R Model Mack Strange Overheating, Finishing Hub, and 12 Volt Battery Conversion - Part 2

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foreign foreign [Applause] folks we're back on the Mac this is part two of the repairs on this 1977 r model Mac in this episode we're going to install some new batteries and make up some new battery cables and if we have time we'll check out the overheating issue and there's a tail light that doesn't work and hopefully we get the parts to finish up replacing the Hub all right folks tell me if this sounds familiar 12 days ago I ordered a new dedicated battery terminal crimper I wanted one that would do both these heavy battery lugs and the lighter thinner tapered battery terminals all in one tool so I picked one that was in stock it was supposed to be delivered within three days they finally emailed me back this morning and said just kidding it's actually back ordered and if you're lucky it might ship out sometime next week five days ago I tried to buy one of these inner Bud nuts so we could finish up that hub replacement they didn't have it in stock I had to order it it was supposed to be here in two days this morning they called me and said if you're lucky you might get it sometime tomorrow three days ago I tried to buy four group 31 stud top batteries I'm an ACDelco battery dealer I called my distributor he said let me check I don't know if we have four of them in stock turns out they didn't have any of them in stock they didn't have any in ACDelco Motorcraft or Deca they had zero group 31 stud top batteries and their entire distribution Network which is pretty extensive so I was able to get these these are just Cheapo Fleet batteries from my International dealership and they'll work but these aren't very good batteries they only have a one year warranty but it's better than nothing and that's what I've been dealing with so that's basically a roadblock at every turn in this project and it's been that way on every project I've worked on recently I'll give you some more examples I have kind of a fleet contract with a welding company I work on their their company trucks and they also service their portable welders they brought me an older model Ranger 250. and one of the lugs was broken off for the negative cable here I tried to call my local welding supply store I gave them the Lincoln part number they had no idea what to do with it they had no idea how to order the part the manager was supposed to call me back that never happened so I finally gave up and I ordered them from a a website called weld fabulous I guess they're in Minnesota they had the part it was supposed to be in stock is it right here it's a Lenco Park and I also ordered while I was there apart from my Millermatic MIG welder and then a week passed and I didn't get the parts tried to call him nobody answers the phone I finally emailed them they emailed me back and said that the part for Miller was on back order and they were going to hold the order until the Miller part came in and then shipped the whole thing together and I said that's ridiculous why don't you ship the parts that are in stock anyway long story short the part from Miller shipped direct from Miller and actually arrived before the part that was in stock at the supplier so that was a complete waste of everybody's time then over here this is a power steering pump off of an International Truck a 2003 with a dt466e engine it's like the most common model and the most common engine that they made 17 year old truck International says this power steering pump is not available it's obsolete in their Network there's nothing they can do about it so I finally found one aftermarket but it just blew me away that they couldn't get that [Applause] yeah so I don't know what we're supposed to do how we're supposed to keep things moving around here I'm busy as I'm as busy as I've ever been but my productivity is so low I can't get parts I can't get people to call me back I can't get people to take my money for parts that are in stock it's just yeah it's very frustrating I'm assuming everybody's going through roughly the same thing so yeah I don't know what we're supposed to do I've tried shopping local I've tried shopping online I just I don't think there's any way to improve on it anyway enough wine and let's get back to work all right currently this truck is set up for four six volt batteries there's a pair on the left side hooked up in series to give 12 volts and a pair on the right side hooked up in series to give 12 volts and then both pairs are hooked up in parallel at the starter it's a 12 volt system there's no serious parallel switch there's no it's not a 24 volt starter it's a regular 12 volt system it just happens to use six volt batteries and that's because 45 years ago when this truck was built six volt batteries had a lot more Reserve cranking power is that the right word amps something like a crank longer for the same size battery but 12 volt batteries that come a long way so we're going to switch it over to four 12 volt batteries in parallel we're going to use stud top group 31 batteries that's the standard setup for any kind of big truck built in the last let's say 30 years foreign about this crimper it's hydraulic I bought it from Northern Tool when I bought it I believe the price was 30 dollars I'm pretty sure they still sell the same model for the same price it's not great you kind of get what you pay for a little surprise but if you work with it a little bit you can you can figure out how to make a pretty decent crimp so what I've found works pretty well is you select a die that's a little smaller than what you would think you don't crimp it too far I crimp that one a little bit too far see how it's almost sharp on the edges it'll be okay but I went a little too far let's try it again and that's a bit better so people suggested in my original video that I rotate the the terminal and crimp it again to flatten out those those ears but I found that it makes the crimp kind of lopsided if you do that so I try to avoid that when possible but that's a pretty good crimp there 'll be just fine [Applause] all right folks I'm in a time crunch so we're gonna have to move through this kind of quickly I've got the cables made up the grounds are 3 8 on one end half inch on the other end and the positives are 3 8 on both ends on the batteries we're going to use these pre-made jumpers that connect the batteries together so that'll go like so and then our battery cables we just made will hook up here then if you're not familiar with these larger Delco starters it has an isolated field winding so our ground cables are going to hook up directly to that big stud right there sticking out of the starter it doesn't ground right to the engine block or to the frame rail like you might see on on a smaller car and then our positives are going to run to this disconnect switch I'm not going to replace this cable here looks like it's in pretty good shape and it's it's really short so we wouldn't gain a whole lot there hold your breath foreign guys got the cables installed everything's tightened up tied up loomed up wrapped up looks pretty good I've got to reinstall the oil filter sitting down there put a little piece of hose on the inside of that positive cable right there where it comes along the frame rail and then kind of the same thing back there where the hold down bracket is just so we don't get any rubbing and we're not going to be able to use these studs on the top it's going to be too tall when I go to install the cover so we're just going to chop those off and it'll work just fine the way it is I kind of thought that might happen I did the best I could down here on the bottom side this truck's just kind of a nightmare it's been put together from pieces and parts of multiple different trucks and all the hoses and wiring harnesses and things have been moved and rerouted and replaced and all the original looms are Loom clamps are missing yeah do the best that we can with what we've got I think it'll work just fine so they had a loom clamp to the back of the engine block where the cables run over top of the transmission I did the same and then there's a couple power steering hoses that run right through that same location so I'll just try to keep them tied together so they can't rub holes in each other foreign [Music] I guess I better see if it'll start or how well it'll start hopefully he hasn't burned up the starter cranking it with those crappy old batteries that's always a fun phone call to make hey Mr customer we just put uh 700 worth of batteries and cables on your truck that still won't start [Applause] well that was something let's try it again [Applause] there we go folks it does exist foreign [Music] foreign I hate these stupid caps never fit right well that was surprisingly easy foreign [Music] don't worry they make it a lot scarier popping noises when they're fully loaded the wheel bearing is inside the Hub are lubricated by the oil in the axle tube but when it's sitting still the oil level is low enough that it won't just run out the axle tube so to get the oil into the Hub we have to tip the axle so we just pick up the opposite side let the oil run out the axle tube and fill up that Hub and we'll set it back down and we'll recheck the oil level in the axle we'll probably have to top it off a little bit yeah when it's running it's not a problem because the oil sloshes around inside the axle axle housing and it runs out the ends of the axle tubes and constantly replenishes the oil level in the hubs oh boy [Applause] foreign just the brakes so this tile sock adjuster you have to pop this little button out and would you be surprised if I told you I have a special tool for that and then it takes a 5 16 square the spring breaks are released so the brake chamber is retracted all the way I'm just going to run it out until the brake shoes touch and then we're going to go back a half turn that's it we're done you can check your stroke if you want to but it should be pretty close foreign for me hello Mr wasp are you thinking about building a little home in there I guess as long as you don't bother me I won't bother you all right let's figure out what's going on with this overheating issue I still think it's the shutters so I'll try to show you this truck has pneumatic or air powered Shutters on the front it's kind of a cold weather thing so in the winter time it'll actually build up some heat anyway I think the problem is can you see it right there when the when they hit the when they hit the hood and shoved it back they bent this frame of these shutters and I think that's well it's keeping them from shutting all the way and then I'm guessing it's going to keep that from opening all the way so we need to bend that back and I'm gonna have to open the shutters standby [Music] those shutters those shutters food shutters those shutters food shutters thank you [Music] there we go folks a little treatment with a pair of vice grips and it's it's good to go I'm basically a body man at this point okay here visitors Howdy Folks how was school everyone cool your silence is deafening things were learned things were taught yeah sure enough right side tail lights completely dead sure looks bad to me what do you say pup it's not hot all right folks let's see what I've got in inventory I don't know what this is 11 56 Maybe it's like the ticket well that won't work that's a single filament we need the Dual filament so I have to call and get one hey you think I would have these I better order a box are we ready for some more belly aching the parts situation has not improved since I started this video so we got the bulbs we're good there I tried to restock on oil filters and it didn't go very well so this guy here 85 84 502 super common spin-on filter for GMS I normally stock Two Reds and two blue so the reds are the cheap one and the blue is the premium filter so I asked my parts man for four and after he was done laughing he said I might have three Reds so I bought all of them that they had and he did not know when or if they would get more so yeah that's fun if you guys want a good laugh try to buy some ATV tires I bought the last two nine by Twenty fours that were available in the country a couple weeks ago how are we doing oh yeah let's fix this truck Well normally I would slather the socket with Dielectric grease to prevent any kind of corrosion but the comment section always Goes Bananas over this non-conductive part of the description so to head that off I'm going to switch over to this Pro electric grease it works basically the same as Dielectric grease but in a more comment friendly package that was actually kind of easy just doesn't feel right foreign did I mention there's also a grease shortage I'm down to my last tube hope I can find more alright folks I think we are done I greased it checked the tires checked the lights gave it a once over it looks pretty good leaking a lot of oil and transmission fluid but you know it's an old Mac so what are you gonna do there's the damage from when they ran into it last year and destroyed the the radiator I know he's talking about possibly rebuilding the engine he said it burns a lot of oil and it leaks an equal or greater amount of oil so we'll see how that goes maybe this winter be a little project for us these Macs are kind of weird they I believe they have dry sleeves so we may actually do an outer frame overhaul on it if he is really serious about it well Chuck's out overnight let's see if it'll start he told me it's been like over a year since it would start reliably good deal doesn't quite just good that's not normal [Applause] uh yeah something's wrong I heated it up with the heat gun and it opened but now it won't close all right well we need a new thermostat all right folks all this wine in about parts walked into the Mac dealership they had two of these on the Shelf ready to go can't complain about that pull down inside here we gotta pop out which is easier said than done what if we go all the way through with it there we go foreign that's the ticket right there now you said there's a special tool for installing this so you get it down to the right depth I don't have that tool but I do have an inch and 7 8 socket foreign that pretty well Nails the coffin shut supposed to be 185 degree thermostat it's not even trying to open do I dare test the new one we better try still nothing okay we got opening on the new one no opening on the old one [Applause] now it's open I don't know what to conclude from that who knows all right the little vent hole has to go towards the top [Applause] foreign s on the back side of this coolant filter housing and I did replace those too like I said I think somebody's just done this thermostat probably for the same reason I don't know based on how it worked in the hot oil I'm not sure we're going to improve things at all maybe that's just how these old Macs were really paid attention I guess right no way [Applause] all right we'll go for another ride I think we got it fixed though the shutters just weren't opening not at the right time folks we're good all right folks that's it if you didn't follow what happened I just blocked off the airline to the shutters and disabled those he doesn't need him he never drives it in the winter anyway probably the thermostat that controls the air is broken I I inquired about Replacements and they're the Mac dealership didn't even know what I was talking about so we're just going to eliminate that and it seems to regulate the temperature now it stays within about 10 degree range so that's that's good enough it's not hard to tell that a Mac was parked here all right lady don't help me film an outro and I have no idea what the outro is going to be about yeah me I do all right folks I'm kind of at a loss to explain what happened uh I blocked off the shutters that seemed to help but I don't think the shutters was the whole problem because uh my memory is hazy but I've I ran the truck at idle here for what 20 minutes or so and it it was getting super hot even with the shutters open so I think it was a combination of both the thermostat and the shutters who knows all right that's our outro yay to part two on a slightly more somber note if I get this video out in time this should be the 20th anniversary of 9 11. oh yeah I was I was expecting something to be more exciting and now I'm sad I was trying to remember where I was when that happened so I can remember it exactly I was in high school junior in high school yep I was reading The Scarlet Letter I was walking into a computer lab because I had a class called intro to business I was walking into U.S history and a kid who was probably the biggest donor in our class said that a building or a plane had flown into a building in New York of course we didn't know I didn't know what the World Trade Center was back then I didn't know me either I recognized them once uh they showed them because of the Spider-Man preview and they had to completely edit out that scene from the movie do you remember the gas stations everybody was lined up to get gas because they thought we were going to be at War I remember I actually kind of had a flashback to that time last year because I remember looking up and it was a perfect day just like today and there wasn't a single airplane streaking through this guy and that happened again with covet shutdown I remember I had a friend who legitimately needed gas in his truck and he worked at a marina so he he opened up the marina and got a two-wheel cart and a five gallon bucket and he went and went down the ramp with his bucket and got fuel from the the pump for the boats filled up his truck five gallons at a time yeah because he otherwise you're waiting in a line for two hours three hours to get gas that's all I got guys thanks for watching stay safe
Channel: Watch Wes Work
Views: 243,691
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Id: _EmFg3iYFJM
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Length: 32min 16sec (1936 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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