Quick and Detailed Final Trials Guide - Zelda breath of the Wild

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hey how you doing the day my name is really and thanks for stopping by today we're gonna go over the master trials the first thing we want to do is eat a three up attack recipe that's gonna last us for thirty minutes always make sure to save before you start the end trials because I always thought it was so frustrating if you failed the end trials and then had to fast travel back and it just took forever just say before you get in there so without further ado let's go ahead and get started in the first floor what you really want to do is stick and moved if you stay in one place for too long you're gonna get hit by one of the arrows just flying by use your remote bombs to take out this two cob ones and after they've taken one hit and make sure to take out their heads you can just use one of their arms or you can use one of the spears that they drop after that just make sure to stay out of the range of the archer and again even just use one of your remote bombs to take him out as well there are tons of metal weapons that you can pick up in this room just make sure not to get hit by lightning in for two you're gonna use your remote bombs to take out the electric bats over on the right side of the skull they are super easy to take out just don't get too close because they do attract lightning very very easily do not run into the skull what you want to do is throw in your Rolly bomb throw in your a square bomb and then once you go in the skeletal is office you're gonna come out if you do it just right you can actually take them out with both bombs at the same time and you won't even have to fight them if you miss with the first bomb just wait into the opportunity strikes to blow them up with the second bomb for four three you want to come around to this right side and you're going to use your remote bombs on these electric choo-choos after you take out both of the electric choo-choos you can climb up the platform you can grab the knight shield from the chest and then go ahead and start taking out the bone mob lens used remote bombs to take out the bone mob lens and then keep your distance when fighting them use your weaker weapons like your Spears to go ahead and take out the skulls in total there are only five bone mob ones on this floor so they really shouldn't be too much trouble once you get close to a pile of bones they'll start to stand up throw your bombs at them and don't blow it up until they stand up and if you're looking for that one last bone modelling just look to see where all the bodies start gathering and that's where he's at floor four is one of the more difficult floors all you have to do is throw out your Rolly bomb as far as you can and then your square bomb use those to try and get a couple of the bone buck ha blunts off of their horses once they're stuck against the wall and grouped up that's a perfect time to use your bombs and try to blow a couple of them up make sure to quickly use your spear to finish them off if you see one coming at you all you do is drop your bomb and blow it up behind you one thing that I think is a cool little trick is using stasis to go ahead and pull the bone the cobwebs off of their horses because they just stay in place it only takes one hit to take them down and then one hit to finish them off check this out I feel like I'm part of The Walking Dead here they're all they're all walking slowly trying to find meat and brains brains they're really just leading me to the other bone book hablen so I can take them out to boom so often the distance there are a couple more bone becau blends on their horses go ahead and sneak over that way and do the same thing you're gonna use your remote bombs to go ahead and take them down just watch out because these ones do have electric arrows which will hurt pretty bad go ahead and finish them off one at a time and then you're gonna be pretty much done I don't know how that's going got in this little room over here but hey making my job easy and then it's off to the next floor the fifth floor is a stall knocks and they are just as easy as a hynix all you have to do is pop them in the eye with your bow and arrow and then go ahead rush them and do much of the images you possibly can use a bigger weapon like a spiked Maupin Club once it stands up I like to stay fairly close by and then run away last second using the bow and arrow again you're gonna just hit him in the eye once it goes down use that spike modeling club again to get a couple more hits in if you do a critical hit and his eye pops out all you have to do is keep dealing damage to his eye until his eyes burst if the stall knocks is coming at you and you're having trouble getting that critical hit or you're worried that you're not gonna be able to hit him real easy go ahead and use your stasis to stop them in time just long enough to get that critical hit and then you'll be able to finish them off just fine be sure to pick up all of the weapons to the drops because they're all going to be extremely useful in the upcoming floors floor six is a well-deserved break and the main thing that you need to get out of this floor is that ferry go very very slow when you go get the ferry because you do not want to accidentally scare it away pick up all the food blow up the fish little hillbilly fishing right there don't forget to pick up them fish and get rid of all the really bad weapons that you're not going to use the worst thing is when you take a weapon away from an enemy and you can't pick it up because you've got too many boko Spears pick up everything from the chest and be sure to equip your armor right away when cooking the most most important thing to remember is to cook up one hearty ingredient at a time so you get those full recoveries you can get multiple full recoveries on this floor for seven is really hot so don't forget those pants all you have to do is blow up one choo-choo two rocks and a rock octorok you can throw your rusty weapons at the rock off to rock and he'll spit it back out at you and he'll usually just hit you with it and dealing damage so don't do that floor eight is three different lizalfos that you can just shoot at range super easy especially if you get those headshots you're gonna save yourself a bunch of arrows why did this guy just dump down there alright I'll deal with him later anyway just keep fighting these guys lobby arrows over they really can't hit you very easily if you want to you can always fly over there and take them out a little bit closer I personally I just like to take him down at range because I'm not trying to get hit hard share arrows to take out the last lives office who's a little bit higher than all the other ones and then take out this last crazy guy who was jumping around doing his own thing and then this floor is done just like that I'm floor 9 the first thing you want to do is take out the fire wizzrobe off to the left before fighting any of the bad guys that are inside the skull do your best to take him out quickly without alerting the guys that are inside that skull because if they all come out at once you're gonna have a bad time and get on top of the skull and throw your bombs in over and over and over again to do a bunch of damage this is great because you're not gonna take any hits while you're up here and you can just take these guys out unless they see you then you need to come take them out as quickly as possible and if you take a hit just try to get them into a one-on-one fight instead of trying to fight all of them at the same time hopefully you did enough damage when you're throwing bombs into the skull and it's really not gonna be that hard to take out the last couple of enemies grow your remote bombs in to clear out the last lizalfos it's in here and you're gonna be good to go just make sure to rush him and take him out before he starts doing his little flame fire breath attack tell me in the comments down below if I did a good impression floor 10 has one less office that you can take out pretty easily just go straight over to them and just hit him in the face with a bunch of bow and arrow hits and then after that the next thing you got to do is worry about these moblins that across the way you can use your frost blade to hit the model in freeze him and then push him into the lava which is ideally what you want to do for me I almost got it to work but he is somehow he's surviving knee-deep in in hot lava anyway go down there take him out just be careful cuz no no the floor is lava this is where that full heal really comes in handy if you need to you can use stasis to buy yourself a little bit of time and then also you can use your electric blade to try to disarm the modeler sometimes he'll hold on to his weapon I'm not gonna lie he totally faked me out right here with this little more thing I thought he was gonna strike take them oblems weapon and finish him off [Music] there's a third and final Noblin waiting for you at the top what you want to do is use your electric weapon to disarm him and take his weapon the frost blade will make very quick work of them I wanted to push them off so bad and got so close but he just wouldn't go before you leave floor 10 do not forget to pick up this one chest if you do nothing else because this one chest makes a whole rest of the final trial way way easier so it's on this middle part of the platform if you look over the edge you're gonna see a chest in the lava go ahead and use magnesia to pull up towards you and let's go ahead and take a look at what's inside three ancient eras which we're going to be using on the Lionel's that floor 11 is an igneous Alice what you're going to need to do is use your frost blade to cool them off before fighting him what you do not want to do is jump on top of them as soon as he starts to form you don't want to do that because apparently he catches back on fire as soon as he starts to form and that's gonna hurt so use your frost blade take him down and then you can get on top of them use your sledgehammer to take him out super super quick once he hit a slam you know that he's gonna be coming down so do whatever you can to try and stay on top of igneel talus if people do get thrown off and don't worry about it it only hurts you a quarter of a heart just jump back on top of them and finish them off fluor 12 is very much like floor 6 go for those fairies and be very very slow about it because you don't want them flying away I swear that happens to me at least once every time just duck it'll make it easy make sure to pick up the spicy peppers blow up the fish and pick up any other ingredients in the room grab the items and armor from the chest and make sure to equip it right away when it comes to cooking make sure to make plenty of cold resist recipes as well as attack up recipes because you're gonna need them why do you need cold resist recipes well the next five floors all take place in the frozen tundra so you're gonna need that warmth if you use the woodcutters axe don't forget to switch back over to a decent weapon because you're gonna be fighting a couple of Aqaba ones in the cold areas you got one of two choices you can either use a cold resist recipe or you can hold on to a flame blade user remote bombs to take out the two ice rocks and then take out the frozen Chuchu user remote bombs to do your best to split up the becau blends and then from there what you really want to try to do is fight them one at a time as best as you can you don't want to try to do a three on one it's best to try to take yourself away from the archers in that way you're not gonna be taking those extra hits you almost got me there if you can get the book hablas in a one-on-one battles they're usually pretty simple to take down don't be afraid to throw your bad weapons at the enemies because if they break on their face you're gonna get that critical hit from when it hits them in the head and then you get another double damage from the weapon breaks floor 14 can be pretty tough you really just want to try to fight the enemies one at a time same as you're doing before especially cuz you're gonna have a lot of bigger mob ones towards the end of this fight go ahead and fight this lizalfos and break him away from all of the other enemies and it's gonna be much much easier to deal with dealing with the lizalfos can be really difficult just because the kind of crazy they jump all over the place they can be really hard to pin down sometimes but make them come to you and then fight your fight you can put them into a stasis and then you can charge them and take them down really easily just remember to fight your fight they're really usually one-on-one battle I thought he was gonna get me alright so the silver modelin is the last enemy that you need to take out and just sneak up behind him try to get that sneak strike if he can and if you can't that's right you can use a flame weapon to take him down but just be sure that you save a flame weapon for 416 don't forget that before you leave there's a patch of ice as a chest in it and in that chest are three ancient arrows for floor 15 what you really want to do is get to the left side of the wall in draw this moblin over to you he's pretty simple to take down just don't go over to the other side of the wall just yet you're gonna isolate the ice wizard after this and you don't want to draw over all of the becau blends as well see what I did there isolate you'll find the wizzrobe on the far left-hand side kind of near where you found the mob leg go ahead and use your stasis to take him down once he hits the floor hit him as much as you can and try to take him out without super cobwebs seeing you and of course the blue cobwebs do see you just be ready for that battle right away one of them does have flame arrows so watch out for that because it will do a bunch of damage just always keep moving you can try to isolate yourself from those bakov ones by drawing them to the other side of the wall if you need to the same tactic applies having a one-on-one fight is way easier than trying to fight multiple enemies at the same time all that's left is to mop up this last silver madlyn oh you're not a mob 'ln but komlin and then you're moving on to the next floor hopefully you saved a flame weapon for this one because you're gonna need it this is an ice stone talus I think they call them something else and in case you're wondering you can't heat them up until after he fully forms this is a frost talus and what you want to do is not jump on top of him right away just like with a fire talus because this one's gonna freeze you and that's not good do whatever damage you can before he knocks you off and then run away from his little ice attacks because you don't want to get frozen once he does turn frozen again use a fire weapon to heat him up from there that's gonna do a critical hit which will knock them down long enough for you to climb on top once you're on top make sure you use in that iron sledgehammer to just do as much damage as you possibly can and you're gonna take him out super super quick just remember that when you slam the sledgehammer down and that's gonna make him go down and I personally I like to try to jump so then that way I can float and stay on top just long enough to finish him off and if you fall off that's alright you just either hit him with an arrow or wait from legal frozen again and then use your flame weapon [Music] mentally start getting ready for 4:17 because you're gonna be fighting a Lionel and this is one of the first spots that you're gonna want to use your ancient arrows the ancient arrows make it so easy it almost feels like cheating it's just he's gone floor 18 is a last little break that you get remember go slow on the fairies you don't want to lose out on them like I did earlier pick up all of the items and then start cooking remember each hearty ingredient turns into a full recovery the break was nice but let's get back into it this next floor floor 19 is probably one of the hardest floors honestly shield deflecting for me is such a big pain if I can I avoid shield deflecting like it's the plague i I just really don't want to go down and have to start all the way over again because you work so hard to get to this point in this case I don't think you could beat this level without shield deflecting and if you have trouble with it like me just do your best not to panic pull out another shield and get ready to go you got this all right yeah there it is so after you shield deflect the first Guardian you're gonna have two more that pop up at the same time use this tree over here as a shield so that way you only have to fight one Guardian at a time all right so I'm one-on-one let's see if we can do this one and boom nailed it let's see if we can go ahead and keep this winning streak up I want to be just sick and tired of winning sick and tired of it I think that's how Chum talks right and that wasn't very good there it is next come back over to that same tree and there's a little notch in the tree that you can hide in because there's gonna be three Guardians that are gonna try and get you at the same time and if you can stay in this one little spot you'll only have to fight one this is one of the other hardest parts when I first tried to do this floor was I didn't know where to go when there's three of them what do you do hide right here by the tree and you're gonna be okay to stay calm and even if you go a little bit too early again just stay calm try to stay out of the fire and you'll be all right hey I just can't catch a break right now so I just want to show you sometimes it can be hard to shield deflect and you don't just do your best and you'll get it you don't really need a shield after this level anyway so just keep trying just keep trying and you'll be alright remember you got a couple of extra fairies at this point hopefully oh man two shields left to shields left and this is supposed to be the guide on how to do this I could skip all this and just show you how to that I did it perfectly every time but you know what I thought it was better for you to see that just because you take a hit and doesn't mean that you can't come back strong floor 20 has a guardian on the back side of the room just to your immediate right there's a couple of horses go ahead and sneak up behind them and jump on tame them a little bit before you get over to the Guardian because they'll be a little bit easier to control if you still have any longer weapons like a spear make sure to switch over to one of those because you're gonna want that extra reach when you're fighting the Guardian link always hits to his right side so always go to the left side of the Guardian and then pull around on the right side then that way you can just keep on hitting him and hitting him you'll be able to knock off some of his legs nice and easy but remember always try to keep the Guardian on your right-hand side if the gardenia does get a shot off on you make sure you use that fires in the updraft and then use your bow to stun him by getting a shot right in his eye from there just take off his legs and finish them off before you leave there's a bunch of arrows in the middle fountain area thing floor 21 has one of those really annoying flying guardians if you climb up one of the towers you'll get a really nice vantage point I like to get to the middle tower and then climb up to get to the chest this chest has five bomb arrows in it when you jump down carefully use your bomb arrows to hit the flying Guardian right in the eye [Music] once you land just run around to the back side of those pillars and hide out for a little bit you can climb up to the top and then do it again honestly these flying guardians or sky watchers whatever you want to call them are super annoying the better play is actually to use one of your ancient arrows if you hit it right in the eye it only takes one ancient arrow and then this level is over and you don't have to deal with this guy anymore 4:22 can be rough but you know what you're gonna be fighting all of these Guardians one at a time you've got a guardian a flying guardian and a guardian turret run around to the left side over towards the wall and stay away from the flying Guardian the first one that we're gonna take out is a Guardian stalker if he sees you you can either run away to reset and wait for him to get a little bit closer or you can jump down pop it in the eye and get that critical hit to stun him once he is done be sure to keep stun him with your bow and arrow as needed to make sure he doesn't get a shot off on you you want to make sure that you stay on the far side of the Guardian turret so in that way the Guardian turret doesn't try to lock on to you remember keep the Guardian stunned by hitting him in the eye and then also just keep hitting him until you finish them off once you do take out the Guardian make sure you get out of the way so that way that turret Guardian doesn't get you do your best to stay hidden there are enough items to keep you hidden from that turret Guardian climb up to the top and do the same thing that you were doing with the Guardian use your bigger two-handed weapons to do as much damage as possible because need them after this point anyway and then use your arrows to keep him stunned with the turret butting out of way there's nothing left except for that flying Guardian and you know what you're going to do this time is you're gonna use that ancient arrow hit him right in the eye and take them out in one shot the only reason you wouldn't use your ancient arrow on this flying Guardian is if you have only one ancient arrow left you need to save that ancient arrow for the next floor and that's where you gonna use it to take out a Lionel as soon as you get into floor 23 you need to start throwing out your bombs to protect yourself from all of the mob ones that are riding on horseback the most important thing you need to do is take out that Lionel right away because he's gonna be super deadly the red mob legs can all be taken out with a single bomb which is super easy the only thing is you have to watch out because they all have really powerful weapons do your best to use the trees and the walls to your advantage and if you can take out multiple oblems with a single bomb make sure to do it it's worth it even to take a little bit of damage I just realized have I been saying mob --lens this whole floor what the heck am I talking about these are red fork oblems they only take one hit anyway once they start to thin out a little bit you can use your arrows to take them down with a single hit just make sure to watch out there is a guardian turret that will try to get you just hide yourself behind one of the trees if you feel like it you can use stasis to take the goblins off their horses lay that little tissue there maybe a couple more but cob ones on the other side of the map so get closer to them still staying out of the way of the turret and use your whistle to call them over once I call them over I like to set up little booby traps so then that way I can blow them up right as I get close enough booby trap number two go the last thing you need to do is just take out that turret Guardian super easy you've done it before use a horse to be able to close the gap so that way you're not getting hit or if you really want to you can shield Perry you saw my shield Perry skills so I'm I'm not gonna do that I'm gonna go ahead and climb up this tower and I'm gonna take him out simple as that equip the strongest two-handed weapon you have and just go to town I've never had this happen where I just kept going and going and going I feel like the Energizer Bunny here he's just I'm just able to take him out he doesn't even try to find me I don't know what's going on but I like it this net this never happens normally he will try to lock on to you at least once no darn I spoke to you soon okay so I had to do is stunning with your arrow like you've been doing before once you're done with this turret Guardian there's nothing left to do except for to go pick up your Master Sword a fully charged 60 damage Master Sword thank you so much for watching this video I really hope that you enjoyed it if you're new to the channel please be sure to subscribe I have a passion for gaming and just want to share that with you I'm gonna try to put out a new video every two to three days and I'm gonna do my best to stream at least once a week if you're not new to the channel let me know what game that you want me to stream or do tips and tricks on for the SNES classic once it comes out again thank you very much
Channel: Relyea
Views: 84,728
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Quick and Detailed End Trials Guide, Trials of the Sword, End Trials, Strategy, Trials of the Sword End Trials, TotS, End Trials Guide, Zelda Breath of the Wild, BotW, Ancient arrows, Where are check points, Final Trials walkthrough, Final Trials, Final Trials Guide, Nintendo, Relyea, Nintendo Switch, Walkthrough, Floor 23, End Trials Guid, end trial TotS walkthrough, End tots guide, Zelda breath of the wild end trials walkthrough, botw end trials guide
Id: e-MiGGlThRk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 12sec (1632 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 13 2017
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