QNAP's Secure Remote Access to Your Network Through QVPN

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[Music] hi my name's craig i'm the technical manager here at qnap uk and today we're going to talk about our qvpn service application that we have that's available for every qnap nas that we currently have on sale it's a free application it's not built in as standard so if you didn't need to use the qvpn application it's not going to use any resources from your nas you do have to install it from the app center and as i said it is completely free so if you wanted to add it if you open up your app center and go across here to the left hand side the easiest way to find it is probably to go to qts essentials scroll down and alphabetically you'll find there the qvpn service and if you don't have it installed you'll have a little install button next to it and it's just a single click install and once it's been installed it takes a couple of minutes you're going to see the icon on the desktop of your nas user interface here so if we open up the application this application's actually in two parts you've got the vpn server part which allows remote users to connect into the nas into the nas network and it also has a vpn client option which allows the specific nas that you're configuring it on to connect to any other remote network you have now that doesn't have to be to another qnap running the vpn server it can be to any other vpn server that you have that's compatible with any of the client options that we have so we'll go through those different options now that we we can have running on the qnap now these options are the same for the clients as well as the server so the first one is one that you're not probably familiar with which is called q belt and this is a proprietary one that we created it's very secure so it's 256 bit encryption and this one allows you to set the client ipool you can specifically set the server port as well so if you're already using the default port of 443 here with another service that you already have running you can change that to anything that you want you have to set a pre-shared key or shared secret as it's sometimes called this can be really anything that you want it's a bit like a password but every client that needs to make a connection must know this so they must not they must know uh the ip address of your server and so in this case i'm just using my nas local lan ip but you'll have an external ip for your internet you have to have port forwarded the port you set here through your firewall to the nas lan ip address and then you have to know the the pre-shed key or the shared secret as well now you can limit the number of clients that can connect per service as well and you can also restrict this specific service to work on just one of the network interfaces on the nas as most of our nas have multiple lan ports this allows you to be very specific with the configuration and you can also set a a specific dns server for anybody that connects as well now cubel can only be connected to using the applications that we create so we have a cue a q belt client application we have this available for apple max for windows and we also have it for ios and android for the mobile apps as well and so that should cover most of the bases for anybody wanting to connect in using the q belt protocol it's a very easy app to use if i come over here we can see that we've got the options on our website for downloading the client for windows and mac and we've also got the mobile app and here's a couple of screenshots from the mobile application it uses the the location of your device if you give it permission so that you can map connections of where the server is located and where the client's connecting from it also gives you a nice vpn speed graph so you can see how much traffic you're using over a period of time and you can see whether the connection was stable or not and you can see how many times you've connected did it have to reconnect and you can also log into your qnap id within the application as well um so these applications can be downloaded straight from these buttons at the bottom of the page as well for key belt now moving on to the extra options that we've got so pptp and this is more considered as a a legacy sort of protocol pptp stands for uh point-to-point tunneling protocol um it's the i guess that you could call it the least secure option that we have it's still encrypted it's still encrypted to quite a high standard of um 128 bit and all of the other options do have two 56-bit options though and so you can choose the authentication type with pptp now the benefit of pptp is most operating systems out there whether it's um a desktop operating system on a computer or whether it's a mobile operating system on a phone or an ipad something like that most of them are going to have built right into the operating system an option to connect with a pptp vpn connection um so it's really good if you didn't want to have to install any extra software to use the vpn it's it's really handy for you to be able to maintain a connection that's a bit more secure than just having port forwarding um open to the nas as well if i move down to the next option here which is the l2tp ipsec it's very similar in the setup to cue belt so you still need a pre-shared key or a shared secret and again you can set the maximum number of clients and you've also got a couple of authentication options as well and so l2 tpip sec is available in quite a lot of operating systems these days so if you do have the latest copy of windows like windows 10 or you're using the latest version of mac os these will have l2tp options built right into the operating system as well now the openvpn application a server option that we've got here is different from all of the others so the way this one works is you do have to set the server ports and the encryption level again you can select high here if you want it more secure but the way this one works is once you set up the main settings here at the top of the screen you have to download the configuration file so open vpn themselves they do do a number of mobile clients um and desktop clients so if you wanted to connect into an open vpn vpn server connection you do have to make sure you've got an application that supports connections with openvpn once you open up the application you'll add a connection and that's where you add this configuration file that you can download so if you're the it admin you can download that configuration file and email it to all your users they don't need to know anything with regards to the remote ip address to connect to they don't need the server port information or to pick which encryption type they have everything's taken care of in the configuration file all they have to add in is the username and password for their user account which we'll cover off in a moment as well so this is a very easy way to set up vpn if you don't mind using a specific application to do the connections now the next option here on the at the menu on the left is called privilege settings now this is where you can choose which users on your nas can access which services within the vpn server application so when you click the add vpn users here this doesn't add users to them as you still have to do that the conventional way so if you go into the control panel on your nas and go to users you would have to add a user here and the add vpn users button only picks from users that are in this list so here i've got my colleague here which is tom jeps so if i was to go here to add vpn users it's you can see that i can add timeships to any of these specific services that i want so if i wanted to have access to all of them i could do that if i do i didn't want to change my mind later i can always go through here with these tick boxes and change them around if i needed to as well and the next option on the left is the online nas users so i've got no vpn connections currently active to this nas but if i start up a few connections i've got a few devices around me so if i connect a few of the different options here and we'll click connect on all of those so we should see three connections coming in and over the right hand side you can see the protocol each one of them is connecting in on a different service to the now so i've got one on openvpn i've got a q belt and i've got an l2tp slash ipsec one connected and there's now a button appeared on the right in red which is disconnect so if me is the admin i wanted to terminate somebody's connection i can force disconnect them here and with the option on the right so even if their vpn's trying to connect this will force disconnect them off the connection so i don't have a protocol connected here with pptp so what i do have is i have another nas configured here using the vpn client options down at the bottom so if i was to go across to this other nas that i've got set up i do have the qvpn application installed here and we'll go straight down to the vpn client options so if i go look at my connection profiles i can see that i have one configured here for pptp now adding um information here is very easy so the box is here where it wants you to input the different settings they just simply have to match the server settings so if i go over here to the pptp i can see that i've got everything matched that's here on the server for pptp i'm also set up here on the connection for it now the only thing that's extra here is the username and password so these are the usernames and passwords for the user themselves so that these would be the ones we were picking in the privilege settings previously and so i'm not going to create that cause i've already got one created now there's a button over here for connecting that connection and one of the the extra options i did just miss off is you can reconnect when the vpn connection is lost so it's almost like a persistent connection if the connection does ever drop from then as it's connecting to it will automatically try to reconnect to keep a connection up permanently if i click the connect button here we should see all these boxes start populating with information as it starts transferring data and the connection time starts going up so now that's connected if i was to go back over here to the nas and go have a look at the online nas users we can see we've now got a connection for each of the protocols that we do have available within the qvpn application now a better way to see this might be to go look at the overview screen that we started on so this gives you a bit more of a graphical view of who's connected to where um so if i was to disconnect a few of these devices that should start populating up in real time here on the screen and the lines will start changing just to show you that they are still connected so i disconnected two of the different users there so we should see them both both drop off here so that only two remain connected and so that's a very easy way to see all the different options that we've got now one other thing from an admin perspective is we do have some nice connection logs as well so if we go down here to the connection logs it shows you who's connected for how long they're connected um when they logged in when they logged out how much data was transmitted and sometimes if the device allows it um it will show the device name as well for the uh for the connection that was there and you get the same for the vpn client connection log so if i click over to this one that's a connection as well we can see all the vpn connection logs for the client there as well and as a global setting for the whole app there is event logs that show you uh different things that the admin may have done within the application such as enabling or delay disabling a service changing the privilege settings for the users so we've tried to cover all bases there within the app so that that ends the that's the summary of our qvpn application again it's completely free um please feel free to give it a try and it's a great option instead of opening up lots of ports for lots of services through your firewall to your nas this is a more secure option because you you only really have to open up a couple of ports to the nas and for the vpn services to work and it will uh then give you access to every service that's available within the nas if you if you've chosen to allow that if you're ever having trouble finding the ports because some of them do have the port numbers here so you can see the udp port for example or the openvpn port and there's no port listed within the pptp or l2tp options so if you want to find those if you click the three dots at the top right and go to the help section if you scroll down a little bit and look for the pptp or l2tpip sec we do list the port numbers right there so for pptp it's tcp port one seven two three and for l2 tpi psek it does need three ports so you've got the three udp ports listed right there in the help article directly on the qnap okay that brings the uh the video to a close here thanks a lot for watching see you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: QNAP UK
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Keywords: QNAP NAS, QNAP, NAS, Plex, VPN, qnap nas drive, best qnap nas, nas server, nas drive, nas guide, mac nas, qnap plex, qnap drive, qnap server, qnap nas server, nas vs cloud, best qnap, nas raid, qnap nas review, best nas brand, 4-bay qnap, 2-bay qnap, choose nas, which nas, nas drives, qnap 2020, qnap nas guide, nas review, 10gbe nas, qnap kodi, hdmi nas, nas drive reviews, nas 2019, 4k nas, wd nas, synology, plex nas, nas drive review, respite vpn
Id: p-XLBxaj9LY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 32sec (752 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 18 2020
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