QGIS Plugin for map publishing: GIS Cloud Publisher - Why we made it and what can You do with it...

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so hello everyone once again and welcome to our GS cloud webinar to start we have a quick poll for you we want to know how often do you use just QJ s so if you don't mind entering so we can see how important this plugin or useful can be for you okay so thank you and welcome once again my name is Martin and I'm a product designer at GS cloud today here with me is evil he is our business development manager hi you got hey guys how you doing thank you all for joining but actually I have to say that Igor is not exactly here with me because you all know we are facing the corona virus pandemic at the moment so we are working remotely at home and at this moment we are apart 100 kilometers and you will be able to confirm this later when we will show you a neat workflow with data collection in the field but we will now begin with our presentation Igor do you have something to say maybe yeah first thank you for answering the poll it says that actually a lot of you use it every day so good to see that so definitely the most important part and plug it there is the publisher that we built for QGIS so it's good that a lot of you use it every day so we wanted to tell you today why we've developed the publisher for QGIS how we did it and you know what kind of new features we've implemented as Mart already mentioned she's she's behind the tool so definitely she will give you the item of the plugin but also then we'll follow up on that and see what you can then do with data and the maps once you've published it two GIS clouds so yeah Martha take away yes thank you guys thank you very much so I've been working on this plugin together with developers and our quality assurance we did an amazing job they tested it in and out so I think they managed to do over 160 tests of the publisher before it was officially released so thank you very much to them and why we actually developed this plugin so we talked to our users we're also qgs users and they wanted to publish online their maps in a lighter form because they often have very big and heavy projects with a lot of layers so as you can see I had a feedback from one of our users who said that it would be great to be able to upload the map with only selected layers because of those huge projects and they wanted to only share a few layers online with their co-workers and continue working and they also wanted to preserve symbology so they don't have to use additional time to establish their data again and after that I've created some initial prototypes the initial prototypes also included basic updating functions but we had this first initial prototype did what I didn't have an option to name the map you are creating in qjs once you want to publish it to J's cloud so when the users told me that they would like to be able to name their map and also to publish their Maps again to name it with another name so they can differentiate the project that they are working on currently in UGS which is connected to the published yes called map we enabled that function as you will see also they mentioned it would be great to have a clickable URL link to share the maps quickly which you can find a direct link into the QGIS plug-in but you can also find the link once you publish the map you will see that as well and some of our users also said they would like to have a few versions of their UGS maps in J's cloud so we enabled that as well to publish the same project as new version or if you update it you can also publish it as new version and have multiple versions of the same projects in a J's fault so now now we will go to the live demo and first I will show you my account just called account I have to sign in I will use a sample sample Maps account ok so now you can see so you can see this is the account I just recently created and I only have sample Maps inside this account and now I will open my QGIS where I prepared a project I was working on this project shows a a couple of layers and layer with the clients shows the pavement condition whether it is good that it has to be repaired so it's kind of a good use case to show you this dataset and now I will install my this cloud plugin so our we found it you can just type in publisher and you will find the GS public publisher plug-in and you see we already have a thousand more the thousand downloads so this is great we're getting a lot of feedback from people installing the polina and trying try it out so here's our plugin and I have to now sign into my JS called account to be able to link with QGIS project okay you can also use your social networks like like Facebook and Google to sign in as well and now I will show you how you can very quickly publish your map for this demo for now I will choose to publish all layers they are all visible and checked I will just click here to publish my map and as you can see I can name this map I will choose Melbourne roadworks and publish it as public map so I can quickly share the map with you just to add to that it's extremely important to note that of course the data once you publish it to GS code can be completely private as well so most of our customers actually use it in that way because they have a lot of internal processes and internal data private data they cannot share with anyone else so yeah that's definitely really really important to note that you can choose where the data or map will be private or public so good feature to have thanks Martha yeah thanks Igor for clarifying we will show you this workflow as well while we're waiting please fill in this short pool which is asking you whether you use some kind of data collection tool already because we will show you how you can collect your data directly into your published qjs projects when once we publish the map you can also if you want let us know what kind of tool do you use in the chat section on your right that will be great as well yeah and one thing to mention there's also a question questions tab so feel free to ask any questions as we go we will then answer them in the end of the presentation so a lot of you already use actually data collection tool that's great so now I have to save my project USGS project so I can update it later as I continue working and I will open my map in gos cloud as you have already seen there is also a copy link which you can use to share map instantly but you can also just copy URL of the map because it is public so here we are and now I can also zoom to layer and you can see the map is exactly as you can see it in QGIS project so now I want to go back to my QJ s and you can also open this map and see how it looks I will show you my home screen so here is my map Melbourne Road works I will open it now ok and go back to QJ s and now I want to make some adjustments I'll for instance uncheck a building footprints I'll add another layer for instance I'll add open Street basemap let's move it okay and I'll also add a raster I have prepared for this presentation a simple master ok okay so to be able to see better I will just rearrange the layers a bit okay and now I will update published map I will also use all layers now so you can see the difference because I have unchecked the building footprints layer so it's not visible at the moment as you can see and when I update my map it shouldn't be visible in just cloud as well so let's see how this how this works that's also a really good feature to have to actually be able to update the existing map that you have in GIS cloud so you don't publish new maps every time you make a change to projects in QGIS so that's that's also one of the things that we've been working a lot on right yes so let's open our map and see how it did I can also close my other tabs okay can you just go open the qgs tab yeah so I just wanted to note that the use case behind was that which is definitely related to the data collection part that we'll do also basically the points on a map you see are you know points of interest that can represent like potholes or places that we need to visit revisit so now what we want to do in gs cloud we want to have someone who can you know take let's say a data collection tool and then use this map from QGIS to visit these locations and then maybe update the data or maybe collect new points of interests so I just wanted to clarify that because you know what is the reason why would you even want to publish your data to a system like J's cloud right yeah yeah sorry no no I just want to say that's a that's a great workflow will show this a bit later okay so here is our updated map as you can see the building footprints layer is not visible I can turn it on if I want and we'll see how the raster did the raster is also here okay and the base map is also transferred to GS cloud so now I just want to show you how you can update only specific layers let's go back to QGIS and let's check and make visible this layer with buildings okay and I will uncheck maybe let's say pavement condition data but it will remain in jail out because I will only update visible layers so let's see how this works and here's a note which tells you what will happen once you click update map okay I have to save it I will open my map as you can see you can also publish this map as new map it will create another map in J's cloud you can try this out for yourself just install the plug-in it's free and you can test it out I'll open my map right now and as you can see building footprints is visible again okay so now I want to show you what can you do after you have published your Maps so this map is currently public you can make it private if you want but we want for you to be able to see the map so I will continue to have this map publicly available and now I will share this map with Eagle so he can access this map as well yes so basically now we wanted what we want to do is show you okay now I have that map in J's cloud what can I now do with the map with the data and how I can you know why would I even do it in the cloud environment right now this is a screen that you currently looking at is extremely important because what's smartly doing right now is she's sharing the map with me so I could access it through my gesture account and she's actually controlling what I can do with my map or with her maps and data so she said ok I can edit it I can share it maybe I can export the data I can collect new data updates so this is extremely important to have in a cloud environment okay I think we're ready maybe for my parts yes you can share my screen now I will share take and for for that we know that huge ice has been you know really extremely important tool for a lot of you guys and a lot of you have been asking for this for four years now and yeah we're definitely happy to have this webinar because we have the solution ready and we are getting a really good feedback and of course you know we're looking forward to your feedback we're not stopping here we'll definitely improve it and of course if you have any questions again there's a question tab where you can pose these questions we will then answer them at the end of the presentation but maybe the most important question that I usually have okay you have a lot of projects and a lot of maps that you use storing you know locally and see then visualize in the lights if you dress but then why would you even want to publish it to cheers clothes and by publishing I'm not make you know I'm not saying that it has to be public like I said it can be completely private and this is what we would like to answer right now okay so what marker did she created her projects in qgis the project as she said presents you know lines and polygons representing roads in in Melbourne and then points of interests representing potholes for example these let's say that this is the data that you currently have you need to update it you need to have people in the field who will need me to use some kind of an app or let's say mobile apps to to upload or to refresh the data that you have by visiting these locations and then updating geometry attributes whatever they need to do you want to make this a map or a map that you've created actionable that's the whole point so it's not just you know you publishing Maps you want to make it accessible for people who are included in the whole workflow okay let's so let's imagine that in that whole use case Martha is main guy she's an administrator she created the map she's analyzing the data but now she's missing a lot of it so what she wanted to do is publish her map fujio's publisher without you know spending hours recreating the map in gs clouds so she could enable me a person who's maybe handling field crews to update all her data in her local database so I'll need to sign in with my account for that purpose I've created my own specific account and by the way guys you can do it yourselves as well there's a free trial so you can you can test it out so if I go to the map shared with me section you can see the map that Fisher so this is it's it's simple as that with a single put a little push of the button she had a map in India's cloud environment and now a lot of things open for a rest she can now easily share the map with me with a single click as well um like she said at the beginning I'm not in sitting next to her I'm actually at a different location in my laptop smartphone tablet and I'm looking at that same map now I can zoom to these layers considering that I do have edit privileges I can you know edit layer properties because she trusts me enough to do that it because I'm working for her right what I want to do next is I want to manage my field crews to update these points or maybe collect new potholes let's go like that okay so to do that I would like to add my own table my own data where I'll store all the new information my field crews will collect to do that I can actually add my own tables through database something that I've created before the webinar but it took me like three minutes to do I have named it road infrastructure inspection like this and concede that I don't have any data in its the system automatically serves me to the Creator but I can zoom back to to my data and now I can play around with it I can I can maybe change the name of its road for sure we've we kind of you know we chose the the road use case is there a lot of clients already utilizing this system in that way but you can you know you can basically utilize it for any kind of assets we have a lot of a lot of people will use it for water secretary in the street you know collecting pipes or leaks or some like that so that use cases that you can find on our blog so definitely we can I'm sure relates to to your use case as well okay so to what I can also do now our debt I've created a completely separate stable I can also attach a custom form to it so my field crews know exactly what they collect in the field so they when they collect the data they collect correct data up-to-date data and you know so that there aren't any missing fields or anything like that that's why I've created a custom form as well okay I clicked save now what I'd like to do I'd like to invite a third player into the game I will collect the point myself as well but Martha can you join me can I share my project with you as long yeah sure go ahead I want to be a part of your project you will you know collect the data for me as well now yes sir I want you to edit my data I don't trust you that you know so I'll only I only asked you to collect new data for me is that okay with you okay I'll collect the data okay so what I've done is I said okay Martha can now access this map called member world road works and she can collect data for me in that specific layer called road infrastructure according to the custom form that I created now she will be you know she will be doing that on our end but in saying that you already see my screen I'd like to show you how this actually looks like on my smartphone Martha can you just help me do you see my no yes I can see it now okay perfect okay so there are a lot of applications that we also developed the one thing that I didn't show you that I want to show you now is first the map viewer part how you can yeah that uh eager already opened the map I shared with him in his editor map editor application and let's say he is not at home and he is somewhere in the field but he needs to quickly go through some data and make some decisions on the fly and he has only his mobile phone with him so we created this simple map map viewer which is only for viewing data and you can also view data privately exactly and what I want to show you even though my connection here at home because you're working remotely because of the virus my connection is not that good but the speed of the system is extremely high which is extremely important for me as a field worker to you know when I when I'm in the field I don't want to wait for for the map to loads now even though my connection is not a good this still shows properly but that's that's another part you can actually test it out on your end I think Martha sent you the link so you can open it and maybe see how it looks like on your smartphones as well so this is the map viewer part for people who only need to view the data but to make the data actionable there's also a mobile data collection application which is called NDC in short right so if you go click it here I will need to log in with my account so let's say that you have a lot of people in the field collected data each of them will need to have their own account so you know who's collecting data for you which is also something that's really really important ok so the first screen when you see is ok you can have a lot of projects or maps and layers that you can take clickbait at work in this particular instance we have a map called Melbourne roadworks and there's a layer called the road infrastructure now we had a lot of webinars there's a lot of other features that we can go through regarding a little collection but I would like to skip that and show you how the point actually looks like on the map that's Martha create a tiki choice and then if you have any questions regarding mobile data collection we will be more than happy to reach out to you and see how we can help ok to get back to the demo I go to the forum and now I can collect data according to the cost and form that I created so you can see any there's a street I can name it I can say okay it's been inspected by like me say I want it three now I can choose data expansion now you can see initially you only saw these four bills but as soon as I filled in the data inspection additional fields appeared we call that dependencies which is extremely important when you have you know people who are not tech savvy let's call like that and they don't want to be welcomed by huge forms you want to make that user experience as as best as possible so these dependencies gonna help with that as far as well so you can see I can fill in all these all these options you can see check list for madam you can see okay this is a number of field or number number of miles surveyed I also have job downs like this and these are old all predefined values which is also important to note because the data that will come to the system who can be correct it will be according to what youth define that you need to have collected okay then you have density so we've created a form for road infrastructure so these this is kind of the data that's really important for people in Road industry okay I will take a photo I don't want to take a photo of myself please don't mind because I'm working from home and that's maybe representable but I don't know Martha if you did the take photo yourself but what I'll do now is I'll click send you can see that number one appeared in queue tab this is also important because it says that you can collect data while you're in offline mode as well so let's say you're in remote areas you can download the map in our play mode and collect the data enough unknown then once you get in range of Wi-Fi 3G 4G all the data will be then uploaded to your account so offline work is really really important as well because a lot of you will need to convey tiny remote areas okay but considering that the queue is empty now maybe it's already here let's see it's yes Marta you'll send the data right I also collected my point sends the data from my home so you will be able to see me as well ok that's it ok so what I see I'll click person my location so now you guys know where I live this is my house this is all the information that I filled in and one thing that you probably noticed that there did a lot of other fields that we didn't see in the forum these are these are the fields that are populated automatically like username or longitude altitude all the kind information that's you know inspectors in the field they don't know but the smart phone they have knows it and so we collect it automatically ok so this is my location if I click on a photo I can do it like this but let's see where Martha lives here let me let me change the colors we can see a bit better yeah so let's save maybe zoom out a little there you are yeah Here I am okay let's let's change this wall so we want to show using Folie Douce okay let's click on the photo like this so now you so what did you put click on the photo yeah okay nice you were you were courageous enough yes not just to show that I'm not you guys know how Martha looks like I just wanted to say you can maybe zoom out a bit so they can see how far away we are from one another at this moment exactly yeah not that far yeah some hundred kilometers and this is the part in the presentation where we just sit and watch our clients say okay guys it's awesome how do we start now all jokes aside this is why should someone have maps and chairs cloud why should you even download QGIS publisher and publish where projects the GX cloud to make to get more value out of the maps and data that you have locally stored to be more precise so this is extremely important if you want for your Maps and data to be live dynamic if you want to include others in the whole workflow if you want to make sure that you are you know ahead of everyone then you will definitely test this out and see how this works for you yes we also wanted to tell you that now you have published your map from kgs and maybe you have published a couple of maps and you want to present it to the public and you want an interface where you can group all these maps in one place so we have a solution for that as well that's a map portal which is that public application which can be branded with your logo and your colors and you can have custom interface which includes filters or custom buttons you can also have a panel with the description of the your project or what actually whatever you can think of and now it is showing you how this can look like but this is just a simple presentation it can be much more powerful and than this simple view yeah yeah we have a lot of the examples of how the portal can actually look like and how you can customize it online on your ends and like I said before we have a lot of avatars on that topic but most importantly we have our extremely extremely good I will call them sales but consultants internal consultants who can help you with your use case and help you get on board with the application and make sure that you have the proper environment set up so maybe a summary do you want to controls back Martha sure I just want to go through all the key features of the plug-in we just shown you and then we will answer your questions I see we have many questions here and also have small announcements I would like to make so let's let's go back to the presentation ok like this so as you have seen we have a lot of features in this plugin you can transfer your 2gs data this includes vectors rosters them sofs points lines polygons categories and labels you can also preserve your symbology I didn't change the symbology here I can show you this if you want or you can just go and try it for yourself so if you change the color or the symbol it will be also reflected when you update the map you can give a name to your map if you create another version you can also give a name to that map as well and you can change the name of the map later in gs cloud if you need to you can update all changes you made to the entire map if you have published all layers or you can choose only specific layers that you wish to update and you can upload upload your map as public or private you can also as you have seen share your public maps instantly with URL link or you can share them privately with your colleagues who also have a gs5 account and you can control permissions whether they can only use data or edit data like eager could have done or even collect data in the field right into your map in separate layer of this map you can also publish some to J's analysis but you have to first save them as rosters and I've seen we have a question which is the minimum of compatible q GS with this plugin it is Q just to point 12 and it is connected or through a secure SSL connection so you have seen what you can do with your published maps so continue working in J's cloud do it in the field collect data in the field create my portal work together with your colleagues editing data simultaneously if you need to and all other sorts of things you can just go ahead and try it out for yourself and I have also one more pool for you do you want to be able to edit the data NGS cloud once you have published your QGIS map online if you want to do this at this point of the development of the plugin you will have to upload your data source directly into J's cloud and just change the source to this dataset that you have uploaded and then you can go ahead and edit your data that you have transferred so just want to know how many of you want to edit your data continue working in this way as well so change the symbology and additional features into layers and so on okay so thank you very much for your answers as I can see more than 80% of you want to edit your data so this is great input for us so we can continue and develop further this plugin so let's see we have additional questions we can go through these questions yeah is there an option to replace the base map after the map was created I suppose this refers to J's cloud and yes of course so you can go to your JS file map you can add a layer here you can find the tile map service in our source browser and you can choose any kind of map you want I will choose being map satellite and I will save it so as you can see I can uncheck this map or I can remove it as well if I want to I can just go here and remove the layer I will leave it here just for now so yes you can change the base map if you want to okay yeah we didn't die that deep into the map editor capabilities but we support you know all sorts of data base map Wi-Fi so all you see standard so whatever data you have we can probably consume it and some render it on the map yeah so eager there is one question for you as a specialist so is there a way to perform and on-the-fly coordinate transformation in the sit yeah so there's also one thing that's important note for example if you have QGIS projects in certain projections we we should transfer those as well it should be supported in J's cloud so you are definitely tested out but of course once you add base maps to all the maps then it will be automatically transformed into the projection of the base map we do all these pretty projections on the fly so now you don't have to worry about that that part but you can also manually use projection Wizards to play around with that as well so you have multiple options projection wise okay and we have a question about Jesus called account how can I get to Jesus called account is it free we have a free trial which is good we also support community by having this free open accounts of course with limited storage and public data but yeah it's it's open for everyone who want to test it out but I need to know that with the premium version you to get a lot more resources and you unlock the true power of our products so there are both options available but you know as you know premium version saw already always better right mm-hmm okay so there's one question I think it's about my portal is there a way to modify the site visibility as far as the general look and feel like logo organization title etc absolutely and it doesn't have to relate to me portal only because you can customize your own private applications as you mentioned my portal is a public address right so for you know public anonymous visitors to see your Maps data but we have a lot of customers clients who have a private application they use it for internal purposes or maybe for their own clients so the app that they give out to them have their own look and feel so you can change colors logos pictures you can change you know the buttons that you have in these applications you can even create one-button applications if needed and the main maybe the most important part is that you can do all that without writing a single line of the code you know you of course you know you don't have to code you can configure the application through the app builder also another topic also another webinar right yeah it's very easy we actually have a great map portal I can actually share it with you it's a method on we had one day team-building where we were creating maps we divided in teams and we created a bunch of maps and from this map from those maps we created a map port also you can see it here on this link I have just sent to you and now we have one important question about databases if the data are in a database like post j/s the publish map will connect to this database or the data will be copied on another server a lot of Canadian governmental agencies are required to save their data on Canadian servers servers only so by the post qjs publisher will will create a new data set in gs clouds because we just gotta come to get your own butt support just instance but you can have and we already have customers doing that you can have your own external poachers database and have all your data there and then connect obviously our QGIS to that database and also connect the database to GS cloud so in short yes we can be compliant with the with the needs of governmental agencies if you have okay someone asked us if there will be recording yes absolutely probably next week we will publish the recording and you will be able to view this webinar from the beginning somebody has also asked whether we can search for a specific point in j-squad I presume yeah absolutely so like I said we didn't have that dip into the map editor but as we see it's a 2 GS but in the cloud so you know things like search things like classification by attributes you know all this kind of stuff that you can doing basic jazz tools or even advanced ones you can find a map editor but we just like you can even define how that search will look like so you can say okay I want to search for the addresses or I want to search specific columns for specific tables for specific features so you can control you know even even that as well short answer is yes okay great so someone said I work with mapping for any chance of a plug-in for map info interesting question yeah I need to know that our main product is actually our platform so we have a lot of third-party developers utilizing our technology to build their own apps and plugins and we actually have one of our clients did just that they've created a publisher for map info although it's not available for public it's for their internal purposes and for the customers but it is possible to do now to answer it we will do it it will depends on demands we've started with art map we have parchment of course we have focus publisher I don't know what you think Marta we will do it for Matthew as well well maybe we will see actually we are getting a lot of feedback of the things we want to do in qgis publisher so we will have to research our user base ask them how many of them would like to have this kind of plugin and then we will decide if if we have a response that many people would use such a plug-in then I don't see why not so we have a couple of more yes sorry questions and I also have one more poll for you so please if you can answer this question for us and let me see is there a cloud space limit we have this question as well yeah so we like I said the pre version gives you a certain amount of resources or you know Rosser and other data that you can upload it to GS cloud account with the premium version you get all a lot more of it but then there is also additional options if you let's say have huge roster files or you know large big data the thing is I don't want to dive that into discussion about the technology and my pensions and the speed or whatnot but a lot of customers use our platform because it's extremely fast they use it as a Big Data renderer so yeah you can purchase additional storage if you have big data ok and can we incorporate real-time geo event data yes just let me know in what formats you have that data and then you can edit like I said you know maybe you have have it in the format WMS or WPS or Wi-Fi Sivan just let us know what kind of data you have and I'm sure that we can make it happen ok so I see that more than 90% of you would like to collect data into J's cloud and then connect to QGIS and this is something we are we are planning to work on in the in the future and I would like to contact you and talk to you about how you would like this or workflow to look like so we can find the best solution we have another question what is the level of accuracy in the mobile app the diadem showed 65 meters yeah the demo it showed 65 meters because we were in house and obviously the GPS depends on you know the reception in house the reception is not that good if I was for example doing this demo in my backyard tender the accuracy would be a lot better now you need to know that with these smartphones tablets the accuracy is around 5 meters you can go you you can you know get an even better accuracy but if you connected with some external GPS devices there are a lot of them out there for really really cheap then you can actually get increased accuracy but also another way of you know improving the accuracy of your data at least the location of it is to use our pinpoint tool which basically enables you to manually place point or a line or a polygon on a map by drawing you know drawing with your finger on the map you have again you have multiple options you can you could choose one okay great and this is possible to digitize data collected that are that is not on the base map extremely extremely good question why because again we have a lot of customers that do just that they have a main account well that has all the data all the data is stored in one place so one central place but then they have multiple editors who then open these maps and then add new lines points polygons at you geometries attributes to that map so basically multiple people ads or ads to the database that's in one single place this extremely important to know because that's one of the main reasons why a lot of customers actually say yeah we couldn't do it without a cloud environment how do you do it without clouds you have well you know your own futures or whatever that stuff solution you have then you tweak your portion of the data and then you send it to the data administrator who needs to then connect it make sure that you don't have any duplicates that needs to make sure that it's not outdated it's a lot of work with a cloud environment you you tap into the data directly and edit it through map editor in short yes has the capabilities to edit geometries and attributes and we do have topology features like snapping for example so so that's also extremely important to note okay and can I copy Matt published in J's cloud to another user in another map just to save symbology and icons yep duplicate map option is available and I know that a lot of you also wanted to have the option to save symbologies and that's definitely really really high on our features to-do list but until then duplicate map option is a really really good workaround okay and is it possible to have a lifetime account without paying a monthly bill so if you go to our website and go to pricing you'll see that we're based on a subscription as a service model basically meaning that you can purchase at a monthly six matter annual basis but we do offer perpetual licenses as well we know that's a you know mostly governmental agencies either they can't rent something right they have to buy it so yeah perpetual models are available if you need more information we'll definitely reach out to you but if someone someone you need perpetual licensing we can tackle it when I use the tool to clone geometry and data and I download in severe CSV formats the data remains with its original contents taken in the field could a developer team configure button or trigger to update the geometry cons well one thing that I've learned with these guys is that we do think that I work with everything's possible so could I guess they could absolutely but you know let's get in touch and see what exactly you need and how we can achieve it and yeah definitely the team that I work with that we work with Martin either will work with we definitely you know see that anything is possible be just a matter of time writes what will come first yes of course two more questions and then I have one more thing to say to you which is actually very important so the question is you said that contributors can work offline right so what happens if two users work offline and then try to upload in a map same data in the same time suppressed great use of the word contributor definitely contributors are you know the roles that we work with a lot another thing is contributors who use mobile data collection can work in offline mode so if you collect new data if you edit existing data in offline mode yes you can do it but map editor for example is not currently really not my note so if you know that's not possible but what happens well let's say in mobile data collection environments if you added something in offline mode then whoever sends the the change you know last then that change will be seen ingest lock okay and one last question is it available to do JS analysis via cloud yeah absolutely so you know what we even have is a couple of examples of how some of the analysis tools work maybe Martha can you open map editor real quickly yes sir okay there's an analysis step there so can you click on analysis tab so we kind of added out these four options so you can see okay yeah we do even have some spatial analysis options but we can add a lot more or you can do it if you know how to develop things then you can edit on your end okay so there is one last thing I wanted to tell you before we say our goodbyes so as you all know in these times of coronavirus epidemic there's a threat of of the spreading of the disease the threat is very high and we have all have to do our part to try and stop the spreading of chronic virus so we can continue to work and live our normal lives so we have just called together with our partners and other people and organizations who wanted to include this initiative decided to develop an application which will allow citizens across the to send and report their symptoms and once they have scented those symptoms with this mobile app which is called stop Corona then we will generate a heat map from all the dots collected in in the world and in local areas and we will send this data to health organizations local health organizations as well as the World Health Organization and we will urge them to look at the hotspots and maybe try to prevent the spreading of the disease and predict the potential outbreaks according to these heat maps of the symptoms the people reported so anyone will be able to download this app it will be a mobile app for ios and android but also it will be a web application and you will be able to exit it online in your web browser and with this effort initiative we really want to try to contain the spreading of this virus and help to save people's lives of course and we want to ask you to join us if you want to join this initiative we will tell you how you can spread the word in your country and if you have additional ideas what else we can do please let us know we are hoping to launch this product very soon maybe even tomorrow or in a couple of days and you will be all notified we already have people from for a couple of countries who are working together with us and are ready to to spread the word and help us to collect the data it's very crucial that it goes viral so we can try and prevent this from spreading yeah yeah I agree and like I said the thing is amazing it's amazing what it did in in a couple of days to raise the awareness and but now it's time for the community to to step up and and make sure everyone's on the same level I'd say is it's been hectic but really good so thank you once again everyone for joining us today this session is recorded so we will post a recording probably next week and you will all be able to access the recording and do it again or share with anyone who might be interested in QGIS plug-in once again the plug-in you can install it right now it's a free to use and you can try it out for yourselves and please feel free to let us know what else you would want us to develop as a feature in this plug-in some things we already know maybe there are some things me we don't we're not aware of at this moment so thank you and goodbye thank you guys bye-bye
Channel: GIS Cloud
Views: 1,448
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: #qgis, #qgis plugin, #publish maps online, #gis online, #cloud gis, #mobile data collection #field data collection
Id: hagg_-ClyAE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 29sec (3149 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 02 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.