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so today's video is going to be an assumptions video i'm joined by my husband sean who is currently eating some toast i am he really wanted to go to einstein's bagels today and then by the time he got there they were closed at two o'clock so the closest thing that we had was toast so apologies he will finish eating that soon but anywho one more slice uh we asked all of you to submit either assumptions about me or him or both of us so it's just gonna be kind of a chatty fun fun video so this is gonna be broken up into two there's a lot of assumptions and this is actually future us having talked for about an hour so i will be breaking this up into multiple parts here is part one i don't there were a lot i can't get to all of them but i'll just start from the beginning this one says that you love smelling my hair no that's not to say my hair smells bad yeah yeah i'm not like oh stinky hair oh it's so gross no i'm just uh not a hair hair sniffer yeah yeah maybe that means i should well if i just washed my hair he might be like oh your hair smells nice but yeah he's not like a while we're hugging like kind of lofted husband next one says that you complement each other well that's really nice i think so do you think we do yeah i mean we married each other so i am definitely i'm very shy i do not like talking to strangers but then once i get to know you i'm probably too chatty my mom used to when we would carpool when i was in college because she worked near where i was going to school we would carpool sometimes because i lived at home to save money and i i would be telling her about my day and she'd be like ah just get get to the end of the story already you just talk so much so i when i know you i i talk a lot i think i used to be more shy but my job has made me where i can't be afraid of phones or emailing people or talking to people just yeah but i still don't go out of my way to um be super i'm not i feel like i was about to say friendly it's not that i'm not you're friendly i'm not friendly but like i i'm maybe a little bit more reserved yeah yeah yeah um but i feel like between the two of us if one of us needs to make a phone call he's gonna be the one to do it that's one aspect we zeroed in on a very specific thing i just think in general i'm a little bit more bubbly high energy and he is much more mellow and i think that that does i think we complement each other in that way i like him he likes me yay for us i guess you are both givers i think that's true i mean i feel kind of conceited being like it's it's indeed true we care about other people but i mean he's really sweet in that if he heard about something or read about something he'll be like oh i think i'm going to donate to this thing and i'm like go for it and then i'll be like look at this poor dog vice versa yeah we both um we'll let each other know we trust each other with money and stuff so it's not like we're spending our entire paychecks where then suddenly we can't buy food for ourselves or something clearly as the toast showed but um yeah we both like to like to try to do what we can you like to tease each other i think that is very accurate it's very accurate we're constantly making fun of each other you want another dog so she wants another one yes i like my luna i'm very loyal to luna and i just i don't know if i want he doesn't think there's room in his heart to love another dog and i think he's perfect he doesn't understand that your heart will expand and that you can indeed love more than one dog at a time speaking of you've got your dog dead i do mug do you want to read it to the good people i got him this mug from redbubble says dear dog dad thank you for being my dad if i had a different dog dad i would bite him on the nuts chew up his slippers and go find you um anyway i follow all these dog accounts and akita hashtags and there was this person whose dogs had puppies and they looked like luna when she was a puppy and it was snowball and flower flower they were so cute and i was like hey so you know should we get these little sisters for luna and he was like no i really wanted i was pretty close the only thing is like puppies are a lot of work yeah and i'm the one that would deal with them because i work from home you just come home and get to be like wow you get to play with them it's the best part plus we have a backyard now when we got luna as a puppy it was very difficult to go anywhere and do anything because you constantly had to schedule it around okay well we can't leave the dog alone for too long because she can't get out and then i'll be like oh she went to the bathroom at this time so if we go now she's done going to the bathroom in her crate and then i'm the one that constantly had to give her baths because i was the one that was home you would get the best of it that's true but yes i want another dog to answer that you are a perfectionist is the assumption is that for you i'm assuming yeah i think so i think you're a perfectionist you guys laugh together constantly yeah that's true i think that's true when my dad was with us um he we would be constantly singing songs making songs up we'd sing a lot of things i'm sure you guys know when you sing to your dog or your cat or something or you're just singing about the other dishes yeah or i was like singing about how it's two weeks until my birthday that's the kind of stuff that my dad would always laugh and be like you guys are so weird but yes we're pretty much constantly giggling i feel like we we fall into like a call and response type thing a lot of time like i'll just sing something and then you'll sing it back to me and then i'll sing it again and you always find what i'm singing funny funnier than what you just saying cause you you use a goofy voice usually you laugh because i like close my eyes and yeah give it your all sing to the heavens i think you guys are still very much in love and i do mean the butterfly and stomach kind that's cute i mean yeah i think we are in love i don't know if it's that initial honeymoon phase kind of the way you feel when you first start dating someone oh my gosh everything about them is so perfect i can't wait to learn more i think that we just we really like each other and i'm constantly like oh i really appreciate him and then i mean i think he appreciates me too so he we often compliment each other and i try to tell him all the time how much i appreciate him and thank you every time he does anything even remotely nice for me or even remotely mixed no i mean like a casual nice thing like you know if i i often i'm like can you get me one of my drinks which makes me sound like an alcoholic because i'm always like i need a drink which i'm referring to these uh which are ice carbonated water but um i always i'm like thank you so much you're always getting things for me i appreciate it so much um and it's not to the point where it's stupid you know it's it sounded forced when i said it just now but it's a very casual thing we're just constantly i feel like really appreciative of each other and thinking the other person is great and we have similar things that we like but within those things we like different things that was confusing so what i mean is with reading i primarily read fantasy and he reads not fantasy he reads a mix of things and in music i'm classical he's jazz so we always have a main topic that a lot of times or main hobby that we both enjoy but then within that we like different things which i think we always love that the other person has a connection to something i think we yeah we like each other yeah that's simple enough answer you walk him through the video's concept and calm his nerves before filming i think there's some truth to that i think depends on the the thing anyways i don't think i was walked through this particular video i think i was ready for this i think that one example would be we did a i did a video a while back where i found one star reviews and five star reviews for this oh that's true i was like really thrown off by that and you're like i don't understand what i'm doing yeah but you understood and i think sometimes like i think i understand and i'm like yeah i'm ready yeah and then like we start and i do it like completely wrong and i'm like and then he used to be more nervous that's true there's a lot of you out here really loud gulp it was like perfect timing with the being nervous idea but sometimes there will be things that he's interested in for example he wanted to do a favorites of the year video and then he's like you have too many subscribers i don't want to talk about people or one of the literary books that he's reading and he's like i don't want because you know your channel has a fair amount of eyes and i don't want my review of this random literary book whatever it may be to be something that gets a lot of views because he feels like there are a lot of people more qualified to discuss because they're very dense and there's a lot of references and things like that and he just doesn't feel like his take on something should be the one that's viewed yeah so my take is probably not going to be like the probably the most profound out there he really likes leaf by leaf i do and the book chemist so check them out if you are looking for some literary booktubers um but yeah i try to encourage him and say you should definitely do it people would love to see it there are people that are out there that read fantasy and literary works and they would love to see it and if anything then it might help because if what you say gets brought up then it might suggest these other people but i think you're also kind of like i don't want to look stupid not yet not that he is but kind of tying back to that he feels like other people know more but yeah i guess in that way i encourage him but then sometimes he doesn't end up doing it which is totally fine you have to sound like a quitter [Laughter] you have loads of cute little traditions like the unicorn mugs oh damn you're not drinking out of a mutant i have one in here though this is a unicorn mug one of them this is the first one that started it all it says i'm not weird i'm limited edition and you can see it's a unicorn with uh i like a pool donut oh yeah a little donut except it looks like an act it is an actual donut yeah also see some coffee stains on there too we haven't had the chance to travel a lot but when we do travel we like to get fridge magnets but that's not that's pretty standard that's pretty standard yeah what do we have what are i have a song i sing to him sometimes called i love my husband and it's just i just say i love my husband over and over again um but that is that it's got a certain melody to it um do we have traditions besides the unicorn mug thing i feel like i don't if we do i don't think of them we don't have formal traditions i do the unicorn mug thing is something i think something you tried to do and you've brought it up before is you will read something i like in august for my birthday last year was not great yeah not not since yeah my dad died in august so that last year i didn't really get to do that but yeah that's something i try to do is read something you like um yeah i don't know i feel like off the top of my head i can't think of them but then i'm sure after we're done filming i'm like we do that really cute thing and then and then i'll remember you guys are best friends yeah that's true i think i call you my best friend like yeah he tells me like my best friend he says it like that too it's usually when you're sleeping you're getting ready for bed you're like you're my best friend um you guys do almost everything together yes and no i think that we both like things that are very solitary in nature so if we're reading i actually don't like both of us reading at the same time when i'm reading i usually like if he's going to play video games and if he's reading a lot of times i want to derp around in a video game i don't know there's something about companionable silence for sure but i don't there's something i like there being background noise but then having him nearby so yes and no we do a lot of things together we play like board games i tell him pretty often i wish he could just quit his job and be home with me all the time because i like him a lot i i mean i really like spending time with him but there are those days where if for whatever reason you know obviously quarantine changes things but if um he were to say like oh hey like my friends invited me to this thing and i was thinking about going but i don't know because sometimes he'll be like i would rather just be with you but sometimes i'm like you should go go hang out with your friends and i'm happy for him to go hang out with people and then there's a part of me that's like i have the house to myself tonight i think this is what i was trying to touch on earlier when i ended up saying i wasn't friendly it's not that i'm not friendly you would just almost always rather stay at home well yeah once i get there i have a really good time but like for whatever reason getting me to go anywhere is really difficult it's like uh-huh but i could just stay here and not go here's how things have changed for us within our marriage so i used to teach private violin lessons and i was constantly driving around to different people's houses and seeing saw a lot of kids i didn't really have co-workers who were adults but either way i still had a job that involved interacting with other people but since things have changed and now this is essentially not essentially it is my job now he goes to work and he's around other grown-ups and i'm with my dog which i love my dog but on the weekends i'm like i really want to go to the grocery store like just so i can get out of the house we also are down to one car so i couldn't even leave the house if i wanted during the week because he needs the car for work so now i it's not that i like social activities that much but oh my gosh sometimes am i like sunshine and other humans even though i don't really like other humans around me that much but oh someone assumed that we're adorable thanks assumed correct our reading tastes different quite a bit that is true that is true yeah but we i feel like you know we're an example of well what i think is funny too is like our reading tastes genre wise i think is pretty different but we oddly i think we like a lot of the same we do things like anytime there's anything tragic or sad or maybe a little on the depressing side we're like yes more more of that which is funny because our upbringings were very different so i don't know why we're both drawn to tragedy um yeah i don't know either but anyways i i don't know what it is about about that i'm not against fantasy either i feel like i'm not like anti-fantasy i used to read mostly fantasy a lot of you just are kind of tired of stories being five plus books long even that's actually probably you know that's probably the main thing i really am not much of a seri i'm not at all a serious person anymore it's just too much of a commitment we i think are an example of the fact that you can have people with totally different reading tastes reading different age ranges and both can respect what the other likes it without looking down at the other person and actually i was telling him the other day i found this reddit thing about reverse book snobbery where people who like the kinds of books that he reads have a lot of people that just assume they are snobs and that they are pretentious and they think they're better than everybody else and that they get kind of tired of it because they're thinking we just happen to like these books which any kind of judgment of another person off of what they read is annoying to me and neither like we both appreciate that there are books out there that fit our tastes and our spouse's taste it makes us happy when the other person is enjoying something even if it's not anything like i love that he loves gravity's rainbow even though i'm like that book is really weird flick is really weird and then i'll tell him about books i'm liking and he'll like he'll be like wow that sounds really good but not in a way that he wants to read it so yeah we do have different tastes but we respect each other and i just don't understand why people it's not that hard we have an amazing relationship because we're best friends we kind of talked about that before thank you i think so you guys look like a backpacking travel couple that makes me really happy so for our first wedding anniversary we uh we actually did go backpacking um kind of sort of not like a big week-long backpacking trip but we took a like a mini camping trip to prepare for a big uh a bigger one so we went to there's a trail called west fork in sedona arizona and you can walk part of it and then leave or you can pack all your stuff and you have to wade through water and sometimes swim and stuff which was i was not a fan of him he was not a fan of that but it was really fun and then you have your tent and whatever and then you you know get that all i think that was what helped me at least on that trip was we finally got to a place where there were like other people camping because i was kind of just like i don't know where we put stuff yeah the other people though because like everybody kind of just sat by the area where there was a fire or something and it was not like a formal campground no i i cannot stress enough it was just like above the water yeah under this little it was a shell shelf yeah rock shelf and there's another another there's a few other people i guess we'll stop here yeah and they're like so what brings you here and we're like it's our wedding anniversary and they're like an interesting thing to do for a wedding anniversary but then we did that to prepare for havasupai and the grand canyon if you don't know there is an area of the grand canyon it's usually on postcards and things for arizona where the water is turquoise it truly is turquoise and the rocks are very red but it takes 10 miles to get there and it's not it's not a very exciting walk it's kind of a dried out riverbed and then you get there and it's gorgeous and then you get from there over to the campground and so that first one in sedona kind of prepped us for the one in um in the grand canyon but i would say between the two of us i am more of the adventuring adventurous one that's true and it makes him nervous because i'm always like what if though what if we go over here or what if there's a bear and he's just like stop i feel like you're nicely in your head like why is she so dumb because you're like you can't go look at wildlife just i know i can't but well little anecdote i remember as a young man i was in uh yosemite with my family i have to i'm right yeah and my brother and i and my mom we're all like we're way up high and we're going out and there's like no rails and we're like basically on this cliff and we're like oh this is a fun you know whatever and my dad was like freaking out not and i'd never seen him be that scared before but he does all sorts of crazy hiking things he hikes a ton but like him seeing us do that he was like i can't like watch you guys do that so he like left i did not understand that until i became married because then she's like i want to go look over this waterfall i'm like how about you stand back like 10 10 feet from the legend and to be fair i'm also very clumsy so i fall and trip and so when we went when we went to washington uh at mount rainier which is gorgeous there was we were walking and just kind of going along and i wanted to cross the little water area and i i slipped of course on this slippery rock and then fell and it was weird i hadn't felt that emotion of when a kid falls and just starts crying for years but something about slipping and falling on my butt i just the first instinct was to cry and i'm not a crier but i like wasn't that hurt but i just won't be like i don't know why but anyway i am definitely the more adventurous and the one that wants to backpack it's why when we go that's why we went to iceland and ireland i was like let's just rent a van and then we can sleep in the van we can drive around everywhere i'm not really a big hotel person and i'm not a big man-made things person so if i'm going to go somewhere i want to see the waterfalls and i want to see the trees and i want to see the mountains i don't care usually about if i'm going to go especially in the u.s if i'm going to another city i don't care about the city because i always tell people it's like phoenix which is the city where we live it's phoenix but near the ocean or it's phoenix but colder or it's phoenix with a well-known coffee shop or whatever like i just don't i don't i don't care i disagree with some of that but that's okay if we went when we go to europe the couple times we've been like in ireland i definitely want to see castles that's true but i don't i don't i don't usually care about like look at this really tall skyscraper i do want to say i would definitely 100 percent do that same iceland trip again yes with the i want to go back i want to go back not in ireland not in ireland that camper van shouldn't have even been allowed on those roads so anyway that was a long chat for somebody just assumed we look like a backpacking couple oh okay so this one says you thought you were not like the other girls in high school what do you think about that i don't we didn't know each other does that mean you know like girls they're like i'm not like other girls i don't care about my looks and i'm smarter and i don't care about like i don't know i'm not sure if i get that vibe but i don't know so i didn't have a very easy childhood which we don't need to go into details about but i was very depressed and i was very sad and uh my home life wasn't very easy so i usually went to the library to do my homework and i'll admit that it was hard for me to understand why people cared about typical high school drama type stuff because i had such issues with what was going on at home but it wasn't that i thought less of those people are like i'm not like other girls i'm better than them or something it was more of just i was like i can't relate to your problems i can't relate to this because it's understandable yeah so i feel like to some degree but not maybe in the way that most of us think when we think not like other girls i don't think i was the like petty i'm better than them sort of thing or they're beneath me and i care about superior things it's more just i was really sad and i was hoping that i had a chance to have a better future he cooks and you do a lot of the fixing building things around the house what do you think of that um i don't think either of us really cooked a whole lot until very recently we've been trying together yeah uh and as far as being handy you may be more handy than me i'm not i'm not a handy in fact i would say us putting together furniture like the angriest thing faster because i'll be like okay so now it says you have to put piece k2 with l5 and then you kind of are just like winging it going no instructions like i think it goes like this no instructions i think you're a little bit you're trying to go the intuitive route i think a little bit more so neither of us are handy and i think that i think that he weirdly gets more easily overwhelmed with house stuff there's some things that i'm absolutely not gonna touch i'm like we're gonna hire a professional for this because i just i don't want to mess up my wall or something but things that we could do he i think you he tends to be like i just and he gets like that quiet angry where i'm just like dude what it's fine and then i get frustrated because i'm like why are you getting upset right now it's no big deal we're putting together and then i start pulling the like attitude of gratitude i'm like we have a nice house and a nice place to live and we have this nice piece of furniture to put together so like why is this a big deal but yeah i think we're accurate the the worst side of us comes out when we're trying to build something with unclear directions yes our mr tabor our tbr car easiest thing ever and then we were like nice job like high-fiving we're amazing we're such a good team thank you for assuming things about us and we will be back with a part two since we've gone on for quite some time bye thanks for watching
Channel: Elliot Brooks
Views: 14,194
Rating: 4.9520736 out of 5
Keywords: elliot brooks, elliot, brooks, booktube, booktuber, fantasy
Id: S8007EwFdUE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 43sec (1543 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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