The 3 Essential Hot Cheese Dips

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the only reason that i care about the super bowl can be summed up in three words hot cheese dip today i'm going to show you how to make my three favorites from scratch the first step is going to be a gooey creamy chili cone queso dip to get started i'm going to grab one large poblano pepper and throw it right out of my gas burner on the stovetop i'm basically burning this pepper over a direct flame so that i can impart a little bit of charred smoky roasty flavor into its flesh and so that this pepper's skin is easier to peel after about 90 seconds on the first side i'm gonna come back with tongs to flip this pepper over and continue to char it on the opposite side in total it's probably gonna take five to six minutes for the skin to get fully charred all the way around and for the flesh of the pepper to start to get tender once the whole thing is deeply charred and starting to sag a little bit in the middle like this i'm going to grab it off the burner with tongs and transfer it over to a medium bowl now i'm going to wrap this up with plastic wrap to let the steam and heat from the pepper continue to loosen the charred exterior and make it more tender after 10 minutes of steaming under that plastic wrap the pepper is now fully softened and ready to be cleaned up for the dip using the side of my blade i'm going to scrape off the char if we got things tender enough those should slide off really easily i also cut off the seed pod on top and then keep scraping to get rid of as much of that charred skin as possible once the poblano is all cleaned up like this i'll give it a medium dice and i'll mention if you're not willing to burn a vegetable under open flame indoors you can sub in these diced canned green chilies this style of product is what gets used in most mexican restaurants and that's because they have good flavor but in my opinion a fresh fire roasted poblano pepper is better now to make this sauce i'm going to add 60 grams of butter into a high sided pot that was preheated over medium high heat once that's melty in goes 100 grams of onion and 15 grams of minced garlic for the onions i give them a pretty small dice because personally i don't want big chunks of onion in my queso and for the garlic i used a garlic press to get it really broken down so that hopefully it melts into the background of this sauce next i'll hit the onions and garlic with a strong pinch of salt to start to draw out their moisture and then i'll stir everything together and let this sweat for about five minutes once the onion and garlic have softened up a little bit and are starting to lose their water like this i'll add in 150 grams of diced fresh tomatoes and then all of the fire roasted poblano pepper that we just made about 100 grams for the tomato i used a lame out of season variety from the grocery store but for this recipe it doesn't really matter a whole lot how perfectly flavorful the tomato is all i'm really looking for in a queso tomato is a little bit of texture and some sweet acidic juiciness and these tomatoes have plenty of that so i'm going to stir those in and cook with the peppers the onions and the garlic for just a few minutes over low heat while i get the queso part of this queso sorted out i've decided to split this job between two different cheeses the first is a mild melty pepper jack cheese and the second is a medium sharp cheddar cheese most of the flavor comes from the cheddar and the creamy saucy body comes from the jack i've used about a half pound or 225 grams of each cheese in this dip and i'm gonna be grating both of them on the largest hold sides of my box grater once both cheeses are broken down i'm gonna scoot them into a medium bowl and then add in 15 grams of corn starch and then toss everything to coat this little bit of cornstarch is going to ensure that our cheese sauce doesn't split and or get grainy the alternative stabilizer here would be a butter and flour roux and that works well but i feel it kind of blunts the sharp cheesy flavor and makes the sauce overly heavy once my cheese is all starched up i'll move the bowl over to the stove and then check back on my veg as you can see the tomatoes and peppers have stewed down quite a bit and they're looking great so now i'm gonna add in two 12-ounce cans or 700 grams total of evaporated milk the added protein in evaporated milk really helps hold cheese sauces together much better than regular milk and it gives it a nice velvety creamy texture once that's all up to a simmer i'll turn the heat down to its lowest setting and then add in half of my grated cheese i'll stir that in and once it's just about melted into the milk i'll add in the other half of my cheese and stir that in the starch and the milk together really make the melting part of this case so pretty much bulletproof and it goes super easy flavor-wise i really love the balance of the 50-50 blend of cheddar and jack cheeses i did try 100 cheddar cheese sauce and while it was very good it was too similar to a cheesesteak style sauce and it really couldn't be called queso this sauce on the other hand is a tad thinner it's creamier and thanks to the pepper tomato garlic and onions it's more intensely flavored and i think more memorable overall chili cone queso is low impact in terms of prep high payoff in terms of flavor and for sure deserves to be called a dope dip now the next cheese dip is probably the most misunderstood cheese dip of all time and i'm talking about spinach artichoke dip to get started i'm going to grab a large saute pan and drop it over medium-high heat once the pan's hot in goes a long squeezer of olive oil and then a one pound bag of spinach about 450 grams i'll give that a strong pinch of salt and then i'll stir everything up to get this fluffed up spinach down into the pan from there i'm just going to wilt this down until the water is mostly cooked off and the whole pound has gotten nice and tender that should take about three to four minutes now once it's looking tender and dry like this i'm gonna scoot this out of the pan and onto a double wind paper towel on a sheet tray to drain it off then using another double layer of paper towel i'm gonna press this very hard to get as much water out of it as humanly possible as i'm sure you're aware spinach is like 900 water and there's a lot of it to get out of there now once these leaves are squished dry like this i'm going to flip them out onto my cutting board and then give them a very thorough chop in a way i'm trying to replicate the particle size of a chopped frozen spinach but with fresh the reason i'm using fresh over frozen is mainly because frozen spinach doesn't really taste like anything once that's really well broken down i'm going to set the spinach aside and then preheat my oven to 425f 220c and then grab my food processor to make the dip into that goes one pound or 225 grams of cream cheese 110 grams of mayonnaise 110 grams of sour cream 40 grams of grated parmesan cheese 65 grams of rough chopped shallots and 5 grams of minced fresh garlic the powders of onions and garlic could work here if you wanted to simplify this but i think the savory edge of the fresh for both really sets this dip apart behind that i'll add in 60 grams of grated cheeses what cheeses specifically well 60 grams of a flavorful aged cheese in this case a two year white cheddar but grier or age gouda would be a really good option as well and then 60 grams of a young mild melting cheese in this case pepper jack you can also use mozzarella or provolone both cheeses are going to get graded on the largest hold sides of my box grater and then half of the blend goes into the dip and the other half is going to go on top later on behind the cheese i'll add in 10 grams of lemon juice 2 grams of salt 2 grams of black pepper and 2 grams of chili flake the lid goes on and i'll spin this dip for about 30 to 45 seconds or until the shallots garlic and cheese are all well combined into a unified spread that i call cheese dip base cheese dip base i call it a base because this combination of ingredients can have all kinds of other delicious stuff folded into it to make various dips from roasted red bell peppers caramelized onions chorizo or maybe this bacon that i just got from the sponsor of this video butcher box butcher box delivers delicious grass-fed beef free-range poultry wild seafood and crepe-free pork right to your door and right now new members get two free pounds of 100 grass-fed ground beef in every box forever as long as you're a member with butcher box you get free meat in your box for life that extra two pounds of ground beef is actually really awesome for last minute tacos or meatballs when you're in a pinch and you don't have a ton of thawed meat on hand and this ground beef is a great representation of what butcher box does best it's 100 grass-fed no added hormones no antibiotics ever and it's full of healthy omega-3s the way butcher box works is super simple too you order a box depending on what meats you prefer this month i ordered the custom box and got some pork ribs a whole chicken and some breakfast sausage and oh yeah free ground beef did i mention that from there you tell butcher box how often you need a shipment of meat they pack it frozen at the height of freshness and then ship it directly to you for free so to get yourself two free pounds of ground beef in every box for life click the link in my description and sign up for butcher box look at this taco meat it was free are you guys getting this don't miss this free ground beef it's grass-fed link in the description thank you butcherbox next into this base i'm going to add one can about 240 grams of chopped artichokes i'm opting to use canned here because i think they taste pretty good and i've been down the road with fresh in a previous video that no one saw i realized that no one would make the recipe if they had to buy fresh artichokes clean them and then poach them that is a really delicious way to make this dip and i endorse buying and cooking your own if you want to but it's not the only good way to make it so i drained off a nice can of artichokes and chopped them like this and i'm happy about it next i'm gonna add in all of my drained and chopped spinach and then spin this dip one more time to get everything mixed together i'm spitting for maybe 15 or 20 seconds in total you definitely want to leave some texture in there you really don't want to turn this into a puree after 15 seconds of spinning when i pop off the lid you can see that this looks pretty delicious if you wanted to you could call it quits right now and serve this as a banger of a cold dip or even put on a turkey wrap or a toasty baguette the sky is the limit with spin dip is all i'm trying to say this is a hot dips vid though so i'm going to bake mine in an 8x8 brownie pan i recommend metal pans over other options just because they tend to get hotter and kind of fry slash caramelize the edges of the dip in a really special way that just doesn't happen in ceramic or glass i'll scoop my dip into the pan level it off and then from there i'm going to top it with 30 to 40 grams of grated parmesan cheese and then the other 60 grams of the aged white cheddar and pepper jack blend from before now i'm going to load this into my preheated oven and bake it for 20 to 25 minutes depending on how hot your oven is and how browned you like it personally i prefer to bake it quite dark so i'm going to go for 25 to maybe even 30 minutes at that point the dip is bubbling and well browned from edge to edge and when i pull it out you can see the cheeses have all melted together and there's some good deep caramelization happening in the corners this is a supremely powerful cheese dip that fresh spinach brings the whole thing together with some nice subtle meatiness and the artichokes bring in almost mushroomy quality so i say make this dip bring it to a party and post up in a corner nearby so that you can hear all of the guests shower you with compliments about how dope this dip is and how cool you must be okay last tip and maybe the best dip too i'm talking about a spicy tangy zippy buff chick dip to get started i'm going to need one pound or 450 grams of chicken breast meat and over at the stove i'm going to lower those into a shallow saute pan of well salted water that's barely at a simmer once the breasts are in i'm going to lower the heat to medium-low and now i'm going to poach them the water should be well below a boil probably closer to 190f if you're wondering hey bry why are you boiling chicken breast that sounds like a pretty bad idea well actually it's not cooking lean proteins that are skinless like chicken breast in season water is actually the quickest gentlest way to convert them from raw protein into cooked meat after about four minutes on side one i'm going to flip these breasts over to make sure they're getting cooked evenly and i'll continue to poach them on the other side for another four to five minutes after 10 minutes of poaching i'm going to use my instant read thermometer to check this for doneness in the thickest part of the breast i'm looking for a temperature in the ballpark of about 165 f and we're there so now i'm going to fish these out of the water and transfer them over to a little bb sheet tray to cool them off 10 minutes later or once these breasts are closer to room temp i'm gonna jump in and shred the meat i want to mention that 165f 75c is about 15 degrees higher than i would normally go for a nice juicy piece of breast meat but for this dip we need well done meat if we use the juicy meat cooked to 150 f when we bake the dip the chicken would lose a bunch of those juices and that's going to make the dip weirdly loose and watery once the chicken is fully shredded i'm going to go one more step here and chop the meat to get it even more broken down i'm personally not a huge fan of large shreddy beet in my buffalo chicken dip but if you are don't chop it after the breasts are well chopped down like this now i'm gonna scoot that meat into the bowl of my stand mixer and on top of the chicken i'll add in 225 grams or a one pound block of cream cheese i'll pop on the petal attachment and then i'll spin this to combine with the chicken if you go hand mix here i would recommend microwaving the cream cheese a little bit until it's very soft that way folding it together by hand with the chicken will actually be possible once the cream cheese is mixed in i'll add 100 grams of sour cream and paddle that in for 10 to 15 seconds getting all the creamy stuff mixed together with the chicken up front makes for the least grainy least broken dip in my experience buying the sour cream i'll add 175 grams of frank's brand hot sauce use whatever you like frank seems to work well for me next in is 30 grams of finely minced shallots 10 grams of minced garlic 50 grams of pepper jack cheese 50 grams of medium sharp cheddar cheese 25 grams of blue cheese crumbles 1 gram or a small pinch of salt 2 grams of black pepper and the secret ingredient which is 20 to 25 grams of finely minced chipotle and adobo these bring some additional heat along with them so if you're tender about that kind of thing i would say use half to start or maybe some in a non-spicy roasted red bell pepper for a similar flavor but without the smoke once everything's in the bowl now i'm gonna paddle it on low speed to get things incorporated for maybe 10 to 15 seconds and then from there i'm gonna hit this mixture with high speed paddling to break down the chicken a little bit more and to make things homogenous when it's done it should look kind of like chicken salad that was made with thousand nylon dressing instead of mayonnaise man that would be like a good vid actually dibs on that idea dibs now i'm gonna load this dip into the same 8x8 brownie pan that i use for the spinach an artichoke dip but if you don't have one a cast iron pan would be a really good option once that's spread out i'm gonna top with a few pinches of blue cheese crumbles maybe 20 grams or so then a blend of both of the cheeses that we used inside of the dip again that's pepper jack cheese and mildly sharp cheddar now into a 400 f 205c oven this goes and i'll bake it for 20 to 25 minutes or until the top is well browned and the whole thing has gotten bubbly and melty i know the dip's looking good and is close to being done when it's looking kind of like a bubbling red hot cheese lava yeah like that now i'm going to pull it out so that we can take a closer look as you can see it's properly nuclear orange now it's almost like cartoon food and that's how you know it's going to be sick for me buffalo chicken is the dip it's spicy it's zesty a little bit funky from the creamy blue cheese and it tastes like so much more than the sum of its parts the smoky chipotles have really done some heavy lifting here too there's just a touch of spicy smoke in each bite and that really elevates the entire recipe just beyond the one that's on the hot sauce bottle whether you go with chili cone queso spinach artichoke or buffalo chicken dip i think any or all three of these dips would dominate at whatever sports theme party that they're brought to i really hope you give them a try soon and let me know in the comments which one you plan on making let's eat this thing [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Brian Lagerstrom
Views: 1,202,974
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cheese dip, hot cheese dip, queso dip, cheese dip recipe, cheese, chile con queso, best cheese dips, spinach artichoke dip, queso blanco, buffalo chicken dip, queso recipe, spinach artichoke dip recipe, buffalo chicken dip recipe, dip recipes, queso, party dips, chip dip, super bowl recipes, brian lagerstrom, weeds and sardines, recipes, cooking, butcher box partner
Id: euGnJ5FpOe8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 31 2022
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