Part B: How to Make a Quilted Wall Hanging

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hey everyone it's stacey thank you so much for joining me today on my channel in this video we'll be finishing off our quilted wall hanging and if you'd like the supplies list you can find that in the description below it would be amazing if you'd subscribe to my channel if you do like this youtube video and make sure you hit the little bell button so you'll get notifications every time i do a new video but for now let's finish our quilted wall hanging so the first thing we're going to do is baste our quilt top so that we can quilt it so i'll just pop that aside and i've got a piece of backing fabric here and i've given it a quick press and it's a little bit bigger than my quilt top then i've got a bit of batting that i'm going to put down making sure it's all nice and smooth and this again is bigger than my quilt top so i'll just smooth that out then i'll take my little quilt top because essentially what we are doing is making a little mini quilt and then i'm just going to smooth that out so we want all three layers nice and smooth and i plan to pin mine with some basting pins you could also use basting spray and i'm going to pin mine bearing in mind where i plan to quilt so i'm going to quilt along all the seams which is called echoing so when i pin them i'm just going to make sure they're not getting in the way of where i plan to sew you can quilt yours however you like but just bear that in mind when you're placing your pins in [Music] so now i've finished my pinning if this was a big quilt we would have started in the middle and worked our way out we would have also taped down the backing and the batting but because it's so little we don't have to be that particular so now i'm going to quilt mine i have put my walking foot on but because it's so small you really could just use a standard foot it does just help with your layers so i figured i've got a walking foot i might as well put it on i'm going to stitch at stitch length 2.5 and i'm going to echo my seams which means i'm going to come down this side of my seam and then this side of my seam on every single seam and i'll be doing the same horizontally but you could quilt yours however you like [Music] now that i've finished quilting i've taken out all my basting pins and i did give it a quick press and now what we're going to do is square it off so that means we're going to cut off all the excess and make sure that it's sitting nice and square so we'll make sure that my backing is all smoothed out and then i'm just simply going to come along and trim all the edges so what i'll do is i'll just find a line to line up my ruler with generally the line you sewed is a good one to go with i'm doing the best i can to line it up with my seam here and i can see that that's lined up pretty well to my edge so i'm just going to trim that off and i'll do that for all four sides so now i've cut three two and a half inch strips from my width of fabric now i'm going to use these to make my binding and also to make the loops that we'll be putting the wooden dowel through to hang our hanging what i'll do is i'll just pop two of those strips aside then what i did was i took one of the strips and i cut two pieces at approximately 15 inches long now i'm going to place the right sides together and i'm going to sew down either side with a quarter inch foot and you can pin if you'd like if you're a beginner i do recommend pitting but today i'm not going to worry about it then i'm just going to come down the other side and stitch down that side too [Music] okay so then i'll just cut those loose threads then we're going to turn it right sides out so i'm just going to take a pin pin it onto one side close it push it down through feeding it down then i'll just slowly peel it back at the top here and then i'll push the pin down until i'm at the bottom and then i'll slowly push that gathered bit back from the top pushing it all off and now i'll just give it a quick press so now we're just going to roll out these seams finger press them and press and we'll do that on both sides just be careful not to iron the other side we'll just stay on this side first then we'll do the other side [Music] then we'll give the whole thing a press so now we just want to cut it so we've got three four inch pieces so i'll just square off the end here so we've got a nice straight cut to start with and i'll just flip that around line it up on zero line an edge up on the line and then i'll line up the edge on my ruler and cut it at four [Music] eight and twelve discount that piece and i'll just set those aside for now so now i'm just going to join my two two and a half inch strips on the diagonal for my binding and depending on how wide your fabric is you might need to use that other little bit that you'd have left over from the third piece that we cut to make our loops so i'm going to face my fabric with the right side facing me this is a directional fabric and it's also sitting in the correct direction i can see my little bauble there is with my loop then i'm going to take my second piece and i want to have it right sides down but i want the fabric facing to the right so if i was to sew that now it would actually be upside down so i'm just going to turn that around so i'm going to place it right side down and i can just pretend i've got a diagonal there and lift it up and check it so now i can see that's sitting correctly so what we'll do is we'll line up this on a line this bottom strip on a line the top strip on a line coming down and then we just draw a line from where they meet in the corner down to the bottom where they meet then i'll just take a pen and pin those in place and then i'll sew so now i'm just going to sew along the line that i drew and i've got my standard foot on and i don't need to worry about doing a back stitch then what i'm going to do is i'm going to trim this off at about a quarter of an inch you can do that with your rotary cutter or with scissors cut the little triangles and press it open so now i'm going to attach my binding i do have a very comprehensive video on how to do it which is foolproof and i'll have the link above and down in the description if you'd like to see that video i'm going to show you how i do it which is a slightly quicker method without me measuring my quarter inches at the end and start so what i do is i still fold it in half i'm going to allow about a 10 inch tail i have cut that straight that end there and that's where i'm starting and then i'll be working in the middle here when i join the two ends so i'm going to start about here then with the edges lined up on the binding i'll just click that you could use pins and i'm making sure i'm getting all the layers now i'm just going to sew that to about a quarter of an inch away from the edge so now i'm going to sew where i put that first clip in along the edge and i'm just using my standard foot now you could use a quarter of an inch foot if you'd like i'm using this standard foot sewing it about a quarter of an inch but it's going to be just slightly generous this time i am going to be stitching at stitch length two i'll stitch forward i'll do back stitch and then i'll go forward so i'm lining up the edge of my foot to the edge of my quilt here knowing that that's approximately a quarter of an inch seam allowance and then i'm going to sew down and guess about quarter of an inch away from my edge then i'll do a back stitch i'm just going to trim those threads while i'm here then i'm going to take my binding making sure those edges are lined up i'm going to fold it over to the right then i'm going to bring it down and line it up with the edges then i'm going to just turn it around so i can see what i'm doing i'm going to pop a clip in there and i've got a nice straight line there where the fold is so i can see that it's sitting really nicely and then i'm just going to pin all the way down and clip rather making sure i'm catching all the layers [Music] and then you can just make sure that's sitting nice and flat and you've caught all the layers then i'm going to start stitching about quarter of an inch down from the edge of my quilt here and i'm just doing my best guess i'll start stitching i will do a back stitch and then i'm going to go all the way down to the bottom and stop again a quarter of an inch and now i'm coming down to the edge and i'm going to stop at what i think is about quarter of an inch back stitch and then cut my threads and i'll do that until i come to the edge where i started now it was a little bit tricky because of all the layers so you could use your walking foot if you'd like to now i'm back where i started and what i did on this last corner was i did exactly the same thing and i just sewed along a little bit leaving a nice big opening for us to work in now what i'm going to do is take this tail fold it nicely lining up those edges and then i'm going to take this side that's left over and we need to measure two and a half inches from where the tail ends down so i'll make sure it's all nicely smoothed out then i'll take my ruler put the edge on zero and measure two and a half inches because that's how wide our binding is and i'm just going to mark two and a half inches and then i'm just going to cut that make sure it's sitting nice and flat and then i'm just going to cut that with my scissors then what we need to do is join these on the diagonal so what i'm going to do is take this top piece and bring it down with the right side facing me and i will fold this over so i've got a bit of room to move then this piece i'm going to open it up and have the right side of the fabric facing down so i've got this one just like when we made the diagonal join this one's going to be coming down straight and this one's going across straight and i want to just have it slightly overlapping just by a few threads so that it's nice and taut when we sew it when we're happy with that we take our ruler and we draw a line again from where the two edges meet then i'll just pop a pin in on either side holding it in place and what we can do is we can just gently open it up just to check that it is going to work and be a nice continuous line when we're going to sew and that's looking good to me it's it doesn't fit because my pins are pulling it out of shape but that little slip so now i'm just going to sew along that line with my standard foot [Music] before i cut off this excess i am just going to lay it flat and make sure that it's going to sit really nicely and as you can see that now just looks like a continuous piece of binding so i'm really happy with that what i'll do now is i'll cut this excess off at a quarter of an inch and i will press the seams open so now i'm just going to sew along this edge to finish it off and if you'd like you could use a couple of clips just to make sure we are having those edges nicely lined up and we're catching all the layers and now what i'm going to do is i'm just going to give it a press and just press the binding back so it will sit nicely when we're folding it over so now what i'm going to do is i'm going to avoid the corners but what i will do is finger press the binding over and give it a gentle press just so it's sitting the way i want it to go when i fold it over and i'll do that to all four sides so before we finish our binding we just need to attach our three loops that will hold our wooden dowel so what i'll do is i'll flip that over and i'm just going to measure half an inch from the edge i'll take one of my pieces that we made earlier and i'll fold it in half you could just check that you're happy with how that's going to look when it is attached so what we'll be doing is we'll be attaching it like this and then it will be folded up so you could just quickly check that you're happy with how you'll see the top of the loop and i quite like that so i'll go with that so i've folded it in half all the edges are lined up i'm going to line it up with the edges of my quilt and i'm going to measure half an inch away from the edge so i just need to move that over a bit when i'm happy i'll clip it and then i'll do the same on this side take another one fold it in half i might fold it in half the other way this time so they don't look exactly the same line up all the edges measure half an inch that looks about right and then clip it in place then we need to do the middle one so i'm going to fold them in half again and then i'm actually just going to be able to cheat a little bit here because i can see where my quilting is so i'm in the middle of my quilting that looks about right to me i'm just going to eyeball it line up all those edges and clip it and now what i'm going to do is i'm just going to carefully stitch them into place making sure i don't go past where i stitched previously so i'll just take that first clip out so i can see what i'm doing i'll do a back stitch just so they're nice and secure clip those threads add any loose threads i'm always cutting all those loose threads whenever i get a chance and when you do that just make sure the binding is sitting down we don't want to accidentally catch our binding when we're attaching those so i've done the first one now i'll do the other two so now we're just going to finish off our binding by folding it over pinning it and then stitching in the ditch which will catch the back and finish off our binding but first we just need to do a little bit of work on our corners so what i like to do is just cut off a little bit of the excess of the corner not a lot because we don't want to lose a structure of the corner but just enough so it's not so bulky so just a really tiny bit off that corner then i'm going to fold this side over first folding it right over so i'm covering up my stitches then i'll take this side and fold that over and it's a little bit fiddly but that's how we get that nice mitered corner there and then what you can do is just check the back and you can push down that inside flap so that you're getting a nice mitered corner on the back too and once you're happy with it then you can pin it ready for sewing just making sure you are catching all those layers when you pin it into place because that's the best way of knowing you're going to catch them when you sew them on your sewing machine so i'm going to now go around and do all my corners and my edges and then i'm going to stitch in the ditch catching that back if you wanted to you could hand stitch the back now which is a tidier finish but i'm always in a bit of a rush to finish my projects so now i'm just going to stitch in the ditch really carefully and like i said you could always just do this by hand so now we're going to finish it off i've got a piece of dowel here and i've used one that's three quarters of an inch thick and then i cut it to 20 and a half inches with a little saw and then sanded it down if you don't have access to a saw you could use one that's thinner and then just cut it with a serrated knife then what we do is we just thread it through our loops which i have ironed by the way to help them sit up like this i gave the whole quilted wall hanging an iron i know some of you will tease me because ironing is one of my favorite things but it always helps to make things sit nicer then when we've got our wooden dowel and our loops take a piece of string this is about 30 inches long but i will trim it i'm just going to simply tie it on one end then bring it up and over and tie it on the other and then how long you have that is really up to you and what space you're hanging it in then i'll just tie it here and then if you'd like you can trim those to whatever length you'd want and then we've finished our wall hanging okay everyone so now we've finished our quilted wall hanging now if you don't want to do the binding i know a lot of people aren't a fan of binding you could always do my self-binding technique and then you just attach the loops onto the back in the little stitch in the ditch here and you can find instructions on that on the link above and i'll also put them in the description thank you so much for joining me and next week we'll be making a christmas tree skirt thank you for watching my videos if you're enjoying them please like subscribe and leave a comment
Channel: Stacey Lee Creative
Views: 179
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: how to, quilted wall hanging, wall hanging, sew a wall hanging, do it yourself, applique, how to applique, christmas sewing, christmas presents, christmas sewing projects, sewing for christmas gifts, sewing for christmas free patterns, sewing ideas for christmas presents, quilting patterns, quilting tutorial, learn to quilt, quilted wall hanging pattern, quilted wall hanging tutorial, stacey lee creative, christmas projects to sew, modern quilt patterns, modern quilting
Id: T5vcsGhSVGU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 28sec (1348 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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