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hi guys so today's video is going to be about some loved and hated tropes I asked all of you over on my Instagram if you love or hate these specific tropes and I had a list of 10 total so what we're gonna do is we're gonna go through all the ones that I asked about we're gonna rank them from what you guys voted as least favorite to favorite and then I'm going to do another video that's gonna go alongside this one where I mentioned some books that contain these tropes so that way if you're looking for some recommendations you'll have that and in that video what I'm going to do is I'm gonna look at the average ratings for the books that go along with these tropes and I'm gonna compare what you all ended up voting on Instagram from least favorite to favorite and how generally people on Goodreads rank the books that have those tropes to see how much they actually end up matching so be on the lookout for that video it'll be up very soon but just sticking with the tropes first and their results I'm going to list all the tropes for you and before I get into these stats for each of them I want you guys to let me know which one do you think based off of the ones I'm gonna tell you which one do you think is going to be the lowest ranked and which one do you think is going to be the highest ranked or a couple that actually really surprised me listing off the tropes that I asked about we have chosen one love triangle school setting not like other girls not like other boys secret air the mentor figure hero's quest rags-to-riches hate to love and lovable criminal I do have even more tropes that I'm going to do other videos for so if you're wanting to participate in the voting for the next round my Instagram is EB novels also let me know if there are any tropes that you want me to do because well I have another list of 10 that I'm planning on doing for another video like this maybe you guys will have other ones that you want me to do this for that part on that list okay so if you wanted to say which of those tropes that you thought was going to be the least liked go ahead and do that now or the most like because I'm just going to jump into it the least liked trope out of all of these was the not like other girls and other boys the results were 24% liked it and seventy-six did not I actually was surprised because I thought that love triangle would be the least light to be honest with the way everybody always whenever there's a book with a love triangle everybody's like another love triangle not surprising to me love triangle was the next least liked and it was very very close we had 27 percent to 73 I think it's really fascinating that so many people don't like love triangles yet they still seem to pop up pretty often and I think that at the end of the day and I think a lot of you would agree that it's all about how the tropes are incorporated into the story sometimes stories can have love triangles and we can end up really loving the book so it's just a matter of whether the trope is is done well I did have one person DM me and they said they actually love like love they love love triangles because if they don't like one of the love interests then at least they have another option to root for I think for me with love triangles what frustrates me is that sometimes we're given a love interest that's perfect and they're perfectly fine not perfect like they're flawless they're just they're a nice person there's nothing wrong with them and then new character comes along and suddenly the first character is just a terrible person or they're made out to be awful or there has to be this force tension in order for the other person to look good I think that annoys me more than they're literally just being multiple options in a person's life the next one honestly surprised me I thought this was gonna rank a lot higher but coming in at number 8 is a school settings fee percentage for this one was 66 34 so still fairly favorable I remember talking with some people about their thoughts on school settings and some people don't like them because they didn't like school so they don't like being reminded of what it was like you actually have a tie for 6 and 7 it's hate to love and then rags to riches apparently if you put a 2 in there if you're just doing a total swap of some they're pretty even both of these were at 70/30 obviously if they're tied they would both be the same but I I honestly I hear people say a lot that they love hate to love and I don't know how much I love that trope but I thought other people loved it more but rags-to-riches is one of my favorite tropes because I think of it not just as you went from being poor to being rich but you went from being an underdog to to winning you know it's like when the underdog wins the Super Bowl who doesn't like that I just feel like it's I I love I love that trope but I'm very curious why don't people like rags to riches is it that you don't like the idea literally if somebody's going from poor to rich that you don't like it seems as though you're saying that money was something that fixed everything or are you thinking of it as more than just a financial circumstance for the characters but you still don't like it I'm confused guys I really like that one coming in at number 5 we have secret heir this is actually one of my favorite tropes so I would have ranked it higher personally but I also think it's difficult to find books that have secret heir because a lot of the times it's a secret to the reader also so it's a spoiler later it's a big reveal and I also think there's a difference between secret air and and an heir who isn't ready to take over the throne they still have to do with with a throne but they're slightly different so secret heir it can be really fun or it can kind of be lame I guess I still always liked it though just barely beating that one out we have chosen one and this is one of the ones that shocked me the most because I honestly see so many people say that they hate the chosen one trope and I have never really hated the chosen one trope I think once again it's a it's a trope that it just depends on how the author incorporates it into the story but I did not expect so many people to like the chosen one trope I didn't think more people would like chose and run chosen one than secret heir and rags to riches I guess that's what's more surprising it's not surprising that people like it to me that they apparently apparently you guys like it more then the other ones of course I'm only taking a small sample size based off of the people that follow me on Instagram and voted but I would be curious on a larger scale for those of you who here on YouTube who don't use Instagram what are your thoughts on this I think it'd be fascinating to see in fact I'm gonna put up a little poll are you surprised that chosen one beat out some of these other ones or do you think it makes sense what I also find really ironic is to me chosen one is almost like not like other girls and boys but chosen one is number four out of these ten and not like other girls and boys was the least favored of all of these so I think if you literally see the words you're just not like other boys or something you're not like other girls if that's what you were thinking or do you just not like people who are different in some way and it's shown a lot but but to me that's what a chosen one is usually those chosen ones like this person's gonna save the world but by them being the one that's gonna save the world aren't they kind of inherently not like other girls and boys maybe it's that chosen one doesn't have anything to do usually with a romantic interest we're not like other girls and boys is what draws a character to somebody else romantically maybe that's what it is as opposed to just literally this person is unique in some way next up we have hero's quest which is one that you guys really liked it was at 88% for loved which honestly really surprised me because hero's quests usually it's a quest which means it's a traveling story and I've seen a lot of people from my own experience saying they don't like travelling stories but obviously that's kind of what a hero's quest is and the reason I think people tend to when they say they don't like travelling stories one of the things they don't like is that it ends up feeling really episodic and it doesn't feel as cohesive as some other stories and it just kind of can feel very random because when people are out and about traveling just things can pop up that are not expected and then therefore it can't be foreshadowed and you kind of just have to be along for the ride but then hero's quest is ranked really well on this list so this one definitely surprised me and tied for number one would be mentor figure and lovable criminal I will admit I love me a good lovable criminal and I love me a good mentor figure I do think that if I had said you know mentor figure dies I would be very curious to see how many people still would like that because I think that's a big joke especially in fantasy it's the mentor figures always dying but lovable criminal who doesn't love a lovable criminal I think it depends on the character anyway I definitely want to know if you want to go back and edit your comment let me know if you ended up being right about which one was going to be the least liked and most liked and also like I said before I'm gonna do a companion video to this one I'm gonna be talking about some books that have these tropes in them and then I'm gonna compare the average rating from least to greatest and then I'm going to compare it to how these tropes themselves ranked then I'm gonna do that same concept with those with these two videos I'm gonna do it again with some different tropes but if there are other tropes you guys want me to do this with let me know I could make this a whole series and just keep doing it because I think it's really fun I think seeing different people's opinions about these tropes are I think it's fascinating to see sound that I thought we're gonna do really well and didn't do as well as I thought but anyway thanks so much for watching I hope this was fun for you and have a great rest of your day [Music]
Channel: Elliot Brooks
Views: 10,374
Rating: 4.9837618 out of 5
Keywords: elliot brooks, elliot, brooks, booktube, booktuber, fantasy, tropes, worst tropes, hated tropes, hated book tropes, worst book tropes, book pet peeves, best tropes, best book tropes, favorite tropes, favorite book tropes, best and worst tropes, popular tropes, worst popular tropes, best popular tropes, popular loved and hated tropes, elliot brooks tropes, loved and hated tropes, book tropes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 09 2020
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