Board Games Room Tour 2021

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hey guys it's lauren here with nat20au i wanted to do a little bit of a games room tour today um we get a lot of questions about our room get a lot of comments about it my favorite being about the table and why it has no chairs which i will get to um there is a reason for that and it is a very valid reason but mostly i wanted to show it off because photos can never really show the full scale of it as you can see it's floor to ceiling shelves we use billy shells from ikea as opposed to any other shelf because we just really like how modular they are as you can see some shelves are completely different than other shelves some are really really tiny over here they're really small it's all modular you can buy extra shelves you can buy glass shelves which we have over here displaying some of our minis and you're able to put lights on them lights inside them um the lights we have in particular we drilled those using a router and we just put them in ourselves really really cool they light up the games perfectly fantastic for displaying your favorite games as you can see one of my favorites is on display and also the game my partner made is on display which is really really cool it's really good to look in here all the time and see games like that that mean a lot to us so the game's room really really starts on the left hand side when you walk in as you can see we have a lot of what we consider gateway games here so down the bottom here we have all of our dexterity games it's a huge pile of burger up there that we are eventually doing something with but our dexterity games start down here because they're really really beginner friendly and then we move into other games so you've got some pusher luck up here with quacks adventures dream home a little bit and then you move into some more heavy games but casual games things you can break out with almost anybody um except for santorini santorini is the devil from there we move into some more glider casual games but still competitive games azul calico sagrada which are three of my favorite entryway games but they are um a little bit on the heavier side so if you're throwing somebody in the deep end and you want them to catch on quickly azul specifically summer pavilion calico those are good ways to introduce people to gaming they have a lot of mechanics that you won't typically find in other games so they're really really good and sagrada in general even for experienced gamers can sometimes be a real brain teaser we have villainous and then down to a couple of other games this section here isn't really organized at the moment um some of them are games we haven't played yet specifically you can see pet cemetery um puppy on ducks in tow i haven't even cracked those open yet so it's a little bit of a shelf of shame in that area don't tell anybody um as we move along i've got some review copies down here that i've been sent from raven's ravensburger uh we've got just some i want to say crap games but they just misplaced games for now we'll go with that a lot more games on shelf of shame and then we move into some like puzzle games so we're really big into games like unlock games like exit um chronicles of crime paranormal detectives obscurio mysterium they're really good games they're really really fun games they make you think they're games you can crack out with almost anybody even if they don't like games for whatever reason there's something wrong with them and they don't like games like they're really good games to bring out because they're more like party games and we have shells of social deduction games which as you know i hate um games just basically it's kind of a mismatch of puzzle finding puzzle solving exit games from there we move into rolling rights more exit games small box games it's kind of unorganized at the moment um but we're still trying to figure out exactly where everything fits we're kind of out of room which is a disaster in and of itself um smash up these are some of the heavier kind of games going into our kids games this one right now gets a lot of play time carcassonne ticket to ride just all those little wonderful things there's so many games with plastic on them please don't judge me so we start getting into heavier games along here so as you can see we've got an entire section for queen games we've got some of our heavier tidal blades thunderstone quest mystic veil that type of stuff and then we move into more like deck building toweling hand building type thing um terraforming mars is one of our favorite games we absolutely adore it it gets played a lot raccoon tycoon is on my current list let's be honest i'm very upset with it key flower which is a fantastic game and food chain magnate which is honestly a very very very heavy game but it's a fantastic game well made very much fun we haven't opened a route some people will judge me very hard for that um we just haven't had time to play it with the right group especially with everything that's going on at the moment and we go into some of our bigger games so these are games that we've had for a very long time so these are what we call our coffin box games they're really annoying to store they take up so much room but we just can't bring ourselves to part with them or put them anywhere else so they kind of hang up there you can kind of see somewhere back here descent and world of warcraft down the bottom um we move into like our dungeon crawler campaign games battlestar galactica which is if you are a fan of battlestar galactica or if you're a fan of older board games those are very very hard to find and they're actually a pretty fancy centerpiece of our collection at the moment dead of winter which again we are very big fans of forgotten waters things like that if you look here these little meeples we use those when we announced our pregnancy with our little bubba very cute um more dungeon crawlers legacy games things like that kingdom rush down here you can see where it's an absolute mess my partner's been painting cleopatra and it looks really really good i can't wait to show that off he is an exceptionally talented painter as you can see he's painted all of this stuff here he's very good at what he does even though he doesn't listen to me and doesn't think he's very good but he is and then the room concludes with a bit of a mess again but all of our d d stuff so our hundreds of books aids pencils dice everything and we don't play very often at the moment but we are definitely keen on playing again soon so that's a bit of a tour just a very quick rough tour of the room um there's a lot going on in here there's a lot to figure out and sometimes it's really hard to find certain games um we actually have to look several minutes to find games sometimes which is a little bit embarrassing as well i'm getting to the table we have no chairs at the table because at the moment um this is where i take all my photos for instagram however when it's not used for instagram it's usually covered head toe in board games there's usually stuff under it stuff on it stuff everywhere the carpet is exceptionally comfortable a lot of people comment that they want the carpet because it's really fun on your feet um it's a nightmare when you drop something for a board game it just gets lost you're never finding it again anytime we move it we pick it up and shake it out and we literally make like six hundred dollars in board game money it's kind of a kind of a disaster other than that um we don't have much room left so we are considering at the moment what to do next we're thinking about putting some shelves on the outside of the room since this is a media room there's a big open door um we're thinking about putting shelves on either side and stacking those up with the dnd books but we're not sure what's going to happen yet so that's just a quick overview quick tour of the games room if you guys have any questions or if you want to know anything else let me know i would love to show you guys more i'd love to talk more about board games as you can tell i have no other hobbies so that would be fantastic to do more with this thanks for watching guys and thanks for listening to me drone on about board games
Channel: Nat20AU
Views: 10,430
Rating: 4.9209485 out of 5
Keywords: Board Games, Board Game, Nat20AU, board game collection, room tour, game collection, board games room tour, Tabletop games, dnd, D&D, tabletop gaming
Id: vamHbIFscZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 56sec (536 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 12 2021
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