10TB WD Black: Fast Hard Drive Upgrade

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[Music] welcome to another video from explaining computers this time it's very exciting indeed because i've just purchased this a 10 terabyte western digital black hard drive and in this video we're going to be checking this out installing it doing some speed test things like that and i'll also let you know why i purchased this particular drive and not a competitor model but before all of that i thought i should let you know where this drive is going to be fitted greetings here i am at my desk where i edit all of the explaining videos and i'm not going to be fitting my new 10 terabyte drive into my video editing pc which sits under the desk on the floor down here because this pc has already got a western digital black drive inside it a six terabyte drive which is used for storing video files it's also got an ssd as the boot drive and the second ssd as a scratch drive now what i'm going to be doing with this drive is putting it into this external hard drive enclosure over here which if i give you a close-up of it you can see last had a drive installed in january 2015 a western digital green six terabyte drive i remember making a video about that doesn't see more than a year or two ago it's quite a while 2015 and what i use this drive for is twofold firstly it's my first level of backup when i'm making videos so once i've shot all the prores files which i edit into the videos and i put them onto the video editing pc before i start editing i make a copy onto this drive here so i'm never editing files i haven't got a backup of which is obviously a good thing to do and then when i finished making a film and i've got all the final files which have been generated from it not as big as all the original shooting files they all end up being copied to this drive so that every single explaining computers and explaining the future video has ever been made is stored at least a copy is stored there's backups and many other places as well but a copy is stored on this drive and this drive is generally offline but i could always just reach down here plug in the power adapter to turn it on and get access to all of my archive and i do that fairly frequently and i never quite know what archive i'm going to use so i need to have a drive big enough to take all those files and right now it's just about full which is why i've got a bigger drive to put into the enclosure so you now know what i'm doing and why i'm doing it so it's time to take this and the enclosure put them together to get an upgraded external hard drive right here we are back with our drive all ready to be opened up and if you're wondering why did i purchase this particular piece of storage hardware i wanted a high performance 10 terabyte hard drive which for western digital means one of their black range the company mainly brand their hard drives in different colors starting with their blue models these are good desktop disks but offer a maximum capacity of 8 terabytes which ruled out a blue drive on this occasion blue drives also spin their platters at around 5400 revolutions per minute compared to 7200 revolutions per minute for black drives as we can see this gives the black a higher read write speed for applications like video editing gaming or just backing up files more rapidly there are also red drives designed for network attached storage purple and purple pro drives for continuous recording in video surveillance systems and gold drives for enterprise storage in addition western digital also sells enterprise drives under the ultrastar brand that was created by ibm in 1994 acquired by hitachi in 2003 and purchased by western digital in 2012 so you now know why i opted for a particular western digital model on their black drives but what about alternatives from other manufacturers well i seriously considered purchasing either a toshiba x300 or a seagate barracuda pro both of these are designed as professional performance and gaming drives just like the wd black and have the same 7200 rpm spindle speed and in a 10 terabyte capacity they also have an identical 256 megabytes of cache memory however whilst the warranty is five years for the wd black and the barracuda pro it's only three years for the toshiba x300 and i always take warranties as a signal of build quality as manufacturers only offer longer guarantees on hardware they don't expect to go wrong at the time of making my purchase in the uk the wd black cost 292 pounds compared to 265 pounds for the toshiba x 300 and 280 for the barracuda pro meanwhile in the u.s the prices were 380 250 and 380 dollars respectively for me the cost difference was not enough to be a deciding factor especially as reviews comparing drives of the same capacity have reported the worst of digital black to be the fastest i also know for certain that if the wd black video drive with my pc fails i can switch in this new drive and continue to edit videos with no issues so let's now grab stanley the knife and get this thing open very exciting opening a new drive i think we just have to cut a piece of tape up here like this it's always trickier than you think it might just be me i can never get into boxes as as you're well aware but hopefully this should let us in how can i fail to get into a simple box quite easily on most occasions oh which one of these isn't it of course it's round but top and deer in me well that gets it it will finally i've got in it's gonna get to the drive this could have been the longest video ever so never got the drive out anyway here we are and this is retail pack drive which means it's got lots of good packing oh dear stanley's fallen on the floor never mind we've got the drive out here we are oh i do like a new hard drive fantastic isn't it 10 terabytes of storage on a single device that's amazing and i need to get into the anti-static bags of course we bring in mr scissors here he is let's uh open up the anti-static bag cut it at the top so i can use it again and hopefully that'll let us in yes and oh excitement is too much for me there we are our 10 terabyte hard drive that is what an amazing piece of technology and over here i have got the enclosure in which we're going to fit the drive but i'm not going to fit it in there straight away because initially i want to take this drive connect it up to my test rig and do some performance tests right i've now temporarily connected the drive to a spare sata port and a power lead in my test rig and if you're wondering why it doesn't look exactly the same as its publicity photograph as we saw in the previous graphics you'll have to ask western digital anyway appearances aside this is a new internal hard drive so if we go across to a desktop for the pc to windows 10 as we've got here and we click on this pc we'll discover the drive isn't listed and this is because it first needs to be initialized and formatted to do that we need to go across to this pc and to right click and go to manage to enter computer management and we can then go down to disk management down there where as you can see the computer automatically detects we've got a new disk which needs to be initialized and we've got a choice of partition style which can either be mbr master boot record or gpt the guid partition table and for a drive of over two terabyte capacity like this one we should pick gpt as windows suggests and once we've done that we can have a look down to the drive down there there it is it's appearing as disc one and we can now right click and do a new simple volume to set up a partition there we are welcome to a new simple volume wizard and next we'll select all the space for one partition nice and straightforward here we'll mount it as d that's fine here and i'm going to use the default ntfs file system most sensible we're going to use this drive with windows i'll give it a volume label what should we call it wd 10 tb 10 terabyte that sounds sensible to me and what i'm now going to do is to remove the tick on quick format because this wizard is about to format the drive and i don't want to do the quick format i want to do a full format and the difference is a full format although it will take a lot of time will also scan for bad sectors which is a good thing with a new drive so we'll simply now select next to let things continue on there we are we're happy with that we'll click on finish the formatting process will start off and this will take i would imagine many hours on a drive of this size so i'm going to leave the computer getting on with the format i'm going to get a cup of tea and i'll see you in the next segment of the video greetings it's now the next day and the full format has completed as we can see and everything is is healthy which is good and i don't know exactly how long it took as it finished off overnight but after four hours it was on 36 percent so overall the full format took the best part of 12 hours and if we close this down we should hopefully see it now appears in this pc it does there it is look for new drive all formatted up and i've also plugged in one of my atomos ssd caddies that i shoot video on to use in a test but before we get to that i just want to run crystal disk mark on this drive and see what it makes of the speed you might remember from our previous graphics at western digital claim a sustained maximum data transfer rate of 263 megabytes a second with a 10 terabyte black drive so let's see how close of that we can get in this test and there we are it started off and we'll speed on through until the end and there we are it's finished and wow i am very impressed the headline figures here for copying large files better than western digital's claimed 270 megabytes a second so admittedly that's half the speed of an ssd but it's very impressive at this cost per gigabyte for a hard drive so let's do a test copying some files and down here i've opened up my ninja ssd i think it's over there and i've selected a chunk of files totaling 12 and a half gigabytes so we'll use that for our test so i'll just copy those files like that yes i could control c but you couldn't see me doing that and let's go back to this pc did i just close that down i did didn't i let's open up the drive and we'll start off our test and do it like this and there we are it's copying let's have some more details please wow that's pretty impressive but we'll let it speed on through and get to the end of the test and there we are it's finished and by the magic of filmmaking i've kept the chart on the screen and as we can see we've got a transfer speed of about 126 megabytes a second but that said this was clearly a copy at two speeds around 250 megabytes a second at about sort of 90 to 100 down here which is an interesting result particularly it went back up again at the end but for now i think i'm going to move on put the drive in its usb enclosure and we'll do an extended copy test after that right it's now time to flip the drive inside this my ic box usb 3 three and a half inch drive enclosure if i lift it up like this you can probably just about see it says icy box on the top in black letters on black and you might have noticed i've already updated the label in anticipation of the new occupant so to get inside it's nice and straightforward i love the design of this enclosure and we just have to take out one screw here like this if i just take out that like that and don't lose it hopefully put it down over there and then in theory i just push at the back and yes the enclosure comes off like that big piece of metal and we can see the old drive inside and all i've got to do is to remove the screws on the sides there we are and that is completed we can now just slide out the old drive i still need to keep this to copy all the files from it and it will go into deep archive but we now take our new western digital drive i do like this new black drive and which way around is it it's this way around that will slide onto the sata connector let's be careful not to stump the drive on the desk as we are doing that there it is connected we now just put in the screws and you might be thinking chris why didn't you just buy a brand new external hard drive i could have done that could have bought a western digital one but uh i noticed the guarantees on the western digital black external hard drives were three years not five for the drive here i am a control freak i like to know exactly what's inside my enclosures i just like this enclosure which is why i'm keeping it so i'll just finish putting in the screws there we are everything seems to be secured or properly plugged in that looks fine so we can just put this back inside the case goes in this way around like that very good cooling in this case very nice design as i said already i like i like this design very much so we now just need to line it up and put the other screw back in the top and there we are our upgrade of this enclosure is completed and so i can now take the power supply which comes with it and plug it in the back there's a nicer place to plug in in the back like that and we'll also plug in a usb 3 lead and we can now do an extended performance test so i've now connected the drive up to my test rig again and i've run up crystal disk mark as you can see so uh let's start off all the tests for a second time see how it fares here and before i run this test and indeed before i upgraded the drive i also did a test on the previous western digital green drive in the icy box enclosure and got read write speeds of 115 and 114 megabytes a second and i also tested out one of my lacie quadra drives a five terabyte quadra drive and that gave a speed of about 157 158 megabytes a second so that gives us an idea of how fast other external hard drives tend to be so let's now go back to the test with the western digital black in our external enclosure and speed through to the end of the test and here we are it's finished and i'm very pleased to see the results are even better than the lacy d2 quadra over 200 megabytes a second on an external usb hard drive i've not seen a speed as high as that before certainly not of any of the external usb drives i've been using but as we saw previously this is only part of the picture so let's do a proper copy test and i've once again got the same ssd caddy connected to the computer it actually contains a samsung pro ssd and here i've selected 40 files to a total of 60 gigabytes so this will be a fair sized copy very representative of the type of backups i do with exactly the type of files i back up so let's take a copy of that and open up this pc and open up our nice big and still empty drive that won't last forever and let's do a paste and see how long this takes what the data transfer rates are and there we are an excellent final result very consistent performance across about six minutes with a final data transfer rate of 171.1 megabytes a second and i'm very pleased indeed to be able to get that type of data rate backing up large video files to an external hard disk drive so i think i now need to get this drive back on my desk get the data copied across to it from the previous green drive which i'll do by connecting that drive using an esater connection on the back of the video editing pc which after quite a few hours of copying will leave me back in the business of video production so there we are i've updated my on-desk external hard drive so it's now got enough space for many more years of explaining computers and explaining the future videos but now that's it for another video if you've enjoyed what you've seen here please press that like button if you haven't subscribed please subscribe and i hope to talk to you again very soon [Music] you
Channel: ExplainingComputers
Views: 146,993
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Western Digital Black, WD Black, WD hard drives, WD Blue, WD Gold, Seagate BarraCuda, Toshiba X300, fast hard drive, fastest hard drive, high capacity hard drive, hard drive speed test, Christopher Barnatt, Barnatt
Id: AcrUpVoxU5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 26sec (1106 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 28 2021
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