Publish QGIS Maps Online Using the GIS Cloud Plugin & Collect Field Data Directly Into QGIS via WFS

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uh hello qgis community and thank you for having us at qgis north america also thanks to mickey for inviting us here my name is marta and i'm a product designer at gscloud and with me here today is igor he is our head of growth and he's also a gs specialist so okay uh before we jump into the specifics of the plugin igor can you maybe tell us why would someone even use js cloud yeah thank you martha for the level introduction and thank you all for joining the session and of course thank you for inviting us uh great question yeah definitely um so basically we are a collaborative mapping solution for the entire workflowy organization and maybe what i'd like to stress the most is that we are focusing on that collaborative part and focusing on different roles that someone has in their organization so that's why we kind of stress the entire part right how we are trying to do that is when you're dealing with people who are not in gis world let's go like that who are not gis advanced users you need to make sure that the data and the maps that you prepare for them uh are you know in the environment that they actually understand so when we first started our first and main goal was to try and fix this with this it kind of resonates with you know all people who want to use spatial uh applications right because you as gis users you understand this right you know how to use this and you use it on daily basis and it's not a problem for you now when we think about different roles in in an organization you know when you have different workflows then basically you need to understand that there are field workers there are people that are in finance or stakeholders people holding into view maps so first and foremost you have to make sure that the environment they use is understandable that is user friendly so when we first started working with customers we kind of learned that you know spatial data definitely comes out of gis departments so you have those you know advanced users uh but then you have other who others in the organization who need to consume the data so we kind of built uh four different main applications um that are kind of targeted to those roles in those organizations so as you can see here we have map editors for advanced users we have a mobile data collection for field workers who can then start collecting data in the field but also then a viewer simple application for um you know people who only need to view the data in a private mode uh but also through a more user-friendly uh application as well and then definitely you have the public who needs to access maybe public data but all through a more customized user-friendly environment as well and it's it's definitely really worth to know that it has to be completely secure in private but also public if needed as well as you all probably know gis can be used across all industries and you know spatial data is something that you have to understand and have when making decisions in all types of commercial businesses that you have but we pride ourselves most on on the use cases and stories that we build with non-profit organizations and people that actually improve human lives on daily basis so now we can concentrate on our publisher for qgis plugin and today we want to present to you what what publisher can do for you and also we have another workflow once you have used the publisher to transfer your maps and data into js cloud then you can also use wfs so web feature service to consume your data from js cloud directly into qgis and then we will show you a live demo of this entire workflow we will also show you how you can collect data in the field and view your collected data features directly in your qgis project using wfs uh so why we developed this plugin we have talked to our users as well as the qgis users and they said they wanted a seamless desktop and online workflow to be able to collaborate on many different levels using also extensive desktop solutions as well as online solutions for collaborations and so they said they wanted to be able to publish their qgis maps projects online to easily share data with co-workers some of them want to only publish a part of their project because projects often can be quite heavy large they also wanted to preserve symbology this was very important when transferring the data from qgis to js cloud and they wanted to work on maps in real time what they also wanted to achieve is to control the access to online maps or to particular layers so they can streamline their workflows and also if they continue to work on their projects in qgis they wanted to sync the changes with the online map and some of them also wanted to have multiple versions of the same app in js cloud so we listened to their needs and we tried to implement everything they wanted and we achieved even more so now we have a plugin that enables you just users to publish their vectors rasters wms wfs and symbology you can upload the entire map or just a few layers you can also update only a few layers or entire map it all depends on your workflow you can give a name to your map you can decide to upload it as a private or public map if you decide to upload it as a private map you can change it to a public map later in js cloud as well and as i said you can update all changes you have made to a map or a specific layer uh upload the new version of the map to js cloud and share your maps if your map is public you can share it instantly just uh copy and paste url link to your colleague or if your map is private then you have to share through this form with permissions to view and edit you can also even publish some qr gis analysis if you first save them as rasters the plugin is compatible with qgis three and two and it is connected via a secure connection after we have implemented all these for publishing maps and data uh users said they wanted to consume some js cloud data directly in qgis and now you can do all these things you can collect data directly into qgs you can see the collected data in the real time appearing in qgs and in js cloud at the same time you can edit the data as well so this is what we'll show you now in our live presentation yeah so i think this is something that's a lot of you've probably been waiting for like martha mentioned you know with the publisher you can finally publish your maps from qgis to gis clouds but now with wfs you can finally go the other way around and keep the data in js cloud and then have all the functionality of qgis but still have data in one place exciting news exciting news so martha please show us i'm now in qgis i have prepared a map here with a couple of basic layers some buildings and roads and now i will uh log in with my gis cloud account into the gs cloud publisher okay so because my map is already you know ready i will just go ahead and publish my map to gs cloud and i have designated here that i want to publish all layers i can also choose to publish only visible layers and if i uncheck one of those those layers that layer will not be published to js cloud so let's publish my map i'll make my map to be private and now i will publish it and as you can see it goes uh quite quickly we are almost done okay great so now i have to save this project so i can update it later if i change something and let's open this map in js cloud i have already logged in so it didn't ask for my credentials but you have to enter your credentials to be logged in and here is our map yeah looks good okay great it looks the same yeah all the symbology has been transferred successfully and that's great so uh now i want to show you that if i want i can share this map with igor very easily so this is a private map and that's why i have to use my form for sharing and publishing and i can allow eager to edit my map and i can also allow eager to collect into my map and update on collected data okay so we have done that and i will just show you that if you change something in qgs it will also update in js cloud so let's change the color for instance of the buildings let's make it i don't know green okay so now you have seen that the publisher has prompted you to update your published map and if you click here it will again ask you to choose which layers you want to update and i'll update the entire map now save my project again and open map ngs cloud so just opened in another tab but you will see this is actually the same map okay so now that i have published my map to js cloud let's see if this can work both ways so we now want to show you how you can also collect data into js cloud and directly into qgs and for these purposes we have a prepared uh form for data collection and igor will uh tell you a bit more about what we are just about to show you yeah great so like we said at the beginning the publisher part is actually the starting point obviously you have a project in qgis now you publish it to gis cloud but now what we want to do is we want to let's say build a data collection project for example in gis cloud so we want to create a completely new table that will be in gis cloud database and then see if we can actually consume that data as a wfs in qgis and why we would want to do that because in qgis i could then uh do maybe some advanced analysis or advanced edits for example but let's see if that's actually possible so what we did like martha said prepare the data collection uh table and a form so if we go to the database and we prepared a small demo for trees for example we have a lot of customers actually do do a tree inspection now this table is completely empty so it zoomed us to the equator coordinate zero zero right uh but no worries what we'll do next is we will uh start collecting data and fill in and fill in some points okay so what smart is doing right now she is connecting the uh form uh with layer so instead of you know filling in um simple text data i as a collector will actually need to populate the form according to the predefined values for example okay so uh martha can you share me uh presenters options so i can share my screen as well yes of course i just wanted to remind our audience that i have previously granted eager with collecting permissions and you can see here that he can use mobile data collection app to collect data into my map so now i will share the screen to eagle okay let me see can you see my screen yeah okay now what i'd like to do is show you um how this actually looks like in our data collection application that we built uh if i uh go and log in i can go to maps and layers and refresh the list because it's a newly created map and then i can choose the map and see okay the name of the map is js cloud wfs when i open the form and this is where the magic happens um you can start filling in the data according to the custom form that we've previously created so for example the first field is okay let's say name of the tree uh let's call it three one then we can say uh we choose the type or we kind of define okay we want to have small medium tall trees and of course you can have as many predefined values as you need this is a custom form you can change at any time as well so this is the beauty of having a tool like this okay let's go to the next field called issues let's say that we have some bugs there and let's see if i can take a photo as well we call this screen inception and then i click send now you can see uh there's number one uh in under cue tab which disappeared right now this means that you can actually collect data in offline mode as well now if we go back to marta's screen she should see a point uh on a map at my location and note we are not at the same location at the moment so you'll probably see my hometown now martha can you take over the screen yeah sure i also collected some data in the field and let me see now if we refresh this map let's see okay we have some points here i'm in zagreb so he igor is a hundred kilometers apart yeah okay so let's see what did eagle collect can you see your photo okay here it is and let's see mine i also collected bugs nice okay we have a lot of bugs oh you took a photo yourself yeah i just say hi uh because we can't be all together uh at this you know in the same space right now because of this code situation i can at least say hi okay so now that we have successfully collected the data into our map we can maybe you have okay you have collected a couple of more yeah i've been busy i've been actually sending more points okay great i also have been sending some data your way so just we have a couple of more you know points on our map so uh first time we have collected data we use the gps that's why our points are so far apart and then we use the pinpoint tool just to have a center centered our data so now you can see how many four points here just let us reload once more just to be certain i added a couple more yes and then if we zoom out we will be able to see even more and so let's now consume this data and continue to collect data into qgs perfect okay so we have to go to the share and publish form and click on the wfs and now you have here this link which you have to copy and then you go to qgs just to add one thing that is important currently if you want to be able to uh consume wfs layer in qgis you need to share the actual map with edit privileges to the user who will consume it so that's one important step that you need to make okay so now i'm naming this layer i will also authenticate this data so that i can edit the data as well and the username and the password is actually the user and the password over js cloud account if you don't use your username and data you will be able to see the data but you will not be able to edit them only if the map is public yes if the map is public right okay let's add this layer okay here we go we have successfully edited the layer great so this is our layer let's see how many features we have here eight features if i zoom out a bit okay i can maybe even edit the symbology to make it a bit bigger so we can see the data better okay and also in the meantime while you're doing this i'm still collecting the data uh just to see if you'll be able to see the new points coming in in qgis directly okay great i'll just let's see is there something new okay oh there it is it's actually real time i like did it like two seconds ago okay great so you have seen that we had here only eight features and now we have nine because igor added another point through mobility collection it's just it's the same as in js cloud you can see here all the attributes and i've if i want i can also edit this attributes now this is extremely important let's see if you can actually change the attributes so i will put here something uh different than what we had in our form just to more easily find my edit name here in yes also i have edited this first point that igor has sent okay so now i will save layer edits and now let's see uh how does the mapping js cloud look like okay so i have edited this point that igor has sent from itsa okay so you can see here that what we edited in qgis is exactly replicated in js cloud instantly and uh as i have entered the wrong information this is here accentuated one other thing that's extremely powerful when you have a form attached to a layer it gives you all the data that's not added correctly so you can see here also can we do another test can you try to add a point through qgis and see if that point will appear in gis cloud sure so let's add a new point somewhere halfway through okay let's look at it save that is right and now let's see what happens in js cloud okay here it is you have these two points we have created in qgs and our form is empty here and here as well and now we can if we wish we can edit attributes and it still keeps the form attached to it so you can actually uh select from the predefined values that we had in the custom form it's the same form that you saw in mobile at the collection okay so this is a hidden field it just collects username and let's save this uh and let's see if this is also visible in qgis so i only edited one of those features so this one is empty okay and this one has the information yeah great so just remember you always have to refresh your map and data to be able to see what's new yeah that's it that's a good hint if you want to refresh wfs layers you can hit f5 so just to conclude uh we have shown you how our js called publisher works it is quite powerful yet very simple to use you can publish your data update data and transfer your symbology just as you have set it up and then you can also use wfs to consume your js cloud data directly into qgs and you don't have to have the js called publisher to use wfs and vice versa you can use either or you can use them together because we think this is kind of a perfect workflow connecting all the dots you know from your desktop complex tools which allow you to do analysis and you know some complex operations which you can't do in the online tools but online tools are here to power your collaboration be able to assign different tasks to different roles and to control who sees what data set and who can do what with data yeah that's a great way to put it and obviously looking forward to is to hear your feedback on this and if you have any questions we can answer them right now obviously but we are always available so please don't hesitate to get in touch
Channel: GIS Cloud
Views: 652
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Id: tizoToJBg-E
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Length: 23min 43sec (1423 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 27 2020
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