Saying For 2018 | Nancy Dufresne

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turned with me if you would this morning let's go anybody know where a good face scripture might be found yeah mark 11 hallelujah when Ed was still with us every year God would give him something that he would have him to preach throughout the body of Christ for the new year and when he went home to be with the Lord God transferred that word to me and every year God has given us something to set our faith for because God has a plan for the new year so this morning we're going to talk about doing your homework for the year 2018 brother Copeland called me the other day and one of the things that he said was he said Nancy I got the word for 2018 and I don't know that I'm going to tell you that word because when he comes in January I don't want to I don't want to pull the trigger for him you know and so I'm sure he'll share that with us but that word that God gave him of course is really for the body of Christ at large but God always gives this local church family a word and it's always an agreement with other words that he's given to other leading ministers but it's so important that we know what he's what God is wanting us as a church family to emphasize because during the year that is upcoming God will have us to emphasize something and when he has us to do that there is if I could say this that there seems to be a a flow towards that instruction that he gives us that didn't have the same momentum as before he said it does that make sense to you you know when in 2014 does anybody remember what God said that that year was no not top of the barrel the year greater remember that the euro greater the next year after that was what abundance you say aren't greater and abundance the same thing though because you know a child who's in school and they made a Dion their last test a C is greater but it's no way right so you can have greater without having abundance so God was bringing us into something more that we had than we had in 2014 but 2015 was what abundance yeah and and so one of the things is is that God said to us about this year that we're in a year of extraordinary miracles but don't believe that they stopped in December God is just wanting us to emphasize that instruction because evidently there is special let's say insight and revelation that's going to come regarding that so you say what is it for 2018 yet I don't know we may find out today we may find out we will know before 2018 let's put it that way and so what God has told us in previous years don't let it go greater still belongs to us a bun that still belongs to this extraordinary miracle still belong to us but he's if I could say this bringing greater insight you know the students that are in the school they have this season of separating themselves for the purpose of saturating themselves in the word that's a special season in their life when they graduate that is still available to them but not in the same format they're not going to happy living under the disciplines that the school invokes upon them now it's going to be by their own disciplines so during this year of greater of extraordinary miracles I don't as anybody had an extraordinary miracle this year seriously if you've seen I saw one in a most unexpected way some of you got home some of you got jobs that really wouldn't have happened if it hadn't have been for the extraordinary moving but my the home that I'm selling I wasn't in it the downstairs flooded Steven called me when was this this was in August it was in August and I said I told him I said something's gonna happen in August regarding the house and I thought it was a buyer but I do have a prospective buyer and he did come in August the only thing is so did a flood and so Steven called me and said mom there's several inches of water in your downstairs and the home has fabulous woodwork and wood paneling on the walls and Steven went in and all of the wood was completely warped they were custom the man who built the home owned a lot owned a Lumber Company and so he put the finest of the finest in there and all of this was warped to where Steven said you could put your hand between the baseboard in the wall it was so warped and so he just started ripping it off and and I knew that that was going to be the big test or the big difficulties getting that woodwork replaced and so I said save the woodwork he said mom we can't save the woodwork it's destroyed I said laid out in the Sun he said well laid out the Sun he'll dry out but it's gonna dry out crooked and I said lay something heavy on it I mean when you don't know construction you come up with the most absurd things [Music] and so when I and it happened right before I went to Brazil and so I got a phone call I was in a Brazil that there was a buyer who wanted in the house now that's the only house they've wanted to see and so I called the boys and I said get that house in shape and so you know it was it was quite a quite a few loops and hoops that they had to jump through and Jim LaRue was helping us with it with the process and he said pastor Nancy he said when we went to address the baseboards and all the the wood moldings and stuff he said every single piece was completely straight and he said I'm telling you as a contractor that does not happen and I said it happens in the year of extraordinary miracles that even would because he said the the cost of that those baseboards and and all that paneling he said it's custom he said would have been months and months and months for them to mill that for you to receive that and he said the cost would have been extraordinary and then the insurance company decided they they started they approved everything and then right before they sent the cheque they started trying to back out through a discrepancy and I said oh no oh no no no no no no we're still in extraordinary miracles you know and so they ended up meeting their meeting their obligation and I tell you what you have no idea what God that was keeping you from and the year of extraordinary miracles you might be looking for something to happen but it might have been that something extraordinary did not happen amen so keep your faith going on these things amen hallelujah so are you there in mark 11 there is a window of time every year is a particular window that God is going to pour revelation out to us about that instruction he gives us for that year so always throughout the year coming up in 2018 don't let go of this year's instruction but add to it amen because next year is going to need extraordinary miracles 2019 is going to need extraordinary miracles 2020 it's going to need extraordinary miracles but God is emphasizing it with us so that we if I could say this get some momentum and jumpstart on some things so notice it says in mark 11:23 I like the last phrase that Jesus spoke of mark 11:23 he shall have whatsoever he saith isn't that an amazing statement he shall have whatsoever he saith now there is a condition with this you have to believe the words you say but if you believe it and you say it the word promise you see you shall have it you shall have it just like brother Luke you shall have it amen and this statement that he shall have whatsoever he saith is true no matter what era were in no matter what revival is going on nothing will ever take the place of this truth he shall have whatsoever he saith one day I was going down the road in the car and the Spirit of God spoke to me and upon actually I just spoke it out of my spirit before I even recognize that I was saying something it just came tumbling out and God brought this phrase he shall have whatsoever he said then he said this the more you say it the more you have it the less you say it the less you have it that which you don't have in abundance that you want in abundance will come if you'll increase your saying that which you have that you don't want will leave if you'll increase your saying amen Psalms 107 and verse 2 and I'll just read it to you it says let the redeemed of the Lord what say so your redemption will not activate until you say it say something even what you're redeemed from and what you're redeemed into is not activated until you say so amen so let's say 2018 a year of increased saying Amen a year of increased saying because the more you say it the more it's going to come to pass now go with me if you would to Colossians chapter 4 Colossians chapter 4 and we're going to look at verse to Colossians chapter 4 verse 2 it says continue in prayer and watch in the same with Thanksgiving what you have to understand if you're going to move into the fullness of what God has for you it's going to take this spiritual action of continuing those who know how to continue God can take them in places to places and use them in ways that he can't take those who don't know how to continue with your continuing lies victory so here he says continue in prayer when you see when we see this word prayer used in its general sense it means talking to God isn't that right I mean anytime you're praying you're talking to God anytime you're talking to God you're praying right it's good so could we say this continue to talk to God continue to talk to God and watching the same watch what does it mean in the same watch over what you're talking to God about watch over that with Thanksgiving so what you talk to God about by making supplication requesting something or the prayer of faith either prayer of faith or supplication whatever it is that you asked of God you're going to ask once when you believe in faith right but from then on out you're going to talk to God about it but you're going to talk to him from a different you employing a different means of prayer and it's called the prayer of thanksgiving so once you make your initial request don't forget about that every day from then on you talk to him about it but you talk to him about it from the place of Thanksgiving so I remember I remember something years ago I was spending a minimum of three hours and it would get up to six hours sometimes even more a day that I was taking time to pray in the Holy Ghost I did that for a extended period of time and after months and months of doing this God spoke to me one day and he said you're missing it in your prayer life and I thought are you kidding me I'm hours a day praying in the spirit spending time in the word and he's made this statement to me he said you're missing it in your prayer life he said you will make a request of me and then you never mention it again he said and he took me over to this verse he said once you make a request of me continue to bring it before me in the form of Thanksgiving continue in prayer and watch over that request with Thanksgiving that's really what that verse says ask in prayer and you're going to continue regarding what you asked him about with the prayer of thanksgiving then God pointed out to me and reminded me of the life story of George Mueller if you ever read his life story it's simply his journal he kept a journal and he was a man who was he had an orphanage in the 1800s he had over he had about 2,500 orphans in his care in Bristol England and he would write in his prayer journal he would say God is dealing with me about opening another orphan orphanage home and he said so I have been talking to him about the funding for that the supplies for that this is the 39th day I brought it before him and then you read it a little further and he said this is the five hundred and fifty seventh time I brought this before him every time he asked God or made a request of him he continued to bring that thing before him not by request but by Thanksgiving and this is what makes the difference between those who receive and those who don't though who know how to continue in the flow of Thanksgiving and God told me that's where you're missing it in your prayer life you're making requests but you're not continuing in the flow of Thanksgiving so we continue in prayer continue to bring it before God watching over what we've asked him about with Thanksgiving so this is your homework in 2018 make your list of what it is you want to see happen in the year 2018 and make your request you and your family can get together and make your requests known unto God the Bible says you have not because you ask not just thinking about it doesn't mean you receive it and you don't receive from God simply because you need it so you need to get past that religious thinking that we're ruin your life by thinking God knows what I need yes he knows what you need but you still must ask him having knowledge of what you need is not him permit is not giving him permission to supply what you need you know during the during their tithes and offerings if I'm standing here in front of Little Miss Madison and she opens her wallet and I see ten $100 bills that be a good thing to see in your wallet wouldn't it yeah 10 $100 bills and I look over there and I see that she has it that's not permission for me to take it just because I know she has it just because God knows you have a need is not his permission to supply that need his knowledge does not equal permission it's you asking that gives him permission to supply what he knows you need amen so don't just assume well he knows I need that he'll supply he knows what you need but he can't move for you without your permission and you asking gives him the permission you have not because you ask not and then others ask but they miss because of this verse right here Colossians 4:2 they don't know how to continue why because once you ask something not only does God here at the devil hears it and your continued release of faith in the form of Thanksgiving is what causes the supply and the answer - - if I could say this have momentum enough to get past all the hindrances of the enemy every time you let's say this if you say I'm believing God for a new job in 2018 and the devil is going to throw up all kinds of hindrances all kinds of arguments all kinds of circumstances against you every time you say thank you for my new job that's another push on your answer past that opposition it's not enough to release faith faith has to continue until what you're believing for becomes visible and this is where so many people miss it they don't understand that what they asked for has to be continued in not in the form of asking but in the form of Thanksgiving 90% of my prayer time is spent thinking God and let me tell you this 95% of what I received from God is initiated by me not him many are sitting back and waiting for God to send them something and he's waiting for you to initiate something amen so it's not enough and genja in december or january to get together as a family and say father here's our list this is what we're believing for and walk off put it in a drawer to never look at it again yet that that supply of what you're believing for needs the momentum of your faith and Thanksgiving is the way you're going to release that faith do you know that Thanksgiving is one way to release faith if you don't know how to if you're not if your Thanksgiving life your prays life isn't very strong your faith isn't very strong because you can't have strong faith without having a strong life of Thanksgiving amen and don't don't fall into this trap of thinking you can only do this during your devotional time really for the believer there's not so much a thing as a devotional time it's a devotional life our lives are devoted not just a segment of time so that means that you can bring your faith while you're in the car father I thank you and you just start thanking him every day every day it's going to take and this is why this is what brings extraordinary miracles is you continuing amen and this is where a lot of people miss it and years ago I was missing it in this so when I make a request of God everything I request of him I write it down why because it's not coming off my list till I see it completed that means I'm slow to put it on my list because if I'm committed to what's on my list and it doesn't come off til it's completed I'm sober about what I'm going to put my faith on I'm not going to put my faith on nonsense amen so in making your list for 2018 right this verse at the top of your list to watch over your request with the prayer of thanksgiving amen because why you'll have whatsoever you say Alleluia hmm now so your homework over the next few weeks is as a family sit down and bring what's in your heart to the table write it down get your children around what's important to them what's in their heart write it down amen bring their faith in on it and if your schedules allow you to spend a few moments together every day say thank you Father for this I mean bubby and Baird that when they pray over the meal they thank you for are the building paid off they they they've taught them this is your church you know and they don't teach them just because you don't have a driver's license or pay taxes yet that you don't have has something something to contribute I tell you what I want B's faith on my stuff we were driving was it to Merced one time we were driving and bubbie would have been about 4 or 5 years old and we were I don't know playing I spy or something and you know and some kind of color car and he and I said Bobby what kind of what color car do you want to see next and this is in a world where now most of them are white and black and gray right he said I want to see a pink car I said oh brother a pink car and he said I want to see a pink car and I said I'm Bobby there are pink cars there they're called Mary take cars but I haven't seen one in several years he says I want to see a pink car and not ten minutes later a peak mary-kate car drove right by us I said that's it I want that boy's face on my stuff so parents bring your kids faith in on your stuff now when you're writing down things that you want to see happen desires of your heart make sure that they're within your measure of faith amen and you say well I'm wanting something that's beyond my measure of faith then still write it down but feed your faith keep feeding your faith to get to cause the measure to be greater and when you're making the list can I say this bring the Holy Ghost with you to this list because this is important I tell you your next year will look like your list [Music] your life at the next December it will look like your list amen so get bold and expect big about I don't know four or five o'clock in the morning a couple mornings ago I heard my phone go off and one pastor that was in another time zone and I appreciate it it didn't matter to me because I'm I was on the verge of waking up anyway but he texted me and said pastor Nance I was praying for you and there is a he said there's extraordinary favor fixing a break open on you not and he said so expect big so the favor of God will meet your expectation if you expect small that's what 2018 will look like for you you're saying list should look big because you want your life to look big I was preaching in a foreign country and I won't say which one but the pastor said to me and I was talking to the people about enlarging their desires and he said pastor Nancy he says you don't understand the form of government our country came out of he said that it took all desire out of the people they were taught don't want anything unless the government can hand it to you and he said so I stir he says we're not under that form of government anymore but we're still under that form of thinking and he said our young people who have not grown up under that form of government they want more then our young then our older people and I said well it's the word will enlarge their desire I don't care what you grew up in and I don't care what you grew up without enlarge your desires if anybody can have it you can have it if anybody can live in it you can live in it if anybody can drive it you can drive it somebody I was telling him something about I was talking to somebody recently and they said oh how do you like your car and I said I love my car I enjoy my car it's like one of the most favorite cars I've ever had we've had all kinds of different cars and I said I've hit I've hit a honey hole with this car you know I like this car and they said well maybe I'm looking at getting one and I said how much it costs us that I'm running would tell you the numbers because you gonna choke you gonna choke and then you're gonna be mad at me because I got it and I'm not even going to tell you the numbers not even telling the numbers why because I knew what their expectation for their own life was and it will offend other people when your expectation exceeds them but expect it anyway amen because God offers it amen so don't just mindlessly write down something that's unimportant what do you want your life to look at look like at the end of next year put it on the list and don't just write down things what about spiritual progress what about things that have troubled and tried to dog you and harass you this is this is the time this is the season for you to for all of that to drop off of you a man it's your choice I said it's your choice then what about this I don't I don't know I never when Ed went home to be with the Lord his income was 3/4 of the income of our home and of course the board said we want to give you his salary plus your salary because you're doing his work and your work and I said I'm not opposed to I'm not and I'm not in a false humility saying oh no because I think I'm worth it you know what you're worth it - you're worth it you know they wouldn't think anything about a CEO of a big company getting paid that much so I don't think anything about it but there was something on the inside of me that was restraining me and I said I tell you what you can put it in the minutes that I can take that salary but I'm not taking it and I have been living better with a paid-for house type you know flow and never raised my salary my salary has never been raised since ed went home and God has made up every month 3/4 3/4 I've never raised my salary since he went home and I told Francine because we had loaned money to the ministry so which I took part of that that we had loaned it had back pay so I took part of that but that ran out about a year and a half or two years ago and so Francine said do you want me to give you that summary sentence I said no I tell you what it's coming in and I know this if I set up an avenue myself that God didn't lead me that Avenue will dry up and I don't want that Avenue to dry out I'm gonna keep that Avenue open by saying God you're it you're the husband to the widow and I'm just telling you because Morgan and Stephen we're talking about you know they said we've got some expenses that we knew where our income was coming from before but now we don't know and I said girl I've been doing that since there died and God has met it so I don't think about my income I really don't think about it I don't even look at it I don't look at it and when Francine has to have me look at it I forget it as quick as I can and I go on living like I've got a like I got a bottomless supply because I do and now I got four houses in my name yeah amen I'm getting ready to buy the rest of my Mountain that my castle sits on we got week we got us the works in the deal we fix invite all sister all right all right all me and Joshua give us me and Caleb brother give us our Mountain and I'm not looking at income to do that but I believe four is amount to tithe because tide means tenth and I decide so right on your list what do you want to tie the next year not just about what do you want to get in what do you want to give next year on your list don't leave out the building payoff what do you want to do well I gave last month yeah we're going to continue I said we're going to continue we're going to keep doing it and keep doing it and keep doing it so don't leave the Holy Ghost out because he'll help you to know what to believe for when you normally wouldn't to believe for that amen he knows what your faith can handle and elbow your faith maybe at one place now and six months your faith will be somewhere else and he knows what your faith six months from now can handle get it on your list don't just write down what only you can believe for today because you need to calculate in the ratio of faith growth amen and then you take that as a family before God and you have you know whenever there is on your calendar your vacation is coming up everybody in the family knows when that day happens right they know the day vacation starts and you do all this preparation you wash clothes you get packed you get things around the house handled so you you know you get a dog dog baby sitter baby sitter and you do all the things right why because your there's a mark today you need to treat the day you bring your list to God like that mark today in two weeks we're going to get together as a family we're going to make a big day out of it because that's the start of a different year for us that's the start of what our life is going to look like completely different a year from now so I'm thankful that God's having me to talk to you about it earlier right normally I wait till December but the Spirit of God prompted me about talking to you about it now because he wants you to give time to to dip down into your spirit and draw out some divine guidance on this don't treat it lightly this is not just feeling like filling out a job resume this is what your family's life will look like in a year amen what do you want it to look like and I tell you what you want it to look like you want it to look like something that the Year 2019 is has a bigger springboard going into 2019 amen in this time it's not just about addition it's multiplication time time is short time is short Jesus is coming back it's acceleration accelerate your expectation accelerate the growth of your faith amen accelerate your asking accelerate your believing accelerate your Thanksgiving give yourself the spiritual habit I wake up every morning say thank you Father I'm living off the top of the barrel top of the barrel includes being debt-free the church is debt-free the frame ministries debt-free I'm debt free and brother I just go down the list I don't need a piece of paper written out I've got it written out but it is so ingrained in me that I wake up talking it amen I'm thanking God that's the flow of my life because I want what I've asked to come into manifestation amen so treat this soberly this is a big deal no job can give you a more important assignment than this amen you should give your best at your job your job as a blessing of your life but nothing is more important than you being able to set your future with your words I love what Pastor David o Yetta Post said the pastor in Nigeria and he said because he is and you've heard me talk about this Forbes listed him as the wealthiest pastor in the world worth 150 million dollars and he said they're crazy he said they don't know my worth my worth is when I need something I call it that's your worth when you need something you call it and if you believe it's coming you keep you keep talking about it amen so are you clear on that mark 11:23 the last phrase is your instruction whatsoever he shall have whatsoever he saith and then how you continue is listed in Colossians chapter 4 verse 2 so those two scriptures need to be at the top printed out at the top of your saying list amen keep that in your car keep it in your purse keep it in your place of employment have had several copies of that so that Ellen your lunchtime you can pull that out amen so that you when you have a spare moment it does your future mean that much to you absolutely it does and so you have to on purpose succeed you won't succeed by accident you're gonna have to succeed on purpose and this is part of your steps of purpose for it amen hallelujah well stand with me to your feet this wasn't a sermon because we got we really got to thankfully hear from our servicemen today and got to enjoy what God is doing in the family but this is our instruction to get us geared up and ready for what's ahead of us father we thank you we my faith reach into the future you said you would show us things to come so I'm believing for you to show each and every family of this congregation what's ahead what they need to be setting their faith on what they need to be believing for and what they need to be thankful about that we're not just randomly saying thank you Father but we're we're we're giving Thanksgiving with an exact direction knowing where the plan of God is heading our life and so father we thank you for divine revelation for each and every one of these families that you reveal to them where what your desire for their future looks like and father we purpose to not just be hearers but to be doers because we want the fullness of what you have for us and so father on purpose we set our faith in the direction of our desire in the direction of your desire for us just everyone lift your hands and worship the Lord we thank you Father much Takaya that just lift up your voice and thank him this morning maash Takaya DuBose Toria animatic is eroded Reiki Ottoman Tata taka caja de bas danke most Aurea tapas tikaa kiaa ma papaya de ma Peche taqueria de bah papaya namaste Coco yet not as it has been but as it shall be hasta que a domestic economy bond not making the same mistakes of the past no repeated missed steps but steps of purpose steps of Revelation mosh Takaya double o caustic Akiane mantequilla de bas Takaya restoring a such restoration ahead such restoration ahead restoration of time restoration a supply restoration of spiritual development and growth we thank you Father mastic I Adamo stoma Ozzie guillén ah Matata Tejada bestowed a dedicate a man genomica Kawada bestow take a kiki and Abbas sake Kiki Allah bestowed aah tikaa kiaa mangia de bois coca-cola tasty kiki a mastica Morgan Camille of mastic I addabbo sticky key a master mom IANA moto e de neti na na-na-na mastic I Calle impartation z-- now not for this season but for the season ahead Master Kukai yay I stick a grant c'mere Master Kukai Yadav a sticky Hanuman other grace the grace Master Kukai yeah de bas Coco Coco yay man genomic agronomist Oh Coco Co yay hasta a manga depe papaya now father we thank you for that fresh mantle hasta que Eddie yeah there it comes there there there tangibly hitaka a double stack away you'll feel it at times it will just seem like it'd almost be a weighty like somebody soaked a garment in in water for a long time and this draped it on you master calle you know Jesus was in total control total control even when Satan tried to put things out of control he took control back he never lost control I mean even when he was in his own hometown and they didn't like his sermon and they tried to push him off a cliff who ever said he just walked right through the midst of this walked right out of that one translation said he disappeared and showed up in another city because no matter what others tried to do he was still in control of his life you can't control what others do but you can control the outcome yeah upon your own life and even when he was remember at the Last Supper he told Judas he knew what he was going to do but he told him he took control whatever you're gonna do do it quickly what was he saying you think you're controlling I'm controlling it amen because the word says that it was God's plan that the Lord of glory suffer Judas and all those against him thought that they were doing something of their own accord and it was all authored by God but even Judas when he got read do that he's Jesus took control of it whatever what you're getting ready to do go do it quickly in other words you're not gonna linger this mess out and those who would try to do something damaging it just turns out blessing you it just it looks like damage one day but it ends up as being blessing amen dad Hagin used to say to us often what you cry about today you'll laugh about tomorrow amen and God knows how to restore I said God knows how to a gun knows how to get you back to a place where you're flowing in the fullness amen hallelujah father we thank you we thank you for your plan mas Takaya de bestow code led Kiki a domestic I Addabbo sticky a mastica adaboost Oh Oh Becky kia de so what does 2018 hold for us as a congregation acceleration haha as a congregation acceleration spiritually acceleration financially and in supply and accelerated with divine assistance that the angels of heaven ah I see that father a dispatching of another not just not just a couple but ranks of angels dispatched to assist in the progression of the plan so we receive that as a church family we receive we believe in the divine assistance that angels bring they are ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who are heirs of salvation they help us and assist us in accomplishing the will of God so father as a congregation we consecrate ourselves to your will to your plan acceleration with divine assistance mastica audible God led kiya manja calavicci Animoto Korea tht Kiki a and it will be a landmark year hmm a landmark year that the congregation as a whole will look back and say nothing as notable has happened to the extent that it has in this year there's been wonderful things that have happened remarkable things that have happened but not to this scale not to this level we thank you Father this is the year our lives were headed for we thank you for it father Master kya DuBose no Kaguya image a key key a in the revelation that will come through divine utterances that's going to that's what's going to bring about the acceleration the revelation the revelation brings acceleration Mushnik IE we thank you for uh in the favor of God hmm upon each and every one who called this home the favor of God as Jesus grew in wisdom and stature and favor with God and man the favour grows the favor grows upon this church family and upon the vision that this church family runs with we thank you Father haha we thank you Father maash Takaya DuBose Stoker Araki Master Kariya de beste keke a master Correa de beste keke a I was speaking to brother Copeland on one of our projects the on the Academy and he started prophesying to me on the phone about it and one of the things he said he said it'll come quickly it'll come quickly now and night you know yes God what's your definition of quickly but we don't want to get the mental on it but we know this the prophet of God said it god authored the plan amen hallelujah hallelujah we thank you Father we say it shall come to pass quickly we thank you for it mastic iota boat es de keiki a tapa stinky a Manchu Korea DuBose toshiaki at apart Italia Austin Co masti ka na papaya papaya Chaka DDD Kiki a Master Kukai and this is the year first many of you who have had businesses in your heart this is a year for them to either start or prove or be propelled follow the spirit on that follow what the Spirit of God bears witness with because some of you have had things tucked in there but you if I could say this they haven't bloomed a blossomed to the degree that they need to or will but you need to set your faith on supernatural development and growth amen because it's being propelled with divine help amen your this church is so faithful to give Thais offerings and your generous don't limit your harvest looking like money your harvest can look like favor your harvest can look like divine ideas listen Jesus was a giver every thing he did he gave none of it was for himself and he gave and gave and gave so much that he ended up giving himself he gave to the point where there was nothing left to give but himself and because of that he always had divine ideas when he needed to feed a multitude he had a divine idea when he needed didn't need to but chose to pay taxes he didn't know he had a divine idea go fishing right pull a coin out of the fish's mouth it's called divine innovation and because he was such a giver he was loaded with divine ideas when you're a giver divine ideas belong to you brother Bob come here we thank you Father for the faithfulness must eat hmm I thank you for divine assistance I thank you for divine assistance I'm not okay father as his pastor with him having less than your best and he's not okay with it so we thank you for employing divine means to bring him into the fullness of the blessings I thank you for it father hallelujah hallelujah thank you father hallelujah what was I saying before that Oh divine ideas the harvest can come divine favor divine ideas remember what God told us specifically three divine ideas what's the next one open doors of financial opportunities you better have faith to go through those doors when they open in the last one what lost funds restored in multiplied fashion meaning when it comes back it's not going to look like I did when it left it's going to be multiplied and then what about this God blessing the work of your hands what you set your hand to but let the spirit direct your hand so that you don't set it to wasteful useless things amen so know this your acceleration and your increase and your harvest isn't going to just look like money but these other avenues that you need to release your faith in will cause the money to come you get divine favor upon you you know what happened when divine favor God was freeing his people out of Egypt and they had a divine idea Moses told them a divine idea go demand of the Egyptians their gold and their silver and the Bible says the Lord gave them great favor in the eyes of the Egyptians and when that great favor came they turned over their silver and gold that's what favor does it takes men's hands off what belongs to you [Music] because God's gonna bless you through the hands of men and you've got to get it men that won't hold it and keep it from you I was going down the road one day years ago in my car I stopped at a stoplight and God said to me I've told such and such a name someone in the congregation to give you an item and it was a large item my mom wasn't cheap it was thousands and thousands of dollars he says I've told them to give that to you they're not going to obey me so I gave it to someone else who will obey me and I was driving to the office and when I drove up that item was sitting in the driveway that God told me and so congregation members standing there and said pastor Nancy we just bought this for you that other person who God's who originally had it God spoke to him thought they made a good sale when God paid them off in their disobedience you understand that God can give you divine ideas he can tell you to do something but you got to take your hands off of it and the people wouldn't take the hand off of it so God let it equal a sale to their life but to the person who gave it it became a seed a seed produces more than a sale [Music] the others were glad to sell it but the others the the ones who gave it we're glad to sell it so see God had something for me but men's hands were saying no so he transferred hands favor will cause things to transfer hands that are closest to your life amen God knows how to get things from one location to another location amen and so I say in 2018 divine favor that will release the hands of men amen because the Bible said that God gave the Hebrews great favor in the eyes of the Egyptians they turned over the silver and the gold you know what it was 400 years of back pay yeah on one day on one day 400 years a back pay God knows how with one move one divine idea one open door a financial opportunity he knows how in one moment one day to write a long time of things going the wrong direction amen so you know they had to act on that word they had to act on that word Moses said go demand of your go demand of your masters the silver and the gold they had to act on it you have to act on I believe I had divine favor because with the favor comes the wealth with the favor comes the supply with the favor comes which you never could work for and get in all your life amen Jesus needed favor to accomplish the plan of God he needed favor if there was anyone that could have accomplished it without favorite would have been Jesus and he still needed it because the Bible says he grew a wisdom and stature and in favor with God and men amen it's not enough that God loves you men need to favor you amen men need to favor you and that comes from God release your faith in it I said release your faith in it the favor of God is working in 2018 for me divine ideas open doors of financial opportunities lost funds restored in multiplied fashion the works of my hands are blessed amen don't limit God to money when he can give you things that will bring all the money you need amen so I said that to say this because didn't we say something like this propelling your business forward next year acceleration that propels your business forward hallelujah father we thank you that's just is it alright that we wake wait on them a few more moments father we thank you we thank you that the future is bright and we move into that brightness and yes there's more to say about 2018 there is more to say and we'll get that we thank you for it father we thank you for it father we praise you we worship You hallelujah mastica you just lift up your hands and worship Him and the spirit master go lift up your voice mash taqueria DuBose taqueria debauched ich ich ein Amato enemy's enemy Kiki Gianna Montoya mangia da da da da da basta kya baat aakar dedica Kea de pasto ko ko ko' a man jetta potaka yadda bhattacarya da Bostick Akaka Adubato lady kikyo double stomp a the mess tent a master totoko yaja man jeddah boat okokok orderly at Abbas Stoker area tabash sticky a mop Ayana bestowed a sticky key a ash turcica Calle I speak mama for those things assigned to this ministry assigned to this church assigned to my life I speak to it to move to the proper hands and I thank you Father for the favor that moves in accordance with that divine supply and I speak release of those things into our hands in Jesus name I speak those things released now in Jesus name all the equipment all the properties oh all the supply I say you're released now in Jesus name into this ministry and I thank you for it father hallelujah but I didn't think to do any of that when we came today but I'm so thankful the Holy Ghost knows what has to be done for things to be accomplished right amen I tell you what I'm so grateful I get to run my race with you so grateful and I'm finishing and I expect you to finish I don't just want to get started and I don't want to have a good strong leg of the race because you can have a leg of the race that looks real good and other parts that look really tattered amen but running strong amen do you like do you like everything around here we've done yeah yeah yeah I was showing somebody and they go I've never seen that a church before I said that's why we did it because they don't like whatever what's expected and what's common and when you can be uncommon might be common right but I'll tell you my approach in a day when so many places I don't know look like look like churches I don't recognize I went to one one church some time back and it was dark and the all the walls were black and the lights were shutting down and and Ed and I were bumping into each other trying to find our way to the front row and and I said if my mom ever saw me in a place like this she would pull me out because this is the way places I was allowed to frequent look like the church is a family I think a church this is just my take it's not doctrine but I just think a church ought to look like another room of the household and so I want you to enjoy it we're not done yet we've got chandeliers coming three two of them are here one of the big one is a five-foot but more ghee size in fact did you lay she laid down in the light store on the floor we measured and there's other components all the drapery didn't come we've got a short drape back here because somebody cut it wrong not us but somebody at the store we didn't missing but you're going to see a few more things at it and we just you know there's just more force than we want to reach together amen I love you you're precious to us and we're just listen 2018 is gonna be so great it is gonna be so great I mean on my birthday my birthday was August 30th for those of you didn't know and I'm the my birthday the devil started banging my head and I go ah something good must be coming this year you have never been to my head on my birthday before this must be a landmark year and it's not about age believe me I don't care about numbers it's not the age thing you know I'd rather get I'd rather get older than not so it's not about that but I mean all kinds of accusations that the devil can bring and I said ah this is going to be my best year yet and you need to say that 2018 your best year yet but you don't understand what I'm facing your best year yet and I want to tell you when ed went home in 2013 that was not my worst year I wish he were still here I guarantee your life did not get worse I don't care what happens in your life nothing gets worse for you listen you can live without certain people in your life you can never live without the plan of God in your life when my husband left the plan of God did not leave therefore my life did not get worse we love people and we honor people we appreciate people but the blessing was with the plan of God amen your best year yet plan for it write it down on your list and you define and you author what your best year yet looks like you decide I said you decide will just love God once don't give that mindless brainless lack of direction answer you decide what you want your life to look like and God will meet you with his power amen hallelujah I know we were supposed to do communion but I went long brother grant so god bless you hallelujah I'm going to ask miss Dale and dr. Harold to come up brother grant you can come up if you would and if you need someone to agree with you in prayer these people are up here to do that and we want you to know that you have the faith of your family with you when you're facing situations and circumstances you don't want to lean on them but you do want to draw on them and there's a difference amen hallelujah so do you have your homework assignment clear what two scriptures are at the top of your list that you're making mark 11:23 pushes for verse two amen and you're gonna be good at continuing every day we release our faith and we thank God for what is coming to pass in our lives amen we'll turn around to somebody before you're dismiss and tell them 2018 will be my best year yet and you can be dismissed god bless you
Channel: Dufresne Ministries
Views: 13,319
Rating: 4.8716578 out of 5
Id: 47ZQBfeC3tk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 16sec (3916 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 07 2017
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