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hello everyone it's in here and this is I I'm just gonna create a quick tutorial for you guys when we were doing this tutorials Catherine mentioned that she was interested in opening and what are your Maps or publishing your Maps online or to a webpage so now there's two options to do that and I'm going to show you how to do both of those now so first thing let's just get some arbitrary project I'm just gonna open the arbitrate project quickly now just get some shape files and then we've got something called a point of interest file which is a whole bunch of stuff the combination schools just just some tutorial data and I'm using for this example and what I'm going to do I just want to show the say for example we just want to show the accommodation on there you see what I did there just went to the general tab from the table of contents for that particular layer general tab and then I'll just back one backward so remember we did this in the tutorials as well so use the query builder to select after features with the B value that you want so we're gonna say description equals the combination we apply that okay see a whole bunch of have been switched off it's just give it some sort of symbology so and my Styles tab what should we give it I'm just want to make it a plain square we go so that's the accommodation and so there we go very basic map now I want to export this to the Internet be able to view it in a web browser but so as I mentioned there's two options to do this and the first one is called hugest cloud now what the hugest cloud does and I'm gonna turn it on from the the plugins menu so you'll need to go to the plugins menu and then just find it so this is a core plugin and it has been packaged with the package so all you need to do is so this this plugin what it does is it allows you to create a an account when you need to create an account on their webpage and you can do it from here so we turn that plug-in on in this little this little dialogue box and window popped in here so you create an account then you edit your map and you and you've created a little database you upload your data into that database and then when you publish it it's linked to the web page so if you don't have a web page this might be a better option for you because it just creates a little link and a URL on their web page which you can share with with colleagues or clients and the other option you actually need your own web page but we'll get to that later but first we'll deal with this one so so what you'll need to do if you don't have an account is you just click on sign up create a username and what you do I think you create a username email and then password accept the Terms and then you will need to they send you an email you'll need to activate that email before you can go further and then once you do that to this login side I've already created one my username that's my password click login click ok to login ok so you always want it like this we've got no database so the first thing you need to do is click on create beetle away and create a database on their server ok so we've got some random database now if you look at your upload tab this should show your and your paths and your layers so as you can see the layer sauce for mine is on my desktop and you can see there's a there's a limiter so I think if you get a professional village you probably get more data space but if you just need simple Maps 50 megabytes should be okay just don't load huge vector files on because they're all they'll totally you know bang up your your methyl you won't be able to export it okay so we've got that Gordon account I think we can also turn on the OpenStreetMap layers as a background so so from the OpenStreetMap layers plug-in upload the data so click upload data and what this does is it takes your layers from your your your hard drive and uploads them into that database that we created so now it'll be able to publish the maps and all it does is takes the settings and create a new path names through there to the layers as they exist on the server of this geo huges plugin so it's sitting on a server somewhere and it's giving you access to an online map it shouldn't take too long okay so what happens it's gonna it's going to create a an option for you to save it the project is something else with charity sake okay so let's saved a new project online my drive and first I was published it pops up with your your with your link URL to your to your to your map that is on the achieve the cue just cloud.com website that we've created your account is your username in my case it was SMS GIS and then this is the new name of that particular web since then we just publishing it it's uploaded to the page so if I select this link open in a browser so this can be viewed in any browser and there is they're pretty simple the good way of sharing your data but then you wouldn't really be able to do any publish any updating or anything of these letters it's more case for you to share data online with with the broader community or clients it's simpler so a fairly rudimentary and online tool you can turn your layers on and off if you click on one of your icons information for that particular feature it's much like the the identifier to link you just all right what else can you do you can use a little measuring tool if I can remember where that is it is Neptune's measure length I guess I do position followed coordinate no see this this is being exported as Sweden Mikasa so that's why it's in meters not decimal degrees and that's been exported as the the coordinate reference system from the original project that setup was an adjudicator so if you wanted to measure distances you'd maybe use this kind of prediction but very basic GIS view it's nothing nothing too fancy and that is the hugest cloud free option okay so the next option I'm going to show you is where if you already have your own website you might want to publish the map onto your website in your own link so rather than going down and having a URL where you're having to go to a third-party web page you view on your own web page so we'll show you how that works now
Channel: Ian Wilson
Views: 4,919
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: QGIS, QGISCloud, Online Map, QGIS Internet upload, QGIS Webmap
Id: L_jY9W_Rgww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 14sec (674 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 31 2017
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