Qfield for QGIS # QGIS Tutorial

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Really useful programme.

There was a really good presentation on using it for geological fieldwork at the recent FOSS4G in perth by Edward Keys

Slides here https://2020.foss4g-oceania.org/hubs/perth/assets/presos/Edward%20Keys%20-%20QField:%20Exploration%20Geology's%20new%20'must-have'%20tool.pdf

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/mikedufty 📅︎︎ Jan 31 2021 🗫︎ replies

I've been using Qfield extensively in my new job. This was a great introduction. My only constructive criticism would be more in depth discussion of how to configure your layers prior to packaging. Thank you for taking the time to make this.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/buttnakedGeology 📅︎︎ Feb 01 2021 🗫︎ replies

I get a error message telling me that the Qfield plugin in not enabled when I try to create a package to export to my device.

I've searched on the advanced section of the plugins manager to find a way of enabling the processing plugin but can't resolve this issue.

Any ideas anyone?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Alarming_Wrap3642 📅︎︎ May 24 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] so [Music] hi guys welcome to today's qgis tutorial in this video we will learn using qgis and q field for field data collection you can subscribe to this channel to follow all my previous useful js tips and tutorials if you like what you do here and you want to support this channel you can join our patreon i will provide a link in the description below q field is an open source mobile application that allows you to edit qgis projects on mobile devices that is your phones your tablets and then any other device that supports android or ios it is built with qg's rendering engine so your qgis project which includes the symbology will look exactly the same in queue field we're going to actually look at that practically when we insult you fill in our mobile devices it supports most of the formats that qgi supports including share files your packages and postgis database and works fully when offline you can also even include some raster layers into key field key field functionalities include feature digitizing geometry and attribute editing attribute search form customizable through qgis gps support and camera integration so let's go to qgis and look at today's exercise so we'll go to qgis and create a new blank project i've already created a new blank project so the next thing you want to do is we want to bring in a raster layer so that we can demarcate our area of interest the area where we're going to do our field work in this case i want to do i want to do some field work on collecting data about atms that are within a certain area so i'm going to load a raster layer there are several ways of loading raster layers the one i usually like for this exercise is using the xyz tile so i'm going to go to my browser button if you don't have your browser panel you can always find it by right clicking on this and making sure that it's checked so i have my browser panel here so the next thing i'm going to do is i'm going to go to the xyz tiles then i i'll select the drop down on x x's xyz tiles and you can see i already have some tiles loaded here in this exercise you're going to be using the bing maps which will be our base layer so i'm going to select the bing maps and then i'm going to drop it into the layers panel and the big mop sale is loaded so after it has been loaded now we need to determine which area of interest or where are we going to do our field work since we're just going to be doing it randomly what i'm going to do is i'm going to go to plugins and i'm going to use a geocoder plant game to look for an address i'm going to look for an address and let's say maybe we look for a capital maybe maybe say a town maybe say pretoria this is a town in south africa so i'm going to hit enter and it will give me some results server found some places that have that name so i'm just going to select the drop down and i'm going to select pretoria city which is in south africa then okay and it is loaded into our qgis the point is already into a kgs so the next thing i'm going to do is i'm going to zoom into this point here so i'm going to zoom in because i just need the images of my area of interest and you can see it's becoming clearer and i think to that point this is okay for me so what i can do is i can just save this area here and use it as my area of interest so the next thing we are going to do is we are going to now create a boundary for area of interest to create a boundary for area of interest you're going to create a new shapefile layer so i'm going to go to layer create layer you can create a new package layer or your new shapefile the choice is yours so for me i'm going to create a new shapefile layer then i'm going to save it somewhere in my folder by clicking this three dots and i'm going to be creating a boundary for my area so i'm going to create a boundary for my area is an sd sharp file then the geometry type is a polygon so i'm going to select polygon then i'm just going to have a name within my attributes it's a text data that i'm going to add to field and i can even remove this integer here but i only have only one field in my attribute table so now the boundary shape file has been created here and it's empty so i'm going to just digitize my area of interest i'm going to select the boundary then i'm going to click on toggle editing then i'm going to add polygon feature select that then i'm just going to select a rectangle for this so i'm going to say rectangle from a center of a point so this is my center actually this looks like around about here so i'm going to select these then i'm just going to draw my nice rectangle for my area of interest so i'm okay with that and i'm going to call it my work area so i'm going to save it now i'm going to stop the editing then save the edits then now i'm going to style my boundary layer so i'm going to click on the layer go to properties then the symbology i'm going to make sure it's a simple outline then i'm going to change the color to red and i'm making it a bit thicker so that it's visible when i'm using it and then i'm going to click on apply okay to save it so i have my boundary for my area of interest i'm going to zoom to layer so that i can actually look at the whole of my area i can even remove now the point the geocoding point i don't need it anymore actually so the next thing we're going to do is we want to collect atm information in this area we want to do a field field work and we want to collect all the atms that are for the different banks in this area so the next thing we need to do is we need to have a point layer so i'm going to create a point layer now for the banks so i'm going to click on layer create layer you can create on your your packet let me create a new shapefile layer then i'm going to select this and i'm going to say atm points atm points i'm just going to call it atm points i will click on save then the geometry type is a point then now we're going to create new fields for our our atm points so the the first kind of field i want to create is the name actually i actually want to just have the name of the atm so i'm going to say name of the bank that uh installed the atm so then it's a text data i'm going to put 80 then add to field then the next thing i'm going to do is i'm going to have maybe say the number of atms within that atm uh atm zone so i'm going to say the number i'm just going to use for number short form atm number of atms and then it's a whole number and i'll leave it the length of 10 i had to add field to list then i'm going to now go to another one another field which is the date i'm going to say the date of of data collection so dates then this is a date the type is a date i'm going to say add fill field list then i'm going to also have another last column here and you can put as many columns as you want depending on your need in field work so my last column here is going to be photo and photo is a text data because it will be a link so i'm going to put the length of maybe say 200 as much as i want it to be as long as possible so that it doesn't uh actually inconvenience me then i'm going to click on add field to list so i have i have five uh fields i can't even remove the integer i don't need the integer so i'm going to click on remove so i can remain with only four fields here then after that i'm going to make sure that everything is okay here including my projection i'm going to say okay and now i have my atm points here so the next thing i'm going to do is i'm going to do a little bit of customization to my point so i'll right click on the layer go to properties then i want to start with the symbology so i'm going to change this to a bigger dot so i'm going to because i want it to be visible in when i'm when i'm actually placing it in my map i'm going to select this red dot then because my boundary is already red i'm going to change this color i'm just going to use maybe a purple dot for my atm point then i'm going to click on apply now i have my purple point here the next thing i want to do is i want to go to the labels i want it to be labeling every every time that i create a point so i'm going to let it label using a single label and i'm going to let it use the name as the label so i'm going to also change a little bit of the text i'm going to make sure it's also a purple text then i'm going to also put a buffer white buffer around it and also make sure that the placement is maybe say in a distance of maybe say let's say three then i click on apply now i already made changes in the symbology and the label now the third thing i'm going to do is i'm going to go to there attribute form so in the attribute form we're going to do some little bit of changes in our fields so i'm going to start with the name and the name and the we get type is a text edit so i'm going to change it to volume up and for the volume up you can actually add values from a csv file or you can just create them here so i already have a lesson in how to create value maps so i'll provide a link in the description below for you to follow so i'm going to key in some names of the bank items that i know maybe in this area so i'm going to start by maybe say solarchat then in the constraints i'm going to make sure that it's not null so i'm going to check not null and i'm going to enforce not now constrain but if someone tries to leave it blank it will give him a warning that actually this is a must fill so i'm going to click on apply after that the next thing i'm going to go to the date i'm going to remove editable then i'm going to leave the video typos at a time then below here in the defaults i'm going to just say it is that time the exact dates when the data is collected so this is the preview of our dates how it's going to be looking like then i'm going to click on apply then i'm going to go to photo and in photo i'm going to make sure it's an attachment so i'm going to select an attachment then i'm going to just click on apply and i think that customization is okay now for our point so the next thing we're going to do is we're going to just now that we have the boundary and the atm we need to have the image of the exact image of the area so that we can actually just work with the with our data offline because you're not going to the field maybe sometimes you might have some problems with the internet connection so you might necessarily not be having an image readily available so we're going to just learn now how to save the image for our area of interest and that is by going to the processing toolbox selecting raster tools and then we want to generate xyz type for our area of interest i already have a lesson in this also so i will provide a link in the description below for you to follow i'm going to double click on generate xyz tiles it will bring me this pop-up box here the next thing i want to do i want to give it an extent so before i do that i can actually just zoom out to my area but i can have a bigger extent that is beyond my boundary i just want to draw a bigger accent so that i can have a larger image so i'm going to now draw an extent on canvas you have many other options that you can actually do so i'm just going to draw on canvas and i'm just going to draw it from somewhere maybe here going to down maybe somewhere there then that is my extent then the next thing i'm going to do is i'm going to put the minimum zoom to 2 and the maximum zoom to maybe say 18 then the dps i'm going to put it at 300 dpis then it's a jpeg instead of tpng i'll put jpeg i'll put these these as 85 then the output i'm going to save it to file and i'm going to call it field field work i'm just going to call it fieldwork raster and click on save then before i run i'm actually going to just uncheck the boundary so it's not drawn as part of the image then i'm going to click on run now the algorithm has finished so i'm going to click on close then you're going to now i'm just going to check my area of interest again my boundary then i'm going to load my raster layer my new raster layer so i'm going to add layer address the layer i'm going to select fieldwork raster click on add then i click on close and i can actually remove the being map virtual and then bring the fieldwork raster below the bing map virtual then zoom to layer and now i have my raster layer together with my boundary of the area and also some points that are going to be digitizing so i can actually do away now with being virtual raster here so you can actually see if i zoom in it's as clear as the as the image that we had the virtual image the being image that we had so you can actually see the streets very very nicely and the building very very easily when you're in the field so after doing these and you're having the points the polygon and the raster file we're going to go to the next step which is now loading these into the queue field so in order for you to be able to load it q feel you need to install a plugin that is going to enable you to do that so you're going to click on plugin go to manage and install plugins and it'll bring the plugin manager so we need to go to all then in under all you're just going to click look for queue field and it will give you a queue fill sync so select q field sync then you will install it i've already installed it i can just click on install no i'm done and just reinstalled make your field think you can read more about whoever developed these q field and what version it is by looking at the information here plugin successfully installed i'm going to click on close and you can see i have now some tabs here one is package for q field and the other one is thinkorize for key field and then the last one is configure current project so you can actually access it from here on your toolbar if you don't find it on your toolbar here you can just go to plugins then there is a queue field sync then you can actually look at the kind of options that are there the first thing i normally do is i go to the preference then you can actually now put the defaults import directory and export directory for me i put them in the gis data q field import and for the export i put them in the gis data fill export so you can actually customize here depending on your need so i'm going to click on close so the next thing we want to do before we install keyfield on our on our phones or our tablets we need to prepare this data for q field so we're going to go to plugins or you can actually use the shortcuts that are on your toolbar go to qgis fields field sync then go to package for q field so i'm going to click on packet for key field then it will bring this pop-up here then it will take me directly to the export directory but if i do that i can actually go to project save projectors then i'm going to call it q field pretoria click on save then i'm going to go to plugins q field sync and then package for q field then i'm just going to uh you can actually change the directory if you want but i'm just going to leave it to my export directory then i'm going to just go to click on create and you can see it has finished creating my project you can see tell me please copy this folder to your q field device so that's the next thing i'm going to do we're going to copy that folder in our key field device now that my data is ready i'm going to connect my phone and then i'm going to copy everything that is uh in this folder export folder into my phone so i'm going to first access the data where it is so it is in c my c drive in my desktop i need to go to my desktop yes data queue field then it's in in my export folder when i open my export folder i'll i'll find all my files within the export folder you can see there is the raster file the boundary the atm points the queue field so we're going to actually copy everything here in the export folder let's click select copy then i'm going to go to my phone and you can see i have my phone connected and i'm going to save it in a folder that i've already created called key field then i'm going to create a folder here new folder here and i'm going to call it fieldwork fieldwork1 because i'm going to have several fieldworks and i'm going to paste everything here and i have completed transferring that into my phone so the next thing i'm going to do is i'm going to install key field on my phone so the next thing i want to do is we want to install key field so we go to our search button in the play store and search for key field and then we'll get q field for qgis click on install for me i've already it's also i'm going to i'm just going to click on open then when you open q field you'll find there's some recent projects that someone actually did so what we're going to do is we're going to open local projects so i'm going to click on open local project then it's in my internal storage so i'm going to select internal storage i'm going to scroll down up to the q field folder this is the key field folder and select that and i'm going to select field work one and now i have the key field pretoria so i'm going to select that and it will load my information and now you can see it has actually loaded all the data that we are working with so i'm actually going to zoom in you can see i have my image very very nicely in display so since it's 1am you can actually not go out to do some field work so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to create some data within this work area straight from my house so the first thing you need to do is you need to click on this part here and you will see all the information that you have so we have there atm points the boundary and then there is a fieldwork raster so what you want to do is you want to click on this pencil here to start editing so i want to start editing the atm point so i'm going to select the atm points first then i'm going to click on the edit to start editing and it tells you you are now on digitizing mode so i'm going to go back this way then i'm going to just select a place you can see there is a casa here that has a plus so at the middle of that this crosshair is where your point will be so i can just do an assumption here and say let me start with this point here so i'm going to click on this plus point here to add my data let me click on that class and then it will tell add feature of the atm you can now see our form that we had actually customized is now here so i'm going to select the name of the atm so for example i'm just going to click on the drop down here so that it gives me all the other options that i have the drop down and i'm going to just assume this is a wells fargo so i'm going to select wells fargo then i'm going to click then i'm going to scroll down again now the number of atms i'm just going to do an assumption here i'm going to put maybe there four of them in that location then i'm going to click on the tick here then i'm going to scroll down and you can see the date is 30th today so you can't actually edit it so then i'm going to scroll down if you have a photo in your sd card you can actually select it or you can actually just take a photo so i'm going to click on take a photo and because i'm not in the field i'm really going to take a photo of something in my house maybe like just this this man here in the tv and then once you take the photo you can just click on this stick here to save it and we have our nice photo here but i'm expecting you to take the photo of the feature that you're looking at so i'm going to click on the tick to save everything so i'm just going to click on that tick and you can see our first point appears on our map here so we're going to go to another location maybe i was working on this street here and there's a bank here in this building at the edge of our boundary so i'm going to do again the same thing i'm going to click on the plus button here it will tell me to add a feature so i'm going to click on the drop down here and i'm going to say this abso bank then the number of atms i'll say i'll go to that and say maybe the number of atms are with that area 8 for ups a bank then i'm going to click on the tick here then the date is still 30 because it's just today then i can actually go to my sd card to get an image but i can also take another picture of something in my house again so i'm going to take a picture that is of my giraffe then i'm going to click on save on the tick here so after that i'm going to click on the tick here and you can see after bank appears on our work area so i'm just going to do another eight points then you're going to learn how to now load all these back to qgis once you're done with your edits you can actually just click on these three dots here to stop the editing you're now in browser mode and there are several other things that you can actually do you can look at the settings here click on the settings there is open project settings log about logs measure tool you can click on the measure tool and be able to measure distance from maybe say one bank to another by just moving it to that click on the add button here then move to the other and you can now look at that and it tells you the length in meters or the two points let me just zoom in a bit so that you can actually be able to see what it what is happening and actually snaps you can see it snaps you can see it snapping so that's how you can actually use even the the tools for the length so i can click on close measure tool so since i have already known from this standard bank to prime bank is this number of meters and the coordinates of these these and that so what you can do is you can just click on the close measure tool now and then after that again just go back and there's so many other things you can actually do with this application it's up to you to just look at it and try to try try on one or two things on your own then i'm going to click on the back button here to close the project and then now i'm going to go to my sd card and just see the kind of information that is in i'm going to go to my sd card now that we are done collecting our data in the field the next thing we're going to do is we're going to now access our sd card in our phone so i've already connected my phone to my computer i'm going to access it and i'm going to go to the folder that we created called q field field work and you can see now in my field there's a new folder here called dcim that is where the images that i took was saved actually just saved only two images so i'm going to now copy the whole of this folder or everything in this folder into my import folder so i'm going to click on copy and i'm going to go to desktop gis data q field the import is empty so i can just paste it in the import folder like that and i have copied all the information that i need from my sd card in my phone so i'm just going to click on close then i'm going to go back to my qgis and then i'm going to go back to my plugin now i want to just now access the information directly here so i'm going to go to the plugin q field sync then i'm going to go to synchronized from q field then by default it has already selected the import folder so i'm just going to click on synchronize so all my information has actually been brought into qgis so we have all our information here you can see when i open the attribute table we have the information that we have actually collected from the field including the names the number of atms the date and the photo some of the photos i didn't check because then i already took two photos which are now for demonstration so the next thing i want to do is i want to see if i can actually look at the photos so i know for wells fargo i took a photo and for outside bank i took a photo so i'm just going to click on identify tool and i when i click on this point here it just gives me the information about the point but does not give me the photo because i haven't done something some customization here so i want to show these photos as pop-ups i have a full lesson on this i'll put a link in the description below so i'm going to just go right click on the layer go to properties then i'm going to select the attribute form then i'm going to select photo then i'm going to now look at the path here just below the path here i'm just going to scroll down and select relative to path then i'm going to scroll down again and then i'll go here type no content i'll select image then instead of auto weave and auto height i select the width at 400 and height at maybe say 300 then i'll click on apply okay and then i come back to the identify tool and select wells fargo you can now see the photo that i took of this man on tv and i can go to apsa and select also because i know it had an image and as the image of the giraffe that i took in the house so that is how for the others since they don't have any image it will just be blank but now we have all our information straight from key field to qgis and we can continue with our edits and making very nice maps with this data that's it for today's long exercise if you found this video useful and you want to learn more in kgs subscribe to my channel don't forget to give this video a thumbs up otherwise i'm just happy you're here see you in my next video
Channel: WiseGIS
Views: 12,158
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: qgis, qgis tutorial, qgis tutorial for beginners, qgis3, qgis 3.14 tutorial, gis, data, qfield for qgis, qfield android tutorial, qfield tutorial, qfield sync, qfield synchronisation
Id: 5qE22Iz6ymA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 51sec (1971 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 31 2021
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