Fibonacci = Pythagoras: Help save a beautiful discovery from oblivion

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Welcome to another Mathologer video. In 2007 a  simple beautiful connection between two seemingly   unrelated mathematical gems was discovered.  However, it appears that this discovery   has largely gone unnoticed and is actually in  danger of being forgotten. So, I thought let’s   do something about this sorry state of affairs and  Mathologerise this discovery. Show it to the world   and save it from oblivion :) Ready for something  new? Alright, what are those two mathematical   gems? Well, first there is the iconic identity.  3 squared plus 4 squared equals 5 five squared,   the smallest instance of the double-miracle that  two integer squares can add up to another integer   square and that therefore by the converse  of Pythagoras theorem there are right-angled   triangles all of whose sides are integers.  Like the famous 3,4,5 right-angled triangle.   Of course Pythagorean triples like 3, 4, 5  are regulars on Mathologer and something that   people have been obsessing about for thousands of  years. Okay, 3,4,5 and company that’s the first   gem. Our second mathematical gem is the super  famous Fibonacci sequence. There, 1, 1, 2, 3,   5, 8, 13 and so on. You all know the drill…  1 plus 1 is 2. 1 plus 2 is 3. 2 plus 3 is 5,   and so on. Starting with two 1s, in the Fibonacci  sequence two consecutive terms add up to the next   term. Easy peasy. Again, just like 3 squared plus  4 squared = 5 squared, people have been pondering   this sequence that miraculously shows up all over  maths and nature for ages. But what can those two   mathematical gems possible have in common? Not  obvious at all, right? Well, let me explain. Okay,   let’s do something unusual. Let’s bend the  Fibonacci sequence. Wait what? Bend? Yes,   like this. For the moment, let’s focus on those  first four consecutive Fibonacci numbers and move   the rest out of the way. There. We’ll come back  to the rest of the sequence in a moment. Okay,   bending the Fibonacci sequence that’s new. Now,  for the connection with 3-4-5 we’ll pick pairs of   these numbers and look at their products. Why pick  pairs of these numbers and look at their products?   Don’t worry and just run with it for the  moment :) For example, pick that 1 and the 3,   1 times 3 is 3. Another pair. 1 times 2 is 2.  Double that and you get 4. Next 1 times 2 is   2. PLUS 1 times 3 is 3. 2+3, that’s 5. 3,4,5 ,  3 squared + 4 squared = 5 squared. Impressed.   Maybe not? But wait, wait, we are not finished  yet. There are a few more ways to pick pairs of   numbers in the red block and all of them tell us  something important about the 3, 4, 5 triangle.   First let’s look at the incircle of the triangle.  What’s the incircle? That’s the circle that   touches all three sides of the triangle. Sort  of the heart of a triangle. There that’s it.   In our example, the radius of the incircle  is 1. And picking the pair of numbers on   top we get 1 times 1 is 1. Then there are  the three excircles, the outer circles,   sort of the airbags of the triangle :) Each of  these excircles touches one side of the triangle,   and extensions of the other two sides. For  example, here is the excircle that touches   the hypotenuse and touches these extensions  of the other two sides of the triangle.   The radius of this excircle is 6 and 3 times 2  is 6. Two more excircles. There, Radius 2 and   1 times 2 is 2. Finally, this excircle has radius  3 And 1 times 3 is 3. Pretty unexpected that the   first four Fibonacci numbers have so much to tell  us about 3 squared plus 4 squared = 5 squared.   Let me summarise all this. So there are six ways  to pick two numbers. And all of them tell us   something important about the 3,4,5 triangle. Top  two, radius of the incircle, bottom two, radius   of the excircle of the hypotenuse, and the two  diagonal products, this one and that one, give the   other two excircle radiuses. Then this vertical  product gives the 3, one of the short sides of the   triangle, that one here doubled is the 4 and the  sum of the diagonal products is the 5. Super neat,   right? And one more thing. The product of all  four numbers is the area of the triangle. There, 1   times 1 times 2 times 3 equals 6. And the area of  the triangle is 1/2 base times height, and so in   this case 1/2 3 times 4 which is also 6. NICE :)  But believe it or not we are just getting started.   Let’s bring in the next Fibonacci number 5. These  four new numbers translate into the second most   famous Pythagorean triple in exactly the same way.  5, 12, 13. 5 squared plus 12 squared = 13 squared.   A lot of you will also be very familiar with this  one from school. Let’s just double-check that all   our products really work out again. There 1 times  5 is 5. That’s the 5 in 5 squared. 2 times 3 is 6,   doubling that gives 12, 12 squared. And 1 times  3 is 3, 2 times 5 is 10, 3 +10 is 13, 13 squared.   Fantastic :) And what about all those circles.  Well let’s see The radius of the incircle is 2,   and 1 times 2 at the top is 2. Tick! That radius  of the hypotenuse excircle really is 5 times 3   equals 15. Nice. 1 times 3, the radius is 3.  And finally. 2 times 5, that last radius is 10.   All works perfectly :) Area also works out.  Wheel in the next Fibonacci number 8. And   again this block of Fibonacci numbers also  produces one of our nice Pythagorean triples.   16, 30, and 34. And all the radius business works  out too. In fact, this will be true forever and   ever after, as we push the Fibonacci sequence  through our red 2x2 block. All pretty amazing.   But there is a lot more. A LOT :) Things to  look forward to in the rest of the video are   Pythagorean triples growing on some bizarre  Fibonacci infused tree, a Pythagorean fractal,   the mysterious Feuerbach circle in action (ever  heard of the Feuerbach circle ? :), some fun   real-life applications of Pythagorean triples  and some more extra-special Fibonacci action.   Before I get going just quickly. The discovery  of this beautiful connection between Fibonacci   and Pythagoras and most of what I’ll be  talking about in the following was published   by H Lee Price and and Frank R. Bernhart in the  half-forgotten preprints that I mentioned earlier.   I’ll put links to these preprints in the  description of this video. At this point,   I’d also like to thank Colin Pountney for  drawing my attention to these preprints.   Now let me show you a bizarre tree of Pythagorean  triples which was originally discovered in 1963   by the Dutch mathematician F.J.M. Barning  (don’t know what the F.J.M. stands for). The   discovery that this Pythagorean triple  tree has natural Fibonacci origins was   only pointed out in those half-forgotten  preprints that I am popularising today.   So, let me grow this Pythagorean triple tree for  you, using some serious Fibonacci juice :) The   root of this tree is what’s up there in the  corner: that Fibonacci box and its associated   Pythagorean triple 3, 4, 5. We grow the tree  by first making three copies of the box.   Let’s highlight the three pairs of  numbers that correspond to the three   ex-circles. Those ones there. Get rid of the  other numbers and push everything to the top   Now we complete the three boxes al la Fibonacci.  There, 3+1 is 4 and 1 plus 4 is 5. Now just as   our original Fibonacci box translates into a  Pythagorean triple plus all that nice radius   magic, so does this new Fibonacci box. Let’s  just check this for the numbers 15, 8 and 17. 3   times 5 is 15. 1 times 4 is 4 double that is 8. 1  times 5 is 5. 3 times 4 is 12, 12 +5 is 17 works.   Again complete this box a la Fibonacci. 3+2 is  5. 2 plus 5 is 7. And we get another Pythagorean   triple. Again, 1 plus 2 is 3. 2 plus 3 is 5. We  already encountered this Fibonacci box earlier,   that one just gives the second most  famous Pythagorean triple 5, 12, 13 again.   Let’s keep growing the tree. The three children  of 3, 4, 5 have themselves three children each.   There, make three copies on the left box.  Highlight the three pairs that correspond   to the ex-circles. Get rid of the other numbers.  Push everything to the top. Complete all the boxes   a la Fibonacci. More Pythagorean triples. The  miracle keeps happening. Repeat. And keep on   going forever by spawning more and more children  to create an infinite Pythagorean triple tree.   Now, of course, it’s amazing that all this works  out forever and ever after. But the real killer   is that this tree produces ALL Pythagorean  triples and that every Pythagorean triple   appears exactly once. Really? :) Well, actually,  I am lying a bit here, but just a bit. The tree   does not produce all the Pythagorean triples, it  produces all the essentially different Pythagorean   triples, the so-called primitive Pythagorean  triples. Quick explanation. There, 3, 4, 5 again.   To start with, since swapping the 3 squared and  the 4 squared doesn’t really changed anything   substantial, I’ll consider the Pythagorean triples  3, 4, 5 and 4, 3, 5 to be the same. In general,   of the two ways of writing a Pythagorean  triple, only one can appear in the tree. Next,   if we scale the triangle by a factor 2, we  automatically get another Pythagorean triple.   If we scale by a factor of 3 we get another  Pythagorean triple. And so on. Now 3, 4, 5 is   the smallest Pythagorean triple that corresponds  to these particular shape right-angled triangles   and all the other Pythagorean triples like that  are multiples of 3, 4, 5. We call Pythagorean   triples that are minimal in this respect  primitive Pythagorean triples. And so once   you know all the primitive Pythagorean triples you  know all Pythagorean triples. Makes sense, right?   Anyway, as I said, our miracle tree contains all  the primitive Pythagorean triples exactly once.   And since absolutely every Pythagorean  triple is a multiple of a primitive one,   the tree really captures all Pythagorean triples.  Wonderful isn’t it :) I’ll sketch a proof why the   tree has this property at the end of the video.  Here is a little challenge for you. 153, 104,   185 is a primitive Pythagorean triple. What are  the four numbers in the Fibonacci box that goes   with this Pythagorean triple? Leave your answer  in the comments of this video. Bonus question:   how to navigate from 3, 4, 5 to the triple  over there in the tree in terms of left,   middle, right children. So what I am after are  instructions like: starting from 3,4,5 go left   child, then middle child, then middle child  again, something like that. Can you do it?   Here is one more crazy fact that will become  important later when we get to proving things.   Turn all the columns of our boxes into fractions  like this. There, now we have a tree of fractions   or, more precisely, a tree of pairs of fractions.  And what’s special about this tree? Well,   to start, all the fractions are less than one.  That’s pretty obvious. What’s not obvious at all   is the fact that this tree contains every positive  fraction less than 1 exactly once. Really?   Again, I am lying a little bit. The tree does  not contain every positive fraction less than   1 exactly once, it contains every REDUCED  fraction less than 1 exactly once. So the   tree contains the reduced fraction 1/2. There.  But the tree does not contain 2/4 or 3/6 or any   other fraction that reduces to 1/2. Again, the  tree only contains reduced fractions less than   one and every one of these exactly once. Noice.  What this also means is that, in terms numbers,   this tree contains every rational number in  the interval from 0 to 1 exactly once. Very   surprising. Just think about how densely packed  the rational numbers are in this interval,   but somehow, miraculously, here we find these  fractions nicely separated out on this tree.   If this reminds you of the Farey tree, another  mathematical superstar, you are on the right track   to another beautiful insight. You can read about  this connection in another article that I link to   in the description of this video. Before we put  our Pythagorean triple tree under the microscope   here is a bit of an interlude. Let me show you  a totally different type of Pythagorean tree.   It’s all sort of self-explanatory and so I’ll  just run an animation and play some music.   I’ve known these pretty Pythagorean trees  for ages but never really looked closely.   Anyway these are nice fractal constructs that are  very much worth knowing about. And, of course,   if you are looking for a special Christmas tree  this Christmas season, how about the one over   there :) I should mention that I produced this  spectacular Pythagorean Christmas tree using   some Mathematica code in a post by chyanog  on stack exchange. There is a link to this   Mathematica code in the description of this  video. At the end of this video I’ll also   show a very pretty animation of a spectacular  spiral that combines the Fibonacci sequence   and Pythagoras in a closely related ingenious way  that I myself also just found out about recently.   Something else to look forward to. Also,  here is a very nice puzzle for you to ponder.   If the area of the bottom square of the tree  over there is 1, what’s the total area of this   little tree? Leave your solutions in the comments.  Back to our Pythagorean triple tree. As I said,   it contains every primitive Pythagorean  triple exactly once. Amazing, right? But   there is another aspect to this tree that in my  eyes is just as amazing. It’s a stunning way to   visually capture the simple parent-child  growth mechanism. In effect this allows to   grow this tree purely in terms of triangles and  their properties without any numbers involved.   Definitely one of the prettiest pieces of geometry  I’ve encountered in recent years. Really something   for connoisseurs. Let me show you. Okay, let’s  have a closer look at the three children of this   Pythagorean triple combo. Quick reminder, in the  red box different pairs of numbers correspond to…:   top two numbers the incircle, bottom two  numbers the excircle of the hypotenuse,   and the diagonals, this one and that one, they  correspond to the other two excircles. Incircle,   hypotenuse excircle, other two  excircles. All under control? Great!   So, 3,4,5 at the bottom that’s the parent and  the three guys on top, those are the children.   How are the children related to the parent  geometrically? Let’s first look at the blue child.   3, 2 on top, so the incircle radius of this child  triangle is 3 times 2 is 6. In the parent triangle   3, 2 is at the bottom and therefore corresponds  to the excircle of the hypotenuse. There.   Now, in theory the child triangle  should have sides 21, 20 and 29   like that one here. Let’s see whether  our theory really works out in practise.   NICE, that circle really fits perfectly :) Okay,  what about the incircle of the green child?   3 times 1 is 3. In the parent 3,1  corresponds to the excircle with radius   3, that one there. And the right-angled child  triangle that goes with it has sides 15, 8 and 17.   And for the pink child things pan out like this.  Now, in the tree, children have children. So let’s   also quickly animate the pink child having  children Well that’s quite visual and pretty   the way the tree grows in terms those circles.  However, what’s not clear in the pictures on   the right is how you can also see the triangles  themselves and not just their incircles without   referring to the Pythagorean triples up there on  the left, right? Now the amazing thing is that   you can actually describe the complete growth  mechanism including the children triangles   purely in terms of the pictures over there. No  need to look at any numbers. A real geometrical   miracle. Let me show you. Okay, let’s  pencil in the centers of all the circles.   As you can see the four circles don’t  touch. At this point the Feuerbach circle,   another mathematical superstar makes its  appearance. In 1822 the German mathematician Karl   Wilhelm Feuerbach discovered something that the  ancient Greek triangle enthusiasts had overlooked,   that if you take any triangle and mark the  midpoints of its sides. Then the circle   through these three points touches the incircle  and all three excircles. Feuerbach’s circle has   all sorts of other magical properties. For  example, in the special case of a right   triangle the circle also always passes through  the right angle corner. Anyway, eventually I’ll   dedicate a whole Mathologer video to Feuerbach’s  circle. Main thing for us at the moment is that   there always is this special circle that touches  all the four circles that we are interested in.   For the moment let’s remove the incircle. Okay,  connect the center of Feuerbach’s circle to the   centers of the three ex-circles. Now extend these  three connections to three right angled triangles   with horizontal and vertical short sides like  this Here comes the very much not obvious killer   insight. Scale these triangles by a factor of four  and you get the right-angled children triangles.   Seeing is believing. Let’s  check this for the pink child.   Here we go How long is this vertical side?  Well, let’s count. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Just   now I said we have to scale these triangles  by a factor of 4 and so 4 times 6 is 24. Yep,   there 24 is the length of one of the sides of the  pink child triangle. What about the other side.   Count again. 1 and a bit. Actually, this bit is  three quarters and so this side is 1.75 long and   4 times 1.75 is 7. Works again. So, really, if  you scale this triangle by a factor of four you   get a right-angled triangle with sides 7 24 and  25 which will have the pink circle as incircle.   Brilliant. How about the other two triangles.  Well, real quick. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. 4 times 7   is 28. Aaaaand … 28 works. This side is 11.25 long  and 4 times 11.25 is 45. Works again. How long   is this one? Well 12. And 4 times 12 is 48. And  finally this side 13.75 and 4 times 13.75 is 55.   Okay, now for some visual candy. Let’s animate  scaling the triangles by a factor of 4 and fitting   the incircles. Super pretty don’t you think?  The whole growth mechanism purely in terms of   geometry. Of course, that was all a bit fast and  so again, here is how we find the three children   of a parent. The parent triangle is the one in  the middle. Draw in the Feuerbach circle of this   triangle. Connect the center of Feuerbach’s circle  to the centers of the excircles. Extend to right   angled triangles with vertical and horizontal  short sides. Blow up by a factor of four. There,   the 5, 12 13 parent triangle in the middle  surrounded by its three children. Very nice   isn’t it? But there is one more AHA moment hiding  in all this. Remember that I got rid of the   incircle earlier. Well let’s put it back in at the  point where we are connecting the excircle centers   to the center of the Feuerbach circle. There. Now  let’s also connect the Feuerbach circle center to   the incircle center. And extend to a right-angled  triangle. Have a close look at this new triangle.   Ring any bells? Doesn’t it look like a scaled  down 3, 4, 5 triangle? What’s going on here?   Well, in the tree the parent is connected to  its three children. But it’s ALSO connected to   ITS parent. And now it turns out that what  we see in front of us is the connection to   the parent of the parent which in the case of  our 5, 12, 13 triangle is the 3,4,5 triangle.   And it turns out this always works. For any  triangle in our Pythagorean triple tree We can   reconstruct ITS parent triangle by connecting the  centers of the incircle and the Feuerbach circle   extending the connection to a right-angled  triangle with horizontal and vertical short sides.   And scaling this triangle by a factor of 4. Pure  magic :) Nice question to ponder: All of the   entries in the tree have a parent except for  3,4,5. Right? What happens if you apply the parent   construction to 3,4,5? How do things fail there.  As usual, leave your answers in the comments.   Whenever I do one of these pure maths video  there are always people who don’t seem to able   to appreciate anything unless they are also given  some real-world application. Okay, so here are two   fun and important real world applications of  Pythagorean triples. Do you remember this person   from another video? That’s my father. When I was  7 or 8 years old I was doing some home improvement   project together with him. I think the task  of the day consisted in tiling the floor of   a bathroom. To tile a room you usually tile row  by row starting along one of the walls. However,   this only works out nicely if the walls of the  room meet at pretty much perfect right angles.   On that day, my father introduced me to a simple  way of checking that this is really the case.   If that’s our room, mark 3 meters from one  of the corners along one of the walls. Then   mark 4 meters from the corner on the other  wall. Now measure the distance between the   marks. If you get 5 meters you can be pretty  sure that you are dealing with a right angle.   A very simple, but at the same time very powerful  trick everybody should know about. Actually,   who among you already did know this trick?  Anyway thank you very much papa for this   important life lesson :) Okay here is a  little puzzle for you which is meant teach   another life lesson :) Have a look at this.  Can you think of a mathematical reason for   me to give this pearl necklace to my wife  as a present? :) I’ll include a pictorial   solution to this puzzle at the very end of this  video :) See whether you can read my mind :)   Okay let’s climb up the tree along a few  distinguished routes and see what we find.   First let’s climb up right in the middle  of the tree and note down the Pythagorean   triples that we encounter along the way. What’s  special about these Pythagorean triples? Well,   pretty obvious. The first two  numbers always differ by 1.   This will continue forever as we ascend the tree.  And, in fact, we’ll encounter all the Pythagorean   triples with this special property along the  way. What does this mean for the triangles? Well,   for example, for the blue one the two short sides  are pretty much the same length. This means that   the triangle will be very close to being an  isosceles right triangle, half of a square. And   the higher we climb, the triangles will get closer  and closer to being exactly isosceles. Of course,   since the short sides always differ by one we’ll  never get a triangle that’s perfectly isosceles,   we just get arbitrarily close. Interesting,  isn’t it. So what’s a good question to ask   at this point? Well, for example: Are there any  isosceles triangles with integer sides? In other   words, are there Pythagorean triples the first two  numbers of which are the same? What do you think?   Well let’s see. If there are such integers A and  B, then we can rewrite this equation like this:   This means that an isosceles triangle with  integer sides exists if and only if the square   root of 2 can be written as a fraction, if and  only if root 2 is a rational number. However,   you probably all know that this is not the case.  The square root of 2 is an irrational number.   And so we conclude that right-angled isosceles  triangles with integer sides don’t exist.   Bummer ! :) However, all this is not a complete  write off. Since our special triangles get pretty   close to being isosceles we can use the numbers in  the Pythagorean triples to approximate square root   2 by fractions. For example 169 divided by either  119 or 120 should be a number fairly close to root   2. Let’s check. There… pretty close. And of course  just as the triangles get closer and closer to   being isosceles, the corresponding approximations  to root 2 as fractions get arbitrarily good.   The family of triples that we come across on our  way up the middle of the tree is called Fermat’s   family named after the great 17th century  mathematician Pierre de Fermat who once   challenged some of his colleagues to find some  members of this family of triples. Cool. Now,   ascending on the far left and right of the tree  produces two more famous families of triples.   Let’s first climb up on the right.   In this family the largest number and the next  largest number differ by 1. This family is   actually named after Pythagoras who is credited  with the discovery of this special family. Of   course, just as with Pythagoras’s theorem which  was definitely not discovered by Pythagoras we   cannot be sure who originally discovered this  family of triples. The Babylonians definitely did   know a lot about Pythagorean triple 2000 years  before Pythagoras and so who knows :) Anyway,   to see what’s happening in terms of the  associated triangles in the case of this family,   let’s draw these special triangles such that the  long short side is always the same length. Have   a look. There the 3,4,5 triangle. 5,12,13  scaled looks like this. So what happens is,   that rescaled like this, the triangles become  thinner and thinner, as we get higher and   higher up in the tree. In fact, very soon the  triangles will appear like a straight line.   Interesting. Finally, Plato’ family named  after the ancient Greek philosopher Plato.   That’s the family of triples that you  get when you climb up on the far left.   In this family the largest number is two  larger than one of the smaller numbers. So,   the outer families are very similar. Rescaled, the  triangles will also devolve into line segments.   There are a couple of interesting questions  one can ask at this point. For example: What   other interesting families of Pythagorean triples  are hiding in the tree? Do interesting families   correspond to climbing the tree in certain regular  patterns of taking left, middle or right branches?   And so on. Lots of room for exploration  and discovery if you are interested :)   Well this is Mathologer and so I definitely still  owe you some proofs for at least a couple of the   things I talked about today. So for the keen among  you, let’s run through some pretty proofs. Okay,   start with any two positive integers at  the top of our box and fill in the rest   as usual a la Fibonacci. So, A plus B that’s  what? Well, A+B :) And B+ (A+B) that’s A+2B.   At the very beginning of this video we chose  consecutive Fibonacci numbers for A and B,   but later on in the tree most of the choices  for A and B were not Fibonacci numbers. In fact,   at this point in time most of us would probably  suspect that no matter what positive integers we   choose for A and B, our pair picking will always  produce a Pythagorean triple plus all the magic   radius stuff, as long as we complete the box  a la Fibonacci. That this is true is actually   not hard to check. But before we do this, let’s  recast things in a slightly different way which   will make things look a lot nicer in the long  run and which will link what we’ve been talking   about so far perfectly with a famous theorem  that goes back more than two millennia. There,   what we’ll do is to is to choose the numbers on  the right instead of those at the top to kick   things off in the box. Again pretty much anything  goes in terms of choosing U and V, except that V   always has to be chosen greater than U. Obvious,  on the right A+B is always greater than B. Okay   let’s start by choosing U and V instead of A and  B. It will become clear in a minute why this is a   good idea. Okay, U+V goes there. What about the  upper left corner. Think about it for a moment.   You got it? Fibonacciwise we are moving in the  reverse direction, so instead of adding U and V,   we have to subtract. That number up there should  be V-U. Some of you may have some doubts so let’s   just quickly double check the Fibonacci action  in the box. There V-U plus U, that’s really V   and U + V equals U+V :) So the box is really  filled in a la Fibonacci. Now, let’s calculate   the three numbers in the corresponding would-be  Pythagorean triple. The first number in the triple   is the product of the circled numbers, so V minus  U times V+U. And you probably remember from high   school maths torture time that V-U times V+U is V  squared minus U squared. Okay, next number. Well,   that’s just U times V. That’s it? No remember we  have to double that. And so we get 2 times U times   V. Third number. Remember for that one we have to  add the diagonal products. U times (V+U) plus V-U   times V. Simplify on algebra autopilot. And so in  theory this should be a Pythagorean triple, right?   And that this equation really always holds no  matter what numbers we choose for U and V you can   easily check by expanding everything on the left  and everything on the right and then comparing   the results. Again, if you choose 1 and 2 for U  and V you get our prototype Pythagorean triple 3,   4, 5 and if you chose U and V to be 2 and 3  you get the other famous triple 5, 12 ,13.   Now if you’ve been around for a while maths wise  you may recognise this equation as something   really ancient, something that already popped  up around 300 BC, more than 2000 years ago,   in Euclid’s Elements, the most successful and  influential series of maths textbooks off all   time. There in book 10 of the Elements, Euclid  proves something very interesting. He proves   that we get all primitive Pythagorean triples  exactly once by choosing U and V in all possible   ways such that 1) U is less than V 2) that one  of U and V is odd and the other even and 3)   that the two numbers have no common factors other  than 1. Again, U less than V, one odd the other   even, no common factors. As long as we make such  a choice we get a primitive Pythagorean triple and   we get every such triple exactly once this way. So  they really already knew how to make all primitive   Pythagorean triples ages ago. Pretty amazing.  And with all the talk about primitive and exactly   once, doesn’t this ancient result seem like the  perfect starting point to prove that our tree   really gives all the primitive Pythagorean triples  exactly once? Well let’s have another close look   at our tree. Let’s focus on the right sides of the  boxes, that’s where the Us and the Vs live. As you   can check, all the conditions in Euclid’s theorem  are always satisfied, at least in this part of the   tree. The number on the top is always smaller than  the one at the bottom, one of the numbers is odd   and the other one is even and the two numbers  don’t have any common factors other than 1.   And so to prove that the tree really features all  the primitive Pythagorean triples exactly once, we   only have to show that any possible Euclid choice  of U and V pops up exactly once on the right side   of one of the boxes in the tree. That’s a really  nice way of making the proof manageable, isn’t it?   Actually completing the proof is a pretty routine  exercise and not worth working through in detail   in this video. Let me just point out two delicious  insights that you’ll come across in the proof if   you look it up or make it up yourself. The first  delicious insight is the fact that the incircle   radius of a parent is always smaller than the  incircle radius of any of its three children.   Pretty obvious both in terms of the algebra and  the geometry. The incircle radius is smaller than   excircle radiuses. The second insight is that the  3,4,5 triangle has incircle radius 1 and that the   incircle radiuses of all other right-angled  triangles with integer sides are greater than   1. Anyway, just to give you a taste of the proof  here is how these insights are used in the proof.   One of the things to prove is that every  primitive Pythagorean triple is in the tree.   For this you first show that every primitive  Pythagorean triple has a unique primitive parent.   In turn that parent then has a primitive  parent, and so on with the corresponding   triangles having smaller and smaller radiuses.  Also, it turns out that every primitive triangle   with incircle radius greater than one has  a primitive parent. And this means that our   string of primitive triples necessarily ends  in 3,4,5 whose triangle has incircle radius 1.   And this means that what we see over there is  a path in the tree from the 3,4,5 root to the   primitive Pythagorean triple we started with,  showing that all such triples are contained   exactly once in the tree. For more details  about this proof and all the other proofs that   I’ve omitted or only glossed over today check out  the links in the description of this video. Okay,   so I started by showing you how the Fibonacci  sequence translates into 3,4,5 and infinitely   many other Pythagorean triples. However, it  soon became clear that what’s important about   this translation was the growth rule of the  Fibonacci sequence and not the numbers in the   Fibonacci sequence. In fact, as we just proved,  starting with any two positive integers at the top   of the box and filling in the rest a la Fibonacci  does the trick. And so the Fibonacci numbers are   not that special in this respect. However, it  turns out that there is something extra special   about the Pythagorean triples produced by the  Fibonacci numbers after all. Have a close look   at these first four Pythagorean triples produced  by the Fibonacci sequence. Can you see what’s   special? No? I give you an hint: Have a look at  the numbers on the right sides of the equations.   Can you see it now? Yes, all those numbers  are also Fibonacci numbers. In fact, if we   keep on going we get every second Fibonacci number  starting with 5. There, 5, 13, 34, 89, and so on,   every second Fibonacci number. This is very  surprising considering how the third numbers in   the triples are produced from the four Fibonacci  numbers in the box. Right, that third number is   this product plus that product. Why should that  be another Fibonacci number? Not clear at all.   Well it’s late in the game and so let me just  show you. There, going through the usual motions,   the four consecutive Fibonacci numbers in the  box translate into this Pythagorean triple.   Now that third complicated  number there on the right.   That complicated expression turns out to be always  equal to another Fibonacci number, to be precise   the expression on the right is equal to this  Fibonacci number here. Very surprising isn’t it?   Also think about it like this. In the Fibonacci  sequence two consecutive terms always add up to   the next term. But who would have thought that any  four consecutive terms in the Fibonacci sequence   always combine into another Fibonacci number in  this simple way. Even when you think you’ve seen   everything Fibonacciwise, the Fibonacci sequence  always seems to have one more trick up its sleeve.   Anyway, that’s it for today. Except, I also wanted  to show you a really nice new spiral that combines   the Fibonacci sequence and Pythagoras. This one  is due to the maths teacher and artist Eugen Jost.
Channel: Mathologer
Views: 244,565
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Id: 94mV7Fmbx88
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Length: 42min 35sec (2555 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 03 2022
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