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hi guys so today I'm doing a little bit of a spin on the assumptions videos that people do I've got my mom with me and I'm gonna read some of the assumptions that you sent in and she is going to let you know how accurate they are so the first one says your mom respects your decision to not have kids but secretly would like you to see the like shrugging emoji [Music] [Laughter] yes oh this one's really funny so you have to say if you think this is true this assumption so this assumption is you talk to yourself and your dog when you're alone is that accurate yes I talk to myself especially cuz I lose stuff where my keys shoot where'd they go so I definitely ain't talked to myself that's inherited yeah you do it too yes enough times watching her be like okay so the next one says that I'm earthy and I like dark colors no no think so don't think so no to the dark colors part or the earthy part necessarily think you like dark dark colors I wouldn't say you're very earthy yeah I don't think I mean necessarily either yeah I I wear a lot of black because of well actually you that's another thing I inherited from you as you wear a lot of black you're wearing black right now yeah actually you don't have to think about matching because I play music we always had to wear black in our performances so yeah I have a lot of black I like dark color I like dark blue but earthy I like nature but to an extent I like adventuring but I don't think I'm worthy in that like you don't want to plant a garden I don't want to garden that's the perfect way to put it I don't want to garden next one says that I'm really shy that is do you think it's incorrect yes you used to be very shy I used to be very shot at very young yeah but then something happened I think though I don't like going up to people I don't know and talking to people I don't know so I'm introverted but once you get me talking then it's it's hard to get me to stop what you said true yeah plenty of times carpooling with her and I'd try to tell her a story and she hates when I tell people this cuz she's like it sounds like I'm a bad mom but I'd be in the middle of a story she's like yeah okay I get to the point the next one you loved to read since you were a small child yes yeah yes absolutely that's true and I would read you Junie be Jones yes because when you learn to read mm-hmm before that I read you Junie be Jones and I laughed harder they're like three years old here I got her she was laughing I had no idea what was funny I just was happy that my mom was happy the next one says you are your father's daughter like literally I wasn't adopted I know it's not what the question or the assumption but what do you think I think I'm both yeah I think you're a pretty good mix mm-hmm I think why would hopes though I hope it's not like well you guys have great qualities all around but it's you know everybody has qualities they don't like about themselves and hopefully I did not like you don't look at me like she got the worst of me and her father the next one said you are very hard-working yes definitely absolutely yeah yes well she's super hard-working like she's always like anytime I call her she's like ah you know just work that's the majority of what you have going on that sounds me you have a life she has a life it may I sell it you have nothing going on this next one you are gonna laugh it I know you're gonna be like what okay you were not very academically minded in high school okay that is so off-base this girl needed like one class for senior year to graduate high school and ended up taking a full day full day plus an a hours so she started school like at 6:00 a.m. and did not even take a lunch break is that right so I not take a lunch you didn't I looked at your schedule I said you don't need no break for lunch she lost like 20 pounds that last year and she literally needed one semester one class I would go to the library at lunch that was what I would do because I didn't like drama so I would get frustrated with it and I'm like I'm just gonna go do my homework cuz when I'd come home I'd want to practice my violin yes yep I was so cool this one says you have more guy friends than girlfriends yes yeah I would say yes that's always kind of in the case I think it's less the case now as I've gotten older it's about your bonding yeah as a kid I was a tomboy though that's true so I didn't have very many friends that were girls I was all hard to believe now yeah I also looked like a bridge troll so it wasn't it wasn't one of those it wasn't one of those situations where it's like all the boys are secretly in love with her think were Nye looks like them and I acted like them and I wish there's nothing wrong with but I it was not one of those situations where as like I was just stunning and they all secretly loved me and I had no idea it wasn't like that we just sat and played video games and rode our bikes and that was yep I went fishing went fishing yep yeah the next one says you're great with kids you are great with kids even though you don't want any yeah yes which we have found out you secretly wish I did well we knew that well yeah um yeah I think I'm good but I'm not so the way I am with my puppy I'm much more sweet and like ah over my puppy and you know like oh she's sweet so cute but with with kids I treat them like little people because I teach them sorry right I treat them like humans you know ironically enough you didn't like to be treated like yeah I baby when you were a baby baby baby - when I was a baby I did not like that I couldn't do things myself yes which is why you had a hard time with me yep this one says I hate young adult romance books you hate romance books I think in general general yeah I'm not really a romance person don't hate them but I I'm never inclined to to pick them up this one's funny you don't believe in ghosts you don't believe in ghosts yeah do you think that's true do you think I don't believe in ghosts I I don't think you believe in ghosts yeah I don't really kind of be a lingering I believe in like that people have souls but I don't believe like well this soul is well I don't want to mock anybody who does believe in ghosts so I won't say anything it'll sound like I'm being mean I will say I made the mistake in college I was dating this guy and he wanted to go see the third Paranormal Activity movie I used to never get scared I never got scared for about scary movies and I I was I told this guy I've been dating I was like I haven't seen any of them and what and what did I say when you said you were going you're like don't do that to it and I do I watched all three that day and then I got home and I was like oh my gosh so we slept with the lights on in the house or month it wasn't month felt like month but okay she's making fun of me but there was one time it was broad daylight and we watched that movie insidious I believe it was called and then later that day you like got up to go get something here oh my god I should be like ran back and we're like I heard a noise so she's making fun of me like I'm a wimp but she's movies because I already know it is your thought you watch them if I'm missing this thing not my fault I'm allowed to be scared and not made fun of this one is from was from Sean my husband and said I assume your husband is a cool guy cool guy yeah he's a cool guy he's a great guy mm-hmm mm-hmm when when she met Sean she told this woman she worked with she's like I think I met my future son-in-law the very first time I met him yet this one says I'm not religious that's not true yes yeah it's not really true it depends on how you think of it I wouldn't say I am religious yeah religious and the I have to go confess or I have I have to go to church every Sunday I'm not religious in that manner but I do believe in God and I believe in Jesus and I believe in being nice to people in that way I it depends on how they meant it but I I'm not ritualistic at all I don't believe in space aliens the same person who asked about us it goes or assumed no yeah I don't believe in aliens I mean it's very possible the universe is huge this one says that I'm a Virgo Pisces oh you're a Pisces you're just a few days away then yes unless we see what's the thing now I don't actually follow them but what's the thing now because they the one who changed it right on one plan it's no longer a planet therefore they had to shift we're not really familiar with that stuff as you can tell the next one neither of us would know it says in my Hogwarts house from Harry Potter is Slytherin I don't know my favorite color is purple it's not true no no no that's not I like purple but I would say when I play board games I always want to be the green piece but otherwise I don't know I don't really have when we would win board games I do like weird oh my gosh yes definitely mm-hmm that's why I always been competitive oh yes that is true I feel like you like no this is I shouldn't say this you say this is gonna sound really really mean but it's already started coming out so I might as I'll say it you really like the game Yahtzee because it's fun and nobody feels awful when you're done with Yahtzee you know I mean right but I get mad I get mad when I play games and I'm like I should have done this and I get really upset I rock it's such a stupid move and Yahtzee it's like darn it I didn't get the right what you said straight it yeah it's got really skill it's more luck maybe it's just a lot of dice and you also get Yahtzee at watch you don't really like or haven't played much of Legend of Zelda it's a video game do you I don't remember um the second half I haven't played much of is the accurate answer I didn't we had PlayStation we didn't really have the Nintendo consoles growing up yeah what's that noise remember when you decorated your entire room Oh Final Fantasy Final Fantasy XI knows okay this one says you've always had a love for writing but it hasn't always been fantasy do you think that's true or have I always written fantasy gosh I don't know some of those little stories you used to write were not necessarily things that happened okay the last one you're super introverted but really boisterous around true friends we kind of talked about this a little yes yeah mm-hmm I rejuvenate by being alone I'm tired I want to be left alone yeah okay okay so that's it I want to see how many of you were surprised by the assumptions if some of these you thought were you for sure thought they would be one way or the other and then you should say what assumptions you have of my mom oh my goodness which the assumptions should be that she's precious and everyone loves her oh yes she's a Cuban goddess who birthed a weirdo yeah I hope you guys enjoyed this little spin John the assumptions I was preemptive [Music]
Channel: Elliot Brooks
Views: 14,181
Rating: 4.9733686 out of 5
Keywords: assumptions, assumptions about me, reading your assumptions, reading your assumptions about me, elliot, brooks, elliot brooks, elliot brooks mom, booktube, booktuber
Id: rqDxLrABD0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2019
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