Classic WoW Inventory & Bag Guide

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Yea already watched it

👍︎︎ 117 👤︎︎ u/sedatedlife 📅︎︎ Aug 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

Watching this would take .546% out of the remaining time till launch

👍︎︎ 32 👤︎︎ u/anderssi 📅︎︎ Aug 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

For those who are curious but don't have half an hour with literally nothing to do (e.g. Rickroll yourself 10 times in a row), here's the slide deck that the video just plays while a guy talks about it:

Most of it is just a listing of how to acquire every single bag in the game. There's some general "info" at the beginning. See slide 4 for a particularly thorough analysis of all the ways a bag can be unique or not, and soulbound or not, and the implications of each possible permutation of those two attributes vis-a-vis your ability to sell the bag or equip more than one of it.

👍︎︎ 40 👤︎︎ u/super_aardvark 📅︎︎ Aug 19 2019 🗫︎ replies


*opens notebook*

*Unzips pants*

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/Montauket 📅︎︎ Aug 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

A good reminder that we were all absolutely insane about WoW at one point in our lives and clearly we are trying to recapture that moment where we would sit through an hour long guide about bags.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/DunravenS 📅︎︎ Aug 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

Oh boy i need this

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Kromgar 📅︎︎ Aug 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

Definitely already watched this. >.>

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/palebluedoll 📅︎︎ Aug 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

Thanks that killed 59 minutes... only 7 days 22 hours 59 minutes and 12 secs to go!

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/dizorkmage 📅︎︎ Aug 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

So I saw this and thought

lol who’s going to watch this? I’m not that crazy about wow

Clicked it for a peak and found out I’ve already watched the whole thing sigh I guess I’m watching it again

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/MonaLisaOverdrivee 📅︎︎ Aug 19 2019 🗫︎ replies
greetings everyone Melda Ron here welcome to the classic well inventory guide and we'll be covering here today our bags quivers ammo pouches anything that can be equipped in a inventory slot in classic well we're gonna cover them all how to get them which ones to avoid which ones you should really really try to get now this presentation is a bear it's about 97 or 98 slides so please use the timestamps below if you want to navigate the guide at your own pace and if you don't want to hear me talk at all there's also a link to the slides themselves in the description if you want to read them on your own for those of you they want to stick around for the long haul I'd go get something to eat maybe something to drink because it's gonna be a long one well let's get started so when someone says bags what do we really mean and a bag is all inclusively anything that can be equipped in an inventory of slots you have your backpack and you have four additional inventory slots on your character now we could be talking about regular bags and these are just bags they could hold anything except keys keys are on their own thing there on the keyring which actually increases up to 32 slots if you didn't know so these regular bags or things that can hold any type of inventory item anything at all and the largest size in game is 18 slots we also can equip Quivers and ammo pouches in a bag slot and these only hold ammunition now surprisingly any class could actually quit aquiver and not just hunters but it's really only going to benefit hunters since they're gonna do so much range damage with a bow or a gun and the largest slot is also 18 you might think yourself why would I ever get a ammo pouch if the maximum size is just as big as a bag could be well the big benefit with Quivers and amma pouch is that it increases your ranged attack speed with a bow or a gun by x percentage this is why hunters always want to have a quiver or animal pouch with them depending on what kind of weapon they're using that Quivers can only hold arrows and ammo pouches can only hold shot or bullets there's also soul bags the largest one in game is 28 slots and this is something that warlocks can use to store their soul shards so they're going to be using trained soul over and over again to get these soul shards and many of the buildings in the Warlocks toolkit require consuming soul shards Devon's Hage's to sacrifice one of your bag slots for soul back considering how many soul shards when you can carry around with you we can say the same for herbalists there's many different types of herbs in the game and that variety and herbs really makes it nice to have a bag that can hold only herbs that's larger than your average normal bag the largest herb bag in the game is 24 slots then we the same for enchanting there's also the many different types of enchanting reagents that can be obtained via disenchanting the largest enchanting bag is 24 slots and it only holds enchanting reagents dusts shards and rods your enchanting rods as well so let's now go over how to actually acquire your bags there are seven different ways you can acquire bags the first is through world drop loot this means the bag is on the drop table or the loot table of many different mobs usually within a level range of mobs the second is boss or rare loot and this only drops off of one NPC usually a boss or a rare spawn or very very few in npcs like two or three and this is a rare drop usually has very low drop chances even may be lower than world drop loot which also has a low drop chance third earn from quest this is a guaranteed bag you can get through a quest and may be the only reward or one of the reward so you may have to choose this as the lord if you want it so these bags are only obtainable via a quest next is crafted bags these bags are usually trained by a tailor or perhaps even a leather worker to make and to sell so these bags are usually not buying on pickup because the crafter will want to sell them and they can be either trained from the trainer directly or be obtained by a pattern which could be a drop or world drop or a rare drop next we have world events at the Darkmoon Faire these are only available at certain times of the year this is my reputation rewards so you may need to get certain reputation to even purchase the pattern or the bag itself and finally you can purchase it from a bag vendor this is a waked bag that I do not recommend don't spend money on a bag vendor there gonna be way higher than someone suddenly aged or sung them to you in the guild so really really avoid purchasing bags with a bag vendor unless you're stuck next let's go over the bag rules there are four different types of bags really in the game there are non unique and non soul bound bags this means you can equip more than one of them are having more than one than your in your inventory and you can resell trade or mail it to another character or to your own character too and all it doesn't matter there are unique and non soul bound which means you can only have one in your inventory but you can still resell it trade it or mail it third is non unique and soul bound you can equip more than one but you can't resell it trade it or mail it unless it's Python equip and fourth and finally there is unique and sold out you can only equip one and you can't get rid of it unless it's fine going to quit there are vinyl pickup bags of vinyl clip things OG been mine there are bags that represent each of these four types available in classic well quick little things about the perfection and class bags to the Warlock urban enchanting bags those are all sold down either by a clip or by don't pick up so there's no non soul bound class in profession bags there is BOE ones though finally with Quivers and ammo pouches you can only have one ammo pouch or quiver equipped at one time even though they may be non even unique you can't equip two Quivers so you can't stack that range attack power bonus I don't think about doing that also note one aside there are some people to talk about equipping a quiver in a wand in class that'll increase your wand speed there's a lot of weird stuff going on with that we don't know if that's just private server error or that actually did occur and went all out at some point and it was fixed I don't think it's gonna work in classic but you want to give it a shot sure go ahead something also to remember is that bags accept Quivers and ammo pouches have no level requirements so you can essentially clip a bag at level one it doesn't matter what that could be a nixies bag but the problem is you can't get in the raid to get tea at the back right there are no level requirements for bags themselves but the quests mobs dungeons raids and reputations do have upper requirements to them so just keep that in mind but it's also really nice to know if you can equip a traveler's backpack a level one keep that in mind now let's quickly go over some bag tips it's important to realizing that all your inventory space is always going to be limited at some point now you want to increase that limit as much as you possibly can and as early as you can in the game more inventory space equals more goal and this should be your primary expenditure along with training training and bags are the most important things to spend money on in early game before you get your level 40 mount you want to get enough gold to your level 40 mm right one of the most frustrating things to go through in classic WoW is to blue to corpse and you notice that your inventory is full and you have to throw away things that if your inventory to bring that other piece in your inventory you're essentially throwing away money on the ground you want to prioritize getting bags and getting them soon and you want to make sure you get free bags over anything else you don't want to spend money on bags right quest rewards wall drops and even some crafted bags you probably get for a very low cost especially if it's from a guilty that may give it to you for free so always prioritize getting your bags for little to no cost this way you're just increasing your profit capability for free now remember when you replace a bag and it's not soul bound resell it if you are you know getting a bunch of small pouches and your low levels and you start to get eight slot bags six lakh bags if no one's buying them in the auction house where you sell them to a vendor it's still money you're getting back alright last thing before we get to the actual bag list that's about inventory dimensionality something that I really recommend doing is forming maps in your inventory space for certain purposes so if you notice this is a picture of my actual inventory and I use an add-on so I can condense all my bags into one bag to make it visually much more easy to see where my stuff is I recommend doing this in classic well of course that's up to you it makes it things it's much easier for me so you see I kind of sort things into groups I always have my hearthstone in the first slot then I have my consumables like potions that I may use then I have you know those quest items that you have to have with you like the notes and the boxes and stuff like that right below that I keep all my vendor trash or stuff I'm probably going to just a vendor this is gray items or a very poor selling reagent so there are leather is a pretty good example leather usually doesn't go for a huge profit on the auction house so I usually just vendor a lot of my leather so that's in the yellow space there and then I have a space a gap and then I have things that I want to keep so these are the auction Abul stuff so in the green box it's the things that I probably will auction or try to sell and then I have my bank which is in white and that stuff that I notice when we go right to my bank like that unless I stacked my wool cloth in there for later either I'll sell it in a full stack of 20 or I'll keep it for those quests to increase or my reputation and then after the bank portion there's just stuff that I keep on me all the time this is on a warrior so you'll see I have my one hander and my shield in there then I can switch to if I want to tank I have my arrows if I want to pull from a distance I have my bandages that are just I'm gonna use between pulls and I have my money pick of my skinny knife and those things aren't gonna move right they're gonna be my inventory all the time so I keep them on the bottom and this way I know that the middle section is kind of like my Flex area where it goes from vendor to keep and I always do this I was keep my inventory looking like this so I can find things easily I do recommend this if you're having trouble keeping your inventory neat and tidy now you don't have to use an add-on you can designate certain bags or certain things if you're not using the add-on and please design your own type of inventory dimension this is just the one I use alright onto the bag list first run the cover world to drop bags these are bag to drop off of many different types of mobs now all the royal drop bags are non unique and non soulbound so you can resell them and have multiple versions of them also there are none actually specific both horde and Alliance and these bags also disclaimer before we get started drop chances both and world drop and off bosses are subject to probably have some variation depending on what these numbers are when classic comes out so just keep in mind that these drop chances may fluctuate a bit one classic comes out and I will try to update job chances in the slides so you guys can actually have more accurate numbers first one we're gonna cover the first one you'll probably see in classic well are their small pouches they are six slot bags and they drop off mops level 1 to 17 with a pretty low drop chance from 0.25 to 4% they cone 5 color variants as well as it's pretty flavorful after that we have the 8 slot bags called leather bags and he's come in four different color variants and they drop off mops level 9 to 25 with even lower drop champs at point zero zero for 20.7% the next one up is the large sacks these are tense lock bags and they drop off a mob stubble 19 to 30 to with drop chances vary so much to leather bags a point zero zero four to one percent he's coming for different color variants next one up from there is a large knapsack this is a twelve slot bag only has one color variant drops off of mobs level twenty four to forty nine with the drop chance of point zero zero three two point seven percent next one and this is one I always look out for when I'm leveling as the journeyman's backpack this is a fourteen slot bag drops will have mobs level thirty nine to sixty has a drop chance of 0.01% 2.63 percent next we have the troll hide bag which is also fourteen slot bag but this one's a little bit more rare than the journeyman's backpack it chops off of mobs levels 39 to fifty four the drop chance of point zero zero two five two point one three percent next we have the travelers backpack which I'm sure many of you love seeing drop this is a sixteen slot bag with green quality actually this is uncommon quality bag has a pretty high drop chance for a high level bag at point zero two to one percent that's because this has pretty high drop chances when you're in high level dungeons so if you want to farm these as a bus place to do it and this can technically drop off of mobs forty seven plus now the final bag is a world drop bag is the pumpkin bag and this is essentially the same as a traveler's backpack has a same drop chance drops off the same mobs but only drops during Hallows end so technically any mob that can drop a towers back that could drop a pumpkin bag but only doriel hollows an event which is a Halloween the classic Wow next let's go over the boss rare drop taxi their bags the drop-off of one unique NPC either a boss or a rare spawn or very few NPCs now these are usually all unique meaning you only have one of them on you and it could be non sold out or sold out depending on the drop now keep in mind along with the drop chances for all these bags the respawn times of the mobs that actually drop them are also something to change when classic well comes out so keep an eye out on the slides if you want to see updated values when the game actually launches first will over the knoll hide bag this is non soul bound and is not technically faction specific but is in an alliance zone so good luck of your horde trying to get this done it's an 8 slot bag it drops from fentanyl which is a level 12 rare elite spawn knoll in the northwest section of stone Charon lake at 68 45 his respawn time is 2.5 hours approximately and his drop chance to drop the bag is approximately 70% next we have the large rucksack which is pretty much an oddball because not only is it non soul bound it's also not unique meaning you can farm this over and over again then it also is not inspection specific but it's in an alliance owned so again horde good luck to go in the Westfall trying to farm this one its capacity is 10 slots and drops off the full Reaper 4,000 at level 20 rarely mechanical unit in the farm area in near Sal Dean's farm its location is 45 35 its respawn timers approximately 5.5 hours and it's dropped chances of near about 80% next we have the snakeskin bag which is non soul bound and drops off of lady antic Andra in the wailing caverns this is a 10 slot bag this technically is not a faction specific bag you can acquire but Alliance you're gonna have to run through a horde territory to get to this instance she's level 20 elite and is located the wailing cameras at 27 31 and the drop chance for this bag is approximately 33% next we have the self steed saddlebags which I swear never dropped from me at all these are non soul bound bags that could potentially drop off the FAL steeds in a stable area and shadow Fang keep these are yellow horses you'll see them when you go into the courtyard area they won't attack you unless you attack them this is a tense lock bag and the felf seeds are level 19 and 20 elites they're in shadow then keep around 54 48 they dropped a chance for the saddlebags is 29% now these horses can hit pretty hard so make sure you down them quick and mark targets also these bags are unique so you can only equip one of them alright moving on to the merlok skin bag this is a non sole Vallon meat bag that drops off of Gila hast in black feather deeps both factions can have access to this bag and it's ten slots gala hats is level 26 elite he's the merlok boss in that pool area and by filling deeper the other merlocks are when you kill them you can actually click on his or where you stands and get a buff for the rest of the dungeon so definitely do that drop chances 15% well if you guys are hungry you can get your hands on a sturdy lunch box down in stranglethorn bail this is a non soulbound non unique bag that is not specially specific it's 12 slots and it drops off of only two NPCs very Phonics which is a rare spawn and a venture company foreman which are located on this map you see the two different circles red is very phonics and blue or where the foreman spawn now very finest is level 42 rare elite and the Foreman's are approximate level 42 the respawn time Provera phonics is pretty long up to 30 hours again make sure you check back on this guy when classic launches to see if that changes and the venture company foremen are kind of walking around in that area and you can kill them now the job chances are very low approximately 1.6 percent for very phonics and 1/2 percent for the venture company foreman so if you're trying to farm this bag good luck moving on to the Wayfarers knapsack this is a soul bound by non pickup bag and is unique it's not faction specific it's 16 slots and it drops off a dungeon npc named rib Lee screw spigot he's at 52 to 53 elite that's located in the grim guzzler which is the bar area of Blackrock depths you'll notice when you're walking in everyone's yellow to you and you can't attack them if you want he is one of the goblins that's standing around in the bar you want to be careful if you want to use any a OE type effects because you don't want to a grow the other bar patrons so you can distance pull him into the beer cake room you can fly him in there and you shouldn't anger and need other patrons of the bar now interestingly enough rib Lee is also the goal of a certain quest given by Yuka screw spigot and burning steps so you can effectively kill two birds with one stone if you get the quest from Yuka kill him for the quest and then loot him he has a chance of dropping the bags a 30% chance and this is an uncommon green quality bag also rib Lee is involved in this guide two more times he also drops a quiver and an ammo pouch we'll get to those later all right it's time for the onyxia hide backpack this is a soul bound vinyl pickup non-unique not faction specific bag drops off of Onyxia herself a little 63 boss it's 18 slots she's located in of course it makes a layer which is arrayed in dust ball at Marsh the drop chance is 100 percent so she will always drop bag she's got a roll against 39 other people to get it this is an uncommon green quality bag make sure you work on your nick co2 mint so you can have access to this bag as early as possible another cool thing about the onyxia hide backpack is that it's not unique you can effectively have as many as you want that is if you're lucky enough to win more than one the last rare drop boss drop npc bag well talking about here is the Panther hide sack this is sold bound by little pickup and unique so you can only have one of them it's not affectionate specific it's 18 slots as well and it drops off of High Priestess our lock 63 Boston ZG she's located in the pen area which is in the northern part of the map you'll know you're in the right area because you're the bank gong to get her to come out you'll see a pen area where animals would stay and this is a raid in stranglethorn veil the drop chance is much lower than exceed 17 percent but this is a rare blue quality bag now this raid will not be at launch you'll have to wait till after bwl and the next content phase EG will be launched so you can have access to this back then now let's go over the quest reward bags these bags are unique and soul bound these are bags you get as a reward or are one of the possible awards for completing a quest first one is the handmade leather bag this is a hoard specific quest in dort are given by pharrell scorn brow and he is located near razor Hill on top of a watch tower this is a forced lock bag and it's a reward for completing the quests called carry your weight now you have to retrieve eight canvas scraps and these can be retrieved by killing either the tear guard keep mobs those cool to your US sailors or you can kill kolkar centaurs and the mob levels range from 6 to 9 and the required level to accept this quest is level 4 now for the Alliance equivalent bag called old bland cheese feed pouch this is a lion specific is a forced lock bag and the quests for this is obtained by Verna furrow brow in Westfall as soon as you cross in the west wall from l1 forest across the bridge you'll notice her there with her husband and she'll give you the quest called poor old Blanche II now the quest tasks you with retrieving eat handful of oats and those can be picked up around all the farms and Westfall right near where she's standing they're really easy to do just you'll see them on the ground just pick them up once you pick up 8 you turn them in and she'll give you the feed pouch the required level to pick up this quest level nine next is the old money bag this is not faction specific both factions that pick it up in ratchet this is a six lot bag and the quest giver and turn in is wharfmaster dizzy wig he is located in the barons in ratchet 63 38 it's a she was retrieving the cat's eye emerald which can drop off with a venture company mobs in the mine to the north east of the sludge fan there was a mine you enter the mine and around that mind there are level 14 to 19 venture company mobs you kill them and they have a chance to drop his emerald usually got to kill about at least 20 of them maybe even 50 of them for this thing to drop but once it does drop you can turn it back to him and he will give you a sack of coins not the old money back now in that sack of coins be the old money bag itself hard level for this quest is level 13 alright the next one we'll cover is whiz-bang gunnysack this is Alliance Pacific is available for by a quest in dark shore is a six lot bag the quest giver the initial quest giver is whiz-bang crank toggle now this is a four part question in part one you have to collect six car lakes from tide crawlers north and south of orbiting and place them into a buzz box which is buzz box eight to seven which is a computerized machine and then that will give you a quest for the next part so each buzz box will become the next quest giver in the chain in the second part you have to collect three thresher eyes from dark short threshers in the deep sea west of Aubertine and turn that into buzz box for one one then for one one we'll task you with collecting six moons soccer fangs from moon stalkers to the north and south of our Burdine and placed him at the bus box three two three buzz box three two three we'll task you with collecting for grizzled scallops from grizzled thistle bears to the south of Aubertine and placed him into buzz box five two five finally buzz box five two five will give you the reward which is the gunnysack now this requires level seven but if you'll see this is a four part quest chain and by the end you're killing mobs level 16 through 19 so by the end of this you'll get a six lock bag you'll probably be way higher level than level seven just keep that in mind this can be a pain in the butt but if you want to get in a free bag this is a way to get one the next is the jewelry box which is the biggest pain of the bug quest probably in this whole guide maybe not the biggest but it's a pain in the butt it is not affection specific it's picked up in a quest in ratchet by me buck Missy Rick's and this is the quest called blue leaf tubers and this is an RFK quest and razor can crawl you pick up the quest and rat you to hook you also to pick up all these things that pick up the snuffle nose owner's manual that crate with holes and the snuffle nose command stick and when you go to RFK you'll be able to release this gofer from the crate and using the command stick you can tell them to look for tubers now the tubers are located in the greener areas of RFK and if you guys ever have escorted the NPC the Goblin NPC out of RFK when you're escorting them out those are the best places to look for the tuber so you'll click on the command stick the Gopher will go to a tuber and find one they have to click it and put it your inventory so you have to collect six of these blue leaf tubers using this procedure once you pick up six of them you'll have to head back to ratchet turn them in and he'll give you a small container of gems and then this small container of gems will be the jewelry box and guess what for all that work and you're in your mid-level 30s you get a six lock bag it's completely not worth it in my opinion but if you want a free six lock bag here you go next is captain Sanders booty bag this is actually not faction specific but it's in Westfall so Ord you're gonna have a rough time it is an eight slot bag the quest giver is actually a treasure map it's not a person and the treasure map is lootable off of murlocs along the coast and these murlocs can be anywhere between levels nine eleven through nineteen now the drop chance is relatively low at approximately one to five percent and this is not shareable so hopefully you can get it and the quest is called captain Sanders hidden treasure and this is a four part treasure hunt type quest so this could be a lot of fun so you'll pick up the treasure map and it'll ask you to find captain Sanders footlocker that's located on the shore in the south around 2648 and the next clue will tell you to find that the broken barrel which is near farm at 4148 the clue you get from that will tell you to find an oil jug to the north near the coast at 41:17 and the final one will tell you to go and find the locked chest which is on a small island in the sea at 2617 once you get to the chest you'll open it up and you'll get this captain Sanders booty bag in addition to some other interesting stuff as well now this is obtainable at level 10 this is definitely a fun quest for sure next we have the dv8 hide pack which is hoard specific and is obtainable from the quest giver now pack above the wailing cavern entrance this is a 10 slot bag and he'll ask you to retrieve 20 deviate Hyde's and these can drop off pretty much anything that's skinnable outside or inside the dwelling cavern dungeon Raptors snake stretchers wind serpents this requires level 13 this will require you to probably be in a group as the mobs who drop the deviant hides are all elites now getting to now pack can be a little tricky if you look at the entrance of wailing care and it kind of looks like a skull the entrance itself is the nose and there are two eye sockets above it so if you go behind the entrance there's a mountain you can climb up and get access to the top of the face area at the top of the skull so if you jump in the top onto the nose and then jump into one of the eye sockets you can get into now pack and talk to them and you'll get the quest hopefully the images will help you a little bit there's also a lot of videos online if you need to find out how to get into it just check it on youtube now this bag must be chosen as the reward you don't just get it for doing the quest or other items you can pick but if you're really in a need for a bag this is a tense lock bag and at level 13 I wouldn't recommend doing wailing cameras level 13 but you can get it as low as 13 so even if you're level 15 16 or 17 a tense lock bag for free is a great reward next is the gunnysack of the Night Watch this is a Alliance Pacific quest that is obtainable in Dark Shire in duskwood it is also a ten slop net and the quest giver is commander Althea Evan Locke and the quest name is the Night Watch you'll take the quest from Althea and dark shark and she'll tasks you with three things as a three-part question it's attainable level 18 but the end you'll be killing mobs level 27 to 28 so it might take you a little bit to get this reward now part one is to kill eight skeletal warriors and six skeletal mages they are located to the south of dark Shire in the tranquil garden Cemetery if you turn that end jewel tasked with killing fifteen skeletal fiends and 15 skulls of Horrors which are located in the sandwich area north of raven hill and then part three she'll tell you to kill twenty plague spreaders and they are a little bit more north in the same cemetery north of raven hill again quad levels 18 and this bag must be chosen as a reward and this quest will also show up two more times in this guide because she also can give you a quiver or an ammo pouch more on that a little bit later next bag will cover here is the ooze covered bag this is a line specific is also a ten slot bag as obtainable by the quest giver sita who is a dwarf and manifold harbor in the wetlands and chucky be the quest called digging through the ooze and she tasked you with retrieving her bag and this drops off of oozes around 44:24 south of done m'dear and the mobs at level 23 to 26 in the required level to pick up this quest is level 19 now you're gonna have to kill a lot of these slimes in my experience to get this bag you may get lucky in your first kill but I think on my mage I killed probably close to 50 or 60 until it dropped it's about a 2 to 10% someone that range to operate so have fun killing these things but it's really worth it it's another free 10 slot bag and you could potentially give this bag even sooner then the gunnysack of the Night Watch so the next one is probably my favorite this is a really cool quest the Explorers knapsack this is not faction specific and it's a 14 slot bag and you get it by finding cortello the riddle now this riddle is only obtainable in one of three ships off the southern coast of stranglethorn vale south of booty bay there are three pirate ships and this riddle can spawn in the lower deck of any of the three ships when you pick it up it'll respawn and randomly locate itself in one of the three ships again now this starts a three part question it sends you all over the place so when you find the actual riddle it'll send you to find the soggy scroll now spoiler alert here i want to give you the locations of where this goes but if you don't want to know and you want to be surprised this is another treasure hunt style quest and it'll send you so i've even warned so the first part the soggy scroll is located in swamp Aceros underneath a beautiful ornate bridge it's actually unique it's the only bridge like that in the whole game at 23:48 underneath the bridge in the water you'll click on that scroll and it'll give you the next part of the quest to find the Musti scroll which is located in dustwallow marsh at 3166 and this cave is protected by raptors level 39 to 41 so be careful if you're only level 35 trying to do this once you go into the cave you'll notice that the scroll is sitting on a rock you'll click on it I'll tell you to find Cortez treasure this is located in the hinterlands which is level 40 to 50 zone at 80 147 or northern part of the map on the eastern coast you'll find a waterfall underneath the waterfall you'll find a cache that you can click on and it will have the bag in it as a reward it's obtainable at level 35 so make sure at least level 35 before you go and find this riddle and I've also given you the pictures of the location so you can see what the scrolls look like and where they sit so take some time look at it and really really enjoy doing this quest I had a lot of fun doing it myself next is the thought Pelt sack this is not a faction specific is also a 14 slot bag and it is given by the disks of noir Ganon these are at the end of oldmen after he killed the last boss or Cadis in his inner chamber you'll see these disks you click on them they'll tell you to talk to the stone watcher to the left of the disks you'll talk to him he'll go through a some RP dialogue and then he'll task you with bringing the disks back to either the Thunder Bluff of your horde or Ironforge of your alliance he'll turn in the quest and as a reward you'll be given the thought Pelt sack but this again must be chosen as a reward there are other rewards instead of the sack so if you don't need other rewards and you want a free 14 slot bag there you go now Aldermen is a level range 38 to 46 dungeon in the minimum level to enter as level 30 so keep that in mind now for the final quest reward bag the demon hide sack this is by far the hardest one they get it is a 16 slot bag it's not faction specific now this is a massive question either 18 parts realigns 23 part chain for the Horde it is given by the fallen hero of the Horde which is located in between the border area between the swamp asuras and the Blasted Lands if your Alliance the question starts another guard keep which they'll tell you to talk to the fallen hero the Horde and for Horde it starts at the fall here with the Horde which will give you a few other quests before the questions start to actually converge me the same type of quest now i really suggest doing most of the parts of this quest if not all of them with a group of people because they are pretty hard to do and the last quest which will test you with kill Raz lick the Defiler eel definitely at a party for because he's a level 60 elite once you are at the last part of the question they'll go to the Blasted Lands be teleported up to the top of a mountain via the ruin of the Defiler and you'll have to fight Raz lick the Defiler and kill him now that we require level to start this chain as level 45 but the recommended level is definitely 58 to 60 and this is a 16 slot bag with uncommon green quality I highly recommend doing this quest chain there's a whole ton of lore associated with it if you like reading quest text it's a lot of fun and just make sure you get a party with some good people now let's move on to the crafted bags and these are bags that are made by either leather workers or tailors there of course not soul bound so they can be traded and put in the auction house they're also all not unique so you can have more than one of them there first one we'll cover is the linen bag and this bag is crafted by tailors this is not factually specific and it is a six lock bag it's a tamed by your tailoring or apprentice tailoring trainer for a cost of one silver now only mention this once but remember anything that costs money from a faction related vendor like a trainer is subject to discounts the reputation system so if you're friendly you get a 5% discount honored a 10% discount revered a 15% discount and exalted a 20% discount so depending on the reputation these costs can go down the required level to craft is level 5 and they required tailoring levels on 45 so you can be an apprentice tailor to make these you also notice the point schemes I put down in different colors so what these numbers mean is you can craft this up to level 70 at which point it will turn yellow you can craft the 87 and it'll be green and then from 87 to 105 you can get green at 105 it turns grey and you'll get no points so if you're not sure how this works before 70 it's gonna be red and that means you're guaranteed a point if you craft it between 70 and 80 and 87 it'll be yellow which means you'll likely get a point if you craft it from 87 to 105 is green which means you're not likely to get a point if you craft it and from 105 on you will not get a point so just so you know how much of these you can make to get points for your tailoring I won't mention that again but these points schemes will be available for any crafted item and that I present unless it's only craftable at max level which there's no point to put a point scheme because you can only craft it at 300 and their agents here are three bolt of linen cloth which is a total of six linen cloth and three coarse thread if you have the reagents and you have the proper tailor you can craft this bag and you can put up for sale or use it for yourself the next bag is the red linen bag this is very similar to the linen bag is also six slots but it's obtained via a pattern not via your trainer and this pattern can drop as a world drop-off of three different NPCs the flyest looters and Westfall at two percent moon range tailors and silver pine forests at approximately one point one percent and pyre with tailors and silver pine forests as well at one point one percent but it can also be purchased for two silver from four different vendors andrew hilbert and silver pine forest Jeannie McGregor and Westfall ma who and mol Gore and all Darren and dark short some of these vendors have infinite stock some some of them only have one so you may have to catch them if you really want to get this pattern but in my opinion linen bags do the same thing and there's probably other things you can craft to get your points for tailoring now that requires a level of 70 which means you have to be an apprentice and their agents are four bolts of linen cloth three quarts threads and one red dye next is the Cotto hide bag which is the only non quiver I'm a pouch in the game crash fold by leather workers so this is kind of unique is hoard specific also this is a six lock bag it's obtained via a quest slash pattern so you'll get the quest from variant all Strider in mold war in Thunder Bluff she'll catch you with the quest called Cotto hide bag and that the minimum level acquirement to obtain this is level 4 all she does attached with bringing for light leather and for coarse thread to her this is a pretty easy thing to do for a skinner and then she'll give you the pattern to craft the Cotto hide bag and they're quiet level to craft this is level 5 and leatherworking skill 40 so you have to be an apprentice and they were agents for this are three thin Cotto hides which you can get off of Cotto and mold or three light leather and one coarse thread pretty interesting bag pretty fun this is the only bag leather workers can make next we have the woolen bag which is a tailoring bag and as an 8 slot capacity and this is obtained via your tailoring trainer or apprentice tailoring trainers for a cost of two silver and the required character level to craft this is level 10 and requires tearing level 80 so this will require you to be a journeyman tailor and the Regents are three bolts of wool and cloth and one fine thread next we have the green one bag which is a tailoring bag as well is not infection specific as a capacity of eight slots is obtained by a world drop pattern and it drops off of mops level ten to twenty nine with the job chance of anywhere between 0.01 to two point five four percent so pretty low their acquired character level to craft is ten and it requires tailoring level 95 which is also journeyman the reagents are four bolts of wool and cloth one fine thread and one green dye now we have another one bag this one is the red woolen bag also eight slots also obtained by a pattern which can either be obtained via a world drop off the only two different mobs device renegade majors and Westfall at a drop rate of three percent and Hills Brad tailors and Hillsboro foothills at a drop of around two percent but it's also purchasable from numerous NPCs including mostly tailoring supplied vendors the required character level to craft as little ten it requires tailing level one fifteen which is journeyman tailoring their agents are four bolts of wool and cloth one fine thread and one red dye now an interesting point here is that the hills bred tailors are agreeing to the Alliance so they won't be able to kill this but Horde will so horde can obtain this pattern by killing the hills Brad Taylor now we have a small silk pack which is a ten slot capacity bag that is obtained via your trainer your tailoring trainer for eight silver and this can be learned from tailoring trainers or apprentice tailoring trainers and the required character level to craft is level twenty it requires tailoring level 150 which is BIRT tailoring the regions are three bolts of silk cloth to heavy leather in three fine thread now we have the green silk pack which is also a 10 slot bag but it's only obtained via pattern from a world drop from mobs level 1941 the drop chances are approximately point zero zero four to 0.3% very low drop rate the required character level to craft is level 20 it requires tailoring level 175 which is expert tailoring and the reagents needed are four bolts of silk three heavy leather three fine thread and one green dye now for the black silk pack which is also a tense lock bag and this is also obtained via a world drop pattern but only drops off of three different mobs a syndicate spy and Alltrack mountains at approximately two percent the shadowy assassin and hell's bright foothills at approximately 2% and thermal infiltrators in dustwallow marsh and about 1% that it required character level to craft is level 20 and the required tearing level is 185 which is expert tailoring the reagents needed are 5 bolts of silk cloth for fine thread and 1 black dye let's now move on to the mage weave bag this is a 12 slot bag that's obtained via trainer for cost of 50 silver and it's only available from 5 tailoring trainers to for the to for the Alliance and one that's not that specific but you'll have to have timber ma hold wraps you just talk to him so Darryl stack is in Hills Brad tarren mill at 64 21 that's for the Horde Giorgio boleros in Stormin at 40 374 for the Alliance Joseph Gregorian and under city of Samuel 1 31 for the horde Timothy Worthington dustwallow marsh and Theramore at 66 52 and finally my lush which is a burl bog located in Tim raw hold at 66 3 infill wood so the required level to craft is 35 the choir tailing level is 225 for artisan and the reagents are 4 bolts of mage weave into silken thread next is the red mate Sweetback which is also 12 slot bag is trainable at 65 silver and is only available from three trainers darrell stack at hell's brad tarren mill for the Horde 6421 my lash again is not faction specific at Phil wood in Tim Rowe holds 60 63 and Timothy Worthington and thus follow marshal the alliance in theramore 6650 to require level of craft is 35 to 35 challenge required or artisan and the reagents are 4 bolts of mage weave to silken thread and to red dye so this might be a good thing to cry once your regular mains we bag them he goes green next we have the rune cloth bag which is a 14 slot bag and is obtained by getting a pattern which is purchased for 1 gold 20 silver from one person Kia a goblin female in winter spring in the city of ever look at 61 37 now she only carries one pattern at a time i'm not hundred percent sure on the respawn timer it's probably an hour or maybe even more than that so you might have to campus to get it the required character level to craft is 35 for car tailoring level is 260 or artisan and the ranges are five bolts of room cloth to rugged leather and one rune thread now we're getting into the high level bags the moon cloth bag is a 16 slot bag and is crafted via a pattern but it's only available from a world drop and the drop is low at point zero 12 to 70 percent and mostly drops off high-level world and dungeon elites and world bosses just might be a little hard to get the required character level is 35 and the required tailoring is max at 300 this is a green quality bag and also note that moon cloth can only be crafted once every 92 hours the ranges are four bolts of moon cloth one moon cloth and one rune thread now you can't potentially buy the moon cloth off the auction house instead of making it yourself but it would be quite expensive and finally the largest craftable bag the bottomless bag which is 18 slots is also trainable via a pattern but the only obtainable via a world drop drop rate is point zero two to 0.15 percent and it's only drops from a very few world elite mobs rate elites bosses and world bosses so if your hands on this you could potentially make some coin however it takes a lot to craft the required character level craps is 35 required tailoring level is max at 300 and rages are eight bolts of rune cloth 12 moon cloth two large brilliant shards two core leather and two room thread so have fun getting this one the poor leather is only obtainable from skinning magma gnar and other core hounds in molten core also which I didn't talk about in the previous slide moon cloth can only be crafted in a moon well it'll be a little bit trickier for or just go to action bail and find a moon well and craft them in their next other world event bags these bags are only available during a world event or at a certain phase in the progression of classic Wow there are only two the first one is the dark moon storage box this is an odd affection specific non soul bound you geek bag so you could potentially send it to an all Kisan sold out or sell it it has a 14 slot capacity and the quests in which this bag is obtainable is given by Galvez grain gate who's one of the carnies in the Darkmoon Faire now the quest name is 50 tickets Darkman storage box and the quest location is of course the Darkmoon Faire now the quest tasks it turn in 50 darkmoon faire prize tickets and you get the box now tickets can be obtained from turning in various items which is usually vendor trash in other most parts of the year to the darkmoon faire carnies and these are various different things you can farm you'll have to be level 60 to do it you can probably in your mid 30s even low 40s to farm some of these vendor items so keep a look out and see what they're actually looking for now the required level to actually complete this quest is level 6 and the darkmoon faire only happens once per month but it rotates between Elwin and thunder bluff the Alliance will have a much easier time getting to darkmoon faire one month and the Horde a lot easier time the next months doesn't mean you can't go but you'll probably be killed so just keep that in mind the darkmoon faire occurs on the Sunday before the first Monday of each month so keep that in mind as well the next bag is the supply bag this is a 18 slot unique soulbound on pickup non faction specific bag it's given by the quest giver quartermaster Marana breech-lock and the quest name is superior armaments of battle and this is located at light soap Chapel and Easter plague lads in 80 to 60 the quest tasks to turn in xyn sings of the dawn and x and Cygnus of the crusade now the reason I have X's here is that the number of turn and decreases with the increasing rep reputation that you have of the argent dawn so if you're friendly you got to turn in 30 of each if your honor 20 beats revered seven of each and exalted six of each so it gets much easier a little higher your reputation remember you can get reputation with the argent dawn by turning in scourge stones from slain undead minions in the plague lands or in Stratholme and even summon skull of man so make sure you have it ring it with you which is the argent dawn commission trinket to acquire these scourge stones this bag is only table during the scourge invasion which is the pre NEX ramus patch and will also eat angle during naxxramas of course also Santa's can be obtained by quests item turnings and writs and these rips are obtained by turning in argent Balor tokens and these pardon valor tokens are obtained by turning and scourge stone so that flowchart I have on the right there as we have non-commissioned trinket you'll get scourge don't turn in for art and valor tokens which can be used to increase your reputation or turn back into another NPC for the Ritz and if you fulfill the Ritz which are tasked with bringing them pieces of armor or gear or other items you can get these insignias and then once you have enough since Amiens you can get a supply bag that's how this works remember this bag is unique you can do this quest over and over again this is a repeatable quest because I hit the bag once and there are other awards as well not just back so this bag must be chosen as a reward if you want it and just a reminder the argent dawn commission trinket which allows you to pick up scourge stones can you picked up from the same NPC that you turn the scourge stones into for free so when you first meet the argent dawn you'll probably run into the quest giver that ask you to turn in the scourge stones and he'll give you a free trinket to do this just make sure you have the trinket actually equipped not just in a variant inventory they won't drop unless you have it equipped okay now let's briefly go over the bags you can actually buy for sale from a vendor I do not recommend buying these 9 times out of 10 you'll be able to get a better bag for a better price by a player on the auction house or by your guilt or from yourself if you're a tailor now they're only three bags you can buy they're all non-unique and unsold down then you can buy them from general Goods general supply vendors or even bag vendors the first one is a brown leather satchel for 25 silver it's 8 slots then you have a heavy brown bag which is a 10 slot bag for two gold they have the huge brown sack for 10 gold it's a 12 slot bag these prices are outrageous don't buy them unless you're really really stuck all right now on to the special bags these are the enchanting bags their bags that can be used by enchanters their store their enchanting reagents dusts shards and their enchanting rods these are all craftable by Taylor's first one is the enchanted man to each pouch this is a soul bound on equip non-unique not faction specific bag it's 16 slots and this is obtained by a pattern which is purchased for 60 silver from enchanting supply vendors they required Kerik level to craft this 35 the required tailing levels to 25 so artisan and their ages are four bolts of mage weave for vision dust which is enchanting reagent and two heavy silk and thread the next one is the enchanted ruin cloth bag also sold out and equip non unique non faction specific and it's a 20 slot enchanting bag this is obtained via pattern purchased from Kenya in silithus in the scenario hold at 50 to 40 to gold and the require character level to craft is 35 the require tailoring level is 275 which is artisan in the ranges are 5 bolts of room cloth to greater internal essences these are all so enchanting reagents and two rune threads and I didn't mention this last but these enchanting agents are obtained via disenchanting gear or by the auction house you can't just pick these up off mops and last but not least the big bag of enchantment this is also sold out and equipped none unique non-factor specific 24 slot enchanting bag obtained by a pattern which is a boss drop only off of major circle endres in Dharma West at a drop chance of 15% and their quark hydrilla crafters is 35 and the required tailoring level is 300 so maxes their ages are 6 bolts of room cloth for large brilliant charge and enchanting reagent for enchanted leather and for iron web spider silk alright now for the herb bags these are bags that herbalist can use to store their herbs and flowers that collect in the world they're also been on equip and non unique so the first one is the herb pouch this is not specially specific it's a 12 slaughter bag and if he attained via purchase for 10 silver off any herbalism supply vendor really easy to get this one the next is a scenario bag this is a 20 slaughter bag purchased for two gold from a pattern but it requires friendly reputation with the scenario circle and this is obtained by a Mishnah in silithus anarion hold at 50 36 now scenario old grep can be increased by a scenario whole quest killing Twilight cultists and silithus killing mobs and bosses in a queue 28:40 and tourney in Twilight texts which can be dropped off of moms and silithus now what an interesting part about this is it probably won't be available at launch on classic until the aq patch is open we can actually farm scenario circle rep I could be wrong about this please check this and see if you can actually acquire a scenario circle rep in the beginning of the game the require character level to craft is 35 the require tailing level is 275 and their agents are 5 bolts of rune cloth 10 purple Lotus 8 Morrow grain and two rune thread and finally the biggest one is satchel cinereous a 24 slap or a bag purchased for a 5 gold from the same vendor and this requires revered reputation with the scenario circle the require character level to craft is 35 require tailoring it's 300 so max and their ages are 6 bolts of rune cloth to moon cloth again those are hard to get one Black Lotus which is also very hard to get especially because the spawnpoints will probably be mapped by people who are extreme gold farmers so have a fun trying to get this Black Lotus you can also buy them on the auction house in later parts of the game you don't know if it'll be Bo p or bae in the beginning of classic but just see if you can buy them if not have fun trying to form 1 & 4 iron web spider silk let's move on now to the soul bags these are bags that warlocks can equip only and they are used to store their soul shards that they produce when using their dreams soul ability and these are also bound either bind on pickup or bind unequip depending on if they're crafted the crafted ones are bind on equip the non crafted ones are bundled pickup the first one is a small sole pouch and this is obtained via a class quest we're like class quest which starts your warlock trainers level 20 this is a 12 slot soul back quest locations are either in under city by a carrot in hail guard 85 26 or Gemara from gang rule blood i in 48 45 or in Stormwind organic the dark binder at 25 79 each of these quests are gonna be a little bit different so i won't go over each of them but they basically tasks you with obtaining items and when you turn in the last item you'll have to subdue the summoned succubus in which to do the summon succubus you'll actually get the succubus and the soul pouch this is a two part reward here and they require level 4 this is level 20 it's uncommon green cloudy couch next we have a box of souls very similar to the last one but this is 16 slots and you'll get it at level 30 from your warlock trainer he'll task you with going to see straw-hat Farson which is a npc in ratchet in the Barrens at 6336 this is the second part of the binding quest at level 30 and this is also a five-part quest chain which require various items from around the world and when you turn the quest in to Farson he will someone to fill hunter you'll have to subdue it and at level 30 you'll get the box of souls it's a green uncommon quality bag and you'll get this summon fill hunter spell now the rest of the soul bags are crafted this is a 20 slots ol bag and it's obtained by a purchased pattern for 1 gold 20 silver there's no rep required from this click in tenaris in gadgets in at 50 127 the required caliber the craft is 35 the required tearing level is 260 or artisan it's a green uncommon quality bag and the reagents are six bolts of room cloth for rugged leather to occur of undeath and rune thread next is the fel cloth bag which is actually a blue a rare quality bag 24 slot is obtained via a world drop and this is obtained via a unique mechanism when you kill a boss NPC in Stratholme named Jan despair of she will drop a journal if you have tailoring level 285 and you click on the journal you will automatically learn this pattern you don't have to actually pick up the pattern and click it you learn it from the spell book she is located in the lowest level of scholomance the required character level to crafts is 35 the required tearing levels to 85 and the rages are 12 fel cloth 6 enchanted leather 2 dark rooms and 4 iron web spider silk now the less of the soul bags the core fel cloth bag a 28 slots all back obtained via a world drop which is a pattern that flew double off of bosses in molten core with low drop chance of about 1% it also drops off of Lord Kazakh so this might be a little hard to get the required character level to craft is 35 it requires max tailoring 300 and their ages are 20 fell off 16 core leather 8 blood line for SS of fire and for iron webs by yourself ok now to the ammo pouches technically these became be equipped by any class but they really benefit hunters and these only can carry bullets or shot that can be used in a gun first we have a small ammo pouch which is a non soulbound non unique but remember you only equip one of them with a non faction specific mo pouch with a 6 o'clock capacity and it increases range attack speed by 10% this is obtained by multiple sources dwarf and tor hunters start with this pouch you want to buy it but it can be purchased for only full copper from Birkin for the Horde and action veil and splinter tree post over both factions by mask snipe shot and stranglethorn Balin booty Bay 2975 the next one is craftable the small leather ammo pouch 8 slots increases his range attack speed by 10% nan soul bond non-unique obtained via your trainer for 1 silver from journeyman leather working trainers they required character level to craft this level 5 they required a leather working level is 30 or apprentice and the read just our three light leather and four cars thread next is the small shot pouch and non soul bound non-unique nonfacts a specific 8 shot capacity pouch range attack speed is increased by 10% is obtained via purchased for 10 silver from gunsmith guns and ammo merchants and gun merchants also some billiards and what the Smiths may also carry it now I would buy a small ammo pouch instead from a player that's crafted by the age usually will be a lot cheaper than this but it may not be so if you find it it's less to buy from the vendor just buy from the vendor for 10 silver next is the medium shot pouch which is very similar to last one but it's 10 slots increases attack speed by 10% as well and it's also obtained by a purchased from Burcham and action veil spawn a tree pose 270 for 60 or again from masks snipe shot in storing a thorn bale and booty bay 2975 now interestingly this is also 10 silver so if you actually can make your way to action the other boot eBay you can get a much better bag with two more slots for the same price as the small shot pouch now you can also get the hunting ammo pouches only available to alliance is a sole down on pick up to 10 slot mo pouch that increases range to happy by 10% but it's only obtained by a group whatever this quest before this is the quest to kill old Sudi this is one of the possible words of that quest is this mo pouch so if you're a hunter use a gun you may want to choose this reward and the required level for this quest level 15 the next one is the bandolier of the Nights Watch this is a 12 slot alliance only soul bound range attack speed increased by 11% pouch as obtained by a quest we went over this one already this is the one from commander Althea Evan lock in dark Shire remember you can also get the gunnysack of the Nights Watch but if you're a hunter and you want to use a gun this might be the reward you want is a really nice pouch it requires a level 18 to complete and there's a green uncommon quality bag the next one up is the heavy leather ammo pouch this is crafted by leather workers it's non soul bound non-unique is a 14th Lok capacity increases range attack speed by 12% and this can be obtained via your leather working trainer only two other working trainers can train it for 20 silver felon esand Darnassus for alliance at 64 22 and yuna and thunder bluff for the horde at 42 43 their acquired character level to use this as level 30 so that's has a level requirement and the required character level to craft is level 20 to get to be an expert and that required level is 150 their ages are 8 heavy leather into fine thread the next one is also crafted this is the thick leather ammo pouch is a non soul bound non-unique non-infectious specific bag 16 slot capacity range attack speed is increased by 13% has obtained a fire your leather working trainer from 40 silver there are only three leather working chain the training Carissa moonhunter Alice at 89 47 and Tallinn are for the Alliance track stone hand and the hinterlands at 13 44 in an airy peak in Wildhammer stronghold also the Alliance in harana iron hired in for Alice at 74 43 at Camp mihashi for the Horde the required capital up to use his power level 40 the required character level to craft his level 35 so you have to be an artisan and the required leather working level is 225 the regions are 10 thick leather one cured hide one elixir of creative defense and six silken thread next we have Ridley's bandolier if you remember this guy from the previous one he also drops a bag he also drops a ammo pouch this is a soul bound on pickup unique non faction specific 16 slot mo pouch and increases range attack speed by 14% and it drops off of really screw spigot at level 52 to 53 elite in black rock adepts in the Griffin guzzler 16 percent drop chance and the required level to use this is level 50 and this is a green an uncommon quality bag and the final one is the null skin bandolier it's a soul bound on pickup unique non faction specific 16 slot capacity ammo pouch which increases arranged taxi by 15% and this can be purchased for 35 gold from four different NPCs either Jekel flange ring in all track mountains in the Frostwolf staging area right as you go into AV when you enter a v8 in all tracked mountain x4 the Horde you can also buy in the actual BG from Grenda wolf heart at 4983 for the Horde and the Alliance you have 10,000 snow gleam which is also in all track mountains right outside AV portal and storm pike area at 40 82 and gala Deane Hammersmith in the actual ad BG at 44 18 their required level to equip this level 55 you don't have to actually win an AV just go in and buy it it is a blue rare quality pouch and it will be available when AV actually launches we don't know when that will be yet but when AV launches this should be available all right guys you stuck with me for a long time here on the last segment these are the Quivers these are equivalent really benefit the hunters and they increased range attack speed with foes by X percentage and can only hold arrows let's move on to the first one the light quiver the light quiver is a non soul bond non unique non-infectious pacific quiver has a six lock capacity and increases range attack speed by 10% and is obtained in multiple waves night elf or in trollhunters all start with this quiver but if you aren't one of those and you want to buy it is for for copper you can buy it from Benjie offender in under City for the hoard at 59 30 3 and there are three Alliance NPC's Marta Weller and storming the 5757 thuggish thunder fist in nine four two sixty to eighty nine and Nayla trance in the wetlands and Menethil harvey at 11:58 moving on to the light leather quiver which is crafted by leather workers is a non soul about non unique non faction specific quiver which has an 8 slot capacity increases range attack speed by 10% this is obtained via trainer for one silver from journeyman leather working trainers and the require character level to craft a level 5 so apprentice the required leather working level is 30 and the ranges are for light leather and to coarse thread next is the small quiver which is non Sobel non unique and non faction specific this 8 slot capacity increases range tech P by 10% this is obtained by a purchase for 1 silver from Bowyer's bone gun merchants and wetted merchants after that you could purchase the medium quiver which is also non soul bond non unique has a 10 slot capacity and increases ranged attack speed by 7% as well is obtained via Bowyer's bone gun merchants and weapon merchants and as a required level of ten to equip next is the hunting quiver which is also a quest ward that you can choose from that quest to kill old Sudi again it's an alliance specific quest in lock mode and isn't that group quest we covered this before has a tense lock capacity and increases range attack P was 10% the required level to start this quest is level 15 again this must be chosen as a reward if you want it next is the quiver of the Nightwatch this is also an alliance specific quest we cover this already this is an old favorite by now health 12 slot capacity increases attack speed by 11% and it's the quest by Althea Evan lock in dark Shire they're quite level to start this level 18 if you want this quiver you must choose it as a reward it has a green uncommon quality next we have a purchasable quiver called the small quiver non soul bound non unique not faction specific has a 14 slot capacity and has a range attack speed of 12% is obtained via purchase 420 silver from three different vendors been Jaya Fenner in under City and 5933 for the Horde Marta Weller and storm and 5757 with the Alliance and valgus thunder fist in iron forge for the Alliance as well at sixty to eighty nine the required level to equip this level 30 and it's a green on quality quiver next is the quick-draw quiver which is craftable while other workers at non Solvang non-unique non-factor specific quiver 16 slot capacity increases attack speed by 13% is obtainable via leatherworking trainer for 40 silver there's only three leather working trainers that can actually train it charisa moon hunter and for alice at eighty nine forty seventh alan our track stone hanna in the hinterland at thirteen forty four airy peak in Wildhammer stronghold and harana Ironhide in for Alice to seventy four forty three in camp mihashi the required character level to equip is level forty required character level to craft is level 35 and the required leather working level is 225 which is artisan the regions are twelve thick leather one cured thick hide one lick serve agility and for silken thread next we have our man rib Lee drop in another piece for us as he's dropping his quiver this time 16 slot increases range attacks by 14% and is obtained if you kill him he has a 16% chance to drop his quiver the required level to equip as level 50 remember he's in BRD and the grim guzzler and is an uncommon green quality quiver almost there guys two more next is the harpy hide quiver soulbound on pick up unique non-infectious pacific quiver with a 16 slot capacity and range attack speed of 15% this is also purchase by the AV vendors either within or outside AV in Alltrack mountains 4:35 gold the required level to equip level 55 remember this is a blue rare quality and should only be available when all track value launches last one the ancients in you wrapped lamina it's a soul bound on pick up unique only two hunters only they can equip it it's not faction specific and it has an 18 slot capacity and increases speed by 15% this is only obtainable via a quest you have to acquire the ancient petrified leaf which can drop in the majordomo chest after the encounter of majordomo executives in molten core if you're lucky enough to get the leaf you put in your inventory and if you go to fill wood in that area where the iron tree woods are you'll see those three petrified trees if you have the ancient leaf in your inventory their spirits will be visible you can talk to all three of them and all three of them LLL give you a different quest one for rock tell our one for locked alar and one for the ancients in your apt lamina now the person who gives it to you is hashed that he's the ancient that gives it to you the actual quest and he tells you to loot a mature blue dragon sinew and this has a very low drop chance of approximately 0.01% it can drop off of level 55 to 58 elite blue dragon Ken's south of everlook in winter spring it also has a much higher chance to drop off as your ghost but as you know to be very competitive to kill as your ghost sees a world boss so you're definitely at level 60 to do this it is a epic quality quiver it's the only epic quality quiver or Allen pouch in the game so good luck getting this one guys we made it we covered every quibble bag I'm a pouch quiver whatever you can put in your inventory slot I hope you enjoyed this took a long time to make this I figured this would be a really good guide to comeback and resource use the timestamps in the description go to the baggy one again hopefully this really helps you get those bags and I want to thank vx cosmos for giving me the idea to make this guide thanks a lot buddy so if you like this type of content please leave a like below if you enjoy the videos we may consider subscribing because we have a lot more guides coming and we do a lot of other different types of content including deaf talk which is our podcast which is listenable via spotify Google Play SoundCloud stitcher and iTunes we also upload it to YouTube we're on disk or on Twitter or follow us on there we're very active community and this guide including many other guys made by people like you and by their content creators will be uploaded the classic wat out live make sure to check us out over there at classic well dot live links all these things will be in the description and don't forget time to stamps and links to the actual slides will be available by app in comment below last but not least like to thank my patrons for helping us making better content making higher quality content whether for you guys this channel would not be where it's at and we are very thankful for your contributions if you want to become a patron that will be a link in the description and will also be accessible by a clickable link at the end of the video thank you so much for watching keep on keep on and grindin we hope to see you and classic as our off comes summer 2019 and stay tuned for more greetings adventures Melda ron here thank you all so much for watching this video if you'd like to support some official deathcap melter on t-shirts and hoodies head on over to bran the media's deaf camp powder on TV merchandise website the link is in the description below [Music]
Channel: Defcamp & Melderon TV
Views: 208,760
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: classic, vanilla, wow, world of warcraft, bags, pouches, inventory, quivers, bag, guide, elysium, lights, hope, light, private server, private, server, Nost, Nostalrius, azeroth, lightbringer, kronos, comedy, asmongold, alexensual, Battle for Azeroth, BFA, Retail, Tips Out, Kargoz, Alexensual, tips, tricks, commentary, world of warcraft classic
Id: LAkhIArfOuk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 50sec (3590 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2019
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