Qualities Of A Kingdom Man #QualitiesSeries

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and just like that we're back what's up everybody this is part two of our quality series I apologize for the delay and I promise that every parts part 3 part 4 part 5 every part of this series is going to come out a whole lot faster the part 2 did part 1 we discuss the qualities of a good land and at the end of that episode I asked the question and I said how many of us will become tick was just this how many of us would be satisfied if we have this and a lot of people put in the comment section meet me if I could just get that I'll be content that means that my assignments my tasks but this particular episode is to the best of my capability to articulate to you how the kingdom man is better because what I don't want is for my generation to be so thirsty that we're drinking toxicity and then calling it an acquired taste nada miss me with that you were called to be kingdom and the kingdom life is better because if you don't you'll keep on entertaining the possibility of going back to that eggs speaking of the eggs you know what X is an example all they are is an example of what it looks like when you have a relationship that God didn't endorse some of us have been in the basement so long that when we go upstairs we think it's a palace and I'm just a tip thing to articulate to you you got two more flights to go boo boo there three more flights of stairs for you to go up God has better and when you don't know who you are and you don't know who he is even your preference can make you settle because you begin to say I like men like this but you're at the basement I'm like women like this but you're at the basement God has a whole other caliber of men on a kingdom level and the reason I think many are settling is because there's a famine of the kingdom man we gonna try to break that so let's talk what is the difference between a good man and a kingdom man number one we said a good man is a natural provider but a kingdom man is a natural and a spiritual provider he provides you with vision he provides you with clarity he provides you with the destination he provides you with favor please listen you have to get this there is a difference between accessories and attachments good men have accessories Kingdom men have attachments example when God was about to flip hold earth there was one person that he found favor with Genesis chapter 6 verse 8 but Noah found favor now let's hop down to verse 18 but I will establish my covenant with you and you will enter the ark you and your sons and your wife and your son's wife with you can I get somebody to say attachments you got a projected from your diaphragm I really can't project was y'all watching this you gotta put in all caps in the comment section attachments these people all benefited from this kingdom man's attachment because he got favor from the Lord that was his attachment he was attached to favor so everybody who was attached to him benefited from the attachment that he had that's the beauty of being with a kingdom man if he's attached to joy you're gonna get joy if he's attached to peace you can get peace if he's attached to favor you're gonna get favor because kingdom men come with attachments number two we said that good men are present here's a difference Kingdom men are routed Kingdom men are routed they're rooted and grounded in truth they're rooted and grounded in God they're rooted and grounded in love they're rooted and grounded in patience they're not perfect this does not mean that storms won't come and Trials won't come and hardships won't come that will cause them to bend but since they're rooted they won't break so they have this natural resiliency to them they keep on bouncing back and before anybody gets their trigger fingers and so our comment on I know this man who claimed to be a kingdom man and he stepped out on his wife uh-huh I know this man who claimed to be a kingdom and he listened just because they rock the hash tag doesn't mean they live the life God in the bio does not mean God in their life a man has to have an encounter with the king to truly change and I don't want us to be deceived everybody who rocks the label doesn't live the life one of the qualities of a kingdom man is that he is rooted that does not mean don't encourage him just because he's solid he's firm and he's not going anywhere that doesn't mean don't encourage him just because he can carry it doesn't mean it's not heavy encourage that brother if you see that your husband is let him know baby I see you and I'm thankful for the man that you are let him know the two universal love languages for men is honor and compliments next we said a good land communicates may not be in the healthiest form but he communicates the difference though at the kingdom man this is a to fall one he doesn't communicate she articulates articulate means to provide clarity ooh that's a word in itself you've been on four or five dates and this man has not provided you with any clarity on this relationship any clarity with his desires Kingdom and provide clarity they articulate with the effectiveness and not only do they articulate a kingdom man is also an Oracle God speaks through him listen ladies you want a man who hears heaven this point to be dangerous to be with a man who is your leader and he leads you off of his logic versus leading you off his encounter you want to have a man who hears God a man is no greater than his level of devotion and if he does not know God's voice devotionally he will not know God's voice directionally which means he could lead you anywhere good men could lead you down the wrong path because there is nobody giving them instructions a kingdom and has heavenly insight and kingdom and God gives him a MRI on situations through prayer he prays about things he prays about things he seeks counsel on things he listens to wisdom this is the kingdom man and I please I must articulate this takes time I don't want you to just dismiss this information because you have not seen it just because you have not been exposed to it doesn't mean doubt the existence of a thing this is how kingdom men should be Kingdom and pray in all thy ways acknowledge him that's Bible seek ye first the kingdom of God and all of his righteousness that's Bible the first thing he does is he wants to make sure am i leading this family am i leading my family in a god-given direction good men if it makes financial sense we'll do it if it looks good we'll do it it looks like a great opportunity we'll do it intentions aren't it's just he's not seeking heaven first and so therefore he could possibly entertain a distraction that looks like an opportunity next on the docket we said that a good man protects but a kingdom man y'all ready for this a kingdom man covers see when when he's a protector he'll fight things off but when he's a cover some things won't even find you embarrassed it won't find you because he stepped out and cared about himself and on top of that one way he covers her spirit is he doesn't entertain others the mouth of a strange woman is offensive to the kingdom and because he has a woman to cover he has a Sutton to cover he has a daughter to cover he covers your heart he covers your emotions he covers your back he covers your failures he covers her sin love covers a multitude of sins when his kingdom God will send you someone who speaks fluently in the language of your spirit versus having somebody that for the rest of your life you have to be a translator because they don't get it y'all don't speak the same language and on top of that this man knows how to do spiritual warfare you need to have somebody in your life who knows how to fight in the spirit some of this stuff is not natural is spiritual and the kingdom man knows how to do warfare in the spirit he knows how to bind things in the spirit I'm not trying to be deep I'm not trying to be churchy he knows how to fight at another level written in don't they just know how to fight natural problems but they don't know how to fight bloodline problems they don't know how to fight stronghold problem so I'm just trying to articulate to you that you probably want somebody who knows how to break things in the spirit versus just break things in the natural and then we said a good man takes natural responsibility but on the flip side a kingdom man lays his life down he has this outlook and may not be my fault but it is my responsibility love your wife like Christ loved the church gave himself up for her presenting himself a church without spot limits or wrinkles the kingdom man lays down his life he lays down his life and he doesn't blame you for your spots he doesn't blame you for your wrinkles he washes you of your spots because he abused your healing as assignment he views your wholeness as his assignment now I'm not saying that you don't have to be a participant in your becoming process but I am saying that he expedites the process natural men don't do that they'll blame you and sometimes you have to remember they weren't sorry when you didn't know i'ma leave that alone the last two things we stated a good man is a supporter and a servant difference when he's a kingdom man he just doesn't support he endorses and he doesn't just serve he serves selflessly many times the good men will serve as long as he gets something in return but a kingdom answers with no expectation that does not mean take advantage of him but he's not looking for something in return because he's not serving you just because he loves you he's serving you because this is just what Kingdom and do it's more about what God expects for me than it is how you treated me part 3 the qualities have a good woman my wife is going to kill that one it's coming next to redefine TV or redefine our relationships right to sleep [Music]
Views: 51,829
Rating: 4.984694 out of 5
Keywords: redefinedtv, pastor jerry flowers, jerryflowers, qualities, qualitiesseries, christian dating, christian webisodes, Michael todd
Id: d8dlNPU3R2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 35sec (575 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 09 2020
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