3 Rounds with The Cast of 'Abbott Elementary' | Entertainment Weekly

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could it be a big moment for gregory and janine very specific my ethos is you can get away with anything as long as it is funny incorrect i also have selfies in my office of being outside of character which always freaks me [Music] i'm ew senior writer maureen lee linker and i am here at player one arcade bar in los angeles playing hooky with the cast of abbott elementary cheers guys so it's time for all of you to go back to school for season two quinta and all of you can weigh in would you say there's an overarching mission statement or theme for this season um more fun was kind of the goal and just seeing a little bit more of the outside lives of the teachers getting them out of the school a little bit more we had them in the school for the most part last season and i was excited to get them out this season so yeah i know that your mom was a kindergarten teacher and that inspired you to write the show but do all of you have educators in your life who you've either based facets of your character on or wanted to pay tribute to through the show chris you look like you have an answer i it's not where i thought your question was going and i was gonna say i i have a lot of teachers i've pissed off certainly um none really that i'm basing jacob off of but um yeah for me it's been this real kind of like karmic full circle i'm i do have a sympathy for them and i guess they are influencing me and probably all of us in in different ways that that i wasn't necessarily expecting um but none none in particular in my family you know we're covered with teachers you know for generations education has been seen as the great equalizer and because of that there's so many educators in the family but my absolute favorite teacher would have to be my father dr stanley ralph who taught me one of the greatest lessons ever and that was a five-letter word t-h-i-n-k think and it has served me my whole life no matter what happens i'm gonna think through it so i dedicate mrs howard to my dad and mine was my mom yeah she was a teacher she she taught in dc and for decades started in a one-room schoolhouse in pennsylvania where she taught everything from kindergarten to high school and during the harvest they all left to go back to the farm whoa it was a weird weird environment for a a sicilian girl from brooklyn um so like a long time ago wow why you got to age me like that you want julia mother no she was she was you know young my dad was going to get his his phd and she was teaching to make a living for the family but she was very much like melissa shementi she was tough she was loving she she didn't take any mess but she would kill for her kids mine was my aunt helen she's my mother's older sister quintus character reminds me of her she's my third grade teacher and the first day i got there she took a paddle to me to let me know that she was that i didn't have any favorite wow well you know it's a different time yeah this one's not it was back in the day kids yeah they used to beat children and they did with the parents sometimes with the parents encouragement yeah here we have a set but she was still my favorite teacher are we drinking the corporal punishment no no not at all we're drinking chicken to the end of corporal punishment at the end of janelle's drink janelle are you almost finished yes i'm thirsty you know there's juice in this is one of the five food groups yeah um quinta at comic-con ult so we're gonna see more of the teachers home lives this season tyler are you going no no no no what can we say ultimate it's like in real time yeah i mean just yeah i mean i don't mind you guys talking about some of this stuff no yes i do sorry i know i know i know sorry well i think that like i said we'll be going home and out with them more in the first season i really wanted people to fall in love with abbott the school and the staff and i feel like we had done our duty people really loved the school speaking of comic con it was just like crazy to see a whole comic con i love loved comic-con and i've always wanted to go and i can't believe that my show got there before i did in like full form fully rebuilt to school crazy but that was intentional we really wanted people to feel like they wanted to work or went to abbott and i think this season we they know us well they know the teachers well they know the school well now we can go out to like events and parties into our characters houses and just be outside a little bit more but i still believe a workplace comedy should take place in the workplace so it's not like we'll be you know turned into a whole other show i heard quality you heard party yeah somebody said i want to know what mr johnson's home life looks like are we how are we gonna see that he's got a flat crib [Applause] i like it because we drop hints about mr johnson's life all throughout the season and i think what's fun is like the writers have a really fun time just adding a new tidbit to his life that is whereas i feel like everyone else is is a little bit more specific we can throw just wild stuff into mr johnson's life that he's that he's done and um to us the character is kind of ageless so we don't i don't know we don't know what time period he's existed i mean it's a lot of fun so many other things yeah he's like a full-on matador on summer break you're like you know no we we don't know but yeah i see lots of black velvet pictures i see neon white light you know and i think it's in the dining room i see something like that yeah black like posters yes in the dining room i'm gonna have to have another drink there you go another sip on that well speaking of parties you guys premiered in december last year mostly ran through the spring so you missed some of the sitcom hallmarks here halloween episode thanksgiving christmas yes and i'm really really excited about them i i feel like other i don't want to give away but i'm so pumped i mean we're in the middle of one right now yeah right now i cannot give anything away but the costumes that these people are in did you escape something i know sorry yeah i don't know i'm excited about the episode it's gonna be really really fun uh but yeah we get to do a couple of different holidays halloween christmas our version of black history month because of the documentary style y'all have been compared to the office of course so some pretty important things happen to office christmas parties on that show uh our what does the teacher's holiday party potentially look like is it could it be a big moment for gregory and jeanine very specific you went right for that uh could it be a big moment for every engineer uh i'm sure anything is possible yes how many hr violations would ava make at a at a teacher holiday party oh she's doing it during school hours so i think yeah i don't think the the setting makes a difference we've never seen ava drunk have we no not to our knowledge she talks about it just absolutely inappropriate every time in every space and she is so proud of it and we love that about ava yeah i don't know if i'm proud i'm unaware by the way maybe because i'm drunk who knows let's put that out there so another thing that i think of a lot when i think of school um which i'm sure all of you participated in probably is a school play is that is that something that um you have talked about bringing into the action and i don't even know if we would do just a play we'd have to do a musical you know oh well i'm sorry what miss harold ralph one to yeah yes yes with maybe uh some help from the teacher well errors everybody here sings oh the whole castle episode i think for the we really like to go toward kind of the unconventional for the show i think one of the things that people really were drawn to was the parts about teachers lives that are very much not seen and i think school plays and stuff are fun and i think we definitely will get to those but i feel like there's so much that people haven't seen about teachers lives and i find those to be a little bit more interesting right now for the um for the second season yeah abbott is in the shadow of the eagles stadium um with going further afield might we go to a game this season gosh i hope so yeah absolutely absolutely i feel like the eagles is crucial to them to the abbott culture uh from from it being close to it to characters being dedicated like melissa's characters die hard eagles fan ava like mr johnson yeah the eagles play a big part in our our world so keep being good eagles i really don't want to have differences i think it takes it looks like a great date night place right the eagle stick games isn't that a good night philadelphian date i believe yeah yeah rough date night i feel like the eagles fans are notoriously uh intense it would not be a great time to have a conversation you get to see who somebody really is at the eagles game that's actually not bad oh see one of these pictures is gonna work [Music] welcome back for round two this time we're drinking the mega man mezcal player one's twist on a mule cheers everybody [Music] something i love is the attention to detail in the show and and the way each classroom is decorated because my parents were teachers and i remember them cutting things out and working on their display boards at home after school have you put personal touches in your classrooms or ava's office mine has best teacher everywhere and golden little apples shiny red apples we have seasonal murals for the children because it's kindergarten letting them know exactly what the season is we have a lot of things in the room about counting so that we get a solid basic you know pre-first grade education because a lot of our kids need to be facts fast-tracked on loving education right away so that's that starts in kindergarten you know what i noticed is that the set decorators have done an amazing job in everywhere but in particular in the classrooms reflects the different teachers personalities and i i'll notice like when they do a scene in my classroom somebody has written something on the board where like the map has to do with gambling which is very very or they'll put like words that are her and it's it's writing it's like they're creating a world that that goes along with what the creators the writers so i feel like you guys don't even know this but the writers work hand in hand with set decks yeah i just was like and then the other thing i loved was there was a bottle of lotion on my desk those are the little details i love like working with our set design team um michael and susie they're incredible they've done some of my favorite shows and movies and they're nice people they they get the small details that don't really they're mundane may not be super easy to pick up on camera but little things matter like we have a bottle of vitamins on whatever or like on their desks or whatever or janine's like there's pictures in the background from janine from college that you won't even see but it's specific to the classroom and teachers notice that stuff like sometimes they'll on social media say that looks like my desk or your bag or your shoes whatever it's just they love the touches that feel like them and it's not even just the teachers either like in ava's office there's a bunch of stuff that like we haven't talked about but like um that that really make her personality stand out like maybe you'll catch it but it's not we don't have to talk about them and i also have selfies in my office of me outside of character which always freaks me out like my own selfies are in my um i don't forget about that ava being the person to frame a selfie and put it in her office and they're on a block dude they're on a aren't they on that photo frame cube yes oh my god did you pick them or did you just no i walked in and all and man oh god it's all right but yeah yeah i remember the first time i walked into my room i was like it's like when you get your costume for the first time yeah oh cause some other genius has been like dreaming up what that is before you and it's this cool kind of like meeting of like i felt very this is the mezcal talking but i felt very at home i was like i was like oh yes here's my room yes and that's what that's what those rooms are my mom her room was an is an extension of her yeah and i took that really seriously with the um with the classrooms they're all an extension of the specific teacher even mr johnson's closet i have a closet [Applause] but it's fancy and in my closet i have toilet paper mops and buckets then i have a breaker box dedicated to boys to men and you have lights and stuff in there don't you like hanging out one like okay barbara's classroom is more homey janine's a little bit more ambitious his covers in black history and like but but you know they are all so different they're awesome so i'm gonna ask about each of your characters a little bit um starting with janine what does a single janine look like for both her and her co-workers oh poor baby um i i think single jeannine is very um new she already in the relationship was ambitious and optimistic but now there's a different version of it of what that looks like it's both she had a breakup so it's like sadness mixed with ambition and optimism it's a different version of growing up for her she was in a relationship with somebody for 10 years pretty much and now she has to start her life over again and i think for the rest of the crew for the rest of these teachers i'm really excited with how they each support her but also and that support is like grow up girl like we've we've grown up a long time ago and we want you to join us so i think it's really exciting gregory has made the decision to stay as a teacher even though that wasn't his original plan so the what does that mean for him does he need to do some professional development because he wanted to be a principal and not a teacher yeah he definitely does i think there's a lot of things that he just can't anticipate that we're gonna like really get a chance to explore um because he's never seen himself as a full-time teacher he's never had to to prep a year he's never had to you know run that that that classroom for an extended period of time um so i think that's that's what i really liked about this season two art going into it is knowing that i like seeing challenges in front of me you know what i mean and that's he's gonna have a bunch of those as he tries to adjust and how much does he still need to pick apart how much that choice was purely motivated and how much was motivated by janine a little bit oh i think cover your ears janine um you know i think they go hand in hand for him in a way and at times they can lean on one another when he loses the as most teachers it sounds like do as they get close to burnout they find another gear so i think that's what i like about that relationship and that choice for him is that you know as he it gives me a reason to push him through obstacles um but yeah he's gonna have to really grapple with like the dream deferred at some point you know this is not what he intended to see for his life at some point he's gonna have to either settle into this or continue to drive toward that that's so interesting hearing him talk and say this because now it's making me think are they life partners or are they life friends because they tune in to find out [Laughter] what are they for yeah stan you're a serious regular now which let's all applause for that what does that mean for mr johnson i mean he is the surprising enigma of abbott elementary it's it's great i mean uh look who i get to work with every day people come home and hang out with every day and uh as i said in one interview i'm doing my grandmother she was filterless and i say what's on my mind i say it like i see it and i'm glad they write it that way for me so i'm having a good time well i really loved the john hughes breakfast club tribute in this season finale will we get more sort of pop culture moments like that from mr johnson or from others please god maybe that one uh that one felt that it felt really uh organic i think i i'm not that dependent on pop culture to tell the stories right but if it feels right and everyone's like kind of the writers were super into that one that was one actually where the writers kind of convinced me uh uh spoiler alert i've never seen the breakfast club you should have never said that on the internet did you not like fix that after you the episode no because like many things i've missed breaking bad harry potter i'm just like she's never watched no she watched and then quit watching it i didn't watch game of thrones i did i bet i can get the recaps in the clip though but the writers were they wrote you know what what killed what got me about that i watched i saw the story i saw the outline and i saw the script and i was like you know what this is good whether you know about the breakfast club or not and i think that's what made it really really work is that you didn't have to know the movie to enjoy that uh story of that episode so yeah but i've learned so much from them pop culture stuff you know so there are things i didn't know who jojo seabass don't just see it right i had to go and call my nephews who was this so there are a lot of references that i'm like okay you know tomorrow i got to work on this tell me who this person is i was in a scene with janelle and said what is what does dipset mean she very obligingly told me we also saw that barbara's starting to ponder retirement so what does that mean for her this season please tell us she's not going anywhere anytime soon i loved that whole trajectory because before the pandemic so many teachers nearing retirement age were having to rethink do they stay in education or do they actually retire and more and more we're seeing them re-up their time which is actually perfect timing because we're now in a time when so many people are actually leaving education and we need educators that know how to educate to stay in the game so she will not be retired like an old crepey lizard she will stay in the game and remain mrs house age like fine wine teachers should make as much money as doctors their job is as important and i think they should make that type of money this is no longer the career that you say well i can't do anything else so i'll teach no i do this because it is my passion i do this because it is needed and there's no reason why the united states of america should be low on the education of its children we must rise up higher two more drinks and we'll have the tax situation uh lisa ann melissa we know is wounded by her divorce but she started to explore romance in the first season are we going to see more of that from her i certainly hope so because lisa ann was wounded by japort way too many years ago and i i think it's time for fun uh and and who's talking is it melissa or lisa oh my gosh why not she's okay all right i can't answer for for melissa ann because i'm in trouble yeah so sorry officially canon um jacob is so well-meaning if often too much in that regard but i feel like we've probably spent the least time in his classroom of all the teachers so are we gonna get to know more about him as a teacher this year i think so i think the uh quinta can probably speak more to that but that is primarily probably just a function of like my kids are very well behaved and and all of the other classes are just like a recipe for disaster so like my kids are not boring but you know they're they're um you know they're also older yeah they're older i teach the older kids yeah but they do come for you they have some they have some lines where they're actually coming for you there's so much humor to be mined out of your classroom what's weird is in the making of the school jacob's on the second floor and i don't know why for us we're like oh man jacob's on the second floor we can't go there in this episode it's weird the geography of the school in our heads makes us but but i'm excited to say we'll be on the second floor a lot more this year yeah jacob and you know what i love about jacob is the fact that jacobs probably one regret in life is that he didn't graduate or graduate from morehouse i'm like oh my god jacob we saw ava's leverage dry up at the end of last season um is she gonna be better at her job is that not in her dna i thought we established that she's pretty good by the time the first season but uh am i going to be better at my job i'll be sufficient i think that's ava's mode she's sufficient and uh and uh what was the rest of the question but just yeah is it i think she knows what a little bit more what's on the line now so how will she rise to that challenge what's on the line her being fired yeah it's not on the line anymore she she worked it out so i feel like it's gonna be more of the same which was just enough right right i love it [Music] elegance of sufficiency she's not she's not afraid of being fired at this point correct not this one i don't know anything away how much is she going to ratchet up her attempts to seduce gregory oh ratchet up ah uh do we i don't even know how can we even answer it no yeah i don't even know if i can answer that you're very afraid of her okay we don't want to ruin them we have a lot of really good stuff that's cause like the the we are on we're shooting what's the sixth episode right now yeah yeah and then maybe yeah i don't want to know it's it's happening trust me yeah you want the ride ava's the way i'll say that yeah very much that's a great way you know what's really fun about watching people react and respond to the show is that they really look forward to finding out every week the way tv used to be i love a binge like anybody else i'll just sit there for a weekend in my flannel pj bottoms and just watch the shows but there's something about the country yeah just the bottoms a topless with just okay where's pajamas you asked cheryl all i'm saying is sorry people can't wait to see what happens with them what happens with ava they're looking forward to it and then they get to share that and i like that i like to protect that like i i love that about our show and then other tv too so i really i don't know i just don't be one mistake also people need to ask themselves do they want her to be better her job is that good tv yeah yes yes i think we're doing good it's sufficient yes do you really want them do you really want that or then as the show went on they were like oh no i i got a boss like that and she'd like maneuver some stuff and get some stuff done and they like her we're not afraid of characters that are realistic like we're not afraid of realistic portrayals of of these people and it's fine it's how real people are i was i was thinking about how tv was getting really really perfect and that was starting to make for really really boring tv yeah [Applause] it's okay to like me yeah [Music] welcome back to round three where stuff's about to get real weird we are finishing off with the kool-aid man which is cranberry vodka triple sec and orange juice so i know that you all shoot in this very gorilla style fashion where there's cameras running all the time have you ever watched the show back i've been like oh god i didn't know i was making that face yeah all the time the entire experience of watching it or i didn't know that he was making a face behind me and i just laughed oh i didn't know they saw that there's a lot of that i didn't know that they caught that which is nice because as an actor to be able to fully just drop in and live in the world it kind of raises the stakes a bit forward of like yeah you want to be completely present in the scene because you never know what they're going to catch so it's kind of like i mean maybe you can speak to this further it feels like when i used to do theater yeah to me too that was actually you know the the most interesting thing about i feel like when we finish the first season is like seeing what pieces they picked you know i usually find the experience of watching myself on camera you know mildly torturous but i was so interested to see like how it was all gonna come together and there's all of these things like you said that are just like not in the script uh that was just a real moment happening for somebody uh and one of the cameras caught it and it's it's cool it really adds something to this you know the more time we spend together because i always felt like doing a half hour show was like doing great repertory theater we're the same group of people acting different situations out and now when we come together for a story i don't know exactly what they're going to do but i know their character and i respond as my character and our interactions are just getting more fleshed out and more authentic and better it's it continues to grow every show and then you see that when it airs you're like oh i had no idea they were doing that but that's perfect and sometimes you text each other and say that was great you did we're shooting a short film every week there is no stopping if anything it's like quicker faster funnier keep it moving because the cameras are everywhere and that's brand new because it hasn't that's it's a new way of shooting this same situational comedy and if she changes situations you're right don't get us dragged like that the other documentaries out there but the shooting both sides at once has been perfected by some of the people that we have like if we can get one of the camera guys to break on whether it's direct to camera or just something we're doing then then we know we won yeah i think people love this show for its mix of humor and really earnest heart but has there been a joke you wanted to include that was either like too risque for the tone or standards and practices was like nope yeah we do we have a bunch yeah [Laughter] that i feel like i should still shouldn't even say on the interview you said what i surprisingly can't think of anything i mean sometimes i'm like that's not gonna fly and then it's in there oh yeah yeah so i feel like we get away with a lot more than i like listening to the show yeah and it was one of the last lines of gregory in the garden and i was turned away from that that's that way i was turned away from the screen tv screen and he said now pick that hoe up and i was like what and i realized he's talking about a garden hole but and it made it we can't get away with a lie if we think something even if we do think something is too risque it just means we're saving it for later when everybody like knows us better and we can get away with it yeah i mean the writers do a good job of making risk-based things clever like the whole of it is a whole like it is it is a hoe they they make the thing that you wouldn't ordinarily get into a show they make it fit in a way in a funny way that it's and i feel like we have a room of people who or my ethos is you can get away with anything as long as it is janelle i know you have said you've done a little bit of improvising at times whether it was scripted or not what do you think is the wildest thing you've said on the show i mean back my tasting is up yeah [Laughter] um yeah uh i didn't think that would fly and it's in there so now anything goes in my head as i always say this grip comes to us or at least to be funny i don't ever feel the need to like i need to punch up or anything like that if anything i'm like uh honored when after we've gotten it how it's written if they say hey do you have any ideas then i'll then i'll say what i think but it's the the jokes are already in there yeah right lisa ann i am obsessed with melissa's extreme italian-ness um how much more are you going to riff on that like how how silly is that going to get you know i i feel like we're in a sweet spot with it i mean it's very much like the the people that i know that are you know my sicilian people in the northeast they are so immersed in it they revel in it it's all about they talk about their culture and their food and they've got their own words that they sprinkle in and i think the writers have done a really great job at doing the right balance there it's it's a part of who she is and i live it in different things that i do you know the kind of foods i picked to eat and stuff like that little sicilian words that i'll throw in but um yeah that's that's about it and you know honestly the names now i'm a little um do not now but um the names that there you go the names that i use sometimes when they say my cousin i'll use i'll make it specific and pick members of my family so it'll be like my aunt yola my cousin annette and these are real people so they're just gonna be happy that means i'll get like really good you know pastries when i go home what's the best response you've gotten from a real teacher who watches the show i mean i did a convention for teachers like 5 000 teachers and they all like just a bunch of people screaming at you like you you know a rock star or something that's that's amazing i mean i get really nice dms and messages and and and so that's been lovely as well yeah i feel like the most meaningful thing is like i've heard so many people say that that's what it's like like people are just like it's it's really that bad or it's really that ridiculous or it's really that funny like yeah it's just like that i do exist if it does exist yeah yeah exactly my friend went home to boston i was telling quinta and she was staying with the teacher for a couple of days she didn't see the show when it came out she was busy you know had a couple kids herself so they sat down and watched the pilot and they watched every episode in a row binged the entire season and one night and she said on every show she went that happened that happened to me we had a snake lost in the schools one to get a rat and it got lost and it wound up in my classroom but every single episode she said that's happened that happened so we got a we got a message from one of the union presidents talking about how uplifting it was for educators on the whole not just teachers but educators right down to the janitor you know right to the principal to the upwardly mobile educator everybody felt as though they were being seen and people were understanding their journey and that was amazing and then they added and thank god that you all are actually dressing with the exception of ava like real teachers i'm not a teacher i'm an administrator she dresses like i think for me the craziest response have been people wanting saying they wanted to go back to school to be or they wanted to become teachers now yeah i was not anticipating yeah totally out of left field and i think with abbott like the goal wasn't in the room we did not start writing the show going we want to make teachers feel seen we know we just had these real stories and they made for um humor to say the least so the first exciting thing was people being like whoa i really feel really really really seen in this especially my mom i mean i was kind of shocked she was very like holy and then but the people being like i think i'm gonna become a teacher now i was like after watching this like i was so confused but i think that's about that's the beauty of the profession and like they were saying earlier and like i firmly believe i mean i kind of felt like yeah y'all can go back but they're not paid enough you're not gonna be able to afford groceries and stuff and i think that's a larger problem i shouldn't feel bad that people want to become teachers i should feel like they should be well compensated and you know so hopefully that happens and just be fun like us yeah just be fun i'm gonna uh end with us doing some rapid fire down the line if you were going to be a teacher what subject and or grade do you think you would be best at chanel english uh i love to read i was a spelling bee champion i'm a nerd so yeah english spell onomatopoeia o-n-e-n-m-p i'm drawing [Laughter] i think science was my thing i would want to teach science history history teacher see when they get to high school they're over it so like middle school yeah mixed media like a mixed media teacher for uh middle school yeah arts i would it's sorely lacking i would be out there fighting for all of those grants to bring back arts writing drama music choir all of that u.s history and politics high school um i live for the arguments came in combination with quinta and sure theater arts yeah one last rapid fire back in the day that the height of norman leer these sitcoms used to do crossover episodes so if you could pick any sitcom doesn't have to be a one that's on the air right now what would you want to do a crossover oh wow that's such a big question yeah that's fun i don't the crossover part is killing me because i'm like how do we fit it i know i'm different i mean one of my favorite sitcoms growing up was roseanne the original roseanne uh that's the same kind of tone maybe yeah so that'd be that'd be that'd be cute only because it's rapid fire and i'm on the spot yeah that's a good one yeah rosanna i'd probably go back to moesha as an older d why not yeah i mean yeah she was a teacher dee was it yeah that's right that's what i was about to say yeah that makes total sense yeah she's the assistant principal so that's how i go back that's so hard there's too many i think it'd be funny if like there was some interaction with those characters from parks and rec like just in an administrative way absolutely and you found out that like they were actually absolutely in each other's lives in some way i feel like that's the same janine and leslie get together i think mine is so weird but i love the show king of queens and i get a lot of my uh humor cues from king of queens and i don't know i love that show same tone too same uh class yes i can see that exactly and i i i don't know leah remy is melissa's sister yeah i can still see it i could see doug in the school for no reason getting no abuse no i guess arthur in the mix it's just it's good yeah i have a pitch doug is our delivery guy that would be amazing it's the first prince of bel air yeah but before he leaves philly that's great what do i tell you what i i i'm yelling tyler i yell at tyler once a week please become a producer later i don't want you to leave or anything i mean you know later in life you know it took place in the projects and a lot of our kids come from that i don't know if they come from the projects but they come from lower incarious yeah i got nothing seriously i'm sitting here going what are my favorite half hours veep no 30 rock no roseanne i'm down with that yeah but roseanne was like that was good we could break the time space continuum and do everybody hates chris how about that show that's on the air now that i don't have the reason for but what we're doing what are we doing how many people we love that show i love that then i'm going to pee valley valley [Laughter] we're just about out of time but to bring us home cheryl will you say it baby oh my god sweet baby jesus and the grown one true you have to start churning that's a wrap and uh that was three rounds with the cast of abbott elementary thank you so much for joining us today
Channel: Entertainment Weekly
Views: 335,614
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Entertainment Weekly, Sheryl Lee Ralph, Janelle James, Tyler James Williams, Lisa Ann Walter, Chris Perfetti, William Stanford Davis, abbott elementary, three rounds, 3 rounds with abbott elementary, 3 rounds, 3 rounds abbott elementary, abbott elementary cast, abbott elementary cast interview, abbott elementary cast funny, abbott elementary cast drinks 3 rounds, abbott elementary cast funny moments
Id: ZnadFkKW7YY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 58sec (2518 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 20 2022
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