The Best Queso I've Ever Made! | Chuds BBQ

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what's going on everybody welcome back to try this barbecue my name is Bradley Robinson and today I'm going to show you how I made this beautiful delicious Smoky cheesy Torchy style smoked queso coming up this is some cheese what I got here is some turmeric sharp cheddar as well as some Colby and that's because these are pretty much the two cheeses that they use to make American cheese where the sharpness of this cheese will be balanced out by the lack of sharpness from the Colby and we should have a very nice mix foreign but of course whatever cheeses you like you can throw into a queso you know you could just start with some Velveeta you could just do all sharp cheddar or you could throw gray or whatever you want to do but today we're sticking with the yellow stuff but we're not just making queso folks we're making smoked queso so I'm gonna throw these on the pit as you can see the pit is already fired up rocking a beautiful 275 because I'm cooking a brisket right now so no fire sequence today but on the pit we go let's get some smoke on this cheese now normally I would do a cold smoke when it comes to smoking cheese but doing a cold smoke takes forever and it's kind of a pain in the butt so today we're just going to put this on right at 275 maybe get some of this brisket Aroma on there as well because it doesn't sound good about that and because we're making cases when all this cheese has to melt down anyway I'm not worried about doing a cold smoke because the whole point of that is to make sure your cheese doesn't melt so we're gonna let this sit in here while we go ahead and get everything else ready starting by roasting off some green chilies foreign that was satisfying to watch beautiful and now into a plastic bag these go to just kind of steam for a little bit and I gotta say that is a very efficient way to go about blackening up some peppers foreign so I'm Loosely basting this queso recipe off of Good Old Torchy's Tacos here in Austin Texas because it is so good and they put some green chilies and some guacamole and a bunch of other great things into their queso and what doesn't sound good about green chili queso am I right so after I roasted these off I peeled off all the outer skin but as you can see I left some of it on there because you know it's good flavor and now I'm just taking the seeds out and now we're just gonna dice them up foreign super simple guacamole already got our avocados in there we're gonna take some of these fresh onions throw those in there as well nice big pinch of our freshly chopped cilantro big fat pinch of salt some freshly cracked black pepper gotta have some lime juice in there a little bit of garlic and some of our Roma tomatoes do I have a jalapeno let me go check I do throw that in there as well and just get that all nice and mixed up beautiful classic guacamole another thing that Torchy's puts on their queso is a hot sauce made out of Habaneros and tomato that is super tasty they call it Diablo sauce so let's try to make that real quick starting with some oil this is avocado oil but any oil will work and once that's nice and toasty we're going to go in with a whole bunch of some nice whole Habaneros and we'll just let those saute for a minute or two this is kind of terrifying because if a drop of hot habanero infused oil jumps into my eye I don't think I'll live to tell the tale and after a few minutes these are starting to take on some color so now we're going to go in with some white onion and let this continue to caramelize and once those have caramelized nicely and everything is looking absolutely beautiful we're gonna go in with about three cups of some tomato sauce this is just some canned sauce as well as some white vinegar and a big fat pinch of salt now we're gonna let this simmer down for about 10-15 minutes until everything is nice and broken down and thickened up a little bit and just like that after simmering down for about 15 minutes or so you can see this is nice and thickened up and smelling very good and now to make sure it is nice and smooth we're gonna hit it with the old stick blender and just like that our Diablo sauce is looking beautiful and now let's give this a taste although I'm a little nervous oh wow that is phenomenal definitely got a kick to it but really not as bad as I was expecting oh God it's building wow oh yeah beautiful color on that looks like buffalo sauce and now that all of our elements are ready it's time to go ahead and make our queso starting with one and one half sticks of butter get a little label in there and once that is nice and hot and nice and bubbly we're gonna go in with about an onion's worth of our diced onion as well as our green chilies our tomatoes and of course a nice little pinch of salt and just let this cook down for a little bit and once everything has cooked down softened up and released all of its water starting to get some nice color we're going to go in with some garlic right at the end and just let that toast for I don't know a minute or so just because we don't want it to burn oh God it smells so good and one's smelling absolutely fantastic it's time to go in with our liquid which today is some milk and once everything is up to a simmer and nice and steamy it's time to go in with with our next ingredient which I bet you're thinking is sodium citrate which is what I usually use when making processed cheese whether that's American cheese or queso or anything like that but I know it's a specialty ingredient that not everybody has So today we're going to do what most restaurants do in this situation and just start chipping in some American cheese which already has the sodium citrate and sodium phosphate and all the other things in there that keep the cheese from breaking apart when melting and lucky for us there's enough in this cheese to go around so we're going to throw some of this in there and that'll be enough sodium citrate within this cheese to make sure that all the cheddar and Colby do not break when melted and now that all this is melted in it's time to go in with our other two cheeses as you can see the smoker did a great job of melting this cheese and putting some lovely color on it and you can definitely tell the difference between the two cheeses pretty cool but simply enough in we go with our Smoky cheddar cheese and Colby cheese honestly they came off better than I was expecting although that'll be a fun dish to clean and from here we just need to keep this heating on a nice low heat until everything is beautifully melted and coming together now this next step is completely optional if you want to have a slightly more chunky rustic okay so you can be done right now but I'm going to go ahead and hit this with a stick blender to make sure everything is evenly Incorporated and we get some of that beautiful green chili and everything else in every bite and just like that we have got ourselves a beautiful smooth nice and creamy just absolutely beautiful looking queso gotta say folks this is smelling great looking great honestly I thought there'd be a lot more speckles in there from all the veg but it really all came together really well beautiful I think it's time to see how this stuff came out shall we can I do this without making a mess oh nope so cheesy so gooey so hot oh smells so good oh we're gonna just fill this thing up a couple dollops of our beautiful guacamole going in oh yes please one more for good measure sink that in there oh love it top that with some of our beautiful homemade Diablo sauce oh yeah some Cotija cheese for good measure got a top your cheese with cheese folks and it just looks so pretty and last but not least a little bit of cilantro and our beautiful Little Torchy style queso is done and would you just look at it folks I mean come on I mean what's not to like here folks we got some Smoky sharp cheddar all the Fixins a homemade Diablo sauce some lovely tortilla chips on the side oh I gotta dive in I gotta say folks I'm pretty excited about this one I've been wanting to make a good queso for a long time now because this is one of those things that I never really put in the effort to make it good but I think that is what we have done today let's go in for a dip beautiful stuff oh that is lovely that sauce has a kick to it but the real winning flavor here is just that actual cheddar cheese in there you know what Torchy's I'm pretty sure they're just using American or Velveeta or something but having that depth from the sharpness of true cheddar especially in this melty format oh it's so good oh that is fantastic I'm just gonna keep going ow that is some fine okay so I tell you what the hot sauce really adds a great element to it because you can kind of work around it if you're not a big fan of spicy but having it in there just every other bite solid move let's dive into the uh guacamole here shall we that's just a beautiful bite folks each bite is better than the previous bite you know I thought about putting brisket in this or doing something along those lines but just a solid well-made queso can stand alone by itself all day long and that little kiss of smoke in there is definitely welcome but unlike a cold smoke it was cooked with you know super clean brisket cooking smoke that thing's still going by the way so it's not overpowering but it's definitely there it's subtle and a wonderful addition wow I gotta go find Brooke she is a queso addict brick I made queso I like queso would you like to dive in yes I've already had the Diablo sauce and it was really good so gobble sauce is good it's uh definitely spicy hence the name all the good stuff on there oh yeah get in there I mean just look at all those toppings on there gotta love it that tastes just like it we went to Torchy's twice this week in preparation for this video because you know we had to we had to do our due diligence yeah we had to do our research I like that you put more guac in yours though they only give you like a scoop like this big a little dollop as far as queso presentations though they knock it out of the park the color of the sauce the cilantro on top the guac in there good move yeah they decorate it really cute there's just something so good about chips and queso I could eat an alarming amount of this I like how it's not overly Smoky too you can cross a line with that and I don't think that you did that's perfect all right one more I'll get you more chips all right y'all before I fill my bathtub up with queso I think it's time for the official taste test oh God now you got queso on your face though that was lame you gotta do it again oh do you just want the queso all right let's try to make some absolutely fantastic Smoky queso I highly recommend giving this recipe a try comes together really quick great thing to bring to a football game you know you could also do this many different ways Throwing It All into a crock pot bring it to a party I'm telling you you'll make friends for life but all that being said if you enjoyed this video let me know by hitting that subscribe button let YouTube know by dropping a like on this video If you give this recipe a try for yourself be sure to tag me on Instagram at chuds barbecue I'd love to see what you all are cooking big shout out to all the patreon members thank you for supporting team chut and allowing me to keep making all these videos and until the next time I see you please go cook something outside peace
Channel: Chuds BBQ
Views: 141,685
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Torchy's Taco's Queso recipe, torchys, tacos, cheese dip, best Queso recipe, queso recipe, homemade restaurant style Queso, smoked cheese, smoked queso, chud, barbecue, bbq, brisket, texas bbq, how to smoke cheese
Id: 59g_Hf1HejE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 59sec (659 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 19 2023
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