Is this a paradox? (the best way of resolving the painter paradox)

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Welcome to another Mathologer video. Are you  familiar with this strange infinitely long horn   over there. It first made the news 400 years  ago and it turned its discoverer Evangilista   Torricelli into a mathematical superstar. Why?  Well, Torricelli's horn has a very paradoxical   property. Suppose you've got 8 litres of paint.  Then you can fill the horn to the brim. Let's do   it :) In other words, the volume of the horn is 8  litres. Now comes the weird bit. The surface area   of this shape is – infinite (ominous voice).  Finite volume and infinite area? How is that   possible? Also, when we fill the horn with our 8  litres of paint we are also completely painting   the inside surface, right? In other words, when  it comes to this strange horn, it is possible   to paint an infinite surface area with a finite  amount of paint. Let that sink in for a moment.   Sink in, um, no pun intended. Ok, the pun was  intended :) We are painting an infinite surface   area with a finite amount of paint. This weirdness  is commonly called the painter's paradox.   Actually, I just discovered a second painter's  paradox. I call it the YouTube painter's paradox.   There are lots of YouTube videos dedicated to  explaining the painter's paradox and when it comes   to actually taming the volume and the surface area  of Torricelli's horn there are two approaches that   YouTubers take. The first approach consists in  unleashing the full force of calculus on the   problem, derivatives, integrals, the works. The  second approach involves the vigorous waving of   hands, proclaiming repeatedly how amazing all this  is and really not explaining anything of essence   at all, possibly because our YouTuber thinks that  their audience cannot handle the calculus. Where   is the paradox in all that? Well, it turns out  that you don't need any calculus whatsoever. To   get the volume and area of the horn under control,  the only thing you need is a simple algebraic   trick that a mathematical monk came up with 700  years ago, a trick that all Math YouTubers will   almost certainly be familiar with. Pretty strange  right? Why is everybody using calculus or is being   scared of calculus since there is a much simpler  way? Especially on YouTube where simple is king?   Why do you think that is? Leave your answers to  these puzzling questions in the comments. Okay,   so today's mission is to give you a complete  calculus-free explanation of the painter's   paradox. Even if you're a pro and have one  of those horns rattling around somewhere   in a cupboard, stick around for I've got some  really nice twists to this popular tale lined   up for you. Here we go. How is this particular  horn built. Very simple, take 1/x. and focus on   the part of the curve to the right of x = 1.  Now simply spin the curve around the x-axis.   The resulting surface of revolution is our horn.  Actually, we get a second copy of the horn by also   spinning the part of our 1/x curve to the left  of x=1 around the y-axis. There. Let's save this   second horn for later. Now, let's first figure  out what the surface area of this horn is. My   last two videos also dealt with some magical  properties of 1/x and today's video actually   completes this first Mathologer trilogy in the  history of the channel. If you watched one of   these two earlier videos you may be able to guess  what comes next. What comes after x = 1? Yep,   x = 2 AND at x = 2 1/x takes on the value 1/2.  Extend to a rectangle like this. This rectangle is   1 unit wide and so its area is base times height,  1 times 1/2 equals 1/2. So, the area is equal to   its height. At 3 we've got 1/3. Extend to another  1 unit wide rectangle. Again the area is equal   to the height 1/3. And so on. This means that the  area of the grey staircase is the sum of all these   rectangle areas. 1/2 plus 1/3 plus 1/4 plus 1/5,  and so on. The experts among you will immediately   recognise this infinite sum. Except for a  missing 1 right at the start, it's the famous   harmonic series which every math demon knows adds  to infinity. In the second part of the video I'll   use that 700 year old trick twice and the first  time will be to show that this infinite sum is   equal to infinity. In any case, for now just trust  me that the grey staircase has infinite area. But   now since the horn encloses the staircase as it  does, it is clear that the surface area of the   horn must also be equal to infinity. Easy, right?  In any case, for now just trust me that the grey   staircase has infinite area. But now since  the horn encloses the staircase as it does,   it is clear that the surface area of the horn  must also be equal to infinity. Easy, right? Okay,   getting there. Now what about the volume? That's  trickier, but for our paradox we don't have to   calculate the precise volume. We just have to  show the volume is less than infinity, right? So,   how can we see that the volume is finite? Here's  a nice trick. Extend the staircase by one step to   the left. There. Move the whole staircase one unit  to the right. There, alines again perfectly along   1/x, but now the staircase contains the curve,  rather than the curve containing the staircase.   Now spin the first rectangle, well, really that's  a square, spin that square around the x-axis. That   creates a cylinder. What's the volume of this  cylinder? Well the volume formula for a cylinder   is circular base times height, pi r squared  times height. You remember that from school,   right? Now what's the radius and what's the  height? Well, obviously the height is 1. And so   is the radius. And so the volume of the cylinder  is pi times 1 squared. Just pi. Spin the second   rectangle into a cylinder. We calculate its volume  in exactly the same way. The only difference is   the radius and so we just have to replace the 1  by 1/2 to get the new volume. And so on. And so   the volume of this infinite funnel of cylinders  is just the sum of the cylinders. Now, the horn   is completely contained in the funnel of cylinders  and so the volume of the horn must be less than   that of the funnel. This means that if we can show  that the infinite sum in the brackets is finite,   then it follows that the volume of the horn is  finite, too. Is that clear? If the sum is finite,   then the volume of the funnel is finite, and so  is the horn  contained within. Slick, hmm? :) Okay, so showing that the surface area is infinite  and the volume is finite boils down to showing   that the sums of these two pretty infinite series  are infinite and finite respectively. And the only   thing we need to prove both facts is that 700  year old trick that I keep going on about. Well,   actually we also need this second fact here.  1 + 1/2+1/4+ 1/8 and so on, the sum of the   reciprocals of the powers of 2 is equal to  2. You've seen that a thousand times before,   right? Why is that true again? Well, here is a  proof by animation :) All clear? Good :) Okay,   remember this for later 1+1/2+1/4 and so on is  equal to 2. Now we want to convince ourselves that   the harmonic series at the top adds to infinity.  The first recorded proof of this fact is,   did I mention this before ( :)?, 700 years old  and is due to the mathematical monk Nicole Oresme.   Bear with me if all this sounds very familiar.  There will be a twist at the end. In fact,   Oresme also came up with a 2d version of our  paradoxical horn 300 years before Torricelli. Just   take the visual geometric infinite sum from just  now– and turn it into an infinitely tall tower,   like this. Then obviously the interior of this  tower is of finite area 2. On the other hand,   its bounding curves are clearly of infinite  length. Right, that's a proper 2d counterpart   of our horn and is paradoxical for the same  reasons as the horn is, but is much easier   to comprehend. Unfortunately for Oresme, nobody  remembered his example by the time the horn first   made headlines and so Torricelli didn't have to  share the fame for his discovery. Oh, I should   also mention that Oresme also came up with the  first ever graphs. So, all you who hate graphing,   this is the guy to blame. Anyway, back to our  infinite series and Oresme's super famous trick.   Let's do this on algebra autopilot accompanied  by some funky music. All clear so far. The top   sum is greater or equal to the bottom sum. Now we  add up the terms in the coloured boxes and that's   where the magic happens. There, infinitely many  1/2s. And obviously, the sum of these infinitely   many 1/2s is infinity. Okay, so far so good. Well,  the experts among you are probably yawning at this   point. But here is something you've probably not  seen before. Turns out you can take care of the   second series in exactly the same way, very nifty.  Here is the second series. Just now we started by   highlighting the reciprocals of the powers of 2.  This time we'll highlight the reciprocals of the   squares of the powers of 2. Make a copy. Earlier  we filled in the gaps going left like this. Now,   we'll go the other way. Earlier the terms at  the top were always the same or greater than   the corresponding ones at the bottom. Now it is  the other way around. Just a spot check to make   sure that this is really the case. There 1/9th  is smaller than 1/4. 1/25 is smaller than 1/16,   and so on. And that means that the top sum is  smaller than the bottom sum. Now let's add up the   terms in the coloured boxes. Aha, so what we've  got here is our 1+1/2+1/4th sum from before which,   as we all remember, is equal to 2. But then if  our sum is less than 2 that means it is finite. Well,  okay, so we know that the volume  of Torricelli's horn is finite which is   really all we need to be sure that our horn is as  paradoxical as advertised. But I also claimed that   the volume is exactly 8 and that I can also show  this without using Leibniz and Newton's calculus.   I still owe you that proof. Actually, this is not  my proof at all. This proof is due to Torricelli   the discoverer of the horn and this proof is  really beautiful. Remember the vertical copy of   the horn that we saved for later? We'll use it  now. Actually we'll first ponder the horn that   has been extended by a cylinder at the bottom  like so. So, a horn with a mute :) Considered   as a solid shape we can think of this extended  horn as being made up of thinner cylinders with   the y-axis as the common axis. There, that's  one of these cylinders. That's another one.   And another one. Another Another. A lot of them.  Alright, let's figure out the surface area of this   thin cylinder without the circular caps, so just  the area of the mantel. What's that area? Well,   that's just the circumference of the base circle  times height. And what's that circumference? Well   if the radius is r– then the circumference is  2 pi r. And what's the height? Well that's the   value of 1/x at r. And so the height is 1/r. All  the r s cancel and so completely vanish. Cool,   the area is 2 pi. But of course the same is the  case for all of the other thin cylinders. Same   calculation, same result. That's SUPER cool. All  the areas of all the thin cylinders have the same   area 2 pi. Okay, now to figure out the volume,  Torricelli argues like this. Put a disk of area   2pi here. So the disk has the same area as the  thin cylinder. If you do the same for every one   of the thin cylinders you get this stack of disks.  So there is one circular disk per thin cylinder,   both having the same area 2 pi. The thin cylinders  combine into our extended horn– and at the same   time the disks combine into our stack. Therefore  Torricelli says the volumes of both solids must   be the same. And so what's that volume? Well, the  stack is just a cylinder with base area 2pi – and   height 1. And so the volume is base area times  height, 2pi times 1 equals 2pi. Super pretty way   of reasoning don't you think? Predates Newton and  Leibnitz's calculus but is only made rigorous and   extended to the famous method of shells as part of  calculus. Now what about the volume of the horn?   That's what we are really interested in. Well,  the volume of our horn that's just the volume   of the extended horn minus the volume of the  cylinder at the bottom. As you can easily check,   the volume of the orange cylinder is equal  to pi and so the volume of the horn is 2pi   minus pi which is pi. But didn't I also say  that the volume of the horn is 8? Well, yes,   I lied, the volume is pi :) Well, I've long  been dead set on eventually having that fun   animation of an 8 turning into an infinity  sign in one of my videos and this was the   perfect opportunity to sneak this animation  in :) Gotto do this, right? Having said that,   if we stretch our horn vertically by a factor  of 8/pi we actually do get a horn with volume   8 – and infinite surface area. And so I  hope you can forgive me my little lie :) Okay, so we proved that our horn is really as  paradoxical as we claimed at the beginning. And,   of course, now that you know that this is the  case, you want one of those horns. You jump on   e-bay and – nothing to be found. Sad :) Well,  just in case you have not guessed yet. That   infinite horn is something that only exists in  an ideal mathematical world. It has 0 thickness   and it gets slimmer and slimmer as we travel  along it to infinity. In fact, eventually it   will be slimmer than even an atom and so not  even a virtual atom-based counterpart of real   paint can completely fill this imaginary horn. And  when I said at the beginning that we are painting   an infinite surface area with a finite amount of  paint, then it is also important to realise that   for this to work, we not only need an ideal  mathematical horn but also ideal mathematical   paint, paint that can be applied as THIN as we  wish and that still covers the surface we are   painting no matter how thin it is applied. You can  also not buy this sort of paint in the paint shop   down the street. Well, and that's all there is to  the painter's paradox. In general, this kind of   paradox is quite common with infinity. Infinity  is not something that exists in the real world,   it's simply a mathematical idea. And, once you  realise that, it should not come as too much of   a surprise that otherworldly creatures behave  different from real-world horns and paint. Let   me know in the comments how this calculus-free  exposition of the painter's paradox worked for   you and how it compares to some other expositions  on YouTube that you may be familiar with. Let me   finish with a fun fact that I stumbled across  while reading up on the history of Torricelli's   horn and the painter's paradox. Have a look at  this book featuring some of Torricelli's writings   that was published after his death. There that's  Torricelli on the left. Now let's have a close   look at what it says underneath. Well there is the  Latin version of Torricellis name at the bottom:   Evangilista Torricellius. And at the top is says  En virescit Galiaeus alter which is Latin for Here   blossoms another Galileo. Basically, people were  really impressed by Torricelli and thought of him   as a second Galileo. Actually Torricelli was a  student of Galileos and apart from being famous   all over Europe as a mathematician, he also made  a name for himself as a physicist. Among other   things, he is also famous for inventing  the barometer. Anyway here comes that fun   bit. Have a look at the word in the middle.  Anagr. What could that possibly mean? Well,   anagram of course :) The sentence at the top is an  anagram of the name at the bottom. In other words,   you can rearrange the letters at the top into the  letters at the bottom. Cool. I thought it would   be fun to animate this rearrangement and here  is what I came up with. That's so unexpected,   don't you think? What's also unexpected is that we  are actually not dealing with a perfect anagram.   That Galileus here is not quite right. Turns out  that the aeh in Galilaeus at the top and the o in   Torricellius at the bottom don't have counterparts  :) Weird Hmm? Anyway, I agree with whoever   invented this almost anagram: close enough is fun  enough. And that's it for today. Until next time.
Channel: Mathologer
Views: 106,483
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Id: p-LbzWmm2zk
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Length: 21min 31sec (1291 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 21 2023
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