Q&A With Nancy Dufresne | Protecting The Vision, Family In Ministry, & More

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[Music] [Music] welcome back to the frame faith journal we're glad to have you on today's episode the last few episodes we've been doing a Q&A with pastor Nancy and we have some more questions so let's just jump right in the next question is you have family members working with you in the ministry and you're one of them and I'm me Steven Morgan Bobby bear okay what would we do without a nanny Kate but the vision has remained true and you know we minister in the same spirit you do but what would you say some advice would be if you would give another minister who also has family working with them in the ministry so that the vision of God that has that they've been given remains true yeah and untampered with right I think that one of the most important things ministers need to do who have family working with them and they might be on staff they may not be on staff they can just be part of the church that is make sure your family is receiving of the same impartation you're receiving of meaning this if you go to a conference if you know like we went to dad Hagin meetings so we would take y'all with us because it wasn't just about us getting what we needed the impartation and the revelations to go further it was also that y'all moved into that same thing so we didn't leave y'all at home while we just went to meetings and even now you know when we go to many of brother Copeland's meetings or different ones I take y'all with us because that way we're all feeding the same direction we're receiving the same importations and God started my husband and I in a particular direction not so that the next generation could change the direction yeah God started us that direction because that's the way he wants the ministry to go and I think a lot when ministers don't involve and don't include their children in the direction they're going in the sense and they don't get them in the same meetings they're attending they don't sit them under the same ministers they're feeding under I mean this is the materials we had y'all to feed on his dead hagen stuff because that's the direction we went you know jesus said the works that i do show you do and greater works notice this when you come along you're not new different you don't do something different you're going to do the exact same works and then you're going to add to it not trying to implement their vision but nope not not changing anything God put the family on the direction he wants the whole family together with the stay with it and that's what happens kids think they start they start if I could say this sometimes getting around somebody who's more their age and they receive impartation from a different direction and so they shift the vision and it doesn't hold its same impact and sometimes the minutes sometimes it can cause the ministry to dry up sometimes it can just diminish the the flow of that ministry so that that's the number one thing another thing is I understand that the vision comes from God it doesn't come from the family it doesn't come from the staff a pastor or someone who's the head of a traveling ministry the vision comes from God I do not let I don't ask the kids I don't ask the the relatives I don't ask the staff yeah give me some input for the vision that's not happening we're not sitting around a table and talking about the vision or let me say adding to the vision yeah the only thing family members and staff members are to do is help accomplish the vision not define the vision and this is where those who lead their own who lead their ministries cannot allow family can not allow staff congregation members or what's popular in the church define their men define the vision it comes from God alone there have been times that someone would say something to me and try to push their point you need to do this you need to do this and I'll stop them say don't you try to speak into the vision you're trying to adjust it you're trying to add to it you're trying to redirect it that's not your place be quiet and I say that very nicely but very emphatically do get out of that vision it's not your job to define it you're trying to define it you're trying to redirect it your job is to help accomplish so what you need to do is listen to what I say I shouldn't be listening to what you say now what I'm what I will invite the family and the staff to do is help me to know a better way to accomplish this abyss vision and if they have an idea or an input of how to accomplish it but not define it and I mean I'm as I'm as as vicious as a rattlesnake over protecting the vision and I will quickly back a family member out you know that I will quickly directly say don't don't push your point and I won't let them keep repeatedly coming to me trying to sway me because faith comes by hearing and sometimes and the devil works that principle too he'll keep saying the same thing over and over and sometimes the well-meaning loved ones can be used to speak the wrong direction over and over to where if it's spoken enough it'll start it'll start deceiving the leader into thinking that that's the way God wants you to go and that's that's what you have to guard is your hearing your hearing for the vision comes directly from God another thing is is Paul said I magnify my office and if if we look at that phrase he said I magnify my office meaning this the office that I stand in is the head of this ministry it's my office yeah I'm not going to share it I'm not going to share the authority I'm not going to share the voice I will delegate authority yeah but I won't share you're not going to share the role that is mine I won't I won't share it with somebody no one should share what they're called to they can delegate some things to help them fulfill what they're called to and that's it that's a difference and I've seen over the years of ministry I've seen some pastors make the mistake of sharing their office instead of delegating some things from their office meaning a family member would come in and start being the voice of what they to be doing and it redirects and it gets things off and it's an error and it's it doesn't turn out well and so you have to know the direction for the ministry the vision for it comes from God strictly to me you know that's the way what God said to Noah you know he told him to build a ship and he gave him the blueprint for it it had never a ship had never been built before you're gonna have to follow the blueprint or you're not gonna know how to do this and so God told no make sure you build it the way you saw it he told Moses make sure you build the temple the way I showed it to you and it's the same thing with every pastor every minister make sure you know the blueprint that comes from God and build it exactly like that don't add to it because of what's popular don't adjust it to accommodate somebody who's loud around you tell them to be quiet tell them to quieten down because your voice has to be the loudest when it comes to defining the vision and protecting the vision and keeping the family going the same direction God does not intend for things to go a different direction once the leader dies he intends for it to keep going and add more to it so what God is doing in this revival is what he did in the past when adding to it what God is going to do with this ministry is what he did in the past adding more to it and not neglecting what foundation the ministry I'm not changing the direction yeah change the direction is to leave the foundation mm-hmm we have to remember that's what God put and bless this family with yeah is the foundation that's how we succeed is that foundation no we're not changing that dad Hagin was our spiritual father and when he went home to be with the Lord the question I asked myself what was he emphasizing that's what I'm gonna pick up on I'm not gonna look for something different to emphasize now that he's gone I'm going to take my cues from what God had him to bring to the body of Christ for the direction that unchanged now I'm going to pay attention to what was he emphasized and go further when Ed went home to be with the Lord that was not the cue okay we're changing all the trees doing now I will say this the way I lead it is going to adapt to me but still the direction doesn't change because we're still going on that same foundation and so this is where a lot don't they they think that because someone younger is speaking into their ear something a new or fresh direction you can have methods that change but the vision can't change the way you implement that vision has it has to be protected and it's the leaders job it is the pastor's job it is my job in this ministry I protect it like a rattlesnake from whoever I have to and then I explain it fully so that those who run with me can also run in a way that assists the vision another question here says it seems that God is emphasizing signs wonders and miracles etc this year what advice would you give pastors and congregation murmurs so that those things that those things can manifest in their church whatever God is speaking to that Kardasian well to flow with a certain flow you have to teach on it so to have your congregation to flow with what God's doing this era signs wonders miracles healings because what what God said through dad Hagin that he's doing he's raising up strong local churches that flow in the word and the spirit so the way to have that you have teach it you will not have what you do not teach teaching is what creates a hunger in the people dad Hagin set in our back room and he said to us miracles do not come because of prayer miracles come because of hunger and he said you've got to feed create and feed the hunger of the people by teaching on it you get miracles by teaching on it you get the supernatural by teaching on it and that way when you teach on it it will help keep the balance when those things happen so that you stay in the middle of the road and don't get into error when they happen so to have a particular flow if a pastor a minister is not seeing what he wants to see in his church start teaching on it get a hunger going in the people teaching to be hungry and then teach them too respond to that flow you know Mary said remember when Jesus and His disciples were at the wedding then when the first miracle was worked and Mary gave the key to to miracle she turned to the servants and said whatsoever he says do you do it and that's the way to move further with God whatsoever he's saying to you do it following the Holy Spirit there's always an element of mystery in it so that's why sometimes ministers will step back from that flow because they don't like not having full clarity of what God is doing but to follow the Holy Ghost there's an element of mystery in a service you have to sit back and you have to let the Holy Spirit have time and space to flow and sometimes I woke up to us I started a service and I go I sense the spirits wanting to do something but I don't know what so I got to the SIRT I go up to the pulpit saying we're just gonna spend a moment and wait before the Lord and find out what he wants for this service and so by doing that I'm giving room to the supernatural I'm giving place to the Holy Spirit but if pastors want this the flow of the supernatural they have to give place to it another thing is is they have to not teach teach teach teach teach to where there's no time left to even give room to the spirit Edwards say to us he said some some preach too long in the sense they expend all their energy all their strength and so then they're tired so they don't yield to the spirit and so you have to if you're going to have a word and spirit Church absolutely teach but teach in a way that gives room for the spirit turret to move and not teach in a way that hinders the spirit from being able to move and teach the people to respond the way I've taught up people to respond when dad Hagin came to our church as I said this I said if you don't know how to respond the spirit and service watch those who do know how so I said do what he does if he jumps you jump if he starts dancing you dance if he shouts you shout do what he does teach the people to respond and then as they respond and they see someone who responds rightly they'll start learning how to respond so that's a good help that's some good advice I'll tell you what people people don't always know this you have to you have to be instructed on it that's a great help well that's a good stopping point you do not want to miss the next episode of dfj we're gonna have more questions so don't miss it we'll see you next time thank you for watching today's show be sure to check out all the latest episodes on our YouTube page for more information follow us on Facebook or visit our website at Dufresne ministries org [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Dufresne Ministries
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Id: tppz5gB9gx0
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Length: 15min 12sec (912 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 04 2017
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