Pythagoras twisted squares: Why did they not teach you any of this in school?

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Welcome to another Mathologer   video. You are all familiar with the diagram over there, right? Yes, of course, it’s the diagram powering the Mathologer logo :) Yeees, but that’s not really it, right? I am sure for the majority of people watching this video this diagram will scream "Pythagoras". If this is not the case, ask for your money back from your school and definitely keep on watching for a, hopefully, life changing experience. And even for those of you who’ve treasured this twisted square diagram since primary school keep watching. Today will be about all the secrets of this iconic diagram that not even most professional mathematicians will be familiars with. But first a bit of revision to get us all on the same page. A squared plus B squared equals C squared. You all know the drill. Take any right-angled triangle with short sides A and B and hypotenuse C. Then the area of the square on the hypotenuse, C squared, is equal to the combined area of the squares on the two shorter sides, A squared plus B squared. A stunning visual proof of this fundamental mathematical truth runs like this. Take four copies of the triangle and combine them into a large square like this. Okay, this large square is partly covered by the four triangles. The area that is not covered is what? Well, C squared of course. Now move one of the little triangles a bit. How large is the blue area now? Well, still C squared of course. How about now? Still C squared. And this will be true no matter how we position the triangles inside the blue square as long as they don’t overlap. Right? Okay, ready for a big AHA moment :) Move the triangles one more time. No overlaps and so the area is still C squared. However, this area is also A squared plus B squared. And so A squared plus B squared equals C squared. What an amazingly simple and beautiful proof and what a killer punchline, don’t you think! Alright, now, how about this... The area of the large square is equal to the area of the little square plus the area of the four triangles Okay, the area of the large square is A plus B squared. The area of the little square is C squared. And the area of one of the right-angled triangles is 1/2 base times height, 1/2 A times B. Now simply go on algebra autopilot. Fantastic again. Maybe not quite as fantastic as the first proof but still fantastic. Just out of interest, can you let me know in the comments which of these two twisted square proofs you were already familiar with and when and where you first came across them. Will be interesting. Of course, most kids never get to see either proof, which in my book is a crime which should entitle them to get their money back from their schools. As well, most school textbooks that feature a proof only mention the second less spectacular algebraic one. Go figure. Anyway, no matter how pretty these proofs are, that’s really all there is to this iconic diagram. Right? Wrong! There is more, lots and lots more. There is Fermat’s four square theorem, the TRIthagorean theorem, the bug chasing vortex, and much more. Ready to be amazed. Here we go. The twisted square diagram has been around for a couple thousand years and features in the earliest documented proof of Pythagoras theorem which is part of an ancient Chinese manuscript on astronomy and mathematics. Well, Pythagoras neither discovered “his” theorem nor was he the first to prove it and so to have this theorem named after him is really a bit of a scandal in mathematics. Anyway, let’s have a look inside the manuscript. What you find there is pages upon pages of this. Lots and lots of Chinese characters. However, eventually we come across a page featuring our diagram. Well, that’s definitely our diagram. But there is a bit more to this drawing, isn’t there? There, a second very different twisted square diagram made up of the same four right angled triangles. In fact, this second diagram can also be used to prove Pythagoras theorem in two different ways, one algebraic and one one based on shuffling triangles. Just looking at areas again we have: Four times the area of the triangle plus the area of the little square is equal to the area of the large square. Expressing this identity in terms of A, B and C, and some algebra auto-pilot spits out A squared plus B squared equals C squared in pretty much exactly the same way as before. On the other hand, the C squared area of the large square stays unchanged when we move some of the triangles. And so C squared is equal to A squared plus B squared. Also a very pretty proof and in a way even slicker than the first triangle shuffle proof since we only have to shuffle two of the triangles instead of all four. The Chinese drawing also features a grid. What’s that grid for? Well, it’s clear that no matter what right-angled triangle you start with, everything we said so far will stay true. Of course, this is very important. Otherwise none of our proofs would actually count as a general proof of Pythagoras theorem. On the other hand, the grid shows that in our example, we are dealing with a super famous right-angled triangle. Can you see it? Yep, it’s a 3-4-5 right-angled triangle. 3 squared plus 4 squared equals 5 squared. 3,4,5 the prototype Pythagorean triple, a triple of integers that satisfies the equation A squared + B squared equals C squared. Since we’ve all been familiar with the 3,4,5 triple since kindergarten, we are taking the fact that such special triples exist for granted. That the existence of such integer triples  is in fact a little bit of  a miracle is illustrated by Fermat’s last theorem which says that if you change the exponent to 3 , 4 , or any other larger integer the equation will not have any positive integer solutions. But of course, the wonderful 3,4,5 Pythagorean triple does exist. And you can get more of these wonderful integer triples by simply changing the number of lines in the grid. There, doubling the number of gridlines give this 6 squared plus 8 squared equals 10 squared. And tripling gives this But there are also other essentially different Pythagorean triples and many of you will be familiar with this particular one. 5, 12, 13, 5 squared + 12 squared equals 13 squared. Anyway, there are infinitely many essentially different Pythagorean triples and let me just mention that we know how to construct all of them. And of course we can use any of these triples to make up one of these diagrams. But let’s stick with 3,4,5. Alright, let’s have another close look. How many squares are there? Well there is this one Then that one And one more The area of the little square is ..... 1 squared the area of this green square is 5 squared and what about the largest one? Well 3+4 is 7 and so the area is 7 squared. Cool Now, what’s 25 - 1 25-1 that’s 24 of course. What about 49 minus 25? You got it? 49 minus 25 is also 24 :) Interesting, both differences are the same. Is that a coincidence? What do you think? Well, no, that we get the same difference is always true and really easy to see. Have a look. What’s the difference between blue and green? Well that’s just the area of four copies of our right-angled triangle. And how about the difference between the green and the orange. Same thing. Very pretty isn’t it? So what this means is that within the square numbers we can find three equally spaced squares and that every Pythagorean triple translates into three such special squares. Okay so that’s what we get for 3,4,5. And here is what we get if we double the number of grid lines. In maths an arithmetic progression is a sequence of numbers in which consecutive terms differ by a fixed amount like 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, etc. with common difference 2 or 3, 6, 9, 12, etc. with common difference 3. And so another way of expressing this equal difference business at hand is to say that there are arithmetic progressions of length 3 within the squares. This fact was already known to the great 17th century mathematician Pierre de Fermat whose super famous last theorem I mentioned just a moment ago. And this fact prompted Fermat to ask a very natural question. Are there any longer arithmetic progressions hiding in the squares? Right, here we’ve got 4 plus 96 is 100 plus 96 is 196. What if we add another 96? Do we get another square? That would then be an arithmetic progression of length 4. Well, no, because 196 plus 96 is 292 and 292 is not a square. But in general, are there arithmetic progressions of 4 squares, or 5 squares? How long can such progressions be? What do you think? Well, this is a tricky one. Let me just try to confuse you a little bit more. In 2004 the mathematical superstars Ben Green  and Terry Tao proved that  that there are arithmetic progressions of arbitrary length among the primes. Insane right? Here is one of length 5 that you’ve been staring at all your life without realising it. There 5 plus 6 is 11 plus 6 is 17 plus 6 is 23 plus 6 is 29, an arithmetic progression of 5 primes with common difference 6. Anyway, how long can arithmetic progressions of squares get? Fermat figured out that in fact 3 is the   surprising answer. You cannot do any better than the mini sequences that our diagram produces from Pythagorean triples. Allegedly Fermat also had a proof, but nobody knows what that proof looked like exactly, a situation similar to that with his famous last theorem where he also claimed to have a proof but none was found in his writings. Here is a quote from the well-known Australian number theorist Alf van der Poorten. I looked this up in reference [3] and found at page 54 the unhelpful footnote “Fermat could show by descent that one cannot have  four squares in arithmetic  progression . . . . Gerry Myerson has pointed me to a reference but the argument there seems utterly soulless and I remain searching for a decent descent argument warranting report to you.” I decided recently that such a proof was most readily found on a (previously) blank page of my notebook. And here is what he ended up being written in his notebook. This is the nicest and most natural proof of Fermat’s four square theorem that I am aware of and it may very well be similar to what Fermat came up with a couple hundred years ago. I won’t go into the nitty gritty details here. Let me just say that this proof features the kind of infinite descent argument that we’ve already encountered in several Mathologer videos. At its core is a well-known construction of all Pythagorean triples and so it appears that this proof may have had its origin in the little Pythagorean triple construction that I just talked about. Pythagoras theorem has been around for thousands of years and so you would think that everything worth discovering about Pythagoras theorem was discovered a long time ago. Far from it! What I’ll talk about now was only discovered around twenty years ago. Okay, so instead of twisting squares we now twist equilateral triangles. Let’s try to mimic as much as possible what we did before. So, instead of a right-angled triangle we start with a triangle that features a 60 degree angle. Make three copies. Arrange them into a large equilateral triangle Next we have to shuffle the triangles around. After a bit of fiddling it turns out that for this to produce something interesting we first have to get rid of one of the red triangles. There, go away ... Now shuffle. Aha, that looks very promising. As before, side by side our two diagrams amount to an equation. Cancel two triangles each on the left and right side of this equation. So what’s left? Well, we’ve got one equilateral triangle each for the three sides A, B and C of our original triangle. Let’s name the areas of these triangles like this. Using these names our identity looks like this. Fantastic. A Trithagorean theorem for 60-degree triangles :) Note that in the real Pythagoras the A and B areas add up exactly to the C area. That almost also works in this Trithagorean theorem. Right? A area plus B area equals C area PLUS there is a correction term, a really nice correction term, the area of the original triangle T :) For the next surprise, let’s make the 60 degree angle into a right angle but keep the equilateral triangles on the sides. Experts, what am I about to say? :) Well, we can make the identity on top work by simply removing the T :) Really? Yes, Pythagoras not only works for squares but also for equilateral triangles. A area plus B area equals C area. In fact, even better, Pythagoras works for three suitably scaled copies of any shape glued to the sides of a right angled triangle. Semicircles, Capital letter M for Mathologer, anything whatsoever. I already talked about this at length in a separate video on Pythagoras theorem a couple of years ago. Also check that on out. Anyway, back to equilateral triangles. 60 is 90 MINUS 30. On the other hand, 90 PLUS 30 is 120. And it turns out that just like 60 degree triangles, 120 degree triangles also have a nice Trithagorean theorem. The only difference between these two Trithagorean theorems is that the plus correction term turns into a minus correction term. Also nice, isn’t it? Anyway, back to 60 degree triangles. Well, our Trithagorean theorem is very cute. However, it is definitely not as applicable as Pythagoras theorem. Right, if you give me the length of any two sides of a right-angled triangle, Pythagoras immediately tells me what the third length is. Not so with our Trithagorean identity. However, there is also a nice A squared plus B squared equals C squares Pythagoras counterpart for 60 degree triangles that is just as applicable as its 90 degree original. Here it is. A squared plus B squared is equal to C squared plus A times B. Supernice. And also very easy to see why this is true if you know the cosine rule a generalisation of Pythagoras to general triangles taught as part of trigonometry. Here is another nice way to conjure up this identity which also shows that it is simply another way of writing our original Trithagorean identity. Let’s call the area of the equilateral triangle with sides of length 1 F There F is that red area. Then the 60 degree triangle with sides A and B bounding the 60 degree angle has area ABF. Bit of a challenge. Can you see at a glance why this is the case? If you can let us know in the comments. Anyway, this means T is equal to A times B times F. What’s the area of the A triangle. Well this is an equilateral triangle and so all its sides are equal to A. And so its area is A times A times F, A^2F. And similarly with the B and C equilateral triangles. Now just divide by F and we are done. Slick, hmm? What about Trithagorean triples, counterparts to 3,4,5 and Co.? Are there 60 degree triangles with integer sides? What do you think? You should be able to answer that one :) Are there 60 degree triangles with integer sides? Of course, there are ! :) Any equilateral triangle with integer length sides will work. 1,1,1, 2,2,2 and so on. Obvious. What about other 60 degree triangles? Not so obvious but, yes, there are such triangles. In fact our example over there is such a triangle. 3,8,7 works :) Check for yourself that this triple really satisfies that equation: 3 squared + 8 squared = 7 squared + 3 times 8. If I ever change the Mathologer diagram from a twisted square to a twisted equilateral diagram I’ll base it on this special 3,8,7 triple of integers. Something like this. What do you think, time for a change of logo? Anyway, the official name for our Trithagorean integer triples is Eisenstein triples named after the 19th century genius mathematician Gotthold Eisenstein. Just like with Pythagorean triples there are infinitely many essentially different Eisenstein triples. Before I move on, here is something cute. Overlaying these two triangles immediately gives a second Eisenstein triple. Right, the sides of this blue 60 degree triangle are 7, 8 and 8-3 = 5 There a new Eisenstein triple 5,8,7. Nice, hmm. Here is something else that you’ll like. Superimposing these two triangles gives a red 120 degree triangle with integer sides These sides have length 7, 3 and 8-3 = 5 Also to get the ABC identiy for 120-degree triangles just change the plus in front of the AB to a minus. Also super pretty. Anyway, do these triangular twists to the original Pythagorean theorem get your seal of approval? I sure hope so :)   Okay so we have this pair of diagrams for equilateral triangles. and this very similar pair for the squares We can make these two pictures look even more similar by relocating these two triangles. Now a bit of a facelift. Very pretty, don’t you think. Anyway, while preparing for this Mathologer video I discovered a third type of diagram that nicely complements this pair. What does THIS diagram show. Well, ... the white triangles are all the same. There are 12 of them on the left and 6 on the right. So let’s cancel 6 on both sides. Also beautiful. The Hexagorean theorem :) Ready for another nice AHA moment? Okay, divide by 6. What’s a regular hexagon divided by 6? Let’s see :) There the Hexagorean theorem for 120 degree triangles divided by 6 is the Trithagorean theorem for 120-degree triangles. You saw it first on Mathologer :) As I already mentioned all the twisted triangle shuffle stuff only seems to have been around for about 20 years. Over there is a painting of amateur mathematician Wayne Roberts created in 2003, which is one of the possible origins of the nice triangle shuffle proof of our Trithagorean theorem. This painting was also the inspiration for the way I prettified the diagrams in this chapter. Okay back to the original twisted square diagram. Have a look at this. What you’ve just witnessed is yet another really weird proof of Pythagoras based on the twisted square diagram. Right, it’s another proof? The top two squares have the same area as the bottom square because it is possible to chop the top squares into ten pieces that can be reassembled exactly into the large square at the bottom. Really wonderful and unexpected, isn’t it, with an added bonus miracle being the overall shape at the top and bottom dissections which mirror the two diagrams in our original proof. Of course, with all these visual proofs it is very important to chase around the angles and lengths in these diagrams to make sure that looks are not deceiving, that things really fit together exactly as suggested by  our pictures for all possible  choices of right-angled triangles. Anyway, I checked, trust me :) And if you don’t trust me check for yourself :) Here is another miraculous chop up proof based on the twisted square diagram. There are a number of interesting properties of right-angled triangles that appear to be very mysterious at first sight. But once you remember the twisted squares it all becomes crystal clear in a flash. Here are three great examples. Okay, take any right-angled triangle and attach the square on the hypotenuse. Next, draw the line that cuts the right angle in two. Now, no matter what right triangle you started with this line will always pass through the center of the square. If you encounter this property in the wild it will most likely come as quite a surprise. But then you remember your twisted squares. And now everything is clear. Draw in one of the diagonals of the big square. Obviously this diagonal cuts the right angles in half. And its also clear that it passes through the center of the square. Tada. Nice. I hope you still experienced a bit of an AHA moment despite me advertising the twisted squares as the solution in advance. Okay, here is how the second property is usually presented. Start with a square and insert a right-angled triangle like this. Make three copies and attach them to the remaining sides. Now what’s the special property? Pretty obvious, right? All right angles are on a line! :) Very pretty. Again, very hard to see why this should be the case, unless you remember our twisted squares. One more. There are hundreds of different proofs of Pythagoras theorem. One of them is by the 20th American president James Garfield. It runs like this. Start with a right-angled triangle. Make a copy. And complete the resulting figure to a trapezium Now, as usual, calculate the area of this trapezium in two different ways. First using the formula for the trapezium and then by adding up the area of the three triangles. Then some algebra autopilot, and out comes A squared plus B squared equals C squared. All, by now, a complete no-brainer. But doesn’t this trapezium remind you of something? Yes, of course. It’s really just half our favourite diagram And, really, on close inspection president Garfield’s proof is exactly our original algebraic proof “divided by 2” and so nothing really new. But, of course, I can see why it is great to be able to say to kids that being good at maths and becoming an American presidents can go together. And so for propaganda purposes let’s also say in the future that an American president came up with a new proof :)  Having fun so far? Right, let’s start with this special case of our twisted square diagram with, the little blue square twisted 45 degrees. Let’s squash the diagram a bit. Okay, relocating the triangles as usual is still possible. Let’s say the sides of the blue rectangle are root A and root B. Why root A and not just A? Don’t worry about it. Whatever the lengths are in the diagram, we can certainly write them as square roots of some numbers. Now the area of one of the two rectangles is root A times B. Okay, now what about the diagram on the right? Using Pythagoras we see that one side of the blue rhombus is root A+B Okay, the blue area on the left is 2 times root AB. which is equal to the area of the blue rhombus on the right. but this area is definitely not larger than that of the square with sides of the same length. Right? The areas of both the rhombus and the square are base times height. Both shapes have the same base but the height of the square is larger and so its area is also larger. What’s the area of the square? Easy! Now this is a very famous inequality between the two most useful types of averaging two positive numbers, the geometric mean on the left and the arithmetic mean on the right. So what we just proved is that the geometric mean of two positive numbers is always less or equal to their arithmetic mean. we just started with. First on the left. Then, reshuffled, on the right we get this tilted parallelogram. Now, if we do exactly the same as we just did with a different sort of labelling, we get another super-famous inequality, the so-called Cauchy-Schwarz inequality. You need a bit more maths background to be able to appreciate that one and so I’ll just do an animation of the relevant bits at the end of this video for those of you in the know and interested. But I also would like to show you one more surprising completely different application that everybody watching  will be able to appreciate. To set it up we modify things a bit more. First we swap the two diagrams. And now we adjust so what all the sides of the parallelogram are equal to 1 And now we adjust so what all the sides of the parallelogram are equal to 1 Then on the right things change like this. Okay, now pencil in some of the angles. Then the lengths of the sides of our triangles will be the sines and cosines of these angles, like this. Also, we can find the two angles again inside the blue parallelogram. Okay, in term of areas of the blue regions what have we got? Almost there. The area of the parallelogram is equal to base times height. Base is 1. And height? Well that’s just the sine of alpha plus beta, right? And so the area base times height is this. Very nice, and so in total we get the addition formula for sine. How nice is that :) Did you see that one coming? :)   Let’s finish off with something totally different. Start with a square and place some bugs on the corners of this square. Let’s say that at some point in time each bug will start running towards the bug it is facing right now and that all four bugs will always be running at the same constant speed towards each other. With a setup like this what are some natural questions to ask? Well, how about this: Will the bugs ever catch up to each other? If they do how long will their journey be? What are the equations of their journey? Which way will they be facing when they meet? How do things change if we use different starting configurations/numbers of bugs, etc.? Lots of mathematical fun to be had here :) Some of these problems and their very surprising answers were made popular  by the famous mathematics  populariser Martin Gardner in his column in the July 1965 issue of the Scientific American. Let me show you a nice twisted square way to get a feel for what is going on here and for how to come up with answers to some of our questions. First ask the bugs to forget about Martin Gardner’s instructions. Instead, ask them to run along 1/5th of the sides of the square and then stop, like this. Now ask them to turn towards each other like this. Whoa, twisted squares and we’ve arrived back at the starting configuration just with a slightly smaller rotated square. Now let’s ask the bugs to repeat everything they’ve done so far over and over. So, cover 1/5th Turn towards each other. Cover 1/5th. Turn towards each other. And so on. Pretty spectacular. Two simple observations. 1. Because of the symmetry of everything that is happening here the bugs will form a square at all times. 2. From the way we repeat the same overall movement over and over it follows that from one square to the next we are rotating the orientation of squares by the same angle and we scale the size down by the same factor. Conclusions from this. Since we scale down by a fixed factor the size of the squares will decrease but will do so infinitely often. Hence there are infinitely many squares and their sizes shrink to 0. And, since the orientations of consecutive squares differ by a fixed angle and there are infinitely many squares, on their journey ideal bugs will circle the center infinitely often. That’s a bit unexpected, isn’t it? Now, does this mean that a bug’s paths is infinitely long? Actually, no, although these paths wind infinitely often around the center, they are of finite length. Let’s figure out how long one of these paths is. If the side of the square is 1 unit long, a bug walks 1/5th of 1 and 1/5th of 1 is 0.2 The remaining distance is 0.8. We find the side-length of the smaller square with Pythagoras. It’s approximately 0.825. Since the outer side length 1 shrinks to 0.825 in the second square, we conclude that 0.825 is the factor by which the squares shrink. This allows us to figure out the lengths of all the segments of one of the bug’s path. Right? Since the first segment is 0.2 long, the second segment is 0.2 times 0.825 long To get the length of the next segment we just have to multiply by 0.825 again And so on This means that the total length of the path is this. The infinite series in the brackets is a geometric series. Since you are still here chances are you know the formula for the sum of a geometric series by heart. It’s just 1 over 1 minus the scale factor. With this the overall length of a path pans out to be this: This is approximately 1.14 which is a little bit longer than one of the sides of the square. Interesting. If we reduce the fraction of the sides covered by the bugs from 0.2 to 0.1 the numbers change like this. If we reduce the fraction of the sides covered by the bugs from 0.2 to 0.1 the numbers change like this. Aha, the length of the path is even closer to 1. In fact, if we let the fraction of the sides covered by the bugs go to 0, the picture will turn into the picture that corresponds to the original Martin Gardner problem. And the length of the paths of the bugs in the original problem can be seen to be exactly 1. How nice an answer it that :) Bye the way, this was the picture on the cover of Martin Gardner’s Scientific American article. Again, the bugs paths are exactly as long as the sides of the square. It’s a pretty surprising answer, yes, but in hindsight is there maybe a simpler way to see why the bugs path should be exactly as long as their original distance apart. Again leave your thoughts in the comments. I could report on many more ingenious results as far as bugs chasing bugs are concerned, but let’s call it a day for today. If you are interested in more neat details about any of the topics I touched upon today, check out the links in the description of the video. One last nice insight. Early on we encountered 2 types of twisted square diagrams. This one and that one There is actually a third one. In this third diagram the triangles overlap Here then is your final puzzle. Let’s say A=1/2 and B=1 as in this example , what is the area of the square in the middle? Once again, leave your hopefully surprising answers in the comments. Okay and that’s it from me for today. As promised, I’ll leave you with an animation of the proof for the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality in the case of two numbers A and B.
Channel: Mathologer
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Length: 38min 32sec (2312 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 15 2022
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