Plex, Pi Hole, Surveillance, VPN, Deep Learning, is there anything QNAP can't do?

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[Music] okay good morning everyone thanks for joining us on the second webinar in this four part series and if you're joining us today from the uk then i hope you managed to get yourself set up for lockdown two without much trouble and i hope it's not too hard on you and don't forget if you attend all four webinars in this mini series and you'll be in with the chance of winning a two bay nas populated with two eight terabyte wd drives which will be just in time for christmas so make sure you signed up for the next two sessions and if you missed the last time out then it was a pretty good session uh all around how to securely access your nas over the web so please do check that out on our youtube channel if you missed it where you can find all of these webinars videos as well as some directly published content that we don't put out live today and should be another great webinar craig's essentially going to take us through everything you can do with the qnap nas in an attempt to see if you can overload it so if you uh if you're aware already of how much you can do on a keynote nas uh you'll know this is going to be a pretty fast session so if you do have any questions as we're going through and please hit them on the chat window as they occur to you so that we can hopefully answer them while we're talking about that topic still and so craig over to you thanks a lot tom um so yeah today we're we're going to go through effectively the the qnap app center and we're going to try clicking install on on most of the apps that we've got um specifically the ones created by keynap and we've added a couple that are not created by us so from our third-party partners and we're going to go through them all running demoing showing you that they are actually active they're not just icons for the sake of icons we're actually running them all um and the cool thing here is that everything is going to be running that i'm showing you today everything is going to be running um on this specific nas so everything is going to be on this one nas we're not running uh some of the applications on other nas um i picked a mid-range nas here so just to cover off the spec of the nas and this is a tvs-872 xt so the spec of the drives in this one i've got um eight 10 terabytes uh wd red pros and really nice drives um you know 3d active balance plus they've got the naswer3 firmware um so that you can get seamless integration and better reliability and they've got a five-year warranty which is nice and i've got a couple of ssds added into the m.2 slots and they're the uh the wd black sn750 nvmes just small ones only 500 gigs i'm just using them for a bit of acceleration on the hard drives just to make things a bit snappier for some different applications that i'll show you um so to give you a a a view of the config of the nas itself so this unit has a six core intel i5 cpu and i've got 16 gig of ram so this is the exact spec that we sell it i haven't added any extra hardware into it to make it any faster um you'll see a bit down the line i have put an extra couple of things in the back of the nose but we'll come to that and why i've done that a bit later on in the session um so a lot of this stuff may not make uh i guess a huge amount of sense that why would you run all this on one now some of the applications are very business focused some are very home user focused but the idea here is just to show you what you can do with one nas um so we've got as many applications as as we can get on it as possible running and so we're pretty much going to go through all these these apps in order that i've got them listed here so within the app sensor i've clicked install and everything that makes sense and i've tried not to duplicate it too much for example if i've got one media server installed i won't install a second one just because that's a bit excessive to do that and the first one i'll talk about is our qsync central application so for anybody not familiar with qsync central this is an application that effectively turns yonaz into a dropbox-like applications so um qsync instead of having to use a cloud provided service so let's say like dropbox you don't have to pay to work with them and so i have a free dropbox account for example it only gives you five gigs of space if you if you pay a lot per month you might get a terabyte of space um but in this example um i've got the full capacity available of those um eight 10 terabyte wd red pro drives here to play with and i don't have any subscription charges to to worry about and so with qsync here this is allowing me um to have a a laptop that synced in so if we go to the details here of the online user um i've got a user just called webinar that's added in so i've got the one device connected in so i've got my macbook air sat next to me that's connected in and it's doing syncs and you can get some basic information you can go through different management options you can choose to have team folders and so any data that needs to be shared amongst everybody in your organization or your user group you can have specific folders that are shared between everybody and as you go through all the different options you can share some things with with qsync some things without and the best thing is with the little app that you can install on the local machine windows or mac we also have options for ios and android and it can do an offline sync of the data so if you did ever have to get on a plane and you wanted to work on some files that were on your nas back at the office qsync would allow you to sync a select few folders directly with your local machine so that you do have offline access to it as well so this is the first service that we've got running so we do have qsync enabled on this nas the next one is our hybrid backup sync application so obviously we've covered this in previous sessions so i won't go into too much detail on it but one of the services i've never really uh talked about or demoed is that we've got apple time machine support on the device so i've got the time machine i've got it enabled to work with the local qts account so every user that was to connect into the nas can get their own dedicated bit of storage and so within the nas i've created a folder uh called time machine and i've allocated that as the time machine backups so if i was to scroll down here i've got the time machine and we can see that i've got um the the macbook air that's sat next to me doing a time machine back up into here so right now with just the one machine backing up i've got the one folder with everything in there for that backup if you have multiple machines using time machine backup into this folder you'd see all the different names of all the machines here in this location as well and so this this data is encrypted by apple time machines so the data is not visible between users so it is protected even though it can all be in the same folder the data is not shared between different users and so we do have the time machine service running on this as well and all the other services can be enabled as well if you wanted to backup other nas or cloud sources you can do all of that within this same app it doesn't use a lot of extra resources to do the different options there one of the extra options i've enabled in this nas is our hybrid mount application so hybrid mount allows you to mount a remote location now that can be another nas a a shared folder on a different server or it can be a cloud location so i've got two connections mounted on this one so if i was to go to the mount management on the left we can see i've got my qnap google drive account that's synced in and so there's a total amount of 100 gigs of cloud space there and i can see all 100 gigs of that capacity directly in my nas and it's also shared over the smb shares as well so if i look here in the file station and look at the left hand side menu and it's going to give me all the different options of things i've got synced and we can see that the google drive sync is there as well so even though this data is not necessarily directly stored on my computer or on my nas you can choose whether or not the data gets cached or not so as i haven't accessed these two files these two files are still in the cloud so you see that the cache status has a cloud icon next to it but i can always say always keep in reserve cache if that's a folder or a file that i want constant access to then that's what i would do with um i would sync that down locally so that it's always on the nas always updated i don't have to wait for that initial download to come from the cloud so you can force some files to to manually stay on the nas itself um somebody here asks the question mike did you create the folder called time machine or is it created automatically i created that one and so if i was to go into the shared folders of this nas if i scroll down to the time machine folder i think it's on the next page so here within the time machine if i go to the settings of this folder there's an option in here that allows you to say that this is the folder right at the bottom you set this folder as the time machine backup folder so the folder can be called anything you want it doesn't have to be called time machine and you can set it up to be absolutely anything you want you just have to tick this box effectively ticking this box turns on the apple bonjour protocol or service which allows um time machine to discover um the backup target so if i was to go here and go into um my time machine preferences so when you click on select a backup drive within time machine um you need something that announces itself as uh that the backup location um it won't just back up to any source it has to be time machine compatible and ticking this box effectively does that for you okay so we'll come out of that so that's how you do it thanks for the question there mike um so yeah this is this is hybrid mount anyway so with hybrid mount you can do this and i've also got another folder down here which is virtual um on a different server so i've got a different nas here and a different ip address to this one this one's on 50.29 this is on 50.5 so everything here is completely cached across the network so i now have basically mounted in a remote network folder into this nas so i don't have to give users access to every nozzle that i might have i could mount the remote folders off the other nodes directly into here and if we go back to hybrid mount we can see we've got the remote devices section where that one's enabled as well so that's very easy to uh to set up the different options there with the whether you want a remote device on your local network perhaps it's in it in a remote network or you want to use one of the cloud service providers that's there as well we have that as an option so one of the extra features i've got added here is q search so q search is our way to do instant searches so anybody familiar with a mac um would know that you've got the spotlight search where you can hit command and space and you can type anything to search on your local mac that's not very good when you're talking about network locations because it has to go catalog the network location and if you've got 50 mac users in your office each one of those mac users has to catalog the network location it's a lot of network traffic if you can use q search it's much easier to find content so here if i was to type something like tsh 886 and push enter it's going to go off and find everything to do with that that particular file name on the device if i want to segment it down to just images music documents pdf you know you can be very selective about when you find the results and you can also include things that aren't over a certain age or over a certain size you've got lots of filtering options and when you click on the item you can get a quick look at the file and it will just pull up just a quick look of that that specific file so that you can see it rather than downloading um the whole file so it's created thumbnails for you as well so it's very quick and easy to access anything within that and we do have some extra advanced features on it but depending on then as you go with them this may be included or you may have to go premium and purchase a license it's quite a low cost but you can get a license for some extra features but for most people the the basic included options will be enough to search for files and find things it's quite an intelligent search to go look through the different options that we have there one of the extra options running in this nas is our download station application and so this is an option that will download from a lot of different services so if you were to add a download test you can click input url or you can add torrent files so if you didn't want to download the file directly to your local machine maybe you wanted it to be downloaded it's a very large file that will take all night to download you can test your nas to do that download for you rather than leaving say your laptop powered on and then when you next log in your nas has already downloaded that file for you so here i did a few torrents uh turrent downloads so i've got a few versions of the the different linux distros that are out there so i've downloaded all those into the nas and it can sit there and it can see the files back as well um so if your computer wasn't on at all times and you wanted to see the data back this is an option to do that um there's obviously you know we don't put any restrictions on the types of torrent files that you want to add in here if you want to put them in from any source that's no problem um so yeah we've got a lot of different options then there's even a bittorrent search down there um there's a facility you can use to type in something so if you wanted to go look for an ubuntu iso file for example you can just type it into the search box and we'll go find the links for you to download that in there so download station 5 is running directly in this nas as well and that's on all the time seeding the data and you can set lots of different permissions in here so here in the settings for example with bittorrent you can choose to have different options you can set bandwidth limits on different things you can say that you only want the share time to see until it hits a certain time frame or when a certain ratio is hit as well so there's a lot of different options within here and we even support rss feeds as well so if you wanted to do rss updates from a particular site to grab any file that comes out at a specific time it will automatically download the files for you if you ask it to so that's download station uh the next option is our photo management software which is called humaji so qmaggi is a intelligent photo application and it uses ai um to sort of categorize the items that it's seeing in the different images that you've got it creates thumbnails you can add keywords to the different items so that you can search and find different items and it will also do some very intelligent things with the ai such as finding different things so here we've got different options we didn't put any people inside ours so that one's grayed out at the moment but for things all i've done here is i've just added a bunch of photos into a folder i've told kumaji that that photo is where my photos are and it's gone off and it's decided to understand different things like animals food trees you know it's it's done all that automatically i didn't tell it that these were animals or these were cattle or anything like that for example if i go into the animal category there's a dog and there's pictures of cows but if i go over here to the cattle one the two pictures of the cows are showing up and so it's very very easy for you to go and find a specific item and all of these thing tags that have been added you can use those to create albums so if you wanted to say have every picture of a lake that you've ever taken you can create a smart album that will use the ai found content of the images to automatically create a smart album if you wish as well so if we go back to the options you can also put keywords in so keywords i created a keyword for dogs so here we've got um two different options here so there's a dog in that picture and then there's a dog in the main picture and so you can create these and add the tags whenever you want so when you you're on a specific item here you've got different options at the top so you can go in and edit the tags on it if you want to add a different tag to it so maybe you wanted to add another tag like there's grass in this one you can say i want to add the tag um for creating the word grass so that's now on there and i've now got a second keyword that there's a dog and there's grass in that photo so it's very easy to do i've also created a smart album down here so this smart album is showing me um every picture that's on my nose that was taken in 2015 so if you were to edit the album we can see here album name is 2015 picks and i've got lots of different filters and i've set to be the date taken is all the way from the 1st of january to the end of the year 2015 no other requirements i've just told it what folder i wanted to go and look in everything else is completely set to any so it will pick up any image that matches these criteria and so here i've got an album that's been created uh so that i can see all the different options that's there um i see a question here from daddy uh does kumeji uh use much memory and slow down the nas it actually doesn't it's uh once it's got the images loaded into it it's actually a very passive application um obviously if you were to add in 1500 images let's say it's going to go off and it's going to be doing some tasks in the background such as generating thumbnails and trying to identify the things the places the any keywords that were in there um for example we had a customer last week that um sent me in some lightroom images from his from his separate software and wanted to know if the keywords would transfer into this software if the tags would still work and they do so there's different options that you can get different items in there and we've also got a places option here so an unfortunate incident that happened not too long ago so somebody bumped the car but here because it was taken on my smartphone there's different information here and it shows you where that incident was so from the geo tag that's on the um that's on the photo here so you can see where the item is and you can also create smart albums based on these geo tags so if you wanted to set up a smart album um that was to show you um every picture that was taken in england or a specific area of england you can very easily uh create a smart album for every picture from for a certain set of coordinates as well um so yeah that's that's kimaji it's a very very cool piece of software and very powerful as well so if you wanted to commit to putting your your entire photo collection in here you get some very useful extras added in and intelligence that that works with it um so yeah you've got a lot of different options there and you can create normal albums or smart albums the smart albums are probably a bit more useful because you can set a lot more customization on them whereas when you just create a normal album you really just say i want an album of these pictures and you go and pick some files whereas if you create a smart album uh you can get creative with the use of the ai fan tags that's there uh i've got a question here from dirk says does kumeji support live photos from iphone great question dirk not sure i will check after the session and get back to you on that one a question from john that says i have thousands of images in kumaji and it copes very well including over mobile vpn access to my house there we go we've got a customer directly on the session that's already using it in his environment um with a lot of images and says it works absolutely great really the the amount of images that's in qmagi doesn't really make a difference to the resources it's when you're adding the images is when the resources are used while it's preparing the contents and sorting the things and keywords once the images is added into kumeji it's not really changing anything you know that image isn't evolving into something else you know if it was a picture of a dog it will still be a picture of a dog in in a couple of years time it doesn't have to rescan that file or do anything unless you make a change to the file or edit the photo and so that's the software it's completely free you can install it directly on most of our now so yeah very very powerful um with the ai component that goes with it um so incidentally qmij actually has a sister app that works with it which is called kumaji core which it automatically installs in the background so actually q magic is two apps running at once so one's doing the ai one's doing but it's the displaying of the different photos and so the next one is a plex media server that i've got installed i won't go into too much detail on plex because the uh the last session in this series just before christmas is is talking about uh plex in a lot more detail um so here we've got um a few different items that i've added in so i've added a few different trailers so this is running on the the very same nas before we move on to place i just got a couple more questions um any limits on the number of tags by pitcher and total um i'll go check with the pm the product manager for you there ace i'll go find that out and get back to you after the session um i know i put 50 tags on one photo before and it was absolutely fine but i'll go and check if there is any hard limits there question from nicholas about kumaji can it cope with the same image in two different formats yes it would just be listed twice as far as i know it wouldn't combine them into one um but you would probably have that added into the system uh completely twice again i'll check with the product manager for you and i'll come back to you on that one maybe with the amount of questions here about humanity it might be worth doing a total session on humanity in the future as well just so that we've got a bit more information on it for you and so here with the uh with the plex media service i've got it running i've added a folder called movies so within the movies folder i've got lots of different items that are here and so i can click play on any of these items so here if i scroll through maybe let me just mute it down there so that's just playing absolutely perfectly directly from the nas itself so at the same time it's doing everything we've talked about so kumaji's still running in the background everything else um it's still doing every other task that i've said and the ones i've not talked about so you can be a media server you know you could have had a smart tv in the other living room uh playing files off that if you wanted to and playing video files a couple of different machines if you wanted different different tvs playing content mobile devices plex makes a great mobile app that works with it as well and so this is the blex media server and just an illustration i didn't put any of these movie posters there for anybody not familiar with with plex all i did was put a file into a folder that i've got called movies on the nas and i named the file correctly for example with tennis here i just called that file tenet space 2020 and then i put it into the folder that plex is looking at for my movies plex will then copy and paste that file name into a website like imdb or something like that and it will pull back all the information about that movie so if i was to click into it all these faces of everybody that's actually in the movie um i didn't put any of those there that's all there by uh plex scraping the content from um the internet sources and all these files here are stored directly in the nas so none of this is actually online once it's added the movie it downloads all this for local content um it shows you any related movies that might be interesting uh based off it that works a lot better when you've got a lot more movies added into plex um but if you wanted to see every movie that you have with robert pattinson for example you can just click him and it will show you every movie that you've got with robert pattinson so it's very easy to to use to use plex see we've got a question there from yemi how do you update the plex firmware on the nas great question yemi so here if i was to go into the app center you can go up here and you can do a install manually if you want the absolute latest downloads you would go to plex for the download so if i was to go here to go to plex downloads in my search you can choose to download plex from them directly and you get the much more updated versions and you can pick different nas options so if you were to pick the plex media server for a qnap you can click choose package that will actually download the um the queue package that a qnap needs to install it directly onto your nas once you've got the file you come back over here to your nas screen and you just browse for the file and upload it into here and click install it takes about 30 seconds to update the app it's very good and instead of having to go to the plex website manually if there is an update to the app when you click into the plex media server you'll actually see at the top right sort of the activity if there is an update it comes up here in this menu and it will say that you've got an update and you'll see a little yellow up arrow next to the activity button there um so it will tell you as soon as you sign into this interface if there is an update and it's very easy for you to do the update on the on the app for the for the machine there i see a second question here from daniel about plex you have a ts431 xcu but plex does not work how is that possible so you would just need a different version of the software so um if you went to the plex downloads list they would offer the download for the for the app in different uh configurations so the the plex app that i'm using is the x86 or x64 version so 64-bit um sort of intel amd cpu version and but they do also make an arm based one as well so as that ts431 xcu is an arm base now she'd have to download the arm based version of the software it doesn't have quite as many features as the the x86 or 64-bit version um but yeah you can you can generally get it for most instances if you go over to the the plex website and go to their own download section uh they might but they may have a few different versions available for you there okay so the next uh app i'm going to talk about here is our qvpn service so qvpn i covered in the session uh last time about securing your nas and different things like that but just to illustrate i've also got it running over here i've got a client currently connected in through our q belt service that's running so this service is also running in the background um so just to illustrate exactly how the nas is doing with everything i've covered so far if i was to go up here to our resources panel we can see that i've only got 43 percent of the ram use and the cpus very little being used there that's with everything that i've got running on it so it's actually not doing too bad with all the different options that we've got now we're going to start moving into some of the heavier apps the ones that really make a dent on um the cpu usage and especially the ram um so the first one here is our qvr elite application uh you may be familiar with our qvr pro option a qvr elite is the sort of next iteration that we've we've got um it's a bit more efficient than qvr pro so instead of needing four gig of ram to run um we've done a lot of efficiency updates with the the mongodb that powers the back end and so now you only need a announcement two gig of ram which should allow us to open up this software our qvr software to work on non-intel or amd nas as well now so the the arm base now is the lower cost and i should now be able to use this um the only difference really is qvr pro is perpetual licensing and it's subscription based licensing over here for qvr elite um but the prices are pretty good so if you wanted to go check out our software store we've got some different licenses up there um so within qvr elite i've got two cameras added so i've got two free licenses so i've got the two cameras added so if i was to open up the uh the client software which i've got over here and log into this nas um we can go and have a look at the sort of live view from these two cameras so here we'll just connect them so i've created a view of all cameras so i've got the two different cameras that i've got so i've got one looking at the front garden another one in my office window here looking out and so here with this one because i've got this one selected and it's a ptz a pan tilt zoom camera so i can sort of change the angle of it so i can move it to the left uh i can move it to the right or i can do some pretty pretty intense zoom options on it as well so if i wanted to zoom all the way into something in the distance you've got a lot of different options there that you can use within the camera so this is all built within the interface and if you want those controls directly on the on the image you can also have those controls directly within the screen as well so you can really get some pretty good accuracy done though within the um within the point and the zooming different options that we've got there so very very good very powerful option but this is the qvr software it looks very much like um the qvr pro software it's just a bit more efficient the client software here is absolutely identical the only thing that changes is it just says qvr elite at the top left if you've logged into a qbr elite machine and somebody you're asking uh so jerome is asking does it does qvr elite support qvr guard and the backup mouse yes it does so you can add qvr guard to either qvr pro or qvr elite that's the same component that hasn't changed um there is no cost for qvr guards so if you do happen to have a second nas and you want to use our qvr guard software um so should your main recording solution go down qvr guard will take over um yes it does fully support that i haven't got it added on this one but yes it does fully support that and so that's our qvr elite software so this is also running directly in the nas as well at the same time as everything else that we've got and so the next one i'll talk about is container station so container station is really the place where you can add different functions into your nas and perhaps if we don't have a built-in app in the app center for it and so for example here i've got a minecraft server running directly on this now so minecraft you know one of those popular games um we don't have an app to run that natively in the nas but here you can you can run that in in the nas if you want to and it's so easy to set up you you literally create click create over on the left you search what you want so if you were to search for minecraft up it pops and you click create and it will go off and install it you can click into the item and it will give you things like the default passwords and things that you need to access the server um but you can change those after you've set it up but this is a really easy way to add some different items in there and so the top one here is i've actually got a wordpress website running so it actually gets added as two separate containers one is the back end database that powers it and the front end the web admin screens is powered by a different one so if i was to come over here to a new window and go to the wordpress site that i've got running so here's a fairly basic wordpress site that i've got adding on to the now so i haven't really put any content on it but that's the the main nas and if you go to the slash wp admin on the end that's going to take you to the back end where you can control all of this so anybody that's not familiar um with running blogs or anything like that this is a great way to run blogs or a website you can even do things like e-commerce in there so this allows you to run it so even if there isn't a native app and our qts based now is have a native app so you didn't have to run that in a container if you didn't want to so it's a bit easier to set up the other way but yes there is there is different options there i see we've just got a couple of extra questions here about qbr elite so josh is asking what exactly is qvr elite um it's what we would call a an nvr software or a a content management solution for your cameras so it will allow you to have ip cameras and it does the recording of them and you can configure different items like motion detection events and how long you want the cameras recording for things like that another question from jerome is there a easy migration from pro to elite um the licensing can't migrate across so if you've already got licenses no but if you your cameras are currently working on qbr pro the exact same supported list of cameras will work on elite so with pro for example you got eight free cameras up to 14 days recording and so if that was fine you can move those over to elite um just just be one that you want to get two free licenses with elites you get eight free with qvr pro and it's subscription based lighting but they are quite low cost so yeah very easy um somebody else here is saying you support the unified controller um are the unified cameras natively supported in qvr so not natively supported no not directly but that would be really down to unify they don't have a certification method let's say of adding different cameras um so if you were to add different cameras in the in the list um we do have a couple of ubiquiti networks cameras there i can add another one there so to illustrate uh but yeah the the different um cameras that are added by them you can still make them work you just have to add them um with a with an rtsp stream so when you add the camera you would have to add it as a generic so generic model [Music] and then over here you've got generic rtsp so with this one you just have to make sure that you put the ports in correctly so you need to get the rtsp you url you can usually get that from the unify forums usually doesn't need a username and password to access it you just have to match the port and the url and you can add the unified cameras into here but they won't be added as a unified branded model on the left hand side but they do work you can add them and there's a there's a video on youtube i think the guy is called crosstalk solutions he's actually done it on one of our nas and it worked just fine okay so question from john just asking to quickly demo pothole so great spot there john in the container station i did have our pie hole solution there so if i was to access my pi hole that i've got running on the network here so pihole is a dns filter i'll type the wrong ip it autofill too far here we go so this is the the pie hole that i've got running so pie hole is a dns um filter if you like so on my network here um i have every machine with the dns ip address pointed to 192.168.50. so if i was to illustrate that and i go over here to my network interface and go look at my interface we can see that the dns server is set to the same ip address as the pi hole so any dns request that i do is going to go to the pie hole first and the pie hall has got um domain lists added into it of things that are approved or not approved to be accessed so for example if i was to go do a a google search on one of our products so let's have a look at the actual product i'm testing with here so we can see here i can see that there's a few here that are entitled add so if i was to click the actual product page for qnap that's going to take me directly to the qnap page that's going to be allowed and that will work i'll click it just to prove it and so that's come through directly to our own website and i'm able to access it but now this ad here say ebay or one of our partners that's selling our nas or broadband buyer here at the top if i was to click on this link because it's an ad it doesn't go straight to broadband buyer it's going to go viral google ad services so when i click on it it says i can't connect to the server so if i ever did really want to click on that i can come to the pie hole here i can go to the disable option and i can just disable the pie hole for 10 seconds so if i was to go back over here go back a section and now click on it now the google ad services link is working and it's now letting me through and when i go back to the pi hole after the countdown is finished it's now re-enabled so now if i was to go back and click on one of these ad links again let me click on the ebio one this time maybe there isn't a track link so that one worked but there was no ads that popped up so that one was okay but that will let you to go through the the dns filter option so this is a really great option and the best thing about this is because you can't do things like um ad blockers and pop-up blockers on mobile devices sometimes especially if you say play in a game and it's full of ads and the best thing about this is if your mobile device is on the network and it also has its ip address set to the the pie hall for dns pass-through options it will also block all the ads on your mobile devices so it's a really great option it's completely free and it's very easy to set up as a container directly on the nas and it uses almost no resources to do that as well hopefully that covered it for you there john um got a question here from yemi is there any disadvantage to using nas hard drives only for all these apps along with the qvr nvr software is there any disadvantage to using nasa drives no you can use nas hard drives for doing anything within the mvr software they're good but there are different options if you were using your nas um specifically for just doing surveillance applications the drive makers like wd do a range of drives called purple um which are dedicated for doing um cctv applications so they're a bit more suited to doing the the constant read writes that you get from having a lot of cameras that are added on and but not drives will work just great for that application if you're using it as for other things but if it is primarily being used as a cctv server um you may want to consider something like a dedicated purple drive okay is there any other questions here um somebody's asking is there any way i can see previous webinars i used qnap for time machine backup and it saved my sanity on more than one occasion yes laurie you can go if you just do a google search of qnap youtube channel you should see two results there and the uk one is where we put up our webinars but we do have our parent company um based in taiwan who produces a lot of good content from the product managers that's also there on their own youtube channel as well um yeah so i see a second question i'll come back to you on that one geo that's not really related to this session but i'll come back to you and get in touch with you about that one okay so now we'll move on to the next thing so we also have in this device i said at the start of the session i added an extra card into the back of it so the extra card that i added in is actually one of our wi-fi cards so in the pci express slot in the back of the unit i added our qwa ac 2600 and we can see i've already got a wireless network set up on that so if i go down here so my nas has antennas sticking out the back of it so this is transmitting an access point so i created an ssid i created a password for it and i've set this one to just be the five gig network i've set the channel and you can see i've got a client connected down here for about 18 hours so that one's connected signal quality is fantastic adding access points to your nas is very easy so if i click on the add access point option at the top it's going to look for any available network adapters you have so i can see that the 2.4 gig antenna is available so if i was to click next you really just have to type in the password and the ssid and after you can choose what channel you want once it's created so it's very easy to add another wi-fi network into this and our card does uh concurrent wi-fi so you can do 5 gig and 2.4 gig at the same time um or you can have them completely separate you can have them on the same ssid you can have separate ssids you can completely choose how you can figure that yourself and so this is an option that we've got so on top of everything i'm doing you know plex servers qsync and time machine backups um download station for downloading torrents um qmagi managing your photos mynas is also a wireless access point so there's absolutely loads that you can do with the nas especially if you add an extra piece of hardware into it there as well and this nas also happens to have hdmi out so on the hdmi outs and i'm going to have to do this a bit weird because i can't show you the hdmi out any other way so if i go into the settings here and i click to open i'm able to do a remote connection to what you would see if you connected the hdmi out of this nas to a tv so perhaps you have an older tv maybe that's not a smart tv and as long as it's got a hdmi video input if you connect the qnap up to that hdmi output you're able to see a bunch of different apps that we can install so here's a selection of the different apps that you can add and onto the hdmi output some of them like hd player will allow you to connect to the media servers you have running on your nas so that you can play the video files music content whatever you have and we've got different options like libreoffice libreoffice is a bit like microsoft office it's just free mainly for linux if you were to connect a usb keyboard and mouse to the qnap you're able to interact with this screen on your big tv screen as if it's a computer and compose office documents and do different things like that or simply open up the web browser and browse the web so here we go we've opened up the web browser we can go through and we can see all the different things you know it's very responsive web browser that you can use for the network and so yeah you can have a nice smart tv option directly on the tv and it especially works well if you connect a usb keyboard and mouse onto the onto the device so this is effectively what you will see on the hdmi output from that nas so whilst doing everything else that's also an option that's built into it so one of the last applications i'll talk about is note station so with note station before i move on let me just check if there's any other questions um is it wi-fi supporting mesh was a question from jerome and if you had our new network adapter yes so we've got a wi-fi six option that's coming out soon um that would be able to use that as well so yes you've got a lot of different um options there with the wi-fi you don't have to use a qnap one as well we have different options that you've got i've got a question here from mike saying can you add a tv card to the nas um sort of yes um i'll show you at the end mike um actually will i i'll probably hold off the tv card question to the nas for the plex session we do just before christmas and so i do have a tv tuner hooked up to plex on on my other nights but i'll show that in the session um toward christmas there okay and so here with note station so note station is um a very good collaborative tool for multiple people to collaborate so if you have any familiar familiarity with um something like google apps that they have where you can create spreadsheets on google drive things like that that lots of people can access this is like that but it's directly on your own as and in my opinion it's much easier to use um so here is a note that i created for our new ts-h-2490 unit and so down here i've embedded a couple of hyperlinks so you can click on these and it will open up the products page so it's an interactive note that you can click on do things i've also added different some tasks here so yesterday i was dropping the unit off to a journalist so i did that and we took some photos and screenshots for some social media and then i've got a couple of other options so once the 16th of december happens and i go pick the unit back up i can come back in here and i can check that box i've done that task and once he's published the review i can tick that and say we put it up onto the the network as well i've added a few different photos so the photos are very easy to edit as well so if you click on the photo there's an option up here where you can just draw things so say you wanted to put an arrow maybe you wanted to put a text box next to it so you can put a text box and say test and then you can drag the text box up so that it matches wherever you want the arrow to be go back and move the arrow to somewhere else so it's really easy and once you've done that you just click save and it's now going to embed that new update that you've done directly into the document so it's really good for keeping track of projects so collaborating with colleagues so if i was to click the info option on this this note so if i go over here to info and the admin uses the owner and i've also added the webinar account as a collaborator so they can log in and they have edit access as well so they can go in and change the different options that's there and down a bit further i've also embedded in the youtube video link so these play directly within the window as well so that's directly playing straight within the within the session so that's a very easy way for you to keep track of everything to do with a specific project that you're working on um see we've got a question there um from mike can you do notes on a phone yes we have a application for notes that works on android and ios and there's also an extra um that you can have for google chrome um so the plug-in for chrome you can um say copy and paste something on a website and you can paste it directly into a note using the plug-in for chrome which is quite cool as well and so there's different options there but note station three here is completely free um this is just a selection of things that you can do with it um you've even got snapshot options up here so if you wanted to snapshot this it keeps track of who made updates when down the left hand side but if you wanted to snapshot the state of this you can take a snapshot and it should say successfully snapshotted note you've got a snapshot manager if you wanted to go in and set it to auto snapshot the um the notes so automatically back them up as often as you want you've got different options to do that as well and so yeah very easy i've got a question from rob saying i've added two ssds to my ts351 i'm not sure if it's configured right um i'll email you after the session rob um maybe get some screenshots off you so i can see how you got it configured and then i'll see if we can improve on that um so somebody here uh uv probably saying that wrong sorry um is asking what is the best way to end the apps or processes so that's a good question and so if you ever wanted to quit an app let's say if you come into the app center and you'll see a lot of different apps that we've got installed here if you ever wanted to stop one of these do the little drop down blue arrow next to the app and then there's an option to stop it on some of the apps there's also an option to migrate it so if you've got multiple volumes on your qnap and perhaps you want an app like one that runs our virtual machines you wanted that to run from um your hard drive volume onto your ssd volume so it works faster you can migrate it between volumes on some of the apps some must be on the system drive but some you can move around as well um so there's an option here from dirk what format does note station three save its files in so it is something proprietary in the nas but what you can do is you can export the notes so when you're in note station you're looking at a note you can export it and you can export it out as a pdf if you want to so if you ever wanted to save this out as a pdf or anything like that that is an option that you can do so exporting the notes is very easy to do as well so if you ever did want to do it or you can even share the notes out to somebody else as well there's lots of activities you can even encrypt the notes if you want to encrypt them so that nobody else can access them without a password but yeah there's a lot of different options here printing them lots of options so yeah there's a lot of options you can do there within within note station a question from jerome about is there a way to migrate your notes from let's say evernote to notes and vice versa um good question i will ask i've not seen import options so i will check if there's a way to do that for you jerome i'll come back to it um so now i guess for the the grand finale after everything you've seen that's running on this nas so all the different apps so the way i've counted it that's about 15 different apps i've demoed we've also got some extra services that are running you know i've got the antivirus software running in the background and the web server is obviously running as well for things like running the wordpress environment that we have um there's so many different things i've even got an extra media server running there a dlna media server even though i've got plex running i've also got this running on this as well on top of everything that we've gone through we've also got our application called virtualization station now virtualization station is a way to run virtual machines directly in the nas so i've allocated here six cores of the cpu and one gig of the ram to a vm for ubuntu so if i was to click into here and click start now i'm making the same nas i haven't ended any other services everything else is still running in the background so all those other services that i've got running are still there it's still being in ours it's still able to back up laptops share files and backup other nas is backup cloud sources but it's also now running a copy of ubuntu directly in the nas so that's running another operating system so not just our nas operating system it's now running a full copy of ubuntu directly in the nas that you can interact with and use so that's fully usable as a as a proper computer if you wanted to you can even output these vms that are running in the nas to the hdmi output of the nas so if you connected a usb keyboard and mouse you could have a nice little development workstation or a pc for your children something like that that's a really good option that you can do now on top of that i'm leaving the ubuntu one running but why don't we just go ahead and fire up a copy of windows 10 as well in the same nas so whilst running all those different tasks and services that we've done within the nas i'm now asking it to run two separate virtual machines and not just lightweight linux ones this is a full-blown copy of windows 10 that's booting up now and it boots up pretty quick considering everything else that's running inside that nas all the different applications that we have that's now got two separate virtual machines running so just to illustrate while that's booting up i didn't close ubuntu that's still running there in the background and so the linux operating system is still running um directly in the background whilst i've got some virtualization station with windows so there's my ubuntu and over here is the windows 10 that's logging in so yeah very very powerful um got a question from laurie i would like to access and try linux do you have any websites that could help with this please um i can send you something after the session lorry um if your now supports um virtualization station it's incredibly easy of course windows wants a wizard or an update there we go um somebody else asking here is john's asking does the web server need to be running to allow for managing the nas in the web browser no that's completely different the the web browser service in the nas control panel is for the web server running on port 80 the nas interface runs on port 8080 and is a completely different service somebody's saying can you transfer a windows os running in parallels uh to a vm on the nas yes you can do that uh dirk you can transfer a windows os um from parallels or something like vmware workstation there's another one i forget the name of the other one but yes you can you can do them the only thing we would ask is so if i was to just close out of these two vms i'll leave them running um is when you go to an importer vm and there are some options here so it must be an ova ovf vmx or the qnap one qvm as long as you can export it from your other hypervisor in one of those formats we can import it directly um into our hypervisor that's running here as well um so yeah those two are running now if we go and look at the state of this resource monitor we can see we're only using 19 of the cpu and 63 of the ram so there is still room to grow i could fire up another couple of vms install another 10 apps there's a lot of capability left and as i said this nas isn't necessarily the absolute top spec it's not the lowest cost one but it's right in the middle there a mid-range nas with the six core i5 so very very powerful um device if you add all these different services you've really got a lot of eggs added into one device you know you've got a lot of different functions that it can do for different options that you might have somebody here is asking mike the pie hole you were running in a container is that the same as a vm you're showing now no so containers are like lightweight vms every container that you run um a lot of them would have a shared resource for example if you were to run one copy of linux and install 50 applications on it well there's no duplication there between the applications as such because the linux environment it's running in is shared between all the different apps but if you were to run one copy of linux and then install one app and then install another copy of linux for another app you're now running two copies of linux which is quite inefficient so container station is effectively the base linux environment and the dockers or the containers that you add in there like pi hall like the minecraft server they're just like apps that get installed but they're completely separate from everything else each one can have its own complete separate ip address and settings they're they're not linked to each other at all so it's a it's a very easy and lightweight way to to add different apps um somebody's saying is there any tutorial to set up pie haul on docker on container station um if there isn't ace i will create a couple of steps for you to do it it's really quick and easy to do i did it for my colleague in about three minutes i think a few months ago it was very quick and easy to do somebody here is asking can i duplicate my current windows laptop as a virtual computer to qnap virtualization station you can you would need a tool to to basically do a physical to virtual conversion um of your operating system uh we don't supply that tool but i can i can send an email after the session there so that you've got uh got that information uh what software would you would use to do that someone here is asking can you add gpu support to virtualization station um if you use design software you can enhance with gpu passthrough fantastic question yes you can so there is different options that you can do within um the virtualization station but yes um in others over here where is this oh i can't do it on this one because this one's already got a gpu built into it if i had an unused gpu there's an extra menu over here for the gpu if i was to go into a vm let's have a look at the vm go to the settings on it there is options to add pcie things like gpus and options into it it won't let me change the settings while i'm in here but yeah there are different options that you can add so once you've got a spare gpu there'll be an option down here that you can add it so over here on video i've got type vga but there'd be another option down here if you wanted to add a device so you can add a device the device can come from a pcie location and you can add it so yes you can do gpus dedicated to a virtual machine if you wanted to some other questions is it possible to make a cloud backup of the time machine backup file with hps3 and technically yes you can because it's just in a shared folder so you could create a hybrid backup sync 3 job for the time machine shared folder to back it up to the cloud if you wanted to yes and somebody said dlna i saw your running plex is it easy to also use itunes and sonos uh yes so sonus just needs a dlna media server and for itunes we have an itunes app that you can add uh mike's asking can you share the setup of a python yes so was i'm doing that for ace i'll do that for you as well mike okay thanks for your email there johan and john wants the pile manual no problem at all i will send that across to you all as well okay i'll hang around just for a couple more minutes see if there's any other questions um but yeah if anybody wants um wants to ask any other questions after the session you can email us at uk sales um and in a couple of weeks we've got the next webinar which should be about our enterprise desktop with a performance demo which is pretty cool to see one of the new desktops um that i haven't even seen yet so hopefully that comes on time and the last session before christmas will be on um how to use plex in a lot more detail really everything you need to set it up on a qnap nas um so that the start of the session will be without plex installed and i'll add plex install it configure it set it up and you can see the process it goes through about adding files and different different content to it as well so that'll be a good one uh geo about the question about qgd um i see your question i'll i'll export a report at the end of the session and i'll i'll come back to you after the session don't worry i've got your email address um and uh another question let's say yes there's a youtube channel the official qnap uk youtube channel i don't know the link off my heart but if you just do a quick google for um qnap uk youtube it usually comes up for me when i uh when i go there so yeah you've got the option here that you can go and then all the uh the webinars and sort of videos that we've done so far will appear in this list so that the webinar we did from a couple of weeks ago is there uh so yeah you can go through and have a look at all the the different webinars that we've got and some ad hoc videos that we've done as well okay uh tony's asking a question about q filing no i didn't do q filing in this session tony it is installed so just as a reference that is one extra app that's installed it's just i don't have any rules created in it but q filing is a a really good tool that allows you to automate tasks on the qnap so you can set rules here such as um maybe you've got a folder called upload where you've got some customers uploading files to you you can say that if a file gets uploaded into this folder i want you to move it to this folder that's private that's not open to the outside world um you could have any file that's older than three years old please delete or archive off to this location and there's a lot of different options it's a very powerful application q firing but yes that's in there as well um it is running in the background so i guess that makes it even more impressive there is another app i just haven't created any rules within it but i did have it installed and maybe we'll it will include q filing on a on a different session there's a lot to cover in q falling so i just didn't have time for this session uh yes john i'll send you the email as well okay i think we'll we'll probably end it there um i'll export a report after this session so i see everybody's questions if there's anything i didn't answer i'll send you an email directly um i think a generic email will come out i think we might be sending the pie hole uh questions out on the the generic one for everybody because everybody seems very interested in that um so yeah give me some some time just to create that if i can't find anything that's sort of ready to go i'll just i'll just create a one pager it's really quick and easy to set up so it should be easy for you to do that okay thanks a lot guys and see you in the next one in a couple of weeks [Music] bye
Channel: QNAP UK
Views: 12,431
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NAS Server, AI deep learning, NAS AI deep learning, nas Facial Recognition, NAS Photo Management, NAS Photo Manager, QNAP facial recognition, QNAP NAS, QNAP NAS Drive, QNAP NAS PHOTOS, QNAP QuMagie, QNAP QuMagie Photo, QuMagie, QuMagie NAS, HS-453DX, qumagie review, qumagie guide, docker, PI Hole, ad blocking app, how to block ads, download station, network attached storage, nas, diy nas server, home nas server, raspberry pi nas server, plex nas server, storage, synology nas
Id: ecF4hNhiEC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 37sec (3457 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 05 2020
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