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hi guys so for today's video I am joined by my husband Sean hello and when we were in Ireland I asked over on Instagram if you guys had any questions for us because every now and then people ask us how we met or how long we've been together things like that so I just figured maybe we could do a Q&A together and you guys submitted a lot of really funny great questions that Sean actually hasn't seen yet so we were gonna record it while we were in Ireland but we didn't get the chance so we're recording it now so the first question it says is your hubby a right or two if so what does he write but my favorite part is they put is your quote hobby like do you not belief that we're married I promise we are anyway are you also a writer what do you write no I am NOT a writer I joke about writing my great American crime novel but no he also started and never completed a romance novel that he was co-writing with his father yes and our pen name was Daniel O'Shaughnessy how do we come up that name I wonder I actually want to see your answer to this if it's the same as mine okay it says what was the first place you and your husband traveled to as a couple first place we traveled to as a couple yeah travel to I want to say like Six Flags that's that okay yeah I wasn't sure if you'd say that so we when we graduated college we graduated the same year we went to Six Flags with some friends and those friends were really excited to go to music park I was super pumped to go Muse MIT Park he was not excited to go to the amusement was not he never the only roller coaster you've been on was a California adventure or something anyway Six Flags is the big boy roller coaster sheltered yeah so he had a rude awakening to clarify though the reason I wasn't sure if he would answer that is because we went with friends so the first place we went to as a couple was Washington State so this next one is it's a point of contention between the two of us it's how many dogs would you two love to own so is this at one time I would think so one yeah you only want the one I want three no not in this house in this house it's too small for three dogs but someday if we move into a bigger house and we have a nice backyard and things like that I would want three doggies but yeah I'm a one-dog kind of man so we should have max two dogs then that would be one lesson here three and one more than my one we have this on record that we're getting another dog no no what have I done - this next one's nice what's one thing you would love about each other one thing just what we love about each other got to go first is really hard I did talk to think there's just ya know I you're very funny it make me laugh thanks that's good you're funny too but can I say something different you're feeling so if I don't feel like well your buddy but not as funny as me um he's very nice he's very respectful well thank you yeah he's a nice person and I don't just mean respectful to me you know how there's apparently as saying that women want a guy who's a jerk to everybody with them and I'm like why would anybody want to be with that guy that sounds like the worst I would constantly be embarrassed so that's not the case with him it's what I'm saying he's nice to everybody I don't even know that was a desire I've never heard that before if it is you should I mean I hope you live happily but that man's gonna cause you problems so this one was specifically for when we were in Ireland it says how is the food favorite dishes so far we only really had one Irish yeah we're we're kind of bad about trying local well yeah you just said it I liked the Irish stew though it was delicious it's good it's the only Irish thing we had he considered getting an Irish coffee which is coffee and whiskey but it was six euros and you kind of broke right now so we're like that's a lot and I like coffee coffee yeah so yeah we had Irish stew it was pretty delicious I must say so I guess that one takes the cake for being our favorite the next question says and it's worded very sweetly does your husband get mad at the people who may leave negative reviews on your book so yes I guess but I don't look at them really too often because I think it would get me worked at yeah angry I don't want to be worked out I don't want them to be working out the next question is how long have you been married it will be before years four years in September I always forget our anniversary is the third right yes I always imagined work this one says why are you both so perfectly adorable and then they have cute little the heart emoji well I think is genes everything yeah it's just how we were born is what he's saying we both look pretty not great first thing in the morning wow I mean it's true that I'm more speaking for myself but I didn't want to sound so self-deprecating it's got it wrong coming out of my mouth I didn't want to be that person it's like I mean I'm really not you know I mean but like anybody we're not that cute though now it sounds like we're like right dorable we we know that you're thinking it but we're just humans like you my hair it gets too long I start looking weird he thinks he looks homeless if he grows out his beard which he doesn't he has a good beard I have no muscle at all on my body neither do I so that's something to worry well let's just stop thank you for the compliment very nice this next question I almost told him because I found it really funny it says which one of you would survive the longer in a fantasy novel slash world oh for sure her I'm so fast like I see novel I'd be like the farmer's son or something you know a guy in the prologue yeah I'd be like out tilling the earth and I was like ah - like the invading army and that I'd had decapitated that would be like my my chapter I ya know it's true I was trying to think of a way that he would survive I mean I'm trying to unless it was like a trombone off for your life that's money that I would win yeah other than that yeah yeah pretty worthless should we explain why I would live longer because right now it just sounds like you're so worthless anybody could survive the longer than you I mean maybe I think you you're crafty heist yeah if I see like I would kill some people if I have to I can see you like just like sharpening a stone or something somehow having like a little little I feel it I can see I can soon I can see the scene happening where you're like sitting there like I don't think I can do it like I have like a crazy look in my eye like you have to the next one says does he like Brandon Sanderson books like you with the little thinking emoji so the answer is yeah so no I've read the the first Mistborn trilogy I thought it was fine I liked it I think the try think about my favorite one was I think I liked the last one the best and I read the wave kings but I couldn't first came out I actually read a long time ago and I thought it was good Khaled ins story take a deep breath I thought Calvin's story dragged like your slave we get it he just he feels any so I mean this isn't a spoiler at all Callens a slave like at the beginning of the book like a lot so he feels in his mind he's like well eventually they're not gonna be a slave right so can we just get to the part where they're not a slave so this next one says what is your favorite thing about each other I don't know I don't know well I have things I like you as a poem but yeah but picking your favorite favorite I don't think I have a favorite the next one says are there any specific things you to do to keep the spark alive we've only we've only been married for almost four whole years so I don't know the spark is dead yet so I don't feel like I can I'm not saying like we just sound perfect we don't do anything I just think we haven't gotten sick of each other that's good yeah I mean yeah I don't have any advice I'd be like playing video games the other play actively try to you know God dates and try new things I don't like new things it's a problem no the next one asks how we met we met at the School of Music Arizona State University where we were both not what you think of when you think of ASU we're not partiers we're like guys please it's loud drinking we just aren't but so because we're such losers we were talking to one another this one's interesting is this how does hobby you get along with the world hoppers so for those I don't know I have a collaborative channel with some fellow book tubers that are all my friends so how do you get along with them how do I get along with them well the only one I've met in person would be just Shauna and she's very nice and the other ones I only know virtually not cuz I'm like I don't want to hate but I just I don't they take up some of her time yeah yeah just beat the only one she ever talks to but they seem like a delightful group of people yeah this one's specific to when we were in Ireland it says what Irish folk word you guys enjoy I don't know I don't know any yeah I'm sorry there were books on Irish folklore that we saw and went oh that's cool we didn't read them this next question is very sweet and very cute it says how did each of you know they were the one cheesy I know but it can't help it do you have an answer I don't know if I have an answer it's kind of a it's a toughy tough question I don't have an answer I just think I throughout our time dating continuously liked him closer just kept liking him yeah and I did have it I had a moment though I feel like in movies you know when people in movies or TV shows or something there's like oh that person so cute person so nice I like the person a lot like while the person's talking and there's a moment where the person looks like what why why do you like if it'd be like that like oh nothing and it's like they weren't paying attention at all I think I had a moment like that pretty early on and then he just he just never revealed a bad side yes like you know when you first meet people I wish I wish we could show a clip of the comedian Tom Segura because he's like I had this boy I like girls like I'm this scar and you're kind of pretending for a long time until you finally get to know the other person deep down like their worst self I feel like he never had a oh no red flag moment it's just the more I got to know I'm better I liked him you know you're talking about the pretending thing I feel like our first we were first hanging out maybe there was I might yeah okay his next one says one thing always goes wrong at a wedding what went wrong at yours did we have anything come wrong for a brief moment the guy was so we we had a very small ceremony and then the reception we had evening and we had friends and family come to that and at one point when we arrived the guy that kind of runs the whole venue was like there's way more people coming than I was expecting and I was like oh and and he's like I gotta fight for chairs like that was it it was like I know my guests like do you need me now find them and I don't know it's like he had a moment raising Wow people here and then he just vented to the bride do you remember that is the only looking for plates or something like so I remember this because I think it was plates maybe because your brother-in-law I guess my brother-in-law okay so your sister's husband went to the parking lot again I think of plates or something helping with this guy and I was like oh I'll help too and like I think you're I think Josh thought I was gonna be like runaway dreamers yeah he's like whoa where are you going I was like oh please that's what we're doing oh gosh that's really nice he's very nice but I was like so you're not like gonna get in the car and leave like plus we'd already been married was the day yeah it was very time to celebrate yeah I mean if there was a time to have done that missed a chance like I don't really know what he was thinking but so nothing really nothing really I'm sorry our wedding apparently to tell stories about it was boring it was a good it was happen yeah was a good time good food which was really the only thing I cared about all right so there are still more questions but I don't know how long we've been doing this for it I don't want this to be super long so we're gonna end it on this question it's not necessarily about us as a couple but it's a great question and it's one of my favorites this is so what's the worst jobs you two have had the worst jobs mm-hmm I can guess yours should we guess each others yeah sure so my guess for you what he was the maintenance guy at asu's gym basically is that that was gonna be my answer guys you he fell it was quite boring but he kind of liked it because he would just listen to music I did yes sure I do kind of like I would just so it sounds of music for four or five hours yeah clean gymnasiums so what do you think I'm gonna go with a Dairy Queen for five hundred its yeah it's kind of a toss of depends on what aspects of the job so I worked at a Dairy Queen which sounds lovely I'm serving ice cream to kids and that sounds cute but at the Dairy Queen I worked at it was also fast food so we had burgers and chicken and what you'd imagine fast food would be and smoothies that was the worst part because you're like trying to hear the person ordering and there's like a bunch of blenders going off machine so that job was kind of it I'm not I'm sorry I don't mean to sound like I'm saying high school or suck because I think high schoolers are amazing but the particular high schoolers I worked with were super immature and I would hear them man it was just they would have conversations I'm like like one for example was talking about how she didn't want to tell her mom that she's been drinking but she's been pretty sure she had alcohol poisoning so that's like why do you do I'm like you tell your mom and I remember a co-worker who was older than me and I was in college at the time he was like I mean you really shouldn't get on them for like drinking and doing drugs if you don't really do it yourself I'm like I'm pretty sure I don't have to go become a meth head to be like don't be a meth head kids anyway I just the people I worked with were fun as people but working with them was really aggravating and then the other job they had that was not my favorite was a job I worked at this company my mom was working at some of you know the story and the it was a summer job and basically if they ever were audited they needed to make sure that they had documentation and I was in charge of taking all the physical copies of these boxes and boxes and boxes of documents and just scanning them and the naming them on the computer and then doing that for eight to nine hours and it was so poor I'm so boring anyway that's it thank you everybody who submitted questions if you guys want us to do a part two let us know and we'll do the rest of the questions and if anybody has any other questions we can answer those also but anyway thanks so much for watching and for being somewhat interested in us as people Nona bear is not interested in us as people she is only interested in us as food providers she does not care what we have to say that these questions
Channel: Elliot Brooks
Views: 11,869
Rating: 4.9859157 out of 5
Keywords: q and a, elliot, brooks, elliot brooks q and a, elliot brooks husband, elliot brooks sean, booktube, booktuber, elliot brooks facts about me
Id: cFgxbRKlTLs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 49sec (1069 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2019
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