Introduction to Mapbox Studio

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okay hello everyone and thanks for dialing in this is a bit new you can actually see our faces now as we presents so welcome to this introduction to network studio webinar today it's not me talking it'll be Vanessa from met box and I'm gonna have a go at this last name because it sounds very German to me so Vanessa cannot give it so it's a correct yeah welcome Vanessa I'm gonna head straight over to you and maybe I can have one send one second or 10 seconds to just say the intentions behind this webinar is that we actually do a couple more in the future and to give everyone a chance to learn about netbook studios so you can build better visualizations with maps and Tarot what other tools you might choose but I think our community is mainly tableau users so I'm excited to see what Vanessa has prepared for us and yeah to learn more about netbooks to do so over to you Vanessa hey everyone I hope everyone's doing well despite everything that's going on and the world and before I really dive in to studio itself I also just wanted to guess I guess give a brief background about Who I am besides being a map designer at map box I've been a cartographer for a while like 10 years and I really enjoy analyzing and producing designs based off of data so data vis is one of my loves and why I love teaching about it I also found a creative card Oh which you're free to always join in on Twitter or slack if you have any questions about mapping things I'm also an editor for that list of design and in my free time besides like volunteering for a bunch of crafting things you could find me lifting weights running or enjoying the outdoors and feel free to chat with me on Twitter if you're on Twitter at run for fun err I post a lot of map stuff they're not really relating to the name at all but I do and then kind of diving into map box just for anyone who might just be a little less familiar matte box crafts beautiful maps in studio which will be talked about today and is a developer friendly location data api's and sdks platform that allows users the freedom to focus on designing building and developing applications our open source tools let analytics companies understand big geo data drone companies publish flyovers real estate sites visualize properties satellite companies process cloud free imagery and insurance companies track assets that is to say there is a very large variety of things you can do with map box including design I'm going to be talking about the design part of map box which is studio and studio is an amazing tool it's a software really that is really powerful when it comes to custom map design before really diving into the details of all the customization that you can do I also just wanted to give a brief overview of what box options are that exists in studio because they're like great starting points for when you start making here on that so if you have a minute studio before there's it's a website and there's a bunch of different places that you can click around if you are first logging in for the first time you are gonna probably see the account page first and in order to get to that style slash studio page that I was on all you have to do is click in design and map student box studio right here and it'll take you to the studio part and you also can just change the URL but just in case if you are following along and you logged in for the first time for the out of box templates that exists all of them were designed with various things in mind and they're again great places for you to start with customization because they already have all the data layers that you might need in it to have a base map basic is most used and is applicable to a lot of very general use cases and you can kind of build it up or take away pieces as you want what's new in the latest version of studio is it also has a few more variations to give you different options in terms of the base map and also just to show you the amount of stuff that you can do on your own and hopefully kind of give a little bit of inspiration if you're really looking to create your custom-design sorry my internet might be a little slow it's loading a little slow I'm sure everyone's running into that you say yes and then monochrome is another template that we have that's out of the box and like the name implies it's all based off of one single color and they're all are also six variations that you can choose from right away but if you choose to go with monochrome you can customize it and choose your own based starting color and when you change one color every piece of data changes across the map in terms of its color so it's a really nice place to start if you really need to make something quickly and just to highlight some data on top and you don't have much time really all these Styles are pretty good for pulling out right away but if you have a lot of data that you need to add I do recommend monochrome right away just because you don't have to think so much about the large amount of data on the base map and then straights as the name implies it really is trying to highlight streets a lot it's similar to basic but it has a little bit more detail especially in regards to streets it highlights motorway motorways and trucks in addition to immediately putting road signs on there if you start with basic you also can get the same level of detail but if you really are looking to highlight roads I recommend starting with streets first which is also wise name that way and outdoors also like the name implies we really tried to get you with the names you know it it really is great for outdoor use great for apps where you're looking to really highlight the outdoors of course there are contour lines that you can utilize in addition to just a lot of thought in terms of creating the sort of green space feel with a general aesthetic when you zoom out it's definitely a little different than the other styles again every single one of these you can customize and deep dive which I'll go into a little later after I go over these templates and then satellite streets is exactly streets in terms of data and how its choosing to display stuff and the different visual hierarchies of the data except the basemap Acela imagery rather than all the vector faces of the polygon is like streets has and then finally we also do have out-of-the-box styles both night version and a day version or if you are starting to use navigation and any in-app experiences and you really want to dive into that you can use these and it does have navigation built in in terms of backend logic and code and again these are out-of-the-box styles and they're all were built by cartographers to really start you with that particular thought process in mind so if you're wanting to customize your own map and really make something your own you can start in any of these and change a lot of stuff and completely make it your own map in terms of color typography how you're displaying different kinds of data but it also is really helpful to start with something that you think is similar to what your and use case is going to be so then I recommend looking at like oh do I want something that's more outdoors or something that is highly the streets and you always can if you don't want to think about any of that at all you can start from nothing from scratch completely but just bear in mind if you're starting from scratch you're gonna be adding each data layer individually which is what studio also was like previously if you used it before and to really dive into the level of customization you can do with the latest version of studio I'm just gonna use streets as an example so you just click customize to start and if you've used studio before and having clicked around notch in it since December you might notice that it looks quite different and that's because the latest version of Studio is actually studio with style components and what style components is is a bunch of groupings or components that are abstractions around a group of related layers that provide sensible defaults and opportunities for customization by optimizing the most common property changes for styles and packaging them into simple user interface controls what today I can very briefly jump and I actually found it super helpful because I used to do in the past and I was always admittedly a bit overwhelmed with all the options I'm like I don't even know what this means so it's nice to have it nice and simple because from what I understand you still have all the flexibility to change every little component but if that if is if that's a bit much for where you're at you can just start with the simple things the D folds and tweak at a high level and then go into the weeds if you choose to sit right yes yes exactly um the idea of components is exactly what you just said it's to try to take away the like complications of trying to build out the entire data set which is a lot a lot of data and really trying to give you all the possibilities to quickly be flexible and design as fast as possible so you can get whatever data you want to display on the map on there and really focus on that rather than building the base map and also like you said if you do want to customize it or design it in a very particular way you can invest as much time as you want just like you previously could but the components really just allow you to quickly make changes and the components are these layers over here and each of them gives you different levels of power and customization before even diving into any details that you might want to do if you're heavily customizing so for example an administrative boundaries you can quickly turn off any turn on or off like state boundaries or country boundaries in addition to changing the width you can change pattern so you don't have to go do this within the data layers themselves you can quickly change them and it's just really great in terms of not having to dive into the layers and really investigate everything here which again you still are free to do but it's just nice because you don't have to like be thinking about so much stuff at once and the building's component layer gives you 3d buildings right away this is kind of the coolest feature because again you don't have to be deciding how you want the height to really display it just gives you an already thought out sort of design for 3d buildings and you can edit this in layers as you see fit and I will talk about this in a little bit how you can do so in terms of overriding the component groupings and design thoughts but it's just nice to be able to turn it on and off without with just a click and not have to go in and think that much deeper land in water as the name implies relates to many layers that have to do with land in water so land use is like schools buildings parks and a lot of different data layers that you used to have to really think deeply about in terms of all the different color variations and now you can kind of turn them on and off as you choose and what's also nice here which you might you may have noticed in the other components is that it does show what colors are being used in this particular component just to give you a brief overview as well of how many different colors might be used there and if you still want to know more just if you're curious about what layers are being changed in here you can go into more options and then click View layers and it will take you over to the layers panel it'll show you what the different vectors are being used in that particular component and if you just scroll it'll highlight the different groups that are being used in each component which is really great just in case something seems like it needs a little bit more explanation for you or if you also want to deeper dive into any particular layer to investigate what's also nice about components and is that it does pre group everything for you so you're not having to think about it and as you can see it also is really taken into consideration where the best place to place particular groups are so you can see these aren't grouped all in the same spot and just to skip ahead a little the road network is actually a great component that saves a lot of time for a lot of people because it has 52 layers I'm sure if anyone's built out a map on their own before it probably took a lot of time to add roads to a map and matte box simply because there's just a lot of Road layers and layers that relate to roads that aren't exactly Road layers like labels for example and as you can see all of these are grouped and put placed where they are cartographically appropriate to make sure it's helping in legibility as well as grouping them according to particular types so this is relating to road network surface and you'll also see that each grouping starts with the name of the component and then what that particular group contains so that you know right away even if you're not looking at it in this view after you click the component and then click to view layers you can still figure it out and I just really like that you can also like tell where everything is and see how quickly things were helped in the component interface and the row never does have the most amount of layers and just to go back to natural features natural features relates to a bunch of natural labor labels as well and what's great in terms of labels is all the labels in each component you can increase or decrease label density you also can choose to have it be icon only text only or text and icon and you can very quickly choose which language you want and what's also nice is you and choose local language so place labels is a great way to quickly see this local language option so when you zoom out and just quickly pan to see other parts of the world you can see that they are in their local language but if I switch it back to english it'll quickly just display it as English so again you're not having to go into the data layers to make all these changes place labels unilaterally so city label settlement labels country labels everything relating to place all those data layers all changed at once just based off of that one click and you can also here in this I'm sorry it's it's really cool to see that because in our community we have a lot of people in India and Southeast Asia so I'm sure they would love to be able to display things in a way that anyone zooming around you know if they want to look at US data they will see stuff in English but if they then zoom into other countries language so um thanks for pointing that out yeah of course and I also just wanted to show how the density can help and like maybe the map you're making you don't really want to focus that much on settlement labels and maybe you don't want neighborhood labels so it removes a bunch of labels and it also will move around other labels based off of things called collision boxes so because this is interactive and a vector-based form it does move things around based off of what's adjacent which is also really nice with vector use I'm just gonna hold those back and point to this interest does the same thing with labels in terms of being able to change the language and the label density and you can control it in a general way but I want to show how awesome you can simply quickly customize a map that you might be working on say you are just making a map for yourself and you I'm in DC so this is how to sequence DC I know it pretty well I've lived here for five years maybe you want to go visit a bunch of famous touristy places and a lot of them our parks so you kind of just want to visit a bunch of parks so you just want to only show that and not really any of the other points of interest on the map because you don't want it to be too visually competitive because you also sharing it with your friends and you want to show how cool it is to make maps and that you can do that on your own so I'm just gonna turn off a lot of these very quickly again without having to go into the layers and do this one by one and this is a lot of there was there are thought there's a thought process behind the level of density and there's a consideration in terms of what areas are more popular in the same way that settlement labels have consideration in terms of their density as well like capitals versus small towns so now I have park-like spaces only labeled and that was really fast that was a few seconds but maybe in my tour of walking around all day I realize as I'm making this map I might get a little hungry and one of riots and local places to eat so I'm gonna go back and just put the food and drink spots really fast back on there so as you can see it went from zero to having all the restaurants and anything related to food and maybe I don't want all of them maybe I just want a little bit cuz I'm not gonna check out every place and the density quickly disappeared from being a high density to kind of a medium density and I could still choose to have it be a little less if I'm looking for maybe what the most popular places are and that's just a really quick way again to show how you can customize what's on your map and really target it to what your use case can be so also if you toggle this back it does make it go back to the way it was so if you didn't like what you just did with all that dunsany you can reap you can clear it and start again just by hitting that little toggle and the road network also is a great component like I mentioned before it's really helping to quickly style and design all these different spots and you can add remove a lot of different things via these toggles maybe one way arrows don't matter to you because you're just walking around and so you can kind of turn off the things that you feel like don't matter if I'm walking maybe I don't want road construction either or on the flip side maybe you are doing quite a bit of driving and looking at this map so maybe you want everything and maybe while you are designing your map you don't care about knowing all the different colors of road signs just because you care more about the style of your map rather than having someone look at it in their car because some in some cases you're just using roads as a reference point and you really just want to make it look as good as possible and not have them be as contrasted which is often the case with these road signs because you want roadsides to be contrasted on the road so you can see that right away but in a map maybe you want to not have that be the case so in the road network as well as transit you can change the icon color schemes monochrome and you can't you see that it shifted right away to monochrome style and you can move the toggles around to try to find the best option for you in terms of lightness and darkness and again this does require you to be making the appropriate decisions in terms of balancing lightness and darkness and the way you're doing stuff because of course if I left it like this dark no one will be able to read those red signs but you can play around and maybe find the right balance for making sure they're still legible well also not being too overpowering on your map and of course that is always the play of what you want your final design to be in addition to everything else that's in the map it's always about weighing all the different data layers and colors and choices you're making but just wanted to highlight that because I think that's really useful because there are a lot of cases where you don't necessarily need signs to all be in the full color we have a question from Tim and he asked about the muslins example and you mentioned the popularity is this based on Google reviews or something else what do you use for that that is based off of a few different data sets but in particular especially on osm and then there are a lot of rankings that go into it and if you look up matte box streets v8 and I also can send this later it does explain in different parts of it how it's well it's easier for me to show you actually in the data layer right now but I'll send out the link so it can be read so if I so this I was going to playing this later but it's easy to explain now um this is a little pop-up box which always has existed but it's a little different now so here it shows components and what colors are there but if you want to dive into the layer itself it'll show everything that's in that area and in particular this is the PIO I label so to see what is the different size rank or filter rank you can go in and click on that if you want to edit stuff or look at it more in depth you have to override it which also can be reverted I can dive into that later so essentially size rank is based off of known classifications of stuff that exists in osm there is a lot of level of detail not everything has a particular classification because if some stuff just hasn't been coded into different data sets then it is not going to come out as like the most popular but if that is a case of you you I hope you can still hear me because my internet connection is a bit wonky yes okay good apologies I missed like about 30 seconds of when you were talking oh so I explained I tried to explain the that the data behind the toggles has stuff called size rank or filter rank depending on how people chose to display the light display the data and it's based off of the data sets themselves a lot of which is osm but there's also other data sets that we use and if the data does have built in whether it's popular space which a lot of stuff in OS m does have then we will use size rank or filter rank and map box has also our geo data team has gone into every piece of data that exists across these maps and really combed over most places not all because that's kind of near impossible but we've done a lot of quality checking and seeing what places seem like they should be more or less coming to the fore because we do have a lot of people who are from to reports the country and we do talk to people our quality checking of everything to see what people think about stuff so to that end for the most part it's fairly accurate and again you can reach out and say like hey I think this should be a little higher in terms of ranking because of X Y Z that does happen as well excellent thank you hmm no problem let's see ok so I just want to read ro network and then terrain is as it implies about terrain and stuff relating to elevation so hillshade you can quickly toggle on and off and it does have styled properties again that someone already came up with and styled into this design you can edit it within layers if you want but this is just a nice sort of opacity and combination that works well with a lot of different and you can turn cliffs on and off here and I can't off the top of my head remember where there's some cliffs but you also can look at the outdoor style just to see a lot of all these features you straight away and contours you can turn them on and off so you're not starting and outdoors but you want to turn contours on for whatever your use case might be you still can turn that on and transit there's a lot of different options here which is fantastic if you don't really want to have a lot of transit labels you can quickly turn stuff on and off here as a whole so I can turn all the transit labels off or I can do so individually depending on how I want to be showing stuff again you always can go deeper into all of these things within the layers but if you just want to quickly turn off bus labels rail labels and maybe you don't want ferries or airports either but you do want to keep railways for whatever reason you can just turn things off quickly and again you can customize the color of the icons here as well and finally the last component is dedicated to walking cycling and just a few outdoors related items and you can again toggle these on and off and for any of these besides exploring where the layers are from by going to more options and view layers you can dive in to a particular like if you just want to know more about what a particular tile is you can use that little info button to see what you're doing in case it you just need a little bit more explanation so that's a lot of stuff everything a combination of customization there would already provide something that's highly customized and your or not but wait there's more you can customize the colors as well and all the colors in this color palette relate to the components themselves just like the components are all kind of grouped together in a particular way and there was a lot of thought behind it um that's also the case for the colors themselves so one of the more powerful things about components is that when you make one change in the color palette it often will affect many layers this means that if I change this base color to something really dark it's showing how it might affect other layers in some way that doesn't mean it's necessarily affecting everything in all these components but it is showing you that what is affected so now that I changed the base to that colors there are other colors that changed automatically based off of decisions that our designers made to help with with considering legibility against the contrast of whatever choices you're making essentially a lot of cartographic design thoughts that go into all these things a great example again is roads so if I change this to a darker orange this is Mordor ways and Trunks it chains the orange and motorways and trunks and then also made the trunks themselves a different color as well and you can pull like you're seeing me pull out these different areas I can really deeper dive and in some cases some layers do have multiple color options and if you want to see more you can click on that layer and see what's changing because it might be a little bit more complicated so this road motorway trunk does show that as it's X you're zooming in or zooming out the colors are being thought about at different zoom levels and so they're changing and that's why it showed up as a little bit of a dot form here so I'm just going to choose a little bit of a lighter color and I'm gonna also use roads again here just because roads have the most data layers so it's just kind of like a quick way to show so I'm just going to change those to a lighter orange and I'm going to decide that I just mostly want to showcase the roads in DC because I think they're real cool so I'm gonna kind of make everything else in the map recede so I want the base to be a little lighter I think I'm gonna try to go for a light gray maybe white and then I'm noticing as I look at the map that the the roads have a little bit of grey there right so I'm gonna use that little pop-up I showed before and see what is being controlled here in terms of colors so I'm seeing in the color palette that the base is underneath where I clicked the roads are there and then the color I want to change in the color palette is this little road outline so that obviously looks terrible because it's heavily contrasted but that's a nice confirmation that that's what I wanted to change so I'm going to maybe make it a darker orange to make it kind of analogous I feel like that's a little too dark a little too hard for the eyes still so maybe that seems good to me it's contrasted enough where I can tell that there's an outline and kind of highlighting the road but not too contrasted where it makes the map hard to read and since again I really just want to highlight the roads in the snap I'm going to go ahead and make green space a little lighter which is all those Park areas and maybe make the park labels a little lighter as well and I don't really care about a lot of the labels on this map so I'm going to go and there's a little eye icon next to these layers so I'm just gonna use that to turn off that entirely layer entire component which is turning off all the layers of that component and mmm I don't care about buildings either I really only care about roads so that quickly the maps already pretty customized and really removed a lot of clutter that was relating to what I wanted to be doing but I still and not happy about these row labels I feel like maybe they're a little too big so I'm gonna go into this little typography space right here another typography palette I suppose you could call it and in here it shows all the different groupings that these layers have and how they relate to each other so if I change the points of interest grouping let me turn that back on in terms of the components if I if I were to decide that I wanted these on my map and wanted them to be important I can quickly make them bigger or if I want to still have them on the map but just minish them a little I can make them smaller right there I also can make it all uppercase which maybe isn't a great idea for points of interest just because there's a lot of them and none brings it back to the state it was before in terms of the text aesthetic but you also can change the font so maybe having it small and having it a little bold allows it to be legible still but small I also would be really careful though in terms of all these a the amount of capability you have to customize things doesn't mean you need to customize every layer so especially with typography while you can customize a lot of stuff I would make sure that you're staying within using only maybe two or three typefaces max you really can make a really good map even with just using one bond across the entire map because within a font you can use the regular font medium bold italic you can use size differences to create a visual hierarchy as well and with the addition of being able to text transform stuff so uppercase that also helps a lot and being able to change color also creates different visual hierarchy so I also just wanted to point that out because I think often end as well as the color palette just because you can do everything doesn't mean you have - for design just to highlight that to avoid making ugly maps I guess I'm not gonna I'm gonna go ahead and turn off these point of interest because again I don't really want them on here and I want to make these road labels smaller I think that'll make me happy a little bit smaller I kind of like that a lot more but I'm wondering if maybe I should just change the color cuz if I made it maybe a darker orange instead of the black that would still be contrasted but it might help a little to make it match the road it's on top of it a little bit more cuz at this point I just want to make a prettier map as a backdrop maybe for some data and less Road focused for navigation so I'm going to check in the color palette if there is something that can help me here because there are other options that you can add and you also can remove items so I don't need this hospital color right here and I also don't need schools and I also don't think I need transit really to be any particular color when you remove stuff from the color palette it's not removing it from the map what it's doing is it's just removing that automatic color choice that it had set so now all the color relationships still exists but it's just going based off of the maps base color and the map space color is in this color palette so now the schools and hospitals and whatever else I just turned off are all based off of this base color rather than the colors that they were and I can add those back in but again I was looking for road labels so it does look like the color palette does have an option for me to quickly switch the road label color and I'm just going to hover to make sure I'm choosing the right one like oh I might have removed it actually sorry yeah I removed it so the road label I want to make it just a darker and I don't know if you can tell but before I was kind of more of a black so that's a little obviously very legible but I just want it to be contrasted enough to be illegible but still kind of blending in and that slight difference in contrast really helped the legibility right there so that is kind of a quick overview of how just using the components part of studio really can help you customize a map a lot but I do want to dive into the layers bit because that also is important and here you can see that everything that I turned off in terms of the eye is also immediately it's been turned off but not removed so maybe I'm going to turn natural features back on and perhaps I just am not happy with this blue and I really love the title Basin and other similar bodies of water so I'm going to use that little clicky this pop-up investigation tool and again it's showing me what data layers are located at that particular point of click and I can tell that that's the waterline label so now in layers it's showing me all the design decisions that is behind this data layer but I just want to change the color so I'm gonna go to where it says color and then to override what the component relationship is all I have to do is click this override button and I think I'm just going to clear this value entirely and my favorite color is red so I'm gonna make it a red color cuz I just love the title Basin a lot I guess and that quickly allows you to customize it obviously that's an extreme example and maybe you wouldn't want to make this particular label red but I just wanted to make sure that you saw how easy it is to quickly override something if you feel like it just needs to be adjusted slightly you also if you hate it and decide you like the original option that the tad you can quickly revert it and it goes back to what that automatic relationship is and if you know that when you're styling any particular map if you know that you're gonna just be doing a lot of overrides within a particular component and you know for sure that you're not going to use any of the component options you aren't you're not required to keep the component at all you can exact a component and that just means as soon as you eject it essentially all the logic and relationships behind those data layers are completely erased and all you're left with is just that data layer and you can start editing it and it's not going to like who are unsure if you'll ever want the component possibility again and you think you might I do recommend doing overrides versus ejections because you can revert an objection and finally I did just want to quickly highlight some other ways that you can add custom options in studio so you can upload your own fonts here and then you just would have to quickly go into the layer and go where the font area is override that and then choose whatever font you want to add as soon as you upload it here in this little window it's already it's then part of your font library same for this little image menu you can upload a custom symbol or pattern and if it's a symbol you can add it in that little icon space and if it's a pattern then you want to make sure you are choosing a polygon layer and there's a little option for pattern and you can upload it there and most importantly um if you want to share the map you do need to publish it to save it like so and then to share it you click share and it shows the multiple options in which you can share so this is the link option for sharing so then it's just gonna immediately show my map and I can share this anywhere as a link but you also can copy the style URL or the access token and the style URL is really useful when you're putting using it in different applications I imagine in templo tableaux the style URL and style ID can be used if you are doing a little bit more coding and that really is the summary of what I wanted to talk to you today about design in studio thank you so much Vanessa that was really cool to see because I mentioned that other people probably the same level as me a few studio but but they never really were sure what they were doing they kind of just you know I kind of just wing it I hit and I hope for the best so really appreciated this intro and what I'd love to do is have people do to connect with you on Twitter maybe you could could you bring up your your Twitter account so they can see the handle again yeah run for thana and because what I wanted to do is as soon as the recording is ready and we're publishing it and check to give people a challenge where the data set we use for mikkel Monday last year that has nice - your spatial data for Berlin - actually just based on what they learned today create a map so they don't need to do lots of analysis but just create a really cool map background to go with the data that we have there so they can apply straight away their new knowledge yeah they'd be awesome yeah so I would like them to you know tag you in it so that you know maybe we can come up with a hashtag for it oh yeah maybe hmm Vanessa's mapping challenge or something like that mmm it should be maybe it should be shorter just to make sure I mean it could be uh it could also just be built within that box when the hatch already exists yeah and then people could get connected to the met box community and even get some in here well you know following that hashtag so is it builds Bui LT yes my dad's German and one of the passwords he uses often is build like the portrait because my mom is an artist yeah yeah but definitely still tagged me though because I want to see them yes absolutely so do people have any questions I haven't seen anything else comes from beyond Tim's question but you still have time to post something in the QA so we'll come we'll do a bit of banter while people get a chance to ask questions sure and they should definitely connect with you on the box of their something coming in okay so tom says this is such a cool tool thank you I have a question about other administrative boundaries that don't appear to be included in the thoughts that for example my industry commonly locates properties by the public land survey system in the u.s. how can I add this data to my met box Maps good question and we'll be talking more about data in the next webinar like adding data and utilizing data but all you have to do is click this button here add new layer and there you can add your own data and upload a tile set here and a tile set essentially is your data converted into vectors so that it can be styled appropriately and you also can upload it in this little tile set area it's like officially only for tile sets and finally if it's not in the format that a Towson is required to be it you can upload a data set here and if it's the correct kind of data set it you can then confer to convert it into a tile set after you upload it but it is important to check and see what the format is when you're uploading these different pieces of data in here because it doesn't matter in terms of making sure it can be displayed as a vector okay thank you and there's one question which is probably more from me from amar when and where will the recording be posted so um I'm figuring that out as we go I will get the recording once it's all transformed and I've asked Andy creel actually whether we can post it on his YouTube channel because we don't have a make of a Monday one yet I'm planning to set that up in the coming days I just don't want that to be a delay so I'm gonna ask him to upload it to his channel then we post it on Twitter and in the in the tweet we'll do a short thread where we post a recording and then post a challenge with the data set on the maps and encouraging everyone to you know build some new cool Maps and there's another question where do I begin how and how if I'm a newbie to this whole concept and what's the effective way of using that box in tableau so maybe I can start answering that question my suggestion would be if you go to met box to do start with one of those different default styles maybe you Vanessa you can go to those so the ones that Vanessa showed there's six different ones that are already designed for you and when you choose one of those styles you can then hit the button of I think is it export or save something yes it's under the share menu it is share and then there is a download oh and well actually for tableau if you go to search party it's there's like it's it's super easy so if you go to share and then and the third party and the developer resources so if you could and then under the drop-down you can select tableau and then in tableau itself so maybe this is it's an integration URL and I'm going to bring up tableau and maybe I can do a quick screen share from my side let me let me quickly bring this up I didn't expect to do a demo but I I will I will quickly figure this out and I should stop sharing and not yet as bear with me I'm just going to okay I mean I'm just going to use I just want to kind of what [Music] I'm going yeah so I think I yep my screen and so you should all see now my tableau map and on the browser I've got books to do so this is what you just saw on Vanessa's screen and maybe I really like monochrome so let's do monochrome let's hit customize and now if I go to share and I say third-party and tableau and then I can copy this URL and then in tableau oh now I need to move I need to move something around here in tableau I can go to met current maps and then minutes maps so I've got a bunch already set up but I'm just going to add this one in under add I go to map box Maps and I say Monarchs Prime and then in the URL I just post and then I hit the tab key it already puts in the details that I need and then I say close and this is without doing anything other than just copying the the default style now in studio you could according to what Vanessa showed you could customize this map as much as you'd like you know maybe I don't like the blue maybe I want grey but this is how you then get it to show up in tableau and that's with your data so this is super store data at a city level so that's how easy it is to implement these into and I think that's a very good challenge to start with make a few tweaks in that box studio no matter what it looks like but just so that you understand what the changes do and what that looks like afterwards and then practice importing it into tableau and I have I've done a few different ones so if I go to so I've got lights as well which i think is the default light yeah and then I have satellite which is also nice so I've just I just created a bunch that now I'm stuck with forever I have Anthony Bourdain I think it's this yes so this is what I customized it's not particularly good but it's just something I practice so that's what I would recommend to start with and I always feel free especially in like in terms of cardiogram ik design if you have twitter um feel free to tweet at me or email me because I am the biggest cartography nerd and I really enjoy talking about design decisions and how to make maps there so yeah they would they would be amazing thanks for thank you for the suggestion and for that offer to our community so I'm just going to check this one more quick on a bit that was the question answered so and so that's great and I'm just quickly checking of the chat is it any more question oh I want to read this one out from Tim thanks for putting this together very helpful likely beyond the scope of this webinar but we quickly put together a tool for volunteer medical students to help health care workers with urgent child care needs so they can keep fighting the virus any suggestions or feedback from people with more maps experience would be greatly appreciated okay so Tim posted a link and maybe that maybe Tim you could actually maybe tweet this out because then more people see what has been built and if you tagged Vanessa in it and she could have a look and maybe you can start a conversation there yeah excellent and anything else from from you or so I think maybe in terms of the next webinar we haven't scheduled yet I think the virus has like completely you know put everyone into a bit of a chaos we we will figure this out I just make sure we have the right platform we have a bit of a schedule that fits with everyone but we are committed to bringing you more mapping goodness sounds good yeah and I'm definitely doing well I'm doing the next one but there there's three right I think of debris yeah I think we will plan to have a three-part series to get people from you know very beginnings - okay let's let's take it to the next level for those who have practiced and then see where we get to awesome sounds great thank you so much Vanessa for helping us learn something new and for making the time everyone's working from home now so yeah everyone please take care of yourselves stay safe and as soon as it's recorded and in process we'll upload it and then look or to continue the conversation on Twitter thank you things everyone bye
Channel: Andy Kriebel
Views: 10,137
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mapping, maps, mapbox, mapbox studio, data visualization, data visualisation, tableau, powerbi
Id: LfWSlHz9SKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 36sec (3216 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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