QNAP TS 230 NAS - First Time Setup Guide

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[Music] hello and welcome back and today I want to talk you guys through how to set up your new TS 2:30 qnap nas for the very first time but before I go any further there are a few little disclaimers to throw out there early doors first and foremost this video is being recorded during self isolation and lockdown and the widespread Coe bid isolation that is taking place all around the world so consequently I am accessing this Q net now is here remotely from my office in where its location is somewhere else in the country so I am using a couple of different ways in which to access this device remotely in order to set it up generally when you set this device up for the first time for yourself it'll be in your local area network and you'll be able to set it up a great deal easier than for me so I'll let you know if there's any little steps I have to introduce just for my own personal setup that you won't have to consider the next thing to bear in mind is this video there is none focusing on the ts2 30 year is because although there are lot of qnet nas and the setups the main way you would set them all up from day one is very very similar this noise is very much a budget solution and chances are the majority of people that buy this device have never had an ass before even if you have and an ass before this chances are you've had one for a number of years and this is a small upgrade consequently you may not know how to set this up so although the steps will be gonna go through today apply to largely any QNAP now as I'm focusing on this device for this video because the target audience for an hours like this may not be too clued up on that last thing the steps in this video take place after you have physically connected to now so what that means is that you've unboxed this man's device you have connected a LAN cable here on the rear in this area to your router for internet from your internet service provider or a switch and you connect to the power cable to the base of the device here using the power cable included with the device on top of that make sure you have installed two hard drives all one hard drive indeed inside the device is a SART a hard drive you will need at least one drive to finish this installation so make sure you've installed a hard drive inside the device and you have connected those cables that we've just discussed there on the rear the last thing you need to do is make sure you've downloaded this tool here queue finder Pro is completely free from QNAP and you will need it in a little bit to find the device on your network it's available for a bunch of platforms you can see here you can even do it within just the web browser on its own - there's lots of ways to do it there so make sure you've got that tool downloaded and installed so back to this once you've connected that device and connected the cables and the power and install the hard drive click the power button there on the bottom and then leave it for about three to four minutes for the device to spin up you'll know when it's ready because it will beep so the next thing you need to do is make sure you're using a computer that's on the same network as the nests in caveman speak that means make sure that the NAT and your PC or laptop or MacBook or whatever is on the same internet connection typically that means they're gonna be on the same network so once you found them on there make sure they're on the same network open up that queue find a tool we've just discussed you can see here it here on screen as you can see here from screen I've got three naz's here on my local area network I happen to test quite a lot of nasus but on your screen you're not going to be seeing anything here so the first thing you need to do is click this icon right here and this will refresh the available list of nasties in your local area network and it should find the Nazz in question now as it finishes scanning the area it will notify you if there is an AZ in the network that is not initialized that will be your nat you can either click yes here to engage with it or just double click here on the screen for now we're going to click NIT yes it opens up a new tab in your web browser as you see here this web browser here will let you set up the device for the very first time the first thing you're going to need to do is install the firmware in this case it's QT s 4.4.2 otherwise it will ask you to scan the internet for a new copy of the fer when that will be done automatically in the background generally most keynote nurses arrive with a copy of the firmware included with the device but as the firmware for most of these nice brands is constantly being updated to stay ahead of any exploits and making sure your data safe there may be a newer version available for now I'm going to click start to download the latest firmware onto this now so in order for the installation of that firmware onto the queue not TS 230 now as you can see it's mentioning here about the warranty service and the majority of keynote Nazis will arrive with two years of warranty but you can register for an extension to your warranty as you can see here on screen I'm not going to do that now but it's a definitely an option for you moving forward if you want to extend the lifespan and coverage of your QNAP product here on the smart installation screen we begin the installation of qts and the operating system entirely on this now click smart installation guide and it will begin the installation first thing we need to do is name the nas and you can see here on screen we're given the ability to name them out I'm going to call this 2:30 test because I will be using this nas for a few videos moving forward next we have to add a password and I recommend installing a password that just safe as possible again you will I would recommend using something alphanumerical and if the device gets reset to default it's worth remembering the device that gets reset to default can be logged into with the password being the MAC address this is not the default password but can be reset to that at a later time if you need next click Next and we can move forward here we can set the time zone with the devices based and obviously this will be largely based on the region you find yourself in or it will scan the internet to find out what the time is based on your region after that you need to set an IP address now there are two kinds of IP address option the first one is DHCP which automatically will assign you an IP on your network single destroy houses on a street each house has a number that is what the IP is on your network it is one of the houses on the street of your network you can set it so that whenever the device is turned on or off it will automatically move around in the network to an available slot in case a slot is taken there's a number of devices in the home these days are DHCP such as Smart TVs mobile phones and more but if you're going to run lots of programs they're interacting with this now on a regular basis or other hardware I recommend setting a static IP and this will ensure that device is address on your network never changes after that click Next and it will ask you if you want to set up crossfire management if all other devices in your network are all one OS you may not need to do this but I would recommend making sure that you support different file systems as it will allow those devices such as iPhone to MacBooks Linux based devices and Android devices to interact with the NAS as easy as a Windows devices right now after that we click Next and as we can see a summary of the choices we've made we can assess and confirm and change those if we need and otherwise we click upon I apply to begin the installation now it is going to completely clear the hard drives inside this device in my case has a couple of Seagate iron wolf nas hard drives these mass hard drives have got no data on them but if they did have data it is about to be completely wiped as this device begins the installation of qts on the NAS so now I'm going to click yes what follows now we'll take a various time lengths based on the power of the NAT and the size of the firmware and indeed the size of the hard drives in most cases this process will take somewhere between 10 to 15 minutes and we'll need the device to reboot I'm going to fast forward now to the completion of this stage of the installation right so when the initialization was complete this is the screen that we greeted to you you won't have to refresh that page this will eventually arrive on your browser and from here just go to the Nazz management then log in with the information you created earlier the admin account will be named admin but you can change that later if so choose and from there go ahead and login when you log in the screen you'll be greeted with is known as QT s and this QT s is the graphical user interface do you will use the very first time I know it looks like there's a lot of windows here on screen but all of these are there to help you and you can get rid of them from the first time but this only highlights to you what exactly QT s is about and what it can do it software applications its hardware applications key tasks it can perform and more on top of that it will ask about the data collection agreement for data to be collected in the background and this is gonna be analytical data and not your actual core data merely util utilization data that can be used by Tunip if you don't want to agree to that you can of course always click none from there it will also ask you about setting up your storage and snapshot and from here you're going to need to set your storage up for the first time I could show you using this window but for now I'll show you the more direct method of doing it for now click skip and here is the storage window we're going to minimize that while we go through the rest of the desktop user interface and from here it introduces the Help Center where you can find out quick tips information troubleshooting and more for now I'm not gonna let cube launch help them to launch every time QT s lock opens up but for now we can open we're going to close that window and lastly we're greeted by the licensed store if you want to add additional licenses the majority of you aren't going to use these facilities on day one but bought business orientated users may eventually want to take advantage of some of the premier applications that qnap include for now we're gonna skip that step in front of you here is QT s you've got the means here to control your device as well as set up more users and more but we're gonna leave that for the next video when we talk about applications and first time things to do when you start your nose for now we're gonna go into the storage and snapshot manager tab that we left closed up here now from here we're going to need to set up our storage area and there's two things we need to set up the first is a storage pool a storage pool is the total available space that utilizes the hard drives from which the rest of your storage is going to live and then on top of that we're going to build a volume and a volume is a container of space that lives on the storage pool generally it means you can have virtually unlimited volumes living on a storage pool so if you intend to have one area of storage for photos another for music another for surveillance another for work and another for fun you can put them in different volumes all living on the same storage pool a storage boys made up of one or more hard drives that you can either write together in a number of ways or have as independent storage for now the first thing we need to do is set up the storage pool from the storage pool it will ask if we want to use QT this is something if you're going to be introducing SSDs at a later point you should enable but for now we're not going to worry too much about this on this tube a cost effective now is we're gonna click Next from here it will ask you to select the storage media inside the nas that you want to put inside your storage pool in this case I've got my two Seagate 4 TB I am wolf mares hard drives I'm going to select both of those drives now from here it will ask you which raid configuration do you want to choose as this is a 2 Bay only some of these options are available but on larger now's is more options will become available so now let me explain the three that we can see j-bot or just a bunch of drives is just when each of the individual drives are on their own each drive is independent and can have their own volumes on each storage pool a raid zero combines the total storage so both full TB drives coming up to eight terabytes and pulls all that storage together for one giant storage pool however if one of those drives fails due to a hardware failure all of your data is lost as each stripe of data every wave of data is written across both disks lastly there's a raid 1 and this is when the two drives are effectively mirrors of one another with read and write operations happening to both disks simultaneously and is it with exactly the same data being read and written to them consequently if you lose one disk in a row one all of your data is still fine did it on the other disk for now I'm going to select a right one environment and then I'm going to click Next from here you could set up an alert threshold and what this means is if more than this percentage of the overall storage space is utilized the device will alert you to let you know that you're running out of available storage space I'm going to disable this alert but I encourage most users to have it on there I'm disabling it because in my future videos I will be showing the overall read and write operations of this device and burning through many terabytes of data but for you you may wish to enable that option clicking next you can then overview the settings you've created and if they're all ok click create once this is done it will let you know that the data on those disks such as it is will be erased and if you click OK it will start building your storage pool shortly it is going to ask while the storage pool has been created if you'd like to create a volume that volume is where ultimately all of your data is going to be accessible all of the folders that you utilize all of the applications and their respective data will live on the storage pool Omni volume so from there you're going to need to create as many files and folders as you're going to need although it will create several to full folders right there at the beginning for now I'm going to fast forward to the completion of the storage for setup and what it asks us to create our new volume as you can see in the background the storage pool has been created although synchronization may still be taking place which I'll show you shortly but for now we now need to create our volume so from here click new volume it will then ask you to select which story support you'd like to use in our case we've only created one pool so that's the one we're going to use but if the were hard drive spare we could create new storage pools on top of that you can utilize different volume types with three kinds of volume typically most users will use a thick volume and what that means is different kinds of file formats and space utilization as you can see snapshots are only supported on thick and thin volumes where a space allocation where you can expand the overall storage utilizing a storage expansion or adding bigger drives will only be possible on thick or thin volumes from here we then click Next now it will ask us how much of the storage on the storage pool do we want to use for now we're going to go to set that to max and we're going to utilize all of the space on that storage pool if we chose we could create multiple volumes on this storage pool each of different sizes and variables for different file types you don't have to do that but it's one of the things you can do to separate your data accordingly from here we're going to click Next as you can see it will summarize the settings we've created and from now we're going to click finish now chances are it is going to alert us about the 80% storage threshold that the alert I've left on on the volume so when that happens don't worry that's just because of the way that I've set up this device but for now we click close and as we can see here it is now creating our volumes the storage pool is created and if we go over to the storage overview we'll be able to see that it is creating our storage area if we go to disks we'll be able to see not only a graphic of our now as well we can see more information about the individual nose drives we've got inside here we can run individual performance tests we can even check the health of the disks and of course we see go iron wolf drives they do arrive which sea gates iron wolf health management which allows you to test and double-check a lot of the background health of your disk on a regular basis so we're gonna leave that to complete its storage creation there in the background which may take depending on the size of the drives anywhere from 5 minutes to 5 hours depending on the size of the drives and the complexity of the right configuration do you are utilizing at the top here you can get real-time information about the synchronization of your raid right take a great deal longer than traditional storage you zatia normally a raid build will take up to a day so don't be surprised if this synchronization states that it will take 97 hours or more that will decrease but will still take somewhere from 6 to 12 to 24 hours you can still utilize the nash during this time it just means you're going to be able to use it with performance dipping ever so slightly until synchronization is complete in order to interact with the data on your nares you need to use by default the file station application there's loads of other ways to do it but the first time you use them as it will be the best way to do it as the storage volume has not been finished yet as you can see we don't have any folders and it's highlighting that no storage volume is created shortly though with the creation of both the storage pool raid and the volume multiple folders will appear here and from here we'll be able to interact with our nash in our next video and we're going to talk about how to set up individual applications on this Ness as well as creating multiple users with different levels of control and permissions within the net and lastly we will create a folder on our local PC that that allows us to interact with a folder on our PC or Mac system locally that is living on the nares that saves us having to interact with the qtso browser menu when all we want to do is check out our data in another video I will talk about how to learn out allow internet access between you and your Q net nasbe at es 230 or any other Q net net utilizing my Q net cloud and right now we can see too that volume is almost finished completing we're going to end the video when that volume is complete which will be done shortly and then I'll show you guys how to make a shared folder if we make our way over to the file station application here as we can see while it's formatting the volume is now completed it says at the bottom so now if we open up the file station application we'll be able to see that those core files and folders will be created shortly and although the raid isn't completed the storage volume we'll be there and have a look we can see that the formatting is still quite complete but it really is that straightforward to create the storage area on your nas for the very first time it's creating those default folders for us on the file station application and very shortly we'll be able to see all of those files and folders that moving forward we can use for backups local DLNA media support plex media server and more there we go the volume is now completed and the default folders are still in a process of creation generally there will be folders for individual home users as well as ones for multimedia you can change these and you are not locked into the files and folders that keynote will create during the volume creation process and now the folders have been created as you can see there in the background it's now optimizing the storage that we've created making sure that the right configuration is the best it can be and we've got all of our folders here that are set by default in order to add a new folder we simply need to go to the create folder option here and you can either create a subfolder within this list or a shared folder a shared folder will be a folder that can be accessed for the network on any connected device so in the case of here we're going to call this one share test and from there we're going to say it lives on the volume that we've just created and then we click create and it's as simple as that this folder will now be findable over the local area network connected by DLNA media devices such as Amazon fire stick mobile phones tablets anywhere on the local area network you will still need the password to access it but now this folder will be network accessible if you want to add this folder to your PC or Mac system simply open up the Q finder tool from earlier find the NASS that you've added right click and then go down to map network drive now I'm gonna have to refresh that because obviously when it's kinder earlier on the NASS hadn't completed and now we've completed the installation we can click cancel there right click and go to map network drive from mapping the network drive it will then contact the nurse it will ask us for the login for this network attached storage device and then once we've logged in like so it will then list the currently available shared folders and it will find a share test folder so as you can see there's the shear test folder from now we're going to map this network drive and then we assign a letter this ease of convenience we're gonna go for the letter Q on a Mac it will be slightly different as it will appear on finder but in Windows simply click finish and then it will then add this drive to your currently available folders as you can see here there is the Q folder from here you can either right-click and then add it to your quick access menu on the left hand side of the screen or you can just create a shortcut on your desktop now as we can see here here is the folder and from here I can then move forward open up folder on this now on this PC that I'm utilizing will grab a folder this picture of a graphics card for example we're going to copy it and then paste it into this folder and this is all being done on the windows side not utilizing the web browser as we can see it's added that far and if we make our way into the mash and go into the ShareFile the share test folder refresh that folder and there's the file that we just uploaded from our local PC Orthanc graphics card it's as straightforward as that but there's loads of other ways in which you can interact with this device using your mobile and desktop devices both wirelessly and on the local area network but I'll save that for the next video thanks so much for watching I hope you've enjoyed this video if you've got any questions about the utilization of your King out to us 2:30 and do let me know in the comments and bear in mind done the majority of these steps can be applied to any do nap now's but otherwise click like if you've enjoyed this video click subscribe to learn more and I'll see you next time
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Keywords: Best Cheap QNAP NAS, Best QNAP NAS, NAS Drive Review, New QNAP NAS, QNAP 2020, QNAP Budget NAS, QNAP Cheap NAS, QNAP NAS, QNAP NAS 2020, QNAP NAS Drive, QNAP NAS REVIEW, QNAP TS-230, QNAP TS-230 NAS, QNAP TS-230 NAS Drive, QNAP TS-230 NAS Review, QNAP TS-230 Review, TS-130, TS-230, TS-230 buy, TS-230 NAS, TS-230 NAS Drive, TS-230 NAS Review, TS-230 release, TS-230 Review, TS-230 specs, TS-230 vs ts-228, TS-230 Guide, QNAP TS-230 Setup Guide, QNAP Guide, QNAP Tutorial
Id: f63Pfb5RX5Y
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Length: 24min 16sec (1456 seconds)
Published: Sat May 30 2020
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