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we're talking about experiencing God in prayer and you made a comment a little while earlier that one of the things you do when you go before the Lord is you really just look at Jesus right... now, you've seen Jesus so do you call up that memory is that what you mean? Do you ever picture Him? yeah you can... I've learned, thank Jesus, just kind of the school of the spirit but there's been even a visions like I mentioned earlier true visions that you get taken into that are not trance-like your conscience is often involved and so in my earlier years I would start to slip into one of these spiritual experiences in my conscious would get so excited I've actually lost some sometimes, I've gone halfway in and then missed out because I got so anxious of what's next and then got so excited to be in a spiritual experience and we don't realize how delicate the realm of the spirit is... no flesh will enter it. The true deep realms of the spirit, the flesh does not dwell there...you start leaning carnally in any form or fashion doubt, anxious, it will pull you down very quick I begin to learn...also hunger... what were you saying I wanted to catch the the latter end of that, that I would, what I could visually still picture from being in it it was branded in my eyes, I would sit in prayer and meditate upon it and then it would open back into part B and you could slip back into it I would begin to learn really amazing dynamic with the Spirit I've learned...and it's sad to say the new ages light years ahead of us is the body of Christ often when that's our realm, anything supernatural is is you know inherently ours they missed turned out for a dark purposes but a neither here nor there um but I would say yet you can take past experiences or like I said, if you've not had any even just how you might imagine Jesus and begin to dwell upon him you know and in specially being visually wired how I hear really tends be a gateway for me just to experience Him and forgive me for for saying things that seem really redundant, maybe elementary, but I'm trying to help people who have real questions, when you say dwell upon what does that mean yeah well, many different things like remember just well I won't go into that, but just yesterday I was taken into a different realm of seeing him just by vision and I could see reflection in his eyes, I won' t go into the meaning of it, but I went into a vision of Jesus's face... with my intentions were just loving him because I love him so much you see I have heard his voice in so many different topics meanings, and warnings, and corrections, and love, and whatever it may be but to me I've come to learn, I don't care what he wants to talk about I just love him,you know, and his presence has become so so much everything to me in his voice it's just it's hard to really put in human words but there is such a weight on it man, there's such a jelling with him when he speaks, why I'm kinda like any more, talk about whatever you want, you know of course I'll steward it and do my best to portray your word how you want to use it for me but just speak just talk, "man I love you so much" but yeah, to dwell upon him what I do like I said earlier is you know, I'll typically just turn my attention to him, sometimes it looks like seeing a facet of Jesus often it doesn't end up how I intended like I was just saying this weekend I was just locked up in prayer, and I was just loving on Jesus and now to, I want to make sure there's so many different facets of Jesus, you see in Revelation John falls as though dead, you know so there's a glorified very sobering King who is full of authority, but yet John's got his head on his chest in in the Gospels, very loving you know lover of our soul, so there's different realms you can see him in for different purposes purposes and experiences but typically you know I'll just, Thanksgiving is really really big...we enter his gates with Thanksgiving in our hearts you know I begin to just intertwine within each other seeing him thank him... just so thankful for just him everything in life, whatever it may be mostly he's the most "thing" I'm thankful for, so it's really him, I can start going into the petty things of life things like the blessings, I appreciate it, but I'm so thankful for him just him in my life, and his voice, his presence is everything to me, he is life you know and so gratitude is massive I believe for entering into his presence and voice, it really sets you up in a place humility which looks like need dependency you know just realizing like I'm very much helpless without you if you don't speak to me and guide me today, I'd just assume to not go through it you know like Moses said, if your glory does not go with us... and so to me what it looks like is seeing him some people may visually be a bit hindered and that's okay I like a said already pointed that out, I tend to see more but you can go off of unction, or sensation, or feeling meditation is massive in prayer, I think we've also that's a lost art but internal dwelling upon, affections, and emotions, thoughts are really really really big on triggering experiencing God and his voice so seeing him, being thankful for him, I need you come upon me, please speak I'm listening you know whatever it may be, and it really attracts his presence and voice, you know well like I said, just the other day I wanted to encounter him on an intimate level cuz that's another thing I've learned the bridal realm, there's something about it man as the bridegroom of Christ that's on an encounter level at least me personally, that I I don't know that can be trumped He's king, He's savior, He's Lord, He's friend He's shepherd, but there's something to do with the bride of Christ dwelling into the bridegroom, the bridal realm, the whole book is summed up at the in the spirit and the bride say come and there's just encounters that blew me away with him in from that dynamic that's very dominant actually not as men typically we can't we're relate to that often from a Solos Chrono mindset It's really astounding so I'm trying to often experience him or pull from ones I may be familiar with that often I'd say 9/10 percent of the time direct somewhere else because I never know where He's gonna go and that happened this weekend, I saw a reflection in his eyes I'll just tell you, it's simple, but you could see he was intently looking upon an axe at the root of a tree you could see it both eyes, the same picture He was very intently I could see it, i just wanted to be with Jesus but then I caught, the vision got clearer and I could see the reflection in his eyeballs and that's Matthew 3:10 I feel like the days we're in...it's very you'll start seeing trees that aren't bearing fruit too good of fruit, hit the hay here shortly, time is short, the games are becoming over you know as for the Kingdom of God, it is very serious to Jesus right now the times we are in So are ministries start to, and I know that's a different direction but just so people know that too often his agenda and where he wants to go with His voice may not be where you intend to start off, but just start off just focus upon Him
Channel: Daniel Kolenda
Views: 30,555
Rating: 4.9485292 out of 5
Keywords: Jesus Christ (Deity), Prophet (Fictional Job Title), Prayer (Quotation Subject), Religion (TV Genre), Holy, Spirit, Gospel, Truth, Lord, Salvation, Prayer (Composition), Prophecy, Holy Spirit (Deity), Word, Brian Guerin, Daniel Kolenda, Experiencing God, Eric Gilmour, Meditation, Mysticism, Yoga, God (Deity)
Id: j40Qy4-itL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 55sec (475 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 30 2015
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