Q&A With Nancy Dufresne | Pastoring, Avoiding Offense & More

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[Music] [Music] hello welcome to today's episode of deFrank for his journal we're back with more questions we're gonna continue on like we did in last episode so we'll just jump right into it there's another question here how did you start pastoring you know we had moved back here to California because God told my husband get in position so he moved us from Tulsa to California because he said I want you to get in position for the last day revival so ed of course traveled and so he said one day he said God wants us to start a church here and I you know I wasn't surprised in the sense of he was a man who started churches and so I wasn't surprised about that but my concern was I enjoyed traveling and I thought I'm not called to be a pastor and so my concern is he's gonna be on the road and he's gonna leave me at home to take care of the church but I'm not a pastor so I didn't quite know how that was gonna work so of course he we started the church and he went on the road and then I saying to him you need to get a pastor in here you need to get a pastor in here and so he would tell me he'd say you're the pastor I said I'm not the pastor God hasn't told me I'm the pastor and of course I did you say that because you thought you were class yes soon level I decided I I decided God will give me my heart's desire I'm gonna do what I want is that good so I decided you know I assumed because I always had travel in my heart but really it was and I got to travel with it all through pastoring but because that was present I thought that was primary then and sometimes you can have things in your heart but they're for later and so I just assumed I'm not a pastor and so I certainly didn't ask because I didn't want to find out differently you know and so he would tell me you're the pastor I said I'm not the pastor you need to get an associate pastor in here under you and so I did all the services you know I led the music preach I did I'd ran everything like I was the pastor and did that for four years without realizing that I was the pastor and so one day we were in a service we were having a camp meeting or convention and a guest Minister got up to preach and when he did I fell into the spirit and the Spirit of God came upon me and God spoke to me and says do you love me now I should have caught it when he asked that question it was its scriptural and I didn't catch I didn't put two and two together and he said do you love me and I said well of course I do and he said then feed my sheep pastor and I was just stunned so I got up well during that service God spoke to me and said on next Sunday he says I want you to get up and you tell the people you're the pastor so I thought well this can be revelation to them because it was Revelator gosh finally yeah you think they're gonna be shy yeah yeah and so I got it the next Sunday night announced I'm the pastor and they go yeah we know it was like I was the only one in the building who didn't know it and so the thing is is that the word says if you be willing and obedient you'll eat the good of the land the willingness is a hard issue the obedience is an action issue and so I was doing the action of being a pastor but the inside had not agreed with that yeah that's where a lot of people struggle a lot of people miss it is because sometimes their insides are not in agreement that's what God has for them and that's why they struggle that's why they go through difficulties and opposition's even financially or physically is because they need to check is there some part of me that's not agreeing with the will of God of the plan of God for my life so that was over 25 years ago so I pastored for over 25 years and I would have never dreamt then that I would be doing that for 25 years but of course I loved it once I agreed with it you know and then when God let you know you're you're the pastor needs your job to feed the sheep was at that point was was was a struggle to just or does it now adjust automatically like well the I've been doing and we keep doing it the grace for the pastoral office the anointing for the pastoral office came on me but I didn't recognize it prior to prior to even yes because even before Edie started the church I kept recognizing I enjoyed travelling but there was something that was unsatisfied because when you travel you don't get to stay with the people to see their progress and there there came a desire in me to see the spiritual progress of the people we were ministering to well that was the office of the pastor coming in to play there that's what the pastor desires is to see the spiritual progression of the people and so I recognized that but I didn't recognize it that was part of the pastoral office to help me label it another thing is God gave me the vision for the church and I recognized why is he giving me the vision I don't I don't know he gives ed the vision for you know the ministry yeah so I didn't put two and two together on those two issues if I had of I would have recognized that God was done with me and the next question in the same lines of pastoring what is the best thing you would say about being a pastor and pastoring what I mentioned and that is to see the progress of the word in people's lives it is so rewarding because the word the word does a work in everyone's life who takes it in and does it and it will progress at different rates in different people's lives based on how much they give themselves to that word but the reward of seeing lives come in homes families come into the church that are really struggling facing a lot of difficulties and see their whole lives change the reward of seeing the word work is I think one of the greatest rewards of pastoring that's very empowering what is the one trip up you've seen the most often that occur those who would allow offense to enter in because if offense enters in offense maybe with a fellow congregation member offense with maybe leadership in the church staff members or department workers the devil once you know the word says that God sets us in in the in the body Christ the way it pleases him so he will direct and guide you to a local church into a pastor that's where your life is going to succeed it says those that are planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of their God so to flourish you have to be planted in a local church under a pastor and when you find the right pastor and you find the right congregation where you fit the devil of course will do everything he can to help interfere with you finding that place but once you find it that he does all he can to get you out of it and so I have seen over 25 years of pastoring too many people that fell prey to and yielded to offense unforgiveness and different things and sometimes it wasn't even offense with the church sometimes its offense with their own marriage yeah offense with relatives and it distracted them and pulled them out of the church and I've seen that the destruction that happened when people not because people left our church but because they stepped outside the plan yeah it's you know you can't no pastor should say and threaten people with the idea if you leave our church things of bad things going to happen but if you leave the plan of God that's where the danger is yeah and if the plan of God is for you to be at that church you have to protect that place and this is the important thing where God puts you protect it protect it from offense protect it from bitterness protected from unforgiveness protect it from other people who don't have the same connection to that place and I've seen what happens when people lead the church that God has put them their homes fall apart their health falls apart problems with their children and because these things don't happen the day they leave sometimes they happen a year or two or even five years after they leave so they don't make the connection that it was because of what how they exited yeah their local church and exited being under the pastor there's a safety being under a pastor and people say well I go to any church yeah but if God didn't put you there your supplies in there it's not the same will they preach the word they may preach the word but is that we're gonna put you yeah so you had to protect the place God put you just like you had to protect when God puts a marriage together you have to protect that anything God gives you yet protect it's good and would you say if if you see someone that's offended with somebody in the church or maybe with the pastor do you see that offense trickle into other areas of their life is it snowballs well I know how the spirit of offense works and it doesn't want to live alone it's got to gain companionship to feel that it's correct if someone's offended they need somebody to tell them they're right in their offense so that they can peacefully stay in their offense or if I could say is willingly saying their offense yeah and so if they can gather somebody to say yeah you're right then they'll stay there and in that offense and so offense looks for company mm-hmm so that's what you have to decide is I will not company or borrow someone else's offense because sometimes I've seen in a church that people will create friendships in the church mm-hmm that will pull them away from their pastor never have a stronger connection with anyone in your church above the connection with your pastor because other people can come in and they can they can get into offense or they can get into some kind of a difficulty or struggle and because you you become close with them in the church you'll start borrowing that and you'll start entering into their difficulty if you have that relationship with your pastor you'll protect it you'll protect it and you've got less of what someone trying to get you to say you realize that no relationship ship in the church is more important than my relationship with my pastor so if they want to leave I'm not going to leave with them because I'm their friend yeah they can just go they don't have to go alone because my most important connection is with my pastor yeah and whoever their passenger is you know they need to not put any relationship any fellowship in the church the fellowship of their past and they go oh it's my friend I want to buy them see pastors don't go to dinner with them on Friday night the friends do but still that's not the role of the pastor to go to go to dinner with them and have that kind of a connection that they may have it's a different connection it's a spiritual connection it's a higher connection with the pastor and so so many people many times will values a a fellowship in the church more than they value the connection with the pastor and that's dangerous that will give into trouble that's good that's a helped a lot of people I'm sure that hear this yeah and the thing is is that if it weren't for that pastor you wouldn't have even had that fella yeah yeah and just have to get the priorities in line yeah because their success of their family their home their marriage their business their health is connected to it and their prosperity that's right yes well thank you for joining us you do not want to miss the next episode we have a lot more questions and we'll see you next time thank you for watching today's show be sure to check out all the latest episodes on our YouTube page for more information follow us on Facebook or visit our website at Dufresne ministries org [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Dufresne Ministries
Views: 3,786
Rating: 4.9615383 out of 5
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Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 21 2017
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