Quilted Wall Hanging - How to Create a Small Building

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welcome everybody i'm jackie and today i'm going to show you how to make this quilted wall hanging of a small building now you probably joined me on this channel typically to see what i'm doing with my sea glass well today i'm doing a quilt art project so it's quite a bit different but i am going to include a little bit of sea glass in this project so if you're a big sea glass fan you're not totally out of luck here i will show you a little bit of sea glass stuff as well but if you're joining me to do the quilt art workshop then this is what we're working on and i had a request from my local quilt guild to do a workshop for them on how to make this small building because i do quite a bit of quilt art as well as sea glass art and i was booked to do that workshop in april and of course here we are in the middle of this crazy pandemic and everything's canceled so the workshop got cancelled so i suggested to the girls well why don't i do a video of it and then everybody can stay at home and still do the workshop and i'll post it up on my channel so you can easily access it so that's why i'm doing this video so welcome to anybody from the town and country quilt guild it's uh i was about to say it's good to see you you can see me but i can't see you i wish i could it's much more fun to do these workshops in person but at least it'll give you something to do to distract you from all of the craziness of what's going on in the world right now and it also gives us something that's really therapeutic i find sewing really therapeutic i find sea glass art really therapeutic and it's helping me with coping with all the anxiety over what's going on in the world so we'll go ahead and do that today if you aren't a member of the town and country quilt guild welcome i hope that you find this interesting and maybe you will want to make one of these small buildings as well so let's get started [Music] so i did write up the pattern and the instructions for this workshop and i sent it out to everyone in the quilt guild and you should have gotten that by email and if you don't belong to the town and country quilt guild and you're interested in doing this workshop you can find the pattern and the instructions on my website jackie sea jackietripperseaglass.com so feel free to go there and download the pattern and then you can have it right in front of you while you're working on creating this small wall hanging so my inspiration for this particular building was it's the one room school house the both of my parents attended when i when they were children and when i was a little girl this is close to where both my parents grew up and when i was younger every time we drove by i was always fascinated by this little decrepit old building that was sitting on the side of the road where my parents went to school and it fascinated me that all of the kids from grade 1 to 12 were in the same classroom in the same room so i was quite fascinated and my dad is a great storyteller and he would often tell stories about what it's like to go to school there and some of the antics that they got up to because the boys loved to get up to antics when they were little i can't believe some of the stories so it was always a fascinating spot for me so not last year 2008 in the spring so two years ago some vandals broke into that building and burned it down and it was kind of heartbreaking even though it was kind of a falling down old building but that really inspired me to recreate this building in some art so i did this building in a quilt art piece and i also did it in a sea glass piece so i'll show you my sea glass piece as well because often i'll do that when i get a pattern or design that i'm really enjoying i'll do it in sea glass and i'll do it in fabric and it just kind of it's inspiring for me here's a picture i'll show that up really close that's a picture of the actual schoolhouse so if you're interested in doing a particular building that has some meaning to you you don't have to do this building i'm sending you the pattern for this building in particular but you can take a building that has some meaning to you or a shed that you particularly like the look of or a burn or something that's interesting and you can use that in your quilt piece instead that's fine so the format for this video what i'm going to do is i'm going to show you a step of something you have to do and then what you can do is pause the video go off and do that step and then come back and then i'll show you the next step and then you can pause the video go off do that step come back or if you want you can watch the entire video through so that you know everything you have to do and then you can always come back and re-watch it if you want to if you watch the whole video through by the time you get to the end of it you might say oh my god this woman is crazy there's no way i'm doing this but i'll leave that up to you i'm just showing you the way i do things and the way i like to create and be a little bit crazy when i'm doing stuff but you want to do your own piece the one thing i would encourage you to do because we are in the middle of this pandemic and you can't go out shopping for supplies the goal is to be able to do this with stuff that you have at home so you don't have to make yours exactly like mine you can use whatever materials you have at home and improvise and you just want to have fun with it so let's get on to step one so the first thing you need to do is gather up all the materials that you need so you're going to need your pattern and if you're doing your own building instead of the pattern that i'm sending you then you'll need a picture of the building that you want to do we're going to need fabric of course so i'm showing you what i'm using for fabric for this project i've prepared a bunch of strips of fabric now my goal for this particular project is i want to create as much texture as possible so i'm going to show you how to do a technique that i would call raw edge strip piecing so i've prepared all these strips in a variety of colors i'm using hand-dyed fabric if you like hand-dyed fabric and you use that that's fine if you don't and you want to use commercial fabric that's fine this is your project and you want to use what you have on hand so whatever you can find so just to show you how i prepared these strips like all of these strips are maybe one to one and a half inches some of them are really crinkly some of them are really straight and i'm wanting to create or have all of these loose threads because i want lots of texture so the way that i get this effect in my fabric i'll just show you if i have a piece of fabric like this i just snip a tiny little bit at the end and then i rip it and when you rip it just like that it creates this kind of loose piece of fabric with lots of threads hanging off and so that's what i've done and i've put i've kind of arranged these really great like not exactly how i'm going to have them i'll show you when i do it how i have them but before you start your project if you want to do strips then that's what you would do get those all together now you don't have to do strips i'm just going to give you a few examples here here's an example here i have greens light to dark here i've got greens in commercial fabric there's only five of them maybe you only want to do four you need some light fabric for the sky you want some trees and grasses maybe some rocks and foreground down here it doesn't even have to be all green just to give you an example if you use a bunch of orange and pink and reds you might get like a sunset type of sky and or if you use a bunch of blues you might get like a night sky so you can just do your strips in whatever you have on hand and whatever appeals to you so this is just to give you a few examples just to show you don't have to create exactly what i'm creating the other thing you're going to need for fabric is four different shades of brown and this is how big my brown pieces are i've got a dark brown a medium brown a medium light brown and a light brown and that's to get four different shades of brown for my building and i also have a tiny piece of flowery fabric again not a whole lot because i want to put some flowers in the foreground and you need a piece of fabric to do your binding and then you need a piece of fabric approximately 18 by 14 for your backing and you need a piece of batting approximately 18 by 14 inches that is for your bat so there i have all those materials that i need besides that i have a little tray here and in my tray i've got a little bit of organza because i might use that to add some more texture i have threads i've got a dark green to do the bottom part a medium green to do the middle part for quilting and a light green for the sky i've got some brown thread to do the building i've got some pink thread to quilt on top of the flowers and i have different colored embroidery thread because i want to do some embroidery on it i have six different shades of green you can use whatever you want you might not want to stick to green i've got some green beads to put on it i've got some pink beads to put on the flowers i've got a bobbin thread that matches my backing and i have some yarn because i think i'll couch on some yarn just to add a bit more texture so this will give you a bit of an idea of where i'm going with my colors the other thing that i have here is some sea glass and a few shells i've got a piece of pottery here and i've got a few pei rocks because this one room school house is from pei and i felt like it needed a bit of a pei touch and those all of this stuff comes from pei so let's get started now when you go to gather up your materials if you come back with a piece of purp with all shades of purple for your building with a green roof or with a fuchsia color it doesn't matter whatever color you want to use for your building and for your background is going to work so off you go to get your materials and then we will get started on one more thing i forgot to tell you about fusible web you do need some fusible web so you'll need a piece of that that's the fusible stuff that comes with paper on the back and the one that i prefer to use this is pellon wonder under i've just had really good luck with wonder under it always works for me so i tend to like to use that but you can use whatever fusible webbing product you have on hand anything is going to work for this project so step two you need to prepare your pattern so this is the pattern that i sent you you can run it off exactly as i sent it to you and it'll come out on an eight by ten sheet of paper looking approximately like this if you want to make it any smaller all you have to do is shrink it or blow it up because the format that i sent it to you in is a picture format and so you can expand it or shrink it to make it the size that you'd like this is approximately eight by ten or it's on an eight by ten sheet of paper so if you're doing your own pattern what you would do is you take a picture that you want to create and you need to draw a pattern of that so here what i've done is from this picture i've drawn a pattern of it i blew it up you'll notice that my pattern here is in reverse image to here it needs to be reverse image in order to do the raw edge applique so i blew it up here i just drew it bigger on a piece of parchment paper or you can use tracing paper something so that when you flip it over you can see the reverse image quite clearly so this is what i actually used to make my pattern because then it's going to be in reverse image and when i fuse it onto the pad onto the background it's going to be this orientation which is what i'm going for and the other thing you need to do is color code your pattern so you'll see that mine is color coded a b c and d a is the lightest brown b is the light medium brown c is the medium brown and d is the dark brown so for you if you're using four different shades of purple be sure you know which one you want to be a b c and d and then what you would do is you would trace each of those numbered things onto a piece of wonder under so be sure to trace it on the paper side of the of the fusible web or the wonder under which is what i like to use and label each of your pieces as a b c or d so you can see here i have the only piece that's a which is the lightest brown is this big piece here so i've traced that onto my wonder under and the b i have this piece right here plus one of the chimney pieces i have marked b so i know that i want all of this in a light medium brown so i have to separate these because these are going to go on my four different shades of brown and then for my c this piece and one of the chimney pieces is the medium brown and then all of the dark brown pieces i've traced onto a separate piece of fusible web and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to press these i've got my light brown fabric this goes on to here my medium brown fabric i want to iron that onto there to activate the glue on the glue or the sticky side of the fusible web i've got my medium to light brown here and i've got my darkest brown so i'm going to press those and then when it's time to come and do my building my pattern will be all prepared for me so for step three what we're going to do is prepare the background so you want to move to your ironing board for this i'm just doing this on an ironing pad on my table so that i can demonstrate it for you so first put your backing piece of fabric down and press that press out any wrinkles and some people like to attach their backing fabric on with some 505 spray if you're afraid about your backing slipping you can do that i'm not going to do that i'm just going to leave it like that and the next thing you do is put your batting right down on top of your backing and we're just going to this is what we're going to use to build our background so the next thing i want you to do is take a piece of wonder under that is approximately 14 inches by 18 inches and you want to press that directly onto your backing be sure to put the paper side up because if you put the sticky side up the heat activation on the sticky side is going to stick to your iron i've done that before it makes quite a mess so put that on start in the middle and just press out you can see my little ironing pad here isn't quite large enough but i can just shift it around a bit i'll just move it a bit forward to get this end and then back to get the other end and then after you press that on you have to let it cool for a few minutes before you pull the paper off but you want to pull the paper off before you arrange your strips now you if you haven't worked with the iron on fab or an iron-on pellon before or fusible web you might be wondering why i'm doing this and the reason i do this is that i'm doing a raw edge strip piecing but i want to have a little bit of stickiness to hold the strips in place or at least a part of them in place so that when i go to quilt it they're not going to move all over the place but i don't want them stuck really really firmly because i want to have all this texture in my background and i want to have lots of movement now if you don't like working with fusible web or if you don't have any fusible web and you prefer to work with this 505 spray that helps things stick then you can use that the one thing that i would say i prefer to use the pellon because it doesn't stick until you heat activate it so i can play around with the strips and put them in the order i want to put them and move them around without them sticking until i put the iron to it so i tend to fuss quite a bit and then the iron doesn't go to it to make it stick until it's exactly what i'm looking for whereas with the 505 spray as soon as you put your fabric onto that then it's going to stick and so you want to make sure you have it all laid out beforehand and you're not moving it so that needs a few minutes to cool cool off before i can strip the paper backing off so there it's nice and cool now i can just go like this and strip off that paper back so i have all my strips that i showed you earlier so what i'm going to do i'm just going to arrange my strips on top of the sticky bits here and they're not it's not totally sticking yet because i still haven't put the iron to it as soon as i put the iron to it those strips are going to stick and what i typically do at this stage is i lay the strips out and i'm going to lay them out from light towards the top and then i'll get darker as i go although i may stick a few strips in there that aren't they're not totally doing the goal in laying these out is that you leave a little bit of each strip touching the batting so that when you put the iron on it the heat is going to make that stickiness in the iron on pellon hold a little bit of each strip in place so that when you take it to your machine to quilt the background then some of it is going to stay in place it still might shift around a little bit but it won't shift around very much i find it works best if you go top to bottom layered on top of one another and once i get it all laid out then i often will kind of mess around a little bit make it a little bit different and this is to create a lot of texture i'm wanting to have quite a few of these threads on the loose ends of the of the raw edge of each strip kind of sticking out a little bit if you like things flat flat flat you're probably not going to like this technique but for me i like things not necessarily flat and sticking out so i think i fussed with my strips enough i put the a bunch in place and then i just kept fussing with them and now i'm just going to take my iron and i'm going to start in the middle and just gently press and then wherever the fabric is touching that iron on fusible web it's going to stick to the batting now because the strips are i'm more concerned about how it looks on top there are probably some strips that end up not getting any stickiness on the back of them and you know for that reason they may come loose or they may shift around a bit when i'm quilting it but that's okay i can just it just all adds texture what i'm going for the effect i'm going for in this quilt is a really textured background and these strips will give a lot of texture and then i'll do quite a bit of embellishment too to add some more texture so i'll get you to do that the other thing i'm going to show you up close my other one that i did this one i did a little bit different see look there's one that didn't stick we have to fuss with that a tiny bit with this one what i did was i used one piece of gray for the sky one piece of green for the grass and one piece of brown for the foreground and then what i did was i added all of these strips on top so that's another approach that you could take because i just added a few little strips to add texture i added some what do you call this stuff cheese cloth dyed cheese cloth and just some different textures of fabric little bits and pieces and some nice dark fabric right in the foreground just to add some texture so that was a totally different approach than the one that i'm showing you here today so you can take whatever approach you want to build your background so this is where i'm at with this one now because i want to make sure things stay in place when i move it to the sewing machine to quilt it i'm just going to take some a few pins and pin things somewhat in place i'm not going to use a ton of pins so i brought this over to the sewing machine i put my green bobbin thread in and i put my darkest green thread into the machine because i want to quilt it from the bottom to the top although i laid the strips out top to bottom i want to quilt bottom to top so i'm going to do this quilting free motion but what my plan is i'm just wanting to quilt lines just lines back and forth and back and forth so if you prefer to use your walking foot then you can on this one because you don't have to have it free motion i just really love to free motion quilt so i'm going to do that i'll just show you here what i'm going to i'll show you a little bit and then i won't make you listen to me do the whole thing so i want to kind of quilt it so that the edges put my needle down the edges of each strip are still showing so that it'll add texture now what's going to happen because these aren't super glued down you're going to have to do a bit of adjustment every time you come to a new strip there's not exactly a set way to do this it's just whatever you feel like doing when it comes to the clothing it's going to be fine so there you go i finished the section with the dark thread on the bottom i'll just lift this up to show it to you what i did i don't know if you can see this very well but i did like all flowing lines all along the bottom now for the middle section here i'm going to shift my thread and use a medium green instead of a dark green and then when i get up to the sky area i'm going to use a light green instead of the medium or dark green and i just want to point out to you don't be too picky on this like you can see right here where there's a section where the batting is actually showing through but this is a design where i know i'm going to be doing lots of layers in order to create all the texture so if there's an area like that that doesn't work out just right i'm going to be covering it up with another layer anyway you'll see as i get going on this design so there you go i have my quilting all done on this piece and i'm just going to do a really quick press starting from the bottom working my way up just to help those stitches sink right into the quilt bat and even it all out a little bit so that will not take long and then once i do that i'm really pleased with the way this looks and one of the things i love about the raw edge strip quilting is that if i go like this i have all these really loose ends because i don't quilt right up to the top of each little strip of fabric and then i get all this loose thread kind of coming out i'll pick the longer threads off but a lot of it i'll leave right there now the other thing that i'm going to do here is i'm going to attach a few more strips just to add another layer of texture so this is where if you have any problem areas like i have this problem spot right here where i have a tiny bit of bat showing through i can just cover it up with another layer and i think i'll put a few in the sky as well it just adds another layer and the way i'm going to attach these is with some hand quilting or some hand embroidery rather so if you look at the way i've done this quilt i've laid these strips on top and then i've hand embroidered them on and it just adds another element another layer and some more interest so i'm just going to do a few of those on there i'm not going to do the hand bit right now there's another one i want to put on right there because i want to wait until i'm at the point where i'm doing some hit my hand stitching so for now i'll just pick so there's my background now i have to trim it down to size so i'm just going to remove my ironing pad here and i have the quilt back on my cutting board and i have to trim it down so i had originally just thought 14 by 18 would be the right size but right now it's measuring about 18 by 21 so i have a few inches to cut off so i can be quite generous in my cuts here and i'm going to trim it down so that it will give me an idea where i want things to go in terms of placing the building and everything else so i'm just pick my lines that i want and i'm not going to trim it quite as small as 14 by 18 and then by the time i finish it before i put the binding on if i decide at that point that i want to trim it even more then i'll do that then and i'm not going to worry about cutting off my the ends of my quilting line because in the end i'm going to have a binding on it and then it'll cover up any of those little loose threads and it'll keep them from pulling out so there my background is all finished and it measures 16 by 20. so it's a little bit bigger than i'm probably going to end up with but maybe in the end i won't trim it down any smaller than that this isn't an exact thing you know in the end it might be a little bit smaller than mine yours might be bigger than mine it's just the size that you want that's just right for you and your building so now we're at step five we want to build the building this is the exciting part so if you remember if you go back to your pattern from the pattern we had made the small pieces so we have a for the a part b for the side and one little chimney piece and c for the roof and one little chimney piece so first i'll get you to cut out those three pieces so one of the things that i find really helpful is that as i'm cutting out pieces for a pattern i place them back on top of my original pattern just so that i know i'm going to get the pieces in the right place and i'm going to have them going at the right orientation so that my building is going to look the way i intend it by the time i finish it so those are the main pieces i want to put on now so my pattern or it looks like this but i want my building to go like this so that's why the sticky stuff is on the back and then i'm going to flip it over and put it somewhere on my piece like this i think i'm going to put it over on this side now here's a good reason why i don't have my little strips sewn on here yet because i can move them so i think i want my building somewhere around here i'll wait for the chimney i want to put these three pieces on so then i just take my each pattern piece and i rip the paper off the back be careful not to rip the gluey stuff off make sure the gluey stuff is still on the back of your piece of fabric so there i've got my light and my this stuff can be fussy to pull off my medium dark my medium light medium rather and then the roof is the medium and you don't have to worry about these overlapping because the eaves are going to go in here plus you're probably going to sew along that line when we do the quilting part so i look at it and i decide is that where i want that to go i know i want this part of the building to line up with the bottom of my quilt so that it's not crooked you don't want to look like your building's falling over so the main part of your building you want to line up with the bottom of your quilt and then your other pieces line up with that with that main piece so i think that's a good spot for the building i know i'm going to do some more stuff in the foreground here so before getting the dark brown i want to press this in place and that's it my building is attached no going back now and then i'm going to put my chimney on there you go i've got my chimney in place and then i'll just press that on and you'll see that there's a slight little gap between these and that's fine because that's where the eaves are going to go that's where your d comes in all of that dark brown so now i'll cut out the dark brown so again i've laid my dark pieces on my pattern just so i don't lose track of which one goes where keeping in mind that my pattern is a mirror image to the building that i have on my quilt piece so first i'm going to put the eaves on because those i want to do one at a time they're kind of skinny and and with this wonder under it just works amazing because as soon as you press something in place the heat from the iron activates the glue on the back of your little piece of fabric there i did re remove the paper from the back of these before i put them on my pattern just so that i wouldn't have to fuss with with each one as i went so that's why they're just ready to go now i'm going to have to eyeball this a little bit so my door i know i want to be in the middle here so i'll just set that in place and then my two windows i'll be sure to put them the right window in the right spot because they're all slightly different sizes and i have my sign up here and lastly my three windows over here now think about what your building looks like in the picture if you're doing your own be careful to do this where you make sure that here this is the side of the building it's going at an angle so just to give perspective you'll want to line up the top of your windows but the bottom of the windows are going on an angle so that you get that feeling of distance as you move towards the back of the building if you follow along with what you're seeing in your picture you should be okay so at this point you would decide if you wanted to add any other details using some raw edge applique just to give you an example in the first piece that i did with the little building i added an outhouse because my dad used to tell me stories about having an outhouse at their schoolhouse because they had no indoor plumbing so if you wanted to use that for an example you could make a little outhouse outside your building i'm not going to put an outhouse in this one but i did want to put some fence posts in so using the same fabric i used for the side of the building i cut three fence posts and i'm going to put those right along here and i'm planning to make a bit of a sea glass path coming out here so i think those fence posts will kind of run along the side here to help accent the path and the other thing is i have this small bit of fabric i put some wonder under on the back of it and i'm going to cut out some nice bright fabric to make a few flowers so i'll make i want to put some flowers there and a few over here just to add a little splash of color so i just kind of randomly cut some of my flowery fabric and i have a nice big flowering bush right here in the foreground and i just added a tiny few flowers that i tucked underneath the raw edges of the strips here just to add another layer of interest into the this background so i'm just going to press those things in place and i'll also do a tiny bit of quilting on the fence posts and the flowers to hold them in place now i need to quilt it so to quilt this what i'm going to do i don't think you'll be able to see really clearly what i'm doing is i'm quilting but what i'm planning to do is this is a decrepit old building so i don't want really clear quilting lines i want them to be kind of rough because the shingles on the side of the building were all falling apart and kind of falling down so i know i'm going to plan to start from the top and make shingles so i just kind of will go like this it might even be helpful for you to draw this on your pattern practice your making shingles before you start i'm using a free motion foot for this because then i can just kind of make these shingles look really rough and like they're falling apart i'm going to plan to do this i'm just doing this to show you but i would encourage you the first time i did this i drew it on my pattern made a photo make a photocopy of your pattern and then draw it on so that you're practicing your quilting line before you start to sew in the end i found with the first one that i did that the lines were pretty even and nice and i think i would want them a little bit rougher so i think for this one i'm going to make them a little bit uneven and then for the the side because you can't see the shingles as clearly i'm just going to make straight lines all the way across and i think for the roof i'm going to do the same thing i might do the roof actually i might do the roof a little bit rough and then the other thing you want to do is sew on your doors and your windows and your sign and do a little bit of a stitch in the ease and you can either use your light your lighter brown thread or your dark if you want the stitches to really show or you can do your darker brown thread so i'm going to make an attempt to show you how i'm going to quilt the shingles on this building i know that making video is not my forte but i'm trying and i thought if i could give you a bit of a close-up it might give you an idea so i'm going free motion and i put my medium brown thread into my machine because that's the color i want to use so using my free motion foot i want to think about shingles i don't have it all drawn out on my pattern because i don't want pencil marks to show so i'm just going to create it as i go so i'll grab it and i'll just go i just want to go like this and then i'll go down the side and then i'll do another row and i don't want it very exact because this is kind of a dilapidated old building and i just want to kind of have rough shingles you might be starting to do this and thinking oh this doesn't look very great but once it's all done and together as long as it looks kind of like jingles it's not that big a deal so i'm going to do this all down the front of my little one-room school house so i finished quilting the shingles on the front of the building and on the roof and i outlined the chimney i outlined the sign i did an outline of the entire building to attach down all the eaves and everything and then i did some quilting on the door and all five windows and then i did some quilting on the fence posts so i've changed the thread in my machine from the brown to the pink and now i just want to do a little bit of quilting on each of the little flower bushes and on my main flower down here and then i'll be finished with the machine quilting portion of this project and i'll show you what i'm going to do with the hand work so now i want to do a bunch of handwork in my piece and every little thing that i do think about adding layers and adding in anything that you do for embellishment is just going to add a bit more detail so i have a bunch of different shades of embroidery floss and i want to do a running stitch along all of these little extra strips of fabric that i've added just to add some more interest and another layer there and i have this um bright green organza so i think i'm going to cut a few little strips of this i'll just cut a few tiny little strips of it and add them in here maybe in the background and i'll hand stitch some of those in just to add a little glimmer here and there especially in the bottom part probably only in the bottom part so i'm just going to set some of those on there and then as i'm going along doing some of my hand work i'll kind of stitch them in i love a little bit of sparkle and embellishment and this type of of organza just gives a little sparkle to things that always kind of brightens up a piece in my mind so i'll stitch some of those things in as well and then i like to do couching and i'll often coach pieces of yarn on but i'll couch them on with with the machine but in this case because i'm going for tons of texture i'm going to use embroidery floss and couch them on by hand and just to add some little bits of grass probably down here in front what i'll do is i'm going to take this away and work on it doing my hand work and then i'll come back and show you what i've done and point out each little detail and then the other little detail i have i have a bunch of green beads so i'm going to sew on some beads here and there i'll probably do a bit of a combination of beads and embroidery floss to add some details in and i have some little pink beads they're more like fuchsia really that i'm going to put on the flowers just a few just to make a tiny little glimmer so that when the light hits it it kind of jumps right up at you and you see it so i just wanted to give you a quick demonstration here of a few of the embellishing techniques that i use so if you look here i've couched on a few pieces of yarn so to show you how i do that i take a piece of yarn and i just have a short piece here and i double it up and then i start at the bottom i'd like to put this piece up here so i'm going to just start at the bottom here and so attach it on really just with a few stitches and then i do this um thing kind of at an awkward angle here but then i just attach it on by hand so you can do this by machine but what i find when i do it by machine is that it stitches it down really really tight and i don't want it super tight so what i'm going to do just put a few stitches at the bottom and then i'm going to come up about a quarter of an inch whereas if you do it by machine it it'll stitch much more closely than that and it'll pin it right down to the fabric of your quilt and then sometimes i'll twist the two pieces together as i'm going just to make them a bit more interesting so about every quarter inch i'm going to stitch there and then it it makes the couched piece of yarn still kind of stand up a bit from the quilt so that's as far up as i want to go with that couched piece of yarn so i would just do a few stitches at the top you want to do a couple there just to make sure it's nice and secure and then i'll tie it off at the back i always pull my knots to the back you can see the back of my quilt is a bit of a mess but i'm going to show you what i do about that and i just snip off the top like that and that's just the effect that i was going for and so you can see i did a few pieces here i just wanted these pieces of yarn coming up from the bottom of my of my piece of work and i did a few there and a few there so that's all i did for the couching now the other thing that i've done quite a bit of is just putting on random blades of grass and it adds quite a bit of texture to my whole piece so again i'm going to use the exact same thread embroidery floss that i was just using and all i've done here is i've just got come from the back and i just randomly sew on little blades of grass like this and i like to do this fairly random i don't tend to have a real rhyme or reason about it just because that's the way i like things you might want your grass to be all straight and even whereas i like it fairly random and i don't do it all over you might get going and get really carried away and put a ton of grass on which is great or you might just do a few little bits here and there so if you look at where i've sewed on quite a bit of grass i put some there i put a few little blades here and here and here one thing that i did if i move over if you look up close on the building on the one room schoolhouse i put glades blades of grass all along here so it looks like the grass is growing up beside the building and then i put a whole row of grasses right here just to add some interest so in some spots i don't have any other spots i have quite a bit so the other thing i really like to do is french knots so i want to add a few of those in here so again i come up from the back with my embroidery floss i do three loops around my needle right back down again just come up from the back with my needle and the embroidery floss do three loops around my needle right back down into the same hole and then pull the needle through and it makes this nice little french knot now some of the french knots that i've done are quite loose like if you look right here i've done some loose french knots and it just adds some more detail to the background and sometimes i've done rows of them i did a row of fairly tight french knots there and i did some rows up in the sky as well and over here on this part and then sometimes it's more just some random french knots just to add a few details like i did in here and here now the other thing i did was i sewn on quite a few beads and what i do with the beads i sew my beads on one at a time so in some spots like right here i have a whole row of beads here i've got bugle beads i've got a row of seed beads another row of seed beads and i've picked out some pale green beads here that i want to sew onto the grasses so it kind of looks like drops of dew or rain if you look just at a glance at a piece like this you don't see all these tiny little details it's only when you look close that you see all these tiny little details or when the light shimmers off a particular bead but to me that's what's really interesting about it so the last thing i wanted to do i have my tray of beach treasures from prince edward island and i really wanted to add some detail here where i had some some of these pieces of sea glass coming down from the door of the schoolhouse right to the bottom of the quilt so it gives me a little bit of a stone pathway and it also adds that little bit of pei touch because this is all pei sea glass but i'm not going to do that until after i put the binding on because what will happen when i put the binding on if i tried to put the binding on with the sea glass there they're going to be in the way so i'll do that later the other thing that i'm planning to do i have this piece of pottery that i think i'll put right there a sea pottery piece that i thought might add a little bit of detail and i have a few little stones here that i might put right on the base and a few little seashells but i'm going to set those aside for now but i'll have those at the end and i'll show you and i'm going to attach them using this quick seal kitchen and bath adhesive caulk it's a clear silicone you can use fabric glue if you want i have had good luck with fabric glue on fabric as well so now i have to put the binding on so i just wanted to show you the back of my quilt is really quite a mess i have all sorts of overlapping quilting lines and lots of threads sticking out from all my sewing on of beads and embroidery and everything else so i decided i'm going to put a piece of fabric on the back to cover up all that mess just to make it neater and tidier so i cut a piece of fabric here that's matching in color so i think it'll go fine and i also already made my label so i cut out a piece of fabric to look like the front of the schoolhouse just leftover fabric from the browns that i had put on the name one room schoolhouse and my name jackie trember 2020 and i'm going to put on a couple of if you just cut a square of fabric like this sorry square of fabric press it in half put it up in the corner same thing over there in that corner and then a piece of fabric across here and then it gives you a place to attach a hanger and then it can just hang on the wall because i like hanging things on the wall sometimes i'll put tabs on top but i like this way of hanging so i'm going to do that and for my binding i changed my mind on my binding i had some green fabric chosen and then i decided i'm going to make my binding a little bit different i'm going to put some brown silky fabric along the bottom some green silky fabric on the bottom part of the sides and then some beige silky fabric up around the top like this so that's going to be my binding so my one room school house is all finished i've put on the binding and i've put on the last finishing touches of any stitching that i want and any beads that i want and i've added my piece of pottery for the sign and my shelves at the bottom of the fence posts i've put the sea glass on to make the path from the door to the bottom of the quilt and i've added a few rocks there and i am finished and when you look at the two pieces side by side you can see it's the same building but a little bit of a different focus in terms of colors for the background i've situated it differently on the quilt itself and i've made the backing different sizes so overall it's just given me a chance to show you a few different approaches you can take and a few different techniques and whatever approach you want to take with your piece is going to be fine so i'm so glad that you could join me today for this workshop if you have any questions or comments please feel free to post them in the comments section down below this video or you can send me an email and when you finish your completed piece would you please send me a picture because what i'd like to do is put together a slideshow of all of the different art quilts that people have created and then i can share it with everybody because within our quilt guild we usually get together for show and tell and we'll show everybody things that we've made and it could be a while before we have our next meeting so in the meantime we can have a slideshow where you can see what everyone else has come up with and if you're not part of the quilt guild you can also participate in that slideshow because i'm sure everyone would be really excited to see what you've made because i'm assuming that a lot of the pieces are going to look quite a bit different than my two here you can see the differences between these two so the things that you guys are going to come up with are going to be even more diverse it'll be so interesting so in the meantime i'd really like for you i'd really like to send you my best wishes i hope that everybody is taking really good care of themselves take good care of yourself physically take good care of yourself mentally that's what this workshop is all about it's giving us something positive to focus on during these crazy times of this pandemic and in the meantime if you get a chance to get out sea glass hunting happy sea glass hunting [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Sea Glass Art by Jackie
Views: 6,850
Rating: 4.9857144 out of 5
Keywords: jackie trimper, sea glass, sea glass art, beach glass, beach glass art, beachcombing, glass on glass art, sea glass wall art, nova scotia sea glass artist, prince edward island sea glass, mosaic art, sea glass mosaic art, sea glass crafts, sea glass mosaic wall art, glass mosaic, sea glass hunting, sea glass art by jackie, quilt art, quilted wall hanging
Id: KkNStAI14Iw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 22sec (3382 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 22 2020
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