My Favorite Fish Soup. Made with Smoked Haddock, Potatoes, Onions, Milk and Cream DELICIOUS!

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winston winston [Music] come back with that leg of lamb i had some delicious fin and haddy smoked haddock arrive at my eating royally kitchen in dallas this week it came from stonington seafoods in maine where richard penfold up there makes the most amazing smoke haddock and i knew that i had to make some cullen skink cullen skink is a thick scottish soup made of smoked haddock fin and hattie potatoes and onions and gets its name from a small fishing village called cullen in the northeast of scotland to make the soup we start by chopping the onions i want a nice fine dice on this one and then i'm going to saute the onions in the butter it's got to be really low and slow a little salt in there too to help draw the moisture out and we want to cook the onions until they're nice and soft and translucent but no color while the onions are sauteing i'm going to cut the potatoes and i just want tiny little bite bite-sized pieces this is a rustic dish this is an old scottish housewife dish that dates back hundreds of years and so we don't have to make a fine brunoise that's the fine dice thing take the potatoes peel them i always think they're better peeled and then just cut them into little pieces like this doesn't have to be anything fancy once i've cut the potatoes though i'm going to leave them out of the water that way the starch that's around around them that'll help thicken the soup add the butter and stir it until it melts don't let it go golden brown though we don't want that nutty flavor overpowering the smokiness of the fish once it starts to soften and melt then we can add the onion now lower the heat because again we're cooking this without color there's no rush on this dish the end result will be worth the wait i promise a little salt in there too because salt draws the moisture out of the onions and helps soften them and stop them from going brown and nasty don't put too much salt in though because the fish is quite salty anyway just let those simmer away until they're nice and soft [Music] once the onions are softened then you can add the milk i like to use raw milk i love the color of it i love the flavor the creaminess it just takes my color and skin to the next level but if you don't have raw milk you can use the regular milk pasteurized bring the milk to a simmer once it comes to the simmer then we add the fish and then cook that until well until it just starts to flake takes about four minutes with the lid on bring the milk to a simmer and then we can add the fish needs to go in skin side down and then we can put a lid on the top we're going to let it simmer for about four minutes after that we'll take it off and let it sit in the milk for a couple of minutes just to finish cooking after two or three minutes of resting in the milk take the lid off carefully oh it smells amazing and then lift out the fish it doesn't matter if it breaks up we're going to flake it anyway we'll let the fish cool down so that we can flake it and now turn on the heat again add the potatoes into the milk and we're going to let them simmer away until they're nice and tender while the potatoes are cooking and the fish has cooled down a little i can start flaking it just make sure we don't add that skin in there the skin has given us the gorgeous flavor into the milk we just want chunky pieces of fish i've seen michelin star chefs tv chefs make the delicious soup add in leeks garlic fennel shallots jerusalem artichokes fish broth noily prat i've seen them using our broad smokies and smoked salmon and many other smoked white fish as well but why there's an american saying that goes if it ain't broke don't fix it well this ain't broke cullen skink is a traditional scottish dish that's been around for hundreds of years and there's no need to add this or add that to it i mean in italy you don't see you don't see the chefs there making a caprese salad and say hmm let's slice some radish into that no you've got beautiful ingredients you just put them together and make an incredible dish we don't need to boil the potatoes with the skins on and then oh because that intensifies the flavor and then peel them and then put forget that we're not on masterchef we're just making a gorgeous soup once the potatoes are tender then i'm going to take about a third of the soup and put it in the blender now for me this varies through the seasons in the in the summer i like the soup the culin skin to be nice and and light and and you know just almost watery but in the winter the cold weather imagine the cold of scotland those scottish winters where you go inside and and your face is red that's when i like it much thicker so i'll take more of the potato mix and blend it and that thickens the soup more pureeing the potatoes and the onions helps to thicken it and then i can add it back into the soup and now to adjust the seasoning i'm going to put some salt in there but remember the fish is salty so a little salt some black pepper and stir those together then i'm going to add my fish and then test the seasoning a little more salt i love the little spots of black pepper in there you can use white pepper if you want to but i just think it looks so pretty in the dish and finally well almost some cream and stir that in oh this smells so good once you're happy with the seasoning it's ready to serve delicious smoked haddock creamiest potatoes little cream milk we finished this with some flat leaf parsley absolutely gorgeous smoked haddock starchy potatoes milk cream just rich and comforting absolutely gorgeous kalinski and then finish with some flat leaf parsley smokier than american chowder heartier than a classical french bisque done right kalonskink is one of the world's finest seafood soups cullen skink cullen after the little northeast fishing port scotland skink scottish for soup absolutely amazing i've attached a link below for estonians and seafood you can order your fin and haddie thanks for watching hope you enjoyed the video give me a thumbs up subscribe if you haven't i'll see you again soon
Channel: Darren McGrady
Views: 40,904
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Royal family, Food, British food, The Queen, buckingham palace, foodie, celebrity chef, eating royally, prince william, prince harry, queen, royal, royalty, Delish, Darren McGrady, Royalchef, food, royal eats, british food, Gordon Ramsey, Balmoral, windsor castle, queens food, food network, recipes, dallas, dallas caterer, wedding caterer, corporate caterer, The Crown, comfort food, pandemic food, smoked haddock, cullen skink, Scottish food, Scotland, Culinary trips, soups
Id: shR5qHoA51I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 52sec (472 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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