Quilts into Art: the Process!

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you must be an art lover what a great  thing to be hello my name is julia muench   and i am a multi-disciplinary artist my main focus these days is on fiber art  especially the original quilts that i make i'm a working artist living in new jersey  for over 22 years still i consider myself to be an   emerging artist as far as showing in galleries or  other exhibits i try to reconnect to the outdoors   and nature on a regular basis because it really  motivates me to find ways to be more creative sometimes when i'm out in nature i  might find a pattern that i'm drawn   to or some kind of elegant form and this  might become the start for a new piece when i'm creating i try to concentrate  on different types of outcomes focusing like this can take  me to a whole new place   i find sometimes that starting out within a set  of boundaries that i set for myself can allow me   to break out of those boundaries but i have  to find that it makes sense aesthetically sometimes i'm asked about a certain piece is it  a painting yes it is a painting in the sense that   the materials i'm using the fabrics and thread  are my palette whatever forms i do end up choosing   i really like how the parts and colors  play off of each other within the hole i really try to aim for luminance and a  sense of movement in whatever i'm creating i love working with color and form and  experimenting with what will work well together   on my outdoor journeys over the years i  have taken literally thousands of nature photos photography has helped me tremendously   to visualize whatever i'm working  on and just having a clearer insight into my fiber designs i enjoy being inventive with my pieces and  many times i go beyond a set of boundaries my body of work as a whole is quite varied and i  try to be realistic in the sense of what i think   is going to work best for an  exhibit <!--begin kunstmatrix-->   <iframe allowfullscreen="true"  frameborder="0" scrolling="no"   src="https://art.kunstmatrix.com/apps/artspaces/?external=true&splashscreen=true&language=en&uid=17802&exhibition=6582345"   width="100%" height="600"></iframe><!--end  kunstmatrix--> or what pieces would also work  really well in the print form now i'm working with print designs that  i've created from my original quilts   and have selected a few to be created  into card and stationary format when you get a chance please go  to my etsy site to see my art   quilts and art stationery at the wonderpiece shop thank you so much for watching and  i hope you have a wonderful day you
Channel: The WonderPiece Collection
Views: 7,131
Rating: 4.9574466 out of 5
Keywords: The WonderPiece Collection, Julia Muench, The WonderPiece Shop, art quilts, quilt art, modern quilts, women artists, Birthing of Ideas, quilt gallery, fabric into art, surface design
Id: nJXI9mBLv8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 58sec (418 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 18 2020
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