Quite Frankly Allen Iverson Interview

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some people call him AI on the basketball court he's the answer to the world he's NBA superstar Allen Iverson and I've got him right here in studio next on quite frankly just on fire for seven person I receive commands attention with a sky-high scoring average and a take-no-prisoners style athletically and verbally the thing about him I respect and admire he's tough if you hit him he's gonna keep coming back I'm telling you the little guy hey here's something he takes a pity Allan is probably one of the most tough bodily huh minded athletes that I've ever encountered we're talking about right but after his relationship with Philadelphia basketball fans worldwide there was no doubt that Iverson is an MVP he is one of the most prolific offensive players to ever play this game and arguably no disrespect to Nate Archibald Isiah Thomas but maybe the greatest little man ever played a game of basketball give it up Allen Iverson poor boy I see I see through I see you looking around and everything I mean what's up with that do you like the studio love it you like it I mean you know you came a long way you large y'all you love put your head I'm sorry if I can see your face just a little bit just a little bit no look let me ask you a question first of all before we even get into anything else the Sixers I got to get into the Sixers obviously you guys finished like 43 and 39 last year went to the first round of the playoffs before losing to the defense to the eventual Eastern Conference champion Detroit Pistons how do you like this team right now you've got a new coach I love it man the situation is just the situation beautiful he's like I don't all the hardships and going through everything in my life you know I know the last ten years um the environment is gonna be like I I like it you know saying it's like I have relationship with Maurice Cheeks I mean you know we cool with each other with friends you know we we always been friends he all he was my coach and when I was going through my little things with coach Brown he would tapped me and say I cheer man it's all right it'll be I hold your head you know things get better and um he went through those things with me you know saying so now you know he know who he's coaching you know he's been there with me before you know and I'm just all for them I'm happy it's like that the environment seems um the way it's supposed to be on Billy's got everything right Billy Kings talked about Billy King defensible operations up and the gym for the 76ers definitely he made sure everything is um is working I mean he's earned his money good time let me read a quote this is what mr. Allen Iverson had to say about Maurice Cheeks I'm gonna read this quote for you all right I didn't want to do it in front of the camera but I wanted to take him in the back and kiss him on the mouth but what's up with that hello I mean don't don't get it twisted like that I know but I mean that's just the love man that's that's how I felt man it was like you know I finally got the coach that I really really wanted to play for like you know I was thinking like if I could play for Coach Thompson that would be beautiful I would love that you know I'm saying but anybody else you know I would rather be more reaching so you know we was going after him and our Portland would let us talk to him and it was just crazy but now you know he's right here with us he's a part of the Philadelphia family I hope I'm accepting it and you know it's a part of the Philadelphia family and um we just ready to go I'm just looking forward to just playing basketball what is he - what is I mean with all due respect what does mo cheeks gonna bring out of you that we haven't seen already I mean your average over 30 points like three times I mean you after you know do you know that you came into the league in 1996 in you've averaged more than 27 points per game nobody in the league has averaged that in their career in their first nine seasons do you know that so what are we supposed to expect from o Chiefs that we haven't seen from you I mean like I said it's their environment man like a lot of those times you saying I was scoring those points tough those going to those games I was really upset a lot of times about different situations you know I'm saying and now it's not about just being mad all the time about your your work situation want to go to work this was always want to go to what were the kind of things that you were upset about in terms of your work situation give us an environment just the environment everybody uptight you know every everybody seemed like they was mad all the time you know everybody was you know at each other you know me and and it wasn't right you know this situation this is a this is a guy that if you have a problem with this guy it's something that you did I really believe that in my heart you know I mean it's like that with men him you know I can't wait to somebody act like they don't want to pay attention to what he got to say what are you gonna do I only want to say what I'm gonna say on cam well you got what can't do it HBO HBO all right that's not a feel you you could say it in the end um and a comfortable and acceptable there they go off with me they're gonna know that I'm honest I'm fighting with Maurice Cheeks they're gonna know that he's running this [ __ ] and I'm just one of his generals I'm just somebody I'm just one of his captains one of his soldiers that's all but I'm wondering I'm a veteran soldier I'm one that can stand up you know to whatever he can be the boss I just be on the boss word you this way with other coaches to some degree yeah absolutely man everything with my whole situation always been missing screwed you know I mean I mean if you're inside person then you really know what's going on if not it always looked like Allen Iverson bad guy the guy that can't get along with his coach why wouldn't I get along with the guy that's trying to accomplish the same thing that I'm trying to accomplish I don't have an ego I mean I don't get on TV and talk about Allen Iverson his greatest basketball player in the world this guy the third turn the TV on or come to a game and watch and judge for yourself you know me I don't have no egos with no teammates or nothing like that on me you know I'm satisfied with who God me as a basketball player as a person as a husband as a father as a friend as a brother I mean anything man I'm me I don't have a problem with people and that's how I got you know it started to be an argument you know instead of us handling an inside situation it got out you start talking about it other people start talking about it's on ESPN to practice old thing how can you be all those things you said I was if I didn't practice people make a big deal over the practice thing because I'm mad I'm upset I miss after I just got a meeting with in a meeting with coach and Billy King I was upset I shouldn't have did it then well let me tell you this this is why I'm happy to have you on the show because all those things that were misconstrued you're gonna have an opportunity to talk about it they're gonna be in just three minutes you got a whole platform yes even a Smith all quite frankly we'd be right back the layers and a half very talking about practice we're not even talking about with game actual game when it matters which anima back up next Allen Iverson takes a walk down memory lane to dissect his most controversial words and discuss the superstar coach who helped transform AI into the person he is today you are watching quite frankly on espn2 what we talk about practicing man we're not even talking about the game the actual game when it matters we're talking about practice how can I make my teammates better by practicing I make me whiskey hey suppose you use the plan with me anyway that's my dog's my teammates so so my game is going to teary eight if I don't practice with those guys when you were saying that you knew everybody was the summertime y'all had just lost in the playoffs or what have you what were the kind of things that were going through your mind right when you were saying all of that stuff for the world to see because you know everybody in the world sorted because it was about honestly right then in Philadelphia you know I go through it man like I really I really go through it's like go through what exactly hell I mean it's like everybody it feel like when they see Allen Iverson it's hands-on Allen Iverson we see them that's it that's all time to not just when you playing basketball when I'm feeding my daughter son or anything when I'm with my wife or anything you know I go through it it's tough it's hard it's hard and I fight for that place to represent that place the way I'm doing it right now I fight to represent Philadelphia on that front fill it up from Newport News Virginia but I represent Philadelphia that's how I became a household name to people and then when I got a hair trade rumors and stuff like that about giving me out of there every single year after every season you know I got a hear talks about this down the third and I didn't like where it was coming from the people that was coming from I ain't like some of the things that were getting out at people were finding out that was in house and family you know family conversations and I was upset I just came from the meeting with those people with Billy and coach I was upset it was a bad time I was really it was immediately following a bit immediately Kay yeah bad advice it was bad advice um you know that was given to me it was it was a stupid decision that I made by by getting up there all I wanted to do is tell my friends basically that I wasn't going anywhere cuz I you know I just had that meeting but I you know I was sick of it and meeting was called and everything was really based on the practice situation that I don't practice like like I said before like I mean no way I could accomplish the things that I've accomplished in my life as a basketball player if I didn't practice I mean I any kid out there thinks that I doesn't I don't practice then that's crazy you know saying and I'm not looking at it like a little kid and I'm like that but just maturing man just not knowing I don't make all the right decisions I don't do everything the right well I don't know how to play basketball the right way like Larry Brown said not every game sometimes you know I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna explore myself you know my game I'm going to do something I'm going to try something I don't know what playing the right way is I know what he mean literally like playing the game the right way playing unselfie he's the greatest coach that ever coached this game to me in my heart he's the greatest coach I ever I mean the way he get everything out of his players everything he's the best coach that I've ever been around what's interesting that you bring up Larry Brown because would you like to hear what he had to say about you absolutely played say when he goes out to play he gives everything he can to possibly win he might sometimes be me misguided but he competes every single night he'll never let his teammates down in terms of giving effort and trying to win and I and I love him for that I wish that he realized when kids watch that they're not seeing the real side of him you know he could have the greatest effect on kids of any athlete that I have ever been associated with I see tears well in the eyes my man why now I've just gotta I gotta live respectful my love I mean he taught me a lot like he told me a lot like I learned a lot I learned you know that your ain't always right you know and just because somebody discipline you you know that don't mean they don't like you know I mean they trying to get you to get right you try and get you to the point that right now with their times in your career that regardless of your respect for him did you ever feel it almost came across as if sometimes you felt victimized by him in the process of him trying to teach you he always said that you felt victimized by him and he didn't just look at himself as a coach to you but also like a father figure to you but he wanted it I didn't know I didn't I didn't know nothing man you know saying I'm just I'm blessed with what God gave he gave me atomic man when I came to lead the challenge that he gave me people wanted me to be 35 years old right then like this guy with all this talent this guy who you know that has the effect on all of these people in the world like this we wanted to be this way well I didn't want to be that you know I mean I just want to be me and who is you human man who are they that bleed somebody that cry somebody make mistakes somebody that I mean I go I'm real just like everybody else man I'm human man I'm not perfect I'm not perfect I'm not even 50% perfect you feel me man is I'm healing me man I made mistakes along the way now I've been to jail three times man and not saying that I did what they said I did but in those situations they called for me to go to jail and those situations like for my my actions but my part on everything I deserve to be exactly where I was that every time that I went and I accept that I the flag but you even say that with the bowling alley brawl that took place at high school we didn't call for more I was there and and and you but you were granted clemency by the Governor on his last day in office if that is if that is not an exoneration what else is there I mean he basically said you deserve to be there by granting you Clemson you still feel like you deserve to that man I went through what I went through because God said go through it that's why I went through it and I and I overcame it I overcame all that man and that's what you know that's my whole thing I'm doing a a charity event in Maryland you know a celebrity I'm football yeah you got a celebrity football game you got a celebrity softball game which by the way I embarrassed myself in a few years ago but we won't tell the Guardians about that and then and then also you do a lot of charity working and back in your home in Newport News absolutely but I think the one that I'm getting ready to do is gonna be my greatest project why is that what it comes what is a is what is about I'm having of a football game flag football game and you know I'm having my all my celebrity friends or whatever I'm a quarterback the game and I'm getting police officers from DC area Newport News Hampton on Virginia and I'm Philadelphia and play against them and it's gonna be like the inmates um against the officers so we're gonna beat all this you know I'm saying we're gonna be officers they're gonna be the they're gonna be the N mates but it's called good versus good yeah but what is the reason for that why me but is is because it's the donate money for um guys that you know don't have money to take care that legal fees um for canteen the guys in jail and uh you know just just because everybody that go to jail is not a bad guy you know people make mistakes so we're trying to just do anything then put it all together yet book we trying to just you know make sure that you know we look out for them like sending them five hundred pair of sneakers to every jail you know just the you know give to those guys is going through a rough time but at the same time looking out for the officers and donating money to those people because they got the hardest job in the world man the harder job in the world they're police officer you get killed just being in uniform don't have nothing to do with the guy ran out of the bank you know um with all the money he just see you and you can get killed like that so I know how real it is anything happened with me Yeah right up something happen in my house I'm called police right you know me I mean I know how hard their job is I know why they act a certain way sometimes cuz I deal with it I'm around it it's my environment so I want to give to the inmates and the officers you know I mean and have a big event and try to make it big like fill up a stadium like we do with the baseball event but it's for a good cause still think he's a little kid ladies and gentlemen Allen officers in the house quite frankly he might be the money beloved or the most hated athlete and it has to be of the City of Brotherly Love but coming up why the answers still can't shake the question 7 Stephen a snitch back in the household swipes record with my man Alan officer earlier you had a little too long was mr. John Thompson playing a ball at Georgetown for him how was that for you the greatest experience ever you know I I just came home from from jail and I had to come home and you know give my you know school thing together and graduating without him then I went straight there September so man he was just the greatest guy because he didn't let people bother me you know he didn't let people because everybody far as the media wanted to attack me they wanted to get at me they wanted to have that space they wanted to had it you know be able to run up on me and talk about the situation and stuff all the time he kept people away from me he kept agents away from me I mean everything man he was just like the father figure you know away from home I mean it was like you know when I used to mess up in school or whatever he never like punished me for his running and suicide all used to tell me is look man you want your mom to continue to live where she live that you want to live in that school you want your sister to grow up there that's like that's what you want out of your life you want to be a bum man that's how you talk to me and and I mean that would that was enough to get me back on track now for those people who don't know John Thompson eluded you eluded John Thompson being a father figure Larry Brown has eluded to being a father figure to you your father growing up which can you explain that situation greatest [ __ ] man okay no farther in and out of prison you know all of my life and his life but um I love a man like you know people make mistakes man he's right there like people always think I came from a single-parent home you know they were together you know all of my life your other father yeah but I mean I had I grew up without a father I really had a father I'm just saying like the things that these older guys you know did for me you know it was you know father figure type things I remember when um one of the times and I think that I'm gonna ask you this because I think this was the limit where if ever john thompson resemble the father figure it was this moment that Villanova and I don't even remember what the sign said but even even if I did remember let's just say you can we can't repeat on the air what the sign I consider John toxic O'Hara hit his head on allen iverson the next MJ and then had that cross down and they had OJ under and then they had like four guys with orange jumpsuits and chains had handcuffs and all that and coach Thompson went to the referee and told them if y'all don't take this stuff out of here then we leaving we getting off the court and they act like didn't want to take the stuff down don't take their own signs down jumpsuits and all that he told us get off the court and then the referee stopped it and I made the people for the stuff there was definitely Villanova chillin over oh that's good I still those people are still in Philadelphia knows mean people mean-spirited people are still there as much as I love Philadelphia it's so many people I mean I look at it like they don't know what they doing forgive their eyes garden forgive me for for what they not know man for real man it's like the mean stuff there I mean I had a guy say I don't care anything about my kids and Philadelphia guy I don't care about my kids I mean the worst things ever you could say about a man like he said those things to me but he pitch them my celebrity softball game you don't saying like I'll be with what are you doing like what is your mentality like you just woke up mad at Island I've seen the day like it's some mean-spirited people in Philadelphia man I mean some real mean-spirited people but it's like that everywhere man so I understand that I accept that part of life but it's a whole bunch of loving Philadelphia's more love than hatred in Philadelphia for Allen Iverson that's why I go one little kid say Allen Iverson I love you and and listen to any advice I did something man I did some I accomplished something on his earth man I don't know about it when people come twenty thousand people come see me at night if they love just my game or Who I am as a person or whatever but I know if they can take something from that experience and it helped their life then I did some ma'am I'm happy for my mom I'm happy for the person that my mom raised me I love my mom for making who she made I love my mom for making me light you mom let me show ya give them a round of applause the many lovers everybody just come up and talk about they love their must move everybody don't do that but there was an uncomfortable experience and I bring this up because I remember Allen Iverson comes into the league you know you work here the year I mean again you got for over 27 points in your career four-time league scoring champion I remember that never went over the whole one more thing man and I leave the league instills damn near every year man and I can't even get an honorable mention for defense and my man Larry that's my man hey probably would never have yeah a lot of huge okay Larry led to me and still this year all let he not got from me all that iron toward him and he'll in and stills and he first team All Defense oh yeah I can't explain that I can explain that for you I want both from Steve yeah I want on y'all yeah I both know but you have to understand he's not dropping 58 point a man he's not dropping 54 points against to the roster out of my knees newsman acknowledge acknowledge that you would acknowledge coach a coach around only person you think I don't play defense he's the only person that fit no I mean yeah the only first huh thank you thank you very well get ready to say I never say but I say all of that to say you had accomplished so much you've accomplished so much throughout your career Philadelphia 2001 year league MVP okay you go to the NBA Finals you take the 76ers back to the NBA Finals for the first time since 1983 you take all of those things into account all of a sudden you get into an incident with your wife it gets blown it gets blown up it's a domestic situation she categorically denied all the accusations that were thrown out there about what transpired between you and your wife that's why I'm not gonna disrespect you by getting it to it you can get into it you know well tell us what tell us what happened what was misconstrued then I got an argument with my wife I've been with my wife since I was what 15 60 like that was that was probably the I milled up like a million and five a million five times we on for dinner you know arguing cussing each other all kinds of stuff that ain't none of our business but you know what it is if you got if you're in a relationship with somebody man even said I threw my wife out naked yesterday I don't want nobody to see my wife naked period so what makes you think I'm a center of the house for everybody to see a [ __ ] like okay the old Ziggler wife man she's out here naked like come on man then why does that look good I mean I my man for that do I mean why would I expect somebody to look at me as a man if I did that true but there was another side to it there was a sub quote charges of a terrorist act or something because you went over I'm not looking for my wife like you go looking for your wife for your girl I went looking for to my cousin house somebody house that I paid the rent in I can't go over there so I broke in the house that I pay the rent in I broke in that house and bars in there with a gun on two guys that I mean I'm just I just want to be real with it that doesn't God's did like other guys like you know so me coming in there with a gun like on these people and I'm looking for my wife like I mean all of his crazy and then I got people I'm in hostages in my house you know I can't go nowhere they come looking for a gun five days later like the guns still gonna be in the house if I had one I mean uh they got helicopters flying over my house all day they got media people in front of my house with lawn chairs and cooking out with cameras like they put a picture of my dog in the paper because they couldn't get a picture of us I went outside shoot jumpers with my son and they said I had a party like I can't even go outside and shoot jumpers with my son I'm having a party like I mean it got so bad all this stuff happened in Philadelphia and I still want a beautiful well that's my question to you because let me tell you something right now when I saw that you know you and I've been covering you for years and we've grown together over the years we were both working I was a rookie on the NBA beat when I started covering you I was even scared to come near you because I saw the look on your face I saw the look on your face when I saw it when I saw those helicopters hovering over your house I was like let me McMahon domestic violence no man I think that dude may I have kids man people are domestic violence come on man I got an argument with my wife and he got way out of hand but come on man are you serious like I love her man like that's all I got who you think take care of me man like a little ass baby I'm talking about for real man like anything man I mean she can't in me I don't like when she leave the house you want to go do other things and stuff man okay go to school but go to school online or something I just need you around me all the time you feel me like I needed Dawg I mean it's like I can't live without God for our dad without like it's just crazy but it's Allen Iverson's man is how can he be scarred this dude he would never change who he is man he with the same five dudes and one in heaven the same five dudes man from Newport News a change the same dude then why do you understand Philadelphia because the people that I love in Philadelphia the people that love me and I'm not taking myself away from somebody they love me because of some man I'm not gonna do that man I have fans in Philadelphia I'm never like when I see another player go put on another Jersey so what about the kids that fell in love we just do ten years fell in love with me all kids knows err see little white dudes man with cornrows see police officers were cornrows that usually the looks was better look for the suspect police officers doctors lawyers anybody with cornrows I ain't started I didn't start it cuz I know I got it from somebody but all I'm saying is I put it I made it all right I made it all right it's all right to wear cornrows yeah you right my son got cornrows see a thug you know nothing about Doug you know nothing about that Steve is like it's real dog is the some people get scared of who you are man when you got the effect on a whole lot of people a whole generation then all they want to do is dig up some dirt on you Stephen H Smith in the house quite frankly we're gonna get back to talking about basketball with the first pick the Philadelphia 76ers select Allen Iverson Ferguson see when a Smith back in the house was quite friendly with my man Allen Hardison I watch honest looking thing i watch out and look at these numbers here this is Allen Iverson his season average since the 1996-97 season he leads the league in scoring 27.4 points per game beating Shaq Vince Carter Paul Pierce Tim Duncan you see a stat like that what comes out to your mind so come see me I love my mom I love my mama - I love my mama - but it Chatel explained the parallel looking at your scoring average and telling me how that has a lot to do with moms she got in here my mom my mom told me one day that I could be anything that I wanted to be and I literally took that for what it was like I really took it like that cuz she told me I mean I just believe what my mom tells me and my mom um I was a football player Doggett's all I did was wait I was gonna ask you why you play football you put into playing basketball instead of football more money I put in jail oh I mean nobody was you know every I was recruited by every school in the country football and basketball when that happened no when his smoke cleared nobody was around what do you yeah you would have ended up picking the NFL over that maybe I was my that's my sport man that's it that's what I do do you know that 76ers have something on their website where there's like 26 different arrows pointing to the body parts - pointing to your body parts weird you've been injured 26 I'm a warrior well we know that do you see do you feel like there's a lot for warriors in the NBA game today what's the reason for that man with no and you I mean you got all the time in the world you don't have no heart man i don't need you stepping out on the basketball court you cannot play basketball if you solve and basketball players know what I'm talking about like it's nothing like I'm I'm not like you don't see me I play hard every night and I get beat up whatever but you don't see me playing the game dirty like I don't get in fights with dudes and stuff like that don't nobody put their hands on me I don't put my hands on the bar there's a couple of times where he was almost set to chair because that day I was really provoked like you know I like I'm a stand-up guy out there on the basketball court I don't play hard playing hard don't mean playing dirty like getting elbows knocking people cheaper that ain't playing hard playing hard is the ball right there and you closer to me but if I dive I can get it you know saying that's playing hard and that's what I do every night so if some guys to see that ball on the ground be like I'm not messing my knees up jumping on this ground for this ball and look I do it the next play maybe or next game something but my legs hurt today no every night that's your question when you look in the league right now you think about your heart does anybody compare there's anybody out there any NBA is there anybody that you can point to that you feel it's all your level in terms of heart and if who name oh I want to know what the hell yeah I think on Shaq off chop hey same question check Bron t-mac man his arm Larry you know one I got a lot of them on my team you know Sam there's a lot of guys now me yes I mean people say Vince don't got heart like man let me play with this I think about the maturation process and obviously clearly knowing you for years there's obviously one that has taken place when you reach out to the LeBron James to the Carmelo Anthony's to the Dwyane Wade's because I happen to know you have reached out to the news got heart too I know how to work I know what what are the kind of things you say to them right now based on your own personal experience learn from what I did wrong learn from all the stuff you seen our nitrogen don't do on did that rub everybody the wrong way if you don't want to go through what I go through right now far as being the bad guy in the NBA and all that all this stuff be fake then basically that's all I'm telling you just be fake but you're not fake and I'm not going to do it I'd rather not click being NBA I'm not living my life I tell them to do that if the oh I'm telling them I'm telling them to do whatever it takes for them to be success I always let LeBron know all top dog they love you right now they love you right now but please believe me the first incident the first time something happened they are waiting man they waiting man they are waiting they waiting man just like I mean I hate to bring it up but the other situation with Kobe oh come on yes well all this time he's the UM the number one man the perfect man sir everybody everybody's hot he's number one man you do know that people kind of blamed you in this sense because you were the one that was seen on ESPN and you said well that's cold via meanings his peers go he musta did he must have done something must did nothing he had to do nothing and I don't know if he did nothing and I don't think he did nothing honestly I don't think he did nothing I know he didn't do that in my heart I know he did but he found out that Kobe Bryant is Kobe Bryant just like everybody else in the world if he didn't do what he did look what he went through every black man go do it not doing something didn't happen to go to jail find out okay he didn't do it then let him out I was get ready to ask you to the black and white thing is in the napkin things I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not that type of dude I don't talk on on camera about stuff like but because I can't be as real as I want to about this situation but all I know is you are you you are who you are man don't try to act like you somebody else and not saying that he did coke right is who Kobe Bryant is though but these people want him to be the Kobe Bryant that they want him to be and it ain't right you know Kobe Bryant is his own man man he only get to live one time people are killing this man talking about his image or whatever I mean the man made a mistake Harvey made a mistake he made a mistake and let's go on and I'm not saying the situation with the girl like the hell with her you know like ma'am I have a daughter dog and my heart go out there how many kids do you have - Laurie I have to the world I have a ten-year-old daughter I have a seven-year-old son I have a son it's about to turn two in August and I had one on the way that's on the way to the emergency room right now because if the baby wasn't moving today so I mean I got I got four kids but like I'm saying me a girl I mean a woman man that's the most precious danger and that that whole subject is touchy Steve because ain't none worse than a rapist a child molester man rapist or child molester that's the worst thing you could ever be that's the only thing you can call me a murderer dog somebody come in my house then I get it done but a child molester than the rapist that's the worst thing that you can because there's no reason for that as a reason for other things there's no reason for those thing you're gonna take a quick break and come back with a question to the other Stephen a Smith quite frankly go down announcer the way Stephen a Smith in the house again for quite frankly with allen iverson in the house let's go right to the audience so tell us your name and your question hi my name is Matt do you think you're in Chris revery will be able to coincide I bring a championship to Philadelphia this year definitely I'm glad I'm glad you actually was it made Matt yeah Matt you said this year yes it this year and man I'm glad you asked that because me this whole Chris Webber situation man it's out of control man and and it's not even Chris and myself like is everybody else is always like there anyway was something to people have a problem you out whole bunch of people involved with the situation is just let me I'm cool cuz well like I mean when Billy told me he was gonna do what is read do I mean I was I was all for it dawg I I mean I couldn't wait and then Chris play all season hurt like since he came there he was hurt you know man and he's been dealing with that and somebody that's with him day in and day out you know I get to see it you know I'm saying to him sometime I'm like man like once you sit down dog you need to sit down you know look you know you look like you messed up and though he alright made good we're gonna be great together a lot of people said and a lot of people said y'all didn't get along whatever I saw y'all in Atlantic City together for the Floyd Mayweather fight right so I saw y'all together y'all seem to be getting well pretty well getting along pretty well to me but let's be real about something you're not gonna be there you go well you're not gonna get you're not gonna have a good time with him and you know you're gonna have a big time attitude with him if he's not trending this offseason and he comes back and he's not healthy correct yeah I'll be disappointed because it'd be like he lied to me so that's that's the only thing I'd be disappointed in what have you told you that he's going to do he says he's he said you got to stuff together like he's been working you know he's been even getting it together and I mean somebody of his magnitude somebody that accomplished the things that he's confidence in his career you know I don't think he want to settle for anything less but to get back right and people start talking about him like people used to talk about Chris Webber you know so I mean everybody think that we can't coin as this like it's gonna be a big problem and all that just watch pay attention just watch let's go to the next question your name's turn your question my name is torie and promise me this is not about practice what do you beside yourself who you consider the best three players in the NBA today killing me man I really are I want to do that now I got so much but what about shot I'm puttin one and then we're gonna leave it alone you got a lot of affection for the big fella watt real man I mean when you meet people you know off the court and like graviton see basketball dude's corny for real Steve I mean you met him you've been around a lot of basketball got win we're known to be corny guys like for real I mean we come from all that's damn-near come from the hood but there's a lot of guys from the hood is corny and this would be true yeah and and Jimmy when you meet those that not like you because nobody's not like you and nobody is just like your whatever but we meet those dudes that just good genuine people good-hearted people you know you just you just stick to them you deal with there's my last question to you obviously like you told me before you're not young anymore all right you know your father your husband Allen Iverson's going into the 2005-2006 season with a new coach Iguodala second-year player couple talented cats on your squad you're starting to think about your legacy more than you ever had then I've ever known you to think about it what are you hoping it would be honestly all I want is for all the teammates that I would play with in order to say they love playing with me and they they say that I play harder than anybody that they have a seen play um I was the toughest guy they have a single play and that I played everything like it's my last I don't have no you don't have to put no championship in there you don't have to put that in there if that if that's not the case then that's not the case you know if I don't want a championship you know that would just be some a dream that always wanted you know I always wanted to be at Olympia you know I got a chance to be that you know I wanted to be MVP or go to the all-star game I've done a lot in my career I've done a lot that I could be proud of so you know I don't have to put that ball to me I wanted to put the gold ball in it at all you know for my career to be successful I still feel in my heart and everything I believe that I'm the best basketball player in the whole world and the best basketball player to ever played the game that's good love your boss I appreciate it thank you very much a lot of time I want to thank Alan otter for the man coming out the name Smith Tuffy y'all later you you
Channel: nbaclips
Views: 262,744
Rating: 4.8896713 out of 5
Keywords: nba, ai, interview, espn, Allen, Iverson, basketball
Id: dmEdsjeRDDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 48sec (2508 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 25 2005
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