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hi guys so today I'm joined by my husband Sean and we are here to answer some of your assumptions about us so I asked on instagram what your assumptions of either me or him or us as a couple or us as a family with our little puppy Luna who's currently making some really exasperated sounds so you guys submitted some super funny ones I have seen them he has not I'm excited to see them she kept laughing when she read them you guys were pretty your assumptions are pretty funny so the first one is that he does all of the cooking not true I don't know what the percentage is I might do the majority the thing is we don't we're not really cooks like we we don't really cook a lot right now cooking cooking yeah it's like I put a pizza in the oven next one's very cute it says do you love Sean more than a Sanderson story it certainly seems that way lol yes I do love shot as a good assumption more than Sanderson more than his books or him his stories okay I mean still you love me more yes you said Sanderson's I was you said senior oh okay I just mean Sanderson is in like all-encompassing of his works okay yeah I understand that the same answer for both though yes you more this next one the assumption is he influences more of what you read than the other way around that might be true you think so you think you influenced my reading more than I yeah I feel like you've you've you picked up Vinland saga it's joyful male alchemist yeah but I am reading way of Kings which is like 30 books but we still influence I think what do you think I think it's pretty equal I think it's pretty cool mmm-hmm I'm actually really curious to see his answer for this you both secretly have or want loads of tattoos but Luna doesn't approve I do not want anything remotely sharp near my pod like even like giving blood please no I don't think you want tattoos I also don't have any to answer that part of the class I mean I could see you may be getting some nerdy tattoos I've never even dyed my hair to make me sound like very vanilla I haven't dyed my hair actually that's not sure I haven't dyed my hair so nevermind take it back when when I was Harry Potter for Halloween oh that's not the thing that's the same that's no it's black for a long time was it real hair dye or was it the Halloween hair or that stuff that you don't remember you haven't dyed your hair all right this next assumption is you would love to travel the world in a van well I know your answer your answer is yes yes my answer my answer is as long as you can shower yeah if I can get some stops where I can shower I could do it I could survive but I also like not living in a band this next one's hilarious it says you never have big arguments you silent-treatment each other that might be true for me for him I am I am most definitely like when I'm upset I was like but it's not silent treatment as in he won't talk to me if I ask him a question or something and it's also not to try and prove a point like I'm gonna quiet now he just is kind of he Brutes is that the Batman sure he is the type that he doesn't want to yell at me and I think he also the way he looks at it is he's trying to make sure that he doesn't say anything he doesn't mean he's trying to make sure he calms down but sometimes he goes so far as to just be quiet without letting me know at all why he's being quiet and I'll be like is something the matter and he's like no I I would say that's not true for me I am very open about much more direct it's the little slice if something's bothering me I just say it right away I don't really see how it's helpful to just like now if I think I'm being unreasonable I'll try to calm myself down but that confuses him sometimes because if I get quiet then he's like what's the matter I'm like I'm just frustrated but I just I need a sec okay I just need to calm down then but he'll be like but why are you frustrated I'm like get me a sack but we don't really I would say we don't really fight fight it's it's little silly things like I don't know like oh you forgot to just turn the dryer on with the lawn it's like silly stuff like that so I'm gonna list a few off in a row because they're all very sweet and cute okay one says you seem like a nice couple that's correct another says you are very much in love also and another one says I think you guys love each other more and more every day Luna included oh that's oh yeah luna loves us much more than she used to when we first got Luna she was very standoffish yeah yeah but that's how a key does kind of are that you have to earn their love don't rely on you to make them happy a lot of them they just like the companionship so my mom's Mastiff leo it's like constant like like he comes up to you really wants you to pet him it's just kind of when she wants you to know that she loves you she just kind of awesome like climbs on you and you're like whoa okay but then most of the time she's just like right now she's just laying near us the perfect example she's just around so it's kind of like a cat except for she's a doggie so better one of you sings Taylor Swift songs while he's in the bathroom so wait saying reading one of you things Taylor Swift songs while he's in the bathroom I do not sing Taylor Swift I know like the teardrops on my guitar era Taylor Swift you saying that I'm feeling 22 though when when it was my 22nd birthday you see you really are you feeling 22 and I didn't know what you were talking about I do all right yes next one I think is funny it says you are a really peachy family actually I think that's not true I don't know why would you say so I feel like our conversations in real life are worse I would also add to that that I have a very morbid offensive sense of humor that it's basically reserved just for him but I will say as as far as do we like to party and to drugs and stuff no we're very PG in that regard this next one is cute it says I assume Luna runs the house right I mean yeah we don't have a backyard so we try to feed Luna pretty much the same time every meal so that way we know if we need to leave the house then we know the little doggies not at home really needed to go to the bathroom but because we've put her on this pretty structured schedule she expects it so and she also is a little pushy if it's if it's a half hour to an hour before her mealtime she'll see if she can get away with it she'll come up to you and just she'll start hitting her bowls yes she'll like knock her bowls no it's not time yet Luna but yeah I would say in a lot of ways she determines when we wake up and when we feed her and we have another travel assumption and this one's actually I think a little different than the other you love to travel together yeah I think so it depends so he's great on airplanes he's really understanding of like I get motion sickness so he's really good about it being nice to me or letting me sit in one of the seats it whatever that kind of so he's very courteous in that regard but sometimes certain things will stress him out and I'm like we're in a beautiful place like let's try not to be stressed and then he'll he'll it's really hard sometimes for him to let it go to the point where I'm just like okay fine you can stay here and I'll go explore this beautiful place and be happy okay and I can only again the kind of quiet brooding that happened a lot in Ireland because the driving it's the roads are really small and our van was huge and it was very stressful for him very stressful very anxious so up to here I mean and I understood but it was also like we're here for two weeks on a trip so even though it sucks got a deal yeah and so and things like that like in certain moments I was like why are we here but no really all kidding aside actually yes I do love to travel with him I don't think I would want to travel with very many other people okay so the next one says I just think you are all the cutest family and are so supportive of each other I think that's true yeah I think it's true I have so many things I want to do and I think he's really good about talking me through those things and then supporting the things that I choose to pursue but also like I kind of want to say as well as a couple it's not one of those like you do anything you want and not think about me whatsoever we still have to think about realistically is this going to work for us together but I would say we support each other yes and we love Luna we think she's very cute you guys are the cute couple that'll read the newspaper and drink coffee in the morning together and also that we know our neighbors names and wave to them while walking Luna so feel like mostly incorrect I wish I read the newspaper like I like the idea of reading the newspaper and being caught up on things but I'm definitely not I do drink coffee though I don't really drink I avoid neighbors at all costs I think the atmosphere that you describe is true of us though we like talking to each other too but we're both perfectly comfortable to just sit and drink our drinks and read our books or do those kinds of things and then as far as walking Luna and waving to our neighbors and stuff I just don't think our neighbors are that like hi nice to see you we just never really see our neighbors and there's that one family that's nice the one literally crosses the one that's over there oh yes there's these two little kids that are really sweet and really friendly and we're I mix sound like creepers to be like we like those kids over there but I know some dogs in the neighborhood I would say better than the people I wave I see something cool but also Luna Luna won't possibly freak out if she sees a person she gets really excited and if I really am in a hurry or something because I just took her out for a sec and I see someone coming it's not that I hate people but I'm like alright I'll turn it the other way cuz otherwise she just gets very preoccupied I mean just the other day I was walking Luna and this other person is walking their dog and they came together and they're like sniffing each other doing their dog thing then we went our separate ways and I realized I didn't say a word to the place I this is like I guess the dogs are talking now and we won't talk and it was there's a couple about us with children and one of them is that we would have very good-looking kids well thank you and one of them is that we would be really cool parents you correcting both we are really cool people yeah oh we're also yeah I think our kids would be very pale and it would have green eyes lots of sunscreen brownish hair but we don't actually want children and my friend well my best friends always tells me that I'd be a good dad and I'm like hey I think I think the jury's out on that one I don't thank you it he would definitely be okay I mean I've seen some pretty mmm parents and you would definitely be good this next one is great you both prefer your group of close friends and get-togethers over big parties and lots of people yes yes I don't even think there's anything else to say that is 100% true this next one says Luna gets a bunch of toys for being cute nice I would say she doesn't oh she has certain toys but it's difficult to get her a lot of toys and just pamper her with toys because she kills her toys meaning those they're most of our house is upstairs the downstairs Mesa basically the garage and she'll take her toys to the landing on the stairs and and kill them like she rips them apart and just chill like shake them and anyway so I find that I have to have very specific toys that she can't do that and those toys tend to be a little more money so she has those toys and as far as buying her other like cutesy little toys chill destroy them they get destroyed very fast the next one says you help each other stay mellow when life gives challenges yeah I think that's true I feel like I feel like if anything as previously discussed like the iron Lou thing I can get a little anxious sometimes I think anything maybe you oh you think so yeah I think it depends like down anxiety I would actually say on an everyday basis he keeps me more mellow but when things actually get really intense I think I keep him mellow so the more stressful things the things most people would get stressed about i weirdly all the sudden and very calm well I feel like when I get stressed I go like through the roof yeah that's the problem I think 99% of the time he's I'm really way relaxed and then that 1% of time it's like the world's gonna and that's where I'm really good so balanced anyway that was a lot of them so we're gonna head and cut it off there thank you to all of you who submitted your assumptions they were all very sweet they're all very cute and nice which was it was very uplifting it was a nice addition to my day I don't know about yours I feel uplifted that's good but anyway thanks so much for watching and submitting your assumptions and we'll see you guys later [Music]
Channel: Elliot Brooks
Views: 21,204
Rating: 4.9614272 out of 5
Keywords: elliot, brooks, elliot brooks, booktube, booktuber, assumptions, answering your assumptions, answering your assumptions about me, hubby, husband tag, boyfriend tag, elliot brooks husband, elliot brooks sean
Id: MqpPhxr2Y6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 59sec (899 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 13 2019
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