The ARCTIC CIRCLE THEOREM or Why do physicists play dominoes?

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I believe there is a simple intuitive perspective on the arctic circle theorem. Consider only the periphery of a tiled aztec diamond (i.e. the tiles that touch the outside). It is clear that on each of the four sides, the frozen regions must touch; otherwise you'd get holes in the tiling.

The spots where the frozen regions touch have gaps which are filled by the four "corners" of the chaotic region. In theory these contact points could be anywhere on each side, so why do we expect them to usually be in the middle? Having them in the middle makes the chaotic region as large as possible, which gives more ways to fill in the chaotic region (higher entropy). When the contact points are far from the middle, the chaotic region has a small area, so there are only a few ways to make tilings that look like that.

It's not clear from this why the chaotic region has to be a circle, but neither is it surprising that that's the arrangement that maximizes the area of the chaotic region.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/swni 📅︎︎ Dec 24 2020 🗫︎ replies

The brilliant thing that I took away from this was that all tilings could be reached from each other by successively twisting 2x2 elements, and that you could encode the twist of a 2x2 tiling as a multiplication by 'i'. The imaginary unit naturally encodes a 90 degree rotation but the interplay with odd permutations in the determinant was really clever.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/AntiTwister 📅︎︎ Dec 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

One of my favourite maths youtubers

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Comfortable_Hold_309 📅︎︎ Dec 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

I am a little confused by the boundary here. If I just focus on one corner, say the north corner, then isn't there only a 50% chance of the very corner being filled by a blue tile instead of 2 red ones, independent of how large the aztec diamond is? In what sense is this an "almost all" statement?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/zornthewise 📅︎︎ Dec 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

Oh wow my advisor makes a brief appearance in this video: he was one of the authors of the Aztec diamond paper. Didn’t expect that lol

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/xDiGiiTaLx 📅︎︎ Dec 27 2020 🗫︎ replies

does anyone have the arctic circle theorem in sage code? or any advice how to start making it?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/screaming_rainbow 📅︎︎ Jan 10 2021 🗫︎ replies
Welcome to the 2020 Mathologer Christmas video.  What a crazy crazy year. Right? Well let me finish   off this crazy year with a really crazy video.  An intro to why physicists and mathematicians   love playing dominoes. And we'll finish the  craziness with an explanation of the mysterious   arctic circle theorem. Pretty sure you've  never heard of that one before, have you?   But whatever it is arctic circle theorem  has a great Christmasy ring for our video,   doesn't it? As a warm-up let's start with an  absolute classic: the mutilated chessboard puzzle.   It goes like this: remove two opposite corners of  a chessboard, say those ones there. Can you tile   this mutilated chess board with dominoes that  are just big enough to cover two squares?   Well let's go for it and give it a try.  Pretty straightforward to start with. There,   okay put that one, that one, that one, get a bit  stuck there, so move this one over. All right and   then that one and that one and now we're stuck.  No matter what we do at this point we'll never   be able to complete a tiling of our mutilated  chessboard. There doesn't work, doesn't work.   We can repeat this as many times as we want from  scratch and we somehow never succeed. There,   no luck. No luck again. And again. Very annoying  but did you notice that all of these failed   attempts have something in common? Again look  at the previous one and the one before that.   See it now? What all these failed  attempts have in common is that we   are always left with two black squares.  Coincidence? Hardly :) so why is that?   Well let's have a close look at the eight  times eight chessboard we started with.   It's actually very easy to tile this  chessboard. For example like this.   Okay now here's the thing. When we place a domino  on a chess board so that it covers two squares the   two squares must be of different colours. They are  black and green or here, black and green. So one   domino covers one black and one green square, two  dominoes cover two black and two green squares,   three dominoes cover three black and three green  squares and in general a bunch of dominoes always   cover the same number of black and green  squares. Can you guess where I'm going with   this? Well the whole chess board can be tiled.  This means it contains the same number of black   and green squares. 32 black and 32 green to be  precise. But you all knew this already right?   But now when we mutilate the chessboard we are  removing two green squares there, they're gone.   But this means… well what does that mean?  Well it means that the number of black and   green squares is no longer equal. There are  now two fewer green squares than black ones   and that proves the mutilated chessboard cannot  possibly be tiled. What a beautiful argument and   how incredibly powerful don't you think? And think  of the alternative: how else might you prove that   the mutilated board cannot be tiled? Just try all  the zillion impossible ways of tiling? Maybe not.   This also explains why in our failed attempts we  always end up with two leftover black squares.   But of course this nice parity  argument shows a lot more.   The argument also proves that any mutilated board  with differing numbers of black and green squares   cannot be tiled. Really easy to see right? There  more black than green squares so cannot be tiled.   We can be sure just like that no mucking around  and no actual tiles required. Marvellous! Too   easy? Okay let's make it trickier. What if we take  our full chess board and carve out one black and   one green square? For example, let's choose these  two squares. Then the resulting board definitely   has the same number of black and green tiles.  Can the resulting mutilated board be tiled? Hmm   what do you think? Maybe pause the video  and give it a try. Well the answer is:   yes, can be tiled. In fact no matter what  black and green square we discard the resulting   mutilated board can always be tiled. And there's  also a really ingenious way to see this. Have a   look at this. This is a round trip that visits  every square of our chessboard exactly once.   Now the two squares we are carving out cut  this round trip into two parts. And now what?   Can you guess what I'll say next? Well   we can tile the mutilated chessboard by  tiling along those two parts like this.   Easy right? And the special thing is this always  works no matter which black and green squares you   choose to remove. Why? Well, first cover the  black square then all the green squares are an   even number of squares away. There, zero squares  away, two squares away, four squares away, six,   and so on. This means that when you carve out  that second green square there will always be an   even number of squares between the holes along  the paths that can be covered with dominoes.   And of course this works both ways. Easy. I just  love this stuff. Okay time for an easy challenge   for you. Don't trust me? No, really, this one's  really really really easy. What if we cut out four   squares two black and two green? Will you always  be able to tile the resulting mutilated board?   Leave your answers in the comments. Okay  nice puzzles but is there more to this.   Well, there's a lot more. Turns out that  domino tilings are important in physics. How?   Important as the simplest possible model for  certain natural phenomena. Think of the squares   of a grid as atoms. Now these atoms randomly form  two atom molecules, so they form domino molecules   and these dominoes tile the grid. What  does such a random tiling look like?   Can we detect any interesting structures in these  random tilings that mirror related structures in   nature? What does what we find tell us about  nature? So today's mission is to let you in on   three plus amazing and important domino tiling  facts that mathematicians and physicists have   discovered and that hardly anybody apart  from the experts will ever have heard of.   Youtube youtube premieres all  around as far as I can tell.   One of the most amazing bits of mathematics I  know is the formula for the number of tilings   of rectangular board. A version of this formula  was first published in 1961 by the physicist   Piet Kasteleyn. What a stare! Kasteleyn clearly  takes his work very seriously doesn't he?   Okay are you ready for Kasteleyn's crazy formula?  All right, pay attention Kasteleyn's watching you.   Whoa what does it even mean and what's all the  triggy stuff doing in there? Shouldn't the number   of tilings be a whole number a plain old integer?  Well clearly I have a lot of explaining to do.   First to see how the formula works let's use it  to calculate the number of tilings of a standard   eight times eight chess board. So we set all the  m's and ends in the formula to be 8 there. now a   bit of calculation eight divided by two that's  four. We can ignore the strange brackets around   the fours because four is an integer. They are  there just in case one of the side lengths of   your board is an odd number say nine. Then you'd  get four point five at this point and the brackets   would tell you to round up to five. In short  the four with brackets is just a plain four.   Okay and that's a nine of course. Now the  monster symbols in the green box those guys   are Greek letters they're capital pi’s and  they're telling us to take a product to multiply.   So in the expression on the right we have to  substitute the numbers from one to four for j   and k in all possible ways and then we have  to multiply the resulting numbers together.   Okay start at the bottom if j is equal to  1 and k is equal to 1. Then we get this   right. If j is equal to 1 and k is  equal to 2 then we get this, and so on.   There, four times four that's 16 trig  monsters in total. Next compute the monsters.   Oh yucky all of these numbers except for the  rogue 2 are irrational. Now comes the miracle   when we multiply these numbers together all  this irrationality cancels out and we get yep   12 million and change a perfect integer, the  number of domino tilings of the 8 times 8 board.   What an unbelievably crazy formula. And all this  irrationality cancelling out happens for boards of   any dimensions. Also worth a mention: if both n  and m are odd numbers, then the m times n board   has an odd number of squares and can therefore  not be tiled with dominoes and, yep, in this   case the formula up there will spit out 0 as the  answer. Can you see at a glance how this works?   That's your second challenge.   Amazing, amazing, amazing but it gets even more  amazing when you have a look under the hood. What   makes this formula tick is a super nifty way to  calculate the number of tilings of just about any   mutilated chessboard not just rectangular ones.  Let me also quickly show you that. Now we start   with a checkerboard of any size and draw a loopy  path through the squares like that. All we care is   that the region on and inside the loop contains  an equal number of green and black squares.   Notice that obtaining regions this way  ensures that there are no holes in the middle.   This particular region has 11 green squares and  11 black squares. We want to calculate how many   domino tilings there are. To do this first number  the black squares from 1 to 11 any way you want.   Similarly number the green squares. Now  we record which black squares and green   squares are neighbours and we do this in a square  table. Okay if two squares end up side by side   then this is recorded as one. So in  this case green four and black eight   there put a one. And here are the other ones.  Yeah there's obviously quite a few of them. Right   okay. Each stacked pair is assigned the letter  I. So for example the stacked pair there's an i.   What does the I stand for? Intersection I hear  you say. Nice try :) no I stands for, I stands   for our good old friend the complex number I whose  square is -1. I told you it was crazy. Don't worry   and just run with it for the moment. Anyway here  are the other i's corresponding to stacked pairs.   Also quite a few, right. What about the other  spaces in the table? They stand for pairs   of squares that are not neighbours and are  therefore all equal to … what do you think?   Well 0 of course! Now add some brackets  and our table becomes a matrix.   If you've seen matrices before you can probably  guess what comes next, right? There is this   one magical way to distill all the entries of a  matrix into one very useful number the so-called   determinant of the matrix. And if you calculate  this particular determinant over there you get …   minus 88 i. Yep there's minus 88 I ways to tile  that region. Wait what? That can't be right!   But it's almost right. Just zap the minus sign  and the I leaving the 88 and 88 really truly is   the number of ways to tile that region. Now  that is real mathematical magic isn't it.   And with what I've just told you you can  calculate the number of tilings of almost   any weird shaped board you fancy. So just assemble  the matrix which is a no-brainer and then ask   your fancy CAS calculator or Wolfram Alpha to  compute the determinant. Then your answer might   have a minus sign or an I but just zap them if  they're there and you have the number of tilings.   Of course for really small examples like  the tiny two times two fellow over there   many of you will be able to calculate the  determinant by hand. Here the only thing   to remember and the only thing that's ever used is  that I squared is equal to minus -1. Which reminds   me here's a third challenge, a very nice one for  you. Calculate or enumerate by hand the numbers   of tilings of the small two-by-something boards.  Two times one, two times two, two times three,   and so on. Can you spot a simple pattern in the  sequence of numbers you get? A really nice aha   moment is waiting for you, so don't miss it.  And as usual record your ahas in the comments.   For the super keen among you at the end of  the video I'll show you a proof for why the   determinant trick works and say a little bit  about how to derive Kasteleyn’s crazy formula   from all this. Tristan one of my super cluey maths  checkers gave me a Christmas present a new pair of   glasses. What's special about these glasses is the  number of ways it can be tiled. Challenge for you.   What's that special number? Leave your answer  in the comments. Notice that this mutilated   board has holes so it is not of the type that  we’re promised the determinant can handle.   Having said that while this determinant  does not give the answer straight away   it does contain it in a very strange way  anyway. Well if you are a bit crazy yourself   also give calculating this determinant a try.  Well another one or two unmissable aha moments   await the keen among you. Again don't miss  it and leave your answers in the comments.   Okay for our next showstopper let's look at the  randomly chosen tiling of some square boards   something you'd expect to come up if the tiling  arose in nature. Like that one there. Yep pretty   random. Is there anything to say about it? Well  there are a couple of noteworthy features. For   example there are lots of these long fault  lines. Let me highlight a couple for you.   There the tiling even has one fault line that  cuts all the way through. There that one there.   Interesting isn't it? I guess in nature it's  along those fault lines that things crack.   What else can we see amidst the randomness. Well  let's distinguish the tiles that are lying down   from those that are standing up. Here we get these  large connected regions of blue and orange. Neat.   For this tiling you can walk all the way from left  to right just by stepping on the orange tiles. In   nature it could also be significant. Also in a  random tiling we'd probably expect about half   each of blue and orange which is exactly what  we see in this example. Okay now we'll use more   colours to distinguish the tiles further. So let's  highlight the underlying checkerboard pattern,   there. Okay for standing dominoes there  are two possibilities either the top half   of the domino covers a black square or the  bottom half covers a black square right.   I'll colour these two types of  standing dominoes using orange and red.   I'll colour the two types of lying down dominoes  blue and green. Now for the whole board.   On closer inspection we notice that regions of  one colour highlight brickwork pattern within   the tiling. I guess in nature these regions  would correspond to parts of the structure   that are particularly stable to  cracking perpendicular to the   layers of the brickwork. Whatever. Now these  patches of brickwork are not particularly   significant for the tiling of square boards  but the significance becomes evident in a very   surprising manner when you ponder random tilings  of certain mutilated boards. Have a look.   Amazing right? But what did we just witness?  Well what I just showed you were random tilings   of the so-called Aztec diamond boards of  increasing size. Let's have a closer look.   Here's the smallest Aztec tiling, known as A(1)  not very diamondy, I know, but it's coming. Here   is the second Aztec diamond board A(2), the third  and the fourth Aztec diamonds are obtained by   cutting the corners of square boards with even  side lengths. That's our eight times eight board   again chop off the corners et voila that's  the order eight divided by two is equal to   four, the order four Aztec diamond. Now it  turns out that random tilings of large Aztec   diamonds like the ones I showed you in the video  feature those large regions of completely regular   brickwork tiling in the corners and the roughly  circular chaotic region in the middle. So the   regularly tiled regions in the corners are called  the frozen regions. Okay. And the boundary of the   chaotic region in the middle is called the arctic  circle. In fact the arctic circle theorem says   that if you push all this to infinity this is  the picture you get. So one more more and more   infinity. A perfect circle inscribed in a perfect  diamond, you did not see that one coming right.   And of course right in the middle of the  arctic circle is the north pole and Santa   Clause which is why I thought this would make  a great topic for this 2020 Christmas video.   One final amazing feature of Aztec diamonds: as  we've seen the formula for the number of ways to   tile rectangular chess boards is a monster. But  the formula for the number of tilings of Aztec   diamonds is super simple and super super pretty  and also super mysterious. All really fantastic   stuff but of course this is Mathologer not  the discovery channel. So even though it's   Christmas we won't be content until we dug into  the why have a sip of eggnog and let's get to it.   The Aztec board over there has on the order of 10  to 447 tilings. How do you find a random tiling   of this board? Well there's the Homer Simpson  method first make printouts of all these different   tilings then put them together in a very big hat.  Now cover your eyes and dip into the hat and pick   one. It's almost certain that your tiling will  look something like the tiling over there with an   arctic circle in the middle. Almost certain  but not 100 % certain. There are also quite   a few tilings in the hat that don't feature  any circles. For example this straight across   brickwork tiling is one tiling that's also there.  Same with the straight down brickwork tilings   that one. It's just that for large Aztec  diamonds the number of tilings without a   circle is vanishingly small and so by picking one  at random we can be almost sure to see a circle.   Of course there are a couple of problems with  our Homer Simpson random tiling generator :)   for starters it's a bit tricky to print out all  10 to the power of 447 tilings of this board,   not to mention finding a hat  large enough to put them in,   right? No computer in existence can count to  10 to the power of 447 let alone do something   substantial that many times. So how did  we find this random tiling over there?   Well the key to finding these random tilings and  to the arctic circle theorem and to proving the   beautiful formula for the number of tilings  of Aztec diamonds and to life the universe   and everything is an absolutely magical way  to grow all tilings of all Aztec diamonds   from the starter baby diamond. Let me show you.  Get ready for something really truly amazing.   So we start with the smallest Aztec  diamond which is just a 2x2 board.   There are two ways to tile this  board, this way and that way. Okay   let's start with this one, doesn't  really matter. Now decorate the tile   with arrows like this. The important thing  here is that the arrows are pointing out   in opposite directions. Okay let's extend this  first Aztec tiling into the second one like this.   Move the tiles one step in the direction of  the arrows like this. Two 2x2 regions appear.   We fill these two by twos with pairs of  arrowed tiles, either like this or like that.   Same for the other two by two. Either  like this or like that. Let's go with   the pair of choices over there. Okay  now we have an arrowed tiling of A(2)   extend to A(3) there. Now move all the dominoes  one step in the direction of the arrows.   Pretty magical :) now three two by twos appear.  Again for every one of these two by twos there are   two choices for filling them with pairs of arrowed  dominoes. Let's go for these choices there. All   right expand to A(4). Now at this stage we cannot  slide straightaway because there are some arrows   pointing towards each other, there.  Remove those clashing yellow tiles.   Now slide. More magic and more  two by twos. Fill them randomly   and repeat. There next diamond. Find the  pairs of clashing tiles and get rid of them.   Move. Fill in the resulting two by twos randomly.   Magic. And so on as far as you wish. Now this is  not obvious but all of the individual steps that   are indicated will always work. In particular  dominos will never end up overlapping after the   sliding phase and at the end of the sliding phase  the region left to be filled is a collection of   two by twos, and so on. But even more is true.  All tilings of all Aztec diamonds can be reached   from the basic diamond like this and by always  randomly filling in those two by twos we are   creating random tilings of the various  diamonds in an extremely efficient way.   That movie of the random tilings of those  growing Aztec diamonds I showed you earlier   was generated this way. Now again it's not  at all obvious why any of this is true but   once you know that this is what you're aiming  for, the proof is actually not that difficult.   I won't go into details here but I will  leave some pointers to the nitty-gritties   in the description. Okay I can't resist  the key to understanding the dance is   the fact that the arrows are always pointing  at the vertices of this tilted square grid.   A bit mysterious but let's leave it at  that. Anyway for the rest of the video   let's just assume that this magical square dance  really works as advertised and use it to first   derive the wonderfully simple formula for the  number of tilings of Aztec diamonds and second   get some intuition for the arctic circle  phenomenon. Formula first. Okay so what we want   to show is that these are the numbers of tilings  of the Aztec diamonds. Two to the power of one,   two to the power of one plus two. Two to the  power of one plus two plus three, and so on.   Of course the fact that the first diamond A(1)  has exactly two tilings is completely obvious.   Then the idea for the proof is to argue from  top to bottom by what is called induction. So   we'll start with the fact that A(1) has two  tilings then since all tilings of A(2) come   from tilings of A(1) by the dance we'll check that  A(2) really has 2 to the power of 1 plus 2 tilings   then since all tilings of A(3) come  from twilights of A(2) by the dance   we'll check that A(3) really has two to the power  of one plus two plus three tilings, and so on.   Now for the details. Clearly for the smallest  Aztec diamond A(1) there are two different tilings   and our magic shuffle produces these tilings like  this: first interpret A(1) as one of those orange   two by twos and then fill this two by two with  the arrow pair of tiles in the two different ways   so there are two different tilings and of  course two is equal to two to the power of one.   Works. Next, extend to A(2). Okay when we  extend like this we add one two times four   okay there two times three times and four  times okay and of course these two times four   extra squares turn into two orange  two by twos after shuffling.   There. And as usual every one of the orange two  by twos can be filled in two different ways and so   both the left and the right diagram turn into two  times two that's two to the power of two tilings.   Easy so far right. And so there are a total of two  to the power of one times two to the power of two   equals two to the power of one plus two different  tilings of the second Aztec diamond A(2).   Very very nice don't you think. And i'm  sure you can guess how this continues.   Anyway, let's just go for it and figure out the  number of tilings of the next Aztec diamond A(3).   So let's extend. There, we're getting an extra  one two three times four extra squares. After   the moving phase these three times four squares  will usually turn into three orange two by twos   like here. Okay as usual there are two ways  each to fill these two by twos that means the   total of two times two times two is equal to two  to the power of three tilings corresponding to   this diagram. If all this worked out the same for  all tilings of the A(2) then this would give us a   total of 2 to the power of 1 plus 2 times 2 to the  power of 3 equals 2 to the power of 1 plus 2 plus   3 tilings, exactly what we want. And we really  do get three orange two by twos in most cases.   There. In the remaining two cases we have pairs  of colliding tiles appearing. Remember we have   to throw away these colliding tiles in order to  continue. So let's throw them away. Now move. Four   instead of three orange two by twos. But doesn't  that mean we'll get more tilings than we want?   Well we don’t. Can you see why? Have a  close look at those two special diagrams.   Can you see it? Of course you can.  Both of these diagrams are identical.   What made them different was the  yellow bits that we threw away.   We can make them different again by filling in one  of the orange squares in the two different ways.   All right and at this point it's three orange two  by twos each and by filling them in all possible   ways we get all two to the power of one plus  two plus three tilings as we've been predicting.   Fantastic and arguing in the same  way to infinity proves the formula.   One of those proofs that made my day when I  first found out about it. How about you? Like   it? Of course it's also possible to calculate the  numbers of tilings of individual diamonds using   the determinant trick? But i'm not sure whether  anybody has succeeded in actually deriving the   full formula just using the determinant  and if so how complicated the proof is.   Maybe another challenge for the real math  masters among you. Also for the programmers   among you can you please implement the magic  square dance that includes all the steps   extending filling the two by twos randomly and  zapping. There's really nothing out there at   the moment that brings all this magic to life  which is a real pity. So do something about it.  On we track towards the arctic circle. First we  have to navigate the surrounding frozen regions.   Using our crazy dance it's not difficult to  see that these regularly tiled regions should   be present in the corners for the vast majority  of tilings of large diamonds. Let's just focus   on one of the tips. At any stage of  the dance there are only two ways   in which these two end squares can be  covered. Either this way or that way.   Suppose that “this is the way” :) i've been  watching something with my kids as you can see.   So that the right tip is covered by one  single domino. Then that will be the case   at the next stage and then the next stage and so  on forever. Do you see why? Well when we expand   to the next larger diamond and move, then  the right tip of the larger diamond will be   occupied by the same domino. Okay now what  if the right tip is covered the other way,   like this. Then after expanding and moving we  get an orange two by two in the corner, right.   Filling this two by two randomly with an  arrowed pair of domino tiles gives a 50:50   chance of a domino ending up in the tip, like  this which will then persist forever in the tip.   If the pair ends up being oriented the other  way we get another 50:50 chance of ending up   with a domino in the tip at the end of the next  growth step, like that. Okay let's expand again.   Another orange thing, and so on. This shows that  after a few growth steps it's almost certain   we'll have a single domino covering the tip.  We can continue to argue similarly to convince   ourselves that as the diamonds grow there will be  a buildup of regularly tiled dominoes at the tips.   Notice in particular that any buildup  like this will persist forever and ever.   There. Right? This whole collection of dominoes  just moves as a whole to fill in the empty   squares opening up on the right. And of course  the same thing is true for all the other tips.   Oh and you probably already figured this  out yourself, the four different colours   i'm using correspond to the four different  directions in which the arrows are pointing.  Anyway given that our dance generates random  tilings of these diamonds I think it's clear   where those frozen regions in the  corners of most tilings come from.   Of course we're still a long way away from seeing  why the crazy chaotic region in the middle should   be roughly circular and why it should become  more and more circular but that's really very   nitty gritty technical stuff and I won't go into  any more detail in this respect today. Again   there are links in the description for those  of you inspired to follow this particular   rabbit hole. The wonderfully simple formula  for the number of tilings of Aztec diamonds   was first conjectured by the physicists grenzing,  carlson and supp and goes back to 1979. In 1991   the mathematicians Noam Elkies, Greg Kuperberg,  Michael Larsen and James Propp published a   number of proofs of this wonderful formula.  In their paper they also introduced the crazy   dance which they called iterated shuffling and  used it in one of their proofs of the formula.   The arctic circle theorem was published in 1995  by William Jockusch, James Propp and Peter Shor.   Truly magical mathematics just right  for a Christmas video don't you think?   To finish off let me tell you about  another type of super pretty arctic circle   on another type of board and I'll give you  a really amazing puzzle to round things off.   Our new game is played on boards that  are subdivided into equilateral triangles   and the dominoes we're using are made to cover  two of the equilateral triangles. These dominoes   look like this. Boards like this can also be  checkerboarded. Ooh Christmas tree. Anyway this   means that as before mutilated boards that can be  tiled necessarily contain the same number of green   and black triangles, right? There's also the  determinant formula that will give you the number   of tilings for these new boards. This formula is  even nicer than in the square case in that every   pairing is recorded by a one no complex nonsense  required. For example the number of tilings of   a small hexagon-shaped board can be calculated  like this. So only 1s in the matrix and no I s.   The counterparts of the Aztec diamonds in  this world of triangles are the boards that   are shaped like hexagons. The one over there  is the smallest example. Here is a larger one   there. Just like for the Aztec diamonds  the formula for the numbers of tilings   of regular and irregular shaped hexagon  boards turns out to be super duper nice.   There fantastic no nasty trg stuff inside. The  tilings of these boards have their own surprises   in store for us. Take a look. Looks almost 3d  doesn't it? Well we can make it look even more 3d.   There are essentially three different orientations  of our domino on this board. This, this   and this orientation. Let's colour the different  oriented tiles in three different colours and whoa   now it's really 3d. And this 3d is more than just  an illusion we can interpret these diamond tilings   in terms of special stacks of cubes and this  interpretation leads to all sorts of nice   conclusions. Now let me show you a randomly chosen  tiling of a larger hexagon. Can you see it? There   another arctic circle is starting to materialize  and again in the limit it can be shown that things   will look like this. Of course I could go on for  a couple more hours dishing out further arctic   delicacies but I think it's already been plenty  of treats for one day. Instead let me give you one   more beautiful puzzle to ponder all right? Ready?  Since this is a random tiling we'd expect roughly   the same number of tiles of each colour, right?  Now here's something interesting. It turns out   that there are exactly equal numbers of orange,  gray and blue tiles in every single tiling of   any regular hexagon board like this. And that's  the puzzle for you. Why is this obvious? Hint:   this is literally a case of thinking inside the  box. As promised there will be a mini master class   after acknowledgments for those of you who want  to dig even deeper into the determinant magic. But   for those of you who need to get to a Christmas  or new year's eve party that's it for today.   Thank you all for watching these videos and for  your support over the years. Thank you, thank you,   thank you, thank you, thank you to marty eddie  and Tristan for all your help with Mathologer   and to jim Propp for his expert advice on  all things arctic. I wish you all a merry   Christmas and I'll see you back in the new year  for what is hopefully a much less crazy 2021.   You're still here for the mini master class.  Well that's great. That definitely gets you   another Mathologer seal of approval. I hope  you took a little break had a cup of coffee   or hot chocolate and are ready for a dash  up a snow-covered mathematical mountain.   As promised I'd like to show you why this  determinant gives the number of tilings.   I'll start out easy but you really need to know  a little bit about determinants of two times   two and three times three matrices to be able to  appreciate everything I'll say in the following.   Anyway did you already complete your homework and  calculate the determinant of the two times two   board? Well okay then let's check your homework.  Remember this simple two times two board has two   tilings here and there. We already had this couple  of times. The corresponding matrix is a nice   manageable 2 times 2 which as many of you will  remember evaluates to 1 times 1 minus I times i.   Now of course I times I is equal to minus one and  so one minus minus one is two, two tilings. Great.   But just by looking at this expression  we can get a fairly good idea of the   mathematical trickery that makes this work  remember that the two ones in the matrix   stand for pairs of side by side squares,  these two. And then the one times one   equals one in the determinant formula counts  this one tiling over there. All right.   On the other hand the i's in the determinant  stand for the vertical ways of placing dominoes   and the I times I in the formula records the  second tiling here. Okay so one term of the   formula per tiling and of course I times I  being equal to -1 compensates for the minus   in the formula for the determinant. Great. Also  if you start by labelling the board like this   a bit different then the end result of the  calculation is minus two. So the two gets   decorated with a minus sign. This illustrates that  the output of the determinant depends a little   bit on the way you label the board. As I already  said the difference is just an extra minus sign   or i. The positive integer, in this case 2,  is what counts. It's the number of tilings.   Of course the two times two matrix is special  and deceptively simple in the sense that it does   not have any zeros. So let's go the next step  and have a look at the two times three board.   Remember one stands for side by side neighbours,  I stands for stacked neighbours and 0 for not   neighbours. Now to get a sense for what is going  on let's have a look at the general formula for   3 times 3 determinants. So the matrix has nine  entries which are labeled by the row and column   they are in. There that's the entry in the  second row and the third column. So how is   this formula built? Well there are six terms half  of which are plus and the other half minus. Okay   in every term three entries of the matrix  are multiplied together one from each row.   There first second and third row and one from  each column one, two, three is also there.   There one from each column one from each row,  one from each column … okay all good. Clearly   there are permutations at work here, namely the  permutations of one two and three, here they are.   That's all six of them and a term gets a plus  sign if its associated permutation is even.   Those on top are the even ones. A term gets a  minus if its permutation is odd. Those are the   ones at the bottom. Also remember when  you swap two symbols in a permutation,   odd permutations turn into even permutations  and vice versa. Swap one and three in the   odd permutation one three two and you  get the even permutation three one two.   Swap two and one in the even permutation two three  one and you get the odd permutation one three two.   Nifty stuff huh. All determinant formulas for  n times n matrix are built the same way. In   particular the n times n formula has n factorial  terms, each consisting of n factors. Half get   a plus half a minus, odd even and so on. I know  quite a bit to remember and quite abstract. Well   the nuts and bolts of determinants are what  they are. Luckily things are about to get   reassuringly tangible again. Let's have a look at  the particular determinant we want to evaluate.   There are two zeros. Remember  these correspond to two squares   each that are not neighbours. These zeros wipe  out all the terms of the formula they appear in.   Right zero times whatever else is  there in those terms is just zero.   Three terms have survived the attack of the zeros  and each of these corresponds to one tiling of our   board. There one one, two two and three three  okay. And one one, two three and three two and   one two, two one and three three. Very  nice. So one tiling per term that survives   after the zeros did their wiping. And since we  run through all possible pairing permutations,   it's also clear that we get all tilings this way  right? Now because all the three factors in the   individual terms are either 1 or I and I squared  is minus 1 every term will either end up equaling   1, minus 1, I or minus i, right? So those are  the possibilities and of course since we have 3   tilings and 3 terms, for the formula to work  we better get the same answer for each term.   All three terms equaling one will add to three,  and three minus ones will add to minus three,   and so on. All conveying the same  essential information, three tilings.   Let's focus on the term that's highlighted at the  moment. There are two horizontal tiles giving ones   and one vertical tile gives an I there. And  the blue minus in front comes from the fact   that the associated permutation 2 1 3 is  odd. This means that this term is equal to   minus 1 times 1 times I so equal to minus i. So  why are all the other terms also equal to minus I?   Here comes the nifty part. Take this two by  two block and twist it. That changes the two   horizontal ones the two vertical i’s whose product  I times I is minus one right. And now in terms of   the green permutation two one three the twist of  the two times two amounts to a switch of the green   two and the green one. This means we're going  from an odd permutation to an even permutation   and so the sign of the permutation switches.  Effectively we're multiplying by another minus   one. So the net effect on the value of the term is  minus one times minus one which equals one, which   means that the value of the term does not change.  In total twisting the two by two takes us here.   Okay double check. Yep that's the term  that corresponds to the new tiling up there   and its value is plus I times I times I which  equals minus i. Very nice and nifty. What about   the remaining term? Well taking the second  2 times 2 block and twisting it gets us to   the third tiling. Again the net change is minus  1 times minus 1 equaling 1 so nothing changes   and that means that all three terms are equal  to the same number minus i. And it turns out   that this going from tiling to tiling to tiling  with these two times two twists works for all   mutilated boards under consideration. What  were these again? Remember we took any loop   on a checkerboard without self-intersections and  we just had to ensure that the loop contains the   same number of green and black squares like  that. Then it turns out that any tiling can   be changed into any other tiling with a sequence  of these two times two twists and as we're going   from tiling to tiling in this way we are proving  at the level of the determinant formula that all   its non-zero terms are either all one, all minus  one, all I or all minus i, which then proves that   the determinant formula works for these sorts  of boards. Very pretty proof don't you think?   So to summarize after the non-neighbour zeros have  done their zapping of terms, there will be exactly   one non-zero term tiling left over. And the fact  that we can transform any tiling into any other   tiling via these two times two twists implies  that all of the remaining non-zero terms are equal   which then proves that the determinant  gives the number of tilings. Nice nice.   Now the determinant formula also works for some  other mutilated boards but doesn't work for   many others that feature holes. For example as I  already mentioned it does not work for Tristan's   glasses at least not straightaway. Having said  that, as is often the case with maths what I just   described may seem pretty complete but is  really just the tip of a humongous iceberg   which also contains more sophisticated versions of  the determinant trick that can count the number of   tilings of any mutilated boards including those  with holes. Obviously I was really going for it   in this little master class and you definitely  shouldn't feel bad if you did not get everything.   If you got lost at some point, maybe go over  everything a second time, maybe even a third time,   really worth it. Finally a few words about  how Kasteleyn’s formula up there is derived   using the determinant trick. For those of you  knowing a bit of matrix algebra you'll know that   the determinants of many square matrices  are just the products of their eigenvalues   and Kasteleyn’s formula really is a product of  eigenvalues. However it's not the eigenvalues   of our matrices but of some close related  matrices. Another level of trickiness. Again   if you're interested in the details I'll link to  a nice article by jim Propp that explains it all.   Enough for today? I sure think so! After this  crazy year and yet another video marathon   I really need a long long long holiday. As usual,  please let me know in the comments which parts   of this video you liked best. What worked for  you and what did not work for you. Stay safe!
Channel: Mathologer
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Length: 51min 49sec (3109 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 24 2020
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