequate if not more than I need it still feels light around the corners it feels like the suspension is unbelievable this doesn't feel nearly as old as I thought it would does it feel old in some ways yes the road noise is bad but that doesn't matter because when you push it it gives you so much back I know everyone mods these but I've never driven one fully stocked like this and I don't think I would it's fun as it hits at a hundred and fifty grand though which is what you'd have to pay to get something like this interesting value proposition however does it look 150 grand James and I are gonna go talk about that Oh special day it's something very familiar get out of the car this side yeah what's a beautiful colour this is so for anyone that knows GTRs you know that the v-spec - looks a little bit different - this because this has the Z tuned kid this is what it used to look like and this is what it looks like now and I think you and I can both agree it's all the better for it it's so much unbelievably III love this hood especially this is carbon fibre okay there's a lot of actual stuff going on air comes in here it comes out here and it comes out on these little muscular shoulder things yeah it's so good that's off the racecar yeah so cool it looks unbelievable actually the whole car is perfectly proportional to presence my favorite part though are these limited run Ray's l M TT 4 wheels they look incredible and they complete the look yeah they're fantastic this wing obviously this is adjustable a little bit carbon-fiber on there yes so there's the mismo stuff going on yes CQ and stuff and ever it is it was it's perfect yeah I I love the look of this car should we talk about the interior yes okay welcome to 2001 in the best way possible yeah well the owners realized that because he hasn't even changed anything in here this is completely stock its Sony although we do have this calculator that's a turbo timer turbo timer yes it's hot the turbos so what it does is it keeps everything running for a few seconds after the engine turns out to keep oil running to your turbos to increase their life and longevity but less boring okay that's really cool okay these seats are unbelievably amazing yes and well this is the v-spec - so it's actually a slightly different interior I think seats are the same but the design of the cloth and the colors these are so danke like I'm gonna dwell on it because like stood like the type bar the new type r is the only thing I've driven that has seats that are this comfortable and bolstered by the way that balance is i TV well actually so you get to see seven engine statistics running as you drive that's pretty cool for the arrogant m3 from the same era has no information well you could also set the the shift for the revs for when the red light comes on which shift which revs you wanted to shift the shifts no you nailed that yeah I'm not good at working this CBS I don't think it works in Canada but if I could tune it to one punch man and drive my er I would yeah gauge cluster is so cool variable gt-r Nismo steering wheel it is nothing else other than a steering wheel which I appreciate very much yeah this is very much more honestly though this is super super cool and oh guess what our our 35 is here not service right that is service we go oh alright thank you yes you're gonna run back to Japan it's got long legs the r35 there is still the newest generation of a monster at all city destroying one at that it now makes five hundred and sixty-five horsepower and 467 pound-feet of torque this 50th anniversary edition costs one hundred and forty thousand dollars Canadian that's almost sixty thousand dollars more than when it came out ten years ago alright gt-r launch control head back to this day that is still the most shocking launch control of any car [Music] to the face oh yes it's quick but what else can it do twin-turbo v6 hand-built Oh huge amounts of boost they actually turned up the boost a couple years ago give it a little bit more power than in the first couple years of the r35 so there's more power up but I mean you can put a software tune in an old one and do the exact same thing so the power is immediate and a very serious it's just such a frantic engine unless you have an aftermarket exhaust er some intakes doesn't actually sound that cool I mean it just kind of sounds like a v6 a little bit of whooshing noises I almost want more out of it that's like Tesla Model 3 performance quick and that's immediately wearing let yourself down that is appalling steering there is more feedback in my PlayStation draw shock controller the moment you get off center it just disappears it's like someone's turned it off I have no idea where the front wheels are it's such a shame because the steering rules like the best-looking steering wheel on the business it looks like it's been taken out something like God of War it looks like a hammer like a weapon that you unlock at the end of the game alright you've probably heard journalists say in the past this feels like driving a video game that's a phrase that is difficult what does that mean I'm gonna explain it to you really really quickly this car does everything for you it creates colossal g-forces and the all-wheel drive system is incredibly advanced so it kind of just puts the power to whatever wheel needs it but the thing for me that makes it feel very sterile inert is the steering as soon as you get past Center you feel the power steering pump kick end and the steering is dead lifeless nothing there is nothing to it and I dislike that greatly especially after getting out of the r34 which had honestly some of the best steering I've driven in a long time even better than my e46 m3 this feels like nothing it ruins a lot of the drive for me that isn't to say that there isn't a unique novelty to the car when you really push it you can feel the system's working moving power around it and generating grip where there should be none and that alone in its own way makes it fun but compared to certain cars it doesn't feel as pure like say I don't know and r34 GTR wasn't just an experience that car it was an education it was a time warp in such a good way this is not the first time we compared old versus new on throttle house and when we compared them the offers we were overjoyed about how much the nd captured the magic of the original one and I can't say the same for these and that's upsetting but one place that it does impress me is its styling it's still a GTR it is it drives very differently to the r34 though so differently yeah maybe not in a good way maybe not okay this is the 50th anniversary how much do you think it costs to get this badging in the blue and the stripe I'm the interior stuff and the interior stuff don't undersell it say ten grand nine gran gran gran well done as a percentage of MSRP not crazy I said number in and of itself quite a lot squalor money and it it gets you some weird little things here no there's a lot of 50th anniversary stuff on the inside but we've got these wheels with this weird blue thing that looks like a reflection of the body paint until you look up close that's not and then it's just not good this has this big white stripe on the front which looks awesome I think it looks like a Camaro stripe from a little bit a little bit it's a little bit American actually yeah but overall the shape of this is I think it looks great yes Nissan are very good at making timeless looking cars yeah which is much to their benefit because they don't update them ever all right back end well this is where the 50th anniversary gets a bit hairy because it only says 50th anniversary in one location here which ya know except for the bit that's been pulled off a party balloon and stuck on I was just gonna pretend that wasn't there yeah well you could because you should rip this off if you immediately look horrible other than that super badass you got these tips here yeah carbon fiber alright interior the colour is very good it's nice it's relaxing it's calming yes it actually it really really is yeah um so this Alcantara stuff up here is part of the 50th anniversary edition so is the fact that it says 50th anniversary on the thing but that's a very size is the most subtle of all things not that proud of 50 years also 50th anniversary comes with an Alcantara steering wheel this is an option with it which is probably for the best I guess longer otherwise this has not changed that much there was an update a few years ago for this area here but going with the cushy seats though still they're too narrow though things that are too narrow they're nice but they're too narrow on the on the lower back yeah they are they hold hold you in very well make you that you make they make you know you've just had lunch exactly upsetting way the gauge cluster is cool-looking but kind of old looking it's all been father look well you don't see that at night actually I speaking of at night these buttons on the steering wheel here are so dim at night that you can't even see them there might be a way to turn it up the cluster illumination adjuster doesn't only does the cluster doesn't do these it's super dark oh this is so cool it looks very very good steering wheel no honestly it's it's fine it is it is outdated well I don't find it that bad the trouble is is if you got out of this and go into I don't know a 9 9 to 9 is the same price you'd be like oh oh yeah that's what cars can look like at this price yeah it's hard to argue with that I mean otherwise it's pretty cool you got all the tech in here and there's a functionality if like it shows you all the information of your engine obviously these toggle switches are like like you feel like such a hero playing with these buttons like to go into launch control mode yeah you just look good eliminate red is so cool otherwise I mean there's a lot of stuff in here that I remember from my 2008 Nissan Altima so don't claim that all right first of all too weird flags it literally is the same I promise it is so is the key actually we should do a conclusion outside the car because like there's some important stuff to talk about with this car yep all right we need to talk we need to do yes one year and you're breaking up with me already yeah fiftieth anniversary this is a lot of money 140 grand that's a lot that is a lot of money yeah what can you get for a hundred grand you can get we've said a 99 to 911 already engage et yes you can get our m5 competition and our 34 to our thirty fives used yeah and one of them would be tuned GTR is supposed to be the sub hundred K card destroys hundred K plus cars and now this is a 100 K plus way over and the Nismo is even more than is insanely expensive it's a tough buy I'm not sure that I can recommend this particular car spend 150 grand on our 34 though if I was like steeped in JDM Lord yes and money and money yeah I don't have either of those things but I would I think I was that felt like a really really special car was epic it was really really cool this is still awesome but if you're gonna buy an r35 right now buy a used one and tune it all right let's do this and also great about this what we've avoided thus far we still haven't got a say subscribe because this lady says it for you is that what she says I've no idea
Channel: Throttle House
Views: 1,447,610
Rating: 4.9501815 out of 5
Keywords: Nissan GTR, R34 Nissan GTR, R34 Nissan Skyline GTR Review, R35 Nissan Skyline GTR Review, Nissan Skyline GTR 50th Anniversary Review, R35, R34, R34 vs R35, Japanese Car, R34 Nissan Skyline GTR Sound, R35 Nissan Skyline GTR Sound, JDM, R34 Nissan Skyline GTR top speed, R34 Nissan Skyline GTR 0-60, New Nissan GTR, R34 Nissan Skyline GTR Exhaust, R34 Nissan Skyline GTR Interior, R35 Nissan Skyline GTR Interior, R34 Nissan Skyline GTR Price, R35 Nissan GTR Price, GTR Nismo Price
Id: 9mhOJggoa_Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 58sec (1018 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 23 2019
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