Queso Dip - Mexican-Style Warm Cheese Dip - Food Wishes

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Goddamn that looks delicious.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/iDisc ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 30 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

My face-o is ready!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Tuneatic ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 30 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
hello this is chef john from food wishes comm with queso deb that's right i'm going to show you how to make a cheese dip that's better looking better for you and way way better tasting than anything you're gonna get at the store and of course whether that amount of extra effort is going to be worth it is going to be up to you and will depend on factors like how much you plan on drinking but if you do decide to make your queso dip from scratch you want to use this very easy and virtually foolproof technique and to get started what we'll do is grate about a 1/2 pound of cheese and I usually don't film this but it's come to my attention - some of you are still using pre grated cheese which i think is a terrible idea since it's usually of lesser quality and coated with cellulose dust so do me and your guests a favor and take the extra minute or less it takes to grate this yourself oh and in case you're wondering I'm using a nice sharp white cheddar here but any melty cheese will work and sometimes I'll go with half Monterey Jack and half cheddar since that's how they did it in the Mexican restaurant I worked out in college so feel free to use whatever you want I mean you are after all the hey-zeus of your cases which by the way is a much better rhyme in English but anyway no matter what cheese we use once it's grated we're gonna toss it with 1 tablespoon of cornstarch alright just sprinkle it over and take a spoon and give it a toss and then as soon as our cheese has been successfully starched we will set that aside and we can move on to preparing the base of our dip and for that we're gonna melt about a tablespoon of butter over medium high heat to which we will add some finely minced or crushed garlic as well as some sliced green onions and I'm just using the white and lighter parts here but we will save some of the dark green parts to garnish the top later if we want and then to our garlic and onions we will also add a nice big pinch of salt as well as a little bit of ground Chipotle which as you probably know is a smoked jalapeno and we'll finish up with a little bit of cumin and then what we'll do is cook this stirring on medium high for just 2 minutes ok we're not trying to brown or caramelize anything here all we're doing is taken off the Rodge so like I said we will only give that a couple minutes before adding the next two ingredients which would be 1/2 cup of canned fire roasted chilies and I'm actually using hatch chilies here but any of your popular fire-roasted camp peppers will work as would of course freshly fire roasted chilies oh yeah you get extra credit for that and I will also toss in some diced seeded tomatoes and we'll go ahead and give that a stir and cook this for like two minutes and by the way as you might know I'm not a huge fan of using fresh tomatoes in the middle of winter but I'm happy to report this is one of the few recipes where terrible supermarket tomatoes actually work pretty well so this time at least we can include those without any shame and then what we'll do after we've cooked our tomatoes and peppers for a couple minutes is add one can of evaporated milk which depending on the brand you use will come in lots of different colors none of which will be white all right they can range from a pale yellow to a light brown but don't be concerned okay that color happens because of the way the milk is condensed which reminds me please do not accidentally use sweetened condensed milk that will not be good and what we'll do after stirring that in is wait for it to come up to a boil because once it does what we'll do is give it a stir and then carefully and confidently add our cheese and we will stir that in and the combination of our melting cheese plus that cornstarch swelling up in this hot liquid is going to thicken this mixture up and then very important as soon as our cheese is melted we want to immediately turn off the heat all right we never want to boil a cheese sauce because it will get all grainy and separated and not have a good texture so as soon as that cheese melts turn off your heat and then we'll finish this up by stirring in a nice handful of chopped cilantro if you're going to use it okay if you don't like it don't put it it's not gonna bother me at all but I do like it so I'm gonna stir some in and that's it at this point our queso dip is pretty much done except of course we have to taste it for seasoning which we are not going to do off a spoon or our finger all right we need to use a chip which have salt on them and by tasting this on a chip we will get a much more accurate gauge for whether we have to adjust the seasoning and I decided might need a little more salt and a little more heat so I gave it a few shakes of cayenne and gave it one final stir and that's it once that's tasting exactly how we want will go ahead and serve it up next are probably a whole bunch of corn chips and I hope you like how those look because those took me about 30 minutes to arrange but anyway we will serve that up and maybe top it with some more diced tomato and possibly a little scattering of green onion plus one last gratuitous shake of cayenne and that's it our queso is now ready for our face though so let me go ahead and dip in and that my friends as you can imagine was absolutely delicious and as I mentioned earlier sure this takes a little more work but the taste and texture of this is so far superior than anything out of a jar it is not even close to the same experience oh and speaking of texture is this stuff cools down it will thicken up but only to a certain point all right one of the things I love about this recipe is even when it's fully cooled it still retains a beautiful creamy smooth texture and above and beyond avoiding like a dozen ingredients we can't spell or pronounce the beauty of making this from scratch is that you can easily tell if this to your own personal tastes okay we already said you could add different cheeses but you could also have things like pickled vegetables or maybe some roasted corn or yes even a handful of nice crispy bacon but anyway that's it how I like to make queso cheese dip which if you don't speak Spanish translates to cheese cheese dip but anyway whether you're going to serve this for the big game or just any old time your craving of delicious cheesy snack I really do hope you give this a try soon so head over to food which is calm for all the ingredient amounts of more info as usual and as always enjoy you you
Channel: Food Wishes
Views: 664,491
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Queso, Cheese, Dip, Mexican, snack, appetizer, party, super, bowl, chips, spread, chef, john, food, wishes, cooking, recipe
Id: 3HyqLEoP1q4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 27sec (387 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 29 2019
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